CodeForces - 743A
Vladik is a competitive programmer. This year he is going to win the International Olympiad in Informatics. But it is not as easy as ......
The accommodation reflex [反射] (or accommodation-convergence [会聚] reflex) is a reflex action of the eye, in response to focusing [聚焦] ......
近/反义词: acclimatize, familiarize, habituate, inure, get used to, orient; alienate, estrange, wean
New employee orientation is an assimilation proce ......
import Foundation
println("Hello, World!");
var v1 = 1;
var v2 = 2;
println(" v1 is \(v1) v2 is \(v2)");
var v3 = v1 + v2;
println("v3 is \(v3)" ......