12C ORA-错误汇总19

KUP-00552: internal XAD package failed to load
Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to initialize the XAD package.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
KUP-00554: error encountered while parsing access parameters
Cause: The parser detected a syntax error.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
KUP-00561: invalid length for binary integer field string
Cause: An integer field was specified with an invalid length. The only supported
lengths for binary integer fields are 1, 2, 4, and 8.
Action: None
KUP-00562: unknown escape sequence
Cause: An unknown escape sequence was specified to the parser. An escape
sequence is a backslash followed by a character.
Action: Consult documentation for list of allowable control characters.
KUP-00600: internal error, arguments [string] [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: An internal XAD error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-00601: fatal XAD error
Cause: A fatal error has occurred.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
KUP-01006: error signalled during parse of access parameters
Cause: An error was signalled during parsing of the access parameters.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
KUP-01007: at line number column number
Cause: This is an informational message indicating the line and column where a
syntax error was detected.
Action: None
36-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
KUP-01008: the bad identifier was: string
Cause: This is an informational message indicating the identifier token that
caused a syntax error.
Action: None
KUP-02000: wrong message file version (msg number not found)
Cause: The kupxx.msb file is not the correct version.
Action: Check that the installation was done correctly.
KUP-02001: unrecognized punctuation symbol "string"
Cause: An illegal punctuation character was encountered.
Action: Remove the illegal character.
KUP-02002: unexpected end of input file reached
Cause: This is probably caused by failure to supply the closing quote for a quoted
Action: Correct the input.
KUP-02003: unrecognized character: string
Cause: An input character that is neither an alpha, digit, or punctuation was
Action: Remove the character.
KUP-02004: quoted string too big
Cause: A quoted string longer than 2000 bytes was encountered.
Action: This may be caused by a missing close quote. If so, add the missing quote,
otherwise shorten the string.
KUP-02005: token too big
Cause: A token longer than 1000 bytes was encountered
Action: Tokens must be separated by whitespace or punctuation. Either add the
missing whitespace or punctuation, or shorten the token.
KUP-02006: script line too long
Cause: a line longer than 500 bytes was encountered
Action: break the line up into shorter lines
KUP-03001: fatal error during library cache pre-loading
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
KUP-03002: end position (number) <= start position (number) for field: string
Cause: Error in specifying position for the specified field in the access
Action: Check that the specified end position is greater than the specified start
KUP-03003: absolute end(number) - start(number) != fieldlength (number) for field
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-3
Cause: The number of bytes occupied by the field as specified by the starting
offset and ending offset of the field is not the same as the number of bytes
specified for the datatype of the field.
Action: Verify the absolute begin/end position(s) specified match the length of
the field.
KUP-03004: absolute end (number) specified with relative start (number) for field
Cause: The position of field was specified with a relative start and an absolute
Action: Use relative end with relative start
KUP-03005: relative end (number) specified does not match fieldlen(number) for
field string
Cause: The number of bytes specified by the relative end position for the field
does not match the number of bytes in the datatype.
Action: Correct either the datatype length or the relative end position.
KUP-03006: error initializing handle for character set string
Cause: Error attempting to retrieve information for the character set.
Action: Verify that the character set name is valid.
KUP-03007: end position (number) is less than start position (number) for range
Cause: A byte range specified a start position that comes after the end position.
Action: Verify the start and end positions are correctly specified.
KUP-03008: OCI error getting column parameters.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain column parameters.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03009: OCI error getting column name.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain column name.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03010: OCI error getting database column type.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column type.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03011: OCI error getting database column size.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column size.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03012: OCI error getting database column precision.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column precision.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03013: OCI error getting database column scale.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column scale.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03014: OCI error getting datetime fsprecision.
36-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain a datetime column precision
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03015: OCI error getting datetime lfprecision.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to obtain database column precision.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
KUP-03016: length specified for FIXED records must be greater than 0
Cause: A record format of FIXED was specified with a length of 0.
Action: None
KUP-03017: length specified for VARIABLE records must be greater than 0
Cause: A record format of VARIABLE was specified with a length of 0.
Action: None
KUP-03018: invalid date mask "string" specified for column string
Cause: The date mask for the specified column is invalid.
Action: None
KUP-03019: directory object not specified in LOBFILE clause for field string
Cause: A LOBFILE clause was specified for the field, but no directory object was
specified. When no directory object is specified, then the default directory
specified for the external table is used, but no default directory was specified.
Action: Specify a directory object in the LOBFILE clause or specify a default
directory for the external table.
KUP-03020: empty delimiter specified for record
Cause: An empty delimiter string was specified for a record delimiter.
Action: Specify the string used to delimiter records.
KUP-03021: clause references unknown field string
Cause: A WHEN, NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause referenced a field that doesn't
exist in the data file.
Action: None
KUP-03022: lob data could not be found for field string
Cause: The field specified in the data source that contains the name of the lob file
for the record could not be identified.
Action: None
KUP-03023: string for TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for record is
longer than maximum number
Cause: The string value for a TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause is
longer than the maximum number of bytes allowed. If the character set of the data
file is different than the character set of the database, the string will be converted
to the character set of the data file. If the length of the converted string is too large,
then this error will also be returned.
Action: Use shorter delimiters in the data file and the access parameters.
KUP-03024: string for TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for column
string is longer than maximum number
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-5
Cause: The string value for a TERMINATED BY or ENCLOSED BY clause for the
columns is longer than the maximum number of bytes allowed. If the character set
of the data file is different than the character set of the database, the string will be
converted to the character set of the data file. If the length of the converted string
is too large, then this error will also be returned.
Action: Use shorter delimiters in the data file and the access parameters.
KUP-03025: For CSV format files, field string is not delimited.
Cause: The comma-delimited value (CSV) format files did not have all delimited
fields. CSV format files must have all delimited fields so that the access driver can
process the fields.
Action: Make all of the fields delimited or remove the CSV specification and retry.
KUP-03026: For FIELD NAMES, field string is not delimited.
Cause: The data files with a FIELD NAMES record did not have all delimited
fields. Data files with a FIELD NAMES record must have all delimited fields so
that the access driver can process the field names.
Action: Make all of the fields delimited and retry.
KUP-03027: NULLIF at field level not allowed with NO NULLIF for field string.
Cause: The field had both NULLIF and NO NULLIF specified. You must specify
one or the other.
Action: Remove one of the specifications and retry.
KUP-03028: Field name string in field list does not match the name of any table
Cause: The ALL FIELDS OVERRIDE THESE clause was specified and there was a
field name in the field list in the access parameters that did not match the name of
a column in the table definition. Only names that match the name of columns in
the table may be specified in the field list.
Action: Verify that the correct names are used for the columns in the table and for
the fields in the field list.
KUP-03029: Invalid value specified for parameter string.
Cause: The access parameter contained an invalid value for the parameter
specified in the error message.
Action: Update the access parameters to have a valid value.
KUP-03995: LOCAL TIME ZONE not allowed with DATE_FORMAT TIME
Cause: LOCAL can only be specified with TIMESTAMP, not with TIME.
Action: Remove LOCAL or change TIME to TIMESTAMP and try the operation
KUP-03996: multiple DATE_FORMAT string masks specified at table level for table
Cause: Multiple date format masks were specified for the listed datetime or
interval data type at the table level for the listed table.
Action: Remove one of the datetime mask specifications and try the operation
KUP-03997: invalid DATE_FORMAT string mask ("string") specified for table string
Cause: The date format mask for listed datetime type for the specified table was
36-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Fix the mask and try the operation again.
KUP-03998: error number formatting KUP message number
Cause: error occured while attempting to format a KUP message.
Action: contact Oracle support.
KUP-03999: error occurred while processing a date format: ORA-number: string
Cause: Error converting a date format string into an internal representation.
Action: Verify that the date format strings specified in the access parameters are
KUP-04000: error initializing I/O state for file string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while preparing the file.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
KUP-04001: error opening file string
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to open the specified file. This
message should be followed by another message with more information about the
Action: See the error that follows to determine the action to be taken.
KUP-04002: error getting file size for file string
Cause: An error occurred while retrieving the number of bytes in the specified
Action: See the error that follows to determine the action to be taken.
KUP-04003: error while closing file string
Cause: An error occurred while closing the specified file.
Action: See the error that follows to determine the action to be taken.
KUP-04004: error while reading file string
Cause: An error occurred while reading the specified file.
Action: See the error that follows to determine the action to be taken.
KUP-04017: OS message: string
Cause: An error occurred. This message contains the message associated with this
error that was returned by the operating system. The message displayed before
this one should indicate the operation that failed.
Action: None
KUP-04018: partial record at end of file string
Cause: An incomplete record was found at the end of the file.
Action: Verify the file is not corrupt or missing data.
KUP-04019: illegal length found for VAR record in file string
Cause: A record in a VAR file has an length field with either no numeric
characters in it or with non numeric characters in it.
Action: Verify the records in the file have the correct length specified for them.
KUP-04020: found record longer than buffer size supported, number, in string
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-7
Cause: a record in the data source was longer than the maximum data size
supported. The number reported is the maximum supported size of a record.
Action: None
KUP-04021: field formatting error for field string
Cause: There was an error trying to find the contents of the specified field in a
Action: This message should be followed by another message containing more
specific information about the cause of the error.
KUP-04022: field start is before start of record
Cause: The position of the start of a field is before the start of a record. This can
occur if a negative number is used to indicate the relative start of a field.
Action: Verify that the definition of the layout of fields in the data file is correct.
KUP-04023: field start is after end of record
Cause: This can happen when specifying either absolute or relative positioning
for a field.
Action: Verify that the definition of the layout of fields in the data file is correct. If
it is valid for fields at the end of the record to be missing, use the MISSING FIELD
VALUES ARE NULL clause in the access parameters.
KUP-04024: field end is before field start
Cause: The end of the field comes after the start of the field. This can happen if
the field is defined with a relative start position and an absolute end position.
Action: Verify that the definition of the layout of fields in the data file is correct.
KUP-04025: field extends beyond end of record
Cause: This can happen when specifying either absolute or relative positioning
for a field.
Action: Verify that the definition of the layout of fields in the data file is correct.
KUP-04026: field too long for datatype
Cause: The character field in the record is larger than the maximum length
Action: Make sure the definition of the layout of the fields in the data file is
correct. Also make sure the correct maximum size was specified for a character
KUP-04027: file name check failed: string
Cause: The check of the filename failed. These checks are platform specific, but
they can include verifying that there are no hard links in the file path, the file is not
a soft link, the file specification includes a parent reference ("../" on Unix), or the
file was modified between the time the check was made and the file was opened.
Action: Use a file location that does not violate any of the checks.
KUP-04028: conversion of character length to a number failed
Cause: The character length portion of the field could not be converted to a
number. This message is followed by another message with information on why
the conversion failed.
Action: Make sure the data is correct. Also verify the datatypes specified for the
fields are correct.
36-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
KUP-04029: numeric field overflowed
Cause: An attempt to convert a character string to number failed because the
value of the number in the string was too large.
Action: None
KUP-04030: invalid numeric data
Cause: An attempt to convert a character string to a number failed because
non-numeric characters were found.
Action: None
KUP-04031: empty filename specified for LOB file in column string
Cause: The field in the data file that was supposed to contain the name of a LOB
file was empty.
Action: Correct the data so that it contains a valid file name.
KUP-04032: internal error string while parsing field string:
Cause: An internal error occurred while parsing a field.
Action: Contact Oracle support.
KUP-04035: beginning enclosing delimiter not found
Cause: The beginning enclosure was not found for a field that is enclosed by
Action: Verify that the data is correct. Also verify that the correct enclosing
delimiters were specified and whether the enclosing delimiter should be optional.
KUP-04037: terminator not found
Cause: The terminator for the field is missing.
Action: Verify that the records are formatted correctly.
KUP-04038: internal error: string
Cause: an unexpected error condition was detected.
Action: contact Oracle customer support
KUP-04039: unexpected error while trying to find file string in string
Cause: An error occurred while trying to find path containing the file.
Action: This message should be followed by another message with more
information about the error.
KUP-04040: file string in string not found
Cause: The file was not found in the directory specified
Action: Verify the correct file and directory names were specified.
KUP-04041: error generating full file name for string in string
Cause: Unexpected error occurred while trying to form a file name.
Action: None
KUP-04043: table column not found in external source: string
Cause: A column in the external table was not found in the access parameters that
define the contents of the data source.
Action: Verify that the external table is defined correctly and that the abstract
parameters are also correct.
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-9
KUP-04044: error positioning file string
Cause: An attempt to position a file to an absolute file offset failed.
Action: See messages that follow for more information.
KUP-04045: unexpected OCI status string
Cause: An OCI call returned a status that cannot be handled.
Action: Contact Oracle support.
KUP-04047: error parsing record from external data source
Cause: An error occurred while trying to extract a record from the data source.
Action: Look in the log file for more messages about the error.
KUP-04048: internal error parsing record from external data source
Cause: An unexpected or unhandled error occurred while getting a record from
the data source
Action: Contact Oracle support.
KUP-04049: record number discarded from file string
Cause: Informational message displayed whenever the WHEN clause has been
satisfied. If a DISCARD file has been specified for the operation, the record will be
written to that file.
Action: None
KUP-04050: error while attempting to allocate number bytes of memory
Cause: d by insufficient memory.
Action: Reconnect to the instance and retry the operation.
KUP-04051: error processing column string in row number for datafile string
Cause: an error occurred while trying to convert the data from the data file into
the type of a column in the external table.
Action: See messages that follow for more details.
KUP-04052: error processing column string in a row for datafile string
Cause: an error occurred while trying to convert the data from the data file into
the type of a column in the external table.
Action: See messages that follow for more details.
KUP-04053: record number number
Cause: This message identifies a record number in a file for a record that had an
error. The message preceding this one contains information about the error and the
name of the file.
Action: None
KUP-04054: internal error: invalid bad row number identified for bad column
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle support.
KUP-04055: column string is both a field in the data file and a column transform
Cause: The specified column was in the list of fields in the data file and in the list
of column transforms. The column should be in one list or the other, but not both.
36-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Determine whether the value for the field in the data file or the value for
the field in the column transform should be loaded in to the table. If the value for
the data file is to be loaded, then remove the column transform. If the value for the
column transform is to be loaded, then rename the field in the data file so that it
does not match the name of a field in the table.
KUP-04056: internal error: OCI error while fetching record: number
Cause: An OCI error occurred while processing the granule.
Action: Contact Oracle support.
KUP-04057: internal error: OCI error while fetching record.
Cause: An OCI error occurred while processing the granule.
Action: Contact Oracle support.
KUP-04058: unrecoverable error occurred, operation aborted.
Cause: An unrecoverable error occurred during processing.
Action: See preceding error messages for more information.
KUP-04059: found EOF in length portion of VARIABLE record in file string
Cause: The record parser was looking for the size portion of a file a record format
of VARIABLE. It found EOF before finding all the bytes for the length.
Action: Correct the corruption in the file.
KUP-04060: field string referenced by lobfile column string not found
Cause: The LOBFILE transform for the named column referenced a field for either
the directory object portion or the name portion of the LOBFILE. However, that
field did not exist anywhere in the definition of the data file.
Action: Verify that the LOBFILE clause is specified correctly. Also verify that the
field definitions for the data file are correct.
KUP-04061: directory object string specified for LOBFILE column string is not valid
Cause: The column being loaded from a LOBFILE specified the directory object
containing the LOBFILE through another field in the data file. In this case, the
LOBFILE clause in the access parameters must specify a list of all directory objects
that will be used for this field. This error occurs because a field contains the name
of a directory object that is not in this list.
Action: Verify that the data file contains the correct directory object and verify
that the list of valid directory objects in the LOBFILE clause for this column is
KUP-04062: no data source specified
Cause: No location for the data source of the external table was specified when
the external table was created. An empty string is not valid.
Action: Specify the name of the data source in the LOCATION clause when
creating an external table.
KUP-04063: unable to open log file string OS error string
Cause: An attempt to open the log file failed.
Action: Specify a different log file or use NO LOGFILE to disable logging.
KUP-04064: fatal error during initialization
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while initializing access to an external table.
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-11
Action: Contact Oracle support.
KUP-04065: error processing LOBFILE for field string
Cause: An error occured while opening or reading a LOBFILE for a column in a
Action: See message in log file for more information about the error.
KUP-04066: error initializing access to external table source
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve information about a data
Action: See messages preceding this one for more information about the error.
KUP-04067: internal error allocating handle type string
Cause: An attempt to create an internal object failed.
Action: Contact Oracle support.
KUP-04068: internal error fetching attribute string
Cause: An attempt to fetch information about an internal object failed.
Action: Contact Oracle support.
KUP-04069: error fetching data for external table
Cause: An error occurred while atempting to fetch data from an external table.
Action: See messages the precede this one for more information.
KUP-04070: field string referenced by column transform string not found
Cause: The column transform for the named column references a field that did
not exist anywhere in the definition of the data file.
Action: Verify that the column transform clause is specified correctly. Also verify
that the field definitions for the data file are correct.
KUP-04071: record discarded from file string
Cause: Informational message displayed whenever the WHEN clause has been
satisfied. If a DISCARD file has been specified for the operation, the record will be
written to that file. The record number in the source data file is not known because
multiple servers are loading from the file.
Action: None
KUP-04072: error writing to file string
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to write to the named file.
Action: See messages that follow this message for more information about the
KUP-04073: record ignored because all referenced fields are null for a record
Cause: A record was rejected because all fields in the data file referenced by the
query were NULL.
Action: None
KUP-04074: no write access to directory object string
Cause: The user does not have write access to the directory object used for a log,
bad or reject file.
Action: None
36-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
KUP-04075: no read access to directory object string
Cause: The user does not have read access to the directory object used for a data
Action: None
KUP-04076: file name cannot contain a path specification: string
Cause: The name of a data file, log file, bad file or reject file contains a path
Action: Use the name of a directory object to indicate where the file should be
KUP-04077: unknown format specifier in file name string
Cause: A format specifier is a percent sign followed by a character. The percent
sign and character are replaced by a value depending on the character. This error
occurs when the character following the percent sign is not defined to have a
Action: See the documentation for information on valid format specifiers. If the
file to be opened needs to have a percent sign in its name then use two pecent
signs. They will get replaces by a single percent sign in the resulting file name.
KUP-04078: invalid file name specified: string
Cause: Attempt to parse the file name failed.
Action: Specify a valid file name.
KUP-04079: error fetching list of valid directories
Cause: An attempt to retrieve a list of valid directories that can be used by the
user to open files failed. See messages that follow for more information.
Action: Contact Oracle support. As a workaround try specifing no log file, no
discard files and no bad files.
KUP-04080: directory object string not found
Cause: The directory object specified for an input file or a log, bad or discard file
does not exist in the database or the user has no privileges to access this directory.
Action: None
KUP-04081: field string used in concatenation for column string is not a character
Cause: The specified field was part of a concatenation of strings used to create the
value for the names column. However, the field was not of a character datatype.
Only character fields may be used as part of concatenating fields.
Action: Verify the correct field was used in the CONCAT clause. Also verify that
the correct datatype is specified for the field in the field list.
KUP-04082: error converting field string for LOBFILE column string
Cause: The LOBFILE column had either its directory object name or filename
specified by a field in the data file and that field needed to be converted to the
server's character set before it could be used. This message indicates that an
attempt to convert the field failed.
Action: Verify that the data file has the correct value for the fields. Also verify that
the correct character set was specified for the data file.
KUP-04083: no directory object specified in LOBFILE clause for column string
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-13
Cause: There was no directory object specified for the LOB files used to populate
the named column and no default directory was specified for the external table.
Action: Either specify a directory name, or the name of a data field containing the
name of the directory object that contains the files.
KUP-04084: The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver does not support the ROWID
Cause: A query of an external table of type ORACLE_DATAPUMP tried to
reference the ROWID column. The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver does not
support ROWIDs.
Action: Remove the ROWID from the query. If that is not possible, create a table
in the database with the same columns as the external table, copy the data from
the external table into the newly created table, and use that new table for the
KUP-04085: duplicate directory object string and file string specified for unload
Cause: A CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement was executed for an external
table of type ORACLE_DATAPUMP and the same directory object and filename
combination was specified multiple times.
Action: Issue the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT command again but make sure the
combination of directory objects and filenames is unique.
KUP-04086: length of file name exceeds platform maximum of number
Cause: The length of a filename is longer than the maximum length supported by
Oracle on the server platform.
Action: Verify that the name is correct. If so, use a shorter file name.
KUP-04087: no execute access to directory object string
Cause: Execute access to the directory object used for a preprocessor file was not
Action: Grant execute privilege on the directory object or specify a different
directory which already has execute privilege enabled.
KUP-04088: data sampling is not supported by this access driver
Cause: A query of an external table requested a sample of the data returned. The
access driver for the external table does not support sampling.
Action: Do not try to use sampling for this external table.
KUP-04089: column transform string is not the name of a table column
Cause: The specified column was in the list of column transforms but a column by
that name does not exist in the table
Action: Verify that the correct name was specified in the column transform.
KUP-04090: big endian byte order mark found when little endian expected in string
Cause: A big endian byte order mark was found at the beginning of the specified
file and either the access parameters specified the data was in little endian order or
the byte order mark for a previous file was little endian.
Action: The file needs to be loaded separately. If a byte order was specified in the
access parameters, make sure it is changed to be big endian.
KUP-04091: little endian byte order mark found when big endian expected in string
36-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: A little endian byte order mark was found at the beginning of the specified
file and either the access parameters specified the data was in big endian order or
the byte order mark for a previous file was big endian.
Action: The file needs to be loaded separately. If a byte order was specified in the
access parameters, make sure it is changed to be little endian.
KUP-04092: attempt to audit directory object string returned internal error number
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to enable auditing for the specified
directory object.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
KUP-04093: error processing the FIELD NAMES record in data file string
Cause: An error occurred while processing the FIELD NAMES record for the data
Action: See the messages that preceed this one for more details. Fix the error and
retry the operation.
KUP-04094: preprocessing cannot be performed if Database Vault is installed
Cause: The Database Vault option did not permit the execution a program from
an Oracle directory object.
Action: If preprocessing must be performed, then the Database Vault option must
not be installed.
KUP-04095: preprocessor command string encountered error "string"
Cause: The specified preprocessor command encountered an error during
Action: Verify that the preprocessor command along with any arguments are
KUP-04096: Warning: lobfile column transform ignored with PREPROCESSOR
Cause: The specified column was in the list of lobfile column transforms but the
PREPROCESSOR option was also specfied. The PREPROCESSOR option does not
work in conjuction with lobfile column transforms.
Action: Do not use column transforms with the PREPROCESSOR option.
KUP-04097: RECORDS clause specified without a record format
Cause: The RECORDS clause was part of the external table access parameters but
no record format type was provided.
Action: If the RECORDS clause is used, then it must be followed by one of the
KUP-04098: empty field name for field number in the FIELD NAMES record in data
Cause: The field name for the listed field number in the FIELD NAMES record
was empty.
Action: Specify a valid field name in the data file and retry the operation.
KUP-04099: Missing one or more field names in the FIELD NAMES record in the
data file. Found number fields, there should be number fields.
Cause: One or more field names was not listed in the FIELD NAMES record.
However, it was listed in the access parameter list for the external table.
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-15
Action: Include all field names in the data file and retry the operation.
KUP-04100: record rejected in file string
Cause: A record in the data file was not loaded into the table because of an error
while finding fields in the record. See the previous error for more information. The
record will be written to the BAD file, if one is being used. The record number in
the source data file is not known because multiple servers are loading from the
Action: None
KUP-04101: record number rejected in file string
Cause: A record in the data file was not loaded into the table because of an error
while finding fields in the record. See the previous error for more information. The
record will be written to the BAD file, if one is being used.
Action: None
KUP-04102: record number discarded from file string
Cause: Informational message displayed whenever the WHEN clause has been
satisfied. If a DISCARD file has been specified for the operation, the record will be
written to that file.
Action: None
KUP-04103: error converting zoned decimal field to number for string
Cause: An error occurred converting a zoned decimal number to an Oracle
Action: Verify that the zoned decimal number is formatted correctly.
KUP-04104: zoned decimal field has bad values for string
Cause: A zoned decimal number has an invalid format.
Action: Verify that the zoned decimal number is formatted correctly.
KUP-04105: zoned decimal to number conversion caused overflow for string
Cause: A zoned decimal number could not be converted to an Oracle number
because the number is too big for an oracle number.
Action: Verify that the zoned decimal number is formatted correctly.
KUP-04106: precision for zoned decimal number is too large for string
Cause: The precision of a zoned decimal number is larger than the precision that
can be stored in an Oracle number.
Action: Verify that the zoned decimal number is formatted correctly.
KUP-04107: substring of field string for column string is not a character type
Cause: A substring was specified for a field that which is not a character datatype.
Only character fields may be used when specifying the substring transform.
Action: Verify the correct field was used in the STARTOF clause. Also verify that
the correct datatype is specified for the field in the field list.
KUP-04108: unable to reread file string
Cause: The query that is executing requires that a data source for an external table
be read multiple times. However, the data source is a sequential device that cannot
be reread. Examples of this type of data source is a tape or pipe.
36-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: There are a few ways around this problem. One is to rewrite the query so
that the external table is referenced only once. Another option is to move the data
source to a rereadable device such as a disk file. A third option is to load the data
for the external table into a temporary table and change the query to reference the
temporary table.
KUP-04109: specified path for directory object "string" is invalid
Cause: The default directory or a directory object specified for an input data file
or an output dump, log, bad or discard file contains an invalid path name.
Action: Specify a valid path name for the directory object.
KUP-04116: Field name stringstringstring in the FIELD NAMES record in the data
file is too long.
Cause: The field name exceeded the maximum of 30 characters.
Action: Specify at most 30 characters.
KUP-04117: Field name stringstringstring was not found in the access parameter
field list or table.
Cause: The listed field name in the FIELD NAMES record of the data file was not
found in the access parameter field list or in the table columns. The next error
message, if any, lists the name of the data file where the error was found.
Action: Verify that the field name in the FIELD NAMES record is correct. If that is
correct, verify that the external table is defined correctly and that the access
parameter field list is also correct.
KUP-04118: operation "string", location "string"
Cause: This message provides information about the previous messages.
Action: Refer to the help for the previous message for more information.
KUP-04119: Error number opening directory for wild card search: string
Cause: An error occured while trying to open a directory to look for files that
match a wild card specification.
Action: See messages that follow for more details.
KUP-04120: Error number fetching count of files for wild card search in directory
Cause: An error occured while trying to retrieve the count of files matching a wild
card specification in the directory
Action: See messages that follow for more details.
KUP-04121: Error number fetching file names for wild card search in directory string
Cause: An error occured while trying to retrieve the names of files matching a
wild card specification in the directory
Action: See messages that follow for more details.
KUP-04122: Error number finishing wild card search in directory string
Cause: An error occured while trying to finish a search for files that match a wild
card specification the directory. matching a wild card specification in the directory
Action: See messages that follow for more details.
KUP-05001: Shift based character sets not supported with CSV format files
Cause: CSV is being used with a shift based chararcter set.
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-17
Action: Either use a non-shift based cahracter set or do not use CSV format files.
KUP-05002: There are no matching files for any file specification in the LOCATION
Cause: One or more file specifications including wild cards were specified in the
LOCATION clause, but none of the files matched any of the specifications.
Action: Check to make sure that the file specifications are correct and that one or
more files match the file specifications and then try the operation again.
KUP-05003: Warning: There are no matching files for this specification.
Cause: No matching files were found for the LOCATION clause specification
listed in the previous error message.
Action: No action is required. However, if you expected the LOCATION clause
specification to match one or more files, check the specification and the files in the
directory to make sure that they are correct. If needed, try the operation again.
KUP-05004: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because parallel select was
not requested.
Cause: Intra source concurrency can only be used when parallel select has been
Action: No action is required this message is informational.
KUP-05005: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because a field of type
RECNUM exists.
Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with RECNUM fields.
Action: No action is required this message is informational.
KUP-05006: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because a complex
terminator string is being used.
Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with terminators where
replicated substrings in the terminator could cause ambiguity during record
Action: No action is required this message is informational.
KUP-05007: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because the preprocessor
option is being used.
Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with the PREPROCESSOR
Action: No action is required this message is informational.
KUP-05008: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because the input data is in
DELIMITED record format and the characterset is neither fixed width nor UTF8.
Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with the DELIMITED record
format if the characterset is neither fixed width or UTF8.
Action: No action is required this message is informational.
KUP-05009: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because the input data is in
VARIABLE record format.
Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with the VARIABLE record
Action: No action is required this message is informational.
36-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
KUP-05010: Warning: Intra source concurrency disabled because the input data is in
CSV format with embedded record delimiters/terminators.
Cause: Intra source concurrency cannot be used with the CSV record format that
has embedded record delimiters/terminators.
Action: No action is required this message is informational.
KUP-11000: file truncated error
Cause: A truncated file was used for the load operation.
Action: Verify unload operation completed successfully.
KUP-11001: files not from the same unload operation
Cause: Files used for the load operation were not from the same unload
Action: Verify the files used are from the same unload operation.
KUP-11002: unable to read data chunk string
Cause: A read or seek to this data chunk was not possible. This chunk may not
have existed.
Action: Verify the files used for the load operation are correct.
KUP-11003: bad data encountered while reading from file string
Cause: There was a datatype conversion error while attempting to convert the
data in the data file to match the datatype of a column in the external table. The
message that follows this one displays the name of the column and the start of the
data for the column that could not be converted. The row containing the bad data
is rejected and not included as a row in the external table.
Action: If the row containing the bad data should not be filtered out, then modify
the definition of the external table so that the datatypes of the columns match the
datatypes of the fields in the data file.
KUP-11004: requested version string not supported by ORACLE_DATAPUMP
Cause: This database version (defaulted to COMPATIBLE if not user-specified)
was not supported by ORACLE_DATAPUMP external table access driver. Note:
Database versions before 9.2 were not supported.
Action: Specify a supported version and rerun the operation.
KUP-11005: error seeking in file: string
Cause: An attempt to seek to the specified position in file failed.
Action: Review the error message. Resolve the problem and retry the the
operation. Contact Oracle Support Services if the problem cannot be resolved.
KUP-11006: file truncated error in string
Cause: A truncated or incomplete file was used for the load operation.
Action: Verify unload operation completed successfully.
KUP-11007: conversion error loading table string.string
Cause: A row could not be loaded into the table because there was a conversion
error for one or more columns in a row.
Action: See the message that follows for more information about the row that
could not be loaded. To avoid this error, make sure the definition of the table being
loaded matches the definition of the table being unloaded.
KUP-00552 to KUP-11024 36-19
KUP-11008: conversion error loading table string.string partition string
Cause: A row could not be loaded into the table because there was a conversion
error for one or more columns in a row.
Action: See the message that follows for more information about the row that
could not be loaded. To avoid this error, make sure the definition of the table being
loaded matches the definition of the table being unloaded.
KUP-11009: data for row: string
Cause: A conversion error occurred while loading data into a table. The message
shows values for the field in the row that had the conversion error.
Action: None. This is only an informational message.
KUP-11010: unable to open at least one dump file for fetch
Cause: None of the files in the LOCATION clause can be opened for a fetch on an
external table.
Action: A fetch operation on an external table in SQL mode requires that at least
one file could be opened. Check that the directory object and file names to the
dump files are correct.
KUP-11011: the following file is not valid for this load operation
Cause: This file could not be used for this load operation. See the following
message for more information.
Action: Verify all the files in the LOCATION clause are from the same unload
operation and that the unload was successful.
KUP-11012: file string in string already exists
Cause: The specified file could not be used for this unload because that would
mean overwriting an existing file.
Action: Specify a file that does not currently exist.
KUP-11013: internal number in header in file string is not valid
Cause: The specified file could not be used for this operation because the internal
number in the header was not valid.
Action: If the dump files were transferred over, verify the transfer operation was
done correctly.
KUP-11014: internal metadata in file string is not valid
Cause: The specified file could not be used for this operation because the internal
metadata stored in this file does not match the metadata stored in the first file
piece set.
Action: Verify all the files in the LOCATION clause are the correct dump files to
KUP-11015: error in unloading or loading data
Cause: An error has occurred in a stream unload or load operation.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
KUP-11016: database version in file string is not valid
Cause: The specified file could not be used for this fetch because its database
version was not compatible with the database version in the other files in the
LOCATION clause.
36-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Verify all the files in the LOCATION clause were populated with
compatible database versions.
KUP-11017: file string not found
Cause: The file was not found.
Action: Verify the correct file (path and file name) was specified.
KUP-11018: file string not a valid dump file
Cause: This file did not have the correct file format. It could not be used for an
external table fetch operation.
Action: Verify this file is from a SQL mode external table populate operation and
that the operation was successful.
KUP-11019: the following file is not valid for this fetch operation
Cause: A file could not be used for this fetch. See the following message for more
Action: Verify all the files in the LOCATION clause are from successful populate
operations. If the files were generated from various populate operations, then
verify that those were done with common attributes such as with the same tables
and compatible database versions.
KUP-11020: header in file string may not contain correct information
Cause: The header may be corrupted.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Servicess.
KUP-11021: header in file string has an incompatible version number
Cause: A dump file was specified for a load operation whose version number is
incompatible with the dump file version currently produced by the Oracle server
on the system. Usually this message indicates that the dump file was produced by
a newer version of the Oracle server.
Action: Load this dump file using the same version of the Oracle server that
created the file.
KUP-11022: specified file name "string" is invalid
Cause: The file name specified for a dump or log file was invalid or null.
Action: Specify a valid file name for the dump or log file.
KUP-11023: specified path for directory object "string" is invalid
Cause: The default directory or a directory object specified for a dump or log file
contained an invalid path name or was null.
Action: Specify a valid path name for the directory object.
KUP-11024: This external table can only be accessed from within a Data Pump job.
Cause: An attempt was made to access a temporary external table that was
created by Data Pump to be used internally during the execution of an export or
import job.
Action: None

UDE-00001 to UDE-00054 7 3
UDE-00001: user requested cancel of current operation
Cause: User has requested a cancellation of current job.
Action: No action is needed.
UDE-00002: invalid username or password
Cause: An invalid username or password was specified.
Action: Retry with a valid username and password.
UDE-00003: all allowable logon attempts failed
Cause: Attempts were repeatedly made to log on with an invalid username or
Action: Shut down the utility, then restart and retry with a valid username and
UDE-00004: operation generated ORACLE error number
Cause: The operation unexpectedly produced the specified error. Refer to the
description of that error for more information.
Action: s.
UDE-00005: unexpected End-Of-File encountered while reading input
Cause: Encountered an End-Of-File while reading the user input.
Action: If input to export is being redirected, check the file for errors.
UDE-00006: failed to allocate memory of size number
Cause: Unable to allocate the necessary memory.
Action: Record the messages that follow and report this to Oracle Customer
Support as an Export internal bug.
UDE-00007: attempt to free unallocated memory
Cause: An attempt was made to free memory that was not allocated.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support
UDE-00010: multiple job modes requested, string and string.
Cause: Multiple job modes were specified.
Action: Specify only one valid mode, then retry.
UDE-00011: parameter string is incompatible with parameter string
Cause: An invalid combination of parameters was specified.
37-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Refer to documentation for the set of valid modes, then retry.
UDE-00012: table mode exports only allow objects from one schema
Cause: Multiple schemas were selected for export.
Action: Retry export specifying only one schema.
UDE-00013: internal expdp error.
Cause: Fatal internal Data Pump client error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support
UDE-00014: invalid value for parameter, 'string'.
Cause: Could not parse the specified parameter or parameter value.
Action: Refer to documentation for valid parameter values.
UDE-00015: invalid context or job state for parameter, 'string'.
Cause: Invalid job state or context for specified parameter.
Action: Refer to documentation for correct parameter usage.
UDE-00016: 'string' parameter requires a value.
Cause: Parameter was specified without a value.
Action: Refer to documentation for correct parameter usage.
UDE-00017: Data Pump job is already executing.
Cause: Incorrect Data Pump job state for requested operation.
Action: Refer to documentation for correct usage.
UDE-00018: Data Pump client is incompatible with database version string
Cause: The Export utility is at a higher version than the database version and is
thereby incompatible.
Action: Use the same version of Export utility as the database.
UDE-00019: 'string' parameter list is too long.
Cause: Requested parameter list exceeds 4000 character maximum.
Action: Reduce the specified number of parameter values and rerun.
UDE-00020: Data Pump client is incompatible with Data Pump API.
Cause: The Export utility is at a higher version than the Data Pump server and is
thereby incompatible.
Action: Use the same version of Export utility as the server.
UDE-00050: Unable to setup parameter processing.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during parameter manager initialization.
Action: Record the messages that follow and report this to Oracle Customer
Support as an Export internal bug.
UDE-00051: unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to required defaults.
Cause: Export was unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to '.,'
Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Export internal
error to Oracle customer support.
UDE-00052: incorrect Data Pump client for operation: string
Cause: Export client attempted to attach to import job.
UDE-00001 to UDE-00054 37-3
Action: Use appropriate client when attaching to an existing job
UDE-00053: unrecognized client command 'string'
Cause: Invalid interactive client command.
Action: Refer to documentation for valid client commands.
UDE-00054: Deprecated Legacy Mode parameter 'string' specified at or on: string
Cause: The Legacy Mode parameter specified has no corresponding Data Pump
Action: Review the location referred to in the error message ( (either 'Command
Line', 'Parameter File', or 'Environment Variable') and remove the parameter.
37-4 Oracle Database Error Messages

UDI-00001 to UDI-00054 8 3
UDI-00001: user requested cancel of current operation
Cause: User has requested a cancellation of current job.
Action: No action is needed.
UDI-00002: invalid username or password
Cause: An invalid username or password was specified.
Action: Retry with a valid username and password.
UDI-00003: all allowable logon attempts failed
Cause: Attempts were repeatedly made to log on with an invalid username or
Action: Shut down the utility, then restart and retry with a valid username and
UDI-00004: operation generated ORACLE error number
Cause: The operation unexpectedly produced the specified error. Refer to the
description of that error for more information.
Action: s.
UDI-00005: unexpected End-Of-File encountered while reading input.
Cause: Encountered an End-Of-File while reading the user input.
Action: If input to import is being redirected, check the file for errors.
UDI-00006: failed to allocate memory of size number
Cause: Unable to allocate the necessary memory.
Action: Record the messages that follow and report this to Oracle Customer
Support as an Import internal bug.
UDI-00007: attempt to free unallocated memory
Cause: An attempt was made to free memory that was not allocated.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support
UDI-00010: multiple job modes requested, string and string.
Cause: Invalid job mode was specified.
Action: Specify only one valid mode, then retry.
UDI-00011: parameter string is incompatible with parameter string
Cause: An invalid combination of parameters was specified.
38-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Refer to documentation for the set of valid modes, then retry.
UDI-00012: table mode imports only allow objects from one schema
Cause: Multiple schemas were selected for import.
Action: Retry import specifying only one schema.
UDI-00013: internal impdp error.
Cause: Fatal internal Data Pump client error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
UDI-00014: invalid value for parameter, 'string'
Cause: Could not parse the specified parameter or parameter value.
Action: Refer to documentation for valid parameter values.
UDI-00015: invalid context or job state for parameter, 'string'.
Cause: Invalid job state or context for specified parameter.
Action: Refer to documentation for correct parameter usage.
UDI-00016: 'string' parameter requires a value.
Cause: Parameter was specified without a value.
Action: Refer to documentation for correct parameter usage.
UDI-00017: Data Pump job is already executing.
Cause: Incorrect Data Pump job state for requested operation.
Action: Refer to documentation for correct usage.
UDI-00018: Data Pump client is incompatible with database version string
Cause: The Import utility is at a higher version than the database version and is
thereby incompatible.
Action: Use the same version of Import utility as the database.
UDI-00019: 'string' parameter list is too long.
Cause: Requested parameter list exceeds 4000 character maximum.
Action: Reduce the specified number of parameter values and rerun.
UDI-00020: Data Pump client is incompatible with Data Pump API.
Cause: The Export utility is at a higher version than the Data Pump server and is
thereby incompatible.
Action: Use the same version of Export utility as the server.
UDI-00050: unable to setup parameter processing.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during parameter manager initialization.
Action: Record the messages that follow and report this to Oracle Customer
Support as an Import internal bug.
UDI-00051: unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to required defaults.
Cause: Import was unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to '.,'
Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Import internal
error to Oracle Customer Support.
UDI-00052: incorrect Data Pump client for operation: string
Cause: Import client attempted to attach to export job.
UDI-00001 to UDI-00054 38-3
Action: Use appropriate client when attaching to an existing job
UDI-00053: unrecognized client command 'string'
Cause: Invalid interactive client command.
Action: Refer to documentation for valid client commands.
UDI-00054: Deprecated Legacy Mode parameter 'string' specified at or on: string
Cause: The Legacy Mode parameter specified has no corresponding Data Pump
Action: Review the location referred to in the error message ( (either 'Command
Line', 'Parameter File', or 'Environment Variable') and remove the parameter.
38-4 Oracle Database Error Messages

DBV-00200 to DBV-00201 9 3
DBV-00200: Block, DBA number, already marked corrupt
Cause: The block was previously corrupted. It has been marked as corrupt by the
Oracle database server.
Action: If the block is not currently allocated to a database object, then no action is
required. If the block is allocated, then the options and required action depend on
the type and nature of the object which owns the block. To repair an allocated
block, perform block or file media recovery.
DBV-00201: Block, DBA number, marked corrupt for invalid redo application
Cause: The block was marked corrupt by the Oracle database server for invalid
redo application, ex: media recovery of a NOLOGGING object or direct loaded
Action: If the block is not currently allocated to a database object, then no action is
required. If the block is allocated, then the object will need to be rebuilt, or data to
be reloaded.
39-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
NID-00001 to NID-00604 40-1
NID-00001 to NID-00604 0 4
NID-00001: Illegal command line syntax - parse error = (number)
Cause: Illegal operand on command line.
Action: Remove illegal operand.
NID-00002: Parse error: string
Cause: An error was encountered while parsing the command line.
Action: Remove offending operand.
NID-00010: Password:
Cause: Password was not specified in command line.
Action: Type password at this prompt.
NID-00100: Cannot open datafile "string"
Cause: The specified datafile could not be opened.
Action: Ensure that the specified datafile exists and is writable.
NID-00101: LOGFILE (string) not accessible
Cause: The specified log file could not be opened.
Action: Specify a log file that is writable.
NID-00102: Garbled target string
Cause: The supplied connect string could not be parsed. The connect string does
not have the correct format.
Action: Refer to Oracle9i Database Concepts.
NID-00103: Missing password in connect string "string"
Cause: Could not find the password in the supplied connect string. The connect
string does not have the correct format.
Action: Refer to Oracle9i Database Concepts.
NID-00104: Need to specify TARGET connection parameter in command line
Cause: The mandatory parameter TARGET was not specified.
Action: Specify TARGET=/ when invoking this utility.
NID-00105: Need to specify "LOGFILE=" when using APPEND=YES
Cause: The APPEND parameter was specified without a LOGFILE.
Action: Specify APPEND=YES only when LOGFILE is also specified.
40-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
NID-00106: LOGIN to target database failed with Oracle error: string
Cause: An Oracle error was reported while attempting to log in to the target
Action: Follow the actions for the specified Oracle error.
NID-00107: File I/O error on datafile "string" during string operation
Cause: An operating system error was reported while performing the specified
operation in the specified file.
Action: Verify the datafile and check for operating system errors.
NID-00109: DBNAME string length number exceeds maximum length of number
Cause: The specified new database name exceeded the maximum size.
Action: Specify a shorter, valid name.
NID-00110: Cannot use REVERT and specify a database name at the same time
Cause: Conflicting options were specified in the command line.
Action: Choose only one of the options.
NID-00111: Oracle error reported from target database while executing string string
Cause: An Oracle error was reported when executing an OCI operation.
Action: Follow the actions for the specified Oracle error.
NID-00112: unsupported connection mode
Cause: A mode different than SYSDBA or SYSBACKUP was specified for the
connection to the target.
Action: Specify only AS SYSDBA or AS SYSBACKUP.
NID-00113: Error reading answer - aborting
Cause: Response caused an error.
Action: Retry the operation.
NID-00114: Must specify new database name when SETNAME is used
Cause: SETNAME=YES was specified but no DBNAME was provided.
Action: Specify DBNAME or remove the SETNAME=YES option.
NID-00115: Database should be mounted
Cause: The database was not mounted.
Action: Mount the database.
NID-00120: Database should be mounted exclusively
Cause: The database was started in parallel mode. To change the DBID, the
database must be mounted exclusively.
Action: Shut down the database and start it in exclusive mode.
NID-00121: Database should not be open
Cause: The database was open. To change the DBID, the database must be
mounted exclusively.
Action: Shutdown the database and mount it in exclusive mode.
NID-00122: Database should have no offline immediate datafiles
NID-00001 to NID-00604 40-3
Cause: The database has one or more datafiles that are in OFFLINE IMMEDIATE
Action: Drop the datafiles or recover them and bring them online.
NID-00123: Magic number for datafile "string" is incorrect
Cause: Block 0 header has an incorrect magic number for the specified datafile.
Action: Verify that the datafile is correct and retry the operation.
NID-00124: Mismatched dbid for datafile string, expected number, found number
Cause: The dbid of the datafile does not match the 'old' DBID or the 'new' DBID.
Action: Verify that this datafile belongs to the database. You may need to restore a
backup of the datafile.
NID-00125: Database should have no disabled datafiles
Cause: The database has one or more datafiles that are disabled.
Action: Drop the datafiles or recover them and bring them online.
NID-00126: Database should have no datafiles in unknown state
Cause: The database has one or more datafiles that are in an unknown state.
Action: Drop the datafiles or recover them and bring them online.
NID-00127: All online files in the database must have the same checkpoint SCN
Cause: The database has one or more datafiles that have a checkpoint SCN that
does not match the database checkpoint SCN.
Action: Restart the database and shut it down cleanly, then retry the operation.
NID-00128: Cannot revert change of database, change not in progress
Cause: The REVERT option was used, but the control file does not show that a
change of DBID was in progress.
Action: Do not use the REVERT option, or possibly restore the control file that
was in place when the utility was started.
NID-00129: Invalid DBID for datafile "string", expecting number, found number
Cause: A datafile header shows a different DBID from the rest of the database
Action: Ensure that the file belongs to this database.
NID-00130: Mismatched CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# in datafile "string", expecting
string, found string
Cause: The datafile header does not match information in the control file.
Action: Revert the change, open the database, and verify that all datafiles are
consistent. Then, shut down the database and retry the operation.
NID-00131: Control file is not current
Cause: A non-current control file is currently mounted.
Action: Perform necessary actions to make the control file current and retry.
NID-00132: CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# in datafile "string": string in the future of
controlfile: string
Cause: The checkpoint in the datafile header is ahead of the checkpoint in the
control file.
Action: Make the database consistent and retry.
40-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
NID-00133: Database should have only consistent datafiles
Cause: The database has one or more datafiles that are marked FUZZY in the
control file.
Action: Restart the database and shut down consistently, then retry the operation.
NID-00134: Datafile "string" is not consistent
Cause: The datafile is marked as fuzzy in its header.
Action: Restart the database and shut down cleanly, then retry the operation.
NID-00135: There are number active threads
Cause: is that the database crashed the last time it was shut down.
Action: Ensure that all threads are closed before retrying the operation. Start and
open the database to perform crash recovery, then shut down with the NORMAL
or IMMEDIATE options to close it cleanly. Finally, try running the utility again.
NID-00137: All datafiles that are not dropped should be readable
Cause: The database had one or more files that could not be read.
Action: Restore the missing files and retry the operation.
NID-00138: Block verification failed for datafile string (number)
Cause: Block header checksum yields a nonzero value for the specified datafile.
Action: Verify that the datafile is correct and retry the operation.
NID-00139: Mismatched dbname for datafile string, expected string, found string
Cause: The dbname of the datafile does not match the 'old' dbname or the 'new'
Action: Verify that this datafile belongs to the database. You may need to restore a
backup of the datafile.
NID-00140: Specified database name string does not match previous name used
Cause: This is a continuation of a failed attempt. However in the failed attempt,
the database name is different than the one used in the last attempt.
Action: Retry the command using the original database name.
NID-00141: No database name specified, previous attempt used string
Cause: This is a continuation of a failed attempt. However, in the failed attempt, a
database name was provided.
Action: Retry the command using the original database name.
NID-00142: Only changing database name, previous attempt changed dbid to
Cause: This is a continuation of a failed attempt. However, in the failed attempt,
the database id was also being changed.
Action: Retry the command removing SETNAME=YES.
NID-00143: Mismatched controlfile string
Cause: A controlfile did not have the correct status.
Action: Shutdown the database, remove the mismatched controlfile, mount the
database, and retry the operation.
NID-00144: New name for database string is the same as current name string
NID-00001 to NID-00604 40-5
Cause: The specified name is the same as the current name of the database.
Action: Specify a different name or do not use the DBNAME option.
NID-00145: nls subsystem initialization failure for product=string, facility=string
Cause: The NLS product/facility error message file could not be located or
properly initialized.
Action: Check that the error message directory and file(s) have been properly
NID-00300: Connected to database string (DBID=number)
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00301: Datafile string - dbid changed, wrote new name
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00302: Datafile string - dbid changed
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00303: Datafile string - wrote new name
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00304: Datafile string - reverted
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00305: Datafile string - already changed
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00306: Datafile string - no revert needed
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00307: Control File string - dbid changed, wrote new name
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00308: Control File string - dbid changed
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00309: Control File string - wrote new name
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00310: Control File string - reverted
Cause: Informational message.
40-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: No action required.
NID-00311: Control File string - modified
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00312: Connected to server version string
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00315: Operation already in progress, continuing
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00320: Operation cancelled at user request
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00321: Proceeding with operation
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00330: The following datafiles are offline immediate:
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00331: The following datafiles are disabled:
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00332: The following datafiles are in unknown state:
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00333: Cannot read the header of the following datafiles:
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00334: The following datafiles are not checkpointed to string:
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00335: The following datafiles are not consistent:
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00336: The following datafiles are offline clean:
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00337: The following datafiles are read-only:
NID-00001 to NID-00604 40-7
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00338: Control Files in database:
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00350: string (number) string
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00351: string (number)
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00352: string (number), error: number
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00353: string
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00354: Instance shut down
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00370: Change database ID of database string? (Y/[N]) =>
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00371: Change database name of database string to string? (Y/[N]) =>
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00372: Change database ID and database name string to string? (Y/[N]) =>
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00373: Revert changes for database string (Y/[N]) =>
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00390: These files must be writable by this utility.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00395: Reverting database name from string to string
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
40-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
NID-00396: Reverting database ID from number to number
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00397: Changing database name from string to string
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00398: Changing database ID from number to number
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00400: DBNEWID - Completed with errors.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00401: Must finish REVERT changes before attempting any database
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00402: Must finish change or REVERT changes before attempting any
database operation.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00403: DBNEWID - Completed with validation errors.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00404: DBNEWID - Completed succesfully.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00405: Reversion of database name and database ID failed.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00406: Reversion of database name failed.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00407: Reversion of database ID failed.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00410: Reversion of database changes failed during validation - database is
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00001 to NID-00604 40-9
NID-00415: Change of database name and database ID failed.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00416: Change of database name failed.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00417: Change of database ID failed.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00420: Change of database name and ID failed during validation - database is
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00421: Change of database name failed during validation - database is intact.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00422: Change of database ID failed during validation - database is intact.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00425: Database name restored to string.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00426: Database ID for database string restored to number.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00430: Database is ready to be open or shut down.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00431: DBNEWID - Reversion completed.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00435: Database name changed to string.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00436: Modify parameter file and generate a new password file before
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00440: Database ID for database string changed to number.
40-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00441: All previous backups and archived redo logs for this database are
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00442: Database has been shutdown, open database with RESETLOGS option.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00450: Succesfully changed database name and ID.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00451: Succesfully changed database name.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00452: Succesfully changed database ID.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00480: Database is intact - database is ready to be open or shut down.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00481: DBNEWID - Cancelled.
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00482: Database is not aware of previous backups and archived logs in
Recovery Area.
Cause: Because the database id was changed, previous backups and archived
redo logs in recovery area are not managed by this database.
Action: This is the informational message only.
NID-00490: LOG being redirected to STDERR due to errors.
Cause: Could no write message to log file.
Action: None
NID-00500: Keyword Description (Default)
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00501: ----------------------------------------------------
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00502: TARGET Username/Password (NONE)
NID-00001 to NID-00604 40-11
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00503: DBNAME New database name (NONE)
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00504: LOGFILE Output Log (NONE)
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00505: REVERT Revert failed change NO
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00506: SETNAME Set a new database name only NO
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00507: APPEND Append to output log NO
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00508: HELP Displays these messages NO
Cause: Informational message.
Action: No action required.
NID-00600: Internal Error - [number] [number] [number] [number]
Cause: This is the generic internal error number for program exceptions. This
indicates that the program has encountered an exceptional condition.
Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number
NID-00601: Internal Error - [number] [string] [number] [number]
Cause: This is the generic internal error number for program exceptions. This
indicates that the program has encountered an exceptional condition.
Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number
NID-00602: Could not allocate number bytes for "string"
Cause: Memory allocation failed.
Action: Free memory at the operating system level and retry operation.
NID-00603: No datafiles found in database
Cause: Controlfile has not datafiles recorded
Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number
NID-00604: No control files found in database
Cause: Instance has no control files recorded
Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number
40-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
DGM-16900 to DGM-17032 41-1
DGM-16900 to DGM-17032 1 4
DGM-16900: Unable to initialize client
Cause: The client could not be initialized.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
DGM-16901: Unable to initialize environment
Cause: The database environment could not be allocated and initialized.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
DGM-16902: Unable to allocate handle
Cause: The database handle could not be allocated.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
DGM-16903: Unable to connect to database using string
Cause: The Data Guard command-line interface (DGMGRL) was unable to
connect to the database using the specified connect identifier.
Action: Check the connect identifier and ensure the instance or host is reachable.
DGM-16904: Unable to set attribute
Cause: The server attributes could not be set.
Action: Check additional error messages.
DGM-16905: Failed.
Cause: The command failed to execute.
Action: Check additional error messages.
DGM-16906: Unable to accept commands: no memory
Cause: No memory was available for the attempted operation.
Action: Check your system and retry the command.
DGM-16909: Fatal error - quitting…
Cause: A fatal error was encountered.
Action: See additional error messages and/or contact Oracle Support Services.
DGM-16910: Unable to issue command to server
Cause: Command could not be issued to the server.
Action: See additional error messages and/or contact Oracle Support Services.
DGM-16912: Unrecognized command "string", try "help"
41-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An unrecognized command was issued.
Action: Try again using a valid command.
DGM-16916: Missing site name, try "help"
Cause: The site name is missing from the command.
Action: Try the command again using correct syntax.
DGM-16934: start up instance "string" of database "string"
Cause: The operation completed successfully and requires a restart of the
specified instance. DGMGRL was unable to restart the instance.
Action: Start the specified instance manually.
DGM-16943: connect to instance "string" of database "string"
Cause: The operation required DGMGRL to connect to a specific instance to
complete, but DGMGRL could not automatically connect to the given instance.
Action: Connect to the specified instance and issue the command again.
DGM-16944: Failover succeeded, new primary is "string"
Cause: The failover command completed successfully."
Action: No action is required.
DGM-16945: Syntax error before or at "string"
Cause: The command could not be processed because of a syntax error in the
named token.
Action: Try the command again using valid syntax.
DGM-16948: Unable to switchover, primary database is still "string"
Cause: The switchover operation could not be executed due to the errors reported
with this error message. The primary role has not been changed.
Action: Correct the errors and try the SWITCHOVER command again.
DGM-16949: Object "string" was not found
Cause: The named object was not found.
Action: Try the command again using a valid database name.
DGM-16951: Unable to failover
Cause: The failover operation could not be executed due to the errors reported
with this error message.
Action: Correct the errors and try the FAILOVER command again.
DGM-16952: Configuration details cannot be determined by DGMGRL
Cause: The broker configuration could not be found.
Action: 1) The Data Guard broker process (DMON) could not be contacted. Verify
that the DMON process is running. 2) No broker configuration currently exists.
You must create one. 3) You are connected to a standby database in the broker
configuration that has either been disabled or deleted. While the standby is in this
state, the details of the broker configuration are not available on the standby
database. Connect to the primary database and reissue the command. 4) You are
connected to a database in the broker configuration that must be reinstated or
reinstantiated. While in this state, details of the broker configuration are not
available. Either reinstate or reinstantiate the database and reissue the command,
or connect to the primary database and reissue the command.
DGM-16900 to DGM-17032 41-3
DGM-16953: XML document is too long
Cause: The length of the XML document exceeded the internal limit.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
DGM-16954: Unable to open and lock the Observer configuration file
Cause: The Observer configuration file cannot be opened or cannot be locked for
exclusive access.
Action: Make sure the Observer has the correct operating system privileges to
write the file and there is no other Observer that is using the same file. Try the
command again.
DGM-16959: No response from broker server process
Cause: No response was received from the broker server process (DMON).
Action: The Data Guard broker process (DMON) is not available. Verify that the
DMON process is running and retry the command.
DGM-16960: Status not available
Cause: The status could not be retrieved.
Action: The Data Guard broker process (DMON) is not available. Verify that the
DMON process is running and retry the command.
DGM-16979: Unable to log on to the primary or standby database as SYSDBA
Cause: The username/password used by the observer to log on to the primary
database and Fast-Start Failover target standby database does not have valid
SYSDBA credentials.
Action: Make sure the primary database and Fast-start failover target database are
using a remote login password file. Make sure the SYSDBA password is the same
at both databases and that the SYSDBA password is used in the CONNECT
command. Start the observer again.
DGM-16991: Two or more resources have the name "string"
Cause: The named resource exists on more than one site.
Action: Use the ON SITE clause and reissue the command.
DGM-16999: Instance "string" was not found
Cause: The named instance could not be found.
Action: Try the command again using a valid instance name.
DGM-17000: Two or more instances have the name "string"
Cause: The named instance exists on more than one database.
Action: Use the ON DATABASE clause and reissue the command.
DGM-17002: Primary database cannot be removed
Cause: The named database to be removed is the primary database.
Action: Remove the broker configuration instead.
DGM-17007: Unsupported platform, observer cannot start
Cause: The Observer was started on an operating system that does not support
Action: Start the Observer on an operating system that supports multi-threading.
DGM-17009: New primary database "string" is opening…
41-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The Data Guard broker is opening the specified new primary database.
The new primary database is ready to accept transactions once it is open.
Action: None
DGM-17016: failed to retrieve status for database "string"
Cause: DGMGRL could not retrieve the StatusReport property from the given
database and thus could not report the database status.
Action: See accompanying messages for details.
DGM-17017: unable to determine configuration status
Cause: The Data Guard broker could not execute a health check at the moment, so
the configuration status could not be determined.
Action: See accompanying messages for details.
DGM-17023: far sync instance "string" was not found
Cause: A far sync instance with the given name was not found in the
Action: Try the command again using a valid far sync instance name. If the name
refers to a database, use the corresponding database command syntax instead.
DGM-17025: database "string" was not found
Cause: A database with the given name was not found in the configuration.
Action: Try the command again using a valid database name. If the name refers to
a far sync instance, use the corresponding far sync instance command syntax
DGM-17027: Recovery Appliance "string" was not found
Cause: A database with the given name was not found in the configuration.
Action: Try the command again using a valid database name. If the name refers to
a far sync instance, use the corresponding far sync instance command syntax
DGM-17032: Wildcard string not supported for this command
Cause: The wildcard string was specified instead of an object name.
Action: Supply an object name instead of the wildcard string and retry the
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-1
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 2 4
DIA-48001: internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string],
[string], [string], [string], [string]
Cause: This is the generic internal error number for program exceptions.This
indicated that a process encountered an exceptional condition.
Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number.
DIA-48002: thread terminated by fatal error
Cause: The thread was in an unrecoverable state.
Action: Examine the thread trace file for more information.
DIA-48003: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes
Cause: Operating system process private memory was exhausted.
Action: None
DIA-48004: unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory
Cause: More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared pool.
Action: Reduce your use of shared memory or increase the amount of available
shared memory.
DIA-48007: name is already used by an existing product type
Cause: An attempt was made to define a product type with the same name as an
already defined product type.
Action: Use the already existing product type with the specified name, or use a
different name for the product type.
DIA-48008: id is already used by an existing product type
Cause: An attempt was made to define a product type with the same id as an
already defined product type.
Action: Choose a different name for the product type.
DIA-48100: error encountered when attempting to open a file
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to open a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check that the specified directory name, file name, and open options are
DIA-48101: error encountered when attempting to read a file [string] [string] [string]
42-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to read a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the specified arguments to the read interface.
DIA-48102: encountered the end-of-file when reading the file
Cause: The ADR file interface encountered the end-of-file when reading the file.
Action: Handle the end of file condition.
DIA-48103: error encountered when attempting to write a file [string] [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to write a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the specified arguments to the write interface.
DIA-48104: read mismatch on blocks requested and returned, [string], [string]
Cause: There was a mismatch between the number of blocks requested for
reading and the number of blocks actually returned.
Action: Check the file to make sure there are no partial blocks.
DIA-48105: write mismatch on blocks requested and returned, [string], [string]
Cause: There was a mismatch between the number of blocks requested for writing
and the number of blocks actually written.
Action: Check that there is enough space left on the device to write the requested
number of blocks.
DIA-48106: error initializing the ADR string object
Cause: There was an error encountered during the initialization of one of the ADR
file objects.
Action: Check the validity of the specified directory name and file name.
DIA-48107: invalid Bfile input, [string]
Cause: An invalid Bfile was passed into the routine to convert the bfile into a file
Action: Verify the contents of the specified Bfile.
DIA-48108: invalid value given for the diagnostic_dest init.ora parameter
Cause: The value given for the diagnostic_dest directory is not a valid directory.
Either the directory does not exist or the process does not have read/write
privileges on the directory.
Action: Use a value for diagnostic_dest that is a valid directory with the proper
read and write privileges.
DIA-48109: invalid lock mode for file descriptor, [string]
Cause: The lock mode associated with the file descriptor was invalid in the
context of the routine.
Action: Verify that a file is not trying to obtain multiple locks and that the file is
holding a lock when attempting to release the lock.
DIA-48110: error encountered while attempting to get a file lock [string] [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered while trying to get a file lock.
Action: Check the state of the file and operating system.
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-3
DIA-48111: error encountered while attempting to release a file lock [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered while trying to release a file lock.
Action: Check the state of the file and operating system.
DIA-48112: invalid flags for open file, string
Cause: Invalid flags were passed in to the open file routine.
Action: Check to see if the flags are a valid combination.
DIA-48113: unable to write to stream file because of out of space condition
Cause: The system is unable to write the requested number of bytes to a stream
file. This is due to an out of space condition. The additional information shows
how many bytes were not written.
Action: Check that there is enough space left on the device to write the requested
number of bytes.
DIA-48114: error encountered when attempting to close a file
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to close a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the validity of the file descriptor.
DIA-48115: error encountered while seeking a file position
Cause: There was an error encountered while seeking a position in a file.
Action: Check that the requested file position falls within the file boundaries.
DIA-48116: error enountered when attempting to create a directory [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to create a directory.
Action: Check the directory name.
DIA-48117: error encountered when attempting to remove a directory [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to remove a directory.
Action: Check the directory name.
DIA-48118: error encountered with list directory [string]
Cause: There was an error with listing the elements of a directory.
Action: Check the state of the operating system.
DIA-48119: error encountered when attempting to remove a file [string] [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to remove a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the directory name and file name.
DIA-48120: error encountered when attempting to retrieve the file size [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to retrieve the file size
with the ADR file interface.
Action: Check the directory name and file name.
DIA-48121: error with opening the ADR stream file [string] [string]
Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to open an ADR stream file.
Action: Check the rest of the error stack for details of the actual error that was
42-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
DIA-48122: error with opening the ADR block file [string] [string]
Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to open an ADR block file.
Action: Check the rest of the error stack for details of the actual error that was
DIA-48123: error encountered when attempting to flush a file
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to flush a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the state of the file.
DIA-48124: device full encountered during write to a file
Cause: The device full error was encountered during the write to a file.
Action: Check the amount of free space on the device.
DIA-48125: illegal identifier length, argn:string, len:string, lim:string
Cause: An input identifier was passed in that has a length that is greater than the
max length.
Action: Make sure the input indentifier has a length that is less than the max
DIA-48126: attempting to create a file that already exists
Cause: The client attempted to create a file that already exists.
Action: Either remove the file or check if it is okay if the file already exists.
DIA-48127: attempting to open a file that does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to open a file that does not exist.
Action: Either create the file or check why the file does not exist.
DIA-48128: opening of a symbolic link is disallowed
Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to open a file that is a
symbolic link. Users are not allowed to open symbolic links.
Action: Check the specified file name.
DIA-48129: invalid input for the full path specification
Cause: Input was incorrectly specified for the full path specification, or the
default extension may have been incorrectly specified. Or an empty string was
passed in for the full path.
Action: Check that the full path string is non-NULL. If you want to specify a
relative path from ADR Home for the full path specification, then use '' instead of the actual path to ADR Home. For ADR Base, use ''.
DIA-48130: invalid lock parameters for get file lock [string]
Cause: Invalid lock parameters passed in for the get file lock routine. The user
must pass in file as the lock type. Or, there is a lock mode mismatch. Exclusive
locks are not allowed in read-only mode, and shared locks are not allowed in
write-only mode.
Action: Check that correct lock type is specified and that the correct lock mode is
requested for the file given its open flags.
DIA-48131: error encountered when attempting to tell the file position
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-5
Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to tell the file position using
the ADR file interface.
Action: Check the directory and file name of the file along with the open state.
DIA-48132: requested file lock is busy, [string] [string]
Cause: The requested file lock is busy because another process is holding the file
Action: Try to get the file lock again at a later time.
DIA-48133: file descriptor has already been opened [string] [string]
Cause: The specified file descriptor has already been opened.
Action: Do not open a file that has previously been opened, or check your code to
make sure you are cleaning up a file descriptor that is being reused correctly.
DIA-48134: invalid file descriptor state for operation, string, string, string
Cause: The state of the file descriptor was invalid for the requested operation. An
example is that a file was opened for read, but a write operation to the file was
Action: Check the state of the file descriptor and make sure it matches the
DIA-48135: uninitialized file descriptor
Cause: The specified file descriptor is uninitialized.
Action: Make sure the file descriptor is initialized before passing it into the
DIA-48136: directory already exists [string]
Cause: Operation failed because the specified directory already exists.
Action: Remove the directory or ignore this error.
DIA-48137: uninitialized file handle
Cause: The specified file handle is uninitialized.
Action: Make sure the file handle is initialized before passing it into the routine.
DIA-48138: invalid directory name input for client address
Cause: An invalid directory name was specified as part of the address path
Action: Check that the directory name is non-NULL and that the directory name
length does not exceed the maximum length.
DIA-48139: invalid input to ADR initialization routine
Cause: There was an invalid input to the ADR initialization routine.
Action: Check the length of the ADR base, product ID, and instance ID input
DIA-48140: the specified ADR Base directory does not exist [string]
Cause: The specified ADR Base Directory does not exist.
Action: Check that the specified ADR Base Directory is a valid path name and
that the directory exists.
DIA-48141: error creating directory during ADR initialization [string]
42-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Error encountered when creating a directory during the initialization of
the ADR subsystem.
Action: Check the input arguments to the ADR initialization routine and the state
of the operating system.
DIA-48142: invalid permissions input for change permissions
Cause: Invalid permissions passed into change permissions routine.
Action: Check the value of the permissions input.
DIA-48143: error changing permissions for a file
Cause: Error encountered while changing the permissions for a file
Action: Check the specified directory and file and the state of the operating
DIA-48144: error encounted while performing standard file I/O
Cause: Error encountered while performing standard file I/O
Action: Check the validity of standard in, out, and error.
DIA-48145: invalid seek location, [string], [string]
Cause: Invalid seek location specified for routine.
Action: Check the validity of specified seek location.
DIA-48146: missing read, write, or exec permission on directory during ADR
initialization [string] [string]
Cause: Error encountered when checking if the process has read, write, and exec
privileges on directories needed by the ADR subsystem. This error occurs during
the initialization of the ADR subsystem.
Action: Check the input arguments to the ADR initialization routine and the state
of the operating system. Ensure that the user has the proper permissions on the
ADR directories.
DIA-48147: invalid home location specification for ADR, [string], [string], [string]
Cause: Invalid read or write home location specification for ADR.
Action: An invalid home was specified for the ADR Read or Write Home location.
DIA-48148: error encountered when attempting to move a file
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to move a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the directory name and file name.
DIA-48149: error encountered when attempting to copy a file
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to copy a file with the
ADR file interface.
Action: Check the directory name and file name.
DIA-48150: error encountered with set current working directory
Cause: There was an error with setting the current working directory.
Action: Check the path used, or the state of the operating system.
DIA-48151: error getting operating system time for a file
Cause: Error encountered while getting the operating system time for a file.
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-7
Action: Check the specified directory and file and the state of the operating
DIA-48152: lock table is full
Cause: Lock table is full - too many locks granted
Action: Try again later
DIA-48153: error encountered when getting ADR base directory default
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to get the ADR base
directory default value.
Action: Check your environment to see if the $ORACLE_BASE and $ORACLE_
HOME environment variables are set.
DIA-48154: reached end of file for alert log
Cause: The end of file was reached for reading the Alert Log. There are no more
messages to read in the Alert Log.
Action: Do not read from the Alert Log
DIA-48155: error encountered when read alert log [string]
Cause: There was an error encountered when attempting to read a message from
the Alert Log.
Action: Check the error message and the contents of the alert message.
DIA-48156: Alert log purge has occurred - retry operation
Cause: The purge of the alert log has occurred.
Action: Retry the operation.
DIA-48157: null input to ADR initialization
Cause: There was an null input to the ADR initialization routine.
Action: Check the ADR base, product ID, and instance ID input arguments.
DIA-48158: invalid input for ADR base directory
Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR base directory name. The
ADR base directory name is either NULL or too long of a string.
Action: Check the ADR base directory input argument.
DIA-48159: invalid input for ADR product type
Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR product type. The ADR
product type is out of bounds.
Action: Check the ADR product type input argument.
DIA-48160: invalid input for ADR product id
Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR product id. The ADR product
id is either NULL or too long of a string.
Action: Check the ADR product id input argument.
DIA-48161: invalid input for ADR instance id
Cause: An invalid input was passed in for the ADR instance id. The ADR instance
id is either NULL or too long of a string.
Action: Check the ADR instance id input argument.
DIA-48162: string buffer too small to hold input, [string], [string], [string]
42-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The string buffer is too small to copy an input string into.
Action: Check the size of the string buffer and the input string. Look in the
argument for the location in the code where the error occurs.
DIA-48163: error concatenating directory onto path, [string], [string], [string]
Cause: Error encountered while concatenating a directory onto a path name.
Action: Check the error returned by the OS and the size of the input and output
DIA-48164: error concatenating file onto path, [string], [string], [string]
Cause: Error encountered while concatenating a directory onto a path name.
Action: Check the error returned by the OS and the size of the input and output
DIA-48165: user missing read, write, or exec permission on specified ADR Base
directory [string]
Cause: The specified ADR Base Directory does not have the correct permissions.
Action: Check the read, write, and exec permissions on the specified ADR Base
DIA-48166: error with opening ADR block file because file does not exist [string]
Cause: An error was encountered with opening an ADR block file because the file
does not exist.
Action: Check the existence of the ADR Block File.
DIA-48167: invalid argument for checking ADR initialization
Cause: Invalid arguments were specified for the routine to check ADR
Action: Check the inputs to the ADR initialization routine.
DIA-48168: the ADR sub-system is not initialized
Cause: The ADR subsystem has not been initialized. The requested operation
cannot be performed.
Action: Check the usage of the call to the ADR services. The ADR sub-system
must be initialized for the call to work.
DIA-48169: incorrect arguments to ADR deferred initialization
Cause: There are incorrect arguments to the ADR deferred initialization.
Action: Check the input arguments. It could be possible that the product is not set
up for deferred initialization.
DIA-48170: unable to lock file - already in use
Cause: the file is locked by another process, indicating that it is currently in use by
another process
Action: determine which process legitimately owns this file.
DIA-48171: unable to get share lock - file not readable
Cause: share lock request was made on a file not open for read access.
Action: file must be open read-only or read-write to get a share lock.
DIA-48172: unable to find a valid ADR base
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-9
Cause: Unable to find a valid ADR base. We tried the ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_
HOME, home, and tmp directories, but none of the directories exist for read/write
Action: Check the validity of the ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, home, and
tmp directories.
DIA-48173: error checking directory existence during ADR initialization [string]
Cause: Error encountered when checking directory existence during the
initialization of the ADR subsystem. Either the diag or product type directory does
not exist underneath the ADR base.
Action: The directory in the error message must exist in order for ADR
initialization to succeed. Make sure the directories exist.
DIA-48174: error encountered with get current working directory
Cause: There was an error with getting the current working directory.
Action: Check the state of the operating system or the size of the path buffer.
DIA-48175: the path name must not contain the string '..'.
Cause: The specified path name contains '..'.
Action: Correct the path name and retry the operation.
DIA-48176: error translating a path name into its full path name
Cause: An error was encountered when translating a path name into its full path
Action: Check the inputted path name to make sure it is a valid relative path.
DIA-48177: file name with full path information [string] not allowed
Cause: Input was incorrectly specified for the file name. The inputted file name is
greater than the maximum length, or the file name has path information. In this
case, the file name should not have any path information. The path information
should be specified in a separate argument.
Action: Check that the string for the file name is not too long and does not have
path information.
DIA-48178: error encountered while reading an ADR block file during ADR
initialization [string]
Cause: An error was encountered while reading an ADR block file during the
initialization of the ADR subsystem.
Action: Check the state of the file system.
DIA-48179: OS file synchronization failure
Cause: OS command to synchronize the changes to a file with the operating
system failed.
Action: Check the state of the file system and the amount of free space left on
your device.
DIA-48180: OS open system call failure
Cause: OS open system call failed. The system failed to open or create a file in the
requested mode.
Action: Check the OS error code
DIA-48181: OS write system call failure
42-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: OS write system call failed. The system failed to write to a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
DIA-48182: OS read system call failure
Cause: OS read system call failed. The system failed to read to a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
DIA-48183: OS close system call failure
Cause: OS close system call failed. The system failed to close a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
DIA-48184: OS seek system call failure
Cause: OS seek system call failed. The system failed to seek to a position in a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
DIA-48185: OS file size system call failure
Cause: OS file size call failed. The system failed to retrieve the file size for a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
DIA-48186: OS check file exists system call failure
Cause: OS check file exists system call failed. The system failed to perform the
check file exists command for a file.
Action: Check the OS error code
DIA-48187: specified directory does not exist
Cause: The specified directory does not exist.
Action: Check the directory name.
DIA-48188: user missing read, write, or exec permission on specified directory
Cause: The user does not have valid permissions on the specified directory. The
user is missing either the read, write, or execute permission.
Action: Check the permissions of the specified directory.
DIA-48189: OS command to create directory failed
Cause: The OS command to create a directory failed.
Action: Check the error number associated with the create directory failure.
DIA-48190: OS unlink system call failure
Cause: OS unlink system call failed. The system failed to perform unlink on the
specified file.
Action: Check the OS error code
DIA-48191: user missing read or write permission on specified file
Cause: The user does not have valid permissions on the specified file. The user is
missing either the read or write permission.
Action: Check the permissions of the specified file.
DIA-48192: OS command to move a file failed
Cause: The OS command to move a file failed.
Action: Check the error number associated with the move file.
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-11
DIA-48193: OS command to open a directory failed
Cause: The OS command to open a directory failed.
Action: Check the OS error associated with the open directory failure.
DIA-48194: OS command to close a directory failed
Cause: The OS command to close a directory failed.
Action: Check the OS error associated with the close directory failure.
DIA-48195: OS command to remove a directory failed
Cause: The OS command to remove a directory failed.
Action: Check the OS error associated with the remove directory failure.
DIA-48196: OS command to release advisory lock failed
Cause: The OS command to release the advisory lock failed
Action: Check the OS error associated with the release advisory lock failure.
DIA-48197: OS command to get the file status failed
Cause: The OS command to get the file status failed. This could be because the file
is not open or file descriptor is invalid.
Action: Check the OS error associated with the get file status failure.
DIA-48198: OS command to change the file permissions failed
Cause: The OS command to change the file permissions failed.
Action: Check the OS error associated with the failure.
DIA-48199: OS command to copy a file failed
Cause: The OS command to copy a file failed.
Action: Check the error number associated with the copy file.
DIA-48200: Illegal Input Argument [string]
Cause: An illegal argument was passed in.
Action: Fix the call.
DIA-48201: Field Length Exceeds Maximum [string] [string] [string]
Cause: An illegal field length was used.
Action: Fix the call.
DIA-48202: Illegal Identifier [string] [string]
Cause: Illegal identifier specified.
Action: Use a valid identifier.
DIA-48203: Illegal Data Type [string]
Cause: Illegal data type specified.
Action: Use a valid data type.
DIA-48204: Illegal Identifier Length [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The input identifier is too long.
Action: Specify a shorter identifier.
DIA-48205: Record Length too Big [string] [string] [string]
42-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The sum of the maximum lengths of all fields exceeds the maximum
record length that is supported.
Action: Remove or shorten some of the fields.
DIA-48206: Ilegal Number of Fields [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The number of fields specified exceeds the supported maximum.
Action: Remove some of the fields in the relation.
DIA-48207: Illegal Field Name [string]
Cause: The field name is invalid.
Action: Specify a valid field name.
DIA-48208: Duplicate Field Names [string]
Cause: The list of fields specified contains a duplicate field.
Action: Remove the duplicate field.
DIA-48209: Relation Already Exists
Cause: The relation already exists.
Action: Remove the relation.
DIA-48210: Relation Not Found
Cause: The relation was not found.
Action: Either specify a valid relation name or create one with that name.
DIA-48211: Illegal Access Mode [string] [string]
Cause: The supplied access mode is not recognized.
Action: Supply a valid mode.
DIA-48212: Open Record Access Not Done
Cause: The open record access call was not performed.
Action: The open record access call is required before attempting this call.
DIA-48213: Incorrect Access Mode for Operation [string] [string]
Cause: The relation was opened in a mode not compatibile with the attempted
operation being done.
Action: Reopen the relation in the correct mode.
DIA-48214: Sequence Overflow [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The sequence number will exceed the system maximum.
Action: Reset the sequence number.
DIA-48215: Sequence Invalid Operation [string] [string]
Cause: The specified sequence operation is not valid.
Action: Specify a valid operation.
DIA-48216: Field Len Exceeds Max Field Length [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The field length specified exceeds the defined maximum for the field.
Action: Supply a smaller field length.
DIA-48217: Out of Space on Device
Cause: The storage subsystem is out of space.
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-13
Action: Add more space to the storage subsystem.
DIA-48218: Duplicate Key Name [string] [string]
Cause: The key name already exists.
Action: Specify a different key name.
DIA-48219: Key Name Doesn't Match Any Existing Key
Cause: The key name provided doesn't match an existing key.
Action: Specify a key name that exists.
DIA-48220: Too Many Keys Defined [string] [string]
Cause: A key is trying to be created that exceeds the maximum number of keys
Action: Drop another key.
DIA-48221: Key Exceeds Maximum Allowed Length [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The sum of the lengths of the fields in the key exceeds the maximum
length supported.
Action: Remove one or more fields from the key.
DIA-48222: Predicates/Order By Not Allowed
Cause: A predicate or order by can not be added after fetch has started.
Action: Put the predicate or order by call before the first fetch.
DIA-48223: Interrupt Requested - Fetch Aborted - Return Code [string] [string]
Cause: User interrupt has occurred.
Action: None
DIA-48224: DDL has occurred since parse - reparse [string] [string] [string]
Cause: Another session has performed a DDL (i.e. add field, create key, drop key)
that prevents this session from being to continue.
Action: Call open record access again.
DIA-48225: No More Space in Order By Buffer
Cause: The order by buffer size is not sufficient for the number of rows.
Action: Increase the order by buffer size specified.
DIA-48226: No Fetch in Progress
Cause: An attempt to perform update or delete has occurred without a fetch.
Action: You must first perform a fetch.
DIA-48227: Invalid Relation File - [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The AMS file is invalid or corrupt.
Action: Do a repair relation
DIA-48228: Missing Define Call [string]
Cause: A call to define was not performed before doing a fetch.
Action: Call the define service before fetch.
DIA-48229: Invalid Relation Handle Provided [string] [string]
Cause: An invalid or corrupt relation handle was used.
42-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Possible memory corruption.
DIA-48230: Expression arguments must match types
Cause: Incorrect type semantics for fields in the predicate.
Action: Correct the predicate.
DIA-48231: Predicate syntax error
Cause: A syntax error exists in the predicate string.
Action: Correct the predicate.
DIA-48232: Debug command syntax error [string]
Cause: An invalid debug command has been specified.
Action: Correct the debug command.
DIA-48233: Invalid Field Handle [string] [string] [string]
Cause: The field handle is invalid.
Action: Possible memory corruption.
DIA-48238: Invalid Surrogate Length Specified [string] [string]
Cause: An invalid length during create field was specified
Action: Specify a correct length
DIA-48239: Invalid Predicate Handle Provided [string] [string]
Cause: An invalid or corrupt relation handle was used.
Action: Possible memory corruption.
DIA-48240: Field is NOT NULL but NULL value supplied
Cause: A field [%s] declared to not allow nulls contains a null value.
Action: Specify a correct value
DIA-48242: Fields that are NOT NULL can not use surrogates
Cause: NOT NULL fields can not have surrogates specified.
Action: Either remove the constraint or the surrogate.
DIA-48243: Additional Fields must be declared nulls allowed
Cause: A field can not be added to a relation that is defined NOT NULL
Action: Do not specify NOT NULL
DIA-48244: Purge for Retention can't be called while in an Query
Cause: A query is already running - purge for retention can't be invoked
Action: Fix call sequence
DIA-48245: Attempt to Update/Delete when at EOF
Cause: The fetch operation is positioned at EOF - can not update/delete
Action: Do not call update/delete after fetch has returned EOF
DIA-48246: Illegal Operation on External Relation
Cause: An illegal call was made using an external relation
Action: Do not perform the API Call
DIA-48247: Predicate Conversion Error string
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-15
Cause: A time conversion failed
Action: Fix the input
DIA-48248: Function string type check error; ityp = string typ = string arg = string
Cause: Invalid inputs to the specified function
Action: Change the inputs
DIA-48251: Failed to open relation due to following error
Cause: See error below in the error stack
Action: See error below in the error stack
DIA-48252: Relation does not require migration
Cause: Relation on disk is compatible with the current code
Action: Don't run the migration services
DIA-48258: AMS Corrupt Page Found - Rebuild Relation
Cause: A corrupted page has been found.
Action: Do a rebuild of the relation
DIA-48259: AMS Relation not Created Correctly
Cause: Create relation failed
Action: Recreate the relation
DIA-48260: Function string not found
Cause: A reference to a function that is not valid was found
Action: Fix the function name
DIA-48262: Sequence references not allowed in predicates
Cause: References to currval or nextval not allowed
Action: Remove these references
DIA-48263: Currval not set yet - use nextval
Cause: References to currval can't occur until a nextval is done
Action: Remove the reference
DIA-48265: Incorrect number of arguments (string) provided - expected (string)
Cause: Number of arguments to function is incorrect
Action: Specify the correct number of arguments
DIA-48291: Field name string can't be unique resolved
Cause: Field name appears in more than one relation
Action: Prefix the field name with the relation name
DIA-48292: Can't use outer join syntax mixed with inner join syntax
Cause: The join condition was specified using both inner and outer join elements"
Action: Specify the join condition correctly
DIA-48293: Outer join syntax not allowed without a join
Cause: Using outer join syntax in the predicate without doing a join
Action: Fix the predicate
42-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
DIA-48300: Incident Record Already Exists
Cause: trying to create an incident that already exists
Action: retry operation with new incident ID
DIA-48301: An Invalid Incident ID was specified
Cause: the specified incident ID was invalid
Action: retry operation with correct incident ID
DIA-48302: Incident Directory does not exist
Cause: the incident directory was not found
Action: retry operation with a different incident ID
DIA-48303: Exceeded max Incident Sequence Value
Cause: the maximum supported incident sequence value was exceeded
Action: reset incident sequence and retry operation
DIA-48304: incident staging file not found
Cause: the incident staging file is missing
Action: retry with a different incident ID
DIA-48305: incident ID range is too large
Cause: the maximum incident sequence value was exceeded
Action: retry operation with a smaller range
DIA-48309: illegal incident state transition, [string] to [string]
Cause: the incident cannot be moved to the new state
Action: retry operation with a valid incident status
DIA-48310: Incident string staging file not found
Cause: the incident staging file does not exist
Action: retry operation with a valid incident ID
DIA-48311: Invalid field name [string]
Cause: the specified field name is invalid
Action: retry operation with a valid field name
DIA-48312: Sweep incident string staging file failed
Cause: the sweep action of incident staging file failed
Action: check the incident ID and retry
DIA-48313: Updates not allowed on ADR relation [string] of Version=string
Cause: Update operations not supportd on this version of ADR relation
Action: check ADR version and retry
DIA-48314: Invalid ADR Control parameter [string]
Cause: the specified control parameter is invalid
Action: check parameter and reissue command
DIA-48315: ADR unavailable
Cause: the ADR directory is not available
Action: enable ADR and retry operation
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-17
DIA-48316: relation [string] unavailable or cannot be created
Cause: the ADR relation is not available
Action: check ADR directory and retry operation
DIA-48317: ADR Relation [string] of version=string is obsolete
Cause: the version of ADR relation is too old and not supported
Action: check the ADR version and retry
DIA-48318: ADR Relation [string] of version=string cannot be supported
Cause: the version of ADR relation is too new and cannot be supported
Action: need to use a newer release to access the ADR
DIA-48319: Update operation on ADR relation [string] not allowed
Cause: updates to foreign ADR relation cannot be supported
Action: verify ADR location and reissue command
DIA-48320: Too many incidents to report
Cause: the result set of incidents is too large to handle
Action: use a predicate to reduce the number of incidents and retry
DIA-48321: ADR Relation [string] not found
Cause: the required ADR relation is missing, ADR may be corrupted
Action: check ADR directory and retry
DIA-48322: Relation [string] of ADR V[string] incompatible with V[string] tool
Cause: the tool version is incompatible with the ADR version
Action: use another version of tool and retry
DIA-48323: Specified pathname [string] must be inside current ADR home
Cause: file outside of ADR home not allowed as incident file
Action: check the file name and retry
DIA-48324: Incompatible staging file encountered
Cause: sweep incident failed because staging file is incompatible
Action: check the incident ID and version of ADR and retry
DIA-48339: view [string] does not exist
Cause: view has not been created
Action: verify view name and reissue command
DIA-48340: operation not supported on view [string]
Cause: unsupported (dml) operation on views
Action: verify relation name and reissue command
DIA-48341: Field [string] not a grouping field
Cause: the field name specified is not a grouping field
Action: verify field names and groupby clause and reissue command
DIA-48342: Field [string] cannot be mixed with string fields
Cause: the specified field is incompatible with other grouping fields *A8ction:
verify this and other field names and reissue command
42-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: None
DIA-48343: invalid field [string] reference in string clause
Cause: the specified field in the specified clause is invalid
Action: verify this field name and reissue command
DIA-48344: Invalid Name [string] specified
Cause: Either the name refers to an existing object or violates the reserved
namespace rules.
Action: Pick another name
DIA-48345: Timeout encountered during operation
Cause: The attempted operation conflicted with another operation that was
already being executed.
Action: Retry operation at a later time.
DIA-48400: ADRCI initialization failed
Cause: The ADR Base directory does not exist
Action: Either create an ADR Base directory or point to an existing one
DIA-48401: SET command requires arguments
Cause: No arguments are input for the SET command
Action: Input the arguments
DIA-48402: Variable is not defined
Cause: No substitution value is input.
Action: Input the substitution value following after the variable name.
DIA-48403: DEFINE or UNDEFINE command has no arguments
Cause: DEFINE and UNDEFINE command need users to input the substitution
variable name.
Action: Input the vairable name follow after the DEFINE or UNDEFINE
DIA-48404: RUN or @ command has no arguments
Cause: RUN and @ commands need users to input script filename
Action: Input script filename after RUN and @ commands
DIA-48405: The option in the command is invalid
Cause: The option is not allowed in the command
Action: Check the command syntax
DIA-48406: ECHO or TERMOUT status must be set to ON or OFF
Cause: the status of ECHO ann TERMOUT commands must be ON or OFF
Action: input ON or OFF
DIA-48407: DESCRIBE and QUERY commands need at least relation name
Cause: This is no relation name is input as argument
Action: Need users to input at least the relation name
DIA-48408: The incident number exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input incident number exceeds the maximum number
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-19
Action: Input less incidents
DIA-48409: The ADR homes exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input ADR homes number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less ADR home string
DIA-48410: The trace path exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input trace path exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less trace path
DIA-48411: The trace files exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input trace file path number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less trace file path
DIA-48412: The parameters exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input paramter number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less parameter number or increase the upper bound
DIA-48413: The number of orderby fields exceeds maximum number [string]
Cause: The orderby field number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less fields
DIA-48414: The string in the execution option exceeds maximum length [string]
Cause: The string length is too long
Action: Divid the commands into two sets or use adrci scripts.
DIA-48415: Syntax error found in string [string] at column [string]
Cause: Parsing error found in the user input string
Action: Validate the input string
DIA-48419: Illegal arguments
Cause: The input argument is illegal
Action: Check the input arguments and make sure it is not null
DIA-48421: Predicate string in the command must be single or double quoted
Cause: The predicate string is not single or double quoted
Action: Put single or double quotes around the predicate string
DIA-48423: IMPORT command must have a filename
Cause: File name is missing from the command
Action: Input the import file name after the IMPORT keyword
DIA-48424: SHOW TRACE command needs argument
Cause: SHOW TRACE command needs arguments
Action: Input arguments
DIA-48426: The initialization filename is too long
Cause: The initialization filename length exceeds the maximum length
Action: This is really an internal setting parameter of the ADRCI, report it as a
bug. Alternatively move the initialization file to the current working directory
42-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
DIA-48428: Input command string exceeds max length [string]
Cause: The current command string is too long and exceeds the limit
Action: Input less characters
DIA-48429: Variable name [string] is an invalid identifier
Cause: The substitution variable name is not a valid identifier
Action: Input the valid identifier defined by ADRCI
DIA-48431: Must specify at least one ADR home path
Cause: The command syntax requires at least one ADR home path to be input
Action: Check the command syntax and input the home path
DIA-48432: The ADR home path [string] is not valid
Cause: The adr home user inputs is not valid, which may due to the path does not
Action: Check if the input home path exists
DIA-48433: Unknown help topic
Cause: The input topic is unknown
Action: Check if the topic is vaild
DIA-48434: No DDE commands are input
Cause: No DDE commands are input
Action: Input a DDE command
DIA-48435: Input a trace file
Cause: Show trace expects a trace file
Action: Input a trace file
DIA-48436: File [string] does not exist
Cause: the file does not exist
Action: Validate the trace file name
DIA-48437: No IPS commands are input
Cause: No IPS commands are input
Action: Input a IPS command
DIA-48438: [string] is not a valid number
Cause: The input number is not valid
Action: Check the input number
DIA-48439: The input path name exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: The input path name is too long
Action: Report as a bug to change the limit
DIA-48440: Variable [string] is already defined
Cause: The variable name is defined previously
Action: Use another variable name
DIA-48441: The function parameter number exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The function parameter number exceeds the maximum number
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-21
Action: Report it as bug to change the maximum number
DIA-48442: The control parameter number exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The control parameter number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Report it as bug to change the maximum number
DIA-48443: Trace Record type appears in the middle of the path
Cause: The trace record cannot be in the middle of the path
Action: Validate the input
DIA-48444: The single "." and "*" cannot appear in the middle of the path
Cause: The single "." and "*" appears in the middle of the path
Action: Validate the input
DIA-48445: Path expression only supports one bucket dump type
Cause: The path expression only supports one bucket dump"
Action: Change the path expresison syntax
DIA-48446: The command needs path input
Cause: No path is input as a parameter
Action: Input the path
DIA-48447: The input path [string] does not contain any ADR homes
Cause: The input path does not contain ADR homes
Action: Validate the path
DIA-48448: This command does not support multiple ADR homes
Cause: There are multiple homes in the current adr setting.
Action: Use command SET HOMEPATH to set a single home
DIA-48449: Tail alert can only apply to single ADR home
Cause: There are multiple homes in the current setting
Action: Use command SET HOMEPATH to set a single home
DIA-48457: ADRCI core dumped
Cause: It is adrci internal error.
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48458: "show incident" failed due to the following errors
Cause: There could be a bug or users do not have the access permission
Action: Report to Oracle if the errors are not due to ADR permission settings
DIA-48459: "describe" command only supports one ADR home path
Cause: Multiple ADR home paths in the command
Action: put one ADR home path
DIA-48460: The home path [string] is not valid
Cause: The input home path is not valid home path
Action: Verify the homepath
DIA-48461: "describe" failed due to the following errors
42-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Underlying code failed
Action: If it is not due to permission issue, report to Oracle
DIA-48462: Fatal error encountered in [string]
Cause: Fatal error encountered
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48463: The value buffer reached the maximum length [string]
Cause: The value buffer is full
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48464: The predicate buffer reached the maximum length [string]
Cause: The predicate buffer is too small
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48465: The specified type [string] is undefined
Cause: The purge type specified is undefined
Action: Check the type name
DIA-48466: Internal failure, the report context is not initialized
Cause: Internal problem failure.
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48467: "string" for the keyword "string" is not a valid number
Cause: The keyword value is not a valid number
Action: Check the value
DIA-48468: "string" is not a valid keyword
Cause: The keyword is not defined for the command
Action: Check the available keywords
DIA-48469: Keyword "string" cannot be duplicated
Cause: The command can only allow one key with the name
Action: Remove one keyword name from the command
DIA-48470: Unknown "string" command
Cause: The command is not valild
Action: Use help manual to check the command syntax
DIA-48472: Invalid product name
Cause: The product name provided does not exist
Action: Specify a product name, see HELP SHOW BASE
DIA-48473: Internal failure, unknown return code [string]
Cause: Internal program failure
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48474: Syntax error specifying product, must not be NULL
Cause: The product clause is being used, but no product name is provided
Action: Supply the product name
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-23
DIA-48475: [string] is not a valid timestamp
Cause: The input timstamp string is not in valid format
Action: None
DIA-48476: Cannot write the results out to a file, please check if the environment
variable TMPDIR is set or the current directory is not writable
Cause: The current path may not be writable
Action: If the current path is writable, report to Oracle
DIA-48477: The input path does not contain any valid ADR homes
Cause: The input path does not contain any valid ADR homes
Action: Check the path if it is valid
DIA-48478: No alert messages are created
Cause: No alert messages are created
Action: No action
DIA-48479: No HM runs are created
Cause: There is no hm runs
Action: No action
DIA-48480: No incidents are created
Cause: There is no incident
Action: No action
DIA-48481: Report is not available
Cause: The requested report does not exist"
Action: Check the report ID
DIA-48482: Report is not generated
Cause: The requested report is not ready to be generated
Action: Check the report ID
DIA-48483: Spooling failed, it may be because the spool file cannot be created due
to a permission issue
Cause: The spooling filename may not be valid or the file cannot be created
Action: Check the permissions of the target directory and verify the filename
DIA-48484: Run script failed, it may be because the script file does not exist
Cause: The script file may not exist
Action: Check if the script file exist
DIA-48485: The file exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: The filename is too long
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48486: The file [string] exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: The filename is too long
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48487: The internal predicate string exceeds the maximum length [string]
42-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The predicate string exceeds the maximum length
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48488: The predicate string exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: The input predicate string exceeds the maximum length
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48489: The input exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: The input exceeds the maximum length
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48490: The field number exceeds the maximum number [string]
Cause: The input field number exceeds the maximum number
Action: Input less field names
DIA-48491: The program name is too long, exceeds the maximum length [string]
Cause: the program name length exceeds the maximum length setting
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48492: The report component name is not defined
Cause: the report component name does not exist
Action: Check the component name to ensure it is registered
DIA-48493: Sweep command needs parameters
Cause: sweep command needs parameter
Action: Check the syntax of the command
DIA-48494: ADR home is not set, the corresponding operation cannot be done
Cause: The adr home is not set in the current adrci session
Action: Set the adr home using the adrci command "set base" and "set homepath"
DIA-48495: Interrupt requested
Cause: User requested to interrupt the current action
Action: No action is needed
DIA-48496: "string" is a mandatory keyword for the command
Cause: The keyword is not specified for the command
Action: Input the keyword
DIA-48497: "string" is an invalid product type
Cause: The product type is not registered
Action: Check the product type
DIA-48499: The value of the keyword "string" exceeds the maximum length string
Cause: The keyword value is too long
Action: Check the limit and input again
DIA-48500: File Write Error [string] [string]
Cause: Number of bytes written differs from number requested. Possibly due to
out of disk space.
Action: Ensure sufficient disk space.
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-25
DIA-48501: File Read Error [string] [string]
Cause: Number of bytes read differs from number requested. Possibly due due to
corrupted file.
Action: Recreate the file.
DIA-48502: Invalid Command Line - Missing Required Elements
Cause: Missing required command line arguments.
Action: Review the help message and supply the required arguments.
DIA-48503: Invalid Parameter Specified
Cause: Invalid input parameter supplied.
Action: Review the help message and correct the invalid input parameter.
DIA-48504: Relation Parameter Must be Specified
Cause: Relation parameter must be specified during adrexp.
Action: Supply the relation parameter.
DIA-48505: File Parameter Must be Specified
Cause: File parameter must be specified during adrimp.
Action: Supply the file parameter.
DIA-48506: Existing Relation at different version than export [string] [string]
Cause: Attempting to import into an existing relation and the schema version of
that relation differs from the schema of the relation that was exported.
Action: Drop the existing relation if you still wish to import the relation.
DIA-48507: Predicate Not Allowed during Import
Cause: The predicate option is not allowed during adrimp.
Action: Remove the predicate arguement.
DIA-48508: Export File Version [string] Can Not be Used by Import [string]
Cause: The version of the export file is not able to be read by this version of
Action: Rerun the export using the current version of adrexp.
DIA-48509: Error occurred during operation. See the following errors
Cause: An underlying error has occurred.
Action: Review and correct the underlying error.
DIA-48510: Can not export an in memory relation
Cause: In memory relations can not be exported.
Action: Pick a different relation.
DIA-48600: HM run with name [string] already exists
Cause: The specified run name already existed.
Action: Specify different run name and re-run the check
DIA-48615: Parameter [string] value not specified
Cause: Run was invoked without specifying the parameter and its value
Action: Specify the needed parameter and its value
42-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
DIA-48618: Invalid HM run name specified
Cause: An invalid Health Monitor (HM) run name was specified.
Action: Specify a HM run name using only alphanumeric and underscore
DIA-48800: "string" for the keyword "string" is not in the right format of timestamp
Cause: The value format is not right
Action: Check the format ADRCI supports
DIA-48801: The option "string" is duplicated
Cause: The option has been specified more than once
Action: Check the input
DIA-48802: The options "string" and "string" are mutual exclusive
Cause: These two options cannot be specified together
Action: Only specify one of them
DIA-48803: The keyword "string" is not defined for this command
Cause: The keyword is invalid
Action: Check the valid keywords for the command
DIA-48804: The command needs at least one file input
Cause: No files are specified to view
Action: Input the files
DIA-48805: BEGIN BACKUP issued already - must do an END BACKUP first
Cause: A begin backup was already issued.
Action: Issue END BACKUP
DIA-48806: Unknown Function Reference (string)
Cause: The function reference is not a valid function
Action: Change the reference
DIA-48807: The SET subcommand requires at least one additional parameter
Cause: An argument was not specified for the SET subcommand.
Action: Specify additional arguments or precede the command with help.
DIA-48808: malformed SET CONTROL command - see "help SET CONTROL"
Cause: Improper syntax was specified for the SET CONTROL command.
Action: Specify additional arguments or precede the command with help.
DIA-48900: Illegal Input Argument [string]
Cause: The input argument is invalid
Action: Check the input parameter
DIA-48906: Parser context is not valid
Cause: The parser context is not initlialized
Action: Call the initialization routine first before using the context
DIA-48907: The end of file is reached
Cause: The end of file is raeched
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-27
Action: Handle the end of file
DIA-48908: No trace files are found
Cause: This is no file in the navigator context, either it is done with parsing, or no
file is pushed
Action: Check if the file is added to the context
DIA-48909: Scan context is not initialized
Cause: The scan context is not initialized
Action: call the initliazation routine of the scan context
DIA-48912: The specified trace filename is too long
Cause: The resulting trace filename length exceeds the maximum length
Action: Use a smaller trace filename suffix or move ADR higher in the directory
DIA-48913: Writing into trace file failed, file size limit [string] reached
Cause: An attempt was made to write into a trace file that exceeds the trace's file
size limit
Action: increase the trace's file size limit.
DIA-48914: File position is not in right format
Cause: The file positon format is not right
Action: Check if the file format string is the right one
DIA-48928: The predicate exceeds the max limit string
Cause: The predicate is too long, exceeds the max limit
Action: Use a shorter predicate
DIA-48929: The trace record size exceeded the max size that can be read [string]
Cause: A trace record is too large to be read by the ADR viewer
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48930: Cannot allocate memory for processing traces
Cause: A memory allocation request failed
Action: Report to Oracle
DIA-48934: invalid input for the file name identifier
Cause: An invalid input was given for the file name indentifier. The file name is
not allowed to have slashes ('', '/') and is not allowed to refer to the parent
directory using the '..' characters.
Action: Check the file name and provide a valid input.
DIA-48936: The number of relations exceeds maximum number [string]
Cause: Too many relations listed
Action: Reduce the number
DIA-48937: Feature (string) currently not allowed for SELECT
Cause: Feature is not allowed
Action: Remove feature
DIA-48938: View select column count differs from select alias list
42-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The view alias list has a different number of fields than the select list"
Action: Change the alias list or view select statement
DIA-48939: Select * not allowed in a CREATE VIEW
Cause: * is currently not allowed for a create view select list
Action: List the fields explicitly
DIA-49315: Invalid incident type specified [string]
Cause: The specified incident type is not defined in this ADR.
Action: Specify an available incident type.
DIA-49404: No such package [string]
Cause: The specified package does not exist.
Action: Specify an existing package.
DIA-49405: Cannot change package name [string] [string]
Cause: Attempted to change package name after package generation.
Action: Use current name, or create a new package with the desired name.
DIA-49406: Undefined configuration parameter specified [string]
Cause: The specified configuration parameter was not found in ADR.
Action: Specify an existing parameter. Re-populate parameters if necessary.
DIA-49407: No unpacking history in this home
Cause: No packages were unpacked into this home.
Action: Verify the current home. Unpack a package if necessary.
DIA-49408: Invalid home specified [string]
Cause: An invalid ADR_HOME was specified.
Action: Verify that the directory exists, and has the correct structure.
DIA-49409: Incremental package provided when complete expected
Cause: No packages were unpacked into this home.
Action: Provide a complete package, or use FORCE option.
DIA-49410: Not an IPS package
Cause: The specified file was not an IPS package.
Action: Verify that the file is a valid zip file with expected contents.
DIA-49412: Package ID does not match existing ID [string] [string]
Cause: The package ID in package file did not match previously unpacked
Action: Use the correct location for unpacking the package.
DIA-49413: Package name does not match existing name [string] [string]
Cause: The package name in package file did not match previously unpacked
Action: Use the correct location for unpacking the package.
DIA-49414: Package sequence later than expected [string] [string]
Cause: The package sequence in package file was later than expected.
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-29
Action: Apply packages in correct order, or use FORCE option.
DIA-49415: Package sequence earlier than expected [string] [string]
Cause: The package sequence in package file was earlier than expected.
Action: Apply packages in correct order, or use FORCE option.
DIA-49416: Earlier package sequence applied with FORCE option [string] [string]
Cause: An earlier package sequence was applied using the FORCE option.
Action: Apply a complete sequence which is later than any already applied, or
use FORCE option to apply an incremental package.
DIA-49417: Cannot modify already generated package
Cause: Attempted to change package attributes after package generation.
Action: Create a new package with the desired name.
DIA-49418: Invalid package name specified
Cause: An invalid Incident Packaging Service (IPS) package name was specified.
Action: Specify a package name using only alphanumeric and underscore
DIA-49420: Package too large [string] [string]
Cause: The package is too large.
Action: Remove some files or incidents from the package, or try using incremental
DIA-49421: Maximum number of package files generated [string]
Cause: The command generated the maximum number of package files.
Action: Remove some files or incidents from the package, or use incremental
mode to generate additional files.
DIA-49423: File outside ADR not allowed
Cause: The specified file is not within the ADR directory structure.
Action: Specify a file inside ADR.
DIA-49424: Directory outside ADR not allowed
Cause: The specified directory is not within the ADR directory structure.
Action: Specify a directory inside ADR.
DIA-49425: File inside ADR not allowed
Cause: The specified file is within the ADR directory structure.
Action: Specify a file outside ADR.
DIA-49426: Directory inside ADR not allowed
Cause: The specified directory is within the ADR directory structure.
Action: Specify a directory outside ADR.
DIA-49427: No such file or file not accessible [string]
Cause: The specified file does not exist or cannot be accessed.
Action: Create the file or verify file permissions.
DIA-49428: No such directory or directory not accessible [string]
Cause: The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.
42-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Create the directory or verify directory permissions.
DIA-49429: File already exists and OVERWRITE option not specified [string]
Cause: The client attempted to create a file that already exists.
Action: Either remove the file or use the OVERWRITE option.
DIA-49430: No such problem [string]
Cause: The specified problem does not exist.
Action: Specify a problem that exists in this repository.
DIA-49431: No such incident [string]
Cause: The specified incident does not exist.
Action: Specify an incident that exists in this repository.
DIA-49432: Problem not part of package [string]
Cause: The specified problem is not included in the package.
Action: Specify a problem that is included in the package.
DIA-49433: Incident not part of package [string]
Cause: The specified incident is not included in the package.
Action: Specify an incident that is included in the package.
DIA-49434: Invalid date format
Cause: An invalid format was used to specify a date
Action: Specify the date in a supported format.
DIA-49435: Flood-controlled incident not allowed here [string]
Cause: A flood-controlled incident cannot be included in a package
Action: Specify an incident that is not flood-controlled
DIA-49436: Date conversion error [string]
Cause: An invalid format was used to specify a date
Action: Specify the date in a supported format.
DIA-49440: Warnings while unpacking package, details in file string
Cause: There were some non-fatal errors when unpacking a package
Action: Review the specified unpacking log file
DIA-49441: Warnings while finalizing package, details in file string
Cause: There were some non-fatal errors when finalizing a package
Action: Review the specified finalize log file
DIA-49450: Non-zero return code from archiving utility [string] [string]
Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) returned a warning or error.
Action: Verify that the file and directory exist and are readable, and that the file is
a valid zip file.
DIA-49451: Archive file structure error [string] [string]
Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) returned an error indicating that the
archive file structure is incorrect.
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-31
Action: Verify that the file was transferred correctly and that the file is a valid zip
DIA-49452: Archiving utility out of memory [string] [string]
Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) returned an error indicating that it was
unable to allocate enough memory.
Action: Check for operating system limitations on process memory usage.
DIA-49453: Invalid command invoking archiving utility [string] [string]
Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) was invoked with an invalid command
line, or with invalid options.
Action: Verify that there are no operating system settings affecting the behavior of
the archiving utility..
DIA-49454: Archive is missing or empty [string] [string]
Cause: The specified archive does not exist, or is empty.
Action: Check if the specified archive exists.
DIA-49455: Archive I/O failed [string] [string]
Cause: An attempt to create, write to or read from an archive failed.
Action: Verify that operating system I/O operations are working correctly.
DIA-49456: Operation failed due to insufficient disk space [string] [string]
Cause: An operation on an archive failed due to insufficient disk space.
Action: Verify that there is sufficient disk space. Check for operating system
quotas or other restrictions.
DIA-49601: syntax error: found "string": expecting one of: "string" etc..
Cause: Syntax error discovered when processing event speciifcation
Action: Enter correct event specification
DIA-49701: Parameter 'string' is NULL.
Cause: NULL was passed to a function that requires a non-NULL parameter.
Action: Pass a valid non-NULL parameter.
DIA-49702: unable to allocate 'string' bytes of external procedure call memory
Cause: An attempt to allocate memory in a C external procedure failed due to
insufficient memory.
Action: Try the operation again.
DIA-49703: invalid ADR service name
Cause: A NULL or undefined Automatic Diagnostic Respository (ADR) service
name was specified.
Action: Specify a valid ADR service name.
DIA-49704: invalid incident ID
Cause: A NULL or nonpositive incident ID was specified.
Action: Specify a valid ADR incident ID.
DIA-51001: check [string] not found in HM catalog
Cause: checker name might have been misspelled
Action: retry running check with proper checker name
42-32 Oracle Database Error Messages
DIA-51003: run parameters not formatted correctly
Cause: Run parameters were given in a wrong format
Action: Correct the run params text and try again
DIA-51004: Check doesn't take any input params
Cause: run params were passed to the check, which doesn't take any inputs
Action: don't pass any run params and try again
DIA-51006: unexpected delimter ';' in the run params text
Cause: run params were not properly formatted.
Action: correct the run params format and try again
DIA-51007: parameter [string] not registered with this check
Cause: Wrong inputs were given to this check.
Action: correct the run params and try the check again
DIA-51008: parameter [string] value is not a proper number
Cause: the given parameter value is a not a proper number
Action: correct the run params and try again
DIA-51025: check name should be non NULL value
Cause: NULL value was passed for check name
Action: give a proper check name and retry again
DIA-51035: invalid timeout value
Cause: User specified an invalid timeout value
Action: None
DIA-51036: check [string] can only be executed in database instance
Cause: An attempt was made to run database-specific check in ASM environment
Action: Don't run the check in ASM environment
DIA-51037: check [string] can only be executed in ASM instance
Cause: An attempt was made to run ASM-specific check in a database
Action: Don't run the check in database environment
DIA-51102: cannot change priority of a critical failure string
Cause: An attempt was made to change priority of a failure with CRITICAL
Action: No action is required.
DIA-51103: cannot change priority of a closed failure string
Cause: An attempt was made to change priority of a closed failure.
Action: No action is required.
DIA-51105: cannot change priority of a failure to CRITICAL
Cause: An attempt was made to change priority of a failure to CRITICAL.
Action: No action is required.
DIA-51106: check failed to complete due to an error. See error below
DIA-48001 to DIA-51705 42-33
Cause: While executing the check, an unexpected error occured.
Action: Check the errors below and try rerunning the check.
DIA-51107: failures are changing too rapidly - retry command
Cause: Failures were added or closed during a Data Recovery Advisor command.
Action: Retry the command.
DIA-51108: unable to access diagnostic repository - retry command
Cause: A lock or timeout error occurred when trying to read failure or repair data
from the Automatic Diagnostic Repository.
Action: Retry the command.
DIA-51109: repair script file is too large
Cause: Data Recovery Advisor generated a repair script file that was too large.
Action: Retry the command with fewer failures selected.
DIA-51110: buffer size [string] is too small - [string] is needed
Cause: An internal buffer was too small.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
DIA-51111: failure revalidation timed out
Cause: Data Recovery Manager was unable to revalidate all failures before timing
Action: Increase timeout and retry the command.
DIA-51190: Internal error [string], [string] from DBMS_IR
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing a routine in the DBMS_IR
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
DIA-51191: Too many files opened
Cause: Data Recovery Advisor attempted to open too many files using the
DBMS_IR package.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
DIA-51192: File not open
Cause: Data Recovery Advisor attempted to read or write from a file that was not
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
DIA-51193: invalid parameter value
Cause: An invalid parameter value was supplied in a call to the DBMS_IR
Action: Fix the parameter value and retry the call.
DIA-51303: illegal check mask value specified
Cause: An illegal check mask value was specified.
Action: Specify one of the following legal values: COLUMN_CHECKS, ROW_
DIA-51316: No check meta-data found on specified table string
Cause: No check meta-data was found for the object
42-34 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Table may not exist or no checks currently defined for the table
DIA-51700: Invalid file URL
Cause: A URL with invalid syntax was provided, either directly to the function or
through an XML IMPORT or INCLUDE.
Action: Check the URL.
DIA-51701: Invalid file URL or path prefix
Cause: Either a URL or path prefix with invalid syntax was provided.
Action: Check the URL.
DIA-51702: Could not find file at URL provided
Cause: The file requested could not be found in the given location.
Action: Check the URL provided.
DIA-51703: Missing tag from HTML
Cause: An HTML document was passed to the function missing its tag.
Action: Check the HTML source.
DIA-51704: Error string received from XPath engine
Cause: An error was received from the XPath library during an XPath operation.
Action: Check xmlerr.h to understand the cause of the error and correct the
relevant client code.
DIA-51705: XML string error: string "string"
Cause: An error was received from an underlying XDK API and is being
Action: Check xmlerr.h to understand the cause of the error and correct the
relevant client code.
LCD-00100 to LCD-00219 43-1
LCD-00100 to LCD-00219 3 4
LCD-00100: internal error, argument [number]
Cause: An internal error has occurred
Action: Report it to your System Administrator immediately
LCD-00111: value not in legal range [string]
Cause: The value of the parameter is outside bounds
Action: Refer to the manual for the bounds on the parameter
LCD-00112: illegal integer radix specification [string]
Cause: Self Explanatory
Action: valid characters are 'd', 'h', 'D' and 'H'
LCD-00113: integer conversion error or negative integer [string]
Cause: A bad or negative integer was assigned to an integer parameter
Action: Self explanatory
LCD-00114: illegal boolean response [string]
Cause: You a value than TRUE or FALSE to a boolean parameter
Action: Boolean parameters only take TRUE or FALSE
LCD-00122: unrecognized keyword [string]
Cause: You have misspelled the parameter name
Action: Spell the parameter name correctly
LCD-00128: invalid positional parameter value [string]
Cause: An invalid positional parameter value has been entered
Action: Remove the invalid positional parameter
LCD-00161: ORACLE error (possible syntax error) parameter [string]
Cause: Possible syntax error. Additional messages follow.
Action: Correct the parameter in error.
LCD-00201: could not open specified filename [string]
Cause: The file specified does not exist
Action: Create an appropriate parameter file
LCD-00203: missing keyword [string]
Cause: A keyword is expected but none was found
43-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Add a keyword followed by an '=' sign and a parameter value
LCD-00204: left parenth and no parameter specified [string]
Cause: A parameter list was started but no parameter was specified
Action: Add an appropriate list of values and close the parameter list
LCD-00205: unbalanced parentheses [string]
Cause: Self explanatory
Action: Balance the parentheses
LCD-00206: positional parameter entered after keyword [string]
Cause: An '=' sign is missing
Action: All keywords must be followed by '=' signs
LCD-00207: nested parentheses encountered [string]
Cause: Only one set of parentheses is permitted
Action: Remove the nested parentheses
LCD-00208: unexpected keyword in value list [string]
Cause: A keyword was found instead of a value
Action: Insert an appropriate value for the given parameter
LCD-00209: missing value for keyword at end of string [string]
Cause: A keyword is specified with no value
Action: Specify a valid value for the keyword
LCD-00210: illegal assignment operator [string]
Cause: You used a sign other than '=' to assign a keyword a value
Action: Use only the '=' sign
LCD-00211: unexpected delimiter [string]
Cause: An invalid delimiter was found between values
Action: A comma or a space is a valid delimiter
LCD-00212: runaway quoted string [string]
Cause: The parameter value was quoted on the left side but not on the right
Action: Quote the parameter value on both sides
LCD-00215: parameter files nested too deep [string]
Cause: Too many levels of indirection of file parameters. Maximum is 3.
Action: Reduce the level of indirection to less than 3
LCD-00217: failure while processing file parameter [string]
Cause: An error occurred while processing the specified file parameter
Action: Specific details will appear in other messges
LCD-00218: error in file [string]
Cause: An error occurred in the particular file.
Action: Refer to the other messages for the specific error.
LCD-00219: nested include file [string] is too large
LCD-00100 to LCD-00219 43-3
Cause: There is a limit on the size of a parameter file, and it was exceeded. This
limit is now 8192 bytes.
Action: Remove characters from the file to make it smaller, or use another level of
43-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-1
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 4 4
OCI-00601: cleanup lock conflict
Cause: PMON process runs into lock conflict trying to recover processes.
Action: This is trapped internally, no action necessary.
OCI-00602: internal programming exception
Cause: Internal programming exception.
Action: Report as a bug. Caution: The following error code is not relocatable.
OCI-00972: identifier is too long
Cause: An identifier with more than 30 characters was specified.
Action: Specify at most 30 characters.
OCI-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
Cause: Illegal year entered
Action: Input year in the specified range
OCI-01854: julian date must be between 1 and 5373484
Cause: An invalid Julian date was entered.
Action: Enter a valid Julian date between 1 and 5373484.
OCI-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was incorrect.
The input data did not contain a number where a number was required by the
format model.
Action: Fix the input data or the date format model to make sure the elements
match in number and type. Then retry the operation.
OCI-01859: a non-alphabetic character was found where an alphabetic was expected
Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was incorrect.
The input data did not contain a letter where a letter was required by the format
Action: Fix the input data or the date format model to make sure the elements
match in number and type. Then retry the operation.
OCI-01861: literal does not match format string
Cause: Literals in the input must be the same length as literals in the format string
(with the exception of leading whitespace). If the "FX" modifier has been toggled
on, the literal must match exactly, with no extra whitespace.
Action: Correct the format string to match the literal.
44-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
OCI-01862: wrong number of digits for this format item
Cause: The number of digits used for this format item is not equal to the number
necessary for this format when specifying Format eXact ("FX") for this item.
Action: Fill out this format item with leading zeros to the number necessary for
this format. (This is generally the number of characters in the format code--DD
needs 2 digits, for example. The exceptions are HH24 & HH12, which both need 2,
and J, which needs 9.)
OCI-01864: the date is out of range for the current calendar
Cause: Your calendar doesn't extend to the specified date.
Action: Specify a date which is legal for this calendar.
OCI-01865: not a valid era
Cause: Era input does not match a known era.
Action: Provide a valid era on input.
OCI-01867: the interval was invalid
Cause: The character string you specified is not a valid interval.
Action: Please specify a valid interval.
OCI-01868: the leading precision of the interval was too small
Cause: The leading precision of the interval is too small to store the specified
Action: Increase the leading precision of the interval or specify an interval with a
smaller leading precision.
OCI-01870: the intervals or datetimes were not mutually comparable
Cause: The intervals or datetimes are not mutually comparable.
Action: Specify a pair of intervals or datetimes that are mutually comparable.
OCI-01871: the number of seconds must be less than 60
Cause: The number of seconds specified was greater than 59.
Action: Specify a value for seconds that is 59 or smaller.
OCI-01873: the leading precision of the interval was too small
Cause: The leading precision of the interval is too small to store the specified
Action: Increase the leading precision of the interval or specify an interval with a
smaller leading precision.
OCI-01874: time zone hour must be between -12 and 14
Cause: The time zone hour specified was not in the valid range.
Action: Specify a time zone hour between -12 and 14.
OCI-01875: time zone minute must be between -59 and 59
Cause: The time zone minute specified was not in the valid range.
Action: Specify a time zone minute between -59 and 59.
OCI-01876: year must be at least -4713
Cause: The specified year was not in range.
Action: Specify a year that is greater than or equal to -4713.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-3
OCI-01878: specified field not found in datetime or interval
Cause: The specified field was not found in the datetime or interval.
Action: Make sure that the specified field is in the datetime or interval.
OCI-01879: the hh25 field must be between 0 and 24
Cause: The specified hh25 field was not in the valid range.
Action: Specify an hh25 field between 0 and 24.
OCI-01880: the fractional seconds must be between 0 and 999999999
Cause: The specified fractional seconds were not in the valid range.
Action: Specify a value for fractional seconds between 0 and 999999999.
OCI-01881: time zone region ID is invalid
Cause: The region ID referenced an invalid region.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
OCI-01882: time zone region not found
Cause: The specified region name was not found.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
OCI-01883: overlap was disabled during a region transition
Cause: The region was changing state and the overlap flag was disabled.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
OCI-01884: divisor is equal to zero
Cause: An attempt was made to divide by zero.
Action: Avoid zero divisor.
OCI-01890: NLS error detected
Cause: An NLS error was detected.
Action: Look for additional error messages and take appropriate action. If there
are no additional errors, call Oracle Support Services.
OCI-01898: too many precision specifiers
Cause: While trying to truncate or round dates, extra data was found in the date
format picture
Action: Check the syntax of the date format picture and retry.
OCI-02083: database name has illegal character 'string'
Cause: Supplied database name can contain only A-Z, 0-9, '_', '#', '$' '.' and '@'
Action: None
OCI-02084: database name is missing a component
Cause: Supplied database name cannot contain a leading '.', trailing '.' or '@', or
two '.' or '@' in a row.
Action: None
OCI-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object
Cause: While trying to lock a library object, a deadlock is detected.
44-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Retry the operation later.
OCI-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object
Cause: While waiting to lock a library object, a timeout is occurred.
Action: Retry the operation later.
OCI-04022: nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object
Cause: Had to wait to lock a library object during a nowait request.
Action: Retry the operation later.
OCI-04028: cannot generate diana for object stringstringstringstringstring
Cause: Cannot generate diana for an object because of lock conflict.
Action: Please report this error to your support representative.
OCI-04029: error ORA-string occurred when querying stringstringstring
Cause: The table or view being queried might be missing. The error number
indicates the error.
Action: Fix the error.
OCI-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes
Cause: Operating system process private memory has been exhausted
Action: None
OCI-04031: unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory
Cause: More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared pool.
Action: Either use the dbms_shared_pool package to pin large packages, reduce
your use of shared memory, or increase the amount of available shared memory by
increasing the value of the init.ora parameter "shared_pool_size".
OCI-04054: database link string does not exist
Cause: During compilation of a PL/SQL block, an attempt was made to use a
non-existent database link.
Action: Either use a different database link or create the database link.
OCI-04060: insufficient privileges to execute string
Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure without sufficient privileges.
Action: Get necessary privileges.
OCI-04061: existing state of string has been invalidated
Cause: Attempt to resume the execution of a stored procedure using the existing
state which has become invalid or inconsistent with the stored procedure because
the procedure has been altered or dropped.
Action: Try again; this error should have caused the existing state of all packages
to be re-initialized.
OCI-04062: timestamp of string has been changed
Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure to serve an RPC stub which
specifies a timestamp that is different from the current timestamp of the
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-5
Action: Recompile the caller in order to pick up the new timestamp.
OCI-04063: string has errors
Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure or use a view that has errors. For
stored procedures, the problem could be syntax errors or references to other,
non-existent procedures. For views, the problem could be a reference in the view's
defining query to a non-existent table.
Action: Fix the errors and/or create referenced objects as necessary.
OCI-04064: not executed, invalidated string
Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure that has been invalidated.
Action: Recompile it.
OCI-04065: not executed, altered or dropped string
Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure that has been altered or dropped
thus making it not callable from the calling procedure.
Action: Recompile its dependents.
OCI-04066: non-executable object, string
Cause: Attempt to execute a non-procedure.
Action: Make sure that a correct name is given.
OCI-04067: not executed, string does not exist
Cause: Attempt to execute a non-existent stored procedure.
Action: Make sure that a correct name is given.
OCI-04068: existing state of packagesstringstringstring has been discarded
Cause: One of errors 4060 - 4067 when attempt to execute a stored procedure.
Action: Try again after proper re-initialization of any application's state.
OCI-19200: Invalid column specification
Cause: All input arguments must be valid columns
Action: Specify a valid list of columns
OCI-19201: Datatype not supported
Cause: The particular datatype is not supported in the XMLGEN operator
Action: Specify only supported datatypes as arguments to the XMLGEN operator
OCI-19202: Error occurred in XML processingstring
Cause: An error occurred when processing the XML function
Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem
OCI-19203: Error occurred in DBMS_XMLGEN processingstring
Cause: An error occurred when processing the DBMS_XMLGEN functions
Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem
OCI-19204: Non-scalar value 'string' is marked as XML attribute
Cause: Only scalar values (i.e. values which are not of object or collection type)
can be marked as XML attribute,i.e. is prefixed by '@'. In this case, a non-scalar
value was prefixed with '@'
Action: Remove the '@' sign, or make the value a scalar.
44-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
OCI-19205: Attribute 'string' qualifies a non-scalar value in the select list
Cause: The attribute immediately follows a value of object or collection type in
the select list or type definition.
Action: Remove the '@' sign, or make the previous value a scalar.
OCI-19206: Invalid value for query or REF CURSOR parameter
Cause: The queryString argument passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.newContext was
not a valid query, or REF CURSOR.
Action: Rewrite the query so that the queryString argument is a valid query or
OCI-19207: scalar parameter string of XMLELEMENT cannot have an alias.
Cause: The scalar parameter to XMLELEMENT has been qualified with an alias.
Action: Remove the AS clause of the scalar element.
OCI-19208: parameter string of function string must be aliased
Cause: The indicated parameter of the XML generation function has not been
aliased, although it is an expression.
Action: Specify an alias for the expression using the AS clause.
OCI-19209: invalid or unsupported formatting argument
Cause: An invalid or unsupported formatting argument was supplied
Action: Change the formatting argument to legal supported values
OCI-19210: column 'string', specified to be a key or update column for DBMS_
XMLSTORE, does not not exist in table 'string'
Cause: The column specified using setKeyColumn()/setUpdateColumn() did not
exist in the table.
Action: Change the column specified to be a column in the table
OCI-19211: column 'string', specified as key using DBMS_
XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() , must be of scalar type
Cause: The column specified using setKeyColumn() was a non-scalar type
Action: Change the column specified to be a scalar column in the table
OCI-19212: no key columns specified before call to DBMS_
Cause: No columns were specified as key columns before the call to DBMS_
Action: Use DBMS_XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() to specify key columns
OCI-21300: objects option not installed
Cause: The objects option is not installed at this site. Object types and other object
features are, therefore, unavailable.
Action: Install the objects option. The objects option is not part of the Oracle
Server product and must be purchased separately. Contact an Oracle sales
representative if the objects option needs to be purchased.
OCI-21301: not initialized in object mode
Cause: This function requires the oci process to be initialized in object mode.
Action: Specify OCI_OBJECT mode when calling OCIInitialize().
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-7
OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string],
[string], [string], [string], [string]
Cause: This is the generic error number for the OCI environment (client-side)
internal errors. This indicates that the OCI environment has encountered an
exceptional condition.
Action: Report as a bug - the first argument is the internal error number.
OCI-21501: program could not allocate memory
Cause: The operating system has run out of memory.
Action: Take action to make more memory available to the program.
OCI-21503: program terminated by fatal error
Cause: A program is in an unrecoverable error state.
Action: Report as a bug.
OCI-21520: database server driver not installed
Cause: User attempted to access a database server through an object-mode OCI
environment but the necessary driver for supporting such access to the database
server is not installed or linked in.
Action: Check if the driver corresponding to the database server has been
installed/linked in and entered in the server driver table.
OCI-21521: exceeded maximum number of connections in OCI (object mode only)
Cause: User exceeded the maximum number of connections (255) that can be
supported by an OCI environment in object mode.
Action: Close some of existing and unused connections before opening more
OCI-21522: attempted to use an invalid connection in OCI (object mode only)
Cause: User attempted to use an invalid connection or a connection that has been
terminated in an OCI environment (object mode), or user attempted to dereference
a REF obtained from a connection which has been terminated.
Action: Ensure that the connection exists and is still valid.
OCI-21523: functionality not supported by the server (object mode only)
Cause: User attempted to use a functionality that the server does not support.
Action: Upgrade the server
OCI-21524: object type mismatch
Cause: The object type of the object is different from what is specified.
Action: Check the type of the object and correct it.
OCI-21525: attribute number (or collection element at index) string violated its
Cause: Attribute value or collection element value violated its constraint.
Action: Change the value of the attribute or collection element such that it meets
its constraints. The constraints are specified as part of the attribute or collection
element's schema information.
OCI-21526: initialization failed
Cause: The initialization sequence failed. This can happen, for example, if an
environment variable such as NLS_DATE_FORMAT is set to an invalid value.
44-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Check that all NLS environment variables are well-formed.
OCI-21527: internal OMS driver error
Cause: A process has encountered an exceptional condition. This is the generic
internal error number for Oracle object management services exceptions.
Action: Report this as a bug to Oracle Support Services.
OCI-21560: argument string is null, invalid, or out of range
Cause: The argument is expecting a non-null, valid value but the argument value
passed in is null, invalid, or out of range. Examples include when the LOB/FILE
positional or size argument has a value outside the range 1 through (4GB - 1), or
when an invalid open mode is used to open a file, etc.
Action: Check your program and correct the caller of the routine to not pass a
null, invalid or out-of-range argument value.
OCI-21562: column string has unsupported data type string
Cause: A data type was specified which is currently unsupported.
Action: Choose another data type which is supported.
OCI-21563: Error string while calling string for column string with datatype string
Cause: OCI Error encountered while performing data type conversion.
Action: Check the OCI Error code
OCI-21570: current string LCR has unreceived chunk data
Cause: The client did not receive all the chunk data for the current LCR.
Action: If OCIXStreamOutLCRCallbackReceive is used in your program then
modify your callback functions to return OCI_CONTINUE while OCI_XSTREAM_
MORE_ROW_DATA flag is set; otherwise, modify your program to call
OCIXStreamOutChunkReceive until all the chunks are received (that is, the flag
returned by OCIXStreamOutChunkReceive API does not have OCI_XSTREAM_
MORE_ROW_DATA bit set).
OCI-21571: must provide a LOB WRITE, LOB TRIM or LOB ERASE LCR in string
call (input LCR=string)
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke the specified function without providing
a piece-wise LOB LCR (for example, LOB WRITE, LOB TRIM or LOB ERASE
Action: Correct the 'row_lcrp' argument in the call.
OCI-21572: Invalid LCR type (string) in string call
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke the specified function with an incorrect
logical change record (LCR) type.
Action: Provide an LCR of the correct type.
OCI-21573: Invalid command type (string) when sending a chunk.
Cause: An attempt was made to send a chunk when the command type for the
current LCR was not INSERT, UPDATE, or LOB WRITE.
Action: Check your program and provide an LCR with a valid command type to
OCIXStreamInChunkSend call or to OCICallbackXStreamInChunkCreate callback.
OCI-21574: Invalid data type (string) specified for LOB chunk.
Cause: Invalid data type specified for LOB chunk in OCIXStreamInChunkSend
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-9
Action: Check your program and provide either SQLT_CHR or SQLT_BIN for
'coldty' argument to OCIXStreamInChunkSend call.
OCI-21577: Input string LCR has no LOB column.
Cause: An attempt was made to invoke OCILCRLobInfoGet call with an LCR that
had no LOB column.
Action: Replace the input LCR to OCILCRLobInfoGet call.
OCI-21578: Only one LOB column allowed per string LCR.
Cause: An attempt was made to set multiple LOB columns on a piece-wise LOB
Action: Check your program and make sure OCIXStreamInChunkSend is called
for only one column per piece-wise LOB LCR.
OCI-21579: Input LCR must have at least one old or new column.
Cause: An attempt was made to call OCIXStreamInChunkSend with an LCR that
had empty column lists.
Action: Use OCILCRRowColumnInfoSet to add one or more columns to the input
LCR before calling OCIXStreamInChunkSend.
OCI-21580: The LOB operation length (value=string) for column (string) must be an
even number of bytes.
Cause: An attempt was made to call OCIXStreamInChunkSend with an odd
number of bytes for a column flagged as AL16UTF16 or NCLOB.
Action: Correct either the LOB column length or 'column_flag' argument to
OCIXStreamInChunkSend call.
OCI-21583: invalid XStream server name 'string'
Cause: An attempt was made to attach to an XStream server with a nonexistent
server name.
Action: Correct the server name in the attach call.
OCI-21600: path expression too long
Cause: The path expression that is supplied by the user is too long. The path
expression is used to specify the position of an attribute in an object. This error
occurs when one of the intermediate elements in the path expression refers to an
attribute of a built-in type. Thus, the OCI function cannot proceed on to process
the rest of the elements in the path expression.
Action: User should pass in the correct path expression to locate the attribute.
OCI-21601: attribute is not an object
Cause: The user attempts to perform an operation (that is valid only for an object)
to an attribute of a built-in type. An example of such an illegal operation is to
dynamically set a null structure to an attribute of a built-in type.
Action: User should avoid performing such operation to an attribute of built-in
OCI-21602: operation does not support the specified typecode
Cause: The user attempts to perform an operation that does not support the
specified typecode.
Action: User should use the range of valid typecodes that are supported by this
44-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
OCI-21603: property id [string] is invalid
Cause: The specified property id is invalid.
Action: User should specify a valid property id. Valid property ids are
enumerated by OCIObjectPropId.
OCI-21604: property [string] is not a property of transient or value instances
Cause: Trying to get a property which applies only to persistent objects.
Action: User should check the lifetime and only get this property for persistent
OCI-21605: property [string] is not a property of value instances
Cause: Trying to get a property which applies only to persistent and transient
Action: User should check the lifetime and only get this property for persistent
and transient objects.
OCI-21606: can not free this object
Cause: Trying to free an object that is persistent and dirty and the OCI_
OBJECTFREE_FORCE flag is not specified.
Action: Either flush the persistent object or set the flag to OCI_OBJECTFREE_
OCI-21607: memory cartridge service handle not initialized
Cause: Attempt to use the handle without initializing it.
Action: Initialize the memory cartridge service handle.
OCI-21608: duration is invalid for this function
Cause: Attempt to use a duration not valid for this function.
Action: Use a valid duration - a previously created user duration or OCI_
external procedure duration, use OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory.
OCI-21609: memory being resized without being allocated first
Cause: Attempt to resize memory without allocating it first.
Action: Allocate the memory first before resizing it.
OCI-21610: size [string] is invalid
Cause: Attempt to resize memory with invalid size.
Action: Pass in a valid size (must be a positive integer).
OCI-21611: key length [string] is invalid
Cause: Attempt to use an invalid key length.
Action: Key length is invalid and valid range is 0 to 64
OCI-21612: key is already being used
Cause: Attempt to use a key that is already used.
Action: Use a new key that is not yet being used.
OCI-21613: key does not exist
Cause: Attempt to use a non-existent key
Action: Use a key that already exists.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-11
OCI-21700: object does not exist or is marked for delete
Cause: User attempted to perform an inappropriate operation to an object that is
non-existent or marked for delete. Operations such as pinning, deleting and
updating cannot be applied to an object that is non-existent or marked for delete.
Action: User needs to re-initialize the reference to reference an existent object or
the user needs to unmark the object.
OCI-21701: attempt to flush objects to different servers
Cause: User attempted to flush objects to different servers in one function call.
These objects are obtained by calling a callback functions provided by the
Action: User should avoid performing such operation.
OCI-21702: object is not instantiated or has been de-instantiated in cache
Cause: User attempted to perform an inappropriate operation to a transient object
that is not instantiated in the object cache. Operations that cannot be applied to a
not-instantiated transient object include deleting or pinning such an object.
Action: User should check their code to see if they are performing such an
operation without instantiating the object first, or performing such an operation
after the allocation duration of the object has expired.
OCI-21703: cannot flush an object that is not modified
Cause: See the error message.
Action: The object should not be flushed.
OCI-21704: cannot terminate cache or connection without flushing first
Cause: See the error message.
Action: The transaction should be aborted or committed before terminating the
cache or connection.
OCI-21705: service context is invalid
Cause: The service context that is supplied by the user is not valid.
Action: User needs to establish the service context.
OCI-21706: duration does not exist or is invalid
Cause: The duration number that is supplied by the user is not valid.
Action: User needs to establish the duration or use a correct predefined duration.
OCI-21707: pin duration is longer than allocation duration
Cause: The pin duration supplied by the user is longer than the allocation
duration. This affects operations such as pinning and setting default parameters.
Action: User should use a shorter pin duration or use the null duration.
OCI-21708: inappropriate operation on a transient object
Cause: User attempted to perform an inappropriate operation on a transient
object. Operations that cannot be applied to a transient object include flushing and
Action: User should avoid performing such operation on a transient object.
OCI-21709: cannot refresh an object that has been modified
Cause: User attempted to refresh an object that has been marked for delete,
update or insert (new).
44-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: User should unmark the object before refreshing it.
OCI-21710: argument is expecting a valid memory address of an object
Cause: The object memory address that is supplied by the user is invalid. The user
may have passed in a bad memory address to a function that is expecting a valid
memory address of an object.
Action: User should pass in a valid memory address of an object to the function.
OCI-21779: duration not active
Cause: User is trying to use a duration that has been terminated.
Action: User should avoid performing such operation.
OCI-22053: overflow error
Cause: This operation's result is above the range of Oracle number.
Action: Decrease the input value(s) so that the result is in the range of Oracle
OCI-22054: underflow error
Cause: This operation's result is below the range of Oracle number.
Action: Increase the input value(s) so that the result is in the range of Oracle
OCI-22055: unknown sign flag value [string]
Cause: Signed flag used is not OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED or OCI_NUMBER_
sign flag.
OCI-22056: value [string] is divided by zero
Cause: Given value is divied by zero.
Action: Modify divisor value to be non-zero.
OCI-22057: bad integer length [string]
Cause: The length of the integer (ie number of bytes) to be converted to or from
an Oracle number is invalid.
Action: Use integer length 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes only.
OCI-22059: buffer size [string] is too small - [string] is needed
Cause: The buffer to hold the resulting text string is too small.
Action: Provide a buffer of the required size.
OCI-22060: argument [string] is an invalid or uninitialized number
Cause: An invalid or uninitialized number is passed in.
Action: Use a valid number. To initialize number call OCINumberSetZero().
OCI-22061: invalid format text [string]
Cause: The numeric format string for converting characters to or from an Oracle
number is invalid.
Action: Use valid format string as documented in OCI Programmer's Guide.
OCI-22062: invalid input string [string]
Cause: The text string for converting to numbers is invalid.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-13
Action: Use a valid input string as documented in OCI Programmer's Guide.
OCI-22063: reading negative value [string] as unsigned
Cause: Attempt to convert a negative number to an unsigned integer.
Action: Use the sign flag ORLTSB to convert a signed number.
OCI-22064: invalid NLS parameter string [string]
Cause: The NLS parameter string for converting characters to or from an Oracle
number is invalid.
Action: Use valid format string as documented in OCI Programmer's Guide.
OCI-22065: number to text translation for the given format causes overflow
Cause: Rounding done due to the given string format causes overflow.
Action: Change the format such that overflow does not occur.
OCI-22130: buffer size [string] is less than the required size [string]
Cause: The size of the buffer into which the hexadecimal REF string is to be
written is too small.
Action: Provide a buffer of the required size.
OCI-22131: hexadecimal string length is zero
Cause: The given hexadecimal string length must be greater than zero.
Action: Specify a length greater than zero.
OCI-22132: hexadecimal string does not correspond to a valid REF
Cause: The given hexadecimal string is invalid.
Action: Provide a valid hexadecimal string which was previously returned by a
call to OCIRefToHex().
OCI-22140: given size [string] must be in the range of 0 to [string]
Cause: The given resize size is invalid.
Action: Ensure that the given size is in the required range.
OCI-22141: given size [string] must be even in UTF-16 environment
Cause: The given resize size is odd. In a UTF-16 environment, all characters are 2
bytes in length.
Action: Ensure that the given size is even.
OCI-22150: variable-length array has not been initialized
Cause: An un-initialized variable-length array is being operated upon.
Action: Initialize the variable-length array prior to calling this function.
OCI-22151: cannot resize non-zero variable-length array to zero elements
Cause: Trying to resize a non-zero variable-length array to 0 elements.
Action: Specify a non-zero size.
OCI-22152: destination variable-length array is not initialized
Cause: The variable-length array on the right-hand-side of an assignment or the
destination array of an append is not initialized.
Action: Initialize the destination variable-length array prior to calling this
44-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
OCI-22153: source variable-length array is not initialized
Cause: The variable-length array on the left-hand-side of an assignment or the
source array of an append is not initialized.
Action: Initialize the destination variable-length array prior to calling this
OCI-22160: element at index [string] does not exist
Cause: Collection element at the given index does not exist.
Action: Specify the index of an element which exists.
OCI-22161: type code [string] is not valid
Cause: Given type code is not valid.
Action: Use one of the typecodes enumerated in OCITypeCode.
OCI-22162: element at index [string] has been previously deleted
Cause: Trying to delete a non-existent collection element.
Action: Check for the existence of the element prior to calling this function.
OCI-22163: left hand and right hand side collections are not of same type
Cause: Left hand and right side collections are not of same type.
Action: Ensure that the same collection type is passed for both left hand and right
hand side of this function.
OCI-22164: delete element operation is not allowed for variable-length array
Cause: Trying to delete an element of a variable-length array.
Action: Ensure that the collection is not a variable-length array prior to calling
this function.
OCI-22165: given index [string] must be in the range of [string] to [string]
Cause: Given index is not in the required range.
Action: Ensure that the given index is in the required range.
OCI-22166: collection is empty
Cause: Given collection is empty.
Action: Test if collection is empty prior to invoking this function.
OCI-22167: given trim size [string] must be less than or equal to [string]
Cause: Given trim size is greater than the current collection size.
Action: Ensure that the given size is less than or equal to the collection size prior
to calling this function.
OCI-22275: invalid LOB locator specified
Cause: There are several causes: (1) the LOB locator was never initialized; (2) the
locator is for a BFILE and the routine expects a BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB locator; (3)
the locator is for a BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB and the routine expects a BFILE locator;
(4) trying to update the LOB in a trigger body -- LOBs in trigger bodies are read
Action: For (1), initialize the LOB locator by selecting into the locator variable or
by setting the LOB locator to empty. For (2) and (3), pass the correct type of locator
into the routine. For (4), remove the trigger body code that updates the LOB value.
OCI-22276: invalid locator for LOB buffering
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-15
Cause: There are several causes: (1) the locator was never enabled for buffering (2)
it is not an updated locator but is being used for a write/flush operation
Action: For (1) enable the locator for buffering; (2) ensure that only an updated
locator is used for a LOB update operation
OCI-22277: cannot use two different locators to modify the same LOB
Cause: LOB buffering is enabled and an attempt was made to modify the LOB
using two different LOB locators.
Action: When using LOB buffering, modify the LOB through one LOB locator
OCI-22278: must update the LOB only through the LOB buffers
Cause: LOB buffering is enabled for this LOB and there are buffers for this LOB in
the buffer pool. Thus, updating the LOB through means other than the LOB
buffers is not allowed.
Action: Update the LOB through the LOB buffers using the locator that has LOB
buffering enabled. If this operation is required, buffers associated with this LOB
should either be flushed as necessary or buffering should be disabled. Once this is
done, reissue the command.
OCI-22279: cannot perform operation with LOB buffering enabled
Cause: The operation attempted is not allowed when LOB buffering is enabled.
Action: If the operation is required, LOB buffering should not be used. In this
case, flush buffers associated with the input LOB locator as necessary, disable
buffering on the input LOB locator and reissue the command.
OCI-22280: no more buffers available for operation
Cause: There are two causes: (1) All buffers in the buffer pool have been used up
by previous operations (2) Attempt to flush a LOB without any previous buffered
update operations.
Action: For (1), flush the LOB(s) through the locator that is being used to update
the LOB. For (2), write to the LOB through a locator enabled for buffering before
attempting to flush buffers.
OCI-22281: cannot perform operation with an updated locator
Cause: The input locator has buffering enabled and was used to update the LOB
value through the LOB buffering subsystem. The modified buffer has not been
flushed since the write that was performed by the the input locator; thus, the input
locator is considered an updated locator. Updated locators cannot be the source of
a copy operation. Only one locator per LOB may be used to modify the LOB value
through the LOB buffering subsystem.
Action: Depending on whether the modifications made through the input locator
to the LOB buffering subsystem should be written to the server, either flush the
buffer to write the modifications, or, disable buffering on the locator to discard the
modifications. Then, reissue the command.
OCI-22282: non-contiguous append to a buffering enabled LOB not allowed
Cause: The buffered write operation has an input offset value more than one byte
or character past the end of the LOB.
Action: Specify an input offset value which is exactly one character or byte greater
than the length of the LOB that you are attempting to update through a buffered
write operation.
44-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
OCI-22285: non-existent directory or file for string operation
Cause: Attempted to access a directory that does not exist, or attempted to access
a file in a directory that does not exist.
Action: Ensure that a system object corresponding to the specified directory exists
in the database dictionary, or make sure the name is correct.
OCI-22286: insufficient privileges on directory or file to perform string operation
Cause: The user does not have the necessary access privileges on the directory
alias and/or the file for the operation.
Action: Ask the database/system administrator to grant the required privileges
on the directory alias and/or the file.
OCI-22287: invalid or modified directory occurred during string operation
Cause: The directory alias used for the current operation is not valid if being
accessed for the first time, or has been modified by the DBA since the last access.
Action: If you are accessing this directory for the first time, provide a valid
directory name. If you have been already successful in opening a file under this
directory before this error occured, then close the file and retry the operation with
a valid directory alias as modified by your DBA. Oracle recommends that
directories should be modified only during quiescent periods.
OCI-22288: file operation string failed string
Cause: The operation attempted on the file failed.
Action: See the next error message for more detailed information. Also, verify that
the file exists and that the necessary privileges are set for the specified operation. If
the error still persists, report the error to the DBA.
OCI-22289: cannot perform string operation on an unopened file
Cause: The file is not open for the required operation to be performed.
Action: Check that the current operation is preceded by a successful file open
OCI-22290: operation would exceed the maximum number of opened files
Cause: The number of open files has reached the maximum limit.
Action: Close some of the opened files and retry the operation.
OCI-22303: type "string"."string" not found
Cause: The user is trying to obtain information for a type that cannot be found.
Action: Check that the schema is correct and that the type has been created
OCI-22305: attribute/method/parameter "string" not found
Cause: Type element with the given name is not found in the type.
Action: Check to make sure that the type element exists.
OCI-22306: type "string"."string" already exists
Cause: The user is trying to create a type that already exists.
Action: Check to make sure that the type has not been created prior to this.
OCI-22307: type to alter is not a user-defined type
Cause: The user is trying to alter a built-in type.
Action: Check to make sure that only user-defined types are being altered.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-17
OCI-22309: attribute with name "string" already exists
Cause: The user is attempting to create an object type where more than one
attributes have the same name.
Action: Check to make sure that all attribute names are unique.
OCI-22311: type for attribute "string" does not exist
Cause: The type of the attribute does not exist.
Action: No types were created/modified for this DDL transaction. Redo the DDL
transaction and add the creation of the attribute's type in the DDL transaction.
OCI-22313: cannot use two versions of the same type "string"
Cause: The version of this type conflicts with the version of this type used by
another library that was linked in with the application. An application may only
use one version of a type.
Action: Check that the libraries being linked with this application and use the
same versions of the type.
OCI-22314: method information mismatch in ALTER TYPE
Cause: The number of methods or the method signature do not match that of the
original type declaration. This is not supported.
Action: Make sure the method signature stay identical for the previously declared
method. Do not drop existing methods.
OCI-22315: type "string" does not contain a map or order function
Cause: The input type does not contain a map or order function so one cannot be
Action: Add a map or order function to the type or catch this error.
OCI-22316: input type is not a collection type
Cause: The user is trying to obtain information for collection types on a
non-named collection type.
Action: Use a named collection type for the function.
OCI-22317: typecode number is not legal as a number type
Cause: The user is trying to use a number typecode that is not valid.
OCI-22318: input type is not an array type
Cause: The user is trying to obtain the number of elements for a non-array type.
Action: Pass in only a named collection type which is an array.
OCI-22319: type attribute information altered in ALTER TYPE
Cause: The type attribute information does not match that of the original type
declaration when altering type. Attributes cannot be altered during ALTER TYPE.
Only new methods can be added.
Action: Check that all type alterations are legal.
OCI-22321: method does not return any result
Cause: OCITypeResult() was called on a method that does not return any results.
44-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Check that you are passing in the correct method descriptor, or that your
method creation was done correctly.
OCI-22337: the type of accessed object has been evolved
Cause: The type of the accessed object has been altered and the client's object is
based on an earlier type definition.
Action: The user needs to exit application and modify application to
accommodate the type change. From SQL/PLUS, reconnect and resubmit
OCI-22351: This API is not supported by the ORACLE server.
Cause: An attempt was made to call an API which is not supported by the Oracle
Action: Do not call the unsupported API when connected to this Oracle server.
OCI-22352: Type is unsupported or contains an unsupported attribute or element.
Cause: A PL/SQL package type was not supported on the client or contained an
attribute or element that was not supported on the client. Unsupported types
include index by VARCHAR2 collections, remote types and MLSLABELs.
Action: Do not attempt to use unsupported PL/SQL package types or types that
contain unsupported attributes or elements on the client.
OCI-22369: invalid parameter encountered in method string
Cause: An invalid parameter is being passed to this method of SYS.RowType or
Action: Check the parameters being passed to this method and make sure that the
parameters are allowed.
OCI-22370: incorrect usage of method string
Cause: This method of SYS.RowType or SYS.RowSet is being used
Action: Check the documentation for correct usage.
OCI-22600: encountered 8.0.2 (Beta) VARRAY data that cannot be processed
Cause: Production Oracle8 (8.0.3 and beyond) encounters some VARRAY data
which was created and stored by Oracle8 8.0.2 (Beta 2). Production Oracle8 cannot
understand or process such VARRAY data.
Action: Delete the VARRAY data from the table by dropping the table, deleting
the rows, or nulling out the VARRAY columns, and then re-insert the VARRAY
data. There is no provided script or tool to help automate this conversion.
OCI-22601: pickler TDS context [string] is not initialized
Cause: Attempt to use the pickler TDS context without initializing it.
Action: Use OCIPicklerTdsCtxInit to initialize the context.
OCI-22602: pickler TDS handle [string] is not well-formed
Cause: Attempt to use the pickler TDS handle without initializing/ constructing
Action: Use OCIPicklerTdsInit to initialize the handle before it is constructed. Use
OCIPicklerTdsGenerate to generate the TDS before its attributes can be accessed.
OCI-22603: cannot add an attribute to the already generated TDS handle
Cause: Attempt to add an attribute to the already constructed TDS.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-19
Action: Use a TDS handle that is initialized but not yet constructed.
OCI-22604: TDS handle already generated
Cause: Attempt to geneate TDS that is already genearated.
Action: Use a TDS handle that is initialized but not yet generated.
OCI-22605: FDO handle [string] is not initialized
Cause: Attempt to use an uninitialized FDO handle.
Action: Use OCIPicklerFdoInit to initialize FDO handle".
OCI-22606: pickler image handle [string] is not well-formed
Cause: Attempt to use the image handle without initializing/ constructing it.
Action: Use OCIPicklerImageInit to initialize the handle before it is constructed.
Use OCIPicklerImageGenerate to generate the image before its attributes can be
OCI-22607: image handle already generated
Cause: Attempt to geneate image that is already genearated.
Action: Use a image handle that is initialized but not yet generated.
OCI-22608: cannot add an attribute to the already generated image handle
Cause: Attempt to add an attribute to the already constructed image.
Action: Use an image handle that is initialized but not yet constructed.
OCI-22609: error string during initialization of FDO
Cause: Error during FDO initialization.
Action: Take an action based on the specified error.
OCI-22626: Type Mismatch while constructing or accessing OCIAnyData
Cause: Type supplied is not matching the type of the AnyData. If piece wise
construction or access is being attempted, the type supplied is not matching the
type of the current attribute.
Action: Make sure the type supplied matches the type of object to to be
constucted or accessed.
OCI-22975: cannot create a PRIMARY KEY-based REF to this object view
Cause: The object view specified in the MAKE_REF function does not have a
PRIMARY KEY-based object identifier. A PRIMARY KEY-based REF cannot be
created for such a view.
Action: Specify an object view that has a PRIMARY KEY-based object identifier in
the MAKE_REF function.
OCI-22976: incorrect number of arguments to MAKE_REF
Cause: Number of arguments for MAKE_REF is different from the number of
PRIMARY KEY attributes of the object view.
Action: Specify all the necessary arguments for MAKE_REF.
OCI-29783: GPnP attribute SET failed with error [string]
Cause: An attempt to set the Grid Plug and Play (GPnP) attribute failed. See the
brackets for the reason.
Action: Resolve the problem in the included message and retry the request.
44-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
OCI-29785: GPnP attribute GET failed with error [string]
Cause: An attempt to get the Grid Plug and Play (GPnP) attribute failed. See the
brackets for the reason.
Action: Resolve the problem in the included message and retry the request.
OCI-29786: SIHA attribute GET failed with error [string]
Cause: An attempt to get the Single-Instance High Availability (SIHA) attribute
failed. See the brackets for the reason.
Action: Resolve the problem in the included message and retry the request.
OCI-29787: SIHA attribute SET failed with error [string]
Cause: An attempt to set the Single-Instance High Availability (SIHA) attribute
failed. See the brackets for the reason.
Action: Resolve the problem in the included message and retry the request.
OCI-30100: internal error [number]
Cause: An internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support and report the error.
OCI-30101: unknown parameter name 'string'
Cause: You have misspelled the parameter name.
Action: Spell the parameter name correctly.
OCI-30102: 'string' is not in the legal range for 'string'
Cause: The value of the parameter is not within the legal range.
Action: Refer to the manual for the allowable values for this parameter.
OCI-30103: 'string' contains an illegal integer radix for 'string'
Cause: An illegal integer radix specification was found.
Action: Only 'd', 'h', 'D', and 'H' may be used as radix specifications.
OCI-30104: 'string' is not a legal integer for 'string'
Cause: The value is not a valid integer.
Action: Specify only valid integers for this parameter.
OCI-30105: 'string' is not a legal boolean for 'string'
Cause: The value is not a valid boolean.
Action: Refer to the manual for allowable boolean values.
OCI-30107: parameter name abbreviation 'string' is not unique
Cause: The abbreviation given was not unique.
Action: Use a longer abbreviation to make the parameter name unique.
OCI-30108: invalid positional parameter value 'string'
Cause: An invalid positional parameter value has been entered.
Action: Remove the invalid positional parameter.
OCI-30109: could not open parameter file 'string'
Cause: The parameter file does not exist.
Action: Create an appropriate parameter file.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-21
OCI-30110: syntax error at 'string'
Cause: A syntax error was detected.
Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used.
OCI-30111: no closing quote for value 'string'
Cause: A quoted string was begun but not finished.
Action: Put a closing quote in the proper location.
OCI-30112: multiple values not allowed for parameter 'string'
Cause: You attempted to specify multiple values for a parameter which can take
only one value.
Action: Do not specify more than one value for this parameter.
OCI-30113: error when processing file 'string'
Cause: A problem occurred when processing this file.
Action: Examine the additional error messages and correct the problem.
OCI-30114: error when processing from command line
Cause: A problem occurred when processing the command line.
Action: Examine the additional error messages and correct the problem.
OCI-30115: error when processing an environment variable
Cause: A problem occurred when processing an environment variable.
Action: Examine the additional error messages and correct the problem.
OCI-30116: syntax error at 'string' following 'string'
Cause: A syntax error was detected.
Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used.
OCI-30117: syntax error at 'string' at the start of input
Cause: A syntax error was detected.
Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used.
OCI-30118: syntax error at 'string' at the end of input
Cause: A syntax error was detected.
Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used.
OCI-30119: unable to obtain a valid value for 'string'
Cause: No valid value was obtained for this parameter.
Action: Rerun the application and enter a valid value.
OCI-30120: 'string' is not a legal oracle number for 'string'
Cause: The value is not a valid oracle number.
Action: Refer to the manual for allowable oracle number values.
OCI-30121: 'string' is not an allowable value for 'string'
Cause: The value is not a legal value for this parameter.
Action: Refer to the manual for allowable values.
OCI-30122: value 'string' for 'string' must be between 'number' and 'number'
Cause: The value of the parameter is not within the legal range.
44-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Specify a value that is within the legal range.
OCI-30129: invalid function argument received
Cause: A function received an invalid argument
Action: Check function calls, make sure correct arguments are being passed.
OCI-30130: invalid parameter key type received
Cause: A function received an invalid parameter key type
Action: Check parameter key types in function calls
OCI-30131: number of keys being set exceeds allocation
Cause: Number of parameter keys being set exceeds allocation
Action: Reduce the number of keys being set or increase allocation
OCI-30132: invalid key index supplied
Cause: The key index specified was not within bounds
Action: Change key index to ensure it lies within bounds
OCI-30135: OCI Thread operation fails
Cause: An OCI Thread function call has failed.
Action: Check the function call to make sure that the correct parameters are being
passed and take the apropriate action.
OCI-30150: Invalid argument passed to OCIFile function
Cause: An invalid argument is passed to the OCIFile function. The most common
cause is that a NULL pointer is passed where a non-NULL pointer is expected.
Action: Make sure that the values passed as arguments are valid. Esp check for
NULL pointers.
OCI-30151: File already exists
Cause: Tried to open a file with OCI_FILE_EXCL flag and the file already exists.
Action: OCIFile is supposed throw this exception in this case.
OCI-30152: File does not exist
Cause: The OCIFile function requires the file to exist, but it does not.
Action: Make sure that the file exists.
OCI-30153: An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function
Cause: An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function.
Action: Make sure that the file object is a valid one. Create a new file object by
calling OCIFileOpen if needed.
OCI-30154: The memory address given as buffer for OCIFileRead/Write is invalid
Cause: An invalid memory address is given as the buffer pointer for
Action: Make sure that the required memory is allocated and pass a valid
memory address as buffer pointer.
OCI-30155: An I/O Error occured during an OCIFile function call
Cause: An I/O error occurred at the system level.
Action: This is a system error and the action will depnd on the error.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-23
OCI-30156: Out of disk space
Cause: The disks associated with the underlying file system are full.
Action: Create more disk space.
OCI-30157: An invalid argument was given to operating system call
Cause: The OS call was called with an invalid argument.
Action: Check the values passed. If unsuccessful to solve the problem contact
ORACLE support.
OCI-30158: The OCIFileWrite causes the file to exceed the maximum allowed size
Cause: There is no space to write to the file. Its size is at the maximum limit.
Action: Up to the user.
OCI-30159: OCIFileOpen: Cannot create the file or cannot open in the requested
Cause: The create flag was specified in OCIFileOpen such that the file was to be
created. But unable to do so. Or the file already exists and the permissions on it
doesn't allow the file to be opened in in the requested open mode
Action: Check whether the user has permissions to create the specified file or if
the file exists whether the permissions on it allow the requested open mode.
OCI-30160: Unable to access the file
Cause: The function was unable to access the existing the file.
Action: Check if the user has the required permissions on the file.
OCI-30161: A system error occurred during the OCIFile function call
Cause: A system error occured while executing the OCIFile function.
Action: Depend on the error.
OCI-30162: The OCIFile context is not initialzed
Cause: The function OCIFileInit need to be called before calling any other OCIFile
function to initialize the OCIFile context.
Action: Call the function OCIFileInit need to be called before calling any other
OCIFile function.
OCI-30163: The thread safety initialization failed
Cause: The call to SlgInit failed in OCIFileInit.
Action: Contact support
OCI-30175: invalid type given for an argument
Cause: There is an argument with an invalid type in the argument list.
Action: Use the correct type wrapper for the argument.
OCI-30176: invalid format code used in the format string
Cause: There is an invalid format code in the format string.
Action: Replace the invalid format code with a valid one.
OCI-30177: invalid flag used in a format specification
Cause: There is an invalid flag in a format specification.
Action: Replace the invalid flag with a valid one.
OCI-30178: duplicate flag used in a format specification
44-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: There is a duplicate flag in a format specification.
Action: Remove the duplicate flag.
OCI-30179: invalid argument index used in a format code
Cause: Zero or negative argument index or index not following (."
Action: Replace the invalid argument index with a valid one.
OCI-30180: argument index is too large
Cause: An argument index exceeds actual number of arguments supplied.
Action: Fix format string or pass additional arguments.
OCI-30181: integer in argument index is not immediately followed by )
Cause: Missing closing parenthesis in argument index.
Action: Fix the format specification.
OCI-30182: invalid precision specifier
Cause: Period in format specification not followed by valid format.
Action: Replace the invalid precision specifier with a valid one.
OCI-30183: invalid field width specifier
Cause: Invalid field width supplied.
Action: Replace the invalid field width with a valid one.
OCI-30184: argument type not compatible with a format code
Cause: Bad argument type given for a format code.
Action: Make format and arguments be compatible.
OCI-30185: output too large to fit in the buffer
Cause: The buffer is not large enough to hold the entire output string.
Action: Fix the buffer size and length passed in.
OCI-30191: missing argument list
Cause: No argument list supplied.
Action: Modify the argument list to have at least OCIFormatEnd in it.
OCI-30930: XML node 'string' (type=string) does not support this operation
Cause: The given node's type is not supported for this operation. For example,
trying to add children to an attribute node, or passing in a document node as a
child, are unsupported operations.
Action: Use a valid node type for the operation.
OCI-30931: Element 'string' cannot contain mixed text
Cause: XML elements must be declared mixed to contain multiple text nodes
Action: Declare this element type as mixed in its schema
OCI-30932: Reference node 'string' not contained in specified parent node 'string'
Cause: When using a reference node, it must have the specified parent node
Action: Use a node in the specified parent as the reference
OCI-30933: Element 'string' may not appear at this point within parent 'string'
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-25
Cause: The ordering specified by the content model of the parent does not allow
for this element to occur at this position.
Action: Reorder the child elements to conform with the content model of the
parent element
OCI-30934: 'string' (string node) cannot be inserted in parent 'string' (string node)
Cause: The schema does not allow a child node of this type to be inserted into a
parent node of this type. For example, only element nodes may only be inserted
into a document
Action: Insert only child nodes that make sense for this node type
OCI-30935: XML maxoccurs value (string) exceeded
Cause: An attempt was made to insert more than maxoccurs values into a
schema-based XML document.
Action: Do not insert more than maxoccurs values into the document.
OCI-30936: Maximum number (string) of 'string' XML node elements exceeded
Cause: An attempt was made to insert more than the allowed number of elements
(specified by the maxoccurs facet) into an XML document.
Action: Do not attempt to add more than the maximum number of elements to
XML documents.
OCI-30937: No schema definition for 'string' (namespace 'string') in parent 'string'
Cause: The schema definition for the parent node being processed does not allow
for the specified child node in its content model. Note that any typecasting via
xsi:type must occur before the schema definitions for the new type can be used.
Action: Only insert elements and attributes declared in the schema. Check to
make sure that xsi:type (if used) is specified first.
OCI-30938: No prefix defined for namespace 'string' (particle string)
Cause: An XML namespace mapping (xmlns:=) must
be defined for each particle (element or attribute) stored in an schema-constrained
XMLType document.
Action: Add an xmlns attribute definition (attribute name="xmlns:prefix" and
value="namespace URL") to the current XMLType document. The safest place to
add this attribute is in the root node of the document to ensure that the mapping
will be in scope.
OCI-30939: Order violation: Element 'string' may not follow element 'string'
Cause: The XML schema specifies a content model that is sequential, where the
order of nodes in the instance must follow the order specified by the schema, and
this instance relies on the schema validity to avoid maintaining instance order
Action: Insert elements only in the order specified in the schema
OCI-30940: Cannot resolve prefix 'string' for QName node 'string'
Cause: An attempt was made to store a QName value without having a valid
namespace in scope for that prefix.
Action: Declare the namespace for the prefix used
OCI-30941: Cannot specify empty URI for non-default namespace 'string'
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a namespace declaration for a non-default
namespace using an empty URI string.
44-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Specify a non-empty URI for namespace declarations other than the
default namespace.
OCI-30942: XML Schema Evolution error for schema 'string' table string column
Cause: The given XMLType table/column which conforms to the given schema
had errors during evolution. For more information, see the more specific error
below this one
Action: Based on the schema, table and column information in this error and the
more specific error below, take corrective action
OCI-30943: XML Schema 'string' is dependent on XML schema 'string'
Cause: Not all dependent schemas were specified and/or the schemas were not
specified in dependency order, i.e., if schema S1 is dependent on schema S, S must
appear before S1.
Action: Include the previously unspecified schema in the list of schemas and/or
correct the order in which the schemas are specified. Then retry the operation.
OCI-30944: Error during rollback for XML schema 'string' table string column
Cause: The given XMLType table/column which conforms to the given schema
had errors during a rollback of XML schema evolution. For more information, see
the more specific error below this one
Action: Based on the schema, table and column information in this error and the
more specific error below, take corrective action
OCI-30945: Could not create mapping table 'string'
Cause: A mapping table could not be created during XML schema evolution. For
more information, see the more specific error below this one
Action: Ensure that a table with the given name does not exist and retry the
OCI-30946: XML Schema Evolution warning: temporary tables not cleaned up
Cause: An error occurred after the schema was evolved while cleaning up
temporary tables. The schema evolution was successful
Action: If the user needs to remove the temporary tables, use the mapping table to
get the temporary table names and drop them.
OCI-30951: Element or attribute at Xpath string exceeds maximum length
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a node of length exceeding the maximum
length (specified by the maxLength facet) into an XML document.
Action: Do not attempt to add a node exceeding the maximum length to XML
OCI-30990: insufficient privileges to change owner of resource string
Cause: An attempt was made to change the field of an XML DB
resource without sufficient privileges to do so.
Action: Switch to SYS before performing the ownership change, or have the
intended recipient of the resource perform the transfer.
OCI-30991: cannot use DOM to add special attribute to schema-based parent
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-27
Cause: An attempt was made to add or remove an xsi:schemaLocation,
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, xsi:type, or xsi:nil attribute to or from a
schema-based XML node using DOM.
Action: Use the updateXML operator instead of DOM.
OCI-31000: Resource 'string' is not an XDB schema document
Cause: The given schema URL does not refer to a registered XDB schema
Action: Make sure the specified schema has been registered in XDB
OCI-31001: Invalid resource handle or path name "string"
Cause: An invalid resource handle or path name was passed to the XDB
hierarchical resolver.
Action: Pass a valid resouce handle or path name to the hierarchical resolver.
OCI-31002: Path name string is not a container
Cause: XDB expected the given path name to represent a container.
Action: Pass a path name or resource handle that represents a container.
OCI-31003: Parent string already contains child entry string
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a duplicate child into the XDB hierarchical
Action: Insert a unique name into the container.
OCI-31004: Length string of the BLOB in XDB$H_INDEX is below the minimum
Cause: In the XDB$H_INDEX table, the CHILDREN column, a BLOB, must have
a certain minimum length without being chained. The calculated length of the
LOB was less than the stated minimum.
Action: Set the value of the init.ora parameter db_block_size to at least 2K. For
XDB to run at its fastest, set db_block_size to 8K.
OCI-31005: Path name length string exceeds maximum length string
Cause: The length of a path name passed to the XDB hierarchical resolver
exceeded the maximum length.
Action: Choose a shorter path name.
OCI-31006: Path name segment length string exceeds maximum length string
Cause: The length of a path name segment passed to the XDB hierarchical
resolver exceeded the maximum length of a path name segment.
Action: Choose a shorter path name segment.
OCI-31007: Attempted to delete non-empty container string/string
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a non-empty container in the XDB
hierarchical resolver.
Action: Either perform a recursive deletion, or first delete the contents of the
OCI-31009: Access denied for property string
Cause: An attempt was made to access a property you don't have access to
Action: Check the ACL to see what privileges you have for this property
OCI-31010: XML element index string exceeds maximum insertion index string
44-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An attempt was made to insert an XML element at an invalid index
location in the node.
Action: Choose a new index that falls within the allowed range.
OCI-31011: XML parsing failed
Cause: XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document.
Action: Check if the document to be parsed is valid.
OCI-31012: Given XPATH expression not supported
Cause: XPATH expression passed to the function is currently unsupported.
Action: Check the xpath expression and change it to use a supported expression.
OCI-31013: Invalid XPATH expression
Cause: XPATH expression passed to the function is invalid.
Action: Check the xpath expression for possible syntax errors.
OCI-31014: Attempted to delete the root container
Cause: An attempt was made to delete the root container in the hierarchical index.
Action: Do not delete the root container.
OCI-31015: Attempted to insert entry without name
Cause: An attempt was made to insert an entry into the hierarchical resolver
without a child name.
Action: Supply a child name and try inserting again.
OCI-31016: Attempted to delete entry without name
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an entry from the hierarchical resolver
without a child name.
Action: Supply a child name and try deleting again.
OCI-31017: Error generating unique OID for XML document
Cause: An error occurred while generating a globally unique OID for storing an
XML document.
Action: None
OCI-31018: Error deleting XML document
Cause: The XMLType object pointed to by the given REF could not be deleted
because either the REF was invalid or it pointed to a non-existent table.
Action: Either use FORCE deletion or supply a valid REF.
OCI-31019: Recursive deletion snapshot too old for string/string
Cause: Changes were made to the structure of a directory while it was being
recursively deleted.
Action: Try deleting the directory again.
OCI-31020: The operation is not allowed, Reason: string
Cause: The operation attempted is not allowed
Action: See reason and change to a valid operation.
OCI-31021: Element definition not found
Cause: The element definition was not found.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-29
Action: Supply the definition for the element or use a defined element.
OCI-31022: Element not found
Cause: The element was not found.
Action: Make sure the specified element exists.
OCI-31023: Index size error
Cause: The index is greater than the allowed value.
Action: Make sure the index is less than allowed value.
OCI-31025: Invalid document element
Cause: An attempt was made to replace the data at an invalid index number in
the XML document
Action: Supply a correct occurrence number and try again.
OCI-31027: Path name or handle string does not point to a resource
Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve a resource based on a path name or
resource handle that points to an entity other than a resource.
Action: Do not attempt to retrieve a resource based on that path name or resource
OCI-31028: Resource metadata length string exceeded maximum length string
Cause: An attempt was made to insert resource metadata that exceeded the
maximum length of that type of metadata.
Action: Keep resource metadata within its allowed length.
OCI-31029: Cannot bind to unsaved resource
Cause: An attempt was made to bind to a resource that had not been saved to
Action: Bind only to saved resources.
OCI-31030: Unable to retrieve XML document
Cause: The resource had an invalid (dangling) REF to an XML document.
Action: Rebind the resource using a valid XMLType REF.
OCI-31033: Requested number of XML children string exceeds maximum string
Cause: An attempt was made to add more than the maximum number of
allowable children in an XML element.
Action: Redefine the schema to allow breaking up of the children among siblings.
OCI-31035: Could not bind locked resource to path string/string
Cause: An attempt was made to bind an existing resource to a new location in the
hierarchy, but a lock could not be obtained on the resource.
Action: Commit or roll back the transaction that has the lock on the resource.
OCI-31037: Invalid XML attribute name string
Cause: The attribute name in the XML document did not match anything in the
associated schema.
Action: Supply only schema-defined or XML standard attributes.
OCI-31038: Invalid string value: "string"
44-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The text in the XML document did not represent a valid value given the
datatype and other constraints in the schema.
Action: Ensure that the specified value in XML documents is valid with respect to
the datatype and other constraints in the schema.
OCI-31039: XML namespace length string exceeds maximum string
Cause: The length of the disk-formatted XML namespace exceeded the maximum.
Action: Keep XML namespace declarations below the maximum length.
OCI-31040: Property string: XML type (string) not compatible with internal memory
type (string)
Cause: The XML datatype given is inconsistent with the database datatype, and a
conversion cannot be made.
Action: This is an internal error, generally resulting from corruption of the
compiled XML schema. Re-register schemas, or contact Oracle support.
OCI-31041: Property string: Memory type (string) not compatible with database
type (string)
Cause: The memory type associated with this property is mapped to an
incompatible database type, and a conversion cannot be made.
Action: This is an internal error, generally resulting from corruption of the
compiled XML schema. Re-register schemas, or contact Oracle support.
OCI-31042: Too many properties in type 'string'
Cause: The type can only have the same number of properties (elements and
attributes) as a table can have columns.
Action: Modify the XML schema to move properties into subelements that are not
OCI-31043: Element 'string' not globally defined in schema 'string'
Cause: The specified element name has not been defined at the top level of the
XML schema (i.e. globally). Elements must be defined globally to be the root of an
XMLType object.
Action: Check the XML schema definition to make sure the specified element
name has been defined at the top level.
OCI-31044: Top-level prefix length string exceeds maximum string
Cause: An attempt was made to save to disk a top-level XML namespace prefix
whose length exceeded the maximum.
Action: Do not define XML namespace prefixes that exceed the maximum length.
OCI-31045: Cannot store more than string extras outside the root XML node
Cause: An attempt was made to store more than the maximum number of XML
extras (e.g. comments and processing instructions) either before or after the
document's root node.
Action: Keep the number of extras outside the root node below the maximum.
OCI-31046: Incorrect argument(s) specified in the operator
Cause: One or more of the arguments specified in the operator in the query are
Action: Correct the arguments specified in the operator
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-31
OCI-31047: Could not retrieve resource data at path string
Cause: An error occurred while retrieving the contents and/or metadata of a
Action: Contact Oracle customer support.
OCI-31048: Unsaved resources cannot be updated
Cause: An attempt was made to update a resource that was never saved to disk.
Action: Perform a resource insertion instead.
OCI-31050: Access denied
Cause: The requested access privileges have not been granted to the current user.
User must be granted privileges prior to resource access.
Action: Check the set of requested access privileges to make sure that they are
included in the set of access privilges granted to the user.
OCI-31051: Requested access privileges not supported
Cause: The requested access privileges are not supported for the specified
Action: Ensure that the set of requested access privileges are valid access
privileges for the specified resource.
OCI-31052: Cannot delete ACL with other references
Cause: The requested deletion of an ACL resource cannot proceed. The ACL is in
use by other resources.
Action: Remove the resources that are making reference to the ACL in question
and try again.
OCI-31053: The value of the depth argument in the operator cannot be negative
Cause: The value of the depth argument passed to the primary operator is not a
positive integer
Action: Pass a positive value of the depth argument
OCI-31054: The string operator cannot have an ancillary operator
Cause: An ancillary operator was used with an operator which does not does not
support ancillary operators
Action: Remove the ancillary operator in the query
OCI-31055: A null XMLType element cannot be inserted into RESOURCE_VIEW
Cause: The element which is being inserted into the RESOURCE_VIEW is NULL
Action: Specify a non-null XMLType element to insert into RESOURCE_VIEW
OCI-31056: The document being inserted does not conform to string
Cause: The XMLType element being inserted into the RESOURCE_VIEW does not
conform to the specified Schema
Action: Insert an element which conforms to the specified Schema
OCI-31057: Display Name of the element being inserted is null
Cause: The Display Name of the element which is being inserted into the
Action: Specify the Display Name and insert the element into RESOURCE_VIEW
OCI-31058: cannot modify read-only XOBs
44-32 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Read-Only XOBs cannot be modified.
Action: Use only read operations on such a XOB.
OCI-31059: Cannot insert root XML document node if it already exists
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a root node into an XML document that
already had a root node.
Action: Call the appropriate replace function to replace the node instead of
inserting it anew.
OCI-31060: Resource at path string could not be deleted
Cause: An error occurred while deleting the named resource. The specific error
can be found one lower on the error stack.
Action: Look at the next error on the stack and take approprate action.
OCI-31061: XML event error
Cause: The specified error occurred in XDB.
Action: Correct the error or contact Oracle Support Services.
OCI-31062: Cannot delete an unsaved resource
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a resource that had not been saved to disk.
Action: Delete only saved resources.
OCI-31065: Cannot modify read-only property [string]
Cause: An attempt was made to modify an immutable XML node.
Action: Use only read operations on such properties.
OCI-31066: Insertion of string into string creates a cycle
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a link into the XDB hierarchy that would
create a cycle in the tree.
Action: Ensure that links to existing resources do not cause cycles.
OCI-31067: XML nodes must be updated with nodes of the same type
Cause: An attempt was made to use updateXML to update an XML node with a
node of another type.
Action: Ensure that the node specified by the XPath matches the type of new data
OCI-31068: updateXML expected data format [string] instead of [string]
Cause: An attempt was made to use updateXML to update data with a node of
the incorrect type. Text and attribute nodes must be updated with string data,
whereas element nodes must be updated with XMLType data.
Action: Use CREATEXML or getStringVal to coerce the new data to the proper
OCI-31069: Cannot apply typed changes to non-schema-based XMLType nodes
Cause: An attempt was made to insert, delete, or update a non-schema-based
XMLType node using an XML schema definition.
Action: Make changes to non-typed nodes only by referencing their tag names.
OCI-31070: Invalid database user ID string
Cause: An attempt was made set an invalid user ID into an XDB resource
metadata property.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-33
Action: Verify the validity of the user ID and try again.
OCI-31071: Invalid database username or GUID string
Cause: An attempt was made to set an invalid username or GUID into an XDB
resource metadata property.
Action: Verify the validity of the username or GUID and try again.
OCI-31072: Too many child nodes in XMLType fragment for updateXML
Cause: An attempt was made to pass an XMLType fragment with multiple
children as new data for the updateXML operator.
Action: Extract the desired child from the XMLType before passing it to
updateXML as the desired new XML node.
OCI-31073: Resource not retrieved using path name
Cause: An attempt was made to access the path name of a resource that was
either never saved to disk or was loaded using a method other than with its path
Action: Perform path name operations only on resources obtained using a path
OCI-31075: invalid string declaration in XML Schema
Cause: The XML schema contains an invalid declaration identified by the
Action: Fix the identified error and try again.
OCI-31076: required attribute "string" not specified
Cause: The XML schema does not specify a required attribute.
Action: Specify a value for the required attribute.
OCI-31077: invalid attribute "string" specified
Cause: The XML schema specifies an invalid attribute.
Action: Remove specification of the invalid attribute.
OCI-31078: error in SQL mapping information
Cause: There is an error in the SQL type and table specification within the XML
Action: Ensure that all specified SQL types and tables are valid and compatible
with the corresponding XML types.
OCI-31079: unable to resolve reference to string "string"
Cause: The identified type or attribute or element could not be resolved.
Action: Make sure that the name corresponds to a valid XML (simple/complex)
type or attribute or element and try again.
OCI-31080: type not specified for attribute or element "string"
Cause: The identified attribute or element does not have a type.
Action: Make sure that every attribute and element has a valid type specification.
OCI-31081: name not specified for global declaration
Cause: The XML schema does not specify the name for the global declaration of
attribute or element or simpleType or complexType.
Action: Specify names for all global declarations.
44-34 Oracle Database Error Messages
OCI-31082: invalid attribute "string" specified in declaration of "string"
Cause: The XML schema specifies an invalid attribute.
Action: Remove specification of the invalid attribute.
OCI-31083: error while creating SQL type "string"."string"
Cause: An error occurred while trying to create the SQL type based on the
specification of a complex type.
Action: Fix the identified error and try again.
OCI-31084: error while creating table "string"."string" for element "string"
Cause: An error occurred while trying to create the table based on the declaration
for the identified element.
Action: Fix the identified error and try again.
OCI-31085: schema "string" already registered
Cause: An attempt was made to register a schema with the same URL as a
previously registered schema.
Action: Register the schema with a different URL.
OCI-31086: insufficient privileges to register global schema "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to register a global schema without sufficient
Action: Make sure that the user has sufficient privileges to register a global
OCI-31087: insufficient privileges to delete schema "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a schema resource without sufficient
Action: Make sure that the user has sufficient privileges to delete the schema.
OCI-31088: object "string"."string" depends on the schema
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a schema which has dependent objects.
Action: Either drop the dependent objects prior to deleting the schema or use the
CASCADE or FORCE options.
OCI-31089: schema "string" does not target namespace "string"
Cause: The schema document contains references (via include and import
definitions) to other schemas that do not belong to valid namespaces.
Action: Make sure that all schemas referenced via include definitions target the
same namespace as the parent schema. Further make sure that the namespace
specified in the import definition matches the actual target namespace of the
specified schema.
OCI-31090: invalid database schema name "string"
Cause: The XML schema document contains an invalid database schema name
For example, the value of attribute SQLSchema
Action: Make sure that all database user/schema names specified in the XML
schema document refer to existing database users/schemas.
OCI-31091: empty string specified as a SQL name
Cause: The XML schema document contains a null SQL name. For example, the
values of attributes SQLName, SQLType, defaultTable.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-35
Action: Make sure that all names of SQL schema objects specified in the XML
schema document are valid SQL names. Otherwise, remove such attributes from
the schema and try again.
OCI-31092: invalid SQL name "string"
Cause: The XML schema document contains an invalid SQL name. For example,
the values of attributes SQLName, SQLType, defaultTable.
Action: Make sure that all names of SQL schema objects specified in the XML
schema document are valid SQL names. This implies that the database length and
other restrictions on names be satisfied.
OCI-31093: null or invalid value specified for parameter : string
Cause: The argument value passed for the given parameter is null or invalid.
Action: Make sure that all the input argument values are valid.
OCI-31094: incompatible SQL type "string" for attribute or element "string"
Cause: The SQL type information provided in the XML schema is not compatible
with the XML datatype for the specified attribute or element.
Action: Make sure that the specified SQL types are compatible with the declared
XML datatypes.
OCI-31095: cannot generate string : "string.string" already exists
Cause: The type/table name specified in the XML schema document cannot be
generated because it is already being used.
Action: Use different names for types/tables or use the NOGEN mode so that
schema compiler does not generate new types/tables.
OCI-31096: validation failed for schema
Cause: The XML Schema could not be validated.
Action: Make sure that the SQLType and other datatype mapping is valid.
OCI-31097: Hierarchical Index not empty
Cause: An attempt was made to rebuild the hierarchical index which is not empty.
Action: Delete all rows in the hierarchical index and then rebuild it.
OCI-31099: XDB Security Internal Error
Cause: An XDB Security internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OCI-31100: XDB Locking Internal Error
Cause: An XDB Locking Internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
OCI-31101: Token "string" not given while locking resource "string"
Cause: Locking attempted on resource when the pricipal already owns a lock
given by the token above.
Action: Reattempt the lock with the token.
OCI-31102: Already locked in exclusive mode. Cannot add lock.
Cause: The resource is already locked in exclusive mode. Cannot add another
Action: Unlock the existing lock.
44-36 Oracle Database Error Messages
OCI-31103: Resource locked in shared mode. Cannot add exclusive lock
Cause: The resource is locked in shared mode. Cannot add a shared lock.
Action: Try locking in shared mode or unlocking the existing lock.
OCI-31104: Cannot find lock with token "string" on "string" for unlock
Cause: The lock may have been unlock or it may have expired.
Action: No action needed. Unlock already successful.
OCI-31105: User does not own lock "string"
Cause: The lock to be unlocked is not owned by the user.
Action: None
OCI-31107: Action failed as resource "string" is locked by name lock
Cause: Lock requests cause the whole request URI to be locked
Action: Supply lock token or unlock the lock
OCI-31108: Action failed as resource string is locked
Cause: Delete/Rename failed because of an existing lock
Action: Do lockdiscovery to find the lock and delete it.
OCI-31109: Action failed as parent resource string is locked
Cause: Delete/Rename failed because of an lock on parent resource
Action: Do lockdiscovery to find the lock and delete it.
OCI-31110: Action failed as resource string is locked by name
Cause: Delete/Rename failed because one of the children is locked.
Action: Do lockdiscovery to find the lock and delete it.
OCI-31111: table string cannot be hierarchically enabled
Cause: Trigger _xdb_pitrigger already exists
Action: Delete all rows in the hierarchical index and then rebuild it.
OCI-31112: fail to string for string port using xdb configuration
Cause: port number for the defined presentation is not valid
Action: Either the port number is already in use or it is protected. Specify another
port number.
OCI-31113: XDB configuration may not be updated with non-schema compliant
Cause: An attempt was made to update the XDB configuration resource with
non-schema or non-schema compliant data.
Action: Check the document to make sure it is schema based and schema
OCI-31114: XDB configuration has been deleted or is corrupted
Cause: The XDB configuration resource has been deleted or corrupted.
Action: Reinstall XDB, or reinsert a valid configuration document.
OCI-31115: XDB configuration error: string
Cause: An error related to XDB configuration has occurred.
Action: Make sure the configuration resource contains valid data.
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-37
OCI-31116: Tablespace not specified correctly
Cause: XDB cannot be moved to the specified tablespace.
Action: Specify a valid tablespace.
OCI-31121: The string operator can not be FALSE
Cause: The value of the operator that is specified is FALSE
Action: Specify an operator that evaluates to TRUE
OCI-31122: The string operator has incorrect RHS value
Cause: The right hand side value that has been specified for the operator does not
evaluate to TRUE
Action: Specify value on the right hand side that evaluate to TRUE
OCI-31151: Cyclic definition encountered for string: "string"
Cause: The schema definition for this type has cycles.
Action: Remove cyclic definition and re-compile schema.
OCI-31153: Cannot create schema URL with reserved prefix
Cause: This prefix is reserved for XDB extended schema URLs and cannot be used
in a user specified URL.
Action: Modify the prefix to a different one.
OCI-31154: invalid XML document
Cause: The XML document is invalid with respect to its XML Schema.
Action: Fix the errors identified and try again.
OCI-31155: attribute string not in XDB namespace
Cause: The specified attribute should be prefixed with XDB's namespace.
Action: Ensure that all XDB specified attributes are prefixed with XDB's
namespace and try again.
OCI-31157: Invalid Content-Type charset
Cause: HTTP Content-Type header had a charset that Oracle does not
Action: Fix the Content-Type header in the HTTP request.
OCI-31158: schema "string" currently being referenced
Cause: The specified schema URL is currently being referenced by the same
session. This could happen because of PLSQL XMLType variables still in scope.
Action: Ensure all references to this schema in this session are released and try the
operation again.
OCI-31159: XML DB is in an invalid state
Cause: XML DB's internal tables are in an invalid state, probably because the
database was not upgraded or the upgrade was not successful
Action: Ensure that the database is upgraded successfully. If the problem persists,
contact Oracle Support
OCI-31160: max substitution group size string exceeded by "string" (string) for head
element "string" (string)
44-38 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The maximum limit on nested substitution groups has been exceeded by
an element.
Action: Delete specified schema and re-register it after removing the offending
substitution element.
OCI-31161: element or attribute "string" cannot be stored out of line
Cause: An element or attribute of a simple type has SQLInline=false
Action: Remove the SQLInline=false qualification for the offending element or
OCI-31162: element or attribute "string" has no SQLType specified
Cause: Schema registration was invoked with GENTYPES=false without
specifying a SQLType for some element or attribute
Action: Specify a SQLType for the offending element or attribute and register the
schema again
OCI-31163: element or attribute "string" has invalid attribute value "string" (should
be "string")
Cause: An element or attribute for a complextype derived by restriction has an
attribute whose value is different from that in the base type
Action: Remove the mismatched attribute values from the offending element or
OCI-31164: cannot load object-relational XML attribute using direct path
Cause: The table being loaded contains a xml column with object-relational
storage. The xmltype column contains a type with subtypes. This type of attribute
cannot be loaded with direct path.
Action: Perform the load with conventional path mode.
OCI-31165: cannot load object-relational XML attribute using direct path
Cause: The table being loaded contains a xml column with object-relational
storage. The xmltype column either contains an out-of-line partitioned table or the
table itself is partitioned by one of the attributes of xmltype. This type of table
cannot be loaded with direct path.
Action: Perform the load with conventional path mode.
OCI-31167: XML nodes over 64K in size cannot be inserted
Cause: An attempt was made to insert an XML Text Node with a size greater than
64K. This is not supported.
Action: Create text nodes under 64K.
OCI-31168: Node localname and namespace values should be less than 64K
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an XML Node with localname or
namespace value greater than or equal to 64K. This is not supported.
Action: Node localnames and namespace values should be under 64K.
OCI-31180: DOM Type mismatch in invalid PL/SQL DOM handle
Cause: The specified PL/SQL DOM handle is referencing a DOM Node whose
DOM Type that does not match the one available in the session. This could happen
because the pl/sql handle was reused, or the original document is no longer
OCI-00601 to OCI-31199 44-39
Action: Ensure that the pl/sql handle for the target node is valid and try the
operation again.
OCI-31181: PL/SQL DOM handle accesses node that is no longer available
Cause: The specified pl/sql handle is referencing a node in a DOM Document
that is no longer available.
Action: Ensure that the pl/sql handle for the target node is valid and try the
operation again.
OCI-31182: Too many PL/SQL DOM handles specified
Cause: An attempt was made to create a PL/SQL DOM handle that exceeded the
maximum allowable number of PL/SQL DOM handles.
Action: Free PL/SQL DOM handles and try the operation again.
OCI-31185: DOM Nodes do not belong to the same DOM Document
Cause: The specified PL/SQL DOM Node does not belong to the parent DOM
Document of the referring DOM Node.
Action: Ensure that both the DOM Nodes are part of the same DOM Document.
OCI-31190: Resource string is not a version-controlled resource
Cause: Either one of the following is the cause:
- Checkout is requested for a resource that isn't under version control". Only
version-controlled resource can be checked out.
- Checkout is requested for a row of a non-versioned table.
Action: put the resource under version-control before checking out.
OCI-31191: Resource string is already checked out
Cause: Either one of the following is the cause:
- Checkout is requested for a resource that is already checked out to the workspace
by the same of different user.
Action: checked in the resource from the workspace before checking out
OCI-31192: Resource string has not been checked out
Cause: Either one of the following is the cause:
- Checkin or uncheckout is requested for a resource that has not been checked out
to the workspace by any user in a workspace
Action: checked in the resource from the workspace before checking out
OCI-31193: This versioning feature isn't supported for resource string
Cause: Either one of the following is the cause:
- Container cannot be put under version-controlled.
Action: Avoid using these features.
OCI-31194: Resource string is already deleted
Cause: Access a version-controlled resource that is already deleted.
Action: Remove the cyclic definitions in the type and retry compilation.
OCI-31195: XML node 'string' (type=string) does not support this operation
44-40 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The given node's type is not supported for this operation. For example,
trying to add children to an attribute node, or passing in a document node as a
child, are unsupported operations.
Action: Use a valid node type for the operation.
OCI-31196: XML nodes over string in size cannot be printed
Cause: An attempt was made to use an XML Text Node with a size greater than
64K, or an XML Comment Node with a size greater than 4K. These cannot be
printed. For example, trying to add children to an attribute node, or passing in a
document node as a child, are unsupported operations.
Action: Use getClobVal() or getStringVal() to print the Document.
OCI-31197: Error in processing file string
Cause: An error occurred while operating on the specifed file. The possible causes
are the file header is corrupt or check the next error on stack
Action: Ensure that the specified file is correct. Look at the next error on the stack
and take appropriate action.
OCI-31198: Mismatch in number of bytes transferred due to non-binary mode
Cause: An error occurred while reading the specifed file. The most probable cause
is that the transfer was initiated in ASCII mode.
Action: Ensure that the transfer mode is set to BINARY
OCI-31199: Warning in processing file string
Cause: A warning was raised while operating on the specifed file. However, the
current operation was completed successfully.
Action: This is primarily an informational message. Look at the next error on the
stack to obtain further information.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-1
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 5 4
QSM-00501: unable to initialize Summary Advisor environment
Cause: The Summary Advisor external procedure initialization process failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
QSM-00502: OCI error
Cause: A OCI callback routine reported an error
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
QSM-00503: out of memory
Cause: Summary Advisor failed to allocate the necessary memory.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
QSM-00504: internal error
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
QSM-00505: syntax error
Cause: A syntax error occurred.
Action: Correct syntax error if possible or contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
QSM-00506: no fact-tables could be found
Cause: The fact-filter is not specified, and there are no fact-tables in the
warehouse. A fact-table is a table having foreign-key constraints to one or more of
the dimension-tables in the data warehouse.
Action: Check the fact-filter is correctly specified; check that appropriate
constraints exist; and the user has privileges to access the tables
QSM-00507: no dimensions could be found
Cause: The database does not have any dimensions
Action: Create the dimensions in your warehouse
QSM-00508: statistics missing on tables/columns
Cause: The system metadata does not contain statistics on one or more tables or
columns. The Advisor needs cardinalities of all fact-tables, and of the level-keys of
all dimensions in the data warehouse.
Action: Run ANALYZE on the tables and summaries in the warehouse to collect
QSM-00509: invalid parameter
45-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The indicated parameter has an invalid value
Action: Supply a value in the proper range
QSM-00510: statistics missing on materialized views
Cause: The system metadata does not contain statistics on one or more
materialized views. The Advisor needs cardinalities of all materialized views in
the data warehouse.
Action: Run ANALYZE on the tables and materialized views in the warehouse to
collect statistics.
QSM-00511: invalid fact-tables specified in fact-filter
Cause: The tables specified in the fact-filter are not valid fact-tables. A fact-table
must have foreign-key constraints to one or more of the dimension-tables in the
data warehouse.
Action: Check the fact-filter is correctly specified; check that appropriate
constraints exist; and the user has privileges to access the tables
QSM-00512: invalid summaries specified in the retention-list
Cause: The summaries specified in the retention-list are not valid.
Action: Check the spelling of the summary-names; check that they are valid; and
the user has privileges to access them.
QSM-00513: one or more of the workload tables is missing
Cause: One or both of the workload tables are missing. The two workload tables
which should be present in the user's schema are V_192216243_F_5_E_14_8_1 and
V_192216243_F_5_E_15_8_1; the former is mapped to WORK$_IDEAL_MVIEW
and the latter to WORK$_MVIEW_USAGE. The workload tables are created by the
Oracle Trace Formatter when the data-collection-file (oraclesm.dat) is formatted by
the user.
Action: Check whether the Formatter succeeded in formatting the data collection.
Sometimes the V_192216243_F_5_E_14_8_1 (i.e WORK$_IDEAL_MVIEW) may not
be created whereas the other table is created. The most likely cause of this is the
init.ora parameters needed to invoke mview-rewrite are not enabled. Check your
documentation for all the init.ora parameters which need to be set for
mview-rewrite to occur. Another possibility is no GROUP BY queries were issued
during the time the data was collected, in which case, run the Trace collection for a
longer time to get a representative sampling of the queries issued in the data
QSM-00514: the size of must-retain summaries exceeds specified space limit
Cause: The specified space limit is greater than the size of must-retain summaries.
Action: Reduce the number of must-retain summaries or increase the space limit
QSM-00515: operation cancelled by user
Cause: The operation has been cancelled by the user
Action: None
QSM-00516: illegal status detected for run
Cause: The run has encountered an illegal value in the status field of the mview$_
adv_log table. This could be internal error or an application error.
Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
QSM-00517: Summary Advisor requires a COMPATIBLE setting of or greater
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-3
Cause: The current database has a compatibility setting that is earlier than the
supported server version.
Action: Adjust the instance parameter COMPATIBLE to or greater.
QSM-00518: Java is not enabled. Please execute INITJVM.SQL and
Cause: The current database has has not be created or upgraded to support Java
stored procedures. Summary Advisor requires Java stored procedures.
Action: Log into the database with SYSDBA privileges. Execute the INITJVM.SQL
script which is found in the ORACLE home directory under JAVAVM. Next,
execute the INITQSMA.SQL script found in the ADMIN directory under the
ORACLE home.
QSM-00519: Summary Advisor is not installed. Please execute INITQSMA.SQL.
Cause: The current database has has not be created or upgraded to support
Summary Advisor. Summary Advisor requires several Java stored procedures.
Action: Log into the database with SYSDBA privileges. Execute the
INITQSMA.SQL script found in the ADMIN directory under the ORACLE home.
**** **** Messages 520-700 are in the 9i Summary Advisor Java modules 701-708
are Hypothetical Workload generator journal messages
QSM-00710: data access error in module string
Cause: SQL Access Advisor detected a severe error while accessing the advisor
Action: See the accompanying error message for approprate actions.
QSM-00750: the specified value string for parameter string is invalid or contains an
invalid item
Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid data.
Action: Adjust the data value and retry the operation.
QSM-00751: the file string could not be opened for write access
Cause: Access Advisor could not create the script or report due to a file system
Action: Verify the location for file write access and retry the operation.
QSM-00752: the parameter string contains an invalid combination of options string
Cause: The user specified correct option keywords, but entered a combination
that is not supported within Access Advisor.
Action: Validate the correct option usage and retry the operation.
QSM-00753: the specified value string is out of the acceptable range of string to
string for parameter string
Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid data.
Action: Adjust the data value and retry the operation.
QSM-00754: task string does not reference a valid workload and therefore cannot be
Cause: The user attempted to execute a advisor task that requires a workload.
Action: Specify a workload for the task and retry the operation.
QSM-00755: a set of workload statements already exists for workload string
45-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The user attempted to save workload data into an existing workload that
already contains data without specifying APPEND or REPLACE.
Action: Validate the import mode retry the operation.
QSM-00756: the specified workload string is being used by one or more advisor
Cause: The user attempted to modify or delete a workload that is currently being
used by another task.
Action: Remove the workload reference from the advisor task and retry the
QSM-00757: the specified workload string is not referenced by task string
Cause: The user attempted to delete invalid workload reference from the task.
Action: Validate the workload reference and retry the operation.
QSM-00758: the specified parameter string is not valid for workload string
Cause: The user attempted to access a workload parameter that is does not exist
for the specified workload. The parameter may be misspelled or the user selected
a parameter that is not supported by the particular advisor.
Action: Validate the parameter name and retry the operation.
QSM-00759: the user string does not exist for the specified workload statement
Cause: The user attempted to add a new SQL statement with an invalid
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.
QSM-00760: the import mode string is invalid for the current operation
Cause: The user attempted to store data in the repository with an invalid import
Action: Use one of the following valid values: NEW, APPEND, or REPLACE.
QSM-00761: the priority string is invalid for the current operation
Cause: The user attempted to store data in the repository with an invalid priority.
Action: Use one of the following valid values: 1, 2, 3.
QSM-00762: the specified Summary Advisor workload string does not exist
Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from an invalid or
non-existent Summary Advisor workload.
Action: Validate the Summary Advisor workload identifier and retry the
QSM-00763: the owner string was not found while validating user-defined
workload string.string
Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from a user who may
not access to the table.
Action: Validate the location of the user-defined workload.
QSM-00764: the column string was not found in the user-defined workload table
Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from a user table that
does not contain the required column.
Action: Validate the user-defined workload table and retry the operation.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-5
QSM-00765: cannot validate user-defined workload because table string.string is
Cause: The user attempted to import an advisor workload from a table that is not
Action: Validate the location of the user-defined workload.
QSM-00766: a SQL statement is required for the current workload operation
Cause: The user attempted to create an entry in a workload collection without
specifying a SQL statement.
Action: Validate the SQL statement and retry the operation.
QSM-00767: a SQL cache is not available to user string
Cause: The user attempted to collect a workload from the SQL without having
Action: Validate the user account and retry the operation.
QSM-00768: the search condition is invalid for the requested operation
Cause: The user provided a invalid SEARCH argument to an Access Advisor
workload operation. A search condition must be a valid SQL search condition
using only the column names specified in the procedure documentation.
Action: Correct the search condition and retry the operation.
QSM-00769: the SQL statement string was not found for workload string
Cause: The user attempted to access a SQL statement that does not exist in the
Action: Validate the SQL statement identifier and retry the operation.
QSM-00770: the specified workload string is already referenced by task string
Cause: The user attempted to add a workload reference to a task when the task
already contains the reference.
Action: Validate the workload reference and retry the operation.
QSM-00771: the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload because
it has no valid table references
Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains table
references that are either system-specified or user-specified invalid tables.
Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation.
QSM-00772: the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload due to a
statement error
Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains invalid SQL
syntax or an invalid column reference.
Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation.
QSM-00773: the parameter string contains the invalid string name string
Cause: The task or workload parameter contains a name that is either too long or
does not exist in the database.
Action: Validate the parameter value and retry the operation.
QSM-00774: there are no SQL statements to process for task string
45-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: While executing, the specified task found no valid SQL statements to
analyze. Possible causes are: an empty workload, table filtering, or username
Action: Validate the workload and the appropriate task parameters and retry the
QSM-00775: the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload due to
invalid table references
Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains one or more
invalid identifier for the parsing user.
Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation.
QSM-00776: the user-defined workload string is missing the following column:
Cause: The user attempted to import a workload from an external table; however,
the table does not contain all of the required columns.
Action: Adjust the target workload table and retry the operation.
QSM-00777: the specified directive string is unsupported at this time
Cause: The user attempted to create a directive that is not currently supported.
Action: Check the advisor documentation for valid directives.
QSM-00778: the specified output filename string is invalid or cannot be accessed
Cause: The user attempted to create a report or script in a file that cannot be
written or created.
Action: Adjust the file name or directory and retry the operation.
QSM-00779: the specified directive conflicts with the existing directive string
Cause: The user attempted to add a directive that cannot operate with an existing
Action: Check the advisor documentation for valid directives.
QSM-00780: the task string could not be executed because the workload string is
being modified
Cause: While attempting to execute a task, Access Advisor checks for exclusive
access to all of the referenced workloads. If any cannot be reserved, then the
execution fails.
Action: Wait until the referenced workloads are free for exclusive access retry the
QSM-00781: the specified value string is invalid for parameter string. Valid
keywords are string
Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid data.
Action: Adjust the data value and retry the operation
QSM-00782: the specified value string is an invalid date format for parameter string
Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid date formatting
Action: See the Oracle documentation for valid date-formatting and retry the
QSM-00783: the specified value string contains an invalid date for parameter string
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-7
Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using invalid date formatting.
Action: A date literal must be in the form DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.
QSM-00784: the string string referenced in the list string is invalid for parameter
Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using an invalid username or
table specification.
Action: Validate the object name and retry the operation.
QSM-00785: the directive string is not supported for task string at this time
Cause: The user attempted to add an invalid directive to the current task.
Action: Validate the directive and retry the operation.
QSM-00786: the name string is invalid for directive string
Cause: The user attempted to add a directive that contains an empty or invalid
object name.
Action: Correct the name and retry the operation.
QSM-00787: the tablespace string is invalid for directive string
Cause: The user attempted to add a directive that contains an empty or invalid
tablespace name.
Action: Correct the name and retry the operation.
QSM-00788: The requested recommendation does not support direct
Cause: The user attempted to use the DBMS_ADVISOR.IMPLEMENT_TASK
procedure to implement a SQL Access Advisor recommendation that cannot be
implemented due to its complexity.
Action: The user must generate a script and implement the recommendation
outside of the SQL Access Advisor.
QSM-00789: The requested recommendation requires user editing and cannot be
Cause: The user attempted to use the DBMS_ADVISOR.IMPLEMENT_TASK
procedure to implement a SQL Access Advisor recommendation that cannot be
implemented because it requires additional scripting information from the user.
Action: The user must generate a script and edit the results.
QSM-00790: the workload string cannot be modified or changed because it is being
used by task string
Cause: The user attempted to change or delete a workload that is referenced by an
active task.
Action: Remove references to a workload from any tasks that reference that
workload, unless the task is in its initial task state.
QSM-00791: the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload because
is contains unsupported statement type
Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains an invalid
statement type. Supported statement types are INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE,
Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation.
45-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-00792: the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload because
one or more tables have missing statistics
Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that contains a table
without statistics. Access Advisor requires all referenced tables to have valid
Action: Validate the workload statement and retry the operation.
QSM-00793: the specified SQL Tuning Set string does not exist
Cause: The user specified a SQL Tuning Set that has not been defined in the SQL
Tuning Set repository.
Action: Correct the SQL Tuning Set name and retry the operation.
QSM-00794: the statement can not be stored due to a violation of the string filter
Cause: The user attempted to manually add a workload statement that failed a
filter test. Manual statements must meet the same filtering guidelines as imported
Action: Adjust the attributes or the filter and retry the operation.
QSM-00795: the SQL Tuning Set repository has not been implemented
Cause: The user attempted to collect a workload from a SQL Tuning Set
repository that has not yet been implemented or enabled.
Action: Validate the existence of the repository and retry the operation.
QSM-00796: the specified SQL statement cannot be stored in the workload because
table string does not have valid statistics
Cause: The user attempted to add a workload statement that references a table
with missing statistics.
Action: Gather statistics for the referenced table and retry the operation.
QSM-00797: the specified workload string does not exist for the current user
Cause: The user attempted to reference an Access Advisor workload using a
name that does not exist in the Advisor repository.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.
QSM-00798: the specified workload string already exists
Cause: The user attempted to create the specified workload using a name that
already exists in the Advisor repository. Task names must be unique to the
database user.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.
QSM-00799: the user-defined workload table string cannot be found
Cause: The user has attempted to import a workload from an external table that
does not exist or cannot be accessed.
Action: Adjust the target workload table and retry the operation.
QSM-00800: the specified workload name string is invalid
Cause: The user has specified an invalid workload name.
Action: Adjust the target workload name and retry the operation.
QSM-00801: the specified username string is invalid
Cause: The user has specified an invalid username.
Action: Adjust the target username and retry the operation.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-9
QSM-00802: An error occurred while implementing action string (string) string.
Cause: While performing IMPLEMENT_TASK, a specific action operation failed.
Action: Make the necessary adjustments as specified in the secondary message
and retry the operation.
QSM-00803: The STORAGE_CHANGE parameter value string cannot be zero or
negative for partial workloads.
Cause: While performing EXECUTE_TASK, the user specified a STORAGE_
CHANGE value that is incompatible with the type of workload data.
Action: Set a positive STORAGE_CHANGE value.
QSM-00804: not enough space for mandatory access structures
Cause: While performing EXECUTE_TASK, the user specified a STORAGE_
CHANGE value that leaves no space for mandatory access structures, such as
primary key indexes.
Action: Set a greater STROAGE_CHANGE value.
QSM-00805: the specified recommendation string value string is invalid
Cause: The user has specified an invalid value when attempting to change a
recommendation attribute.
Action: Adjust the target attribute value and retry the operation.
QSM-00806: the string parameter value must be specified when STORAGE_MODE
is set to TOTAL
Cause: While performing EXECUTE_TASK, the user specified a STORAGE_
MODE of TOTAL, but failed to set the DEF_MVIEW_OWNER and DEF_INDEX_
OWNER to valid owner names.
Action: Set the specified owner to a valid name
QSM-00807: the ANALYSIS_SCOPE parameter value contains an incomplete or
invalid combination of options.
Cause: Though the ANALYSIS_SCOPE parameter supports several options, some
combination are not supported.
Action: Enter a valid combination of options.
QSM-00808: parameter string only permits a single keyword. Choose one of the
following: string
Cause: The user attempted to set a task parameter using multiple keywords.
Action: Adjust the data value and retry the operation
QSM-00809: the selected number of recommendations exceeds the maximum value
of string
Cause: While executing GET_TASK_SCRIPT, an attempt was made to fetch a
script having too many recommendations. The limit has been set in order to avoid
possible performance and out-of-memory errors.
Action: Select a small set of recommendations prior to fetching the script
QSM-00999: Advisor feature is not currently implemented
Cause: The user attempted to execute an unsupported advisor operation.
Action: Verify the availability of the operation.
QSM-01001: query rewrite not enabled
45-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: When query rewrite is disabled, no query rewrite will take place.
Action: Enable query rewrite with ALTER SESSION SET QUERY_REWRITE
ENABLE command.
QSM-01002: no query rewrite when OPTIMIZER_MODE is rule based
Cause: Query rewrite did not occur because the OPTIMIZER_MODE was set to
Action: Change the optimizer mode using the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter.
QSM-01003: no query rewrite on DDL queries
Cause: If query contains any data definition operations, no query rewrite will take
Action: None
QSM-01004: no query rewrite before view merging
Cause: Internal session parameter _QUERY_REWRITE_2 is set to FALSE
Action: Change session parameter with ALTER SESSION command.
QSM-01005: no query rewrite when query has slave SQL
Cause: Current prcess is a kxfx slave
Action: None
QSM-01006: query rewrite disabled for this query block
Cause: During query rewrite, certain view query blocks cannot be rewritten.
Action: None
QSM-01007: query has NOREWRITE hint
Cause: When query contains a NOREWRITE hint, no query rewrite will take
place for that query block.
Action: Remove the NOREWRITE hint from the query
QSM-01008: no query rewrite for update queries
Cause: If a query or part of it has any DML update operations, no query rewrite
will take place.
Action: None
QSM-01009: query rewritten with materialized view, string, using text match
Cause: The query was rewritten using a materialized view, because query text
matched the definition of the materialized view
Action: None
QSM-01010: table(s) in the query not found in materialized view, string
Cause: If the materialized view does not reference the base tables found in the
query, it cannot be used for rewrite
Action: None
QSM-01011: when heuristic rewrite not set, rewrite hint required
Cause: When using a stored outline, a rewrite hint is required for query rewrite
Action: None
QSM-01012: SAMPLE clause present in FROM
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-11
Cause: If a query contains a SAMPLE clause, query rewrite will not take place
Action: None
QSM-01013: nested aggregates or CONNECT BY/START WITH clause present
Cause: If the query contains nested aggregates, CONNECT BY clause, or START
WITH clause, query rewrite will not take place
Action: None
QSM-01014: top level operator in WHERE clause of the query is an OR
Cause: If the top-level operator in the WHERE clause is an OR and there is more
than one table in the FROM list, then query rewrite will not take place.
Action: None
QSM-01015: GROUP BY clause has non-columns
Cause: No query rewrite, if there is no valid column in the GROUP BY clause.
Action: None
QSM-01016: Query rewrite does not support, aggregate, string
Cause: No query rewrite, if the query contains any DISTINCT aggregates other
than COUNT, MIN or MAX.
Action: None
QSM-01017: aggregate argument cannot be converted to canonical form
Cause: Argument of each aggregrate in the query needs to be convertible into a
canonical form for query rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01018: single table materialized join view rewrite not required
Cause: Materialized join view is more expensive for rewrite than using the base
Action: None
QSM-01019: no suitable materialized view found to rewrite this query
Cause: There doesn't exist any materialized view in the dataware house that can
be used to rewrite this query.
Action: Consider creating a new materialized view.
QSM-01020: materialized view, string, is ineligible
Cause: Materialized view is probably disabled or stale.
Action: Consider enabling the materialized view for rewrite or refreshing it.
QSM-01021: materialized view, string, not found in the hint list
Cause: There is a rewrite hint list specified in the query, but this materialized view
is not among the hinted ones.
Action: Include this materialized view in the rewrite hint list.
QSM-01022: a more optimal materialized view than string was used to rewrite
Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal materialized view based
on certain parameters, such as cardinality of the materialized view, number of
joins etc. The materialized view specified was found to be less optimal.
Action: To force using a materialized view, consider using a rewrite hint.
45-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-01023: materialized view, string, has GRANT errors
Cause: Materialized view probably has some metadata errors.
Action: Consider recreating it.
QSM-01024: materialized view, string, has unknown compile errors
Cause: Materialized view probably has some metadata errors.
Action: Consider recreating it.
QSM-01025: materialized view, string, not found
Cause: The specified materialized view is not found in the database.
Action: Check the spelling or create a new materialized view
QSM-01026: query rewrite is disabled for, string
Cause: Query rewrite could not use this materialized view, because query rewrite
was not enabled for it.
Action: Enable query rewrite for the materialized view with ALTER
is the name of the materializev view.
QSM-01027: materialized view, string, is unusable
Cause: Materialized view probably has some metadata errors.
Action: Consider recreating it.
QSM-01028: materialized view, string, is currently being refreshed
Cause: Materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite while it is being
Action: Rerun the query, after the refresh operation is completed.
QSM-01029: materialized view, string, is stale in ENFORCED integrity mode
Cause: A stale materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite when the
query rewrite integrity mode is set to ENFORCED.
Action: Refresh the materialized view or alter the rewrite integrity mode with
QSM-01030: materialized view, string, has PL/SQL functions in ENFORCED
integrity mode
Cause: A materialized view with PL/SQL functions in its definition cannot be
used for query rewrite when query rewrite integrity is set to ENFORCED.
Action: Consider running the query in STALE TOLERATED mode.
QSM-01031: materialized view, string, is stale in TRUSTED integrity mode
Cause: A stale materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite when the
query rewrite integrity mode is set to TRUSTED.
Action: Refresh the materialized view or alter the rewrite integrity mode with
QSM-01032: materialized view, string, not found
Cause: There was no associated metadata for the materialized view.
Action: Check the spelling and re-run the query.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-13
QSM-01033: query rewritten with materialized view, string
Cause: The specified materialized view was used to rewrite the given query.
Action: None
QSM-01034: materialized view, string, needs a dimension level to join table, string
Cause: One or more hierarchical relationship(s) in the table(s) could not be
Action: Consider adding a level in the dimension to provide the missing intratable relationships.
QSM-01035: a row level security policy exists on this table
Cause: Any row level security policy that may exist on a base-table prevents exact
text match query rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01036: unmatched column, string, present in query after view merging
Cause: Clearing the columns after view merging failed due to some reasons -
Action: None
QSM-01037: Query Rewrite failed to allocate the necessary query join graph
Cause: Join graph allocation and initialization failed, possibly due to one or more
undetermined operand(s) in the query expression.
Action: None
QSM-01038: logical operator(s) could not be processed
Cause: One or more logical operator(s) in the query predicates could not be
processed, possibly due to invalid operator(s).
Action: None
QSM-01039: selection present on right hand side of an outer join
Cause: Query cannot be rewritten if any predicate contains a selection on the right
hand side of an outer join.
Action: None
QSM-01040: match between the materialized view (string) and query join graphs
Cause: Query rewrite will not take place if the joins in the query and the
materialized view do not have any match.
Action: None
QSM-01041: materialized view, string, does not match with a measure in the query
Cause: If a measure (such as SUM, AVERAGE) in the query cannot be matched or
computed from the materialized view, it will not be used for rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01042: anchor and matching join arc check failed for string
Cause: If there is a lossy join in the materialized view that doesn't exist in the
query, query rewrite will not take place.
Action: None
45-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-01043: join back attempted on a table to the RHS of a semi or anti join for
Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required to a table that
appears to the right hand side of a semi or anti-join.
Action: None
QSM-01044: join back attempted on a view for string
Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back to a table is required to find any
missing columns.
Action: None
QSM-01046: complex join back on correlated columns not allowed (string)
Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required on a column that is
referenced by a sub-query.
Action: None
QSM-01047: complex join back on non-MAV rewrite not allowed (string)
Cause: Query Rewrite can occur by means of a complex join back only during a
MAV rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01048: join back level(s) not present (string)
Cause: Query Rewrite requires joining back to a level of a dimension to find a
missing information.
Action: Consider creating a dimension.
QSM-01049: semi-join check failed for materialized view, string
Cause: If there is a semi join in the query, then Query Rewrite will create (select
distinct , from mjv) where is the list of rowids/pk of
all mjv tables that don't correspond to a right side of a semi-join and are
their columns. Query Rewrite will not occur if a join from the materialized view
cannot match the semi-join from the query.
Action: None
QSM-01050: roll-up check failed for materialized view, string
Cause: A column in the query cannot be computed from the materialized view.
Action: Consider creating a dimension to supply the missing information
QSM-01051: no support for rollup when a window function is present on the
Cause: No query rewrite if a window function is present on a column that
requires a roll-up to compute a measure.
Action: None
QSM-01052: referential integrity constraint on table, string, not VALID in
ENFORCED integrity mode
Cause: A join present in the materialized view requires validated primary/foreign
key constraints in ENFORCED query rewrite integrity mode.
Action: Validate the constraint or change the integrity mode with ALTER
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-15
QSM-01053: NORELY referential integrity constraint on table, string, in
Cause: A join present in the materialized view requires RELY mode to be set on
the primary/foreign key constraints.
Action: Set the RELY mode with ALTER TABLE

RELY command. Alternatively validate the constraint with ALTER
QSM-01054: no join match between query and summary, string
Cause: There are no common joins between the query and the the materialized
Action: None
QSM-01055: Query Rewrite failed to allocate the necessary materialized view join
Cause: Join graph allocation and initialization failed, possibly due to one or more
undetermined operand(s).
Action: None
QSM-01056: no query rewrite for this DDL expression
Cause: Some SELECT statements which are part of a DDL expression may be
eligible for rewrite. These include CREATE AS SELECT and CREATE OUTLINE
statements. The given query expression is a DDL expression, which doesn't fall in
this category.
Action: None
QSM-01057: no query rewrite for this DML expression
Cause: Current DML is being done using an updatable view, so it is not eligible
for rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01058: MV, string, does not have column, string, for a joinback
Cause: A GROUP BY column in the query is not present in the GROUP BY clause
of of the materialized view. This usually requires a join back to a third table.
Action: None
QSM-01059: HAVING clause in the query block is malformed
Cause: An illegal HAVING clause has been specified in the query.
Action: Correct the query syntax and run the query again.
QSM-01060: illegal subquery in the HAVING clause
Cause: When a HAVING clause has a subquery, then any references to the tables
in the outer query should only reference the tables in the GROUP BY clause.
Action: Correct error in the syntax and rerun the query.
QSM-01061: illegal query expression
Cause: An illegal query was specified. Specifically one of the following criteria
was not satisfied: (a) All (non-constant, non-aggregate) SELECT expressions in the
query should be made up of group expressions. (b) All column references in the
HAVING clause should come from the GROUP BY expressions. (c) If there is an
ORDER BY clause, then all column references should come from the GROUP BY
or SELECT clause, depending on whether the query selects DISTINCT.
45-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Correct error in the syntax and rerun the query.
QSM-01062: query has one or more manual partition(s)
Cause: Query rewrite is not possible if query has any manual partitions.
Action: None
QSM-01063: query has a dictionary table or view
Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any dictionary
Action: None
QSM-01064: query has a fixed table or view
Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any fixed tables/views
Action: None
QSM-01065: materialized view, string, cannot compute measure, string, in the query
Cause: If the materialized view cannot compute a measure in the query using the
measures in its definition, then query rewrite will not occur.
Action: None
QSM-01066: materialized view, string, does not have the column, string, from query
Cause: Query rewrite will not occur, if the materialized view cannot provide all
the columns that the query has
Action: None
QSM-01067: materialized view, string, cannot support the query measure, string
Cause: An attempt was made to push a grouping function through an expression
specified in the query to transform a measure. Query rewrite will not occur if this
measure transformation failed.
Action: None
QSM-01068: no dimensions present
Cause: An attempt was made to load a dimension from the dataware house, but
there were no dimensions present.
Action: None
QSM-01069: summary join graph for, string, does not have table, string
Cause: An attempt to locate an object that is part of a join failed.
Action: None
QSM-01070: equivalence class manager was not found
Cause: An equivalence class manager is required to compute the transitive closure
for the columns in an equivalence class.
Action: None
QSM-01071: query rewrite not possible because a join in materialized view % with
table % has eliminated some rows found in query
Cause: All lossy joins in the materialized view must be present in the query for
query rewrite to occur.
Action: None
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-17
QSM-01072: materialized view, string, and query have different joins between
tables, string
Cause: Anchors, if any, in the MV and query match. But the joins between these
anchors in the MV and query are different.
Action: None
QSM-01073: query rewrite not possible because materialized view, string, has a join
not found in query
Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the materialized view has some joins
that query does not have
Action: None
QSM-01074: query rewrite not possible because materialized view, string, and
query have different number of joins between tables, string
Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the query has some joins that the
materialized view does not have between the same pair of tables.
Action: None
QSM-01075: materialized view, string, does not support aggregate function, string
Cause: The specified aggregate function is not found in the materialized view.
Action: None
QSM-01076: no materialized join view was found
Cause: To support an MJV rewrite, we require a materialized join view.
Action: None
QSM-01077: materialized view, string, is grouping at a higher level than query
Cause: If a query column, which is not present in the materialized view, can be
obtained by a rollup within the materialized view, then it should group at a higher
level than the materialized view.
Action: None
QSM-01078: materialized view, string, is marked invalid
Cause: The materialized view's kglobsta field has KGLSINV bit set.
Action: none ??
QSM-01079: DML operation occurred on a table referenced by MV, string
Cause: If any dependent tables of a materialized view undergoes a DML
operation, query rewrite may be restricted depending on the query rewrite
integrity mode for the session. In this situation, query rewrite will take place only
if the rewrite integrity mode is STALE_TOLERATED.
Action: Consider refreshing the materialized view chaning the rewrite integrity
QSM-01080: invalid dimension, string
Cause: This dimension table has authorization or compilation problems.
Action: None
QSM-01081: no primary key or row id found for table, string, in MV, string
Cause: In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to join
back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or rowid for the table.
Action: None
45-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-01082: Joining materialized view, string, with table, string, not possible
Cause: A column in the query is not found in the summary. To obtain the column,
a join back of materialized view to the table by means of either the primary key,
foreign key or rowid of the table is required. The specified materialized view does
not have the primary key, foreign key or rowid of the table to perform the join
Action: Consider building a dimension-table to provide the missing information.
QSM-01083: query text not available - possible inline view
Cause: During the query rewrite transformation, orignal query was possibly
transformed into an inline view.
Action: None
QSM-01084: materialized view string has an anchor table string not found in query
Cause: A table in a materialized view is an anchor, (a) if it is not joined to any
other table or (b) joined to other tables but each of its joins is either lossy or
lossless with the above table being child-side table. If an anchor which is present
in the materialized view is not found in the query, then query rewrite will not take
Action: None
QSM-01085: materialized view, string, has a lossy join between tables, string
Cause: There are no primary key, foreign key constraints between these tables.
But query rewrite is still possible if the lossy join between the above tables also
appear in the query
Action: None
QSM-01086: dimension(s) not present or not used in ENFORCED integrity mode
Cause: Query rewrite does not use dimensions in ENFORCED query rewrite
integrity mode. If a suitable dimension is present, consider chaning the current
integrity mode to either TRUSTED or STALE_ TOLERATED by using ALTER
Action: None
QSM-01087: query grouping on a column that cannot be derived from materialized
view, string
Cause: Query is grouping on undetermined columns.
Action: None
QSM-01089: an inline view in the query does not have a materialized view
Cause: General query rewrite is not possible if an inline view in the query does
not have a matching materialized view in the meta data.
Action: None
QSM-01090: no query rewrite after view merging
Cause: Internal session parameter _QUERY_REWRITE_1 is set to FALSE
Action: Change session parameter with ALTER SESSION command.
QSM-01091: cost based optimizer found query rewrite is more expensive
Cause: When cost based optimizer is ON, cost of the rewritten cursor is compared
to the cursor generated without query rewrite, and the cheaper one is chosen for
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-19
Action: None
QSM-01092: mjv tries to rewrite a semi-join and primary key or rowid missing
Cause: Materialized join view tries to rewrite a semi-join (IN sub-query) and the
primary keys or rowids of left tables of semi-joins are missing from MJV.
Action: None
QSM-01093: anti-join marker not found in materialized join view
Cause: Materialized join view has outer join while the query inner join. For
rewrite to succeed MV must have an anti-join marker like the rowid or primary
key of the right tables of outer join
Action: None
QSM-01094: outer-join filter not found in materialized join view
Cause: Materialized join view has outer join while the query inner join. For
rewrite to succeed MV must have an anti-join marker like the rowid or primary
key of the right tables of outer join
Action: None
QSM-01095: no suitable grouping_id found in MV with grouping sets
Cause: If materialized aggregate view contains grouping sets, then it also must
contain the grouping_id() function. This function must contain all columns in the
Action: None
QSM-01096: Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates
Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates and no rewrite is
supported for it. For example, GROUP BY GROUPING SET ((a), (a)) is not
supported for rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01097: Materialized view with grouping sets has too long key
Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets has more that 64 different keys in its
GROUP BY. No rewrite is supported then.
Action: None
QSM-01098: mv string clause more restrictive than query string clause
Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the WHERE or
HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition
in the request query.
Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as
restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate
the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.
QSM-01099: non-tolerated reference to stale portion of mv for table string
Cause: The materialized view is partially stale. It is stale with respect to one or
more partitions in one or more of its detail tables. The request query references one
or more such detail partitions.
Action: (1) Change the selection criteria of the request to restrict the query to only
the fresh portion of the materialized view, or (2) ALTER {SYSTEM|SESSION}
materialized view.
45-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-01100: containment check failed for mv, string
Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the WHERE or
HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition
in the request query.
Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as
restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate
the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.
QSM-01101: rollup(s) took place on mv, string
Cause: If query's GROUP BY has one of the higher levels of columns found in the
materialized view, then the lower level columns in the materialized view will be
rolled up to compute the desired results.
Action: None
QSM-01102: materialized view, string, requires join back to table, string, on column,
Cause: A column in the query does not appear in the materialized view. Query
rewrite will try to obtain this column from the base table, by doing a join back to
that column with the MV.
Action: None
QSM-01103: there is a remote table, string, referenced in the query
Cause: Query rewrite does not support query with remote tables.
Action: None
QSM-01104: query is using flashback
Cause: Query rewrite does not support flashback.
Action: None
QSM-01105: no primary key or row id in MV, string, is found for table, string
Cause: In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to join
back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or rowid for the table.
Action: None
QSM-01106: materialized view, string, is stale with respect to some partition(s) in
the base table(s)
Cause: Query is requesting some data from the MV that are stale with respect to
some partitions in the base tables due to some updates.
Action: refresh the stale partitions and rerun the query
QSM-01107: Partition Containment Tracking (PCT) rewrite is not allowed
Cause: Query rewrite is disabled for PCT through a session parameter
Action: None
QSM-01108: maximum number of disjuncts exceeded in the query string
Cause: Query rewrite engine cannot process the query if the number of disjuncts
(OR's)in the WHERE clause exceeds the maximum allowed number. The number
of disjuncts in the query and the maximum allowed disjuncts are given at the end
of the message in the form of (no of disjuncts in query, maximum disjuncts
Action: None
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-21
QSM-01109: while rewriting with MV, string, table, string, migrated to query delta
Cause: There was an unmatched join on the MV, so a table involved in the join
was pushed to the query delta to see if the query can be rewritten
Action: None
QSM-01110: query rewrite not possible with materialized view string because it
contains a join between tables (string) that is not present in the query and that
potentially eliminates rows needed by the query
Cause: All lossy joins in the materialized view must be present in the query for
query rewrite to occur.
Action: None
QSM-01111: no partition key or partition marker found in MV, string
Cause: In order to do query rewrite with fresh partitions of an MV, the MV should
have a partiton key or partition marker.
Action: None
QSM-01112: WHERE clause of mv, string, is more restrictive than query
Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the WHERE clause
that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition in the request
Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as
restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate
the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.
QSM-01113: HAVING clause of mv, string, is more restrictive than query
Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the HAVING
clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition in the
request query.
Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as
restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate
the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.
QSM-01115: rollup took place on a column with a window function
Cause: There was a rollup to aggregate the data on a column with a window
Action: None
QSM-01116: window function computability checks failed
Cause: The window function in the query could not be computed from the
materialized view.
Action: None
QSM-01120: recursive rewrite not allowed here
Cause: This query was possibly rewritten with an equivalence which doesn't
allow further rewrites.
Action: None
QSM-01121: materialized view, string, is TRUSTED in ENFORCED integrity mode
Cause: A stale materialized view created with USING TRUSTED CONSTRAINTS
clause cannot be used when the query rewrite integrity mode is set ENFORCED.
45-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Alter materialized view such that it has the ENFORCED CONSTRAINTS
QSM-01123: self-join algorithm could not resolve multiple instances
Cause: The generalized self-join algorithm could not resolve the mutliple
instances, likely due to mismatch in joins or measures
Action: Consider using aliases in the query to match with the aliases in the
materialized view
QSM-01124: set operator materialized view, string, doesn't have a marker column
Cause: The specified set operator materialized view does not have a marker
Action: Add a marker column to the specified materialized view.
QSM-01125: a more optimal set operator materialized view than string was used to
Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal set operator materialized
view based on parameters, such as cardinality of the set operator materialized
view, number of branches that the set operator materialized view can rewrite etc.
The set operator materialized view specified was found to be less optimal.
Action: To force using a set operator materialized view, consider using a rewrite
QSM-01126: query rewritten with set operator materialized view, string
Cause: The specified set operator materialized view was used to rewrite the given
Action: None
QSM-01127: query rewritten with materialized view(s), string
Cause: The query was succesfully rewritten with multiple MVs
Action: None
QSM-01128: Multi MV rewrite is disabled
Cause: When multimv query rewrite is disabled, no multimv query rewrite will
take place.
Action: Enable multimv query rewrite with ALTER SESSION SET "_MULTIMV_
QSM-01129: query has NO_MULTIMV_REWRITE hint
Cause: WHen the query has this hint no multimv rewrite will be tried for this
Action: Remove hint from query
QSM-01130: Multi MV rewrite not allowed if at least one query block has no MVs
Cause: When only multimv query rewrite is enabled, every query block should
have at least one MV in it's from clause
Action: Disable only multimv query rewrite with ALTER SESSION SET "_ONLY_
QSM-01131: query has ONLY_MULTIMV_REWRITE hint
Cause: When the query has this hint no multimv rewrite will be done if the query
has a query block with no MVs in the from clause
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-23
Action: Remove hint from query
QSM-01132: query has a named array type column
Cause: When the query has a column of named array type, query rewrite cannot
be done
Action: None
QSM-01133: query has an ADT column
Cause: When the query has a column of ADT type, query rewrite cannot be done
Action: None
QSM-01134: query has a hidden or nested table column
Cause: When the query has a hidden or nested table column, query rewrite
cannot be done
Action: None
QSM-01135: query has an LOB column
Cause: When the query has a column stored in LOB, query rewrite cannot be
Action: None
QSM-01136: query has a nested table column
Cause: When the query has a nested table column, query rewrite cannot be done
Action: None
QSM-01137: dimension level, string, marked as SKIP WHEN NULL
Cause: Join back is not possible on a level marked as SKIP WHEN NULL in a
Action: None
QSM-01138: Query rewrite is not allowed.
Cause: Query rewrite was not allowed during materialized view validation.
Action: None
QSM-01139: query rewrite with stale materialized view, string, requires join back
Cause: Query rewrite was not allowed with a stale materialized view if join back
to a base table is required.
Action: None
QSM-01150: query did not rewrite
Cause: See the other messages from explain_rewrite() for explanation"
Action: None
QSM-01168: query rewrite not possible when Fine Grain Auditing is present on a
base table
Cause: Query rewrite could not take place because Fine Grain Auditing (FGA)
was present on a base table in the query
Action: None
QSM-01169: query rewrite not possible for a CREATE or ALTER VIEW statement
Cause: Query rewrite could not take place because the incoming query was either
a CREATE or ALTER VIEW statement
45-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: None
QSM-01170: no matching objects found between query and materialized view
Cause: Matching objects were not found between the query and the materialized
view. Materialized view may contain only editioning views.
Action: None
QSM-01202: query rewrite not possible when OPTIMIZER_MODE is set to rule
Cause: Query rewrite did not occur because the OPTIMIZER_MODE was set to
Action: Change the optimizer mode using the OPTIMIZER_MODE parameter.
QSM-01203: query rewrite not possible on DDL queries
Cause: If query contains any data definition operations, no query rewrite will take
Action: None
QSM-01204: query rewrite not possible before view merging
Cause: Internal session parameter _QUERY_REWRITE_2 is set to FALSE
Action: Change session parameter with ALTER SESSION command.
QSM-01205: query rewrite not possible when query has slave SQL
Cause: Current prcess is a kxfx slave
Action: None
QSM-01207: query rewrite not possible when query has a NOREWRITE hint
Cause: When query contains a NOREWRITE hint, no query rewrite will take
place for that query block.
Action: Remove the NOREWRITE hint from the query
QSM-01208: query rewrite not possible for update queries
Cause: If a query or part of it has any DML update operations, no query rewrite
will take place.
Action: None
QSM-01209: query rewritten with materialized view, string, using text match
Cause: The query was rewritten using a materialized view, because query text
matched the definition of the materialized view
Action: None
QSM-01210: query rewrite not possible because no common table(s) found between
materialized view string and query
Cause: If the materialized view does not reference the base tables found in the
query, it cannot be used for rewrite
Action: None
QSM-01211: query rewrite not possible when stored outline does not have a rewrite
Cause: When using a stored outline, a rewrite hint is required for query rewrite
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-25
Action: None
QSM-01212: query rewrite not possible when SAMPLE clause is present in FROM
Cause: If a query contains a SAMPLE clause, query rewrite will not take place
Action: None
QSM-01213: query rewrite not possible when nested aggregates or CONNECT BY
clause or START WITH clause or recursive WITH clause is present
Cause: If the query contains nested aggregates, CONNECT BY clause, or START
WITH clause, or recursive with clause, query rewrite will not take place
Action: None
QSM-01214: query rewrite not possible if OR is the top level operator in query
WHERE clause
Cause: If the top-level operator in the WHERE clause is an OR and there is more
than one table in the FROM list, then query rewrite will not take place.
Action: None
QSM-01215: query rewrite not possible when query GROUP BY clause has
Cause: No query rewrite, if there is no valid column in the GROUP BY clause.
Action: None
QSM-01218: query rewrite is likely more expensive due to a single table match
between materialized view and query
Cause: Materialized join view is more expensive for rewrite than using the base
Action: None
QSM-01219: no suitable materialized view found to rewrite this query
Cause: There doesn't exist any materialized view in the database that can be used
to rewrite this query.
Action: Consider creating a new materialized view.
QSM-01220: materialized view, string, is disabled, stale or unusable
Cause: Materialized view is probably disabled or stale.
Action: Consider enabling the materialized view for rewrite or refreshing it.
QSM-01222: materialized view string is less optimal than string
Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal materialized view based
on certain parameters, such as cardinality of the materialized view, number of
joins etc. The materialized view specified was found to be less optimal.
Action: To force using a materialized view, consider using a rewrite hint.
QSM-01241: query measure cannot be derived from the materialized view string
Cause: If a measure (such as SUM, AVERAGE) in the query cannot be matched or
computed from the materialized view, it will not be used for rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01244: join back could not be done on a view for string
Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back to a table is required to find any
missing columns.
45-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: None
QSM-01246: join back on correlated columns not allowed (string)
Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required on a column that is
referenced by a sub-query.
Action: None
QSM-01247: join back cannot be done on a materialized view that does not have an
aggregate (string)
Cause: Query Rewrite can occur by means of a complex join back only during a
MAV rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01248: materialized view does not have the join back level(s) (string)
Cause: Query Rewrite requires joining back to level of a dimension to find
missing information.
Action: Consider creating a dimension.
QSM-01251: query rewrite cannot perform rollup due to the presence of a window
Cause: No query rewrite if a window function is present on a column that
requires a roll-up to compute a measure.
Action: None
QSM-01256: query rewrite not possible for this DDL statement
Cause: Some SELECT statements which are part of a DDL expression may be
eligible for rewrite. These include CREATE AS SELECT and CREATE OUTLINE
statements. The given query expression is a DDL expression, which doesn't fall in
this category.
Action: None
QSM-01257: query rewrite not possible for this DML statement
Cause: Current DML is being done using an updatable view, so it is not eligible
for rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01263: query rewrite not possible when query references a dictionary table or
Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any dictionary
Action: None
QSM-01271: query rewrite not possible because a join in materialized view string
with table string has eliminated some rows found in query
Cause: A join from the materialized view to any table that eliminates some rows
should be be present in the query. Otherwise query rewrite will not occur.
Action: None
QSM-01273: query rewrite not possible because materialized view string has a join
not found in query
Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the materialized view has some joins
that query does not have
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-27
Action: None
QSM-01274: query rewrite not possible because materialized view string and query
have different number of joins between tables string
Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the query has some joins that the
materialized view does not have between the same pair of tables.
Action: None
QSM-01279: query rewrite not possible because DML operation occurred on a table
referenced by materialized view string
Cause: If any dependent tables of a materialized view undergoes a DML
operation, query rewrite may be restricted depending on the query rewrite
integrity mode for the session. In this situation, query rewrite will take place only
if the rewrite integrity mode is STALE_TOLERATED.
Action: Consider refreshing the materialized view changing the rewrite integrity
QSM-01281: query rewrite not possible because either a primary key or a row id is
required to join table string with MV string
Cause: In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to join
back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or rowid for the table.
Action: None
QSM-01284: materialized view string has an anchor table string not found in query
Cause: A table in a materialized view is an anchor, (a) if it is not joined to any
other table or (b) joined to other tables but each of its joins is not guaranteed to
provide all the rows or joined with the above table being child-side table. If an
anchor which is present in the materialized view is not found in the query, then
query rewrite will not take place.
Action: None
QSM-01293: anti-join marker not found in materialized view with joins
Cause: Materialized view has outer join while the query has inner join. For
rewrite to succeed MV must have an anti-join marker like the rowid or primary
key of the right tables of outer join
Action: None
QSM-01295: no suitable grouping_id found in materialized view with grouping
Cause: If materialized view contains grouping sets, then it also must contain the
grouping_id() function. This function must contain all columns in the MV GROUP
Action: None
QSM-01296: query rewrite not possible because materialized view contains
duplicate grouping sets
Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates and no rewrite is
supported for it. For example, GROUP BY GROUPING SET ((a), (a)) is not
supported for rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01297: query rewrite not possible because materialized view with grouping
sets has more than 176 different keys
45-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets has more that 176 different keys in
its GROUP BY. No rewrite is supported then.
Action: None
QSM-01298: materialized view string clause more restrictive than query string
Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the WHERE or
HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition
in the request query.
Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as
restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate
the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.
QSM-01299: query rewrite not possible because materialized view string is partially
Cause: The materialized view is partially stale. It is stale with respect to one or
more partitions in one or more of its detail tables. The request query references one
or more such detail partitions.
Action: (1) Change the selection criteria of the request to restrict the query to only
the fresh portion of the materialized view, or (2) ALTER {SYSTEM|SESSION}
materialized view.
QSM-01303: query rewrite not possible because query references a remote table
Cause: Query rewrite does not support query with remote tables.
Action: None
QSM-01304: query rewrite not possible because query is using flashback
Cause: Query rewrite does not support flashback.
Action: None
QSM-01307: Partition Containment Tracking (PCT) rewrite is not allowed
Cause: Query rewrite is disabled for PCT through a session parameter
Action: None
QSM-01308: number of 'OR's in query exceeded the maximum value string
Cause: Query rewrite engine cannot process the query if the number of disjuncts
(OR's)in the WHERE clause exceeds the maximum allowed number. The number
of disjuncts in the query and the maximum allowed disjuncts are given at the end
of the message in the form of (no of disjuncts in query, maximum disjuncts
Action: None
QSM-01316: window function could not be computed from materialized view
Cause: The window function in the query could not be computed from the
materialized view.
Action: None
QSM-01321: query rewrite not possible because materialized view string has
TRUSTED constraints in ENFORCED integrity mode
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-29
Cause: A stale materialized view created with USING TRUSTED CONSTRAINTS
clause cannot be used when the query rewrite integrity mode is set ENFORCED.
Action: Alter materialized view such that it has the ENFORCED CONSTRAINTS
QSM-01332: query rewrite not possible because query has a named array type
Cause: When the query has a column of named array type, query rewrite cannot
be done
Action: None
QSM-01333: query rewrite not possible because query has an ADT column
Cause: When the query has a column of ADT type, query rewrite cannot be done
Action: None
QSM-01334: query rewrite not possible because query has a hidden or nested table
Cause: When the query has a hidden or nested table column, query rewrite
cannot be done
Action: None
QSM-01335: query rewrite not possible because query has an LOB column
Cause: When the query has a column stored in LOB, query rewrite cannot be
Action: None
QSM-01336: the materialized view you specified (string) was not used to rewrite the
Cause: A materialized view specified by the user in the input was not used to
rewrite the query, either because query rewrite failed or another more optimal
materialized view was used to rewrite.
Action: None
QSM-01339: rewrite not supported on inline view aggregate
Cause: Query has an inline view with an aggregate. Such inline views cannot be
matched to any inline views in materialized views.
Action: None
QSM-01340: no inline view match found between query and materialized view(s)
Cause: Query's inline view does not have a match with any inline views in the
materialized view
Action: None
QSM-01341: joins between materialized view string and query inline views are
Cause: There is a mismatch between the joins in the query and materialized view
inline views
Action: None
QSM-01342: query rewrite not possible because query has full outer join
45-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: When query block has a table involved in full outer join, query rewrite
cannot be done
Action: None
QSM-01343: general inline view rewrite not possible on remote objects
Cause: The general inline view rewrite could not take place because the query
had remote objects
Action: None
QSM-01344: general inline view rewrite not possible on this WHERE clause
Cause: The general inline view rewrite was not supported with this WHERE
clause construct
Action: None
QSM-01345: general inline view rewrite not possible when inline view has
Cause: The general inline view rewrite could not take place because there were
Action: None
QSM-01346: general inline view rewrite not possible with nested inline views
Cause: General inline view rewrite cannot take place with nested inline views
Action: None
QSM-01347: a query inline view could not be matched with any materialized view
inline view
Cause: No materialized view inline views were found to match with a query
inline view
Action: None
QSM-01348: an invalid predicate was found in an inline view
Cause: An inline view in the query contained an invalid WHERE clause predicate
Action: None
QSM-01349: general inline view cannot be supported on this inline view
Cause: Certain inline views are unsupported in general inline view rewrite
Action: None
QSM-01350: query rewrite cannot support this inline view
Cause: Certain inline views are unsupported in general inline view rewrite
Action: None
QSM-01351: query inline view has no matching objects with any materialized view
inline views
Cause: There were no matching objects between the query inline view and
materialized view inline views
Action: None
QSM-01352: SELECT lists of the query and materialized view inline views do not
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-31
Cause: Query inline view's and materialized view inline view's SELECT list items
did not match.
Action: None
QSM-01353: no query rewrite on remote objects unless integrity mode is set to
Cause: Query rewrite's integrity mode should be set to stale_tolerated for query
rewrite to occur on queries with remote objects
Action: Set the session parameter, QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY to stale_
QSM-01354: query rewrite is disabled for remote objects
Cause: Query rewrite was disabled internally for queries referencing remote
Action: None
QSM-01355: multi-mv rewrite not possible in the presence of remote objects
Cause: Multi-MV rewrite not possible for queries referencing remote objects.
Action: None
QSM-01356: query rewrite against cube-organized materialized views not possible
when OLAP option is off
Cause: Query rewrite against cube-organized materialized views was not possible
because the OLAP option was off.
Action: None
QSM-01509: equivalence, string, matched query text
Cause: The query was rewritten using an equivalence, because query text
matched the source statement for this equivalence.
Action: None
QSM-01522: a more optimal equivlanece than string was used to rewrite
Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal equivalence based on
certain parameters, such as cardinality of the equivalence, number of joins etc. The
equivalence view specified was found to be less optimal.
Action: None
QSM-01526: query rewrite is disabled for equivalence, string
Cause: Query rewrite could not use this equivalence, because this equivalence
was created as disabled.
Action: Enable this equivalence using alter_rewrite_equivalence procedure from
package, dbms_advanced_rewrite.
QSM-01533: query rewritten with equivalence, string
Cause: The specified equivalence was used to rewrite the given query.
Action: None
QSM-01565: equivalence, string, cannot compute measure, string, in the query
Cause: If a measure in the query cannot be computed using the measures in the
equivalence, then query rewrite will not occur.
Action: None
45-32 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-01567: equivalence, string, cannot support the query measure, string
Cause: An attempt was made to push a grouping function through an expression
specified in the query to transform a measure. Query rewrite will not occur if this
measure transformation failed.
Action: None
QSM-01572: equivalence, string, and query have different joins between tables,
Cause: Anchors, if any, in the equivalenceand query match. But the joins between
these anchors in the equivalence and query are different.
Action: None
QSM-01582: Joining equivalence, string, with table, string, not possible
Cause: A column in the query is not found in the equivalence. To obtain the
column, a join back of equivalence to the table by means of either the primary key,
foreign key or rowid of the table is required. But join backs are not allowed for
equivalence rewrite
Action: None
QSM-01584: equivalence, string, has anchor, string, not found in query
Cause: If an anchor which is present in the equivalence is not found in the query,
then query rewrite will not take place.
Action: None
QSM-01601: rollup(s) took place on equivalence, string
Cause: If query's GROUP BY has one of the higher levels of columns found in the
equivalence, then the lower level columns in the equivalence will be rolled up to
compute the desired results.
Action: None
QSM-01602: equivalence, string, requires join back to table, string, on column,
Cause: A column in the query does not appear in the equivalence. Query rewrite
will try to obtain this column from the base table, by doing a join back to that
column with a materialized view. But join backs are not allowed for equivalence
rewrite as the required constraints are not guaranteed to be found on the tables in
the destination statement of the equivalence.
Action: None
QSM-01610: a lossy join in equivalence, string, between tables, string, not found in
Cause: All lossy joins in the equivalence must be present in the query for query
rewrite to occur.
Action: None
QSM-01617: equivalence definition is disabled
Cause: There is an equivalence defition that could have been probably used by
query rewrite to rewrite the query. But this equivalence is disabled.
Action: None
QSM-01618: equivalence, string, is enabled for text match rewrite only
Cause: This equivalence was created for text match rewrite only
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-33
Action: None
QSM-01619: equivalence cannot be used in ENFORCED integrity mode
Cause: An equivalence cannot be used for query rewrite when the query rewrite
integrity mode is set to ENFORCED.
Action: None
QSM-01621: join backs to base tables not allowed with an equivalence
Cause: Query rewrite needs to do a join back to a base table column to answer
this query. But join back is not allowed for an equivalence rewrite
Action: None
QSM-01709: query rewritten with equivalence, string, using text match algorithm
Cause: The query was rewritten using an equivalence because query text matched
the definition of the equivalence
Action: None
QSM-01784: equivalence string has an anchor table string not found in query
Cause: A table in an equivalence is an anchor, if (a) it is not joined to any other
table or (b) it is joined to other tables but each of its joins is not guaranteed to
provide all the rows or joined with the above table being child-side table. If an
anchor which is present in the equivalence is not found in the query, then query
rewrite will not take place.
Action: None
QSM-01837: recursive query rewrite on equivalence, string, not permitted
Cause: The source and destination statements of this equivalence MV are possibly
identical. A recursive rewrite on this equivalence can lead to an infinite loop and
thus not permitted.
Action: None
QSM-01838: semijoin transformation not supported on equivalence
Cause: There was a semijoin transformation attempted on an equivalence rewrite.
Currently this is not allowed
Action: None
QSM-02001: clustered mv container table
Cause: The capability in question is not supported on a materialized view that has
a clustered container table.
Action: Recreate the materialized view using a conventional container table.
QSM-02002: DISTINCT aggregate measure in SELECT list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses the DISTINCT qualifier on an aggregate function.
Action: Remove the DISTINCT qualifier.
QSM-02003: aggregate function nested within an expression
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
contains an aggregate function invocation nested within an outer expression.
Action: Re-phrase the expression such that the aggregate function invocation is
not nested.
45-34 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-02004: grouping column omitted from SELECT list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
contains a column or expression in the GROUP BY clause that is not also present
in the list of output select expressions.
Action: Include all GROUP BY expressions in the output select list.
QSM-02005: named view in FROM list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when a named view appears in
the FROM list.
Action: Remove the named view from the FROM list.
QSM-02006: subquery in FROM list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when a subquery appears in
the FROM list.
Action: Remove the subquery from the FROM list.
QSM-02007: multiple instances of the same table or view
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the same table or view
occurs more than once in the FROM list.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid multiple instances of the same table. For
QSM-02008: non-join filter condition in WHERE or HAVING clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
has a selection condition (an expression not representing a join) in the WHERE or
HAVING clauses.
Action: Remove the selection filter expression.
QSM-02009: non-inner join
Cause: The capability in question is only supported with inner joins.
Action: Re-phrase the query using an inner join. Remove any outer joins.
QSM-02010: join predicate with operator other than equals (=)
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized uses a
relationship operator other than equals ("=") in a join in the WHERE clause. This is
known as a non-equijoin.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the non-equijoin.
QSM-02011: a HAVING clause is present
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a HAVING clause.
Action: Remove the HAVING clause.
QSM-02012: a CONNECT BY clause is present
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a CONNECT BY clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the CONNECT BY clause.
QSM-02013: SELECT list includes a RAW data type expression
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses RAW data type in an expression.
Action: Remove the reference to the RAW expression.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-35
QSM-02014: GROUP BY expression other than a column
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses an expression other than a simple column reference in the GROUP BY clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to use only simple column expressions in the
GROUP BY clause.
QSM-02015: Index Organized Table (IOT) present in FROM list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references an Index Organized Table in the FROM list.
Action: Remove the reference to the Index Organized Table.
QSM-02016: clustered table in FROM list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a clustered table in the FROM list.
Action: Remove the reference to the clustered table in the FROM list.
QSM-02017: subquery present in the HAVING clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a subquery in the HAVING clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the subquery in the HAVING clause.
QSM-02018: subquery present in the WHERE clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a subquery in the WHERE clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the subquery in the WHERE clause.
QSM-02019: mv references another mv in FROM clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view is
nested (i.e., when it references another materialized view in its FROM list).
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid reference to the other materialized view.
QSM-02020: container column not in SELECT list with NOT NULL constraint
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view's
container table has a column that does not correspond to an output expression in
the select list, and that column has a NOT NULL constraint. This situation can
result in problems during refresh since any new rows inserted into the
materialized view will set that column to NULL.
Action: Disable or remove the NOT NULL constraint.
QSM-02021: set operator encountered in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses set operators such as UNION, UNION ALL, MINUS, etc.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of set operators.
QSM-02022: aggregate selections
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses an aggregate expression in the HAVING clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of an aggregate in the HAVING
QSM-02023: nested cursor
45-36 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a nested cursor expression.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of a nested cursor expression.
QSM-02024: no GROUP BY clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
does not use a GROUP BY clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to use a GROUP BY clause.
QSM-02025: no aggregate functions
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses no aggregate functions.
Action: Re-phrase the query to use aggregate functions.
QSM-02026: non-AND conjunction in WHERE clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a conjunction other than AND (such as OR) in the WHERE clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the non-AND conjunction.
QSM-02027: group by ROLLUP
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses the ROLLUP operator in the GROUP BY clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the ROLLUP operator.
QSM-02028: group by CUBE
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses the CUBE operator in the GROUP BY clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the CUBE operator.
QSM-02029: PL/SQL function invocation
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
invokes a PL/SQL function.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of PL/SQL functions.
QSM-02030: reduced precision specified for prebuilt mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view is
created with the WITH REDUCED PRECISION clause.
Action: DROP the materialized view and re-create it without using the WITH
QSM-02031: materialized view cannot support any type of query rewrite
Cause: of the problem.
Action: Examine the other messages and documentation to determine the
QSM-02032: no joins are present in the WHERE clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
includes no join conditions in the WHERE clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to include a join.
QSM-02033: no filter conditions are present in the WHERE clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
includes no filter selection conditions in the WHERE clause.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-37
Action: Add a filter condition.
QSM-02034: no joins are present in the HAVING clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
includes no joins in the HAVING clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to include a join.
QSM-02035: no filter conditions are present in the HAVING clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
includes no filter condition in the HAVING clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to include a join.
QSM-02036: in-list present in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses an IN list.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of IN lists.
QSM-02037: cannot evaluate constant expression at compile time
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a compile-time non-constant expression in a filter condition in the WHERE or
HAVING clauses. For example, WHERE X=1 uses a compile-time constant
expression in a filter condition. WHERE X=MY_PLSQL_FUNCTION() uses a
compile-time non-constant expression in a filter condition.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of a compile-time non-constant
expressions in filter conditions.
QSM-02038: Partition Change Tracking (PCT) is enabled
Cause: The Partition Change Tracking (PCT) capability is supported for this
materialized view.
Action: No action is needed.
QSM-02039: top level mv query uses grouping sets
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
use grouping sets.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of grouping sets.
QSM-02040: top level query contains GSets and the key is too long for rewrite
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a grouping set with too many keys.
Action: Reduce the number of grouping set keys.
QSM-02041: nested aggregate function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
nests an aggregate function invocation as an argument to another aggregate
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the nested aggregate function invocation.
QSM-02042: view or subquery in from list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a view or subquery in the FROM list.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of views or subqueries in in the
FROM list.
45-38 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-02044: ORDER BY clause in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
includes an ORDER BY clause.
Action: Remove the ORDER BY clause.
QSM-02045: START WITH clause in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
includes a START WITH clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the START WITH clause.
QSM-02047: window function in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a window function.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of window functions.
QSM-02048: outer join in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses an outer join.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of outer joins.
QSM-02049: subquery using the ANY clause in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses the ANY clause with a subquery.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the ANY clause.
QSM-02050: subquery using the ALL clause in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses the ALL clause with a subquery.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the ALL clause.
QSM-02051: subquery using the NOT EXISTS clause in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses the NOT EXISTS with a subquery.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the NOT EXITS clause.
QSM-02052: subquery using a select list in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a select list.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of a select list.
QSM-02053: collection subquery in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a collection subquery.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of collection subqueries.
QSM-02054: DISTINCT clause in select list in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses the DISTINCT clause in the select list.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the DISTINCT clause.
QSM-02055: mv references a packed object table or view
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-39
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a packed object table or view.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the packed object tables or views.
QSM-02056: correlated variable and outer join in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a correlated variable and an outer join.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the correlated variables or outer
QSM-02057: ROWNUM referenced in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references the ROWNUM function.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the ROWNUM function.
QSM-02058: set operator in mv and compatibility mode is less than 9.0
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a set operator and the compatibility mode is less than 9.0.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of set operators or set the
compatibility mode to 9.0 or greater.
QSM-02059: join may produce duplicate rows in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
contains a join condition that can result in duplicate rows in the materialized view.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the occurrence of duplicate rows in the
materialized view.
QSM-02061: one or more joins present in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
contains joins.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the joins.
QSM-02062: GROUP BY clause in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses the GROUP BY clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the GROUP BY clause.
QSM-02063: aggregate function in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses an aggregate function.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the aggregate functions.
QSM-02064: subquery in mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a subquery.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the subqueries.
QSM-02066: Oracle error: see RELATED_NUM and RELATED_TEXT for details
Cause: The capability in question is not supported because an attempt to create
the materialized view would result in an error.
Action: Examine the associated Oracle error code in the RELATED_NUM column
and the Oracle error text in the RELATED_TEXT column and address the problem.
45-40 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-02067: no partition key or PMARKER or join dependent expression in select
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
unless the select list (and group by list if a GROUP BY clause is present) includes
the partition key or PMARKER function reference to the table in question or an
expression join dependent on the partitioning column of the table in question.
Action: Add the partition key or a PMARKER function reference or a join
dependent expression to the select list (and the GROUP BY clause, if present).
QSM-02068: relation is not a partitioned table
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relation in question
is not a partitioned table.
Action: Change the query to reference a partitioned table.
QSM-02069: PCT not supported with multi-column partition key
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the table in is partitioned
on a multi-column key.
Action: Re-phrase the query to reference a table partitioned on a single column
QSM-02070: PCT not supported with this type of partitioning
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the table in question uses
certain types of partitioning.
Action: Re-phrase the query to reference a table that is uses a type of partitioning
that is supported for this capability.
QSM-02071: internal error: undefined PCT failure code
Cause: An internal Oracle error has occurred.
Action: Report the problem through your normal support channels.
QSM-02072: requirements not satisfied for fast refresh of nested mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported because one or more of the
requirements for this capability have not been satisfied.
Action: Examine the relevant nested materialized view documentation in the
Warehouse Guide and address the problem.
QSM-02073: non-primary key RepAPI mv is not fast refreshable
Cause: Fast refresh is supported for RepAPI materialized views only if it is also a
primary key materialized view.
Action: Re-design the materialized view to be a primary key materialized view.
QSM-02074: materialized view over Heterogeneous Services link
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a heterogeneous link.
Action: Re-design the materialized view to avoid the use of the heterogeneous
QSM-02075: materialized view on synonym
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a synonym, if the compatible parameter is earlier than 10.2.0.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the synonyms.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-41
QSM-02076: sequence number in the mv log is newer than last refresh
Cause: The timestamp of the sequence number in the mv log was after the last
refresh time.
Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh.
QSM-02077: mv log is newer than last full refresh
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized
view log was created after the creation or most recent complete refresh of the
materialized view.
Action: Perform a complete refresh of the materialized view.
QSM-02078: mv log must have new values
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized
view log omits new values.
Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the NEW VALUES clause.
QSM-02079: mv log must have ROWID
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized
view log omits ROWIDs.
Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the ROWID clause.
QSM-02080: mv log must have primary key
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized
view log omits primary keys.
Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the PRIMARY KEY clause.
QSM-02081: mv log does not have all necessary columns
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized
view log omits columns referenced in the select list of the materialized view.
Action: Re-create the materialized view log and include all columns referenced in
the select list.
QSM-02082: problem with mv log
Cause: The capability in question is not supported because of a problem the
materialized view log in question.
Action: Examine the relevant materialized view log and fast refresh
documentation in the Warehouse Guide and address the problem.
QSM-02083: mv references PL/SQL function that maintains state
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a PL/SQL function that maintains state and which may not return the
same value every time it is invoked against the same set of rows.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid such a PL/SQL function. Or modify the
PL/SQL function to avoid state maintenance and change its declaration
QSM-02084: DISTINCT clause on a duplicate sensitive aggregate function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses the DISTINCT clause in this context.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the DISTINCT clause.
QSM-02086: mv uses the MIN or MAX aggregate functions
45-42 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses the MIN or MAX function.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the MIN or MAX functions.
QSM-02088: mv omits at least one grouping key from the select list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
omits any grouping expressions from the select list.
Action: Include all GROUP BY expressions in the select list.
QSM-02090: SELECT includes an expression that is not just a column
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses an expression in the select list that is not a simple column reference.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the expressions that are not
simple column references.
QSM-02091: mv references a non-repeatable or session-sensitive expression
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses an expression that may not return the same value each time it is invoked
against the same set of rows or that may return different values depending on
session parameters.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of such expressions.
QSM-02092: mv references a sequence number
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a sequence number.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to sequence numbers.
QSM-02093: mv uses an object REF clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses an object REF clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of an object REF clause.
QSM-02096: mv references a named view
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a view.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid references to views.
QSM-02099: mv references a remote table or view in the FROM list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a remote table or view in the FROM list.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid references to remote tables or views.
QSM-02101: mv references a synonym in the FROM list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a synonym in the FROM list.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the synonym.
QSM-02102: mv FROM list references an object in the SYS schema
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references an object in the SYS schema.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the SYS schema.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-43
QSM-02104: aggregate function in a filter condition in the HAVING clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references an aggregate function in a filter condition in the HAVING clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of aggregates in filter conditions in
the HAVING clause.
QSM-02106: mv uses a filter condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
includes a filter condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of filter conditions in the WHERE or
HAVING clauses.
QSM-02112: top level query has LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER or FULL OUTER
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses these types of joins.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of these types of joins.
QSM-02113: expression in select list references multiple tables or views
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
includes an expression in the select list that references multiple tables or views.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the such expressions.
QSM-02114: no GROUP BY clause, no aggregates and not >= 9.0 compatibility
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
has no GROUP BY clause, no aggregates and compatibility mode is less than 9.0.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the include a GROUP BY clause or an
aggregate function. Or set compatibility mode to 9.0 or greater.
QSM-02115: mv references a remote object and is refreshed ON COMMIT
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a remote object and is refreshed ON COMMIT.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the remote object or alter the
materialized view to be refreshed ON DEMAND.
QSM-02116: mupltiple master sites
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references multiple remote objects that reside at different remote instances.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of multiple master sites.
QSM-02117: missing GROUPING_ID or GROUPING functions on GROUP BY
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses grouping sets but omits the relevant GROUPING_ID or GROUPING
Action: Re-phrase the query to include the relevant GROUPING_ID or
GROUPING functions.
QSM-02118: duplicate grouping sets
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
redundantly references grouping sets.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the redundant grouping sets.
45-44 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-02119: internal error while analyzing required supporting aggregates
Cause: An internal Oracle error has occurred.
Action: Report the problem through your normal support channels.
QSM-02120: compatibility mode must be 9.0 or higher
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the compatibility mode
is less than 9.0.
Action: Set the compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher.
QSM-02121: set operator in a context not supported for fast refresh
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a set operator in this context.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the set operator.
QSM-02122: compatibility mode must be 8.1 or higher
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the compatibility mode
is less than 8.1.
Action: Set the compatibility mode to 8.1 or higher.
QSM-02123: subquery and UNION mv's must be primary key mv's
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view is
not a primary key materialized view and uses subqueries or the union operator in
this context.
Action: Re-create the materialized view as a primary key materialized view.
QSM-02124: object type in WHERE clause
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references an object type in the WHERE clause.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the object type.
QSM-02125: subquery join conditions don't meet requirements for capability
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a subquery in a join in this way.
Action: Examine the relevant replication documentation concerning subquery
materialized views and address the problem.
QSM-02126: no rowid at master site
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references a remote site that does not support rowids.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the remote site.
QSM-02127: not supported for this type mv by Oracle version at master site
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain constructs and references an older version, remote Oracle instance.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the construct or upgrade the
remote Oracle instance.
QSM-02128: does not meet the requirements of a primary key mv
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
fails to meet the requirements of a primary key materialized view.
Action: Examine the relevant primary key materialized view replication
documentation and address the problem.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-45
QSM-02129: join or filter condition(s) are complex
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a complex join or filter condition.
Action: Re-phrase the query to simplify the join or filter condition.
QSM-02130: expression not supported for fast refresh
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references certain, complex expressions.
Action: Re-phrase the query to simplify the expression.
QSM-02131: agg(expr) requires correspondng SUM(expr) function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the SUM function on
the same argument.
Action: Add the SUM function to the select list.
QSM-02132: agg(expr) requires correspondng COUNT(expr) function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the COUNT function
on the same argument.
Action: Add the COUNT function to the select list.
QSM-02133: agg(expr) requires correspondng MIN(expr) function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the MIN function on
the same argument.
Action: Add the MIN function to the select list.
QSM-02134: agg(expr) requires correspondng MAX(expr) function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the MAX function on
the same argument.
Action: Add the MAX function to the select list.
QSM-02135: agg(expr) requires correspondng AVG(expr) function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the AVG function on
the same argument.
Action: Add the AVG function to the select list.
QSM-02136: agg(expr) requires correspondng VARIANCE(expr) function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the VARIANCE
function on the same argument.
Action: Add the VARIANCE function to the select list.
QSM-02137: agg(expr) requires correspondng STDDEV(expr) function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the STDDEV function
on the same argument.
Action: Add the STDDEV function to the select list.
45-46 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-02138: agg(expr) requires correspondng agg(expr*expr) function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of that same aggregate
function on the square of the same argument.
Action: Add an invocation of the same aggregate function on the square of the
same argument (that is, the argument multiplied by itself).
QSM-02139: agg(expr) requires correspondng agg(expr+expr) function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of that same aggregate
function on the same argument added to the same argument.
Action: Add the indicated aggregate function to the select list.
QSM-02140: agg(expr) requires correspondng SUM(expr*expr) function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the SUM function on
the square of the same argument (the argument multiplied by itself).
Action: Add the SUM function on the square of the argument.
QSM-02141: the reason why the capability is disabled has escaped analysis
Cause: The EXPLAIN_MV analysis engine has failed to capture the reason why
the given capability is not possible.
Action: Report the problem through your normal problem reporting channels.
QSM-02142: COUNT(*) is not present in the select list
Cause: The materialized view query omits COUNT(*) from the select list.
Action: Add COUNT(*) to the select list.
QSM-02143: SUM(expr) without COUNT(expr)
Cause: SUM(expr) occurs in the select list without a corresponding
Action: Add COUNT(expr) to the select list.
QSM-02144: aggregate functions are present without a GROUP BY clause
Cause: One or more aggregate functions are present in the select list but a GROUP
BY clause is not used.
Action: Add a GROUP BY clause.
QSM-02145: GROUP BY clause is present but no aggregate functions are used
Cause: A GROUP BY clause is used but no aggregate functions are present in the
select list.
Action: Add an aggregate function to the select list.
QSM-02146: see the reason why REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_INSERT is disabled
Cause: REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML is disabled for the same reason
Action: Correct the problem with REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_INSERT.
QSM-02147: default date format is sensitive to session settings
Cause: You have specified a date conversion operation using either the default
format or an incomplete format. The default date format or an incomplete format
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-47
is sensitive to session settings, and therefore may not be reproducible across
different environments.
Action: Specify a complete date format string.
QSM-02148: many to many subquery joins require 9.0 compatibility or higher
Cause: You have specified a many to many join in your materialized view while
running in less than 9.0 compatibility mode.
Action: Set your compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher or restructure the
materialized view query.
QSM-02149: ON COMMIT with this MV requires 9.0 compatibility or higher
Cause: You have specified a materialized view that uses some combination of the
following: joins aggregation filter conditions in the WHERE clause a remote
relation in the FROM list a SUM(x) function without a corresponding COUNT(x)
function an omitted COUNT(*) aggregate function a MIN() or MAX() aggregate
function in combination with the REFRESH ON COMMIT option while running in
less than 9.0 compatibility mode.
Action: Set your compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher or restructure the
materialized view query.
QSM-02150: select lists must be identical across the UNION operator
Cause: You have specified a materialized view using the UNION operator and the
respective queries on each side of the UNION operator do not have the same select
list. The RELATED_NAME column shows the alias of the first different select list
item. The RELATED_NUM column shows the offset from the SELECT keyword to
the start of this select list item.
Action: Restructure the materialized view query such that the respective sides of
the UNION operator have identical select lists.
QSM-02151: subquery or named view in FROM list and < 9.0 compatibility Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references a subquery or named view in its top level FROM list while running in less than 9.0 compatibility mode. Action: Set compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher or restructure the materialized view query. QSM-02152: subquery or named view in FROM list even after view merging Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references a subquery ore named view in its top level FROM list that could not be merged during the view merging process. Action: Restructure the materialized view query. QSM-02153: inline view or subquery in FROM list not supported for this type MV Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references an inline view or a subquery. The indicated capability is not supported for this type of materialized view. Action: Restructure the materialized view query. QSM-02154: MV is not fast refreshable even with view merging Cause: You have a materialized view with view in the FROM clause, however it does not meet the criteria for fast refresh after view merging. Action: Restructure the materialized view query to remove the offending view or the complex construct in the view. 45-48 Oracle Database Error Messages QSM-02161: see the reason why REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML is disabled Cause: REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ANY_DML is disabled for the same reason that REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML is disabled. Action: Correct the problem with REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML. QSM-02162: the detail table does not have a materialized view log Cause: The fast refresh cannot be performed because the master table does not contain a materialized view log. Action: Use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG command to create a materialized view log on the master table. QSM-02163: cannot use object id columns from materialized view log Cause: The materialized view log either does not have object id columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the object id columns is more recent than the last refresh time. Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. Add object id columns to the materialized view log, if required. QSM-02169: the materialized view contains partition extended table name Cause: Fast refresh of materialized aggregate views and/or materialized join views are not supported if they were defined using partition extended table names. Action: Create the fast refreshable materialized view without using partition extended table names or create the materialized view as a complete refresh materialized view. QSM-02170: tables must be identical across the UNION operator Cause: You have specified a materialized view using the UNION operator and the tables on each side of the UNION operator do not match. Fast refresh is not supported in this context. Action: Restructure the materialized view query such that the respective sides of the UNION operator have the same table. QSM-02171: the materialized view has a join operation in the outer UNION block Cause: Fast refresh is not supported if a materialized view having the UNION operator contains a join operation. Action: Rewrite the materialized view query without the join. QSM-02173: the unique constraints does not exist on the join columns of the inner table Cause: If there are outer joins, unique constraints must exist on the join columns of the inner table. Othwerwise, the materialized view can not be fast refreshable. Action: None QSM-02174: the materialized view does not have a UNION ALL marker column Cause: For a materialized view with UNION ALL to be fast refreshable, it must have a UNION ALL marker column. This is a constant column, at the same ordinal position in each query block and must have distinct values in each query block. Action: Add a UNION ALL marker column to each query block in the UNION ALL query defining the materialized view. QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-49 QSM-02175: some query block in UNION ALL MV is not fast refreshable Cause: For a materialized view with UNION ALL to be fast refreshable, each query block must conform to a fast refreshable materialized join view or materialized aggregate view. Action: Check each query block in the UNION ALL to ensure it is either a materialized view with joins or aggregates. QSM-02176: MV with UNION ALL in a view is too complex Cause: If a materialized view has a view whose definition involves a UNION ALL query, then the materialized view's defining query cannot have any clauses other than SELECT or FROM. Other clauses such as WHERE, HAVING, CONNECT BY, or GROUP BY are not allowed. Further more, the FROM clause should have only one item. Action: Remove any clauses besides SELECT and FROM from the materialized view's defining query. QSM-02177: MV with UNION ALL in a view must match the view's SELECT list Cause: If a materialized view has a view whose definition involves a UNION ALL query, then the materialized view's select list must match the underlying view's select list exactly. It must not have any expressions and must not have add/drop/reorder columns from the underlying view. Action: Use select * when defining a materialized view with a UNION ALL in a view. QSM-02178: MV has a view with UNION ALL that is not fast refreshable Cause: The materialized view has a view whose definition involves a UNION ALL query that does not satisfy the requirements for fast refresh. Action: Check that the defining query of the view being referenced in the materialized view satisfies conditions for fast refresh of a UNION ALL materialized view. QSM-02179: MV with UNION ALL requires compatibility >= 9.2
Cause: The setting of the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is less than 9.2.0.
Action: Set COMPATIBLE to 9.2.0 or higher.
QSM-02180: no primary key constraint in the master table
Cause: The explain_mview assumes that the materialized view is going to be
created as the Primary Key materialized view. A Primary Key materialized view
can not be created if the base table does not have a primary key constraint.
Action: Add a primary key constraint to the base table, or create the materialized
view as Rowid MV by specifying the WITH ROWID option. If the materialized
view is a Rowid MV, then it should be able to do complete refresh and even fast
refresh, given that the materialized view log on the master table has a rowid.
QSM-02181: a SPREADSHEET clause is present
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
uses a SPREADSHEET clause.
Action: Remove the SPREADSHEET clause.
QSM-02182: PCT is enabled through a join dependency
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
does not contain some expression join dependent on the partitioning key of
45-50 Oracle Database Error Messages
relation in question in the select list. For definition of join dependency, please look
at Oracle documentation.
Action: Change the query to contain the partitioning key
QSM-02183: Expression to enable PCT not in PARTITION BY of analytic function
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the expression is not in
the PARTITION BY clause
Action: Change the query so that the expression is in the PARTITION BY
QSM-02184: Expression to enable PCT cannot be rolled up
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the expression is rolled
Action: Change the query so that the expression is not rolled up
QSM-02185: no partition key or PMARKER in select list
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
unless the select list (and group by list if a GROUP BY clause is present) includes
either the partition key of or a PMARKER function reference to the table in
Action: Add the partition key or a PMARKER function reference to the select list
(and the GROUP BY clause, if present).
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
QSM-02187: materialized view on external table
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
references an external table.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the external tables.
QSM-02188: named view in FROM list not supported for this type MV
Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references a named view The
indicated capability is not supported for this type of materialized view.
Action: Restructure the materialized view query.
QSM-02189: materialized view definition changes
Cause: The definition of the materialized view has changed. Usually redefining
the synonym or table in the definition can cause this. The materialized view can
not be fast refreshed.
Action: Complete refresh or recreate the materialized view.
QSM-02190: SQL PIVOT or UNPIVOT is present
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
has sql PIVOT or UNPIVOT operation.
Action: Remove sql PIVOT or UNPIVOT.
QSM-02191: types of MV logs are not compatible
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-51
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view is
defined on detail tables which do not have a compatible type of materialized view
logs, either all timestamp based or commit SCN based.
Action: Complete refresh or recreate materialized view logs.
QSM-02192: commit SCN based MV log is not in consistent state
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized
view log is not in consistent state due to the failure when populating the mapping
table of SYS.SNAP_XCMT$.
Action: Perform a complete refresh of the materialized view.
QSM-02193: unsupported MV on commit SCN based MV logs
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized
view is not supported to be defined on detail tables which have commit SCN
based MV logs.
Action: None
QSM-02194: CASE expressions present in materialized view
Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view
contain CASE expressions.
Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of CASE expressions.
QSM-02195: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query contains a named view
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query contained a named view.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of named views.
QSM-02196: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query contains an inline view
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query contained an inline view.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of an inline view.
QSM-02197: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query contains a remote table
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query contained a remote table.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of a remote table.
QSM-02198: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if HAVING clause includes a
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query HAVING clause included a subquery.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of a subquery in the HAVING clause.
QSM-02199: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if WHERE clause includes a
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query WHERE clause included a subquery.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of a subquery in the WHERE clause.
QSM-02200: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query contains LEFT OUTER,
45-52 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query contained LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER or FULL OUTER JOIN.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER or
QSM-02201: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if there is a self join or self
cartesian product in query
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query contained self join of self cartesian product in the query.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of self joins or self cartesian product
in the query.
QSM-02202: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query has ORDER BY clause
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query contained an ORDER BY clause.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of the ORDER BY clause.
QSM-02203: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query has set operand query
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query contained set operand query blocks.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of set operand query blocks.
QSM-02204: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if query has an inner query
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query contained an inner query.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of the inner query.
QSM-02205: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible if there is a subquery inside
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query contained a subquery inside a select-list.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of a subquery inside a select-list.
QSM-02206: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible because this query join may
produce extra duplicate rows
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view contained a join condition that can result in duplicate rows in the
materialized view.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the occurrence of duplicate rows in the
materialized view.
QSM-02207: PCT FAST REFRESH is not possible for complex queries
Cause: The capability in question was not supported because the materialized
view query was too complex.
Action: No action is necessary.
QSM-02208: subquery using the NOT IN clause in materialized view
Cause: The capability in question was not supported when the materialized view
uses NOT IN with a subquery.
Action: Rephrase the query to avoid the use of the NOT IN clause.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-53
QSM-02209: a MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause is present
Cause: The capability in question was not supported when the materialized view
used a MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause.
Action: Remove the MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause.
QSM-03112: Invalid CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement string
Cause: The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement that was passed into the
procedure was not a valid one.
Action: Check the reason(s) following the error or the statement and retry the
QSM-03113: Cannot tune the MATERIALIZED VIEW statement string
Cause: The MATERIALIZED VIEW statement could not be tuned.
Action: Check the reason(s) following the error or the statement and retry the
QSM-03114: Cannot tune FOR UPDATE materialized view
Cause: The materialized view was created with the FOR UPDATE option.
Action: Rephrase the statement to avoid the use of the FOR UPDATE option.
QSM-03115: Cannot tune materialized view ON PREBUILT table
Cause: The materialized view was created on a prebuilt table.
Action: Rephrase the statement to avoid the use of the ON PREBUILT option.
QSM-03116: The materialized view is already optimal and cannot be tuned any
Cause: The materialized view has the capabilities that are specified in the
Action: None
QSM-03117: Cannot tune the materialized view to be fast refreshable
Cause: The materialized view could not be tuned or decomposed to be fast
Action: Run the dbms_mview.explain_mview to find out the reason.
QSM-03118: Cannot tune the materialized view for general rewrite
Cause: The materialized view could not be tuned for supporting general rewrite.
Action: Run the dbms_mview.explain_mview to find out the reason.
QSM-03119: The WHERE/HAVING clause is too complex for general query rewrite
Cause: The WHERE/HAVING was too complex for general rewrite.
Action: Try to simplify the WHERE/HAVING clause in the materialized view
defining query.
QSM-03120: Cannot create materialized view log on encrypted columns
Cause: There were encrypted columns in materialized view defining query.
Action: Try to remove the encrypted columns in the materialized view defining
QSM-03201: The table string.string is classified as a fact table.
Cause: This table has met the criteria of a fact table for the purposes of
synchronous refresh.
45-54 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: None. This is an informational message.
QSM-03202: The table string.string is classified as a dimension table.
Cause: This table has met the criteria of a dimension table for the purposes of
synchronous refresh.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
QSM-03203: The table string.string is classified as neither a fact nor a dimension
Cause: This table has not met the necessary criteria of a fact table or a dimension
table for the purposes of synchronous refresh. Synchronous refresh requires that
the defining query of a materialized view conform to either the star or snowflake
schema. A table can be either a fact or dimension table.
Action: Check the joins of the query to ensure they conform to the requirements.
QSM-03204: The materialized view passes the join graph eligibility check for
synchronous refresh.
Cause: The defining query of the materialized view (MV) conformed to the star or
snowflake schema and, therefore, was eligible for synchronous refresh.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
QSM-03205: The materialized view fails the join graph eligibility check for
synchronous refresh.
Cause: The defining query of the materialized view (MV) did not conform to the
star or snowflake schema and, therfore, was not eligible for synchronous refresh.
Action: Check the joins of the query to ensure they conform to the requirements.
QSM-03206: The fact table is partitioned by string and its partition key is string.
Cause: The fact table had the indicated partitioning method and key.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
QSM-03207: The materialized view is partitioned by string and its partition key is
Cause: The materialized view (MV) had the indicated partitioning method and
Action: None. This is an informational message.
QSM-03208: The partition key of the fact table functionally determines the
partition key of the materialized view.
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the partition key of the
fact table functionally determined the partition key of the materialized view (MV),
which is a requirement for synchronous refresh eligibility.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
QSM-03209: The materialized view passes the partition key dependency eligibility
check for synchronous refresh.
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the materialized view
(MV) passed the partition key dependency eligibility check.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
QSM-03210: The materialized view does not pass the partition key functional
dependency check and is not eligible for synchronous refresh.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-55
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the materialized view
(MV) did not pass the partition key dependency eligibility check.
Action: Check the partition keys of both the fact table and materialized view and
check the joins of the materialized view to ensure the functional dependency check
QSM-03211: The partition key of the MV can be rolled up from the partition key of
the fact table by a join between the fact table and the dimension table string.
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated there was a rollup
relationship between the partition keys of the fact table and the materialized view
Action: None. This is an informational message.
QSM-03212: The partition key of the MV corresponds to string column of the fact
table and not to the partition key of the fact table.
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the the partition key of
the materialized view (MV) was related to a column of the fact table and not to the
partition key of the fact table.
Action: Check the partition keys of both the fact table and materialized view and
and check the joins of the materialized view to ensure the functional dependency
check passes.
QSM-03213: The partition key of the MV corresponds to the partition key of the
fact table.
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the partition key of the
materialized view (MV) is the same as the partition key of the fact table.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
QSM-03214: The partition key of the MV is derived from table string whereas the
partition key of the fact table is related by a join to dimension table string.
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the partition key of the
materialized view (MV) was related to a column of a dimension table that was not
the dimension table to which the partition key of the fact table was joined.
Action: Check the partition keys of both the fact table and materialized view and
check the joins of the materialized view to ensure the functional dependency check
QSM-03215: The partition key of the MV is not a column related to the partition
key of the fact table.
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the partition key of the
materialized view (MV) was not a column related to the partition key of the fact
Action: Check the partition keys of both the fact table and materialized view and
check the joins of the materialized view to ensure the functional dependency check
QSM-03216: The partition key of the MV is related to the partition key of the fact
table by a join between the fact table and the dimension table string.
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the partition key of the
materialized view (MV) was related to the partition key of the fact table by a join.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
45-56 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-03217: The table string.string is classified as both a fact and a dimension
Cause: This table has met the necessary criteria of both a fact table and a
dimension table for the purposes of synchronous refresh. Synchronous refresh
requires that the defining query of a materialized view conform to either the star
or snowflake schema. A table can be either a fact or dimension table.
Action: Check the joins of the query to ensure they conform to the requirements.
QSM-03218: More than one table is classified as a fact table.
Cause: More than one of the base tables of the materialized view was classified as
a fact table for the purposes of synchronous refresh, which requires exactly one
fact table. Synchronous refresh requires that the defining query of a materialized
view conform to either the star or snowflake schema. A table can be either a fact or
dimension table. However, only one (and exactly one) can be fact table and the rest
must be dimension tables.
Action: Check the joins of the query to ensure they conform to the requirements.
QSM-03219: The materialized view is not partitioned and therefore is not eligible
for synchronous refresh.
Cause: The materialized view was not partitioned and therefore was not eligible
for synchronous refresh.
Action: Partition the materialized view so that it is eligible for synchronous
QSM-03220: The partition key of the MV belongs to a table other than the fact
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the partition key of the
materialized view (MV) was related to a table other than the fact table.
Action: Check the partition keys of both the fact table and materialized view and
the check the joins of the materialized view to ensure the functional dependency
check passes.
QSM-03221: The partition key of the fact table does not appear in the joins of the
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the partition key of the
fact table did not appear in the joins of the materialized view (MV).
Action: Check the partition keys of both the fact table and materialized view and
the joins.
QSM-03222: The partition key of the fact table could not be related to the partition
key of the MV.
Cause: The analysis by synchronous refresh indicated that the partition key of the
fact table cannot be related to the partition key of the materialized view (MV).
Action: Check the partition keys of both the fact table and materialized view and
the joins.
QSM-03223: The partition method used in the table or MV is not supported by MV
synchronous refresh.
Cause: An attempt was made to do synchronous refresh on a table or materialized
view (MV) that used an unsupported partition method.
Action: Check the partition method used in the table or MV definition to make
sure it is either range, range-range, range-list, or range-hash partition.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-57
QSM-03224: rows being deleted or updated not in the base table
Cause: The staging log rows to be updated or deleted were not in the base table.
Action: Change the staging log key in the staging log table.
QSM-03225: rows being inserted in the base table
Cause: The staging log rows to be inserted were in the base table.
Action: Change the staging log key in the staging log table.
QSM-03226: Rows being updated had exactly the same old and new values on all
Cause: The staging log rows to be updated had exactly the same old and new
values on all columns.
Action: Change some of the column values of the rows being updated or delete
the problematic rows from the staging log.
QSM-03227: The USING TRUSTED CONSTRAINTS clause is not specified in the
materialized view definition.
Cause: The USING TRUSTED CONSTRAINTS clause was not specified in the
materialized view (MV) definition. Therefore, the MV was not eligible for
synchronous refresh.
Action: Alter the materialized view to use trusted constraints.
QSM-03228: The refresh option specified in the materialized view definition is not
Cause: The refresh option specified in the materialized view (MV) definition was
not supported for synchronous refresh. The only refresh option supported for
synchronous refresh is REFRESH FORCE.
Action: Alter the materialized view refresh option to REFRESH FORCE.
QSM-03229: The ON COMMIT refresh option is not supported.
Cause: The ON COMMIT refresh option specified in the materialized view
definition was not supported for synchronous refresh. The only refresh option
supported for synchronous refresh is ON DEMAND.
Action: Alter the materialized view refresh option to ON DEMAND.
QSM-03230: The materialized view is in an invalid state or not fresh.
Cause: The materialized view was in an invalid state or not fresh. Synchronous
refresh requires the materialized view (MV) to be in a valid and fresh state when it
is registered or prepared.
Action: Recompile the MV and refresh it to esnure it is valid and fresh.
QSM-03231: ROWID is not allowed in the materialized view registered for
synchronous refresh.
Cause: ROWID was used in the defining query of the materialized view.
Action: Remove the ROWID column from the defining query of the materialized
QSM-03232: RAW data type is not allowed in the materialized view registered for
synchronous refresh.
Cause: RAW data type was used in the defining query of the materialized view.
Action: Remove the RAW data type column from the defining query of the
materialized view.
45-58 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-03233: MIN or MAX is not allowed in the materialized view registered for
synchronous refresh.
Cause: MIN or MAX was used in the defining query of the materialized view.
Action: Remove the MIN or MAX expression from the defining query of the
materialized view.
QSM-03234: Set operator is not allowed in the materialized view registered for
synchronous refresh.
Cause: The set operator was used in the defining query of the materialized view.
Action: Remove the set operator from the defining query of the materialized view.
QSM-03235: OUTER JOIN is not allowed in the materialized view registered for
synchronous refresh.
Cause: OUTER JOIN was used in the defining query of the materialized view.
Action: Remove OUTER JOIN from the defining query of the materialized view.
QSM-03236: Subquery is not allowed in the materialized view registered for
synchronous refresh.
Cause: A subquery was used in the defining query of the materialized view.
Action: Remove the subquery from the defining query of the materialized view.
QSM-03237: Trigger is not allowed in the base table string.string for synchronous
Cause: A trigger was used in the base table for synchronous refresh.
Action: Remove the trigger from the base table.
QSM-03238: The materialized view was not defined on the base table string.string
for synchronous refresh.
Cause: There was no materialized view defined on the base table.
Action: Change the base table name.
QSM-03239: Group by CUBE, ROLLUP, or grouping-sets was not allowed in the
materialized view registered for synchronous refresh.
Cause: A group by CUBE, ROLLUP, or grouping-sets was used in the defining
query of the materialized view.
Action: Remove the group by CUBE, ROLLUP, or grouping-sets from the defining
query of the materialized view.
QSM-03240: The object string.string used in a materialized view definition was not
a table.
Cause: An object was used in the defining query of the materialized view, which
was not a table type.
Action: Remove the object from the defining query of the materialized view.
QSM-03241: Currently there is no active operation on the specified synchronous
refresh group.
Cause: Either EXECUTE_REFRESH or ABORT_REFRESH returned an error
because there was no active operation on the specified synchronous refresh group.
Action: Check the catalog views to determine the status of the synchronous
refresh group.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-59
QSM-03242: The synchronous refresh group is in an invalid state for the requested
Cause: Either PREPARE_REFRESH or EXECUTE_REFRESH returned an error
because the specified operation was not valid for the specified synchronous
refresh group.
Action: Check the catalog views to determine the status of the synchronous
refresh group. Refer to the synchronous refresh documentation to find out which
refresh operations are valid in the various possible states of the group.
QSM-03243: The synchronous refresh group cannot resume execution.
Cause: EXECUTE_REFRESH returned an error because all possible refresh
subgroups had been processed and had a status of either COMPLETE or ABORT.
Action: Check the catalog views to determine the status of the synchronous
refresh group and its objects. Refer to the synchronous refresh documentation to
find out which refresh operations are valid in the various possible states of the
QSM-03244: The partition operations registered on table string.string are not valid.
Cause: Either an illegal partition operation was specified in the register partition
operation or the partition name was incorrectly specified.
Action: Check that the partition_name belongs to a valid partition and that only
one operation is registered for a partition.
QSM-03245: The partition operations registered on partition string of table
string.string conflict with the data supplied in the staging logs.
Cause: The staging log contained changes to rows in the partition that were being
registered. These changes occur due to changes specified in the staging log of the
fact table or because of updates to dimension tables.
Action: Resolve these conflicts by either unregistering the partition or deleting the
rows from the named partition in the staging log of the fact table. If the conflicts
are due to dimension updates, provide all changes to the fact table in the staging
log rather than attempting to register the partition operations directly.
QSM-03246: The owner of outside partition string is string whereas it should be
Cause: When registering the outside table, the user supplied the incorrect owner
for the outside table.
Action: Unregister the outside table and register it with the correct owner, which
should be the same as the owner of the base table.
QSM-03247: The staging log on table string.string has not been prepared.
Cause: PREPARE_REFRESH failed because the staging log for the specified table
was not prepared with PREPARE_STAGING_LOG. All staging logs of tables of the
group must be prepared before running PREPARE_REFRESH.
Action: Run PREPARE_STAGING_LOG on the specified table. Check that all
other tables in the group have been prepared.
QSM-03248: The materialized view string.string is already registered.
Cause: The specified materialized view (MV) has already been registered. A MV
can be registered only once.
Action: No action is necessary if the MV is in a valid state. If the MV is in an
invalid state, unregister the MV and re-register it with REGISTER_MVIEWS.
45-60 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-03249: The table string.string does not have a staging log.
Cause: REGISTER_MVIEWS failed because the staging log for the specified table
belonging to the materialized view (MV) being registered did not exist. All tables
on a MV are required to have staging logs created on them for the MV to be
registered for synchronous refresh.
Action: Create the staging log with the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG
statement with the FOR SYNCHRONOUS REFRESH clause. If the table already
has an ordinary MV log, use the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG instead.
QSM-03250: The fact table string.string is not referenced by any MV in the group
and the changes to dimension tables contain deletes or updates.
Cause: PREPARE_REFRESH found that there was no materialized view (MV)
registered for synchronous refresh that contained the specified fact table as one of
its base tables and the changes to the dimension tables contained updates or
deletes. This error will not occur if the changes to the dimension tables contain
only inserts.
Action: There are many ways to handle this situation. Refer to the documentation
for details. One way is to unregister all MV's, drop staging logs on the tables or
alter them to ordinary logs and apply the changes to the tables. Then the MV's can
be refreshed using conventional methods instead of synchronous refresh. If
desired, the staging logs on the tables can be re-created and the MV's can be
registered for synchronous refresh. Another way is to register a MV which
references the specified fact table for synchronous refresh. If no such MV exists,
the user can first create one before registering it.
QSM-03251: The fact table string.string is not referenced by any MV in the group
and its staging log is not empty.
Cause: PREPARE_REFRESH found that there is no materialized view (MV)
registered for synchronous refresh that contained the specified fact table as one of
its base tables and the staging log for that table specified changes to it. PREPARE_
REFRESH supports fact tables without MV's defined on them if they meet two
conditions: a) the staging log for the fact table is empty; b) the staging logs for the
dimension tables in the group do not specify deletes or updates.
Action: There are many ways to handle this situation. Refer to the documentation
for details. Briefly, the two main ways are:
1. Register a MV which references the fact table for synchronous refresh. If no such
MV exists, you can create one.
2. Unregister all the MVs in the group; drop staging log on the table or alter it to
an ordinary MV log. Re-register the MVs which have been unregistered.
QSM-03252: The synchronous refresh group of table string.string is locked by
another operation.
PARTITION_OPERATION detected that the synchronous refresh group to which
the table belonged had been locked by another synchronous refresh operation.
Action: Wait for the other operation to complete before attempting this operation
QSM-03253: The synchronous refresh group of table string.string has been
unlocked by another operation.
PARTITION_OPERATION detected that the synchronous refresh group to which
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-61
the table belonged had been unlocked by another synchronous refresh operation.
This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.
QSM-03254: The lock operation on synchronous refresh group string failed
Cause: The lock operation on the specified synchronous refresh group failed
unexpectedly. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.
QSM-03255: The unlock operation on synchronous refresh group string failed
Cause: The unlock operation on the specified synchronous refresh group failed
unexpectedly. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.
QSM-03256: The synchronous refresh group string is locked by another operation.
Cause: Either REGISTER_MVIEWS or PREPARE_REFRESH detected that the
synchronous refresh group to be processed by the requested operation had been
locked by another synchronous refresh operation.
Action: Wait for the other operation to complete before attempting this operation
QSM-03257: The synchronous refresh group string has been unlocked by another
Cause: Either EXECUTE_REFRESH or ABORT_REFRESH detected that the
synchronous refresh group to be processed by the requested operation had been
unlocked by another synchronous refresh operation. This is an unexpected
condition and may indicate an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.
QSM-03258: The value supplied for the parameter string is too long.
Cause: The value supplied for the specified parameter exceeded the maximum
length allowed for that parameter.
Action: Supply a valid value for the specified parameter.
QSM-03259: The value supplied for the parameter string is malformed.
Cause: The value supplied for the specified parameter was invalid.
Action: Supply a valid value for the specified parameter.
QSM-03260: The materialized views being registered are not defined on tables.
Cause: The materialized views being registered were not defined on tables, but
were defined on top of other types of objects such as views or materialized views.
Synchronous refresh works only with materialized views defined on tables.
Action: Do not register such materialized views for synchronous refresh.
QSM-03261: The partition operation name string is not valid.
PARTITION_OPERATION detected that the partition operation name did not
belong to the DROP, EXCHANGE or TRUNCATE value.
Action: Check the parameter partition operation carefully, and change it to DROP,
45-62 Oracle Database Error Messages
QSM-03262: The object string.string is not registered for Synchronous Refresh.
OPERATION detected that either:
- This object was not registered for synchronous refresh.
- The synchronous refresh group was not in the current run.
- The object was not a table type.
Action: Make sure this object is registered for synchronous refresh, the
synchronous refresh group is in the current run, and the object is a table type.
QSM-03263: There is already a partition operation registered on string.string
partition string.
Cause: REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION detected that there was already a
partition maintenance operation (for example, DROP, EXCHANGE or
TRUNCATE) registered on the specified partition of the base table.
Action: Use the UNREGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION to unregister this
partition first, and then run REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION.
QSM-03264: There is no partition named string in base table string.string.
Cause: REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION detected that there was no
partition with the specified name in the base table.
Action: Check the parameter PARTITION_NAME, and make sure it is a valid
partition in the base table.
QSM-03265: The outside table string.string does not exist.
Cause: REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION detected that the outside table
schema or table name did not exist or was not valid.
Action: Check the parameters OUTSIDE_PARTN_TABLE_SCHEMA or
OUTSIDE_PARTN_TABLE_NAME, and make sure the outside table exists.
QSM-03266: Tablespace of base table string does not match the tablespace of
outside partition table string.
Cause: REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION detected that the tablespace of the
base table for any partition or subpartition did not match the tablespace of the
outside partition table.
Action: Alter the tablespace of outside partition table to match the tablespace of
the base table, or check if the outside partition table is eligible for REGISTER_
QSM-03267: The outside partition table string contains at least one record that is
not within the partition range of the base table string.
Cause: REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION detected that the outside partition
table contained at least one record that was not within the partition range of the
base table.
Action: Check the records to see if the outside partition table is eligible for the
QSM-03268: Synchronous refresh can only support top partition by RANGE.
Cause: REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION detected the base table was not
partitioned by RANGE on top.
Action: The base table is not eligible for REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION.
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-63
QSM-03269: The number of partitions of the base table string and the outside table
string do not match.
Cause: The base table was composite-partitioned. The partition number of the
outside partition did not match the number of subpartitions inside the specified
partition of the base table.
Action: Check the partitions to see if the outside partition table is eligible for the
QSM-03270: There is no partition operation registered on string.string partition
Cause: UNREGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION detected that there was no
partition maintenance operation (for example, DROP, EXCHANGE and
TRUNCATE) registered on the specified partition of the base table.
Action: Use the REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION to register this partition
QSM-03271: The partition name of outside partition table string does not match the
subpartition name of base table string.
Cause: REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION detected that the partition name of
the outside partition table did not match the subpartition name of base table.
Action: Alter the partition name of outside partition table to match the partition
name of the base table, or check if the outside partition table is eligible for
QSM-03272: There are no changes loaded for any tables in this group.
Cause: There were no changes recorded for any tables in this group. The changes
to a table can be provided in its staging log or by specifying partition change
Action: Provide the appropriate changes to the tables in the group.
QSM-03276: The specified schema string of the staging log is different from the
owning schema string of the base table.
Cause: The user-specified schema of the staging log was different from the
owning schema of the base table. They must be in the same schema if the schema
of the staging log is specified.
Action: Specify the owning schema of the base table as the schema of the staging
log or do not specify the schema for the staging log.
QSM-03277: An internal error related to tracing messages to SYNCREF_MESG has
Cause: This is an internal error as noted in the message.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.
QSM-03278: The table SYNCREF_MESG is not present in the SYS schema.
Cause: This is an internal error related to tracing messages to the table SYNCREF_
MESG. It occurs if the event 31904 is set to level 4 or 8 but the message table
SYNCREF_MESG is not created in the SYS schema. Oracle does not support levels
4 and 8 in event 31904.
Action: Execute the command again after unsetting levels 4 and 8 in event 31904.
QSM-03280: One or more materialized views failed to refresh successfully.
45-64 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The base tables in the group refreshed successfully but one or more
materialized views in the group did not. The status of the group for synchronous
refresh operation was set to PARTIAL in this case.
Action: To find the materialized views which failed, query the USER_SR_OBJ_
STATUS catalog view. Take one of the following courses of action:
* Issue the EXECUTE_REFRESH command again to retry refreshing the views. In
this case EXECUTE_REFRESH will internally use the PCT refresh mode to refresh
the materialized views.
* Issue the ABORT_REFRESH command to abort the refresh of all objects in the
group, including the base tables, and restore them to the original state.
QSM-03281: The specified GROUP_ID is not valid.
Cause: The GROUP_ID specified as input to the refresh operation was not valid
and does not identify a valid synchronous refresh group.
Action: Provide the correct GROUP_ID. Use the DBMS_SYNC_REFRESH.GET_
GROUP_ID to get the correct GROUP_ID.
QSM-03282: A materialized view is registered on a table related to string.string.
Cause: The staging log creation on the specified table failed because a table
related to it by referential-integrity constraint has a materialized view which was
registered for synchronous refresh with the REGISTER_MVIEWS command.
Oracle requires that you first register the tables before registering any materialized
view defined on them.
Action: Unregister the materialized views defined on the related tables with the
UNREGISTER_MVIEWS command. Then, register the tables with synchronous
refresh by creating staging logs on them. Finally, register any materialized views
you wish to register for synchronous refresh with REGISTER_MVIEWS.
QSM-03283: The materialized view string.string has not been registered.
Cause: The specified materialized view was not registered for synchronous
Action: Register the materialized view with DBMS_SYNC_REFRESH.REGISTER_
MVIEWS. Use the USER_SR_OBJ catalog view to verify the materialized view has
been registered.
QSM-03284: There is no foreign key constraint defined on string referencing
Cause: The table of REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION did not define a
foreign key constraint on its referred base table.
Action: Define a foreign key constraint on its referred base table and retry the
QSM-03285: There is no primary key constraint defined on string.string.
Cause: The table of REGISTER_PARTITION_OPERATION did not define a
primary key constraint on it.
Action: Define a primary key constraint on the table and retry the operation.
QSM-03286: Complex materialized view was not allowed for synchronous refresh.
Cause: There was a complex materialized view in the synchronous refresh group.
Action: Remove the complex materialized view in the synchronous refresh group.
QSM-03287: synchronous refresh internal error: [string]
QSM-00501 to QSM-03287 45-65
Cause: This was an internal error in synchronous refresh.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the complete message.
45-66 Oracle Database Error Messages
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-1
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 6 4
RMAN-00201: Do you really want to execute the above repair (enter YES or NO)?
Cause: This is a user prompt.
Action: Answer the question to proceed.
RMAN-00202: Do you want to open the database (enter YES or NO)?
Cause: This is a user prompt.
Action: Answer the question to proceed.
RMAN-00203: Do you want to open resetlogs the database (enter YES or NO)?
Cause: This is a user prompt.
Action: Answer the question to proceed.
RMAN-00204: Do you really want to delete the above objects (enter YES or NO)?
Cause: This is a user prompt.
Action: Answer the question to proceed.
RMAN-00205: Do you really want to drop all backups and the database (enter YES
or NO)?
Cause: This is a user prompt.
Action: Answer the question to proceed.
RMAN-00206: Do you really want to drop the database (enter YES or NO)?
Cause: This is a user prompt.
Action: Answer the question to proceed.
RMAN-00207: Do you really want to unregister the database (enter YES or NO)?
Cause: This is a user prompt.
Action: Answer the question to proceed.
RMAN-00208: Want to unregister the database with target db_unique_name (enter
YES or NO)?
Cause: This is a user prompt.
Action: Answer the question to proceed.
RMAN-00209: Do you really want to change the above failures (enter YES or NO)?
Cause: This is a user prompt.
Action: Answer the question to proceed.
RMAN-00210: Do you really want to catalog the above files (enter YES or NO)?
46-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: This is a user prompt.
Action: Answer the question to proceed.
RMAN-00211: Error occurred getting response - assuming NO response
Cause: An error occurred reading user response.
Action: No action is required, this is an informational message only.
RMAN-00212: "string" is an invalid response - please re-enter.
Cause: An incorrect response was entered.
Action: Enter a correct response.
RMAN-00550: parser package failed to load
Cause: lpmloadpkg() return an error indication.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
RMAN-00551: initialization of parser package failed
Cause: The parser package initialization routine returned an error.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
RMAN-00552: syntax error in command line arguments
Cause: The arguments supplied to RMAN could not be parsed, or no arguments
were supplied at all.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
RMAN-00553: internal recovery manager package failed to load
Cause: lpmloadpkg() return an error indication.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed
Cause: The internal package initialization routine returned an error.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
RMAN-00555: target database connect string must be specified
Cause: The TARGET parameter was not specified.
Action: Supply the necessary parameter.
RMAN-00556: could not open CMDFILE "string"
Cause: An error occurred when trying to open the file.
Action: Check that the file name was specified correctly and that the file exists
and that the user running RMAN has read permission for the file.
RMAN-00557: could not open MSGLOG "string"
Cause: An error occurred when trying to open the file.
Action: Check that the file name was specified correctly and that the file exists
and that the user running RMAN has write permission for the file.
RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-3
Cause: The parser detected a syntax error.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
RMAN-00562: username too long
Cause: The specified user name exceeds the maximum allowable username
Action: Correct the username.
RMAN-00563: password too long
Cause: The specified password exceeds the maximum allowable password length.
Action: Correct the password.
RMAN-00564: host data too long
Cause: The SQL*NET host connect string exceeds the maximum allowable length.
Action: Correct the host string.
RMAN-00565: unable to read input file
Cause: An error occurred while trying to read from STDIN or from the CMDFILE.
Action: Ensure that the cmdfile is readable. The cmdfile must be a text file with 1
line per record.
RMAN-00566: could not open TRACE "string"
Cause: An error occurred when trying to open the file.
Action: Check that the file name was specified correctly and that the user running
RMAN has write permission for the file.
RMAN-00567: Recovery Manager could not print some error messages
Cause: An error occurred while trying to print the error message stack.
Action: If the associated error message indicates a condition that can be corrected,
do so, otherwise contact Oracle.
RMAN-00568: user interrupt received
Cause: The user typed ^C or ATTN.
Action: No action is required.
Cause: This message precedes an error message stack.
Action: The errors are printed in last-in first-out order. To interpret them correctly,
read from the bottom to the top.
RMAN-00570: **end-of-file**
Cause: The end of an inline cmdfile was reached. This is just an informational
Action: No action is required.
Cause: Displayed to highlight the error message stack.
Action: The errors are printed in last-in first-out order. To interpret them correctly,
read from the bottom to the top.
46-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
RMAN-00572: waiting for DBMS_PIPE input
Cause: This message is used only when the PIPE option was specified.
Action: enqueue some RMAN input into the pipe
RMAN-00573: DBMS_PIPE.NEXT_ITEM_TIME returned unknown type code:
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: contact Oracle Support Services.
RMAN-00574: rman aborting due to errors reading/writing DBMS_PIPE
Cause: RMAN was run with input/output being sent to DBMS_PIPE. An error
was encountered while reading from or writing to the pipe. This error should be
preceded by information describing the error.
Action: RMAN terminates. Refer to the cause/action for the preceding errors.
RMAN-00575: timeout while trying to write to DBMS_PIPE
Cause: d by death of the process that was talking to rman.
Action: RMAN will abort.
RMAN-00576: PIPE cannot be used with CMDFILE
Cause: The PIPE and CMDFILE options cannot be used together. When using the
PIPE option, RMAN must obtain its input from the input pipe.
Action: Remove either the PIPE or CMDFILE option.
RMAN-00577: PIPE requires that TARGET be specified on the command line
Cause: The PIPE option obtains its input from, and writes its output to, an Oracle
database pipe in the target database. Therefore, the target database connection
must be specified on the command line, so that RMAN can connect to the target
database to receive its input from the pipe.
Action: Specify the TARGET option on the RMAN command line.
RMAN-00578: pipe string is not private and owned by SYS
Cause: The pipe that RMAN needs to use for its input or output is either a public
pipe or a private pipe that is not owned by SYS. This is a potential security
problem, because it allows a non-SYS user to issue commands to RMAN or to
retrieve the RMAN output.
Action: If you are attempting to put data on the RMAN input pipe prior to
starting RMAN, so RMAN will process the data on the pipe as soon as it starts,
you must be connected as SYS and you must first use the DBMS_PIPE.CREATE_
PIPE function to explicitly create the pipe as a private pipe.
RMAN-00579: SCRIPT cannot be used with CMDFILE
Cause: The SCRIPT and CMDFILE options cannot be used together. When using
the SCRIPT option, RMAN executes only the specified script.
Action: Remove either the SCRIPT or CMDFILE option.
RMAN-00600: internal error, arguments [string] [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: An internal error in recovery manager occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
RMAN-00601: fatal error in recovery manager
Cause: A fatal error has occurred.
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-5
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
RMAN-00700: SCRIPT requires that TARGET be specified on the command line
Cause: A SCRIPT option was included on the RMAN command line without a
specified TARGET database.
Action: Specify the TARGET option on the RMAN command line.
RMAN-00701: SCRIPT requires that CATALOG be specified on the command line
Cause: A SCRIPT option was included on the RMAN command line without a
specified CATALOG recovery catalog.
Action: Specify the CATALOG option on the RMAN command line.
RMAN-00702: The command has no syntax errors
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-00703: The cmdfile has no syntax errors
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-01006: error signaled during parse
Cause: An error was signaled during parsing.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
RMAN-01007: at line number column number file: string
Cause: This is an informational message indicating the line and column where a
syntax error was detected.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-01008: the bad identifier was: string
Cause: This is an informational message indicating the identifier token that
caused a syntax error.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-01009: syntax error: found "string": expecting one of: "string"
Cause: A syntax error was signaled during parsing.
Action: Correct the input.
RMAN-02000: wrong message file version (msg number not found)
Cause: The rmanxx.msb file is not the correct version.
Action: Check that the installation was done correctly. The RMAN binary
(executable, load module, whatever it is called on your O/S) and the rmanxx.msb
file must be from the same version, release, and patch level.
RMAN-02001: unrecognized punctuation symbol "string"
Cause: An illegal punctuation character was encountered.
Action: Remove the illegal character.
RMAN-02002: unexpected end of input file reached
46-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: This is probably caused by failure to supply the closing quote for a quoted
Action: Correct the input.
RMAN-02003: unrecognized character: string
Cause: An input character that is neither an alpha, digit, or punctuation was
Action: Remove the character.
RMAN-02004: quoted string too big
Cause: A quoted string longer than 2000 bytes was encountered.
Action: This may be caused by a missing close quote. If so, add the missing quote,
otherwise shorten the string.
RMAN-02005: token too big
Cause: A token longer than 1000 bytes was encountered
Action: Tokens must be separated by whitespace or punctuation. Either add the
missing whitespace or punctuation, or shorten the token.
RMAN-02006: script line too long
Cause: a line longer than 500 bytes was encountered
Action: break the line up into shorter lines
RMAN-02007: Integer value overflow
Cause: Parser failed to convert input string to integer
Action: Acceptable values for integer are from 0 to 2147483648. Retry command
using valid integer value.
RMAN-02008: no value exists for variable "string"
Cause: The RMAN variable specified was either undefined or null
Action: Verify that a proper value has been given to that variable.
RMAN-02009: unexpected end of command file reached
Cause: This is probably caused by failure to supply the closing brace for a stored
script in a command file.
Action: Correct the input.
RMAN-03000: recovery manager compiler component initialization failed
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-03001: recovery manager command sequencer component initialization
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-03002: failure of string command at string
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-7
RMAN-03003: command not implemented yet: string
Cause: The command is not implemented in the current release.
Action: Avoid using the command.
RMAN-03004: fatal error during execution of command
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-03008: error while performing automatic resync of recovery catalog
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-03009: failure of string command on string channel at string
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-03010: fatal error during library cache pre-loading
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-03011: Recovery Managerstring
Cause: This is the RMAN banner
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03012: fatal error during compilation of command
Cause: A fatal error occurred during compilation of a command.
Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
RMAN-03013: Copyright (c) 1995, 2003, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Cause: This is the copyright banner
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03014: implicit resync of recovery catalog failed
Cause: of the failure.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03015: error occurred in stored script string
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03017: recursion detected in stored script string
Cause: A stored script is calling itself or another script which calls itself.
Action: Remove the recursion.
RMAN-03018: asynchronous RPCs are working correctly
Cause: This is an informational message only.
46-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03019: asynchronous RPCs are NOT working
Cause: The RPCTEST command has determined that RPCs are not executing
asynchronously. Instead, they are blocking. This is caused by using a SQL*NET
driver that does not support non-blocking UPI.
Action: Try using a different SQL*NET driver.
RMAN-03020: asynchronous RPC test will take 1 minute
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03023: executing command: string
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03028: fatal error code for command string : number
Cause: Informational message. This precedes error 3012.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03029: echo set on
Cause: a SET ECHO ON command was issued
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03030: echo set off
Cause: a SET ECHO OFF command was issued
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03031: this option of set command needs to be used inside a run block
Cause: The option used with the SET command is not valid outside a run block.
Action: Change the SET command or place it inside a run block.
RMAN-03032: this option of set command needs to be used outside of a run block
Cause: The option used with the SET command is not valid inside of a run block.
Action: Change the SET command or place it outside a run block.
RMAN-03033: current log archived
Cause: "ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG CURRENT" command completed
Action: None, this is an informational message.
RMAN-03034: LEVEL number is invalid. LEVEL must be between string and string
Cause: An invalid DEBUG LEVEL was used.
Action: Change the DEBUG LEVEL argument.
RMAN-03035: Debugging turned off
Cause: a DEBUG OFF command was issued
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03036: Debugging set to level=number[string], types=string
Cause: a DEBUG command was issued
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-9
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03037: Spooling started in log file: string
Cause: a SPOOL LOG TO … command was issued
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03038: Spooling started in trace file: string
Cause: a SPOOL TRACE TO … command was issued
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03039: Spooling for log turned off
Cause: a SPOOL LOG OFF command was issued
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03040: Spooling for trace turned off
Cause: a SPOOL TRACE TO … command was issued
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03042: error while analyzing automatic repair options
Cause: of the failure.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03090: Starting string at string
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03091: Finished string at string
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03098: stringRMAN-number: stringstring
Cause: This is the message prefix with a possible indentation.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-03099: job cancelled at user request
Cause: The user interrupted the current job.
Action: None
RMAN-03999: Oracle error occurred while while converting a date: ORA-number:
Cause: Internal error converting a date.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
RMAN-04000: memory allocation failure
Cause: A memory allocation request could not be satisfied.
Action: Increase the amount of memory available to RMAN.
RMAN-04001: heap initialization failure
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
46-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
RMAN-04002: OCIPI failed, ORA-string
Cause: OCI process level initialization failed.
Action: This error should not normally occur.
RMAN-04003: OCIINIT failed
Cause: The call to OCIEnvInit failed.
Action: This error should not normally happen. Contact Oracle Customer
RMAN-04004: error from recovery catalog database: string
Cause: Oracle error signaled by catalog database. This message should be
accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-04005: error from target database: string
Cause: Oracle error signaled by target database. This message should be
accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-04006: error from auxiliary database: string
Cause: Oracle error signaled by auxiliary database. This message should be
accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-04007: WARNING from recovery catalog database: string
Cause: Non fatal Oracle error signaled by catalog database. This message should
be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-04008: WARNING from target database: string
Cause: Non fatal Oracle error signaled by target database. This message should be
accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-04009: WARNING from auxiliary database: string
Cause: Non fatal Oracle error signaled by auxiliary database. This message
should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-04010: target database Password:
Cause: No password was provided for the target database.
Action: Provide target database password.
RMAN-04011: recovery catalog database Password:
Cause: No password was provided for the recovery catalog database.
Action: Provide recovery catalog database password.
RMAN-04012: auxiliary database Password:
Cause: No password was provided for the auxiliary database.
Action: Provide auxiliary database password.
RMAN-04013: must connect before startup
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-11
Cause: A STARTUP command was attempted before connecting to the database.
Action: Connect to database before attempting STARTUP command.
RMAN-04014: startup failed: string
Cause: The database failed to startup.
Action: The cause of the failure is included in the error message. Correct the cause
of the failure and retry the startup command.
RMAN-04015: error setting target database character set to string
Cause: An error was received while setting the session character set in the target
Action: This error should not normally happen. Contact Oracle Customer
RMAN-04016: could not get OCI error handle
Cause: An error was received while initializing the OCI layer.
Action: This error should not normally happen. Contact Oracle Customer
RMAN-04017: startup error description: string
Cause: of failure.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-04020: target database name "string" does not match channel's name:
Cause: The CONNECT clause in the ALLOCATE command has resulted in a
connection to a database which is not the same as the one used to connect to the
target database.
Action: Verify that the CONNECT string connects to the same database as the one
specified in the TARGET connection for the CONNECT command.
RMAN-04021: target database DBID string does not match channel's DBID string
Cause: The CONNECT clause in the ALLOCATE command has resulted in a
connection to a database which is not the same as the one used to connect to the
target database.
Action: Verify that the CONNECT string connects to the same database as the one
specified in the TARGET connection for the CONNECT command.
RMAN-04022: target database mount id string does not match channel's mount id
Cause: The CONNECT clause in the ALLOCATE command has resulted in a
connection to a database which is not the same as the one used to connect to the
target database.
Action: Verify that the CONNECT string connects to the same database as the one
specified in the TARGET connection for the CONNECT command.
RMAN-04024: starting Oracle instance without parameter file for retrieval of spfile
Cause: The instance could not be started because no default parameter file (either
PFILE or SPFILE) could be found. The instance will be started in restricted mode
with default parameters.
Action: None - this is an informational message.
46-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
RMAN-04025: unable to generate a temporary file
Cause: Creation of a temporary file failed. If could be that the system does not
have enough resources (disk space, memory or similar).
Action: Verify and free some system resources memory and try again.
RMAN-04026: unable to open a temporary file: "string"
Cause: Opening of a temporary file failed. If could be that the system does not
have enough resources (disk space, memory or similar).
Action: Verify and free some system resources memory and try again.
RMAN-04027: unable to write to a temporary file: "string"
Cause: Writing to a temporary file failed. If could be that the system does not
have enough resources (disk space, memory or similar).
Action: Verify and free some system resources memory and try again.
RMAN-04031: initialization parameters used for automatic instance: string
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-04032: using contents of file string
Cause: The specified file was included as part of the auxiliary database parameter
file. This is an informational message.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-04033: cannot open auxiliary parameter file string
Cause: An auxiliary parameter file was specified with SET AUXILIARY
INSTANCE PARAMETER FILE command but the specified file cannot be found.
Action: Set the parameter file to an existent file or retry the command without
RMAN-04034: source recovery catalog database Password:
Cause: A password was not provided for the source recovery catalog database.
Action: Provide source recovery catalog database password.
RMAN-04035: error from source recovery catalog database: string
Cause: Oracle error signaled by source recovery catalog database. This message
should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-04036: WARNING from source recovery catalog database: string
Cause: Nonfatal Oracle error signaled by source recovery catalog database. This
message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of
the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-04037: Connection should be as SYSDBA or as SYSBACKUP
Cause: An unsupported mode was specified on a target or clone connection.
Action: Specify a valid mode and retry the connection.
RMAN-04038: Connection should not specify a mode
Cause: A connection specified a mode when no mode is supported for this kind of
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-13
Action: Remove the mode specification and retry the connection.
RMAN-05000: CONFIGURE AUXNAME required for datafile string
Cause: Either: -) The control file mounted by the auxiliary database does not have
an entry for this datafile, therefore file name conversion is not possible. -) A COPY
DATAFILE TO AUXNAME command was issued, but no auxname was set for this
Action: Use the CONFIGURE AUXNAME command to specify a file name that
the auxiliary database can use as a restore destination.
RMAN-05001: auxiliary file name string conflicts with a file used by the target
Cause: RMAN is attempting to use the specified file name as a restore destination
in the auxiliary database, but this name is already in use by the target database.
Action: Use the CONFIGURE AUXNAME command to specify a name for the
data file that does not conflict with a file name in use by the target db.
RMAN-05002: aborting Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery
Cause: Previously encountered error(s) were issued which require corrective
Action: Resolve the error conditions, and then re-issue the RECOVER command.
RMAN-05003: Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery is not allowed for tablespace
Cause: The SYSTEM, SYSUAX or a tablespace containing rollback segments is not
allowed in Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery.
Action: Remove the indicated tablespace from the recovery set and retry the
RMAN-05004: target database log mode is NOARCHIVELOG
Cause: An attempt was made to apply Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery or
Pluggable Database Point-in-Time Recovery to a database that is in
Action: If all required archived log files are available for Tablespace Point-in-Time
Recovery or Pluggable Database Point-in-Time Recovery, alter the target database
log mode to ARCHIVELOG and retry the operation. Otherwise, Tablespace
Point-in-Time Recovery and Pluggable Database Point-in-Time Recovery cannot
be applied to this database.
RMAN-05005: Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery is not allowed for re-created
tablespace string
Cause: The requested tablespace has been re-created and is not allowed in
Point-in-Time Recovery.
Action: Remove the indicated tablespace from the recovery set and retry the
RMAN-05006: cannot recover clone standby single tablespaces
Cause: Standby recover can only be performed for the whole database.
Action: Change the tablespace list to a database specification.
RMAN-05007: no channel allocated
Cause: A command was entered that requires a channel, and no channel is
46-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Use ALLOCATE CHANNEL before using the command
RMAN-05008: SKIP clause not valid for normal recovery
Cause: The SKIP clause was specified for non-Tablespace or Table Point-in-Time
Action: Remove the UNDO TABLESPACE clause.
RMAN-05009: Block Media Recovery requires Enterprise Edition
Cause: The RECOVER…BLOCK command was specified.
Action: Remove the RECOVER…BLOCK command.
RMAN-05010: target database must be opened in READ WRITE mode for
Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery
Cause: The target database was not opened in read/write mode.
Action: Open the database in read/write mode.
RMAN-05011: auxiliary instance must be in NOMOUNT state for Tablespace
Point-in-Time Recovery
Cause: The Auxiliary instance was not in NOMOUNT state.
Action: Open the auxiliary instance in NOMOUNT state.
RMAN-05013: auxiliary control file name string conflicts with a file used by the
target database
Cause: RMAN is attempting to use the specified control file name for Tablespace
Point-in-Time Recovery as a restore destination in the auxiliary database, but this
name is already in use by the target database.
Action: Set control_files parameter in the auxiliary instance to a name that does
not conflict with a file name in use by the target database.
RMAN-05014: Tablespaces with undo segments were not found in recovery catalog
Cause: The recovery catalog did not have information about tablespaces with
undo segments.
Action: Manually specify the tablespaces with undo segments in the optional
UNDO tablespaces clause of the RECOVER command.
RMAN-05015: WARNING: not enough information in recovery catalog for
specified Point-in-Time recovery
Cause: The recovery catalog did not have information about the tablespaces with
undo segments at the specified Point-in-Time. This happened because the current
recovery catalog was not in use at the specified Point-in-Time. A list of tablespaces
with undo segments was supplied.
Action: RMAN assumes that the current set of tablespaces with undo segments is
the same set that was in use at the specified Point-in-Time. If the set of tablespaces
with undo segments changes, the recovery fails. If recovery fails, use the optional
UNDO TABLESPACE clause of the RECOVER command to specify the correct set
of tablespaces.
RMAN-05016: failover to previous backup
Cause: This is an informational message to indicate the RMAN could not
successfully restore the files using the specified backups. An attempt was made to
restore the datafile/archived logs/ control file/SPFILE using a previous existing
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-15
Action: See accompanying additional error messages indicating the cause of the
RMAN-05017: no copy of datafile number found to recover
Cause: A RECOVER COPY command was not able to proceed because no copy of
indicated file was found to recover. Possible causes include the following:
1. no copy of indicated file exists on disk that satisfy the criteria specified in the
user's recover operands.
2. copy of indicated datafile exists on disk but no incremental backup was found to
apply to the datafile copy.
Action: One of the following:
1. Use or correct TAG specification to recover a different datafile copy.
2. Use BACKUP FOR RECOVER OF COPY command to create necessary
incremental backup or copy.
RMAN-05018: some datafile copies cannot be recovered, aborting the RECOVER
Cause: This error message can follow one or more RMAN-5017 or RMAN-5019
error messages.
Action: See RMAN-5017 or RMAN-5019 error messages documentation for more
RMAN-05019: WARNING: no channel of required type allocated to recover copy of
datafile number
Cause: A RECOVER COPY command could not proceed because incremental
backup sets exist on a device type that has not been allocated.
Action: Use the LIST command to determine which device type is needed, then
allocate a channel of that type.
RMAN-05020: cannot specify AUXILIARY DESTINATION option for normal
Cause: The AUXILIARY DESTINATION option was specified for a normal
recovery. It is only allowed for Tablespace or Table Point-in-Time Recovery.
Action: Remove the AUXILIARY DESTINATION option and rerun the RECOVER
RMAN-05021: this configuration cannot be changed for a BACKUP or STANDBY
control file
Cause: The user attempted to modify the configuration which cannot be changed
for a BACKUP or STANDBY control file while the mounted control file was either
BACKUP or STANDBY. The following configurations can be changed only when
connected to primary database instance that has CURRENT/CREATED control
Action: Connect to primary database instance and execute the command.
RMAN-05022: TRANSPORT TABLESPACE may not be used with user-managed
auxiliary instance
Cause: A user-managed auxiliary instance was specified.
Action: Retry the operation with an RMAN-managed auxiliary instance.
46-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: A required TABLESPACE DESTINATION was not specified.
Action: Specify a TABLESPACE DESTINATION and retry the operation.
RMAN-05024: List of tablespaces presumed to have UNDO segments
Cause: Accompanying message to 5015.
Action: See action of message 5015.
RMAN-05025: Tablespace string
Cause: Accompanying message to 5015.
Action: See action of message 5015.
RMAN-05026: WARNING: presuming following set of tablespaces applies to
specified Point-in-Time
Cause: RMAN assumes that the current set of tablespaces with undo segments is
the same set that was in use at the specified Point-in-Time. If the set of tablespaces
with undo segments changes, the recovery fails. If recovery fails, use the optional
UNDO TABLESPACE clause of the RECOVER command to specify the correct set
of tablespaces.
Action: RMAN assumes that the current set of tablespaces with undo segments is
the same set that was in use at the specified Point-in-Time. If the set of tablespaces
with undo segments changes, the recovery fails. If recovery fails, use the optional
UNDO TABLESPACE clause of the RECOVER command to specify the correct set
of tablespaces.
RMAN-05027: List of tablespaces expected to have UNDO segments
Cause: Accompanying message to 5026.
Action: See action of message 5026.
RMAN-05028: Tablespace string
Cause: Accompanying message to 5026.
Action: See action of message 5026.
RMAN-05029: UNDO TABLESPACE clause not valid for normal recovery
Cause: The UNDO TABLESPACE clause was specified for non-Tablespace or
Table Point-in-Time Recovery.
Action: Remove the UNDO TABLESPACE clause.
RMAN-05030: CLONE clause only valid for normal recovery
Cause: The CLONE clause was specified for a Tablespace or Logical Point-in-Time
Action: Remove the CLONE clause.
RMAN-05031: DATAPUMP DESTINATION clause is only valid for Table
Point-in-Time Recovery
Cause: The DATAPUMP DESTINATION clause was specified for a non-Table
Point-in-Time Recovery.
Action: Remove the DATAPUMP DESTINATION clause.
RMAN-05032: datafile string will be created automatically during restore operation
Cause: The specified datafile did not have an available backup.
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-17
Action: None. This is an informational message displayed for VALIDATE or
PREVIEW option of the RESTORE command.
RMAN-05033: Media recovery start SCN is string
Cause: The above system change number (SCN) would be starting media
recovery SCN, if the specified files are restored.
Action: None. This is an informational message displayed for PREVIEW option of
the RESTORE command.
RMAN-05034: Recovery must be done beyond SCN string to clear datafile fuzziness
Cause: The above system change number (SCN) identifies the minimum SCN
beyond which the media recovery must be performed on the specific datafile to
clear the media recovery fuzziness for all datafile.
Action: None. This is an informational message displayed for PREVIEW option of
the RESTORE command.
RMAN-05035: archived logs generated after SCN string not found in repository
Cause: The recovery catalog or target database control file did not have a record
of archived logs containing the redo generated after the specified system change
number (SCN).
Action: None. To avoid this message, perform a log switch if the database is in
open mode.
RMAN-05036: FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME option cannot be used for this
Cause: An attempt was made to set the configuration which cannot be used with
Action: Remove FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME option and execute the command.
RMAN-05037: FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME option cannot be used in nocatalog mode
Cause: An attempt was made to set the remote configuration in nocatalog mode.
Action: Connect to recovery catalog and execute the command.
RMAN-05038: unable to determine UNTIL SCN for TRANSPORT
Cause: No archived logs were found in the control file.
Action: Add UNTIL clause to TRANSPORT command and retry.
RMAN-05039: One or more auxiliary set of datafiles could not be removed
Cause: There was an error while performing Tablespace or Table Point-in-Time
Recovery. Some of the restored datafiles had Oracle Managed Files (OMF) names
and were not deleted.
Action: Manually remove the auxiliary set of datafiles that were not deleted.
RMAN-05040: List of tablespaces that have been dropped from the target database:
Cause: One or more tablespaces in the recovery set were not found in the control
file of the target database.
Action: None. Informational message.
RMAN-05041: Error during export of metadata
Cause: Export of metadata received an error from Data Pump.
Action: This message is accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the
cause of the error.
46-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
RMAN-05042: Error during import of metadata
Cause: Import of metadata received an error from Data Pump.
Action: This message is accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the
cause of the error.
RMAN-05043: Tablespace string
Cause: Accompanying message to 5040.
Action: See Action of message 5040.
RMAN-05044: Performing export of metadata…
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05045: Performing import of metadata…
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05046: Export completed
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05047: Import completed
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05048: specified file name string conflicts with a file used by the target
Cause: The specified file name was already in use by another datafile in the
Action: Use SET NEWNAME command to specify a different name for the
datafile that does not conflict with a file name in use by the target database.
RMAN-05050: flashing back control file to SCN string
Cause: RESTORE command was issued with a SET UNTIL clause and Flashback
Database enabled. The control file was flashed back to the SET UNTIL time.
Action: This is an informational message only.
RMAN-05051: analyzing automatic repair options; this may take some time
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05052: Repair string is not compatible with this version of RMAN.
Cause: The specified repair was not compatible with this version of Recovery
Manager (RMAN).
Action: Use a newer version of the RMAN executable.
RMAN-05053: AUXILIARY DESTINATION is only valid when using a
RMAN-managed auxiliary instance
Cause: AUXILIARY DESTINATION clause was specified while using an
user-managed auxiliary instance.
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-19
Action: Do not specify AUXILIARY DESTINATION clause and retry the
operation or use a RMAN-managed auxiliary instance.
RMAN-05054: recover block operand string cannot be used to recover datafile
Cause: The specified operand could not be used with RECOVER datafile
Action: Delete the invalid operand and retry the command.
RMAN-05055: recover datafile operand string cannot be used to recover block
Cause: The specified operand could not be used with RECOVER block command.
Action: Delete the invalid operand and retry the command.
RMAN-05056: Table string.string belongs to SYS
Cause: A SYS table was specified to be recovered.
Action: Remove SYS table, SYS objects cannot be recovered.
RMAN-05057: Table string.string not found
Cause: The specified table was not found in the dictionary at the specified
Action: Verify the name of the schema and table, or change the point-in-time and
retry the command.
RMAN-05058: Cannot determine tablespace for table string.string
Cause: The specified table was not found in the data pump views at the specified
Action: Verify the name of the schema and table, or change the point-in-time and
retry the command.
RMAN-05059: Table string.string resides in tablespace string
Cause: The tablespace that contained the specified table did not allow Tablespace
Point-in-Time Recovery.
Action: Remove the offending table before attempting the operation again.
RMAN-05060: block specifier must be specified to recover block
Cause: Block Specifier was not specified in the command.
Action: Specify block specifier and resubmit the command.
RMAN-05061: analyzing automatic repair options complete
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05062: image copy needs no roll forward
Cause: The image copy that would be rolled forward by the RECOVER COPY
command is already more recent than the specified UNTIL time or system change
number (SCN).
Action: Usually this is the result of a recent OPEN RESETLOGS operation, and no
action is needed, because the daily backup strategy will start rolling this copy
forward after it becomes old enough to be eligible for rolling forward. To force the
copy to be rolled forward, specify a more recent UNTIL time or system change
number (SCN).
RMAN-05063: Cannot recover specified tables
46-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Previously encountered errors required corrective action.
Action: Resolve the error conditions and reissue the Table Point-in-Time Recovery
RMAN-05064: REMAP TABLE clause is only valid for Table Point-in-Time
Cause: The REMAP TABLE clause was specified for a non-Table Point-in-Time
Action: Remove the REMAP TABLE clause.
RMAN-05065: REMAP TABLESPACE clause is only valid for Table Point-in-Time
Cause: The REMAP TABLESPACE clause was specified for a non-Table
Point-in-Time Recovery.
Action: Remove the REMAP TABLESPACE clause.
RMAN-05066: NOTABLEIMPORT clause is only valid for Table Point-in-Time
Cause: The NOTABLEIMPORT clause was specified for a non-Table Point-in-Time
Action: Remove the NOTABLEIMPORT clause.
RMAN-05067: Table string already specified
Cause: The specified table was already specified to be recovered.
Action: Remove the duplicated table and retry the command.
RMAN-05069: New table name string for user string was already specified for other
Cause: The same table name for the same user has already been specified for a
different table.
Action: Remove or change the duplicated table name and retry the command.
RMAN-05070: Running TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK on recovery set tablespaces
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05071: TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK completed successfully
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
Cause: SYS.TS_PITR_CHECK was not empty for recovery set tablespaces.
Action: Fix dependencies before attempting TSPITR again.
RMAN-05073: Tablespace string creation SCN string is ahead of point-in-time SCN
Cause: The tablespace was found in the control file but the creation system
change number (SCN) of the datafile(s) is after the specified point-in-time. This
can happen if a previous tablespace point-in-time recovery was performed, for the
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-21
Action: If a previous TSPITR has been performed drop the tablespace and retry
the command. Otherwise, verify the name of the tablespace and/or the
point-in-time and resubmit the command.
RMAN-05074: Tablespace string does not exist at specified point-in-time SCN string
Cause: The tablespace was found in the control file but the creation system
change number (SCN) of the datafile(s) is after the specified point-in-time.
Action: Verify the name of the tablespace and/or the point-in-time and resubmit
the command.
RMAN-05075: Remapped object string is not being recovered
Cause: The specified remapped object was not recovered.
Action: Add remapped object to object list or remove this remap specification.
RMAN-05076: Remapped tablespace string is not being recovered
Cause: The specified tablespace was not recovered. None of the objects being
recovered belong to the specified tablespace.
Action: Revise the object list or remove the remapped tablespace specification.
RMAN-05077: New tablespace string does not exist in target database
Cause: The new tablespace in the REMAP TABLESPACE clause could not be
found in the target database.
Action: Revise the object list or remove remapped tablespace specification.
RMAN-05078: Table Point-in-Time Recovery requires an UNTIL clause
Cause: Table Point-in-Time Recovery was specified without a point-in-time
Action: Add a point-in-T\time specification and retry the command.
RMAN-05079: Table string already remapped
Cause: The same table appeared in another remap specification.
Action: Remove the duplicated remapped table and retry the command.
RMAN-05080: Not performing table import after point-in-time recovery
Cause: As requested, Data Pump Import was not performed after the
point-in-time recovery was performed.
Action: Manually perform the Data Pump Import of the recovered tables into the
target database.
RMAN-05081: Cannot use REMAP clauses if NOTABLEIMPORT clause is used
Cause: The NOTABLEIMPORT clause was specified together with either the
REMAP TABLE or REMAP TABLESPACE clause. These clauses are used during
importing of the tables and, therefore, are invalid.
Action: Remove the REMAP clauses or remove the NOTABLEIMPORT clause and
retry the command.
RMAN-05082: Tablespace string already remapped
Cause: The same tablespace appeared in another remap specification.
Action: Remove the duplicated remapped tablespace and retry the command.
RMAN-05083: Partition string.string.string not found
46-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The specified partition was not found in the dictionary at the specified
Action: Verify the name of the schema, table and partition, or change the
point-in-time and retry the command.
RMAN-05084: Performing export of tables…
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05085: Performing import of tables…
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05086: DUMP FILE clause is only valid for Table Point-in-Time Recovery
Cause: The DUMP FILE clause was specified for a non-Table Point-in-Time
Action: Remove the DUMP FILE clause.
RMAN-05087: Performing export of metadata for specified tablespaces…
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05088: DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST is not set
Cause: TO NEW was specified for a RESTORE BACKUPPIECE command but
DB_FILE_CREATE_DEST was not set for the target database.
Action: Specify DB_FILE_CREATE_DEST for the target database or specify
FORMAT and retry the command.
RMAN-05089: Cannot specify string clause with cross-platform restore
Cause: The specified option was used for a cross-platform datafile restore.
Action: Remove the option and resubmit the command.
RMAN-05090: FROM PLATFORM clause can only be used with cross-platform
datafile restore
Cause: FROM PLATFORM clause was specified for a noncross-platform datafile
Action: Remove the clause and resubmit the command.
RMAN-05091: UNTIL cannot be used with cross-platform datafile restore
Cause: An UNTIL command was in effect or an UNTIL clause was specified for a
cross-platform datafile restore.
Action: Remove the UNTIL clause or command and resubmit the command.
RMAN-05092: Option string cannot be used when restoring whole database with
cross-platform datafile restore
Cause: The specified option was specified for whole database cross-platform
datafile restore.
Action: Remove the option and resubmit the command.
RMAN-05093: Restore cannot be mixed with cross-platform datafile restore
Cause: A restore specification was found when a cross-platform data file
specification was expected.
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-23
Action: Use only one kind of restore specification in a single restore command.
RMAN-05094: Cross-platform whole database restore requires that the database is
not mounted
Cause: FOREIGN DATABASE specification was found but the database was not
in the correct state.
Action: Make sure that the database is not mounted when performing whole
database cross-platform restore.
RMAN-05095: Data Pump import requires the database to be open read/write
Cause: During a cross-platform tablespace restore, DUMP FILE was specified
without NOIMPORT and database was not open in read/write mode.
Action: Remove DUMP FILE specification or add NOIMPORT to it or,
alternatively, open the database in read/write mode before retrying the command.
RMAN-05096: FROM SERVICE option is not supported for archived logs
Cause: The FROM SERVICE option was supplied but does not apply to restoring
archived logs.
Action: Remove the FROM SERVICE operand and reenter the command.
RMAN-05097: could not validate file header for datafile string from service string
Cause: The specified datafile could not be accessed from the indicated service.
Action: Ensure that the datafile exists on the service and has same creation SCN
as that of target database file. If the error can be corrected, do so and retry the
RMAN-05099: not connected to target database with a password
Cause: A command that restores SPFILE to the target instance from a service
name was requested. Such a command requires a password to be present in the
connect string used to connect to the target instance.
Action: Exit RMAN session and then connect to target database using command
line or CONNECT TARGET command with a password.
RMAN-05100: not connected to auxiliary database with a password
Cause: A command that restores SPFILE to the auxiliary instance from a service
name was requested. Such a command requires a password to be present in the
connect string used to connect to the auxiliary instance.
Action: Exit RMAN session and then connect to auxiliary instance using
command line or CONNECT AUXILIARY command with a password.
RMAN-05101: Point-in-Time Recovery without CATALOG and TARGET not open
requires that UNDO TABLESPACE is specified
Cause: A Point-in-Time Recovery was attempted when target database was not
open without connection to a recovery catalog. It is necessary that the list of
tablespaces with undo segments is provided with the UNDO TABLESPACE
Action: Retry the command specifying the list of tablespaces with undo segments
using the UNDO TABLESPACE clause.
RMAN-05102: auxiliary instance must be in the NOMOUNT state for Pluggable
Database Point-in-Time Recovery
Cause: The Auxiliary instance was not in the NOMOUNT state.
Action: Put the auxiliary instance into the NOMOUNT state.
46-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
RMAN-05103: aborting Pluggable Database Point-in-Time Recovery
Cause: Previously encountered error(s) were issued which require corrective
Action: Resolve the error conditions and then re-issue the RECOVER command.
RMAN-05104: Specifying more than one Pluggable Databases is not supported
Cause: The command was attempted on more than one Pluggable Databases. This
is not supported.
Action: Separate the task into multiple RMAN commands so that each command
operates on one Pluggable Database.
RMAN-05105: Specifying string database is not supported.
Cause: This operation was not supported for the Pluggable Database that was
specified in the command.
Action: None. This is an informational message only.
RMAN-05106: datafile string conflicts with file used by database string
Cause: RMAN attempted to use the specified datafile number as a restore
destination, but this datafile number was already in use by the specified database.
Action: Resolve the conflict and retry the command.
RMAN-05107: AUXILIARY DESTINATION option is not specified
Cause: The AUXILIARY DESTINATION option was not specified for Pluggable
Database Point-in-Time Recovery or Flashback Pluggable Database. This is a
mandatory option for these commands unless Fast Recovery Area is used.
Action: Specify the AUXILIARY DESTINATION option and retry the command.
RMAN-05108: Command is not supported for pluggable database
Cause: Pluggable database specified for this command. This is not supported.
Action: None - informational message only
RMAN-05109: UNTIL SCN (string) is orphan incarnation of Pluggable Database
Cause: Specified UNTIL CHANGE was an orphan incarnation of the Pluggable
Action: Check the UNTIL CHANGE or UNTIL RESTORE POINT. If the database
needs to be restored to an orphan incarnation, use the RESET PLUGGABLE
DATABASE command.
RMAN-05110: Pluggable Database string must be closed.
Cause: Pluggable Database Point-in-Time Recovery or Flashback Pluggable
Datdabase was attempted while the Pluggable Database was open.
Action: Close the Pluggable Database and Retry the Command.
RMAN-05111: Pluggable Database Point-in-Time Recovery is not supported for
Cause: Pluggable Database Point-in-Time Recovery was attempted on standby.
This is not supported.
Action: None - informational message only.
RMAN-05112: table "string"."string" already exists
Cause: The specified table was present in the dictionary in the target database.
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-25
Action: Verify the name of the schema and table, or change the table name using
the REMAP option and retry the command.
RMAN-05113: import completed with errors; Oracle Data Pump dump file string is
Cause: Import completed with errors.
Action: See Data Pump Import output for details of the problem.
RMAN-05114: datafile string name string is already used by datafile string
Cause: RMAN attempted to use the specified data file name as a restore
destination for the indicated data file, but this data file name was already in use by
the specified database. This can happen during pluggable database point-in-time
recovery to recover a dropped tablespace whose data file name was already in use
by a pluggable database.
Action: Add a SET NEWNAME command prior to the RESTORE or RECOVER
command to specify the restore destination for this file.
RMAN-05115: Cross-platform INSTANT RESTORE is not supported.
Cause: An instant restore was specified using a data file copy from a different
Action: Specify a different data file copy that is formatted for the same platform
where the restore is taking place.
RMAN-05116: feature was not enabled: string
Cause: The specified fature is not enabled.
Action: Do not attempt to use this feature.
RMAN-05117: archive logs missing from SCN string to SCN string
Cause: Archive logs were missing for the SCN range.
Action: Backup the missing archive logs for a successful recovery.
RMAN-05118: recovery will be done up to SCN string
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05119: recovery can not be done to a consistent state.
Cause: No archive logs or backups were found.
Action: Backup archive logs for a successful recovery.
RMAN-05120: failed to open the wallet for restore
Cause: An error occurred while opening the wallet with the specified password.
Action: Ensure that the wallet is configured properly and a correct password is
RMAN-05121: decryption password set for string database
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05500: the auxiliary database must be not mounted when issuing a
Cause: A DUPLICATE command was issued, but the auxiliary database is
46-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Dismount the auxiliary database.
RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database
Cause: Previously encountered errors require corrective action.
Action: Resolve the error conditions, and reissue the DUPLICATE command.
RMAN-05502: the target database must be mounted when issuing a DUPLICATE
Cause: A DUPLICATE command was issued, but the target database control file
is not mounted.
Action: Mount the target database control file by issuing ALTER DATABASE
MOUNT via Enterprise Manager or Server Manager.
RMAN-05503: at least one auxiliary channel must be allocated to execute this
Cause: No auxiliary channels were allocated.
Action: Allocate an auxiliary channel.
RMAN-05504: at least two redo log files or groups must be specified for this
Cause: Only one redo log file or group was specified
Action: Specify at least one more redo log file or group
RMAN-05505: auxiliary file name conversion of 'string' exceeds maximum length of
Cause: When the given file name is converted to the name used for the auxiliary
database, the converted name is larger than the maximum allowed file name.
Action: Change initialization parameter DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT to convert
to a valid file name.
RMAN-05506: error during recursive execution
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
the cause of the error.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
RMAN-05507: standby control file checkpoint (string) is more recent than
duplication point-in-time (string)
Cause: A DUPLICATE FOR STANDBY command was issued, but the checkpoint
of the control file is more recent than the last archived log or the specified
Action: If an explicit point-in-time was specified, change it to be at least the
control file checkpoint; otherwise archive (and backup/copy) the current log.
RMAN-05510: Duplicate finished
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05511: Datafile string skipped by request
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05512: Tablespace string cannot be skipped from duplication
RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-27
Cause: The SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces were not included in the
DUPLICATE DATABASE. They must be present.
Action: Remove the SYSTEM and/or SYSAUX tablespace from the SKIP list and
retry the operation.
RMAN-05513: cannot duplicate, control file is not current or standby
Cause: Target database did not have a current or standby control file.
DUPLICATE requires the target database to have a current or standby control file.
Action: Open database to make control file current or connect to a different
database before retrying the command.
RMAN-05514: Tablespace string has undo information, cannot skip
Cause: All tablespaces that have undo information must be included in the
Action: Remove the specified tablespace from the SKIP list and retry the
RMAN-05515: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of SET UNTIL
Cause: A SET UNTIL clause was specified for the command.
Action: Remove the SET UNTIL clause and try again.
RMAN-05516: duplicate operand specified: string
Cause: The specified operand appears more than once in the same DUPLICATE
option list
Action: Delete the duplicated operand.
RMAN-05517: tempfile string conflicts with file used by target database
Cause: RMAN attempted to use the specified tempfile as a restore destination in
the auxiliary database, but this name was already in use by the target database.
Action: Use the SET NEWNAME FOR TEMPFILE command to specify a name for
the indicated tempfile, making sure that the new name does not conflict with a file
name in use by target database. Alternatively, use DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT
and retry the command.
RMAN-05518: Automatically adding tablespace string
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05519: WARNING: tablespace string is always included when duplicating
Cause: The SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces were included in the DUPLICATE
TABLESPACE command. They were automatically included by the command and
did not need to be explicitly named.
Action: To avoid this warning,, remove the SYSTEM and/or SYSAUX tablespace
from the tablespaces list and retry the operation.
RMAN-05520: database name mismatch, auxiliary instance has string, command
specified string
Cause: The database name specified in the initialization parameter was not the
same as the database name provided in the DUPLICATE command.
Action: Correct the database name in the command or adjust the database name
of the auxiliary instance.
46-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
RMAN-05521: DUPLICATE without CATALOG and TARGET not open requires
that UNDO TABLESPACE is specified
Cause: A DUPLICATE was attempted when target database was not open
without connection to a recovery catalog. It is necessary that the list of tablespaces
with undo segments is provided with the UNDO TABLESPACE clause.
Action: Retry the command specifying the list of tablespaces with undo segments
using the UNDO TABLESPACE clause.
RMAN-05522: Skipping tablespace string
Cause: This is an informational message only.
Action: No action is required.
RMAN-05523: Tablespace string is read only and SKIP READONLY was specified
Cause: Conflicting parameters were provided.
Action: Remove SKIP READONLY or remove read-only tablespace from list of
tablespaces to duplicate.
RMAN-05524: Tablespace string is offline
Cause: It was not possible to duplicate offline tablespaces.
Action: Remove offline tablespace from list or online tablespace to duplicate it.
RMAN-05525: SKIP TABLESPACE cannot be used when using DUPLICATE
Cause: A SKIP TABLESPACE clause was specified for the command.
Action: Remove the SKIP TABLESPACE clause and try again.
RMAN-05526: datafile number not processed because file is OFFLINE IMMEDIATE
Cause: A DUPLICATE command omitted processing the indicated datafile
because it is offline immediate. The tablespace to which this datafile belongs will
also not be included. See message 5528.
Action: None, informational message only.
RMAN-05527: Tablespace string has one or more OFFLINE IMMEDIATE datafiles
Cause: It was not possible to duplicate a tablespace who had offline immediate
Action: Remove offending tablespace from list or recover datafile which are
offline immediate in the tablespace before attempting the command again.
RMAN-05528: datafile number not processed because file belongs to tablespace
with one or more offline immediate datafile (string)
Cause: A DUPLICATE command omitted processing the indicated datafile
because it is part of a tablespace that has offline immediate datafile. See message

  1. Action: No action is required. This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-05529: WARNING: DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT resulted in invalid ASM
    names; names changed to disk group only.
    Cause: It was not possible to convert ASM Oracle Managed Files names using
    DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT parameter. RMAN changed these invalid names to
    the converted disk group name instead.
    Action: No action is required. This is an informational message only. If the
    automatic change is incorrect, use one of the following options instead of using
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-29
    DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT for ASM Oracle Managed Files: 1) use RMAN
    command SET NEWNAME for each Oracle Managed File. 2) set DB_CREATE_
    FILE_DEST initialization parameter in auxiliary instance and not specify DB_
    RMAN-05530: an UNTIL TIME or SCN cannot be specified with FROM ACTIVE
    Cause: A DUPLICATE with FROM ACTIVE DATABASE was specified along with
    either a SET UNTIL statment or UNTIL clause on the command. This is not
    supported. A DUPLICATE FROM ACTIVE DATABASE always creates a copy as
    of the current time.
    Action: Check the statement and remove the use of UNTIL.
    RMAN-05531: a mounted database cannot be duplicated while datafiles are fuzzy
    Cause: A DUPLICATE with FROM ACTIVE DATABASE command was specified
    while the database was mounted or open read-only. Unless the database is open
    read/write, the datafiles cannot be fuzzy.
    Action: Open the database read/write, then shutdown cleanly before mounting.
    RMAN-05532: PASSWORD FILE specified without FROM ACTIVE DATABASE
    Cause: The PASSWORD FILE clause of the DUPLICATE command was specified
    but the FROM ACTIVE DATABASE clause was not. A password file can only be
    duplicated if the FROM ACTIVE DATABSE clause has been used.
    Action: Remove the PASSWORD FILE clause from the command, or perform an
    online duplicate of the database by specifying the FROM ACTIVE DATABASE
    RMAN-05533: string is not supported on string database
    Cause: The specified command is not supported on this type of database. The
    type of database can be STANDBY, CLONE, or RAC.
    Action: Do not use the specified command against this database.
    RMAN-05534: WARNING: LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT resulted in invalid ASM
    names; names changed to disk group only.
    Cause: It was not possible to convert ASM Oracle Managed Files names using
    LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT parameter. RMAN changed these invalid names to
    the converted disk group name instead.
    Action: If the automatic change is incorrect, use one of the following options
    instead of using LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT for ASM Oracle Managed Files: 1)
    Use the LOGFILE clause for online log files. 2) After DUPLICATE completes,
    create standby log files using the SQL ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY
    LOGFILE command.
    RMAN-05535: WARNING: All redo log files were not defined properly.
    Cause: It was not possible to define all the redo log files. This can occur when
    LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter is defined but fails to
    match all the names or causes names to be created that are not in valid directories.
    Action: Query the V$LOGFILE view to see what redo log files are defined after
    command to correctly name the existing redo log files.
    RMAN-05536: auxiliary logfile name string conflicts with a file used by the target
    46-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: RMAN attempted to use the specified logfile name as a standby redo log
    file in the auxiliary database, but this name was already in use by the target
    Action: Use or alter LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT so that unique logfile names
    can be generated. Or wait for the command to complete and create standby
    logfiles using the SQL ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE command.
    RMAN-05537: DUPLICATE without TARGET connection when auxiliary instance
    is started with spfile cannot use SPFILE clause
    Cause: A DUPLICATE was attempted when the auxiliary database was started
    with a server parameter file and the SPFILE sub-clause was specified. RMAN
    cannot restore the server parameter file if the auxiliary database is already started
    with a server parameter file.
    Action: Start the auxiliary database with a client parameter file or do not specify
    SPFILE sub-clause and retry.
    RMAN-05538: WARNING: implicitly using DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT
    Cause: The duplicated SPFILE had DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT set and it has
    been used to produce datafile names for the new database.
    Action: No action is required. This is an informational message only. If this
    behavior was not intended, then do not duplicate the server parameter file, or
    explicitly set DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT in the DUPLICATE command and
    retry the operation.
    RMAN-05539: DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE cannot be used without
    connecting to the TARGET
    Cause: A DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE was attempted and no connection to
    the TARGET database was established.
    Action: Connect to TARGET or use DATABASE clause.
    RMAN-05540: no archived logs found in repository for database string
    Cause: Recovery catalog did not have archived log records for the specified
    database. If database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode, then specify
    Action: Specify NOREDO for NOARCHIVELOG databases. Cannot duplicate an
    ARCHIVELOG database unless the recovery catalog or target database control file
    has archived redo log information about it.
    RMAN-05541: no archived logs found in target database
    Cause: Target database was running in archived log mode, but control file did not
    have any archived log records.
    Action: Archive current log before retrying command.
    RMAN-05542: Only UNTIL TIME can be used with DUPLICATE without TARGET
    and CATALOG connections
    Cause: A DUPLICATE without TARGET and CATALOG connections was
    attempted specifying an UNTIL clause that was not TIME based.
    Action: Retry the command with an UNTIL TIME clause or without an UNTIL
    RMAN-05543: DUPLICATE without TARGET connection requires that DATABASE
    is specified
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-31
    Cause: A DUPLICATE without TARGET connection was attempted without
    specifying the database to duplicate.
    Action: Retry the command specifying the DATABASE to duplicate.
    RMAN-05544: Cannot specify ACTIVE DATABASE when not connected to target
    Cause: DUPLICATE from ACTIVE DATABASE required a connection to the
    target database.
    Action: Connect to target database or remove from ACTIVE DATABASE and
    retry the command.
    RMAN-05545: WARNING: Until SCN string is ahead of SCN of last full resync of
    recovery catalog: string
    Cause: The specified point-in-time for duplication without a target connection
    was ahead of the last time that the datafile information was resynced to the
    recovery catalog. Information about offline and read-only datafiles might be
    Action: If duplication fails due to incorrectly identified offline and/or read-only
    datafiles, specify a point-in-time before the last resync of the recovery catalog and
    retry the command. Or perform full resync of the target database and retry the
    RMAN-05546: DUPLICATE without TARGET and CATALOG connections requires
    that BACKUP LOCATION is specified
    Cause: A DUPLICATE without TARGET and CATALOG connections was
    attempted without specifying BACKUP LOCATION.
    Action: Retry the command specifying a BACKUP LOCATION.
    RMAN-05547: Checking that duplicated tablespaces are self-contained
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-05548: The set of duplicated tablespaces is not self-contained
    Cause: A DUPLICATE TABLESPACE has specified a set of tablespaces that
    cannot function independently.
    Action: Retry the command without incomplete tablespaces or add other
    tablespaces to make the set self-contained.
    RMAN-05549: The following SYS objects were found in skipped tablespaces
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action required.
    RMAN-05550: TARGET database not open, cannot verify that set of tablespaces
    being duplicated does not have SYS objects
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-05551: Not connected to TARGET, cannot verify that set of tablespaces
    being duplicated does not have SYS objects
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    46-32 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-05552: Object string on tablespace string
    Cause: A SYS object was found in one of the skipped tablespaces.
    Action: Remove object if possible or include tablespace in duplicated tablespaces.
    RMAN-05553: SYS objects in skipped tablespaces prevent duplication
    Cause: Objects owned by SYS were found in the tablespaces that would not be
    Action: If using SKIP TABLESPACE, do not skip tablespaces that contain SYS
    objects. If using DUPLICATE TABLESPACE, make sure to specify all tablespaces
    containing SYS objects.
    RMAN-05554: cannot specify INCARNATION when duplicating without TARGET
    and CATALOG connections
    Cause: A DUPLICATE without TARGET and CATALOG connections was
    attempted when INCARNATION was also specified.
    Action: Retry the command without specifying INCARNATION.
    RMAN-05555: Not connected to TARGET or TARGET not open, cannot verify that
    subset of tablespaces is self-contained
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-05556: not all datafiles have backups that can be recovered to SCN string
    Cause: One or more datafiles being duplicated could not be restored as no
    available backups were found.
    Action: Change the system change number (SCN) or make backups available for
    the specified datafiles and retry the command.
    RMAN-05557: Target instance not started with server parameter file
    Cause: SPFILE clause was used but target instance was not started with a server
    parameter file.
    Action: Do not specify SPFILE clause, or restart target instance with server
    parameter file.
    RMAN-05558: Must specify DB_UNIQUE_NAME with FOR STANDBY clause
    Cause: A DUPLICATE FOR STANDBY … SPFILE command was issued but DB_
    UNIQUE_NAME was not provided for the standby database.
    Action: Specify a DB_UNIQUE_NAME in the SPFILE clause for the standby
    RMAN-05559: error converting parameter string, string larger than number
    Cause: While attempting to apply a PARAMETER_VALUE_CONVERT to the
    specified parameter value, the resulting string exceeded the maximum length for a
    Action: Change the PARAMETER_VALUE_CONVERT so that, when converting
    the parameter, the maximum lenght is not reached.
    RMAN-05560: Using previous duplicated file string for datafile number with
    checkpoint SCN of string
    Cause: A datafile copy from a previous duplicate attempt matching the duplicate
    name requested was found for the specified datafile and will be used instead of
    restoring the datafile from a backup.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-33
    Action: No action needed unless this behavior is not desire. In that case, either use
    a different name for the datafile or use NORESUME to avoid using previous
    datafile copies for all the datafiles.
    RMAN-05561: CATALOG did not return information about tablespaces with undo
    Cause: A DUPLICATE with no target connection was attempted, but the recovery
    catalog did not have information about the tablespaces with undo segments at the
    specified point in time. It is necessary that the list of tablespaces with undo
    segments is provided with the UNDO TABLESPACE clause.
    Action: Retry the command specifying the list of tablespaces with undo segments
    using the UNDO TABLESPACE clause.
    RMAN-05562: SPFILE backup not found for database string with DBID number
    created before string in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the SPFILE in the specified location
    that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05563: SPFILE backup not found for database with DBID number created
    before string in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the SPFILE in the specified location
    that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05564: SPFILE backup not found for database string created before string in
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the SPFILE in the specified location
    that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05565: SPFILE backup created before string not found in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the SPFILE in the specified location
    that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05566: SPFILE backup not found for database string with DBID number in
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the SPFILE in the specified location
    that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05567: SPFILE backup not found for database with DBID number in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the SPFILE in the specified location
    that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    46-34 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-05568: SPFILE backup not found for database string in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the SPFILE in the specified location
    that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05569: SPFILE backup not found in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the SPFILE in the specified location.
    Action: Provide a different location and retry the command.
    RMAN-05570: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of LOGFILE
    Cause: A LOGFILE clause was specified for the command.
    Action: Remove the LOGFILE clause and try again.
    RMAN-05571: DORECOVER specified for non standby duplication
    Cause: A DORECOVER clause was specified and the duplicate did not specify
    Action: Remove the DORECOVER clause or add FOR STANDBY and try again.
    RMAN-05572: Controlfile backup not found for database string with DBID number
    created before string in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the control file in the specified
    location that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05573: CONTROLFILE backup not found for database with DBID number
    created before string in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the control file in the specified
    location that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05574: CONTROLFILE backup not found for database string created before
    string in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the control file in the specified
    location that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05575: CONTROLFILE backup created before string not found in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the control file in the specified
    location that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05576: CONTROLFILE backup not found for database string with DBID
    number in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the control file in the specified
    location that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-35
    RMAN-05577: CONTROLFILE backup not found for database with DBID number
    in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the control file in the specified
    location that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05578: CONTROLFILE backup not found for database string in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the control file in the specified
    location that satisfied the specified parameters.
    Action: Change the parameters, or provide a different location and retry the
    RMAN-05579: CONTROLFILE backup not found in string
    Cause: RMAN could not locate a backup of the control file in the specified
    Action: Provide a different location and retry the command.
    RMAN-05580: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of SKIP READONLY
    Cause: A SKIP READONLY clause was specified for the command.
    Action: Remove the SKIP READONLY clause and try again.
    RMAN-05581: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of SKIP TABLESPACE
    Cause: A SKIP TABLESPACE clause was specified for the command.
    Action: Remove the SKIP TABLESPACE clause and try again.
    RMAN-05582: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of OPEN
    Cause: An OPEN RESTRICTED clause was specified for the command.
    Action: Remove the OPEN RESTRICTED clause and try again.
    RMAN-05583: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of TABLESPACE
    Cause: A TABLESPACE clause was specified for the command.
    Action: Remove the TABLESPACE clause and try again.
    RMAN-05584: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of NOREDO
    Cause: A NOREDO clause was specified for the command.
    Action: Remove the NOREDO clause and try again.
    RMAN-05585: Duplicate for standby does not allow the use of UNDO
    Cause: A UNDO TABLESPACE clause was specified for the command.
    Action: Remove the UNDO TABLESPACE clause and try again.
    RMAN-05586: The following materialized objects were found in skipped
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action required.
    RMAN-05587: Materialized table string on tablespace string
    Cause: A materialized table was found in one of the skipped tablespaces.
    46-36 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Remove object if possible or include tablespace in duplicated tablespaces.
    RMAN-05588: Materialized index string on tablespace string
    Cause: A materialized index was found in one of the skipped tablespaces.
    Action: Remove object if possible or include tablespace in duplicated tablespaces.
    RMAN-05589: Materialized objects in skipped tablespaces prevent duplication
    Cause: Materialized objects found in the tablespaces that would not be
    Action: If using SKIP TABLESPACE, do not skip tablespaces that contain
    materialized objects. If using DUPLICATE TABLESPACE, make sure to specify all
    tablespaces containing SYS objects.
    RMAN-05590: Reenabling controlfile options for auxiliary database
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-05591: Ignoring error, reattempt command after duplicate finishes
    Cause: A sql error was received during the execution of command.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-05592: Dropping offline and skipped tablespaces
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-05593: Could not drop tablespace string due to constraints, will reattempt
    removal after other tablespaces are removed
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-05594: Could not drop tablespace string due to constraints
    Cause: The tablespace failed to be dropped several times, no more attempts will
    be made.
    Action: Drop the tablespace manually after duplicate finishes.
    RMAN-05595: Leaving database unopened, as requested
    Cause: User requested that the new database was not open.
    Action: After the database is opened with resetlogs you might want to:
    - Catalog datafile copies of read-only datafiles
    - Switch read-only datafiles to the cataloged datafile copies
    - Online read-only tablespaces
    - Drop skipped tablespaces
    - Enable supplemental logging
    - Enable force logging
    - Enable change tracking
    RMAN-05596: Error while removing created server parameter file
    Cause: Server parameter file was not deleted. This message should be
    accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-37
    Action: Check the accompanying errors. Remove file manually.
    RMAN-05597: Database started with server parameter file and PFILE clause used in
    Cause: A PFILE clause was specified for duplicate command, but database was
    started with a server parameter file causing a conflict.
    Action: Remove PFILE clause from command or restart database without using a
    server parameter file.
    RMAN-05598: SPFILE and PFILE clause specified in command
    Cause: SPFILE and PFILE clauses were specified for duplicate command causing
    a conflict.
    Action: Remove either one of the clauses and retry the command.
    RMAN-05599: PASSWORD clause is not needed when duplicating for standby
    database from active database
    Cause: PASSWORD clause was specified when creating a standby database from
    active database. This is not needed, it is automatic.
    Action: No action is required. This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-05600: Cannot specify UNTIL clause when duplicating from active database
    Cause: An UNTIL clause in the command or with a SET UNTIL was in effect for
    an active database duplication.
    Action: Remove UNTIL clause and reattempt duplication.
    RMAN-05601: Failed to restore original settings to server parameter file
    Cause: An error was received while duplicating the database after the server
    parameter file was modified by RMAN. An attempt was made to restore original
    settings to the server parameter file, but the original error was such that it was not
    possible to restore the settings.
    Action: Before reattempting database duplication, the server parameter file needs
    to be fixed manually with the original values.
    RMAN-05602: restarting auxiliary database without server parameter file
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-05603: not connected to target database with a net service name
    Cause: A command that restores files to the auxiliary instance from the target
    instance was requested. Such a command requires that a net service name be
    present in the connect string used to connect to the target instance.
    Action: Exit RMAN session and then connect to target database using command
    line or CONNECT TARGET command with a net service name in the connect
    string. That service name must be valid on the auxiliary instance.
    RMAN-05604: Cannot specify SECTION SIZE together with USING COPY
    Cause: A SECTION SIZE clause was specified for the command. This option is
    option is specified.
    Action: Remove the SECTION SIZE clause or specify USING BACKUPSET option
    and try again.
    46-38 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-05605: Cannot specify USING option when not using ACTIVE DATABASE
    Cause: A USING clause was specified for the command. This option is valid only
    when ACTIVE DATABASE option is specified.
    Action: Remove USING option or specify ACTIVE DATABASE option and try
    RMAN-05606: Cannot specify SECTION SIZE when not using ACTIVE
    DATABASE option
    Cause: A SECTION SIZE clause was specified for the command. This option is
    valid only when ACTIVE DATABASE option is used.
    Action: Remove SECTION SIZE option or specify ACTIVE DATABASE option
    and try again.
    RMAN-05607: Cannot remove created server parameter file
    Cause: Duplicate created a server parameter file that coould not be removed
    because no client parameter file was provided for the command.
    Action: Remove manually the created server parameter file.
    RMAN-05608: Tablespace string cannot be dropped due to partitioned table
    Cause: A partitioned table was contained in the tablespaces that were not
    included in the new database, however the tablespaces cannot be dropped until
    the table is dropped.
    Action: Manually drop the partitioned table and then the tablespaces.
    RMAN-05609: Must specify a username for target connection when using active
    Cause: An active duplication was attempted but no username was provided in
    the connection to the target database.
    Action: Specify a username when connecting to the target and retry the operation.
    RMAN-05610: Must specify a username for auxiliary connection when using active
    Cause: An active duplication was attempted but no username was provided in
    the connection to the auxiliary database.
    Action: Specify a username when connecting to the auxiliary and retry the
    RMAN-05611: Usernames for target and auxiliary connections must be the same
    when using active duplicate
    Cause: An active duplication was attempted but the usernames provided in the
    connection to the target and auxiliary database are not the same.
    Action: Specify the same username when connecting to the target and the
    auxiliary database and retry the operation.
    RMAN-05612: Must specify a password for target connection when using active
    Cause: An active duplication was attempted but no password was provided in
    the connection to the target database.
    Action: Specify a password when connecting to the target and retry the operation.
    RMAN-05613: Must specify a password for auxiliary connection when using active
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-39
    Cause: An active duplication was attempted but no password was provided in
    the connection to the auxiliary database.
    Action: Specify a password when connecting to the auxiliary and retry the
    RMAN-05614: Passwords for target and auxiliary connections must be the same
    when using active duplicate
    Cause: An active duplication was attempted but the passwords provided in the
    connection to the target and auxiliary database are not the same.
    Action: Specify the same passoword when connecting to the target and the
    auxiliary database and retry the operation.
    RMAN-05615: SKIP and DUPLICATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE cannot be used
    DATABASE were both specified in the same command. These options are
    incompatible and cannot be used together.
    Action: Remove one of the incompatible options and retry the command.
    RMAN-05616: pluggable database string cannot be skipped from duplication
    Cause: The CDB$ROOT and PDB$SEED databases were not included in the
    DUPLICATE DATABASE. They must be present.
    Action: Remove the CDB$ROOT and PDB$SEED database from the SKIP list and
    retry the operation.
    RMAN-05617: duplicate operand DUPLICATE TABLESPACE string and
    Cause: The specified operand refers to same PLUGGABLE DATABASE in the
    DUPLICATE option list.
    Action: Delete the duplicate operand and retry the command.
    RMAN-05618: duplicate operand SKIP TABLESPACE string and PLUGGABLE
    DATABASE string
    Cause: The specified operand refers to same PLUGGABLE DATABASE in the
    DUPLICATE option list.
    Action: Delete the duplicate operand and retry the command.
    RMAN-05619: SKIP PLUGGABLE DATABASE cannot be used with DUPLICATE
    Cause: A SKIP PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause was specified for the command.
    Action: Remove the SKIP PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause and try again.
    RMAN-05620: Skipping pluggable database string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-05621: password file location could not be found for the target database
    Cause: The password file location did not exist for the target database instance.
    Action: Set the password file location for the target database instance.
    RMAN-05622: password file location could not be found for the auxiliary database
    Cause: The password file location did not exist for the auxiliary database instance.
    46-40 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Set the password file location for the auxiliary database instance.
    RMAN-06000: could not open recovery manager library file: string
    Cause: The "recover.bsq" file could not be opened.
    Action: Check that the file was installed correctly and that the user running
    RMAN has authority to read the file.
    RMAN-06001: error parsing job step library
    Cause: A syntax error was encountered while parsing "recover.bsq".
    Action: Ensure that the correct version of the file is installed and that it has not
    been modified in any way.
    RMAN-06002: command not allowed when not connected to a recovery catalog
    Cause: A command that is allowed only when a recovery catalog connect string
    was supplied was attempted.
    Action: Avoid using the command, or restart RMAN and supply a recovery
    catalog connect string via the CATALOG parameter.
    RMAN-06003: ORACLE error from target database: string
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-06004: ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: string
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-06005: connected to target database: string (DBID=string)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06006: connected to target database: string (not mounted)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06007: target database not mounted and db_name not set in init.ora
    Cause: The target database has not mounted the control file, and its "init.ora" file
    does not specify the DB_NAME parameter.
    Action: MOUNT the target database, or add the DB_NAME parameter to its
    "init.ora" and restart the instance.
    RMAN-06008: connected to recovery catalog database
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06009: using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06010: error while looking up datafile: string
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-41
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified datafile in the recovery
    catalog or target database control file.
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    failure. Ensure that the file name is entered correctly. If the datafile was added
    recently, then a RESYNC CATALOG must be done to update the recovery catalog.
    RMAN-06011: invalid level specified: number
    Cause: An invalid incremental backup level was specified.
    Action: Incremental backup level must be between 0 and 4.
    RMAN-06012: channel: string not allocated
    Cause: A RELEASE command was found for a channel identifier that was not yet
    Action: Correct the channel identifier, or add an ALLOCATE CHANNEL
    RMAN-06013: duplicate channel identifier found: string
    Cause: A channel identifier was reused without first releasing the channel.
    Action: Add a RELEASE CHANNEL command.
    RMAN-06014: command not implemented yet: string
    Cause: Not all commands are implemented for the beta release.
    Action: Avoid using the command.
    RMAN-06015: error while looking up datafile copy name: string
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified datafile copy name in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    failure. Ensure that the file name is entered correctly. If the datafile copy was
    created when the recovery catalog was not available, then a RESYNC CATALOG
    must be done to update the recovery catalog.
    RMAN-06016: duplicate backup operand specified: string
    Cause: The specified operand appears more than once in the same backup
    specifier or backup command.
    Action: Delete the duplicated operand.
    RMAN-06017: initialization of parser failed
    Cause: The parser package initialization routine returned an error.
    Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    RMAN-06018: duplicate operand specified in backup specification: string
    Cause: A backup specification operand appears more than once in a backup
    Action: Delete the duplicate operand.
    RMAN-06019: could not translate tablespace name "string"
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified tablespace name in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    46-42 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    failure. Ensure that the tablespace is entered correctly. If the tablespace was added
    recently, then a RESYNC CATALOG must be done to update the recovery catalog.
    RMAN-06020: connected to auxiliary database (not started)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06021: FROM DATAFILECOPY/BACKUPSET may not be specified with
    archived logs
    Cause: The FROM DATAFILECOPY/BACKUPSET option applies only to datafile
    and control file restores.
    Action: Use this option only for datafile and control file restores.
    RMAN-06022: invalid level specified for image copy: number
    Cause: An invalid incremental backup level was specified for an image copy.
    Action: Incremental backup level must be 0 for image copies.
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile number found to restore
    Cause: A datafile, tablespace, or database restore could not proceed because no
    backup or copy of the indicated file was found. It may be the case that a backup or
    copy of this file exists but does not satisfy the criteria specified in the user's restore
    Action: None - this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further
    RMAN-06024: no backup or copy of the control file found to restore
    Cause: A control file restore could not proceed because no backup or copy of the
    control file was found. It may be the case that a backup or copy of this file exists
    but does not satisfy the criteria specified in the user's restore operands.
    Action: None - this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further
    RMAN-06025: no backup of archived log for thread number with sequence number
    and starting SCN of string found to restore
    Cause: An archived log restore restore could not proceed because no backup of
    the indicated archived log was found. It may be the case that a backup of this file
    exists but does not satisfy the criteria specified in the user's restore operands.
    Action: None - this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further
    RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore
    Cause: Some of the files specified for restore could not be found. Message 6023,
    6024, or 6025 is also issued to indicate which files could not be found. Some
    common reasons why a file can not be restored are that there is no backup or copy
    of the file that is known to recovery manager, or there are no backups or copies
    that fall within the criteria specified on the RESTORE command, or some datafile
    copies have been made but not cataloged.
    Action: The Recovery Manager LIST command can be used to display the
    backups and copies that Recovery Manager knows about. Select the files to be
    restored from that list.
    RMAN-06027: no archived logs found that match specification
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-43
    Cause: An archived log record specifier did not match any archived logs in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: Resubmit the command with a different archived log record specifier. The
    Recovery Manager (RMAN) LIST command can be used to display all archived
    logs that RMAN knows about.
    RMAN-06028: duplicate operand specified in restore specification: string
    CHECK READONLY or DB_UNIQUE_NAME option was specified more than
    once in the restore command or in one of the restore specifications.
    Action: Correct and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06029: the control file may be included only in a datafile backup set
    Cause: The "include current/standby control file" option was specified for an
    archived log backup set.
    Action: Use this option only for datafile backup sets.
    RMAN-06030: the DELETE [ALL] INPUT option may not be used with a datafile
    backup set
    Cause: The DELETE [ALL] INPUT option was specified for a backup that
    contains the current control file or datafile.
    Action: Remove the option and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06031: could not translate database keyword
    Cause: An error was received when calling DBMS_RCVMAN
    Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    RMAN-06032: at least 1 channel of TYPE DISK must be allocated to execute a
    COPY command
    Cause: No channel of TYPE DISK was allocated.
    Action: Allocate a channel of TYPE DISK and re-issue the command.
    RMAN-06033: channel string not allocated
    Cause: An rman command requests a specific channel, but the requested channel
    has not been allocated.
    Action: ALLOCATE the channel, or correct the channel identifier.
    RMAN-06034: at least 1 channel must be allocated to execute this command
    Cause: No channels were allocated.
    Action: ALLOCATE a channel.
    RMAN-06035: wrong version of recover.bsq, expecting string, found string
    Cause: The "recover.bsq" file is incompatible with the RMAN executable.
    Action: Install the correct version of recover.bsq.
    RMAN-06036: datafile number is already restored to file string
    Cause: A SET NEWNAME command was issued to restore a datafile to a location
    other than the original datafile, and Recovery Manager determined that the best
    candidate for restoring the file is the datafile copy with the same name, therefore
    the file is already restored and no action need be taken.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    46-44 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06038: recovery catalog package detected an error
    Cause: A call to DBMS_RCVMAN returned an error.
    Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    RMAN-06039: SET NEWNAME command has not been issued for datafile string
    Cause: A SWITCH command was specified for a datafile, but no destination was
    specified and no SET NEWNAME command has been previously issued for that
    file. An explicit file to switch to must be specified if no SET NEWNAME command
    has been issued.
    Action: Correct and resubmit the SWITCH command.
    RMAN-06040: control file is already restored to file string
    Cause: The best candidate control file for restoration is the one that is named in
    the RESTORE CONTROLFILE command, hence no action need be taken.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06041: cannot switch file number to copy of file number
    Cause: An attempt was made to switch a datafile to a copy of a different datafile.
    Action: Correct and resubmit the SWITCH command.
    RMAN-06042: PLUS ARCHIVELOG option is not supported with non-datafile
    Cause: The PLUS ARCHIVELOG option was supplied but does not apply to this
    type of backup.
    Action: Remove the PLUS ARCHIVELOG operand and reenter the command.
    RMAN-06043: TAG option not supported for archived log copies
    Cause: The tag option was supplied but does not apply to this type of copy.
    Action: Remove the TAG operand and reenter the command
    RMAN-06045: LEVEL option not supported for archived log or current/standby
    control file copies
    Cause: The LEVEL option was supplied but does not apply to this type of copy.
    Action: Remove the LEVEL operand and reenter the command.
    RMAN-06046: archived log name: string
    Cause: An error occurred while translating an archived log name to its recovery
    catalog RECID/time stamp. This message should be accompanied by other error
    message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-06047: duplicate datafile number specified for restoration from copy
    Cause: The indicated datafile was specified more than once in the same restore
    Action: Correct and resubmit the RESTORE command.
    RMAN-06048: duplicate control file specified for restoration from copy
    Cause: The control file was specified more than once in the same RESTORE
    Action: Correct and resubmit the RESTORE command.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-45
    RMAN-06049: CHECK LOGICAL option not supported for archived log or
    current/standby control file copies
    Cause: The check logical option was supplied but does not apply to this type of
    Action: Remove the CHECK LOGICAL operand and reenter the command
    RMAN-06050: archived log for thread number with sequence number is already on
    disk as file string
    Cause: An archived log which was requested to be restored (either explicitly or
    via a range specification) does not need to be restored because it already exists on
    Action: None - this is an informational message
    RMAN-06051: DELETE INPUT option not implemented yet
    Cause: This option was specified in a backup specification.
    Action: Remove the DELETE INPUT option.
    RMAN-06052: no parent backup or copy of datafile number found
    Cause: An incremental backup at level 1 or higher could not find any parent
    backup or copy of the indicated datafile. A level 0 backup of the datafile will be
    taken automatically.
    Action: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06053: unable to perform media recovery because of missing log
    Cause: This message is accompanied with another message identifying the
    missing log. The log would be needed to perform the media recovery, but the log
    is not on disk and no backup set containing the log is available.
    Action: Determine if a backup set containing the log can be made available. If so,
    then use the CHANGE command to make the backup set available and retry the
    command. If not, then a point-in-time recovery up to the missing log is the only
    RMAN-06054: media recovery requesting unknown archived log for thread string
    with sequence string and starting SCN of string
    Cause: Media recovery is requesting a log whose existence is not recorded in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: If a copy of the log is available, then add it to the recovery catalog and/or
    control file via a CATALOG command and then retry the RECOVER command. If
    not, then a point-in-time recovery up to the missing log is the only alternative and
    database can be opened using ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS command.
    RMAN-06055: could not find archived log with sequence string for thread string
    Cause: A log which was on disk at the start of media recovery or which should
    have been restored from a backup set could not be found.
    Action: Check the Recovery Manager message log to see if the log was restored by
    a previous job step. If so, then check the V$ARCHIVED_LOG view to see if the log
    is listed in the control file. If so, then validate that the log exists on disk and is
    readable. If the log was not restored, or was restored but no record of the log exists
    in V$ARCHIVED_LOG, then contact Oracle Support Services.
    RMAN-06056: could not access datafile number
    Cause: A backup or copy could not proceed because the datafile header could not
    be read or the header was not valid.
    46-46 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Make the datafile accessible or skip it.
    RMAN-06057: a standby control file cannot be included along with a current
    control file
    Cause: "current control file" was specified along with "standby control file".
    Action: Remove "current control file" or "standby control file" from backup
    RMAN-06058: a current control file cannot be included along with a standby
    control file
    Cause: "standby control file" was specified along with "current control file".
    Action: Remove "standby control file" or "current control file" from backup
    RMAN-06059: expected archived log not found, loss of archived log compromises
    Cause: The archived log was not found. The recovery catalog or target database
    control file thinks it does exist. If the archived log has in fact been lost and there is
    no backup, then the database is no longer recoverable across the point-in-time
    covered by the archived log. This may occur because the archived log was
    removed by an outside utility without updating the recovery catalog or target
    database control file.
    Action: If the archived log has been removed with an outside utility and the
    archived log has already been backed up, then you can synchronize the recovery
    catalog or target database control file by running CROSSCHECK ARCHIVELOG
    ALL. If the archived log has not been previously backed up, then you should take
    a full backup of the database and archived logs to preserve recoverability. Previous
    backups are not fully recoverable.
    RMAN-06060: WARNING: skipping datafile compromises tablespace string
    Cause: SKIP INACCESSIBLE or SKIP OFFLINE option resulted in skipping
    datafile during BACKUP. If the datafile has in fact been lost and there is no
    backup, then the tablespace is no longer recoverable without ALL archived logs
    since datafile creation. This may occur because the datafile was deleted by an
    outside utility or the datafile is made OFFLINE [DROP].
    Action: If there is no backup of skipped datafile and the tablespace has to be
    recoverable without ALL archived logs since datafile creation, then you should
    make these datafile available for backup.
    RMAN-06061: WARNING: skipping archived log compromises recoverability
    Cause: SKIP INACCESSIBLE option resulted in skipping archived logs during
    BACKUP. If the archived log has in fact been lost and there is no backup, then the
    database is no longer recoverable across the point-in-time covered by the archived
    log. This may occur because archived log was removed by an outside utility
    without updating the recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: If the archived log has been removed with an outside utility and the
    archived log has already been backed up, then you can synchronize the recovery
    catalog or target database control file by running CROSSCHECK ARCHIVELOG
    ALL. If the archived log has not been previously backed up, then you should take
    a full backup of the database and archived logs to preserve recoverability. Previous
    backups are not fully recoverable.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-47
    RMAN-06062: can not backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with
    Cause: A backup command requested a backup of the SPFILE, but no SPFILE was
    used to startup the instance.
    Action: Create an SPFILE and re-start the instance using the SPFILE or modify the
    RMAN-06063: DBID is not found in the recovery catalog
    Cause: DBID is not found in the recovery catalog.
    Action: Verify that the DBID is correct and restart the command.
    RMAN-06064: creating datafile file number=string name=string
    Cause: RESTORE/RECOVER command was issued and there were no backup
    available for the datafile.
    Action: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06065: The operand [string] conflicts with another specified operand.
    Cause: An attempt was made to use two (or more) conflicting operands within
    the same statement.
    Action: Remove one or both of the conflicting operands.
    RMAN-06066: the target database must be mounted when issuing a RECOVER
    Cause: A RECOVER command was issued, but the target database control file is
    not mounted.
    Action: Mount the target database control file by issuing ALTER DATABASE
    MOUNT via Enterprise Manager or Server Manager.
    RMAN-06067: RECOVER DATABASE required with a backup or created control
    Cause: The control file has been restored from a backup or was created via ALTER
    Action: Use the RECOVER DATABASE command to perform the recovery.
    RMAN-06068: recovery aborted because of missing datafiles
    Cause: This error should be accompanied by one or more instances of message
    Action: Refer to message ORA-06094.
    RMAN-06069: the file name for datafile string is missing in the control file
    Cause: Media recovery of a backup control file added this datafile to the control
    file, but it does not set the file name because that is unsafe.
    Action: If the datafile is on disk, then issue ALTER DATABASE RENAME to
    correct the control file. Otherwise, RESTORE the datafile, and then use SWITCH to
    make it known to the control file. If the tablespace containing this datafile will be
    dropped, then reissue the RECOVER command with a SKIP clause to skip
    recovery of this tablespace.
    RMAN-06070: DBWR could not identify datafile string
    Cause: DBWR could not find the specified datafile.
    Action: Ensure that the datafile exists and is accessible.
    46-48 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06071: could not open datafile string
    Cause: An error was encountered when trying to open the specified datafile.
    Action: Ensure that the datafile exists and is accessible.
    RMAN-06073: file header is corrupt for datafile string
    Cause: ORACLE detected a corruption in the file header. A media failure has
    probably occurred.
    Action: RESTORE the datafile to a new location, then do a SWITCH, and then
    retry the RECOVER command.
    RMAN-06074: file string is not an ORACLE datafile
    Cause: The file header indicates that this file is not a datafile. The file may have
    been overlaid or corrupted.
    Action: RESTORE the datafile to a new location, then do a SWITCH, and then
    retry the RECOVER command.
    RMAN-06075: datafile string does not belong to this database
    Cause: The file header indicates that this file belongs to some other ORACLE
    Action: RESTORE the datafile to a new location, then do a SWITCH, and then
    retry the RECOVER command.
    RMAN-06076: datafile string contains wrong datafile
    Cause: The datafile header indicates the file contains a different datafile number.
    Action: RESTORE the datafile, and then retry the RECOVER command.
    RMAN-06077: datafile string is a different version than contained in the control file
    Cause: The control file entry for this datafile specifies a different version of this
    datafile. Different versions of a datafile can exist when a tablespace is dropped,
    and a new tablespace is created which reuses the same datafile numbers.
    Action: If the datafile is correct, the fix the control file by using the SWITCH
    command. Otherwise, RESTORE the correct version of this datafile and retry the
    RECOVER command.
    RMAN-06078: the control file is older than datafile string
    Cause: The control file appears to be older than the specified datafile, but it is not
    marked as a backup control file. This indicates that the control file has been
    replaced with an older version. This error does not occur when a backup control
    file which was created via Recovery Manager or the ALTER DATABASE BACKUP
    CONTROLFILE command is restored because such control files are marked as
    Action: RESTORE a control file and perform RECOVER DATABASE.
    RMAN-06079: database must be mounted to perform recovery
    Cause: A RECOVER command was issued, but the target database is not
    RMAN-06080: SWITCH required for datafile string
    Cause: The control file record for this datafile is for an older incarnation of the
    datafile. A SWITCH command must be issued to updated the control file before
    doing RECOVER.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-49
    Action: Issue SWITCH command then retry RECOVER.
    RMAN-06081: error reading datafile header for datafile string, code string
    Cause: X$KCVFH returned the specified code in the HXERR column when it was
    queried for the specified datafile.
    Action: Ensure the datafile exists and is readable. Using a newer release of
    Recovery Manager may return a more meaningful error message. If you have no
    newer version of Recovery Manager, contact Oracle Support Services.
    RMAN-06082: datafile copy tag string is ambiguous
    Cause: The specified tag refers to multiple datafile copies belonging to different
    Action: Specify the datafile copy by file name rather than by tag.
    RMAN-06083: error when loading stored script string
    Cause: The recovery catalog database returned an error. This error explains the
    cause of the problem.
    Action: Correct the problem and retry.
    RMAN-06084: the target database may not be mounted when issuing REPLICATE
    Cause: A REPLICATE command was issued, but the target database is already
    Action: dismount the target database control file by issuing ALTER DATABASE
    CLOSE and ALTER DATABASE DISMOUNT via Enterprise Manager or Server
    RMAN-06085: must use SET NEWNAME command to restore datafile string
    Cause: A RESTORE command for the specified datafile could not find a
    destination name for the specified datafile.
    Action: Add a SET NEWNAME command prior to the RESTORE command to
    specify the restore destination for this file.
    RMAN-06086: offline files may only be skipped in a datafile backup set
    Cause: The SKIP OFFLINE option was specified for an archived log backup set.
    Action: Use this option only for datafile backup sets.
    RMAN-06087: read-only files may only be skipped in a datafile backup set
    Cause: The SKIP READONLY option was specified for an archived log backup
    Action: Use this option only for datafile backup sets.
    RMAN-06088: datafile copy string not found or out of sync with catalog
    Cause: The indicated file is not found, or is found but is not the same file that the
    recovery catalog thinks it is. It is likely that some operation outside of Recovery
    Manager has altered the file, or that Recovery Manager has not resynced with the
    target database.
    Action: Re-catalog the file and retry the operation.
    RMAN-06089: archived log string not found or out of sync with catalog
    Cause: The indicated file is not found, or is found but is not the same file that the
    recovery catalog thinks it is. It is likely that some operation outside of Recovery
    Manager has altered the file, or that Recovery Manager has not resynced with the
    target database.
    46-50 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Re-catalog the file and retry the operation.
    RMAN-06090: error while looking up control file copy: string
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified control file copy in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    failure. Ensure that the file name is entered correctly. If the control file copy was
    created when the recovery catalog was not available, then a RESYNC CATALOG
    must be done to update the recovery catalog.
    RMAN-06091: no channel allocated for maintenance (of an appropriate type)
    Cause: A command was entered that requires a maintenance channel, and no
    maintenance channel is allocated, or none of the appropriate type.
    Action: Use ALLOCATE CHANNEL FOR MAINTENANCE before deleting
    backup pieces, or using the CROSSCHECK or DELETE EXPIRED commands.
    Proxy copies require a non-DISK channel.
    RMAN-06092: error while looking up backup piece
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified backup piece in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    failure. Ensure that the name or key is entered correctly. If the backup piece was
    created when the recovery catalog was not available, then a RESYNC CATALOG
    must be done to update the recovery catalog.
    RMAN-06093: recovery catalog contains obsolete version of datafile string
    Cause: The specified datafile number was dropped and then reused. The control
    file mounted by the target database contains the newer version of the datafile, but
    the recovery catalog contains information about only the older version.
    Action: Issue a RESYNC command to update the recovery catalog, then reissue
    the failing command. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
    RMAN-06094: datafile string must be restored
    Cause: A RECOVER command was issued, and the recovery catalog indicates the
    specified datafile should be part of the recovery, but this datafile is not listed in the
    control file, and cannot be found on disk.
    Action: Issue a RESTORE command for this datafile, using the same UNTIL
    clause specified to the RECOVER command (if any), then reissue the RECOVER.
    RMAN-06095: a backup control file must be restored to recover datafile string
    Cause: The control file currently mounted by the target database contains a newer
    incarnation of the datafile than the recovery catalog indicates is appropriate for the
    Point-in-Time being recovered to.
    Action: Restore the control file, using the same UNTIL clause specified on the
    failing RECOVER command, then reissue the command. If no control file can be
    restored, then you should issue a CREATE CONTROLFILE command.
    RMAN-06096: SWITCH required for newname of datafile string to take effect
    Cause: A SET NEWNAME was issued for this datafile, but no SWITCH command
    was issued before the RECOVER command.
    Action: Issue a SWITCH command to make the newname take effect before doing
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-51
    RMAN-06098: the target database must be mounted when issuing a BACKUP
    Cause: A BACKUP command was issued, but the target database control file is
    not mounted.
    Action: Mount the target database control file by issuing ALTER DATABASE
    MOUNT via Enterprise Manager or Server Manager.
    RMAN-06099: error occurred in source file: string, line: number
    Cause: See accompanying error.
    Action: See accompanying error.
    RMAN-06100: no channel to restore a backup or copy of datafile number
    Cause: A datafile, tablespace, or database restore could not proceed because the
    backup of the indicated file exists on a device type that was not allocated for
    Action: None - this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further
    RMAN-06101: no channel to restore a backup or copy of the control file
    Cause: A control file restore could not proceed because the backup of the
    indicated file exists on a device type that was not allocated for restore.
    Action: None - this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further
    RMAN-06102: no channel to restore a backup or copy of archived log for thread
    number with sequence number and starting SCN of string
    Cause: An archived log restore restore could not proceed because the backup of
    the indicated file exists on a device type that was not allocated for restore.
    Action: None - this is an informational message. See message 6026 for further
    RMAN-06103: duplicate qualifier found in REPORT command: string
    Cause: The indicated qualifier appears more than once in a REPORT qualifier list.
    Action: delete the duplicate qualifier
    RMAN-06105: duplicate qualifier found in LIST command: string
    Cause: The indicated qualifier appears more than once in a LIST qualifier list.
    Action: delete the duplicate qualifier
    RMAN-06106: this command requires that target database be mounted
    Cause: A command was issued that requires the target database to be mounted,
    but the target database is not mounted.
    Action: Mount the target database control file by issuing ALTER DATABASE
    MOUNT via Enterprise Manager or Server Manager.
    RMAN-06107: WARNING: control file is not current for REPORT NEED BACKUP
    Cause: The REPORT NEED BACKUP DAYS command may report some files as
    requiring backups when they really do not, because the most current online status
    of the file is not known unless a current control file is mounted.
    Action: No action is required, however, a current control file should be mounted,
    if possible, to get the most accurate REPORT output.
    46-52 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06108: changed datafile copy unavailable
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06109: changed archived log unavailable
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06110: changed control file copy unavailable
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06111: changed backup piece unavailable
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06112: changed datafile copy available
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06113: changed archived log available
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06114: changed control file copy available
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06115: changed backup piece available
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06116: cannot crosscheck unavailable object
    Cause: An attempt was made to crosscheck an object which is unavailable.
    Action: Make object available and try again or don't crosscheck object.
    RMAN-06117: cannot do DELETE EXPIRED on an object which is not expired
    Cause: An attempt was made to DELETE EXPIRED an object which is not
    Action: Remove EXPIRED keyword, crosscheck object, or don't delete object.
    RMAN-06118: a backup control file older than SCN string must be used for this
    Cause: An attempt was made to recover the database, but some files had no
    backup, and were not present in the control file at the beginning of the restore.
    This happens when the control file used during the recovery is a backup control
    file taken before the creation of some of the files that had no backup. In this
    situation, the control file that is used must be taken before the creation of all files
    that have no backup. This will enable RMAN to automatically re-create all of the
    files that had no backup.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-53
    Action: Restore a control file that was backed up before the specified system
    change number (SCN). The following RMAN commands can be used to do this:
    SET UNTIL SCN ; (where is the SCN displayed in the message) RESTORE
    RMAN-06119: uncataloged datafile copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06120: uncataloged archived log
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06121: uncataloged control file copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06122: CHANGE .. UNCATALOG not supported for BACKUPSET
    Cause: The CHANGE BACKUPSET .. UNCATALOG command was entered. The
    UNCATALOG operation is not supported with backup set.
    Action: Use CHANGE BACKUPSET .. DELETE instead.
    RMAN-06123: operation not supported without the recovery catalog or mounted
    control file
    Cause: A command was used which requires a connection to a recovery catalog
    database or the target database to be mounted. The command cannot be used
    when no backup repository is available.
    Action: If a recovery catalog database is available, then connect to the recovery
    catalog and retry the command, otherwise enter a different command.
    RMAN-06124: error while looking up datafile copy key: number
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified datafile copy key in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    RMAN-06125: error while looking up archived log key: number
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified archived log key in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    RMAN-06126: skipping offline file string
    Cause: The indicated file will not be included in the backup set because it is
    offline and the SKIP OFFLINE option was specified.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06127: skipping read-only file string
    Cause: The indicated file could not be included in the backup set because it was
    read-only and the SKIP READONLY option was specified.
    Action: No action is required.
    46-54 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06128: skipping inaccessible file string
    Cause: The indicated file will not be included in the backup set because it could
    not be read, and the SKIP INACCESSIBLE option was specified.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06129: invalid reserved channel ID: string
    Cause: The specified channel id is invalid. DELETE and DEFAULT are reserved
    channel names and may not be specified by users.
    Action: Specify a different channel ID.
    RMAN-06131: SKIP OFFLINE and SKIP READONLY are only allowed with current
    control file
    Cause: The target database control file was not current. The SKIP OFFLINE and
    SKIP READONLY options are only permitted when the target database control file
    is current. When the target control file is not current, it is not possible to obtain a
    datafile's offline or read-only status.
    Action: Remove the SKIP option or mount a current control file on the target
    RMAN-06132: cannot backup datafile string because it is not in the control file
    Cause: A backup command was issued that includes the specified datafile, but the
    datafile is not listed in the control file. The control file is not current (it is a backup
    or a created control file).
    Action: Recover the control file to make it current, then retry the backup
    RMAN-06133: recovery catalog may have obsolete data for datafile string
    Cause: A RESTORE UNTIL was issued, and the recovery catalog choose an older
    incarnation of the datafile than is listed in the control file.
    Action: If the recovery catalog has correct data for the datafile, then restore a
    backup control file using the same UNTIL clause, then retry the datafile restore.
    Otherwise, restore a backup of the incarnation of the datafile listed in the control
    RMAN-06134: host command complete
    Cause: An operating system command has completed.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06135: error executing host command: string
    Cause: A host command returned a non-zero return code.
    Action: Correct the offending command.
    RMAN-06136: ORACLE error from auxiliary database: string
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-06137: must have recovery catalog for REPORT SCHEMA AT TIME
    Cause: A 'REPORT SCHEMA at_clause' command was issued, but there is no
    recovery catalog database.
    Action: If you are not using a recovery catalog, then you may only issue the
    'REPORT SCHEMA' command with no at_clause.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-55
    RMAN-06138: control file not mounted - must specify AT clause with REPORT
    Cause: A 'REPORT SCHEMA' with no at_clause was issued, and there is no
    recovery catalog, and there is also no control file mounted at the target database,
    so there is no place to get the information about the current list of files comprising
    the database.
    Action: Use a recovery catalog or mount a control file at the target database.
    RMAN-06139: WARNING: control file is not current for REPORT SCHEMA
    Cause: A 'REPORT SCHEMA' with no at_clause was issued, and there is no
    recovery catalog, and the control file mounted by the target instance is not current,
    so the information about the current list of datafiles may not be current.
    Action: Use a recovery catalog or mount a current control file.
    RMAN-06140: cannot specify TAG option with LIST INCARNATION
    Cause: The TAG option was specified with LIST INCARNATION. This is not
    permitted because there is no TAG associated with a database incarnation.
    Action: Remove the TAG option and re-run the LIST command.
    RMAN-06141: cannot specify ARCHIVELOG LIKE option with RESTORE
    Cause: The ARCHIVELOG LIKE option was specified with RESTORE. This is not
    permitted because recovery catalog contains only those records that are not
    deleted from disk.
    Action: Remove the ARCHIVELOG LIKE option and re-run the command.
    RMAN-06142: DEVICE TYPE cannot be specified with this command
    Cause: The DEVICE TYPE option was specified with a command that does not
    support it.
    Action: Remove the DEVICE TYPE option and re-run the command.
    RMAN-06143: LIKE may only be specified with COPY
    Cause: The LIKE option was specified with a RMAN command. This is not
    permitted because only copies of datafiles, control files or archived logs have file
    names that may be tested with a LIKE operand.
    Action: Remove the LIKE option and re-run the RMAN command.
    RMAN-06144: FROM or UNTIL may not be specified with LIST INCARNATION
    Cause: The FROM or UNTIL option was specified with LIST INCARNATION.
    This is not permitted because there is no time associated with a database
    Action: Remove the FROM or UNTIL option and re-run the LIST command.
    RMAN-06145: control file is not current - obsolete file list may be incomplete
    Cause: A CHANGE or REPORT command needs to compute the list of backups
    that are redundant and may be deleted. If the mounted control file is not current, it
    may not be possible to determine if a satisfactory backup exists for files which
    have been offline since the last OPEN RESETLOGS.
    Action: No action need be taken - this is an informational message only. To ensure
    a complete report of obsolete backups, mount a current control file.
    RMAN-06146: changes found for file number beyond offline SCN
    46-56 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: A CHANGE or REPORT command needs to compute the list of backups
    that are redundant and may be deleted. A backup was found for a file which is
    shown as offline in the target database control file, but the backup contains
    changes beyond the system change number(SCN) when the file went offline. This
    is most likely because the target database control file is not really current, but is a
    restored copy of an older control file.
    Action: Mount a current control file or a backup control file.
    RMAN-06147: no obsolete backups found
    Cause: A CHANGE or REPORT command could find no files that meet the
    specified criteria for obsoleteness.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06148: redundancy count must be greater than zero
    Cause: The REDUNDANCY operand specified for a CHANGE or REPORT
    OBSOLETE command was zero.
    Action: Specify a REDUNDANCY operand of 1 or greater.
    Cause: A BACKUP DATABASE command was issued, but the target database
    was in NOARCHIVELOG mode and was open in READ/WRITE mode.
    Action: Mount the target database control file by issuing ALTER DATABASE
    ARCHIVELOG using the Enterprise Manager or Server Manager.
    RMAN-06150: auxiliary name for datafile number set to: string
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a CONFIGURE AUXNAME
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06151: datafile string creation SCN string
    Cause: This is an informational message. It should be accompanied by other
    Action: None
    RMAN-06153: validation failed for datafile copy
    Cause: The CHANGE DATAFILECOPY VALIDATE command discovered that the
    datafile copy could not be found or no longer contains the same data, so its record
    was deleted from the recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06154: validation succeeded for datafile copy
    Cause: The CHANGE DATAFILECOPY VALIDATE command discovered that the
    datafile copy still matches its data in the recovery catalog or target database
    control file.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06155: validation failed for control file copy
    Cause: The CHANGE CONTROLFILECOPY VALIDATE command discovered
    that the control file copy could not be found or no longer contains the same data,
    so its record was deleted from the recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-57
    RMAN-06156: validation succeeded for control file copy
    Cause: The CHANGE CONTROLFILECOPY VALIDATE command discovered
    that the control file copy still matches its data in the recovery catalog or target
    database control file.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06157: validation failed for archived log
    Cause: The CROSSCHECK ARCHIVELOG command determined that the
    archived log could not be found or no longer contained the same data, so its
    record was marked expired.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06158: validation succeeded for archived log
    option determined that the archived log still matches its data.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06159: error while looking up backup set
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified backup set in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    failure. Ensure that the key is entered correctly. If the backup set was created when
    the recovery catalog was not available, then a RESYNC CATALOG must be done
    to update the recovery catalog.
    RMAN-06160: no backup pieces found for backup set key: number
    Cause: No backup pieces for the requested backup set were found in the recovery
    catalog, or the target database control file.
    Action: Specify an existing backup set.
    RMAN-06161: error when inspecting auxiliary file name: string
    Cause: This error is accompanied by other errors explaining the cause.
    Action: Correct the auxiliary file name if it is wrong via the CONFIGURE
    AUXNAME command.
    RMAN-06162: sql statement: string
    Cause: This is the sql statement about to be executed for a SQL command.
    Action: None, informational message only.
    RMAN-06163: some datafiles cannot be recovered, aborting the RECOVER
    Cause: This message should be followed by one or more 6162 or 6164 messages.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-06164: WARNING: no channel of required type allocated to recover datafile
    Cause: A RECOVER command could not proceed because incremental backup
    sets or archived log backup sets exist on a device type that has not been allocated.
    Action: Use the LIST command to determine which device type is needed, then
    allocate a channel of that type.
    RMAN-06165: datafile string is too old to recover, restore a more recent copy
    46-58 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: The archived logs and/or incremental backup sets required to recover the
    datafile do not exist, but a more recent backup of the datafile exists which can be
    Action: Issue a RESTORE for the datafile, then reissue the RECOVER command.
    RMAN-06166: datafile string cannot be recovered
    Cause: Incremental backups or archived redo logs needed to recover the datafile
    cannot be found, and no recoverable full backup or datafile copy exists.
    Action: Use the LIST command to see if there is a backup set or datafile copy that
    can be made AVAILABLE. If not, then the datafile is unrecoverable. If a full or
    datafile copy exists, then a Point-in-Time Recovery may be possible.
    RMAN-06167: already connected
    Cause: a CONNECT command was issued, but RMAN is already connected to
    the specified database.
    Action: RMAN has no DISCONNECT command, so to connect to a different
    instance, exit RMAN and start it again.
    RMAN-06168: no backup pieces with this tag found: string
    Cause: A tag was used to specify a list of backup pieces, but no backup pieces
    with this tag could be found.
    Action: Make sure the tag is specified correctly.
    RMAN-06169: could not read file header for datafile string error reason string
    Cause: The specified datafile could not be accessed. The reason codes are: 1 - file
    name is MISSINGxx in the control file 2 - file is offline 3 - file is not verified 4 -
    DBWR could not find the file 5 - unable to open file 6 - I/O error during read 7 -
    file header is corrupt 8 - file is not a datafile 9 - file does not belong to this database
    10 - file number is incorrect 12 - wrong file version 15 - control file is not current
    Action: If the error can be corrected, do so and retry the operation. The SKIP
    option can be used to ignore this error during a backup.
    RMAN-06170: no control file copy found with offline range RECID string STAMP
    string datafile string
    Cause: This offline range is needed for recovering the specified data file, but the
    offline range record has aged out of the current control file and no control file copy
    with the record could be accessed. At least 1 control file copy containing the offline
    range was found in the recovery catalog and was in AVAILABLE status.
    Action: Query the RC_CONTROLFILE_COPY view for the names of all control
    file copies, then issue a CHANGE CONTROLFILECOPY … VALIDATE; command
    for them. Then reissue the RECOVER command.
    RMAN-06171: not connected to target database
    Cause: A command was issued but no connection to the target database has been
    Action: Issue a CONNECT TARGET command to connect to the target database.
    RMAN-06172: no AUTOBACKUP found or specified handle is not a valid copy or
    Cause: A restore could not proceed because no AUTOBACKUP was found or
    specified handle is not a valid copy or backup piece. In case of restore from
    AUTOBACKUP, it may be the case that a backup exists, but it does not satisfy the
    criteria specified in the user's restore operands. In case of restore from handle, it
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-59
    may be the handle is not a backup piece or control file copy. In may be that it does
    not exist.
    Action: Modify AUTOBACKUP search criteria or verify the handle.
    RMAN-06173: SET NEWNAME command has not been issued for datafile string
    when restore auxiliary
    Cause: Auxiliary type was specified for the control file, but no SET NEWNAME
    command has been previously issued for a datafile.
    Action: Issue SET NEWNAME command for every datafile in the recovery set.
    RMAN-06174: not connected to auxiliary database
    Cause: An auxiliary command was issued but no connection to a auxiliary
    database has been established.
    Action: Issue a CONNECT AUXILIARY command to connect to the auxiliary
    RMAN-06175: deleted script: string
    Cause: A DELETE SCRIPT command was executed.
    Action: None, informational message only.
    RMAN-06176: no recovery required; all files are read-only or offline
    Cause: An attempt was made to recover files that were offline or read-only. A
    RECOVER DATABASE command does not need to recover any files because all of
    the files to be recovered are offline or read-only. This can only occur when the
    SKIP clause includes the SYSTEM tablespace.
    Action: None. This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06177: restore not done; all files read only, offline, or already restored
    Cause: A RESTORE command does not need to restore any files, because all of the
    files to be restored are offline, read-only, or are already restored to their correct
    Action: None, informational message only
    RMAN-06178: datafile number not processed because file is offline
    Cause: A RESTORE DATABASE or RECOVER DATABASE command omitted
    processing the indicated datafile because it is offline clean at the desired
    Action: None, informational message only
    RMAN-06179: datafile number not processed because file is read-only
    Cause: A RESTORE DATABASE or RECOVER DATABASE command omitted
    processing the indicated datafile because it is part of a read-only tablespace at the
    desired point-in-time.
    Action: None, informational message only
    RMAN-06180: incremental backups require Enterprise Edition
    Cause: A BACKUP command with INCREMENTAL LEVEL > 0 was specified.
    Action: Use FULL, or INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0.
    RMAN-06181: multiple channels require Enterprise Edition
    Cause: Attempt to allocate more than 1 channel in a job.
    Action: Remove all except one ALLOCATE CHANNEL command.
    46-60 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06182: archived log string of thread string with sequence string larger than
    Cause: A BACKUP ARCHIVELOG command specified the MAXSETSIZE
    operand too low. The specified archived log is larger than MAXSETSIZE will
    Action: Increase MAXSETSIZE limit.
    RMAN-06183: datafile or datafile copy string (file number string) larger than
    Cause: A BACKUP DATAFILE(copy) command specified the MAXSETSIZE
    operand too low. The specified datafile is larger than MAXSETSIZE will allow.
    Action: Increase MAXSETSIZE limit.
    RMAN-06184: duplicate object in backup specifier: string string
    Cause: A backup command specifies the same datafile or copy of a data file
    multiple times.
    Action: Eliminate the duplicates.
    RMAN-06185: Recovery Manager incompatible with string database: RMAN
    number.number.number.number to number.number.number.number required
    Cause: This version of recovery manager was incompatible with the indicated
    database or the DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE package installed in the indicated
    Action: If the database has been upgraded from an earlier version, ensure that the
    catxxxx.sql script has been run successfully. Re-install dbmsbkrs.sql and
    prvtbkrs.plb if necessary. Otherwise, use a version of RMAN within the range
    specified in the error message.
    RMAN-06186: PL/SQL package string.string version string in string database is too
    Cause: The specified PL/SQL package is a version that is too old to work with
    this version of the Recovery Manager (RMAN).
    Action: If the database indicated is CATALOG, then you can use the UPGRADE
    CATALOG command to upgrade the recovery catalog to the most current version.
    If the database is TARGET or AUXILIARY, then you must either upgrade the
    specified database or use an older version of RMAN.
    RMAN-06187: control file copy string not found or out of sync with catalog
    Cause: The indicated file is not found, or is found but is not the same file that the
    recovery catalog thinks it is. It is likely that some operation outside of Recovery
    Manager has altered the file, or that Recovery Manager has not resynced with the
    target database.
    Action: Re-catalog the file and retry the operation.
    RMAN-06188: cannot use command when connected to a mounted target database
    Cause: An attempt was made to issue a command that can be used only when
    there is no connection to the target database or when the target database is not
    Action: Dismount the database or restart RMAN and use the command before
    connecting to the target database.
    RMAN-06189: current DBID number does not match target mounted database
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-61
    Cause: SET DBID was used to set a DBID that does not match the DBID of the
    database to which RMAN is connected.
    Action: If the current operation is a restore to copy the database, do not mount the
    database. Otherwise, avoid using the SET DBID command, or restart RMAN.
    RMAN-06190: PL/SQL package string.string version string in string database is not
    Cause: RMAN detected an old version of the specified package. RMAN will
    execute in backwards-compatible mode.
    Action: No action is required, but certain features and bug-fixes may not be
    available when RMAN runs in backwards-compatible mode. If the database is
    CATALOG, then you can use the UPGRADE CATALOG command to upgrade the
    recovery catalog to the most current version. If the database is TARGET or
    AUXILIARY, then you must either upgrade the specified database or use an older
    version of RMAN. The files that must be run to upgrade the target or auxiliary
    database are dbmsrman.sql and prvtrman.plb.
    RMAN-06191: PL/SQL package string.string version string in string database is too
    Cause: RMAN detected an incompatible version of the specified package.
    Action: Use a newer version of recovery manager. Message 6439 indicates the
    minimum required version of recovery manager.
    RMAN-06192: maximum value for MAXPIECESIZE or MAXSETSIZE must be
    between 1 KB and 2048 GB
    Cause: Input size for MAXPIECESIZE or MAXSETSIZE was out of range.
    Action: Specify a valid size and retry the command.
    RMAN-06193: connected to target database (not started)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: The database must be started before any other RMAN commands are
    RMAN-06194: target database instance not started
    Cause: A command was issued that requires the target database instance be
    Action: Issue a STARTUP command to start the instance.
    RMAN-06195: auxiliary database not started
    Cause: A command was issued that requires the auxiliary database instance be
    Action: Issue a STARTUP AUXILIARY command.
    RMAN-06196: Oracle instance started
    Cause: A STARTUP command completed successfully.
    Action: None, this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06197: Total System Global Area string bytes
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06198: string string bytes
    46-62 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06199: database mounted
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06200: Changed string objects to AVAILABLE status
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06201: Deleted string objects
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06202: Deleted string EXPIRED objects
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06203: Changed KEEP options for string objects
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06204: Changed string objects to UNAVAILABLE status
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06205: Uncataloged string objects
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06206: Crosschecked string objects
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06207: WARNING: string objects could not be deleted for string channel(s)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06208: to mismatched status. Use CROSSCHECK command to fix status
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06209: List of failed objects
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06210: List of Mismatched objects
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-63
    RMAN-06211: ==========================
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06212: Object Type Filename/Handle
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06213: --------------- ---------------------------------------------------
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06214: string string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06215: List of objects that must perform same operation at other database
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: The specified list of objects were not accessible at connected target
    database. Re-run the CROSSCHECK command after connecting to database that
    has DB_UNIQUE_NAME displayed in output for the specified object.
    RMAN-06216: WARNING: db_unique_name mismatch - string objects could not be
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: Run CROSSCHECK command after connecting to a primary or physical
    standby database that can access the specified objects.
    RMAN-06217: not connected to auxiliary database with a net service name
    Cause: A command that moves files from the target instance to the auxiliary
    instance was requested. Such a command requires a net service name be present in
    the connect string used to connect to the auxiliary instance.
    Action: Issue a CONNECT AUXILIARY command and include a net serice name
    in the connect string. That service name must be valid on the target instance.
    RMAN-06218: List of objects requiring same operation on database with db_
    unique_name string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: The specified list of objects were not accessible by the target database.
    Re-run the same command after connecting to database that has DB_UNIQUE_
    NAME displayed in output for the specified object.
    RMAN-06219: List of objects not associated with all known db_unique_names
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: The specified list of objects were not accessible by the target database.
    Re-run the same command after connecting to primary database or physical
    standby database that can access the specified objects.
    RMAN-06220: Creating automatic instance, with SID='string'
    Cause: No connection to the auxiliary instance was provided, but the command
    requires an auxiliary instance.
    46-64 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: No action is required unless you want to create a permanent database, in
    which case you should stop the command and re-run it, providing an auxiliary
    instance connection.
    RMAN-06221: Removing automatic instance
    Cause: RMAN is removing the automatic auxiliary instance that was created for
    this command.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06223: starting up automatic instance string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06224: Automatic instance created
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06225: shutting down automatic instance string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06226: Automatic instance removed
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06230: List of Stored Scripts in Recovery Catalog
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a LIST SCRIPT NAMES command.
    The following fields are shown for each script that is stored in the recovery
    catalog: Header indicating to what database the script belongs. Script Name: name
    of the script. Description: comment associated with this script.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06238: List of Databases
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a LIST DB_UNIQUE_NAME
    command. The following fields are shown for each database that is known to the
    recovery catalog: DB Key: This is the unique key which identifies this database in
    the recovery catalog. DB Name: The name of the database. DB ID: The database
    ID. This is a number which remains the same for the life of the database, even if
    the database name is changed. DB_UNIQUE_NAME: db_unique_name value for
    the database.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06246: List of Database Incarnations
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a LIST INCARNATION OF
    DATABASE command. The following fields are shown for each database that is
    registered with the recovery catalog: DB Key: This is the unique key which
    identifies this database in the recovery catalog. Inc Key: This is the unique key
    which identifies this incarnation of the database in the recovery catalog. DB Name:
    The name of the database. DB ID: The database ID. This is a number which
    remains the same for the life of the database, even if the database name is changed.
    Status: 'YES' if this is the current incarnation of this database, otherwise 'NO'.
    Reset SCN: system change number (SCN) of the most recent RESETLOGS
    operation. Reset Time: Time of the most recent RESETLOGS operation.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-65
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06250: Report of files that need backup due to unrecoverable operations
    Cause: An unlogged change (such as 'create table unrecoverable') has been made
    to this file, and the most recent backup of the file does not contain those changes.
    Action: Take a backup of this file. If this file is lost before a backup is taken, then
    the unlogged modifications will be lost. The message indicates whether a full
    backup is required or whether a incremental backup will suffice.
    RMAN-06263: string string string
    Cause: This message is issued in response to the REPORT NEED BACKUP
    INCREMENTAL command, for those files which would use more than the
    specified number of incrementals during recovery.
    Action: To reduce the number of incremental backups which would be used
    during recovery of this datafile, take a new full backup of this file now.
    RMAN-06270: Report of files whose recovery needs more than number days of
    archived logs
    Cause: This message is issued in response to the REPORT NEED BACKUP DAYS
    command for those files which need more than the specified number of days'
    archived logs for recovery.
    Action: To reduce the number of log files needed for recovery of this datafile, take
    a new full or incremental backup now.
    RMAN-06274: Report of files that must be backed up to satisfy number days
    recovery window
    Cause: This message is issued in response to the REPORT NEED RECOVERY
    WINDOW OF n DAYS command for those files that must be backed up to satisfy
    specified retention policy.
    Action: To satisfy specified recovery window for this datafile, take a new full or
    incremental backup now.
    RMAN-06275: invalid number of days specified for report : string days
    Cause: This message is issued in response to the REPORT NEED RECOVERY
    WINDOW OF n DAYS or REPORT NEED BACKUP DAYS n command when an
    invalid number of days was specified in input command.
    Action: The number of days specified in REPORT command must be greater than
    RMAN-06280: Report of obsolete backups and copies
    Cause: This message is issued in response to the REPORT OBSOLETE command.
    Each of the files listed is obsolete because it is more redundant than the level of
    redundancy specified in the REPORT command.
    Action: Depending on your needs, you might need to take new backups.
    RMAN-06290: Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name string
    Cause: This message is issued in response to the REPORT SCHEMA command.
    The report shows the physical schema of the database at the indicated time. The
    following fields are shown for each datafile and tempfile: File: The file number.
    Size(MB): The size of the file in mega bytes. Tablespace: The name of the
    tablespace which contains this file. RB segs: YES if this file is part of a tablespace
    containing rollback segments, otherwise NO. Datafile/Tempfile Name: The file
    name. Maxsize(MB): Maximum file size to which file can be extended
    46-66 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06300: Report of files with less than number redundant backups
    Cause: This message is issued when the REPORT NEED BACKUP
    REDUNDANCY command is used for those files which have less than the
    specified number of backups which can be used for recovery.
    Action: Take another backup of the datafiles listed.
    RMAN-06306: ====================
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a LIST BACKUP
    DATABASE/TABLESPACE/DATAFILE command when some backups were
    taken with the PROXY option. If a recovery catalog is in use, then the information
    comes from the recovery catalog, otherwise it comes from the target database
    control file. The following fields are shown for each proxy datafile backup. Key:
    This is the unique key which identifies this proxy backup in the recovery catalog.
    This value can be used in a CHANGE command to change its status. If the target
    database control file is being used as the recovery catalog, then this field uniquely
    identifies this copy in the control file. File: The file number that this file was copied
    from. Status: This is the status of the file. Possible values are: A - Available U -
    Unavailable D - Deleted X - Expired Status 'U' will not be used if the target
    database control file is being used as the recovery catalog. Completion time: This is
    the date and time when the backup was created. This column will be printed in the
    default Oracle date format, unless overridden with a NLS_DATE_FORMAT
    environment variable. Ckp SCN: This is the checkpoint system change number
    (SCN) of the backup. The file contains all changes made at or before this SCN. Ckp
    time: This is the time that the file was last checkpointed. Handle: This is the media
    manager handle of the proxy backup.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06378: List of Backup Sets
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a LIST BACKUP command.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06400: database opened
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06401: database is already started
    Cause: A STARTUP command without the FORCE option was issued, but the
    target database is already started.
    Action: Use the FORCE option if you want to restart the database.
    RMAN-06402: Oracle instance shut down
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06403: could not obtain a fully authorized session
    Cause: The most likely cause of this error is that one of the databases to which
    RMAN had previously connected is not started or has has been shutdown. Other
    error messages should identify exactly which database is the problem.
    Action: Startup the database causing the problem.
    RMAN-06404: database dismounted
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-67
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06405: database closed
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06406: deleted archived log
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06407: auxiliary instance file string deleted
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06408: recovery catalog upgraded to version string
    Cause: This is an informational message issued by the UPGRADE CATALOG
    command. It indicates the version of the recovery catalog schema to which the
    recovery catalog was just upgraded. Note that this version number may not reflect
    the version number of your rman executable or target database, because the
    recovery catalog schema is not changed with each Oracle release.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06409: LIKE clause in LIST BACKUP OF ARCHIVELOG is not supported
    Cause: LIST BACKUP OF ARCHIVELOG LIKE was used, which is not
    Action: Remove LIKE clause from command.
    RMAN-06410: cannot use command when channels are allocated
    Cause: An attempt was made to issue a command that can be used only when
    there are no allocated channels.
    Action: Do not use the command, or de-allocate channels and use the command
    when no channels are allocated.
    RMAN-06411: backup copies setting out of range (1-4): number
    Cause: An attempt was made to set backup copies to an invalid value.
    Action: Use a value in the specified range.
    RMAN-06412: no proxy copy channel found
    Cause: A proxy copy was started, but no allocated channel supports proxy copy.
    This could be because the media management software used by the target
    database does not support proxy copy, or because all of the allocated channels are
    of type DISK, which never support proxy copy.
    Action: If this is a backup, then either allocate a non-disk channel, or do not use
    the PROXY option. If this is a restore, then a channel of the same type which
    created the proxy backup was allocated, but now does not support proxy copy. If
    proxy copy is no longer supported by the media management software at the
    target database, the CROSSCHECK or CHANGE commands should be used so
    that those backups will not be considered for further restores.
    RMAN-06413: channel string does not support proxy copy
    46-68 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: The channel which was specified for this backup or restore does not
    support proxy copy. This could be because the media management software used
    by the target database does not support proxy copy, or because the channel is of
    type DISK, which never supports proxy copy.
    Action: If this is a backup, then either allocate a non-disk channel, or do not use
    the PROXY option. If this is a restore, then a channel of the same type which
    created the proxy backup was allocated, but now does not support proxy copy. If
    proxy copy is no longer supported by the media management software at the
    target database, the CROSSCHECK command should be used so that those
    backups will not be considered for further restores.
    RMAN-06414: target database COMPATIBLE option does not support proxy copy
    Cause: PROXY was specified, and the target database uses a media manager that
    supports proxy copy, but the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter of the target
    database must be 8.1.0 or greater to create proxy backups. If the database is
    downgraded to the earlier release that is specified in the COMPATIBLE parameter,
    then it will no longer be able to restore proxy backups.
    Action: Either take a non-proxy backup or change the target database
    COMPATIBLE parameter.
    RMAN-06415: file string cannot be proxy backed up
    Cause: The PROXY option was specified, but the media management software
    used by the target database cannot back up the specified file using proxy copy. If
    PROXY ONLY was specified, then the backup is terminated. If PROXY was
    specified, then this file will be placed into a non-proxy backup set.
    Action: Remove the ONLY option to place the files into a regular backup set, or
    contact the media management vendor if you believe that the media management
    software should support proxy copy of this file.
    RMAN-06416: PROXY ONLY was specified and some files could not be proxy
    Cause: PROXY ONLY was specified, and some of the files to be backed up could
    not be backed up by the media management software used by the target database.
    Message 6415 is issued for each file that cannot be proxy copied.
    Action: Remove the ONLY option to place the files into a regular backup set, or
    contact the media management vendor if you believe that the media management
    software should support proxy copy of these files.
    RMAN-06417: command not allowed when connected to a virtual private catalog
    Cause: The command that was entered cannot be used while connected to a
    virtual private catalog.
    Action: Connect to the base catalog and re-execute the command.
    RMAN-06418: proxy incremental backups with level > 0 not supported
    Cause: PROXY was specified for a non-level-zero incremental backup. Proxy
    backups may only be full or level 0 backups.
    Action: Remove one of the conflicting options.
    RMAN-06419: file string cannot be proxy restored from handle string
    Cause: The media management software used by the target database indicated
    that it cannot restore the specified file from the specified backup handle.
    Action: Consult the media management software documentation to find out why
    this restriction exists or contact the media management vendor.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-69
    RMAN-06420: some files could not be proxy restored - aborting restore
    Cause: Some of the files to be restored could not be restored by the media
    management software used by the target database. Message 6419 is issued for each
    file that cannot be restored.
    Action: Contact the media management vendor if you believe that the media
    management software should support proxy copy of these files. The
    CROSSCHECK or CHANGE commands can be used to remove these proxy copies
    from the catalog to prevent the RESTORE command from trying to restore from
    RMAN-06421: sent command to channel: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06422: no channels found for SEND command
    Cause: No channels with the specified names or device types were found. If no
    channel qualifiers were specified, then no channels were allocated.
    Action: Specify a different channel type or allocate a channel of the desired type.
    RMAN-06423: requested limit of number exceeds vendor limit of number
    Cause: A command was used to set the backup piece size limit, but the media
    management software used by the target database cannot create backup pieces
    that large.
    Action: Specify a smaller backup piece limit.
    RMAN-06424: error while looking up proxy copy
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified proxy copy in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    failure. Ensure that the name or key is entered correctly. If the proxy copy was
    created when the recovery catalog was not available, then a RESYNC CATALOG
    must be done to update the recovery catalog.
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06426: RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role must be granted to user
    Cause: The CREATE CATALOG or UPGRADE CATALOG command was used,
    but the USERID that was supplied in the CATALOG connect string does not have
    the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role granted as a DEFAULT role.
    Action: Grant the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role to the recovery catalog
    RMAN-06427: recovery catalog already exists
    Cause: The CREATE CATALOG command cannot be used when the recovery
    catalog already exists.
    Action: Use the UPGRADE CATALOG command to upgrade your recovery
    catalog to the most current release without losing any existing backup data. Use
    the DROP CATALOG command to remove an existing recovery catalog.
    RMAN-06428: recovery catalog is not installed
    46-70 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: A recovery catalog database connection has been made, but the recovery
    catalog tables and views have not been installed.
    Action: If you mis-typed the recovery catalog owner USERID, then correct the
    USERID and reconnect to the recovery catalog. If this is the first time that you have
    signed on to Recovery Manager with this recovery catalog owner USERID, then
    use the CREATE CATALOG command to create the recovery catalog schema.
    Alternatively, exit RMAN and connect without specifying a recovery catalog
    RMAN-06429: string database is not compatible with this version of RMAN
    Cause: The indicated database is not compatible with this version of the Recovery
    Manager (RMAN). Other messages have also been issued which detail the cause of
    the error.
    Action: See the other messages. If the database is CATALOG, then you may be
    able to use the CREATE CATALOG or UPGRADE CATALOG commands to
    correct the problem. If the database is TARGET or AUXILIARY, then you must
    either upgrade the target database or use a newer version of the RMAN
    RMAN-06430: recovery catalog USERID cannot be SYS
    Cause: A recovery catalog connection was made to USERID SYS. The recovery
    catalog must be created in a USERID other than SYS.
    Action: Specify a different USERID in the CATALOG connect string.
    RMAN-06431: recovery catalog created
    Cause: This is an informational message issued by the CREATE CATALOG
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06432: recovery catalog dropped
    Cause: This is an informational message issued by the DROP CATALOG
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06433: error installing recovery catalog
    Cause: An error was received from the recovery catalog database while it was
    being installed. Another error message shows the error message from the server.
    Action: The most common reasons for failure to install the recovery catalog are:
    - Lack of space in the recovery catalog database: allocate more space, use the
    DROP CATALOG command to remove any partially installed recovery catalog,
    and retry the command.
    - Object already exists: This is caused by a partial recovery catalog installation. Use
    the DROP CATALOG command to remove the partially installed recovery catalog
    and retry the command.
    RMAN-06434: some errors occurred while removing recovery catalog
    Cause: Some errors were received from the recovery catalog database while
    removing the recovery catalog.
    Action: Correct the error(s) and retry the command. Note that Recovery Manager
    intercepts and ignores common errors, such as 'object not found', which can
    happen while removing a partially installed recovery catalog. Only serious errors
    will be displayed while removing the recovery catalog.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-71
    RMAN-06435: recovery catalog owner is string
    Cause: This is an informational message issued by the UPGRADE CATALOG and
    DROP CATALOG commands.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06436: enter DROP CATALOG command again to confirm catalog removal
    Cause: The DROP CATALOG command deletes the recovery catalog, rendering
    all database backups unusable, and should be used with care. The command must
    be entered twice to ensure that this is really what you want to do. If this is a
    Recovery Appliance catalog, then all backups stored in the server will also be
    Action: If you really want to remove the recovery catalog, then enter the DROP
    CATALOG command again.
    RMAN-06437: cannot drop catalog - catalog is newer than this RMAN
    Cause: The DROP CATALOG command was entered, but the recovery catalog
    was created by a newer version of the Recovery Manager (RMAN). This version of
    RMAN may not be able to drop the entire recovery catalog.
    Action: Use the version of RMAN which most recently created or upgraded the
    recovery catalog.
    RMAN-06438: error executing package DBMS_RCVMAN in string database
    Cause: Recovery Manager requires the DBMS_RCVMAN package in the SYS
    schema of the indicated database. Normally this package is installed during
    database creation. To re-create the package, run the files dbmsrman.sql and
    Action: re-create the DBMS_RCVMAN package in the SYS schema.
    RMAN-06439: RMAN must be upgraded to version string to work with this
    Cause: This message indicates the minimum version of recovery manager
    required to use the package which was specified in message 6191.
    Action: A newer version of RMAN must be used with this package.
    RMAN-06440: virtual catalog dropped
    Cause: This is an informational message issued by the DROP CATALOG
    command, when connected to a virtual private catalog. Note that dropping a
    virtual private catalog does not delete any data, because the catalog data is owned
    by the base catalog.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06441: cannot upgrade catalog - catalog is already newer than this RMAN
    Cause: The recovery catalog is already at a version level that is greater than this
    version of the Recovery Manager. The UPGRADE CATALOG command is not
    Action: Either upgrade to a more recent Recovery Manager, or continue to use the
    current version. Message 6191 will be issued if the recovery catalog is too new to
    work with this version of Recovery Manager.
    RMAN-06442: enter UPGRADE CATALOG command again to confirm catalog
    Cause: The UPGRADE CATALOG command alters the recovery catalog schema.
    Although the recovery catalog is designed to be compatible with older versions of
    46-72 Oracle Database Error Messages
    the Recovery Manager (RMAN), it is possible that an upgrade will remove
    support for older versions of RMAN.
    Action: If you really want to upgrade the recovery catalog, then enter the
    UPGRADE CATALOG command again. If this is a Recovery Appliance catalog,
    then all on-going activities will be temporarily stopped and will automatically
    resume after the catalog upgrade. If you are not going to use an older version of
    RMAN with this recovery catalog, then compatibility is not an issue. If you plan to
    also continue using an older version of RMAN with this recovery catalog then,
    before upgrading, consult the Migration Guide for the current Oracle release to
    determine if upgrading to the current version of the recovery catalog will remove
    support for older versions of RMAN.
    RMAN-06443: error upgrading recovery catalog
    Cause: An error was received from the recovery catalog database while
    upgrading the recovery catalog.
    Action: Correct the error and retry the command. Note that the Recovery
    Manager intercepts and ignores common errors, such as 'column already exists,'
    which can happen if the recovery catalog has already been partially upgraded.
    Only serious errors will be displayed while upgrading the recovery catalog.
    RMAN-06444: error creating string
    Cause: During the CREATE CATALOG or UPGRADE CATALOG command, the
    indicated object could not be created due to errors.
    Action: Make sure that the RECOVER.BSQ file has not been modified or
    damaged, and then if this error persists, contact Oracle support. If the error refers
    to one of the RMAN PL/SQL packages, connect to the recovery catalog owner and
    query the USER_ERRORS view to find out the details of the compilation errors.
    RMAN-06445: cannot connect to recovery catalog after NOCATALOG has been
    Cause: The CONNECT CATALOG command was used after the user had already
    specified the NOCATALOG option.
    Action: Re-start rman if you wish to use a recovery catalog.
    RMAN-06446: changed proxy copy unavailable
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06447: changed proxy copy available
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06448: uncataloged proxy copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06449: deleted proxy copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06450: crosschecked proxy copy: found to be 'string'
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-73
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06451: proxy copy handle=string RECID=string STAMP=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06452: string package upgraded to version string
    Cause: This is an informational message issued by the UPGRADE CATALOG
    command. It indicates the version to which the indicated package was just
    upgraded. Note that this version number may not reflect the version number of
    your rman executable or target database, because the recovery catalog packages
    are not changed with each Oracle release.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06453: RECOVERABLE may only be used with datafile objects
    Cause: An attempt was made to use LIST … RECOVERABLE .. with OF
    Action: Remove the RECOVERABLE keyword and try again.
    RMAN-06454: duplexed backups require Enterprise Edition
    Cause: The SET COPIES or CONFIGURE BACKUP COPIES command was used
    to create more than one copy of each backup piece, but Enterprise Edition is not
    Action: Do not attempt to create more than one copy of each backup piece.
    RMAN-06455: Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery requires Enterprise Edition
    Cause: Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery was attempted, but Enterprise Edition
    is not installed.
    Action: Do not attempt Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery.
    RMAN-06456: command is obsolete
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06457: UNTIL SCN (string) is ahead of last SCN in archived logs (string)
    Cause: UNTIL SCN cannot be more than the last system change number (SCN) of
    the last archived log
    Action: Check the UNTIL SCN.
    RMAN-06458: AS COPY option cannot be used with RECOVERY FILES,
    DEST was specified with AS COPY.
    Action: Remove the AS COPY option and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06459: BACKUP is not supported with PROXY
    Cause: BACKUP and PROXY were specified in the
    same backup command.
    Action: Remove the incompatible option.
    RMAN-06460: control file copy string cannot be backed up by proxy.
    46-74 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: The PROXY option was specified, but proxy copy of control file is not
    supported. This file will be placed into a non-proxy backup set.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06461: current control file cannot be backed up by proxy.
    Cause: The PROXY option was specified, but proxy copy of control file is not
    supported. This file will be placed into a non-proxy backup set.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06462: no backup sets found on device DISK that match specification
    Cause: A backup set record specifier did not match an backup set on device DISK
    in the recovery catalog.
    Action: Resubmit the command with a different backup set record specifier. The
    Recovery Manager (RMAN) LIST command can be used to display all backup sets
    that RMAN knows about.
    RMAN-06463: Backup set key string cannot be backed up by proxy.
    Cause: The PROXY option was specified, but proxy copy of backup set is not
    supported. This file will be placed into a non-proxy backup set.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06464: BACKUP BACKUPSET is not supported with VALIDATE option
    Cause: BACKUP BACKUPSET and VALIDATE were specified in the same backup
    Action: To validate a backup set, use the VALIDATE BACKUPSET or RESTORE
    VALIDATE command.
    RMAN-06465: configuration not implemented: string
    Cause: The configuration is not implemented in the current release.
    Action: Avoid using the command.
    RMAN-06466: error parsing configuration string (string)
    Cause: Unsupported configuration string is stored in recovery catalog or target
    database control file.
    Action: Check compatibility matrix rman executable and target database and
    recover catalog. Use DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.DELETECONFIG to remove
    problematic configuration.
    RMAN-06467: could not translate DBA: number
    Cause: An error was received when calling DBMS_RCVMAN
    Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    RMAN-06468: Invalid Data Block Address: number
    Cause: The DBA specified doesn't belong to the mentioned tablespace
    Action: Check the DBA
    RMAN-06469: could not translate corruption list
    Cause: An error was received when calling DBMS_RCVMAN
    Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-75
    RMAN-06470: DEVICE TYPE is supported only when automatic channels are used
    Cause: The DEVICE TYPE option was specified with a BACKUP, RESTORE,
    EXPIRED command. This option is allowed only when automatically allocated
    channels are used.
    Action: Remove the DEVICE TYPE option and re-run the command. Or Remove
    all ALLOCATE commands and re-run the script so that channels are automatically
    RMAN-06471: no configuration found to allocate channels for string
    Cause: Device type configuration was not found in recovery catalog
    Action: Setup device type configuration using configure command for required
    device type
    RMAN-06472: channel id string is automatically allocated
    Cause: Channel id was used on ALLOCATE/RELEASE command.
    Action: Use other channel id that does not belong to reserved channel id's name
    RMAN-06473: SET DATABASE can only be used in case of DUPLICATE without
    TARGET connection
    Cause: A SET DATABASE command was specified when connected to target
    database or not connected to an auxiliary instance.
    Action: Specify the command only when not connected to a target database and
    when connected to an auxiliary instance in preparation to DUPLICATE without
    TARGET connection.
    RMAN-06474: maintenance channels are not allocated
    Cause: RELEASE CHANNEL was used without allocating any maintenance
    Action: Allocate maintenance channel before executing this command.
    RMAN-06475: parallelism setting out of range (1-254): number
    Cause: Parallelism for the device type in CONFIGURE PARALLELISM command
    is out of range
    Action: Enter value of parallelism that are within the allowed range.
    RMAN-06476: channel number out of range (1-254): number
    Cause: Channel number entered in CONFIGURE CHANNEL command is out of
    Action: Enter channel number within allowed range and retry the command. for
    this device and retry the command
    RMAN-06477: configuration value length exceeds 1024
    Cause: CONFIGURE CHANNEL command entered has configuration value
    greater than 1024 bytes.
    Action: Reduce the length of CONFIGURE CHANNEL command options
    RMAN-06478: WARNING: datafile copy 'string' cannot be found on disk
    Cause: The CHANGE DATAFILECOPY AVAILABLE command was used, but the
    datafile copy cannot be found on disk.
    46-76 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: If the storage containing the datafile copy has been removed from the
    host, restore it and retry the command. If the datafile copy is permanently gone,
    then issue the CHANGE DATAFILECOPY DELETE command for this datafile.
    RMAN-06479: WARNING: control file copy 'string' cannot be found on disk
    Cause: The CHANGE CONTROLFILECOPY AVAILABLE command was used,
    but the control file copy cannot be found on disk.
    Action: If the storage containing the control file copy has been removed from the
    host, restore it and retry the command. If the control file copy is permanently
    gone, then issue the CHANGE CONTROLFILECOPY DELETE command for this
    control file.
    RMAN-06480: WARNING: archived log 'string' cannot be found on disk
    Cause: The CHANGE ARCHIVELOG AVAILABLE command was used, but the
    archived log cannot be found on disk.
    Action: If the storage containing the archived log has been removed from the host,
    restore it and retry the command. If the archived log is permanently gone, then
    issue the CHANGE ARCHIVELOG DELETE command for this archived log.
    RMAN-06481: WARNING: backup piece 'string' cannot be found on the storage
    Cause: The CHANGE BACKUPPIECE AVAILABLE command was used, but the
    backup piece cannot be found on the storage medium.
    Action: If the storage containing the backup piece has been removed from the
    host, restore it and retry the command. If the backup piece is permanently gone,
    then issue the CHANGE BACKUPPIECE DELETE command for this backup
    RMAN-06482: WARNING: proxy copy 'string' cannot be found on the storage
    Cause: The CHANGE PROXY AVAILABLE command was used, but the proxy
    copy cannot be found on disk.
    Action: If the storage containing the proxy copy has been removed from the host,
    restore it and retry the command. If the proxy copy is permanently gone, then
    issue the CHANGE PROXY DELETE command for this proxy copy.
    RMAN-06483: changed datafile copy expired
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06484: changed control file copy expired
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06485: changed archived log expired
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06486: changed backup piece expired
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06487: changed proxy copy expired
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-77
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06488: restore from AUTOBACKUP does not allow any other modifiers
    Cause: A control file or SPFILE restore from AUTOBACKUP was attempted and
    other restore options were used.
    Action: Do not specify any other options for the control file AUTOBACKUP
    RMAN-06489: no configuration found to allocate clone channel number for device
    type string
    Cause: Target channel configuration could not be used for clone channel as it
    contains CONNECT option.
    Action: Setup clone channel configuration using CONFIGURE CLONE command
    for required number and type of channels.
    RMAN-06490: WARNING: limit of AUTOBACKUPS for the day has been reached
    Cause: No more control file AUTOBACKUPS are possible in this day.
    Action: This is a warning message, no action is required.
    RMAN-06491: control file AUTOBACKUP format "string" contains more than one
    "string" format specifier
    Cause: A CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT cannot have more than one
    reserved format specifier.
    Action: Specify only one reserved format specifier or use an alternative format.
    RMAN-06492: control file AUTOBACKUP format "string" must specify a "string"
    format specifier
    Cause: A reserved format specifier was not specified for the CONTROLFILE
    Action: Add a specifier to the CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT
    RMAN-06493: only UNTIL TIME clause is allowed when performing a restore from
    AUTOBACKUP, found: string
    Cause: For restoring a control file AUTOBACKUP only SET UNTIL TIME can be
    used. It is not possible to translate the others to a precise day.
    Action: Specify SET UNTIL TIME to indicate the day to start the restore of a
    control file AUTOBACKUP.
    RMAN-06494: string = string is out of range (string-string)
    Cause: The specified parameter for restoring a control file AUTOBACKUP is out
    of the valid range.
    Action: Change the parameter value to a valid number or do not specify it.
    RMAN-06495: must explicitly specify DBID with SET DBID command
    Cause: Restore of a control file AUTOBACKUP or ADVISE FAILURE was
    attempted when the database is not mounted.
    Action: Specify the DBID of the database using SET DBID or mount the database.
    RMAN-06496: must use the TO clause when the database is mounted or open
    Cause: A control file restore was attempted when the database is mounted or
    open and no alternate destination was specified.
    46-78 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Specify an alternate destination with the TO clause or dismount the
    RMAN-06497: WARNING: control file is not current, control file AUTOBACKUP
    Cause: Control file AUTOBACKUP is not possible without a current control file.
    Action: This is a warning message, no action is required.
    RMAN-06498: skipping datafile string; already backed up string time(s)
    Cause: The indicated datafile will not be included in the backup set. It is already
    backed up on the device requested and file is offline/read-only datafile. Use the
    FORCE option to override backup optimization.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06499: skipping archived log of thread string with sequence string; already
    backed up
    Cause: The indicated log file will not be included in the backup set because it is
    already backed up on the device requested. Use FORCE option to override backup
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06500: skipping backup set key string; already backed up string time(s)
    Cause: The indicated backup set will not be copied because it is already backed
    up on the device requested. Use FORCE option to override backup optimization.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06501: skipping datafile string; already backed up on string
    Cause: The indicated datafile will not be included in the backup set. It is already
    been backed up once, or before the since time specified.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06502: skipping archived logs of thread string from sequence string to
    string; already backed up
    Cause: Some archived logs were not be backed up because they were already
    backed up on the device requested.
    Action: No action is required. You can use the FORCE option to override backup
    optimization and force these files to be backed up.
    RMAN-06503: skipping backup set key string; already backed up on string
    Cause: The indicated backup set will not be backed up. It has already been backed
    up on the device once, or before the since time specified.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06504: PROXY option with multiple backup copies is not supported
    Cause: Multiple backup copies and PROXY option were specified in BACKUP
    Action: Resolve the conflict.
    RMAN-06505: specified DATABASE: string does not match previous DATABASE:
    Cause: SET DBID was used to set a DBID that translated into a database name
    that does not match newly specified database name or a previous SET DATABASE
    set a different database name.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-79
    Action: Verify that the correct DBID was specified or avoid using the SET
    DATABASE command.
    RMAN-06506: the MAXSETSIZE option cannot be used with a backup backup set
    Cause: The MAXSETSIZE option was specified for a backup backup set
    Action: Remove the option and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06507: trying alternate file for archived log of thread number with sequence
    Cause: This is an informational message, appearing when an archived log was
    found out of sync with catalog database.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06508: MAXSETSIZE string KBYTES should be greater than block size
    string bytes
    Cause: MAXSETSIZE configured or specified in backup command should be
    greater than database block size.
    Action: Specify a larger MAXSETSIZE limit.
    RMAN-06509: only SPFILE or control file can be restored from AUTOBACKUP
    Cause: A datafile or archived log restore from AUTOBACKUP was attempted.
    Action: Do not specify DATAFILE or ARCHIVELOG for restore from
    RMAN-06510: RMAN retention policy is set to recovery window of number days
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06511: RMAN retention policy is set to redundancy number
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06512: copy will be obsolete on date string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06513: copy will never be obsolete
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06514: archived logs required to recover from this copy will not be kept
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06515: archived logs required to recover from this copy will expire when
    this copy expires
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06516: time specified in KEEP UNTIL clause must be after today
    Cause: KEEP UNTIL support only a future time.
    46-80 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Correct the time and retry the command.
    RMAN-06517: KEEP option is not supported for archived log backups
    Cause: The KEEP option is not supported for archived logs.
    Action: Either remove KEEP option and retry the command or don't specify
    archived logs for this backup.
    RMAN-06518: backup will be obsolete on date string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06519: backup will never be obsolete
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06520: archived logs will not be kept or backed up
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06521: archived logs required to recover from this backup will expire when
    this backup expires
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06522: KEEP FOREVER option is not supported without the recovery
    Cause: The KEEP FOREVER option was used, but it requires a connection to a
    recovery catalog database. The KEEP FOREVER option cannot be used when the
    backup repository is the target database control file. This is because information
    about this backup cannot be permanently stored. (If information is stored just in
    the control file it will be aged out depending on CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_
    KEEP_TIME initialization parameter.)
    Action: If a recovery catalog database is available, then connect to the recovery
    catalog and retry the command, otherwise use a different KEEP option. 6523, 1,
    RMAN-06524: RMAN retention policy will be applied to the command
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06525: RMAN retention policy is set to none
    Cause: Command DELETE OBSOLETE and REPORT OBSOLETE requires that
    * RMAN retention policy is not NONE or,
    * RMAN retention policy is specified with REPORT/DELETE command.
    Action: Either configure RMAN retention policy with CONFIGURE command or
    specify it at the end of DELETE/REPORT command.
    RMAN-06526: KEEP option cannot be used with incremental backup
    Cause: The KEEP option was specified for a incremental backup.
    Action: Remove the option and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-81
    RMAN-06527: KEEP option is not supported for backup of backup sets
    Cause: The KEEP option is not supported for backup of backup sets.
    Action: Either remove KEEP option and retry the command or don't specify
    backup sets for this backup.
    RMAN-06528: CHANGE … KEEP not supported for BACKUPPIECE
    Cause: The CHANGE BACKUPPIECE … KEEP command was entered. KEEP
    attributes cannot be specified for backup pieces.
    Action: Use CHANGE BACKUPSET … KEEP instead.
    RMAN-06529: CHANGE … KEEP not supported for ARCHIVELOG
    Cause: The CHANGE ARCHIVELOG … KEEP command was entered. KEEP
    attributes cannot be specified for archived logs.
    Action: Use CHANGE BACKUPSET … KEEP instead.
    RMAN-06530: CHANGE … KEEP LOGS not supported for backup set which
    contains archived logs
    Cause: The CHANGE BACKUPSET … KEEP command was entered, but the
    BACKUPSET contains archived logs. Backup sets with archived logs cannot have
    KEEP attributes.
    Action: Do not specify backup set with archived logs for the CHANGE
    BACKUPSET … KEEP command.
    RMAN-06531: CHANGE … KEEP not supported for incremental BACKUPSET
    Cause: The CHANGE BACKUPSET … KEEP command was entered, but the
    BACKUPSET is an incremental backup set. Incremental backup sets cannot have
    KEEP attributes.
    Action: Do not specify a backup set with archived logs for the CHANGE
    BACKUPSET … KEEP command.
    RMAN-06532: redundancy count must be greater than zero
    Cause: The REDUNDANCY operand specified for the retention policy was zero.
    Action: Specify a REDUNDANCY operand of 1 or greater.
    RMAN-06533: KEEP … NOLOGS option cannot be used when datafiles are fuzzy
    Cause: The KEEP … NOLOGS option was specified for a backup or copy of files in
    a fuzzy state. This kind of backup requires archived logs for recovery, so archived
    logs must be kept.
    Action: Remove the KEEP … NOLOGS option or make sure the files are not in a
    fuzzy state and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06534: archived logs required to recover from this backup will be backed
    Cause: This is an informational message only. An archivelog backup will be
    created and kept so the specified backup can be recovered to a consistent state.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06535: LIST COPY OF SPFILE is not supported
    Cause: LIST COPY OF SPFILE was used, which is not supported because SPFILE
    cannot have a copy.
    Action: Remove SPFILE from the command.
    46-82 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06536: BACKED UP … TIMES option is supported only for archived logs
    Cause: The BACKUP UP … TIMES option was used as a qualifier. This option is
    supported only for archived logs.
    Action: Remove the option and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06537: CHANGE … KEEP not supported for BACKUP
    Cause: The CHANGE BACKUP… KEEP command was entered. KEEP attributes
    cannot be specified for copies and backup pieces in a single command.
    Action: Use CHANGE BACKUPSET … KEEP instead.
    RMAN-06538: The expected DB_UNIQUE_NAME is string, but found string
    Cause: The is an informational message.
    Action: Check other error messages associated with this message.
    RMAN-06540: Tablespace string will be excluded from future whole database
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06541: Tablespace string will be included in future whole database backups
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06542: file string is excluded from whole database backup
    Cause: The indicated file will not be included in the backup set because its
    tablespace is configured as excluded from backup.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06543: duplicate or conflicting LIST options: string and string
    Cause: The indicated options conflict with each other or appear more than once in
    a LIST command.
    Action: remove the duplicate/conflicting option from the command.
    RMAN-06547: SYSTEM tablespace cannot be excluded from whole database
    Cause: The SYSTEM tablespace must be included in whole database backup.
    Action: Remove the SYSTEM tablespace from the CONFIGURE … EXCLUDE and
    retry the operation.
    RMAN-06548: connected to auxiliary database: string (DBID=string)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06549: connected to auxiliary database: string (not mounted)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06550: clone database not mounted and db_name not set in init.ora
    Cause: The clone database "init.ora" file does not specify the DB_NAME
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-83
    Action: Add the DB_NAME parameter to the clone database "init.ora" and restart
    the instance.
    RMAN-06551: error while looking up datafile copy for file number: string
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified datafile copy in the
    recovery catalog or target database control file.
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    failure. If the datafile copy was created during a RESTORE with a new name,
    ensure that the RESTORE completed successfully.
    RMAN-06552: newname for datafile number was set to NEW, but file was not
    Cause: A SWITCH command was specified for a datafile, but the newname was
    set to NEW and the file was not restored. If newname is set to NEW, the file must
    be restored before issuing a SWITCH command.
    Action: Correct and resubmit the SWITCH command.
    RMAN-06553: DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST must be set for SET NEWNAME … TO
    Cause: The SET NEWNAME … TO NEW option was specified but the OMF
    destination init parameter DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST is not set.
    Action: Supply a full name to the SET NEWNAME command or set DB_
    CREATE_FILE_DEST at the target database.
    RMAN-06554: WARNING: file string is in backup mode
    Cause: A file which is being backed up or copied is in backup mode. RMAN will
    back up the file anyway, but files do not need to be put into backup mode before
    backing them up with RMAN.
    Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE … END BACKUP statement, at the target
    database server, to take the files out of backup mode.
    RMAN-06555: datafile string must be restored from backup created before string
    Cause: An incomplete recovery session was started, but the file is in newer than
    the UNTIL TIME clause.
    Action: Check the UNTIL TIME clause or restore the file from a sufficient old
    RMAN-06556: datafile string must be restored from backup older than SCN string
    Cause: An incomplete recovery session was started, but the file is newer than the
    UNTIL clause.
    Action: Check the UNTIL clause or restore the file from a sufficient old backup.
    RMAN-06557: unable to restore archived log of thread number with sequence
    Cause: Restore of the specified archived log failed because the size of the archived
    log is larger than available disk space.
    Action: One of the following: 1) Increase the MAXSIZE parameter and retry the
    command. 2) Free up disk space in the recovery area.
    RMAN-06558: archived log size of number kb is bigger than available space of
    number kb
    Cause: This message should be followed by one or more 6557 messages.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    46-84 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06559: MAXSIZE must be larger than 1 kb
    Cause: The MAXSIZE parameter is out of range.
    Action: Specify a valid size and retry the command.
    RMAN-06560: WARNING: backup set with key number will be read number times
    Cause: This message should be followed by one or more 6562 messages.
    Action: Check the accompanying messages.
    RMAN-06561: available space must be larger than number kb
    Cause: The recovery failed because it requires more disk space. One of the
    following could have caused this error: 1) The MAXSIZE option is used but is not
    large enough to restore files. 2) Files should be restored to recovery area, but
    available disk space is not large enough to restore files.
    Action: One of the following: 1) Increase the MAXSIZE parameter and retry the
    command. 2) Free up disk space in the recovery area.
    RMAN-06562: available space of number kb needed to avoid reading the backup set
    multiple times
    Cause: A backup set is read more than once. Multiple reads of a backup set can
    slow restore performance. One of the following could have caused this: 1) The
    MAXSIZE option is used but is not large enough to restore files. 2) Files should be
    restored to a recovery area, but the available disk space is not large enough to
    restore files.
    Action: One of the following: 1) Increase the MAXSIZE parameter and retry the
    command. 2) Free up disk space in the recovery area.
    RMAN-06563: control file or SPFILE must be restored using FROM
    Cause: RESTORE CONTROLFILE or RESTORE SPFILE was specified without the
    FROM AUTOBACKUP option when RMAN is not connected to the recovery
    Action: If the recovery catalog is available, connect to the recovery catalog and
    retry the restore. If the recovery catalog in not available, following is the procedure
    to restore control file or SPFILE:
    1. Specify the DBID of the database with the SET DBID command.
    2. If the AUTOBACKUP was created with non-default AUTOBACKUP format,
    then specify the AUTOBACKUP format using the SET CONTROLFILE
    3. If the backup was created with SBT device, then allocate an SBT channel using
    the ALLOCATE CHANNEL command.
    4. Restore control file or SPFILE by starting the RESTORE … FROM
    AUTOBACKUP command.
    RMAN-06564: must use the TO clause when the instance is started with SPFILE
    Cause: A restore of the SPFILE from AUTOBACKUP was attempted when the
    instance is started with SPFILE and no alternate destination was specified.
    Action: Specify an alternate destination with the TO clause.
    RMAN-06565: WARNING: string: sqlcode number was caught, automatic retry
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-85
    Cause: The RMAN client caught a transient error and will automatically retry
    several times.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06566: target database incarnation not found in control file
    Cause: RESETLOGS CHANGE# and/or time of the target database doesn't match
    any database incarnation in the control file.
    Action: One of the following actions can be taken to resolve this error 1) Restore
    the control file from the incarnation. 2) To populate the new incarnation, inspect or
    restore an archived log/datafile/datafile copy/backup set from the target
    RMAN-06567: connected to auxiliary database: string (DBID=string, not open)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06568: connected to target database: string (DBID=string, not open)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06569: DATABASE: string does not match previous DATABASE: string
    Cause: SET DBID or SET DATABASE was used to specify the target database
    name which does not match specified database name in DUPLICATE command.
    Action: Verify that the correct DBID or the correct DATABASE was specified or
    avoid specifying DATABASE in DUPLICATE command.
    RMAN-06570: datafile number switched to datafile copy "string"
    Cause: This message was issued in response to a SWITCH command.
    Action: No action is required, this is an informational message.
    RMAN-06571: datafile number does not have recoverable copy
    Cause: The SWITCH command with the option TO COPY was specified but the
    datafile has no valid copy to switch to.
    Action: Verify whether the datafile has a valid datafile copy.
    RMAN-06572: database is open and datafile number is not offline
    Cause: The SWITCH command with the option TO COPY was specified, but
    datafile is not offline and database is open.
    Action: Either make sure the datafile is offline or the database must be mounted
    but not opened.
    RMAN-06573: specified DBID: string does not match previous DBID: string
    Cause: The DBID in the DUPLICATE command did not match the previously
    specified DBID in the SET DBID command.
    Action: Verify that the correct DBID was specified or avoid using DBID in the
    DUPLICATE command.
    RMAN-06575: platform id number found in datafile string header is not a valid
    platform id
    Cause: The platform id found in the datafile header was not recognized.
    Action: Verify that this is a valid datafile.
    46-86 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06576: platform 'string' (number) found in header of datafile string does not
    match specified platform name 'string' (number)
    Cause: The platform specified in the command did not match the platform found
    in the datafile header.
    Action: Specify the correct platform name and retry the command.
    RMAN-06577: FROM TAG option may only be used with datafile copies
    Cause: The FROM TAG option was specified for datafiles.
    Action: Remove the option and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06578: INCREMENTAL LEVEL > 0 must be specified with FOR RECOVER
    Cause: The FOR RECOVER OF option was specified without specifying
    Action: Specify INCREMENTAL LEVEL > 0 and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06580: the string option cannot be used with AS COPY
    Cause: The specified option was specified for a backup as copy command.
    Action: Remove the option and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06581: option string not supported
    Cause: This option was specified and it is not supported.
    Action: Remove the specified option.
    RMAN-06582: AS COPY option cannot be used when backing up backup sets
    Cause: The backup set was specified with AS COPY.
    Action: Remove the AS COPY option or remove the backup sets.
    RMAN-06583: at least 1 channel of TYPE DISK must be allocated to use AS COPY
    Cause: No channel of TYPE DISK was allocated.
    Action: Allocate a channel of TYPE DISK and re-issue the command or remove
    AS COPY.
    RMAN-06584: WARNING: AS BACKUPSET option added due to allocation of
    multiple channel types
    Cause: DISK and non DISK channels were allocated for a backup command.
    Configuration indicates to produce image copies to DISK, however due to the
    mixed channel types BACKUPSETS will be created on DISK.
    Action: Do not allocate non DISK channels to produce image copies to DISK or
    allocate only non DISK channels to produce BACKUPSETS only.
    RMAN-06585: no copy of datafile number found
    Cause: An available datafile copy for the specified datafile could not be found.
    Action: make sure that all specified datafiles have a copy available.
    RMAN-06586: no copy of datafile number with tag string found
    Cause: An available datafile copy for the specified datafile could not be found.
    Action: make sure that all specified datafiles have a copy available.
    RMAN-06587: one or more datafile copies were not found
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-87
    Cause: This error message was accompanied by an additional error message or
    messages indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: Follow the recommended actions of the additional error message or
    RMAN-06588: number of patterns (number) to DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT should
    be even
    Cause: An uneven number of patterns was specified.
    Action: Specify one more or one less pattern.
    RMAN-06589: cannot specify DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT option without AS
    Cause: The DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT option was specified without AS COPY.
    This is not permitted for backup set backups where multiple files are combined
    into a set.
    Action: Remove the DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT option and re-run the BACKUP
    RMAN-06590: Tablespace string cannot be converted
    Cause: The system tablespaces could not be transported to other platforms.
    Action: Remove the specified tablespace from the CONVERT command and retry
    the operation.
    RMAN-06591: ALLOW INCONSISTENT can only be used with cross-platform
    Cause: ALLOW INCONSISTENT was specified in a non cross-platform backup
    Action: Remove ALLOW INCONSISTENT or add a cross-platform backup
    RMAN-06593: platform name 'string' specified in FROM PLATFORM is not valid
    Cause: The platform name was not recognized.
    Action: Specify a valid platform name.
    RMAN-06594: platform name 'string' specified in TO PLATFORM is not valid
    Cause: The platform name was not recognized.
    Action: Specify a valid platform name.
    RMAN-06595: platform name 'string' does not match database platform name
    Cause: The platform name specified did not match the name of the database
    performing the conversion.
    Action: Specify the correct platform name.
    RMAN-06596: string requires target database compatibility string, currently set to
    Cause: A command or option was used that requires a higher database
    compatibility than is currently set at the target database.
    Action: Raise the compatibility of the database before attempting the command
    46-88 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06597: conversion between platforms 'string' and 'string' is not
    Cause: Conversion of Oracle datafiles between the specified platforms was not
    Action: Do not do the conversion.
    RMAN-06599: Tablespace string is not read-only
    Cause: A conversion was attempted on a tablespace which is not read-only.
    Action: Change the tablespace to read-only and retry the operation.
    RMAN-06600: old RMAN configuration parameters:
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a CONFIGURE command.
    Action: No action is required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06601: new RMAN configuration parameters:
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a CONFIGURE command.
    Action: No action is required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06602: TO DESTINATION option can be used only for disk device
    Cause: The TO DESTINATION option was specified for non-disk device.
    Action: Remove the TO DESTINATION option and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06603: TO DESTINATION option must be specified with RECOVERY
    option was specified in BACKUP command on disk device without specifying TO
    DESTINATION option.
    Action: Specify TO DESTINATION option and retry the command.
    RMAN-06604: new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a CONFIGURE command.
    Action: No action is required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06605: old RMAN configuration parameters are successfully deleted
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a CONFIGURE command.
    Action: No action is required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06606: RMAN configuration parameters are successfully reset to default
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a CONFIGURE command.
    Action: No action is required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06607: RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_
    name string are:
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a SHOW command.
    Action: No action is required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06608: RMAN configuration has no stored or default parameters
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a SHOW command.
    Action: No action is required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06609: AS COPY can be configured only for disk device
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-89
    Cause: The AS COPY option was specified for non-disk device.
    Action: Remove the AS COPY option and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06610: For record type string RECIDS from number to number are re-used
    before resync
    Cause: This messages is issued when the control file records were re-used before
    resyncing to catalog database.
    Action: Increase control_file_keep_record_time setting or issue BACKUP
    command that it will generate fewer control file records, e.g., backup few
    tablespaces instead of the complete database in one BACKUP command.
    RMAN-06611: Following RMAN configuration applied before deleting logs:
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a DELETE command.
    Action: No action is required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06612: Incompatible options were specified for archivelog deletion policy
    Cause: Incompabitle options were specified on CONFIGURE ARCHIVELOG
    DELETION POLICY command.
    Action: Remove incompabitle options and retry the command. BACKED UP
    option can be used individually or combined with SHIPPED or APPLIED option.
    Following are invalid combination of options: a) TO NONE cannot be used with
    cannot be used together. c) APPLIED ON STANDBY and APPLIED ON ALL
    STANDBY cannot be used together. d) SHIPPED and APPLIED cannot be used
    RMAN-06613: Connect identifier for DB_UNIQUE_NAME string not configured
    Cause: The connect identifier for the specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization
    parameter was not configured.
    Action: Do one of the following:
    - If the DB_UNIQUE_NAME belongs to a connected target database, then define
    the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter in LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n at the remote
    database from where the resynchronization is performed. Otherwise, define DB_
    UNIQUE_NAME parameter in LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n at the target database.
    - Configure the appropriate connect identifier using the CONFIGURE DB_
    UNIQUE_NAME RMAN command and rerun the command.
    RMAN-06614: DB_UNIQUE_NAME string is too long
    Cause: The DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter string was too long.
    Action: Configure the appropriate DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter
    string and re-run the command.
    RMAN-06615: resyncing from database with DB_UNIQUE_NAME string
    Cause: Resync was performed remotely for the specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME
    initialization parameter without connecting to it as target database. This type of
    remote resync has limitations. For example, RMAN output cannot be resynced.
    Please refer to RMAN documentation for a complete set of limitations.
    Action: This is an informational message.
    RMAN-06616: RMAN output not resynced for database with DB_UNIQUE_NAME
    46-90 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: V$RMAN_OUTPUT contents were not rescyned when the RESYNC
    CATALOG FROM DB_UNIQUE_NAME command was executed."
    Action: This is an informational message.
    RMAN-06617: UNTIL TIME (string) is ahead of last NEXT TIME in archived logs
    Cause: UNTIL TIME was more than the last NEXT TIME of the last archived log.
    Action: Check the UNTIL SCN.
    RMAN-06618: RMAN client and database release mismatch; indicated database
    release is number.number.number.number
    Cause: This release of RMAN was incompatible with either the indicated database
    or the DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE package installed in the indicated database.
    Action: If the database has been upgraded from an earlier release, ensure that the
    catuxxx.sql script has been run successfully. Reinstall dbmsbkrs.sql and
    prvtbkrs.plb if necessary. Otherwise, make sure that the RMAN client release is the
    same as the target database release.
    RMAN-06619: recovery catalog schema release string is newer than RMAN release
    Cause: The RMAN client release did not match the catalog schema release
    number for the database.
    Action: This is an informational message. No action is required.
    RMAN-06700: error parsing text script in file string
    Cause: Incorrect syntax or invalid commands were found.
    Action: Fix text script and retry the command.
    RMAN-06701: could not construct path for file: "string"
    Cause: An error was encountered when trying to construct the full pathname for
    the specified file.
    Action: Ensure that the path is correct.
    RMAN-06702: could not initialize for input file: "string"
    Cause: An error was encountered when trying to initialize the specified file for
    Action: Ensure that the file exists.
    RMAN-06703: could not open file: "string" (reason=string)
    Cause: An error was encountered when trying to open the specified file.
    Action: Ensure that the file has correct permissions.
    RMAN-06705: text script line is too long (>1024)
    Cause: A text script contained a line longer than the permitted maximum length.
    Action: Split the line in smaller lines an retry the operation.
    RMAN-06706: could not close file: "string" (reason=string)
    Cause: An error was encountered when trying to close the specified file.
    Action: Ensure that the file has correct permissions and still exists.
    RMAN-06707: could not initialize for output file: "string"
    Cause: An error was encountered when trying to initialize the specified file for
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-91
    Action: Ensure that the file exists.
    RMAN-06708: short write while writing file "string". Wrote string bytes instead of
    string bytes
    Cause: An attempt was made to write to a file system that was full.
    Action: Ensure that the file system has room for the file. Check system logs.
    RMAN-06709: No scripts in recovery catalog
    Cause: An attempt was made to list the scripts in the catalog, but no scripts could
    be found in the specified recovery catalog.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06710: script string not found in catalog
    Cause: An attempt was made to call a script that could not be found in the target
    database or as a global script in the specified catalog.
    Action: Verify the script name and retry the command.
    RMAN-06711: global scripts require a TARGET connection
    Cause: Connection to a TARGET database was not specified.
    Action: Provide a TARGET connection and retry the command.
    RMAN-06716: skipping datafile number; already restored to file string
    Cause: Recovery Manager determined that this file is already restored. Use
    FORCE option to override this optimization.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06717: Could not delete auxiliary instance file string
    Cause: Auxiliary instance file was not deleted. This message should be
    accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-06724: backup not done; all files already backed up
    Cause: A BACKUP command does not need to backup any files, because all of the
    files to backup are already backed up.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06725: database not open: sort area size too small
    Cause: sort area size too small to execute RMAN commands.
    Action: open the database or increase sort_area_size.
    RMAN-06726: could not locate archived log string
    Cause: The specified archived log could not be found on any allocated channel.
    Action: Allocate additional channels on other nodes of the cluster or, if the
    archived logs has been deleted, use the CROSSCHECK ARCHIVELOG command
    to correct the recovery catalog or target database control file entries.
    RMAN-06727: could not locate datafile copy string
    Cause: The specified datafile copy could not be found on any allocated channel.
    Action: Allocate additional channels on other nodes of the cluster or if the datafile
    copy has been deleted, use the CROSSCHECK DATAFILECOPY command to
    correct the recovery catalog or target database control file entries.
    46-92 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06728: could not locate control file copy string
    Cause: The specified control file copy could not be found on any allocated
    Action: Allocate additional channels on other nodes of the cluster or if the control
    file copy has been deleted, use the CROSSCHECK CONTROLFILECOPY
    command to correct the recovery catalog or target database control file entries.
    RMAN-06729: no backup of the SPFILE found to restore
    Cause: A SPFILE restore could not proceed because no backup of the SPFILE was
    found. It may be the case that a backup of this file exists but does not satisfy the
    criteria specified in the user's restore operands.
    Action: Modify options for the SPFILE restore.
    RMAN-06730: no channel to restore a backup of the SPFILE
    Cause: A SPFILE restore could not proceed because the backup on a device type
    that was not allocated for restore.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message only. See message
    6026 for further details.
    RMAN-06731: command string:string% complete, time left number:number:number
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06732: database dropped
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06733: database unregistered from the recovery catalog
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06737: database name "string" does not match target database name "string"
    Cause: The UNREGISTER DATABASE command was used with a database name
    that does not match the name of the database to which RMAN is connected.
    Action: Specify the correct database name or avoid specifying the database name
    when connected to the target database.
    RMAN-06738: database name "string" is not unique in the recovery catalog
    Cause: The UNREGISTER DATABASE command was used with a database name
    that is ambiguous.
    Action: Use the SET DBID command to specify the database id and resolve the
    RMAN-06739: database "string" is not found in the recovery catalog
    Cause: The UNREGISTER DATABASE command was used with a database name
    that was not found in the recovery catalog.
    Action: Make sure the database name specified in the DROP DATABASE
    command syntax is correct.
    RMAN-06740: database name is not specified
    Cause: The command failed because of the following:
    o RMAN is not connected to the target database
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-93
    o The database name is not specified in the command
    o DBID is not set with the SET DBID command
    Action: Any one of the following actions will fix the problem: o Connect to the
    target database o Specify database name o Set DBID with SET DBID command
    RMAN-06741: database name is "string" and DBID is string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06742: platform name 'string' longer than number characters
    Cause: The specified platform name exceeded the maximum allowed platform
    Action: Correct the platform name.
    RMAN-06743: specification does not match any backup set in the repository
    Cause: The specified backup sets were not found in the recovery catalog or target
    database control file.
    Action: Verify backup set existence and retry the command.
    RMAN-06744: specification does not match any datafile copy in the repository
    Cause: The specified datafile copies were not found in the recovery catalog or
    target database control file.
    Action: Verify datafile copy existence and retry the command.
    RMAN-06745: skipping datafile copy string; already backed up string time(s)
    Cause: The indicated datafile copy was not included in the backup set because it
    was already backed up on the device requested.
    Action: Use FORCE option to override backup optimization.
    RMAN-06746: backup cancelled because there are no files to backup
    Cause: There were no files or all files were skipped for this backup set, therefore
    no backup set was created.
    Action: This message is informational only.
    RMAN-06747: at least 1 channel of tertiary storage must be allocated to execute this
    Cause: The executed command requires a SBT channel, but no channels of type
    SBT were configured or allocated.
    Action: ALLOCATE or CONFIGURE a SBT channel.
    RMAN-06748: more than one channel types were allocated
    option was specified in BACKUP command, but more than one channel types was
    used and no DEVICE TYPE or CHANNEL option was specified.
    Action: Specify CHANNEL or DEVICE TYPE option and retry the command.
    RMAN-06749: restore point string does not exist.
    Cause: The specified restore point does not exists in v$restore_point table of the
    target database.
    Action: Check the name of restore point and retry the command.
    46-94 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06750: SPFILE cannot be backed up by proxy.
    Cause: The PROXY option was specified, but proxy copy of SPFILE is not
    supported. This file will be placed into a non-proxy backup set.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06751: ASM file string cannot be proxy backed up.
    Cause: The PROXY option was specified, but proxy copy of ASM file is not
    supported. This file will be placed into a non-proxy backup set.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06752: error while looking up tempfile: string
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified tempfile in the recovery
    catalog or target database control file.
    Action: This error is accompanied by other errors describing the reason for the
    failure; see those error messages for further information. One possible problem is
    that the tempfile name was not entered correctly.
    RMAN-06753: tempfile not found in the repository
    Cause: The specified tempfile is not found in the control file or recovery catalog.
    Action: Make sure that the tempfile name is correct and retry
    RMAN-06754: INCREMENTAL FROM SCN option is not supported with [string]
    Cause: The INCREMENTAL FROM SCN option was supplied but does not apply
    to this type of backup.
    Action: Remove the INCREMENTAL FROM SCN operand and reenter the
    RMAN-06755: WARNING: datafile string: incremental-start SCN is too recent;
    using checkpoint SCN string instead
    Cause: The incremental-start sysetm change number (SCN) which was specified
    when starting an incremental datafile backup is greater than the datafile
    checkpoint SCN, which could cause some blocks to be missed.
    Action: Specify a smaller incremental-start system change number (SCN).
    RMAN-06756: cannot flashback database to non-guaranteed restore point string
    when flashback is off
    Cause: The indicated restore point was not guaranteed and flashback was
    disabled. When flashback is disabled, Oracle can flashback only to guaranteed
    restore point.
    Action: Specify a guaranteed restore point or turn on flashback and retry the
    command. the command.
    RMAN-06757: DB_UNIQUE_NAME "string" does not match target database
    Cause: The value specified in the FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME option did not
    match the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter setting of the target database.
    Action: Use the RMAN STARTUP command, with no parameter file option, to
    start the target database without a parameter file, then run the RESTORE SPFILE
    command again.
    RMAN-06758: DB_UNIQUE_NAME is not unique in the recovery catalog
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-95
    Cause: RMAN could not identify which SPFILE to restore for this target database,
    because the recovery catalog contained two or more different instances of this
    database, each with different DB_UNIQUE_NAME values.
    Action: Use the FOR DB_UNIQUE_NAME option to specify the name of the
    instance whose parameter file you want to restore.
    RMAN-06759: skipping datafile copies that are already backed up
    Cause: Some datafile copies were not be backed up because they were already
    backed up on the device requested.
    Action: No action is required. You can use the FORCE option to override backup
    optimization and force these files to be backed up.
    RMAN-06760: skipping archived logs that are already backed up
    Cause: Some archived logs were not be backed up because they were already
    backed up on the device requested.
    Action: No action is required. You can use the FORCE option to override backup
    optimization and force these files to be backed up.
    RMAN-06761: skipping backup sets that are already backed up
    Cause: Some backup sets were not be backed up because they were already
    backed up on the device requested.
    Action: No action is required. You can use the FORCE option to override backup
    optimization and force these files to be backed up.
    RMAN-06762: ignoring encryption for proxy or image copies
    Cause: This information message is displayed when the RMAN client is
    generating proxy or image copies and encryption was enabled for the input files.
    Action: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06763: specified encryption algorithm not supported
    Cause: An encryption algorithm not supported by the database is specified
    during backup.
    Action: Refer to contents of v$rman_encryption_algorithms view for the list of
    supported encryption algorithm. Specify a valid encryption algorithm and retry
    the command.
    RMAN-06764: string
    Cause: An error occurred when processing user request.
    Action: None
    RMAN-06765: Tablespace string will be encrypted in future backup sets
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06766: Tablespace string will not be encrypted in future backup sets
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06767: Tablespace string will default to database encryption configuration
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    46-96 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06768: duplicate or conflicting options are specified: string and string
    Cause: An error occurred when processing the command because user specified
    two duplicate options or the two options are not allowed to be used together.
    Action: Remove one of the above options and retry the command.
    RMAN-06769: length of password must be greater than zero
    Cause: Zero length password was specified for encrypted backups.
    Action: Retry the command using a password with non-zero length.
    RMAN-06771: cannot do IMPORT CATALOG after NOCATALOG has been used
    Cause: The IMPORT CATALOG command was used after the NOCATALOG
    option was already specified.
    Action: Restart RMAN and connect to recovery catalog if you wish to IMPORT
    RMAN-06772: cannot do IMPORT CATALOG before connecting to recovery catalog
    Cause: The IMPORT CATALOG command was used before connecting to the
    recovery catalog.
    Action: Connect to recovery catalog using CONNECT CATALOG command if
    you wish to IMPORT CATALOG.
    RMAN-06773: connected to source recovery catalog database
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06774: must specify a TNS service name for source recovery catalog
    Cause: The connect string does not contain TNS service name. IMPORT
    CATALOG without TNS service name is not supported.
    Action: Specify a service name and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-06775: not connected to source recovery catalog database
    Cause: IMPORT CATALOG command was issued but no connection to the source
    recovery catalog database has been established.
    Action: Resubmit IMPORT CATALOG command with correct connect string.
    RMAN-06776: source recovery catalog database not started
    Cause: IMPORT CATALOG command was issued which requires the source
    recovery catalog to be open.
    Action: Open the source recovery catalog database and re-submit the command.
    RMAN-06777: ORACLE error from source recovery catalog database: string
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-06778: WARNING: string: sqlcode number was caught, automatic retry
    Cause: The RMAN client caught a transient error during temporary resource
    allocate for IMPORT CATALOG command and will automatically retry several
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-97
    RMAN-06779: import validation complete
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action required.
    RMAN-06780: database unregistered from the source recovery catalog
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06781: string package version string in source database is not of version
    Cause: The catalog schema version of the source recovery catalog is not the same
    as the target recovery catalog. The two catalog
    Action: UPGRADE source recovery catalog schema and recovery catalog schema
    to same version and retry the command.
    RMAN-06782: Datafile headers of locally managed datafiles need to be updated.
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06783: Update of datafile headers of locally managed datafiles finished.
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06784: One or more datafile headers of locally managed datafiles were not
    Cause: Errors prevented the update of one or more datafile headers.
    Action: See trace file for details of the problem.
    RMAN-06785: This operation might take some time.
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06786: could not read file header for datafile string to do FLASHBACK.
    Cause: The indicated datafile header could not be read to do FLASHBACK
    Action: If the database must be taken back in time then a restore and incomplete
    recovery must be performed.
    RMAN-06787: WARNING: TAG string option is ignored; backups will be tagged
    with string
    Cause: WITH TAG option and TAG option were used together. When WITH TAG
    option is used, all the backups created by the command will have tag specified
    with WITH TAG option.
    Action: The TAG option can be removed to not display the message.
    RMAN-06791: changed the DB_UNIQUE_NAME value from string to string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06792: database db_unique_name is "string", db_name is "string" and DBID
    is string
    46-98 Oracle Database Error Messages
    command was executed, hence RMAN displayed the database information for
    which DB_UNIQUE_NAME the metadata will be removed/renamed in the
    recovery catalog.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06793: database with db_unique_name string unregistered from the
    recovery catalog
    Cause: UNREGISTER DB_UNIQUE_NAME command was executed.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06795: Flashback database logging is not on.
    Cause: A FLASHBACK DATABASE command was tried but flashback database
    logging has not been enabled.
    Action: Flashback database logging must be enabled via the ALTER DATABASE
    FLASHBACK ON command before a FLASHBACK DATABASE command can be
    tried. If the database must be taken back in time then a restore and incomplete
    recovery must be performed.
    RMAN-06796: Not enough flashback database log data to do FLASHBACK.
    Cause: There was not enough flashback database log data to do the FLASHBACK
    Action: If the database must be taken back in time then a restore and incomplete
    recovery must be performed.
    RMAN-06797: Grant succeeded.
    Cause: This is an informational message issued in response to a GRANT
    Action: No action required.
    RMAN-06798: Revoke succeeded.
    Cause: This is an informational message issued in response to a REVOKE
    Action: No action required.
    RMAN-06799: found eligible base catalog owned by string
    Cause: When creating a virtual private catalog, an 11g base catalog was found,
    owned by the specified user, and the currently connected catalog user has been
    granted privileges on this catalog, and can therefore create a virtual private catalog
    using this base catalog. This is an informational message issued in response to a
    Action: No action required.
    RMAN-06800: found ineligible base catalog owned by string
    Cause: When creating a virtual private catalog, an 11g base catalog was found,
    owned by the specified user, and the currently connected catalog user has not been
    granted any privileges on this catalog. This is an informational message issued in
    response to a CREATE VIRTUAL CATALOG command.
    Action: No action required.
    RMAN-06801: no base catalog found
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-99
    Cause: When trying to create a virtual catalog, either no base catalog was found,
    or this user has no privilege to create a virtual catalog against any existing base
    Action: Establish the correct privileges and re-create the virtual catalog.
    RMAN-06802: too many eligible base catalogs found
    Cause: When trying to create a virtual catalog, more than one base catalog was
    found that is eligible to be the base catalog for this virtual catalog.
    Action: Revoke privileges so that the current catalog user has privileges on only
    one base catalog, then re-issue the CREATE VIRTUAL CATALOG command.
    RMAN-06803: created virtual catalog against base catalog owned by string
    Cause: A virtual private catalog was created, where the base catalog data is
    owned by the specified user. This is an informational message issued in response
    to a CREATE VIRTUAL CATALOG command.
    Action: No action required.
    RMAN-06804: Enter value for string:
    Cause: This is a user prompt.
    Action: Enter a substitution value to proceed.
    RMAN-06805: SET NEWNAME command has not been issued for tempfile string
    Cause: A SWITCH command was specified for a tempfile, but no destination was
    specified and no SET NEWNAME command has been previously issued for that
    file. An explicit file to switch to must be specified if no SET NEWNAME command
    has been issued.
    Action: Correct and resubmit the SWITCH command.
    RMAN-06806: compression algorithm 'string' of release string not found
    Cause: An unsupported compression algorithm was specified for the backup.
    Action: Query the V$RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM view for the list of
    suppmrted compression algorithms. Specify a valid compression algorithm and
    retry the command.
    RMAN-06807: compression algorithm 'string' of release string cannot be used
    because database compatibility is less than string
    Cause: The compression algorithm is not supported because the current
    compatibility level of the database is too low.
    Action: Query the V$RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM view for the list of
    supported compression algorithms. Specify a valid compression algorithm and
    retry the command.
    RMAN-06808: SECTION SIZE cannot be used when piece limit is in effect
    Cause: The SECTION SIZE backup option was used together with the
    MAXPIECESIZE channel limit. These options are mutually exclusive, because they
    are independant methods of creating multiple backup pieces with one backup
    Action: Use one option or the other, but not both.
    RMAN-06809: compression algorithm 'string' of release string requires advanced
    compression option
    Cause: The compression algorithm was not supported because it requires
    advanced compression option to be enabled.
    46-100 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Enable advanced compression option by setting advanced_compression_
    option_usable=true or specify a different compression algorithm.
    RMAN-06810: specification does not match any datafile copy in the repository
    Cause: No datafile copies were found that match specification in the recovery
    catalog or target database control file.
    Action: Check the specifier.
    RMAN-06811: specification does not match any control file copy in the repository
    Cause: No control file copies were found that match specification in the recovery
    catalog or target database control file.
    Action: Check the specifier.
    RMAN-06812: specification does not match any backup in the repository
    Cause: No backups were found that match specification in the recovery catalog or
    target database control file.
    Action: Check the specifier.
    RMAN-06813: could not translate pluggable database string
    Cause: An error occurred while looking up the specified pluggable database in
    the repository.
    Action: Ensure that the database name is entered correctly and retry the
    RMAN-06814: cannot connect to pluggable database string
    Cause: An error was received when connecting to database because the database
    is a pluggable database.
    Action: Connect to the root database and retry the command.
    RMAN-06815: cannot change the container in RMAN session.
    Cause: An attempt was made by to change the container using the ALTER
    Action: This operation is not allowed in RMAN session.
    RMAN-06816: The IMPORT CATALOG is not supported for a Recovery Appliance.
    Cause: The IMPORT CATALOG command was not supported for Recovery
    Action: Do not use the specified command for a Recovery Appliance.
    RMAN-06817: Pluggable Database string cannot be backed up in
    Cause: Backing up the Pluggable Database when database was in
    NOARCHIVELOG mode is not allowed.
    Action: Pluggable Database backups are not allowed when the database is in
    NOARCHIVELOG mode. Close the container database and backup the complete
    database using the BACKUP DATABASE command.
    RMAN-06818: WARNING: last archived log from primary database not received at
    standby database
    Cause: An archived log was switched at the primary database during backup at
    the standby database and this log was not shipped to the standby database. The
    backup created at the standby database will need more logs to recover.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-101
    Action: Check whether the standby database is configured correctly to receive
    logs from the primary database.
    RMAN-06819: current log archived at primary database
    Cause: The ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG CURRENT command completed
    successfully at the primary database because the connected target instance was a
    physical standby database. The switched archived logs were included in the
    backup so that the backed up files could be recovered to a consistent point-in-time.
    Action: None. This is an informational message.
    RMAN-06820: WARNING: failed to archive current log at primary database
    Cause: An attempt to switch the archived log at the primary database failed.
    Action: Resolve the error messages associated with this message to avoid the
    RMAN-06821: backup is not consistent because the last archived log was not
    received at the standby
    Cause: As part of the KEEP backup operation, the archived log at the primary
    database was switched but was not shipped to the standby database.
    Action: Check whether the standby database is configured correctly to receive
    logs from the primary database.
    RMAN-06822: backup not consistent because switching of archived log failed at the
    Cause: As part of the KEEP backup operation, the attempt to switch the archived
    log at the primary database failed.
    Action: Resolve the error messages associated with this message to avoid the
    RMAN-06896: cannot resolve circular path of synonym string
    Cause: Synonym forms a circular reference that causes an infinite loop.
    Action: Drop self-referential synonyms.
    RMAN-06897: procedure, function, package, sequence, or type is not supported
    Cause: RMAN does not support DESCRIBE for procedures, functions, packages,
    sequences, or types.
    Action: Use DESCRIBE for tables or views only.
    RMAN-06898: recovery catalog is partially upgraded to string
    Cause: The recovery catalog database was not completely upgraded to the
    specified version. Either there were some errors during execution of UPGRADE
    CATALOG or UPGRADE CATALOG was cancelled before completion.
    Action: Execute UPGRADE CATALOG again.
    RMAN-06899: updating recovery catalog with new database incarnation
    Cause: The target database has a new incarnation that has not already been seen
    by the recovery catalog. This usually happens because a Point-in-Time Recovery
    was done. RMAN has made the necessary updates to the recovery catalog.
    Action: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-06900: WARNING: unable to generate V$RMAN_STATUS or V$RMAN_
    OUTPUT row
    46-102 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: The routine createRmanStatusRow() or createRmanOutputRow() could
    add new row into V$RMAN_STATUS or V$RMAN_OUTPUT.
    Action: Check the associated error messages. If the associated error message
    indicates a condition that can be corrected, do so, otherwise contact Oracle.
    RMAN-06901: WARNING: disabling update of the V$RMAN_STATUS and
    V$RMAN_OUTPUT rows
    Cause: Informational message only.
    Action: No action required.
    RMAN-06902: AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET option cannot be used when
    backing up backup sets
    Cause: The backup set was specified with AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET.
    Action: Remove the AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET option.
    RMAN-06903: backup of datafile string was cancelled
    Cause: This is an informational message displayed when PARTIAL option of
    DURATION option was specified on the BACKUP command and backup could
    not be completed within the given duration time.
    Action: Run the BACKUP command to backup cancelled files, or let the next
    backup window backup the cancelled files. It should be noted that the files that
    were skipped in the current job will be given preference to other files for next the
    BACKUP command with DURATION option.
    RMAN-06904: backup of archived log for thread number with sequence number and
    starting SCN of string was cancelled
    Cause: This is an informational message displayed when PARTIAL option of
    DURATION option was specified on the BACKUP command and backup could
    not be completed within the given duration time.
    Action: Run BACKUP command to backup cancelled files, or let the next backup
    window backup the cancelled files. It should be noted that the files that were
    skipped in the current job will be given preference to other files for next the
    BACKUP command with DURATION option.
    RMAN-06905: backup of backup set key number was cancelled
    Cause: This is an informational message displayed when PARTIAL option of
    DURATION option was specified on the BACKUP command and backup could
    not be completed within the given duration time.
    Action: Run BACKUP command to backup cancelled files, or let the next backup
    window backup the cancelled files. It should be noted that the files that were
    skipped in the current job will be given preference to other files for next the
    BACKUP command with DURATION option.
    RMAN-06906: backup of control file was cancelled
    Cause: This is an informational message displayed when PARTIAL option of
    DURATION option was specified on the BACKUP command and backup could
    not be completed within the given duration time.
    Action: Run BACKUP command to backup cancelled files, or let the next backup
    window backup the cancelled files. It should be noted that the files that were
    skipped in the current job will be given preference to other files for next the
    BACKUP command with DURATION option.
    RMAN-06907: MINIMIZE LOAD option not allowed for the specified input files
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-103
    Cause: This option was specified in a backup command specification for
    Action: Remove the MINIMIZE LOAD option and retry the command.
    RMAN-06908: WARNING: operation will not run in parallel on the allocated
    Cause: RMAN allocated more than one channel for a job, but the job will not run
    in parallel on these channels because parallelism require Enterprise Edition.
    Action: None
    RMAN-06909: WARNING: parallelism require Enterprise Edition
    Cause: RMAN allocated more than one channel for a job, but the job will not run
    in parallel on these channels because parallelism require Enterprise Edition.
    Action: None
    RMAN-06910: can not invoke parallel recovery for test recovery
    Cause: Recover database was called with TEST and PARALLEL option
    Action: Call recover database with either just the TEST or PARALLEL option
    RMAN-06911: only one PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clause may be specified
    Cause: Recover database was called with PARALLEL and NOPARALLEL option
    Action: Call recover database with either just the PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL
    RMAN-06912: backup of spfile was cancelled
    Cause: This is an informational message displayed when PARTIAL option of
    DURATION option was specified on the BACKUP command and backup could
    not be completed within the given duration time.
    Action: Run BACKUP command to backup cancelled files, or let the next backup
    window backup the cancelled files. It should be noted that the files that were
    skipped in the current job will be given preference to other files for next the
    BACKUP command with DURATION option.
    RMAN-06913: validate cancelled because there are no files to validate
    Cause: All files for this validate command were skipped, therefore no files to
    Action: This message is informational only.
    RMAN-06914: BLOCK string must be greater or equal to BLOCK string
    Cause: The value of TO block number was less than the value of from block
    Action: Increase the value of TO BLOCK past the value of from BLOCK and retry
    the command.
    RMAN-06915: restore point string already exists
    Cause: The specified restore point already exists on this database.
    Action: Use LIST RESTORE POINT to see existing names and retry the command
    with a unique restore point name.
    RMAN-06916: RECOVER DATABASE required for SNAPSHOT TIME recovery
    Cause: RECOVER DATABASE must be used for SNAPSHOT TIME recovery.
    Action: Use the RECOVER DATABASE command to perform the recovery.
    46-104 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06917: skipping backup sets; RECOVERY FILES, RECOVERY AREA or
    DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST option cannot validate backup set
    DEST was specified in VALIDATE command to validate backup set. This is not
    Action: To validate a backup set, use the VALIDATE BACKUPSET or RESTORE
    VALIDATE command.
    RMAN-06918: WARNING: allocated SBT channel to the Recovery Appliance in
    NOCATALOG mode
    Cause: The Recovery Appliance might have run out of resources because
    congestion control could not be enabled in NOCATALOG mode.
    Action: Use CATALOG mode to connect RMAN to a Recovery Appliance
    RMAN-06919: command not allowed when the Recovery Appliance is running
    Cause: The command specified could not be used when the Recovery Appliance
    was running.
    Action: Shut down the Recovery Appliance and retry the command.
    RMAN-06920: database string is not open read-only
    Cause: CONVERT DATABASE attempted on a database that was not open
    Action: Open the database in read-only mode and retry the operation.
    RMAN-06921: Convert database check failed
    Cause: This database could not be transported because DBMS_TDB.CHECK_DB
    returned FALSE.
    Action: None
    RMAN-06922: External table string.string found in the database
    Cause: An external table was found in the database.
    Action: Redefine the table in the transported database.
    RMAN-06923: Directory string.string found in the database
    Cause: A directory object was found in the database.
    Action: Redefine the directory in the transported database.
    RMAN-06924: BFILE string.string found in the database
    Cause: A BFILE was found in the database.
    Action: Redefine the BFILE in the transported database.
    RMAN-06925: BFILEs are used in the system, please redefine them in the
    transported database
    Cause: BFILEs may or may not exist in the database. Automatically performed
    BFILE check failed because database was open read-only and could not allocate
    temporary space. This does not affect CONVERT DATABASE operation.
    Action: Use DBMS_TDB.CHECK_EXTERNAL to perform BFILE check when the
    database is open in read/write mode.
    RMAN-06926: User string with string privilege found in password file
    Cause: Password file was used.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-105
    Action: Re-create the password file on the target platform using ORAPWD for the
    transported database.
    RMAN-06927: Cannot specify NEW DATABASE clause more than once
    Cause: NEW DATABASE clause specified more than once
    Action: Remove redundant NEW DATABASE clause and retry the operation.
    RMAN-06928: Cannot specify ON TARGET PLATFORM clause more than once
    Cause: ON TARGET PLATFORM clause specified more than once
    Action: Remove redundant ON TARGET PLATFORM clause and retry the
    RMAN-06929: Cannot specify TRANSPORT SCRIPT clause more than once
    Cause: TRANSPORT SCRIPT clause specified more than once
    Action: Remove redundant ON TARGET PLATFORM clause and retry the
    RMAN-06930: Cannot specify SKIP clause more than once
    Cause: SKIP clause specified more than once
    Action: Remove redundant SKIP clause and retry the operation.
    RMAN-06931: Cannot specify FROM PLATFORM clause
    Cause: CONVERT DATABASE command cannot use FROM PLATFORM clause.
    Action: Change FROM PLATFORM clause and retry.
    RMAN-06932: Database name 'string' longer than number
    Cause: The specified database name exceeded the maximum allowable database
    name length.
    Action: Correct the database name.
    RMAN-06933: Transport script name too long
    Cause: The specified transport script name exceeded the maximum allowable
    script name length.
    Action: Correct the script name.
    RMAN-06934: Format string too long
    Cause: The specified format string exceeded the maximum allowable format
    string length.
    Action: Correct the format string.
    RMAN-06935: Convert script name too long
    Cause: The specified convert script name exceeded the maximum allowable script
    name length.
    Action: Correct the script name.
    RMAN-06936: at least 1 channel of TYPE DISK must be allocated to use CONVERT
    Cause: A channel of TYPE DISK was not allocated.
    Action: Allocate a channel of TYPE DISK and reissue the command.
    RMAN-06937: invalid format specifier 'string'
    Cause: An invalid format specifier was found in an RMAN command.
    Action: Correct the format specifier and retry the command.
    46-106 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-06941: Database must be closed and mounted EXCLUSIVE and
    Cause: DROP DATABASE was attempted while the database was open or not
    Action: Change the database state to mounted EXCLUSIVE and RESTRICTED.
    RMAN-06942: OPTION number is invalid; OPTION must be between string and
    Cause: An invalid OPTION was used.
    Action: Change the OPTION argument.
    RMAN-06943: no automatic repair OPTION number was listed in ADVISE
    Cause: The OPTION specified was not one of the automatic repair options listed
    by ADVISE FAILURE or there were no options listed by the ADVISE FAILURE
    Action: Change the OPTION argument or resubmit ADVISE FAILURE with a
    different set of failures.
    RMAN-06944: contents of repair script:
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06945: no repair script present for REPAIRID string
    Cause: REPAIRID option specified in the command was invalid or the repair
    script had been purged from Automated Diagnostic Repository.
    Action: Retry REPAIR FAILURE command with a different OPTION number.
    RMAN-06946: executing repair script
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06947: searching flashback logs for block images until SCN string
    Cause: Starting the flashback log search for RECOVER…BLOCK command. The
    log is searched until the indicated system change number (SCN).
    Action: None. This is an informational message displayed for RECOVER…BLOCK
    RMAN-06948: searching flashback logs for block images
    Cause: Starting the flashback log search for RECOVER…BLOCK command. The
    log is searched until the end of the log.
    Action: None. This is an informational message displayed for RECOVER…BLOCK
    RMAN-06949: finished flashback log search, restored string blocks
    Cause: Flashback log search finished for RECOVER…BLOCK command.
    Action: None. This is an informational message displayed for RECOVER…BLOCK
    RMAN-06950: invalid validate option specified: string
    Cause: The specified object was invalid with VALIDATE command.
    Action: Delete the invalid operand.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-107
    RMAN-06951: repair failure complete
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06952: database needs to be restarted
    Cause: The target database control file was missing.
    Action: Restart the instance and repair the database.
    RMAN-06953: no automatic repairs were listed by ADVISE FAILURE
    Cause: There were no automatic repairs listed by the ADVISE FAILURE
    Action: Choose a different failure, submit ADVISE FAILURE command, and then
    submit REPAIR FAILURE command.
    RMAN-06954: REPAIR command must be preceded by ADVISE command in same
    Cause: The ADVISE command was not issued in the same session as the REPAIR
    Action: Submit ADVISE command and then submit the REPAIR command in
    same session.
    RMAN-06955: Network copies are only supported for nonsection image copies.
    Cause: An attempt was made to specify BACKUP AUXILIARY FORMAT without
    specifying the AS COPY clause. A network copy is only supported with an image
    copy without sections.
    Action: Seek an alternate method of copying the desired files.
    RMAN-06956: create datafile failed; retry after removing string from OS
    Cause: An attempt was made to re-create a database file. This attempt failed.
    Action: If the indicated file already exists, remove the file from operating system
    and retry the RMAN command.
    RMAN-06957: finished standby search, restored string blocks
    Cause: Standby search finished for RECOVER…BLOCK command.
    Action: None. This is an informational message displayed for RECOVER…BLOCK
    RMAN-06958: Executing: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06959: WARNING: repair completed but could not verify that failures were
    fixed by it
    Cause: RMAN repair command successfully completed but could not check if the
    failures were fixed.
    Action: Use LIST FAILURE command to verify repair results.
    RMAN-06960: EXPDP> string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06961: IMPDP> string
    46-108 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06962: Error received during export of metadata
    Cause: Data Pump could not perform export of tablespace metadata.
    Action: See accompanying datapump messages indicating the cause of the error.
    RMAN-06963: Error received during import of metadata
    Cause: Data Pump could not perform import of tablespace metadata.
    Action: See accompanying datapump messages indicating the cause of the error.
    RMAN-06964: option string cannot be used with string
    Cause: Incompatible options were specified that caused the command to fail.
    Action: Remove one of the options from the command and retry.
    RMAN-06965: Datapump job has stopped
    Cause: A Data Pump error has caused the job to stop.
    Action: See accompanying datapump messages or look for a Data Pump trace file
    for the cause of the error.
    RMAN-06966: Invalid release number string
    Cause: An incorrectly formatted release number was specified.
    Action: Specify a valid release number in n.n.n.n.n format.
    RMAN-06967: finished primary search, recovered string blocks
    Cause: Primary Database search finished for RECOVER…BLOCK command.
    Action: None. This is an informational message displayed for RECOVER…BLOCK
    RMAN-06968: duplicate DUMP FILE specification
    Cause: DUMP FILE specification already encountered for this command.
    Action: Remove duplicate DUMP FILE specification and retry the command.
    RMAN-06969: duplicate DATAPUMP specification
    Cause: DATAPUMP specification already encountered for this command.
    Action: Remove duplicate DATAPUMP specification and retry the command.
    RMAN-06970: NEWNAME 'string' for database must include %f or %U format
    Cause: The newname in SET NEWNAME FOR DATABASE did not include a
    format specifier to produce different newnames for the datafiles.
    Action: Include %f or %U in the newname or use SET NEWNAME FOR
    DATABASE TO NEW to ensure datafiles get different datafile names.
    RMAN-06971: NEWNAME 'string' for tablespace must include %f or %U format
    Cause: The newname in SET NEWNAME FOR TABLESPACE did not include a
    format specifier to produce different newnames for the datafiles.
    Action: Include %f or %U in the newname or use SET NEWNAME FOR
    TABLESPACE … TO NEW to ensure datafiles get different datafile names.
    RMAN-06980: The following errors need to be fixed before peforming this
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-109
    Cause: The tablespaces failed validation by DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_
    Action: Fix accompanying violations before attempting the command again.
    RMAN-06981: Violation: string
    Cause: This message was issued to show a violation obtained from the DBMS_
    Action: Fix violation before attempting the command again.
    RMAN-06982: SQL command with length of string exceeds maximum length of
    Cause: The SQL command issued exceeded the maximum allowed length.
    Action: Retry the command removing unnecessary spaces or use a shorter
    RMAN-06983: unsupported data type string in column string for select
    Cause: The select list included an unsupported data type. Not all SQL data types
    are supported by RMAN. Only simple data types are supported.
    Action: Remove the column from select list or use a conversion function to change
    it to a simple data type.
    RMAN-06985: string rows selected
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06986: Statement processed
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06987: NUMWIDTH option string out of range (number through number)
    Cause: Value for NUMWIDTH option was out of the specified range.
    Action: Check the limits of the option and enter a value that is within the range.
    RMAN-06988: Only SELECT statements are supported for CATALOG modifier
    Cause: SQL CATALOG was specified for a non-SELECT statement.
    Action: Do not specify CATALOG or change the statement to be a SELECT
    RMAN-06989: no rows selected
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06990: Error in select list
    Cause: The specified select list could not be processed.
    Action: See accompanying errors for corrective action.
    RMAN-06991: Name Null? Type
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06992: ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    46-110 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-06993: LONG option string out of range (number through number)
    Cause: Value for LONG option was out of the specified range.
    Action: Check the limits of the option and enter a value that is within the range.
    RMAN-07000: List of SPFILE Backups
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a LIST BACKUP OF SPFILE
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07025: string is not supported for foreign archived log
    Cause: The specified option was not supported for foreign archived log.
    Action: Do not use the specified command for foreign archived log.
    RMAN-07200: no failures found that match specification
    Cause: A failure specifier did not match any failures in the Automated Diagnostic
    Action: Resubmit the command with a different failure specifier. You can use the
    LIST FAILURE ALL command in Recovery Manager to display all failures known
    to RMAN.
    RMAN-07207: changed string failures to HIGH priority
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07208: changed string failures to LOW priority
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07209: closed string failures
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07210: new failures after most recent LIST FAILURE command
    Cause: New failures were found since last LIST FAILURE command in this
    RMAN session.
    Action: No action is required. This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-07211: failure option not specified
    Cause: ALL, CRITICAL, HIGH, LOW, or list of failure numbers was not specified.
    Action: Specify a failure option and resubmit the command.
    RMAN-07212: skipping failure string because it was CLOSED
    Cause: The specified failure has been already closed, so ADVISE FAILURE or
    CHANGE FAILURE cannot be executed on this failure.
    Action: This is an informational message only. No action is required.
    RMAN-07213: Mandatory Manual Actions
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-111
    RMAN-07215: Automated Repair Options
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07220: no manual actions available
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07222: =======================
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07251: Repair script: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07252: ========================
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07253: ========================
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07255: priority change for failure string failed
    Cause: An attempt was made to change the priority of a child failure.
    Action: Specify the parent failure ID to change the child failure.
    RMAN-07256: cannot change priority of child failure
    Cause: An attempt was made to change the priority of child failure.
    Action: This message should be followed by one or more 7255 messages.
    RMAN-07259: string critical failures exist; cannot exclude from ADVISE FAILURE
    Cause: ADVISE FAILURE was executed for HIGH or LOW priority failures when
    CRITICAL failures existed.
    Action: Execute ADVISE FAILURE with the CRITICAL or ALL options.
    RMAN-07262: no automatic repair options available
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07263: Database Role: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07500: searching for all files that match the pattern string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07501: searching for all files in the recovery area
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    46-112 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07502: List of Files Unknown to the Database
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a CATALOG command.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07505: no files found to be unknown to the database
    Cause: This is an informational message displayed by the CATALOG command.
    The command either found no files, or all files that matched the specified search
    pattern were already present in the target database control file.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07507: cataloging files…
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07508: cataloging done
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07509: List of Cataloged Files
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a CATALOG command.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07513: List of Files Which Were Not Cataloged
    Cause: This message is issued in response to a CATALOG command.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07514: =======================================
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07515: File Name: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07516: Reason: Error reading
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07517: Reason: The file header is corrupted
    Cause: Either the file is not an Oracle file or the file header is corrupted.
    Action: Delete the file using OS utility.
    RMAN-07518: Reason: Foreign database file DBID: string Database Name: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07519: Reason: Error while cataloging. See alert.log.
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-113
    RMAN-07520: Reason: Data pump dump file
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07521: cannot create recovery catalog in database version string; version
    string required
    Cause: An attempt was made to use a version of the recovery catalog schema that
    was incompatible with the version of the database.
    Action: Upgrade the catalog database to at least the required version or install the
    catalog schema in a different database which is of at least the required version.
    RMAN-07522: CREATE TYPE privilege must be granted to user string
    Cause: The CREATE CATALOG or UPGRADE CATALOG command was used,
    but the USERID that was supplied in the CATALOG connect string does not have
    the CREATE TYPE privilege granted.
    Action: Grant CREATE TYPE privilege to the recovery catalog owner.
    RMAN-07523: List of files in Recovery Area not managed by the database
    Cause: This message was issued in response to a CATALOG RECOVERY AREA
    Action: No action is required.
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07525: Reason: File is not a supported file type in Recovery Area
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other message(s) indicating the
    name of file that was not supported in recovery area. Any file other than current
    control file, online log, archived log, RMAN backups and flashback log is not
    supported in recovery area. This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07526: Reason: File is not an Oracle Managed File
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other message(s) indicating the
    name of file that was not a oracle managed file. This is an informational message
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07527: Reason: File was not created using DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
    initialization parameter
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other message(s) indicating the
    name of file that was not created using DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization
    parameter. One of the following scenarios caused this error: 1) This is an archived
    log file and was created when the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization
    parameter was set explicitly to recovery area location. For example, LOG_
    ARCHIVE_DEST_1='location=+FRA' where '+FRA' was also your DB_
    RECOVERY_FILE_DEST value. 2) This is an RMAN backup file and was created
    in a recovery area using the FORMAT option of the BACKUP command. 3) This is
    an online log file or current control file and was created prior to setting the
    recovery area. 4) This file fits none of the above scenarios and is not supported by
    the recovery area.
    46-114 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: All of following actions will resolve future occurrences of this error: 1) To
    create archived logs in recovery area, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n
    initialization parameter to 'location=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST'. Do not
    explicitly set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter to a recovery
    area location. 2) To create RMAN backups in recovery area, do not use the
    FORMAT option of the BACKUP command. All of following actions will resolve
    current problem: 1) If this is an archived log file or an RMAN backup file, use the
    CATALOG command to re-catalog the files. 2) If this is an online log file or a
    current control file to be managed by the recovery area, re-create the file using the
    DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter.
    RMAN-07528: number of files not managed by recovery area is string, totaling
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other message(s) indicating the
    list of files. Either the files listed are not known to the database or not managed by
    recovery area. The number and size of the files are shown. This is an informational
    message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07529: Reason: catalog is not supported for this file type
    Cause: The CATALOG command encountered one or more files of types that
    cannot be cataloged. These file types include online redo logs, flashback logs,
    block change tracking files, and data pump files. This message will be
    accompanied by other messages indicating the names of the file's that could not be
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07530: Reason: This file type is not requested for cataloging
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07531: skipping datafile number; already restored to SCN string
    Cause: Recovery Manager determined that this file was already restored to the
    specified SCN.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-07532: skipping datafilecopy string; already recovered to SCN string
    Cause: Recovery Manager determined that this datafile copy was already
    recovered to the specified SCN.
    Action: No action required, this is an informational message only.
    RMAN-07533: created catalog for the Recovery Appliance
    Cause: This is an informational message issued by the CREATE BA CATALOG
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07534: Recovery Appliance catalog owner is string
    Cause: This is an informational message issued by the UPGRADE CATALOG and
    DROP CATALOG commands when the command is operating on the recovery
    catalog for the Recovery Appliance.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07535: waiting for ASM instance to release file state object
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-115
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-07536: command not allowed when connected to a Pluggable Database
    Cause: A command was attempted that can only be performed in the root
    Action: Connect to the root container and retry the command.
    RMAN-07537: command only allowed in a container database
    Cause: A command was attempted that is only allowed in a CDB.
    Action: Connect to a CDB and retry the command.
    RMAN-07538: Pluggable Database qualifier not allowed when connected to a
    Pluggable Database
    Cause: A command was attempted with Pluggable Database name qualifier. This
    is not allowed when connected to a Pluggable Database.
    Action: Connect to the root container or remove the Pluggable Database qualifier
    and retry the command.
    RMAN-07539: insufficient privileges to create or upgrade the catalog schema
    Cause: The user specified in the connect string of the CREATE CATALOG or
    UPGRADE CATALOG command did not have the privileges required to create or
    upgrade the catalog schema.
    Action: Execute '?/rdbms/admin/dbmsrmansys.sql' after connecting to a catalog
    database as SYS to grant the required privileges to run RMAN CREATE or
    UPGRADE command.
    RMAN-07540: Cleanup is required for the VPC user schema
    Cause: The VPC user specified in the connect string does have extra privileges
    Action: Execute '?/rdbms/admin/dbmsrmanvpc.sql' after connecting to a catalog
    database as SYS to cleanup VPC users schemas.
    RMAN-07541: checkpoint of the control file is more recent than the last archived
    Cause: The checkpoint system change number (SCN) of the control file in the
    backup was higher than the SCN of the most recent archived log. THE RMAN
    DUPLICATE command will use the checkpoint SCN of the most recent backup
    control file as the UNTIL SCN value during restore and recovery.
    Action: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-07999: Recovery Appliance catalog must be upgraded using Recovery
    Appliance RMAN executable
    Cause: Recovery Appliance catalog could not be upgraded using this RMAN
    Action: Use RMAN executable from Recovery Appliance shiphome and upgrade
    the recovery catalog schema.
    RMAN-08000: channel string: copied datafile string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    46-116 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-08001: restore not complete
    Cause: All of the backup pieces have been successfully applied, but DBMS_
    BACKUP_RESTORE package indicates that the restore conversation is not
    complete. This usually means that the backup set contained corrupt data.
    Action: Restore the files from a different backup set, if possible. The Recovery
    Manager CHANGE BACKUPPIECE UNAVAILABLE can be used to prevent
    Recovery Manager from attempting to restore from the corrupt backup piece(s).
    RMAN-08002: starting full resync of recovery catalog
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08003: channel string: reading from backup piece string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08004: full resync complete
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08005: new incarnation of database registered in recovery catalog
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08006: database registered in recovery catalog
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08007: channel string: copied datafile copy of datafile string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08008: channel string: starting full datafile backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08009: channel string: starting archived log backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08010: channel string: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08011: including current control file in backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08012: including control file copy in backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-117
    RMAN-08013: channel string: backup piece string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08014: channel string: specifying archived log(s) in backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08015: datafile string switched to datafile copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08016: channel string: starting datafile backup set restore
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08017: channel string: starting archived log restore to default destination
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08018: channel string: starting archived log restore to user-specified
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08019: channel string: restoring datafile string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08020: including standby control file in backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08021: channel string: restoring control file
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08022: channel string: restoring archived log
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08023: channel string: restored backup piece string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08025: channel string: copied control file copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08026: channel string: copied archived log
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    46-118 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08027: channel string: copied current control file
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08028: channel string: copy current control file failed
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08029: snapshot control file name set to default value: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08030: allocated channel: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08031: released channel: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08032: channel string: RECID string STAMP string does not match recovery
    Cause: The record that identifies the source file for a copy or backup database
    does not contain the same data as is stored in the recovery catalog.
    Action: Perform a full resync and retry the operation. If the problem persists, then
    contact Oracle.
    RMAN-08033: channel string: including datafile copy of datafile string in backup
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08034: full resync skipped, target database not mounted
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08035: partial resync skipped, target database not mounted
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08036: channel string: could not create control file record for string string
    Cause: The record identifying the named file was no longer present in the target
    database control file, and repeated attempts to inspect the file were unsuccessful in
    creating the record. This could be because the circular-reuse section of the control
    file which holds information about the specified type of file is too small and there
    is other database activity which is causing the record to be overwritten before it
    can be used.
    Action: Try increasing either the size of the control file circular-reuse section for
    this file type (datafile copy or archived log, as indicated in the error message, or
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-119
    the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization parameter. If neither of
    those remedies works then contact Oracle.
    RMAN-08037: channel string: unexpected validation return code string
    Cause: This is an internal error that should never be issued.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support.
    RMAN-08038: channel string: starting piece string at string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08039: channel string: starting incremental datafile backup set restore
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08040: full resync skipped, control file is not current or backup
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08041: partial resync skipped, control file is not current or backup
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08042: channel string: copied standby control file
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08043: channel string: copy standby control file failed
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08044: channel string: finished piece string at string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08045: channel string: finished piece string at string with string copies
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08046: channel string: starting compressed full datafile backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08047: channel string: starting compressed incremental level string datafile
    backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08048: channel string: starting incremental level string datafile backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    46-120 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-08049: channel string: starting compressed archived log backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08050: cataloged datafile copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08051: cataloged archived log
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08052: cataloged control file copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08053: channel string: finished piece string at string with string copies and
    tag string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08054: starting media recovery
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08056: skipping datafile string because it has not changed
    Cause: The specified datafile has not had its checkpoint advanced since the
    previous backup, therefore it does not need a new incremental backup.
    Action: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-08057: channel string: backup cancelled because all files were skipped
    Cause: All datafiles for this backup were skipped, therefore no backup is created.
    Action: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-08058: replicating control file
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08059: media recovery failed
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08060: unable to find archived log
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08061: WARNING: change failure ID string failed due to error ORA-string
    Cause: CHANGE FAILURE for the indicated failure ID encountered an error.
    Action: See the indicated ORA error message for the cause of the error.
    RMAN-08062: WARNING: cannot change priority of a critical failure string
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-121
    Cause: An attempt was made to change priority of a failure with CRITICAL
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08063: Recovery catalog is down or not connected to catalog, trying to
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08064: Reconnection with the recovery catalog is successful.
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08065: WARNING: Reconnection with the recovery catalog failed,
    switching to nocatalog mode.
    Cause: RMAN failed to reconnect to the recovery catalog and switched to
    nocatalog mode.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08066: database reset to incarnation string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08070: deleted datafile copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08071: channel string: deleting archived log(s)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08072: deleted control file copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08073: deleted backup piece
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08074: crosschecked backup piece: found to be 'string'
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08085: created script string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08086: replaced script string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    46-122 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-08087: channel string: started backup set validation
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08088: applied offline range to datafile string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08089: channel string: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08090: channel string: starting proxy restore
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08091: channel string: specifying datafile(s) for proxy backup
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08092: channel string: specifying datafile copy of datafile string for proxy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08093: specifying current control file for proxy backup
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08094: channel string: specifying datafile(s) for proxy restore
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08096: channel string: starting validation of datafile backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08097: channel string: starting validation of archived log backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08099: specifying standby control file for proxy backup
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08100: channel string: starting proxy validation
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08101: channel string: proxy validation complete
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-123
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08102: channel string: located backup piece: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08103: channel string: could not locate backup piece: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08104: channel string: input backup set: count=string, stamp=string,
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08105: channel string: backup cancelled because no pieces were found
    Cause: All backup sets specified has no pieces. Therefore, no backup set is
    Action: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-08106: channel string: restoring block(s)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08107: skipping inaccessible backup set count=string STAMP=string
    Cause: The indicated backup set will not be backed up because one or more
    pieces of the backup set could not be read, and the SKIP INACCESSIBLE option
    was specified.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08108: channel string: specifying block(s) to restore from backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08109: channel string: restored block(s) from backup piece string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08110: failover to next copy of backup piece
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08111: some blocks not recovered: See trace file for details
    Cause: Some blocks not recovered due to errors.
    Action: See trace file for details of the problem.
    RMAN-08112: archived log failover was done on string, check alert log for more
    Cause: This is an informational message to indicate the server found a corrupted
    block in an archived log and had to switch to another copy of the same archived
    log in an alternate archived log destination to get corresponding un-corrupted
    46-124 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: If backup is done with delete input option, nothing needs to be done.
    Otherwise delete the archived log that has corrupted block(s) as recovery on
    applying this log would fail. Alert log contains name of the log that has corrupted
    RMAN-08113: including current SPFILE in backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08114: channel string: restoring SPFILE to PFILE
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08115: channel string: restoring SPFILE
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08116: output file name is original SPFILE location
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08117: channel string: the AUTOBACKUP does not contain an SPFILE
    Cause: The requested AUTOBACKUP does not contain a SPFILE. This is because
    the instance was not started with a SPFILE when the AUTOBACKUP was created.
    Action: No action is required. RMAN will try three older AUTOBACKUPS before
    signaling ORA-19687.
    RMAN-08118: WARNING: could not delete the following archived redo log
    Cause: The routine deleteArchivedLog() could not delete an archived redo log on
    the target instance.
    Action: Check the accompanying file specification and the associated error
    messages. The file specification indicates what archived redo log on the target
    instance RMAN was trying to delete and the error messages indicate why RMAN
    was unable to delete it. Resolve the problem by first confirming that the archived
    redo log in question has been backed up, do the deletion manually, and then do a
    crosscheck so that RMAN is aware of the deletion.
    RMAN-08119: skipping backup piece handle string; already exists
    Cause: A BACKUP command does not need to backup control file
    AUTOBACKUP pieces, because they already exists.
    Action: This is an informational message, no action is required.
    RMAN-08120: WARNING: archived log not deleted, not yet applied by standby
    Cause: This is an informational message to alert the user that an archived log that
    should have been deleted was not as it has not been applied to the standby
    database. The next message identifies the archived log
    Action: Archivelog can be deleted after it has been applied to standby database.
    RMAN-08121: keep attributes for the backup are deleted
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-125
    RMAN-08122: keep attributes for the backup are changed
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08123: keep attributes for the datafile/control file copy are deleted
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08124: keep attributes for the datafile/control file copy are changed
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08125: keep attributes for the proxy copy are deleted
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08126: keep attributes for the proxy copy are changed
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08127: cataloged backup piece
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08128: uncataloged backup piece
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08129: failover to piece handle=string tag=string
    Cause: This is an informational message to indicate the server found a corrupted
    block in a piece and had to switch to another copy of piece to get corresponding
    un-corrupted block.
    Action: See alert log for information on corruption block(s) and the name of the
    piece that has the corrupted block(s).
    RMAN-08130: failover to copy on device type string
    Cause: This is an informational message to indicate the RMAN could not
    successfully restore the database using the specified backups. An attempt was
    made to restore the datafiles/archived logs/ control file/SPFILE using the same
    backup set on a different device type.
    Action: See accompanying additional error messages indicating the cause of the
    RMAN-08131: channel string: specifying datafile copies to recover
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08132: WARNING: cannot update recovery area reclaimable file list
    Cause: This error should be accompanied by other errors giving the cause of
    failure to update reclaimable file list.
    Action: Check the accompanying error.
    46-126 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-08133: channel string: the AUTOBACKUP does not contain a standby
    control file.
    Cause: The requested AUTOBACKUP did not contain a standby control file.
    Action: No action is required, RMAN will try three older AUTOBACKUPS before
    signaling ORA-19687.
    RMAN-08135: some corrupt blocks found during conversion of file string
    Cause: While converting the specified file from one platform to another, some
    corrupt blocks were discovered in the specified file. Details about the corruption
    have been written to a server trace file.
    Action: If these corrupt blocks are unexpected, you may be able to use Block
    Media Recovery at the source database to fix the problem, then re-convert the files.
    RMAN-08136: channel string: deleting incremental backup(s)
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No Action Required.
    RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or
    upstream capture process
    Cause: An archived log that should have been deleted was not as it was required
    by upstream capture process or Data Guard. The next message identifies the
    archived log.
    Action: This is an informational message. The archived log can be deleted after it
    is no longer needed. See the documentation for Data Guard to alter the set of
    active Data Guard destinations. See the documentation for Streams to alter the set
    of active streams.
    RMAN-08138: WARNING: archived log not deleted - must create more backups
    Cause: An archived log that should have been deleted was not as it it did not
    meet the user specified archive log deletion policy of number of backups required
    before deleting the logs.
    Action: This is an informational message. The archived log can be deleted after
    more backups are created to satify archivelog deletion policy.
    RMAN-08139: WARNING: archived redo log not deleted, needed for guaranteed
    restore point
    Cause: An archived log that should have been deleted was not because it is
    required for guaranteed restore point.
    Action: This is an informational message. The archived redo log can be deleted
    after backups are created or after deleting the guaranteed restore point that
    requires the log.
    RMAN-08140: channel string: starting validation of datafile
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08141: channel string: specifying datafile(s) for validation
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08142: including standby control file for validation
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-127
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08143: including current control file for validation
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08144: channel string: validation complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08145: channel string: starting validation of archived log
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08146: channel string: specifying archived log(s) for validation
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08150: created global script string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08151: replaced global script string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08152: global script string written to file string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08153: deleted global script: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08154: deleted script: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08155: printing stored global script: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08156: printing stored script: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08157: script string written to file string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08158: executing script: string
    46-128 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08159: executing global script: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08160: script commands will be loaded from file string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08161: contents of Memory Script:
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08162: executing Memory Script
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08163: validation succeeded for backup piece
    Cause: The VALIDATE HEADER option determined that the backup piece still
    matches its data.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-08164: validation succeeded for proxy copy
    Cause: The VALIDATE HEADER option determined that the proxy copy still
    matches its data.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-08165: could not locate proxy copy string
    Cause: The specified proxy copy could not be found on proxy channel.
    Action: If the proxy copy has been deleted, use the CROSSCHECK BACKUP
    command to correct the recovery catalog or target database control file entries.
    RMAN-08166: validation succeeded for datafile copy and control file copy
    Cause: The VALIDATE HEADER option discovered that the datafile copy and
    control file copy still matches its data in the recovery catalog or target database
    control file.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-08167: WARNING: string encountered a piece that was in use
    Cause: The backup piece is currently in use by another BACKUP, RESTORE or
    DELETE operation.
    Action: Use LIST to determine if backup has been deleted. If not deleted, then
    check if any process is hung while accessing the piece and terminate them before
    retrying DELETE. If using SBT device, then check Media Manager as well.
    Alternatively, consider the command DELETE FORCE.
    RMAN-08168: channel string: using compressed network backup set from service
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-129
    RMAN-08169: channel string: using network backup set from service string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08180: channel string: restore complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08181: media recovery complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08182: channel string: validation complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08183: channel string: block restore complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08184: added tempfile string to tablespace string in control file
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08185: renamed tempfile string to string in control file
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08186: tempfile string size altered in control file
    Cause: One of tempfile size attributes AUTOEXTEND, MAXSIZE, NEXTSIZE was
    altered. This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08187: WARNING: media recovery until SCN string complete
    Cause: Media recovery was completed until the indicated system change number
    (SCN) because the database was in NOARCHIVELOG mode.
    Action: This is an informational message only. No action is required.
    RMAN-08190: validate found one or more corrupt blocks
    Cause: Backup validate found that one or more blocks were corrupt in the
    specified datafiles. This message should be followed by 8191 message.
    Action: Repair them at your earliest convenience.
    RMAN-08191: See trace file string for details
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08300: Run SQL script string on the target platform to create database
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    46-130 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-08301: Edit init.ora file string. This PFILE will be used to create the
    database on the target platform
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08302: Run RMAN script string on target platform to convert datafiles
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08303: To recompile all PL/SQL modules, run utlirp.sql and utlrp.sql on the
    target platform
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: Transport script invokes utlirp.sql and utlrp.sql.
    RMAN-08304: To change the internal database identifier, use DBNEWID Utility
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: Transport script does not invoke DBNEWID Utility automatically.
    RMAN-08305: channel string: starting to check datafiles
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08306: channel string: datafile checking complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08400: Running TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK on specified tablespaces
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08401: Cannot specify AS COPY when producing a cross-platform backup
    Cause: Cross-platform backup modifier was specified and the type of backup is
    not a BACKUPSET.
    Action: Use CONVERT command instead or specify AS BACKUPSET.
    RMAN-08402: Cannot include controlfile in a cross-platform backup
    Cause: Cross-platform backup modifier was specified and controlfile backup was
    also requested.
    Action: Do not include controlfile in cross-platform backup or remove
    cross-platform backup modifiers.
    RMAN-08403: Cannot include SPFILE in a cross-platform backup
    Cause: Cross-platform backup modifier was specified and SPFILE backup was
    also requested.
    Action: Do not include SPFILE in cross-platform backup or remove cross-platform
    backup modifiers.
    RMAN-08404: Cannot backup a BACKUPSET in a cross-platform backup
    Cause: Cross-platform backup modifier was specified and BACKUPSET clause
    was also requested.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-131
    Action: Do not include BACKUPSET clause in cross-platform backup or remove
    cross-platform backup modifiers.
    RMAN-08405: Cannot backup datafile copies in a cross-platform backup
    Cause: Cross-platform backup modifier was specified and datafile copies were
    also requested.
    Action: Do not include datafile copies in cross-platform backup or remove
    cross-platform backup modifiers.
    RMAN-08406: Cannot include archived logs in a cross-platform backup
    Cause: Cross-platform backup modifier was specified and ARCHIVELOG clause
    was also requested.
    Action: Do not include ARCHIVELOG clause in cross-platform backup or remove
    cross-platform backup modifiers.
    RMAN-08407: Cannot translate DATAPUMP DESTINATION string (reason: string)
    Cause: The specified DATAPUMP DESTINATION was invalid.
    Action: Retry the command with a valid DATAPUMP DESTINATION
    RMAN-08408: Cannot specify string clause when producing cross-platform
    Cause: A clause that cannot be used with cross-platform backup was specified.
    Action: Do not include the specified clause or remove cross-platform backup
    RMAN-08409: FROM PLATFORM only allowed with BACKUPPIECE clause
    Cause: A BACKUP FROM PLATFORM command was specified with backup
    objects other than BACKUPPIECE.
    Action: Remove FROM PLATFORM or specify BACKUPPIECE clause.
    RMAN-08410: Cross-platform backups require the database to be open in
    read/write mode
    Cause: Cross-platform backup modifier was specified, but the database was not
    open in read/write mode.
    Action: Open the database in read/write mode or remove cross-platform backup
    RMAN-08411: DATAPUMP can only be used with cross-platform backup
    Cause: DATAPUMP was specified but TO PLATFORM or FOR TRANSPORT
    clauses were not used.
    Action: Do not specify DATAPUMP clause or specify either TO PLATFORM or
    RMAN-08412: DATAPUMP cannot be used with whole database cross-platform
    Cause: DATAPUMP was specified together with whole database cross-platform
    Action: Do not specify DATAPUMP clause for a whole database cross- platform
    backup or specify only tablespaces.
    RMAN-08413: Cross-platform backup of backup pieces requires FORMAT clause
    Cause: A BACKUP BACKUPPIECE command was specified without FORMAT
    46-132 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Add a FORMAT clause to command and retry.
    RMAN-08416: ALLOW INCONSISTENT allowed only for datafile backup
    Action: Do not specify ALLOW INCONSISTENT clause for BACKUP
    BACKUPPIECE command.
    RMAN-08417: standby database must be open to do KEEP backups
    Cause: KEEP backup was attempted on a standby database that was not open.
    Action: Open the standby database in READ ONLY or READ ONLY WITH
    APPLY mode and retry the command.
    RMAN-08418: KEEP backups are allowed only with current or standby control file
    Cause: KEEP backup was attempted on a control file that was not current or
    Action: Convert the control file to current or standby and retry the command.
    RMAN-08419: KEEP backups cannot find archivelog to make the backup consistent
    Cause: Archived logs could not be found to make keep the backup consistent.
    Action: Check if the database is opened and if archive logs can be created and
    retry the command.
    RMAN-08500: channel string: SID=string device type=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08501: output file name=string RECID=string STAMP=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08503: piece handle=string comment=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08504: input archived log thread=string sequence=string RECID=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08505: output file name=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08506: input file name=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08507: input datafile copy RECID=string STAMP=string file name=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-133
    RMAN-08508: archived log destination=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08509: destination for restore of datafile string: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08510: archived log thread=string sequence=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08511: piece handle=string tag=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08512: waiting for snapshot control file enqueue
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08513: datafile copy file name=string RECID=string STAMP=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08514: archived log file name=string RECID=string STAMP=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08515: archived log file name=string thread=string sequence=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08516: control file copy file name=string RECID=string STAMP=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08517: backup piece handle=string RECID=string STAMP=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08518: channel string: scanning control file copy string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08519: channel string: scanning datafile copy string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08520: channel string: scanning archived log string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    46-134 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-08521: offline range RECID=string STAMP=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08522: input datafile file number=string name=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08523: restoring datafile string to string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08524: input control file copy name=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08525: backing up blocks string through string
    Cause: This is an informational message only
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08526: channel string: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08527: channel string: starting string proxy datafile backup at string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08528: channel string: proxy copy complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08529: proxy file handle=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08530: piece handle=string tag=string comment=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08531: channel string: proxy copy string is string in media management
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08532: channel string: restoring block(s) from datafile copy string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08533: restoring blocks of datafile string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-135
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08534: channel string: control file restore from AUTOBACKUP complete
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08535: channel string: looking for AUTOBACKUP on day: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08536: channel string: AUTOBACKUP found: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08537: channel string: skipped, AUTOBACKUP already found
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08538: channel string: no AUTOBACKUP in string days found
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08539: backup set key=string RECID=string STAMP=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08540: channel string: backup set complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08541: channel string: SPFILE restore from AUTOBACKUP complete
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08542: channel string: starting proxy archived log backup at string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08543: channel string: specifying archived log(s) for proxy backup
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08544: channel string: specifying archived log(s) for proxy restore
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08545: flashback command failed: See trace file for details
    Cause: An attempt was made to issue a flashback command which failed due to
    errors. See trace file for details.
    Action: See trace file for details of the problem.
    46-136 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-08546: channel string: AUTOBACKUP string found in the recovery area
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08547: channel string: no AUTOBACKUPS found in the recovery area
    Cause: The recovery area does not have desired AUTOBACKUP.
    Action: Check the option UNTIL TIME in case an existing AUTOBACKUP does
    satisfy the criteria specified in the restore command. Otherwise, verify the init.ora
    parameters DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST and DB_UNIQUE_NAME to verify
    whether the recovery area location is set correctly. Note that the parameters can be
    specified as options to the restore command.
    RMAN-08548: recovery area destination: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08549: database name (or database unique name) used for search: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08550: AUTOBACKUP search with format "string" not attempted because
    DBID was not set
    Cause: Restore of a control file AUTOBACKUP was attempted without DBID
    being set.
    Action: If you want to search for AUTOBACKUP with the indicated format, then
    specify the DBID of the database using SET DBID and retry the command.
    RMAN-08551: recovering datafile copy file number=string name=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08552: backup and output file names are identical: string
    Cause: The backup file name chosen was identical to output file name specified
    for a restore operation.
    Action: This is an informational message only. RMAN will failover to next
    available backup.
    RMAN-08553: channel string: restoring control file from AUTOBACKUP string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08554: channel string: restoring spfile from AUTOBACKUP string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08555: channel string: restoring section string of string
    Cause: This is an informational message only
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08556: channel string: backup piece complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-137
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08557: input Data Pump dump file=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08558: channel string: converting foreign backup pieces from platform
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08559: channel string: converting foreign backup pieces
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08580: channel string: starting datafile copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08581: channel string: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08582: channel string: starting archived log copy
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08583: channel string: archived log copy complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08584: copying current control file
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08585: copying standby control file
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08586: output file name=string tag=string RECID=string STAMP=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08587: input is copy of datafile string: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08588: converted datafile=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    46-138 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-08589: channel string: starting datafile conversion
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08590: channel string: datafile conversion complete, elapsed time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08591: WARNING: invalid archived log deletion policy
    Cause: An invalid ARCHIVELOG DELETION POLICY was supplied. The
    archived log deletion policy was APPLIED but there was no mandatory archived
    log destinations.
    Action: One of the following: 1) Change archived log deletion policy using
    CONFIGURE command 2) Make one or more of standby destination as
    RMAN-08592: output file name=string tag=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08599: channel string: throttle time: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08600: ASM disk group to search: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08601: channel string: AUTOBACKUP string found in ASM disk group
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08602: channel string: no AUTOBACKUPS found in ASM disk group string
    Cause: The specified ASM area does not have desired AUTOBACKUP.
    Action: Check the option UNTIL TIME in case an existing AUTOBACKUP does
    satisfy the criteria specified in the restore command. Otherwise, verify the values
    used for the format of the CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP
    FORMAT command and DB_UNIQUE_NAME to verify whether the ASM area
    location is set correctly. Note that the DB_UNIQUE_NAME can be specified as
    option to the restore command.
    RMAN-08603: skipping string; file in use by another process
    Cause: The indicated file was not included in the backup because it is part of
    another restore or delete operation.
    Action: No action is required. Wait for the other operation to complete, then retry.
    RMAN-08604: skipping string; file deleted from recovery area to reclaim disk space
    Cause: The indicated file was not included in the backup because it was deleted
    from the recovery area to reclaim disk space for other operations.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-139
    RMAN-08605: channel string: SID=string instance=string device type=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08606: WARNING: The change tracking file is invalid.
    Cause: Backup found changed blocks that were not marked in the change
    tracking file. See alert log for more information.
    Action: Do not use any of the incremental backups taken since the last full
    RMAN-08607: List of remote backup files
    Cause: RESTORE command detected that one or more remote backup files were
    required to perform restore operation.
    Action: Recall the media from remote site that contains the specified backup files
    before actual restore operation. The message should be accompanied with the list
    of remote backup files.
    RMAN-08608: Initiated recall for the following list of remote backup files
    Cause: This is an informational message displayed when the specified RECALL
    option of the RESTORE command detected that one or more remote backup files
    were required to perform the restore operation. The message indicated that
    RMAN had initiated the request on SBT channel to recall the remote backup files.
    Action: No action required.
    RMAN-08609: channel string: starting incremental datafile backup set
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08610: channel string: restoring datafile string to string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08611: channel string: piece handle=string tag=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08612: channel string: failover to duplicate backup on device string
    Cause: This is an informational message to indicate the RMAN could not
    successfully restore the files using the specified backups. An attempt was made to
    restore the datafiles/archived logs/ control file/SPFILE using a previous existing
    Action: See accompanying additional error messages indicating the cause of the
    RMAN-08613: channel string: failover to piece handle=string tag=string
    Cause: This is an informational message to indicate the server found a corrupted
    block in a backup piece and had to switch to another copy of the piece to get the
    same block.
    Action: See alert log for information on corruption block(s) and the name of the
    backup piece that has the corrupted block(s).
    RMAN-08614: channel string: errors found reading piece handle=string
    46-140 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: This is an informational message to indicate the server found a corrupted
    block in a backup piece. Accompanying error will describe the action taken.
    Action: See alert log for more information.
    RMAN-08615: channel string
    Cause: This is an informational message to indicate the server could not perform
    the restore due to the included errors. A least recent backup set will be used to
    perform the restore.
    Action: See alert log for information on corruption block(s) and the name of the
    backup piece that has the corrupted block(s).
    RMAN-08616: validating blocks string through string
    Cause: This is an informational message only
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08617: validation failed for foreign archived log
    Cause: The CROSSCHECK FOREIGN ARCHIVELOG command determined that
    the foreign archived log could not be found or no longer contained the same data,
    so its record was marked expired.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-08618: validation succeeded for foreign archived log
    Cause: The CROSSCHECK FOREIGN ARCHIVELOG command determined that
    the foreign archived log still matches its data.
    Action: None - this is an informational message.
    RMAN-08619: foreign archived log file name=string RECID=string STAMP=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08620: uncataloged foreign archived log
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08621: deleted foreign archived log
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08622: channel string: restoring all foreign files in backup piece
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08623: channel string: restoring all files in foreign tablespace string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08624: channel string: restoring foreign file string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08625: channel string: restoring Data Pump dump file to string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-141
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08626: channel string: restoring foreign file string to string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08627: channel string: foreign piece handle=string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08628: channel string: restoring foreign datafilecopy string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-08629: waiting for resources on the Recovery Appliance for string channels
    Cause: The number of channels required to complete this operation was not
    available. Channels will be allocated when they become available.
    Action: No action is required. This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-08630: allocating the required resources on the Recovery Appliance
    Cause: The required resources were allocated on a Recovery Appliance.
    Action: No action is required. This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-10000: error parsing target database connect string "string"
    Cause: An invalid target connect string was supplied.
    Action: Specify a valid connect string and re-run the job.
    RMAN-10001: error parsing recovery catalog connect string "string"
    Cause: An invalid recovery catalog connect string was supplied.
    Action: Specify a valid connect string and re-run the job.
    RMAN-10002: ORACLE error: string
    Cause: The specified Oracle error was received. This message should be
    accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-10003: unable to connect to target database
    Cause: Recovery manager was unable to connect to the target database. This
    message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of
    the error.
    Action: Ensure that that the target database is started, and that the connect string
    is valid.
    RMAN-10004: unable to connect to recovery catalog
    Cause: Recovery manager was unable to connect to the recovery catalog
    Action: Ensure that that the recovery catalog is started, and that the connect string
    is valid. This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    RMAN-10005: error opening cursor
    Cause: An error was received while trying to open a cursor. This message should
    be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    46-142 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: If the associated Oracle error message indicates a condition that can be
    corrected, do so, otherwise contact Oracle.
    RMAN-10006: error running SQL statement: string
    Cause: An error message was received while running the SQL statement shown.
    Action: If the associated Oracle error message indicates a condition that can be
    corrected, do so, otherwise contact Oracle.
    RMAN-10007: error closing cursor
    Cause: An error was received while trying to close a cursor. This message should
    be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: If the associated Oracle error message indicates a condition that can be
    corrected, do so, otherwise contact Oracle.
    RMAN-10008: could not create channel context
    Cause: An error was received while trying create a channel context. This message
    should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: If the associated Oracle error message indicates a condition that can be
    corrected, do so, otherwise contact Oracle.
    RMAN-10009: error logging off of Oracle
    Cause: An error was received while disconnecting from Oracle. This message
    should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: This is an informational message only.
    RMAN-10010: error while checking for RPC completion
    Cause: Recovery Manager's channel context had an error while checking to see if
    a remote procedure call had completed. This message should be accompanied by
    other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: If other error messages indicate a condition that can be corrected, do so,
    otherwise contact Oracle.
    RMAN-10011: synchronization error while polling for rpc number, action=string
    Cause: Recovery Manager could not synchronize properly with a remote
    procedure call.
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. Contact Oracle
    RMAN-10012: KGU error: string
    Cause: An error occurred while initializing the KGU subsystem
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. Contact Oracle
    RMAN-10013: error initializing PL/SQL
    Cause: An error occurred while initializing the PL/SQL subsystem.
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. Contact Oracle
    RMAN-10014: PL/SQL error number on line number column number: string
    Cause: PL/SQL error
    Action: The text of this message will be issued by the PL/SQL subsystem. See the
    PL/SQL error message manual.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-143
    RMAN-10015: error compiling PL/SQL program
    Cause: An error occurred while compiling a PL/SQL program.
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. Contact Oracle
    RMAN-10018: error cleaning up channel context
    Cause: An error was received during inter-step cleanup of a channel context.
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. Contact Oracle
    RMAN-10020: error initializing Recovery Manager execution layer
    Cause: An error was received while initializing the Recovery Manager execution
    layer in preparation for running a job. This message should be accompanied by
    other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: If other error messages indicate a condition that can be corrected, do so,
    otherwise contact Oracle.
    RMAN-10022: error in system-dependent sleep routine
    Cause: An error was received while waiting for a remote RPC to complete. The
    error occurred in the system-dependent sleep routine.
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. Contact Oracle
    RMAN-10023: RPC attempted to unrecognized package
    Cause: The Recovery Manager internal RPC router received a package name that
    it could not understand.
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. Contact Oracle
    RMAN-10024: error setting up for rpc polling
    Cause: The Recovery Manager could not create the RPC polling context which is
    required to test for RPC completion. This message should be accompanied by
    other error message(s) indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: If other error messages indicate a condition that can be corrected, do so,
    otherwise contact Oracle.
    RMAN-10025: connection is already registered for events
    Cause: The Recovery Manager could not enable the target database connection to
    test for RPC completion.
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. Contact Oracle
    RMAN-10026: network error number-number occurred registering connection
    Cause: An network error occurred while attempting to register the target database
    connection to test for RPC completion.
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. The message numbers
    are issued by the Sql*Net layer. Contact Oracle Support.
    RMAN-10027: could not locate network layer context
    Cause: Recovery Manager could not locate a necessary context area while
    attempting to register the target database connection to test for RPC completion.
    46-144 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. Contact Oracle
    RMAN-10028: network error number-number occurred during remote RPC
    Cause: An network error occurred while waiting for a remote RPC to complete.
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. The message numbers
    are issued by the Sql*Net layer. Contact Oracle Support.
    RMAN-10029: unexpected return code number from PL/SQL execution
    Cause: PL/SQL returned an unexpected return code while executing one channel
    Action: This is an internal error that should not be issued. Contact Oracle
    RMAN-10030: RPC call appears to have failed to start on channel string
    Cause: An RPC to a target database instance was issued, but was not observed to
    start within 5 timeouts.
    Action: This error is probably accompanied by other error messages giving the
    precise cause of the failure.
    RMAN-10031: RPC Error: ORA-number occurred during call to string.string
    Cause: An RPC to the target database or recovery catalog database encountered
    an error.
    Action: This error is accompanied with the error message from the server where
    the error occurred.
    RMAN-10032: unhandled exception during execution of job step number: string
    Cause: An unhandled PL/SQL exception occurred during a job step.
    Action: This error is accompanied by the error messages describing the exception.
    RMAN-10033: error during compilation of job step number: string
    Cause: PL/SQL detected a problem during the compilation of a job step
    Action: This error message is accompanied by the error messages describing
    RMAN-10034: unhandled exception during execution of job step number, error
    Cause: PL/SQL detected an unhandled exception during execution of a job step,
    but no further information available
    Action: None
    RMAN-10035: exception raised in RPC: string
    Cause: A call to a remote package resulted in an exception.
    Action: The exception should indicate what went wrong.
    RMAN-10036: RPC call OK on channel string
    Cause: This is just an informational message. It should be preceded by message

  2. Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-10037: RPC anomaly detected on channel string, UPINBLT=number
    Cause: This is an debugging message and can be ignored.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-145
    RMAN-10038: database session for channel string terminated unexpectedly
    Cause: The database connection for the specified channel no longer exists. Either
    the session was terminated by some external means or the channel terminated
    because of an internal error.
    Action: Check for an oracle trace file for detailed information on why the session
    RMAN-10039: error encountered while polling for RPC completion on channel
    Cause: This error should be accompanied by other errors giving the cause of the
    polling error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-10040: asynchronous support not detected, RMAN will run synchronously
    Cause: The database connection does not support asynchronous operation, so
    RMAN will not multi-task work among multiple channels. Multiple channels can
    still be allocated, but they will not run work concurrently.
    Action: Use a connection type that supports asynchronous operations.
    RMAN-10041: Could not re-create polling channel context following failure.
    Cause: The RPC polling context, which is required to test for RPC completion,
    failed and Recovery Manager could not re-create this channel. This message
    should be accompanied by other error messages indicating the cause of the error.
    Action: If other error messages indicate a condition that can be corrected, do so,
    otherwise contact Oracle.
    RMAN-11000: message number number not found in recovery manager message file
    Cause: Recovery manager message file is out of date.
    Action: Make sure that the recovery manager error message file is current and
    installed in the correct location.
    RMAN-11001: Oracle Error: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-11002: could not open a cursor to the target database
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-11003: failure during parse/execution of SQL statement: string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-11004: format requires %c when duplexing
    Cause: SET_DUPLEX=ON was specified, but %c was not part of the format.
    Action: Include %c in format, or use %U.
    RMAN-11005: conflicting media information for piece "string"
    Cause: While restoring the specified backup piece, RMAN received conflicting
    information about the physical location of the piece from the Media Management
    software. This can cause poor restore performance.
    46-146 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: If RMAN does not parallelize the restore from all of the available
    channels, then you should contact the Media Management vendor.
    RMAN-11006: WARNING: test recovery results: string
    Cause: User called recover database with the test option
    Action: None required
    RMAN-11007: new media label is "string" for piece "string"
    Cause: This is an informational message indicating that the backup piece was
    moved from one media to another by media management software.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-12000: execution layer initialization failed
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-12001: could not open channel string
    Cause: An ALLOCATE CHANNEL command could not be processed.
    Action: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    RMAN-12005: error during channel cleanup
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-12007: cannot allocate more than number channels
    Cause: The maximum number of RMAN channels has been exceeded. Note that
    one channel is reserved for RMAN.
    Action: Allocate fewer channels. Contact Oracle if you have a need for more
    channels in a single job.
    RMAN-12008: could not locate backup piece string
    Cause: There was at least 1 backup set that could not be accessed by any of the
    allocated channels.
    Action: Allocate additional channels on other nodes of the cluster
    RMAN-12009: command aborted because some backup pieces could not be located
    Cause: Same as 7008.
    Action: Refer to 7008.
    RMAN-12010: automatic channel allocation initialization failed
    Cause: This message should be accompanied by other error message(s) indicating
    the cause of the error.
    Action: Check the accompanying errors.
    RMAN-12011: multiple records for default device type found in repository
    Cause: Configuration for default device type was not consistent.
    Action: Re-run CONFIGURE DEFAULT DEVICE TYPE command to set device
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-147
    RMAN-12012: multiple records for string parallelism found in repository
    Cause: Configuration for device parallelism was not consistent.
    Action: Re-run CONFIGURE PARALLELISM command for device to set
    RMAN-12013: multiple records for string channel number found in repository
    Cause: Configuration for the channel was not consistent.
    Action: Re-run CONFIGURE CHANNEL command to configure this channel.
    RMAN-12014: multiple records for default channel configuration for string found
    in repository
    Cause: Configuration for the channel was not consistent.
    Action: Re-run CONFIGURE CHANNEL command to configure the channel.
    RMAN-12015: configuration for string channel number is ignored
    Cause: This is an informational message only. Parallelism for the device is less
    than associated channel number.
    Action: To use this configuration increase parallelism for this device. To clear this
    configuration use CONFIGURE CHANNEL… CLEAR command.
    RMAN-12016: using channel string
    Cause: This is an informational message only.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-12017: could not locate pieces of backup set key string
    Cause: Copies of the specified backup set key could not be accessed on any of the
    allocated channels.
    Action: Allocate additional channels on other nodes of the cluster or, if the backup
    pieces has been deleted, use the CROSSCHECK BACKUP command to correct the
    recovery catalog or target database control file entries.
    RMAN-12018: channel string disabled, job failed on it will be run on another
    Cause: This is an informational message displayed whenever a retryable error
    occurs for the job and there are channels available to run this step.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-12019: continuing other job steps, job failed will not be re-run
    Cause: This is an informational message displayed whenever there is a
    non-retryable error occurred for the job.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-12020: error on step filtered for normal output string
    Cause: This message is added when stacking errors for failed jobs after channel
    failover was performed. It will be filtered from normal output.
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-20000: abnormal termination of job step
    Cause: A job step encountered an error and could not recover. This error should
    be followed by other errors indicating the cause of the problem.
    Action: Check the accompanying error.
    46-148 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-20001: target database not found in recovery catalog
    Cause: target database is not found in the recovery catalog
    Action: make sure that the target database is registered in the recovery recovery
    RMAN-20002: target database already registered in recovery catalog
    Cause: target database is already registered in the recovery catalog
    Action: if the target database is really registered, there is no need to register it
    again. Note that the recovery catalog enforces that all databases have a unique
    DBID. If the new database was created by copying files from an existing database,
    it will have the same DBID as the original database and cannot be registered in the
    same recovery catalog.
    RMAN-20003: target database incarnation not found in recovery catalog
    Cause: RESETLOGS CHANGE# and/or time of the target database doesn't match
    any database incarnation in the recovery catalog.
    Action: if target database was opened with RESETLOGS option then use 'reset
    database' to register the new incarnation.
    RMAN-20004: target database name does not match name in recovery catalog
    Cause: name of the target database doesn't match the one stored in the recovery
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20005: target database name is ambiguous
    Cause: two or more databases in the recovery catalog match this name
    Action: None
    RMAN-20006: target database name is missing
    Cause: target database instance is not started or db_name initialization parameter
    is not set
    Action: startup the instance and make sure that db_name parameter is set
    RMAN-20009: database incarnation already registered
    Cause: this incarnation is already registered in the recovery catalog
    Action: No action is required.
    RMAN-20010: database incarnation not found
    Cause: database incarnation does not match any database incarnation in the
    recovery catalog
    Action: specify a valid database incarnation key
    RMAN-20011: target database incarnation is not current in recovery catalog
    Cause: the database incarnation that matches the RESETLOGS CHANGE# and
    time of the mounted target database control file is not the current incarnation of
    the database
    Action: If 'reset database to incarnation ' was used to make an old
    incarnation current then restore the target database from a backup that matches
    the incarnation and mount it. You will need to do 'STARTUP NOMOUNT' before
    you can restore the control file using RMAN. Otherwise use 'reset database to
    incarnation ' make the intended incarnation current in the recovery catalog.
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-149
    RMAN-20012: not authorized to register new database
    Cause: You attempted to register a new database with this recovery catalog, but
    you are using a virtual private catalog, and you have not been granted permission
    by the catalog administrator to register this database with this recovery catalog
    Action: Ask the catalog administrator to grant permission for you to register this
    RMAN-20013: error upgrading virtual private catalog
    Cause: An error occurred while automatically upgrading a virtual private catalog.
    Action: Ensure that the virtual private catalog userid has all of the required
    privileges, such as being granted the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role.
    RMAN-20014: virtual private catalog owner must be granted RECOVERY_
    Cause: An attempt was made to establish a virtual private RMAN catalog in a
    schema that is not granted the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role.
    Action: Grant RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER to the virtual private catalog
    RMAN-20015: not authorized to share this catalog
    Cause: You attempted to share a recovery catalog but were not authorized to do
    this by the catalog administrator.
    Action: Ask the catalog administrator to grant permission for you to share this
    RMAN-20016: virtual private catalog user cannot modify global scripts
    Cause: A virtual private catalog user attempted to create, delete, or modify a
    global script. Virtual private catalog users cannot modify global scripts.
    Action: Connect to the catalog owner userid and retry the global script operation.
    RMAN-20017: illegal script update operation
    Cause: An illegal script operation was performed.
    Action: None
    RMAN-20018: database not found in recovery catalog
    Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke catalog access to a database
    whose name was not registered in the recovery catalog.
    Action: Correct the database name and re-issue the GRANT or REVOKE
    command. If this is an attempt to grant or revoke access to a database that is not
    yet registered, then re-issue the command using the database ID of the desired
    RMAN-20019: database name not unique in recovery catalog
    Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke catalog access to a database
    whose name is not unique in the recovery catalog.
    Action: Re-issue the command specifying the database ID of the desired database.
    RMAN-20022: user not found
    Cause: An attempt was made to grant a privilege to a user that does not exist.
    Action: Reissue the command specifying a user that exists.
    RMAN-20029: cannot make a snapshot control file
    46-150 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: another operation that needs the snapshot control file is in progress
    Action: try again later if necessary
    RMAN-20030: resync in progress
    Cause: this procedure cannot be called while a resync is in progress
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20031: resync not started
    Cause: this procedure can only be called in a resync
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20032: checkpoint CHANGE# too low
    Cause: the checkpoint change# is less than the one of the previous resync or the
    checkpoint change# is null
    Action: make sure that the right control file is used
    RMAN-20033: control file SEQUENCE# too low
    Cause: the control file sequence is less than the one of the previous resync
    Action: make sure that the right control file is used
    RMAN-20034: resync not needed
    Cause: the control file has not changed since the previous resync
    Action: nothing since the recovery catalog is in sync
    RMAN-20038: must specify FORMAT for CONVERT command
    Cause: No FORMAT was specified when using CONVERT command.
    Action: Resubmit the command using FORMAT clause.
    RMAN-20039: format requires character when duplexing
    Cause: SET_DUPLEX=ON was specified, but %c was not part of the format.
    Action: Include %c in format, or use %U.
    Cause: No FORMAT was specified when using BACKUP INCREMENTAL FROM
    SCN command.
    Action: Resubmit the command using FORMAT clause.
    RMAN-20079: full resync from primary database is not done
    Cause: Resync from standby detected that a full resync from primary database is
    required. One of the following events on primary database may have caused this
    error: 1) one or more tablespaces or datafiles were added 2) one or more
    tablespaces or datafiles were dropped 3) one or more datafiles status changed
    Action: Perform full resync after connecting to primary database.
    RMAN-20081: change stamp for the record
    Cause: A record with same recid and stamp is already known to catalog.
    Action: None. This error is automatically handled by RMAN client by changing
    the stamp in control file during resync.
    RMAN-20108: control file for remote database cannot be updated
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-151
    attempted, but the control file at the database with DB_UNIQUE_NAME needs to
    be resynced directly instead of through the current target.
    Action: Directly connect as target to the remote database with the specified DB_
    UNIQUE_NAME and resync.
    RMAN-20109: remote database has different database ID
    executed and the database ID of the remote database was different than the
    connected target database.
    Action: The remote database should have the same database ID as the database
    connected as the target database. Fix the connect identifier for the remote database
    and retry the command.
    RMAN-20140: database not yet registered in the Recovery Appliance
    Cause: The database was not registered in the Recovery Appliance.
    Action: Add a database to the Recovery Appliance schema by making a call to
    ADD_DB call.
    RMAN-20141: target database ID mismatch with registered database in the
    Recovery Appliance
    Cause: The database with the same DB_UNIQUE_NAME was already registered
    in a Recovery Appliance, but the database ID was different than the target
    Action: Connect to the proper target database, or change the DB_UNIQUE_
    NAME and register it again in the Recovery Appliance.
    RMAN-20142: version stamp of backup XML set is different
    Cause: A new backup XML set was generated at the Recovery Appliance since the
    last read of watermarks.
    Action: Retry the reconcile operation.
    RMAN-20143: no records found to resync for incarnation view
    Cause: The reconcile code at the Recovery Appliance expected incarnation
    records, but they were not sent by the recovery catalog.
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20144: no records found to resync for tablespace view
    Cause: The reconcile code at the Recovery Appliance expected tablespace records,
    but they were not sent by the recovery catalog.
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20145: no records found to resync for data file view
    Cause: The reconcile code at the Recovery Appliance expected datafile records,
    but they were not sent by the recovery catalog.
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20146: no records found to resync for thread view
    Cause: The reconcile code at the Recovery Appliance expected thread records, but
    they were not sent by the recovery catalog.
    Action: This is an internal error.
    46-152 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-20147: no records found to resync for online redo log view
    Cause: The reconcile code at the Recovery Appliance expected online redo log
    records, but they were not sent by the recovery catalog.
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20148: no records found to resync for offline range view
    Cause: The reconcile code at the Recovery Appliance expected offline range
    records, but they were not sent by the recovery catalog.
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20149: required records are purged from the backup XML set at the
    Recovery Appliance
    Cause: The recovery catalog was not reconciled from the Recovery Appliance
    recently, and records from backup XML set were purged at the Recovery
    Action: A new backup XML set must be created at the Recovery Appliance.
    RMAN-20150: no records found to resync for Pluggable Database view
    Cause: The reconcile code at the Recovery Appliance expected Pluggable
    Database records, but they were not sent by the recovery catalog.
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20151: no records found to resync for Pluggable Database incarnation view
    Cause: The reconcile code at the Recovery Appliance expected Pluggable
    Database incarnation records, but they were not sent by the recovery catalog.
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20201: datafile not found in the recovery catalog
    Cause: The specified datafile is not found in the recovery catalog
    Action: make sure that the datafile name is correct and that the recovery catalog is
    RMAN-20202: Tablespace not found in the recovery catalog
    Cause: the specified tablespace is not found in the recovery catalog
    Action: make sure that the tablespace name is correct and that the recovery
    catalog is up-to-date
    RMAN-20203: translation in progress
    Cause: this procedure can not be called when name translation is in progress
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20204: translation not started
    Cause: GETDATAFILE procedure was called before TRANSLATETABLESPACE
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20205: incomplete UNTIL clause
    Cause: The sequence# was NULL
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20206: log sequence not found in the repository
    Cause: The specified log sequence does not exists in log history of the current
    database incarnation
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-153
    Action: check the thread# and sequence#
    Cause: UNTIL TIME and RECOVERY WINDOW cannot be less than the database
    creation time or RESETLOGS time.
    Action: Check the UNTIL TIME or RECOVERY WINDOW. If the database needs
    to be restored to an old incarnation, use the RESET DATABASE TO
    INCARNATION command.
    RMAN-20208: UNTIL CHANGE is before RESETLOGS change
    Cause: UNTIL CHANGE cannot be less than the database RESETLOGS change.
    Action: Check the UNTIL CHANGE. If the database needs to be restored to an old
    incarnation, use the RESET DATABASE TO INCARNATION command.
    RMAN-20209: duplicate datafile name
    Cause: Two datafiles have the same name
    Action: This is an internal error.
    RMAN-20211: FROM TIME is before RESETLOGS time
    Cause: FROM TIME cannot be less than the database creation time or
    RESETLOGS time.
    Action: Check the FROM TIME. If the database needs to be restored to an old
    incarnation, use the RESET DATABASE TO INCARNATION command.
    RMAN-20212: UNTIL CHANGE is an orphan incarnation
    Cause: Specified UNTIL CHANGE was an orphan incarnation.
    Action: Check the UNTIL CHANGE or UNTIL RESTORE POINT. If the database
    needs to be restored or flashed back to an orphan incarnation, use the RESET
    RMAN-20213: UNTIL TIME could not be translated to a valid SCN
    Cause: Specified UNTIL TIME could not be translated to a valid SCN.
    Action: Use a more recent UNTIL TIME.
    RMAN-20215: backup set not found
    Cause: The specified backup set key was not found in the recovery catalog or
    target database control file.
    Action: Specify a different backup set key.
    RMAN-20217: datafile not part of the database
    Cause: the datafile does not exists or did not exist at until time/scn
    Action: check the datafile name or number. This is an internal error. for restore
    database or tablespace.
    RMAN-20218: datafile not found in repository
    Cause: This is an internal error.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
    RMAN-20220: control file copy not found in the repository
    Cause: The specified control file was not in the recovery catalog or target database
    control file or it was marked deleted.
    Action: check the file name
    46-154 Oracle Database Error Messages
    RMAN-20221: ambiguous control file copy name
    Cause: more than one control file copy in the recovery catalog match the specified
    Action: None
    RMAN-20222: datafile name not found in recovery catalog or is ambiguous
    Cause: The specified datafile name is not the name of a datafile that is currently
    part of the target database, or an UNTIL clause has been specified and the file
    name was for a different datafile at the time specified by the UNTIL clause than it
    is now.
    Action: Use a datafile number to specify the datafile you want to RESTORE or
    RMAN-20223: DB_UNIQUE_NAME mismatch in snapshot control file
    Cause: The DB_UNIQUE_NAME value in the snapshot control file was incorrect.
    This error can occur in Oracle RAC when the snapshot control file location is not
    shared across nodes and virtual IPs are setup in the remote database from where
    resynchronization is done using RESYNC CATALOG FROM DB_UNIQUE_
    NAME commnad.
    Action: To avoid this error, one of the following actions can be taken: 1) Share the
    control file snapshot location. The snapshot location can be displayed by executing
    SHOW SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME at the RMAN prompt. 2) Do not use
    Virtual IPs in the service name used to define the connect identifiers. The connect
    identifiers can be displayed using SHOW DB_UNIQUE_NAME command at the
    RMAN prompt.
    RMAN-20230: datafile copy not found in the repository
    Cause: The specified datafile was not in the recovery catalog or target database
    control file or it was marked deleted.
    Action: check the datafile copy name or key
    RMAN-20231: ambiguous datafile copy name
    Cause: more than one control file copy in the recovery catalog match the specified
    Action: use the datafile copy key to uniquely specify the datafile copy
    RMAN-20240: archived log not found in the repository
    Cause: The specified archived log was not found in the recovery catalog or target
    database control file or it was marked deleted.
    Action: check the archived log name or key
    RMAN-20241: ambiguous archived log name
    Cause: more than one archived log in the recovery catalog match the specified
    Action: use the archived log key to uniquely specify the archived log
    RMAN-20242: specification does not match any archived log in the repository
    Cause: No archived logs found that match specification in the recovery catalog or
    target database control file.
    Action: check the archived log specifier
    RMAN-20243: database db_unique_name is not known to the recovery catalog
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-155
    Cause: the user specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME not known to the recovery
    Action: change the database DB_UNIQUE_NAME to a known database value. To
    display list of known db_unique_names execute LIST DB_UNIQUE_NAME OF
    RMAN-20244: can not change currently connected database db_unique_name
    Cause: the user specified currently connected DB_UNIQUE_NAME value to
    Action: use the DB_UNIQUE_NAME other than connected target database's DB_
    UNIQUE_NAME value.
    RMAN-20245: can not specify db_unique_name option in nocatalog mode
    Cause: the user specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME in nocatalog mode.
    Action: remove the DB_UNIQUE_NAME option from the command.
    RMAN-20246: new db_unique_name is already known to the recovery catalog
    Cause: the user specified known DB_UNIQUE_NAME value when renaming a
    DB_UNIQUE_NAME in the recovery catalog.
    Action: change the database DB_UNIQUE_NAME to an known DB_UNIQUE_
    NAME value; or unregister the new DB_UNIQUE_NAME before renaming an old
    DB_UNIQUE_NAME value for a database. To display the list of all DB_UNIQUE_
    NAME for the databases LIST DB_UNIQUE_NAME OF DATABASE command
    can be executed.
    RMAN-20247: specification does not match any foreign archived log in the
    Cause: No foreign archived logs found that match specification in the recovery
    catalog or target database control file.
    Action: check the foreign archived log specifier
    RMAN-20250: offline range not found in the repository
    Cause: The specified offline was not found in the recovery catalog or target
    database control file.
    Action: check that recovery catalog is current
    RMAN-20260: backup piece not found in the repository
    Cause: The specified backup piece was not in the recovery catalog or target
    database control file or it was marked deleted.
    Action: check the backup piece handle or key
    RMAN-20261: ambiguous backup piece handle
    Cause: more than one backup piece in the recovery catalog match the specified
    Action: use the backup piece key to uniquely specify the backup piece
    RMAN-20272: no parent backup found for the incremental backup
    Cause: no available backup or copy that could be used as the parent of the
    incremental backup was found in the recovery catalog.
    Action: take a level 0 backup or copy of the datafile first
    RMAN-20280: too many device types
    46-156 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: more than 8 device types were allocated
    Action: make sure that the job allocates at most 8 different device types
    RMAN-20298: DBMS_RCVCAT package not compatible with the recovery catalog
    Cause: The version of the recovery catalog tables does not work with this version
    of the DBMS_RCVCAT package.
    Action: Check that the recovery catalog packages and schema are installed
    correctly. The UPGRADE CATALOG command can be used to upgrade the
    recovery catalog tables and packages to the most current version.
    RMAN-20299: DBMS_RCVMAN package not compatible with the recovery catalog
    Cause: The version of the recovery catalog tables does not work with this version
    of the DBMS_RCVMAN package.
    Action: Check that the recovery catalog packages and schema are installed
    correctly. The UPGRADE CATALOG command can be used to upgrade the
    recovery catalog tables and packages to the most current version.
    RMAN-20301: operation not supported; Recovery Appliance administrator should
    use the DBMS_RA.DELETE_DB API instead
    Cause: The UNREGISTER command was attempted for a database that was using
    the Recovery Appliance.
    Action: The Recovery Appliance administrator can use the DBMS_RA.DELETE_
    DB API to release storage and unregister the database. Note that using the
    DELETE_DB API will delete the database and all of its backups from the Recovery
    Appliance, not just UNREGISTER it from the catalog as RMAN does.
    RMAN-20310: proxy copy not found in the repository
    Cause: The specified proxy copy was not in the recovery catalog or target
    database control file or it was marked deleted.
    Action: check the proxy copy handle or key
    RMAN-20311: ambiguous proxy copy handle
    Cause: more than one proxy copy in the recovery catalog matches the specified
    Action: use the proxy copy key to uniquely specify the proxy copy
    RMAN-20401: script already exists
    Cause: a CREATE SCRIPT was issued, but a script with the specified name
    already exists.
    Action: use a different name or use REPLACE SCRIPT.
    RMAN-20501: redo logs from parent database incarnation cannot be applied
    Cause: A RESTORE or RECOVER of a datafile was requested, but recovery of the
    datafile would require applying redo logs that were generated before the most
    recent OPEN RESETLOGS.
    Action: If a full backup or datafile copy from the current database incarnation
    exists, ensure that it is marked AVAILABLE, and that a channel of the correct
    device type is allocated. It may also be necessary to remove the FROM
    BACKUPSET or FROM DATAFILECOPY or FROM TAG operands if these have
    been specified.
    RMAN-20502: DELETE EXPIRED cannot delete objects that exist - run
    RMAN-00201 to RMAN-20514 46-157
    Cause: A DELETE EXPIRED command was run, but the object was actually found
    to exist. This means the recovery catalog or target database control file is out of
    sync with reality.
    Action: Run CROSSCHECK.
    RMAN-20503: DELETE cannot delete expired objects - run CROSSCHECK or
    Cause: A DELETE command was run without EXPIRED option, but the object
    doesn't exist. This means the recovery catalog or target database control file is out
    of sync with reality.
    Action: Run CROSSCHECK.
    RMAN-20504: corruption list not found in recovery catalog
    Cause: corruption list is empty
    Action: make sure that one or more blocks are marked corrupted in v$copy_
    corruption and v$backup_corruption and recovery catalog is up-to-date.
    RMAN-20505: create datafile during recovery
    Cause: applying of archived log caused a create datafile redo-entry to to terminate
    Action: none. This message is never displayed. RMAN automatically detects this
    case and creates the datafile.
    RMAN-20506: no backup of archived log found
    Cause: during the recover process, no backup was found from which the archived
    logs could be restored.
    Action: this message should be followed by a list of missing archived logs. Please
    make the necessary archived log backups available and try again.
    RMAN-20507: some targets are remote - aborting restore
    Cause: during the restore process, one or more backup files were unavailable
    locally for the restore operation.
    Action: This message should be accompanied with the list of remote backup files.
    Recall these backups from remote location and retry the RESTORE command.
    RMAN-20508: temporary resource already in use
    Cause: Temporary resource that was allocated for IMPORT CATALOG command
    was already in use.
    Action: Retry IMPORT CATALOG command.
    RMAN-20509: temporary resource not found
    Cause: Temporary resource that was allocated for IMPORT CATALOG command
    was not found.
    Action: Retry IMPORT CATALOG command.
    RMAN-20510: database not found in source recovery catalog database
    Cause: Database that was specified in IMPORT CATALOG command was not
    found in the source recovery catalog database.
    Action: Make sure that the database is registered in the source recovery catalog
    RMAN-20511: database name is ambiguous in source recovery catalog database
    46-158 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: Two or more databases in the source recovery catalog database match this
    Action: Use DBID option in IMPORT CATALOG command to specify the source
    RMAN-20512: source database already registered in recovery catalog
    Cause: Source database was already registered in the recovery catalog.
    Action: If the source database is really registered, there is no need to register it
    again. Note that the recovery catalog enforces that all databases have a unique
    DBID. If the new database was created by copying files from an existing database,
    it will have the same DBID as the original database and cannot be registered in the
    same recovery catalog.
    RMAN-20513: UNTIL TIME or SCN is before Pluggable Database CREATION SCN
    Cause: The UNTIL TIME or SCN specified was less than the Pluggable Database
    CREATION SCN. UNTIL TIME or SCN cannot be less than the Pluggable
    Database CREATION SCN.
    Action: Check the UNTIL TIME or SCN and retry the command.
    RMAN-20514: feature requires Recovery Appliance recovery catalog
    Cause: The specified command required the Recovery Appliance recovery
    Action: Connect to the Recovery Appliance recovery catalog and retry the
    KFNDG-00200 to KFNDG-00701 47-1
    KFNDG-00200 to KFNDG-00701 7 4
    KFNDG-00200: invalid syntax
    Cause: Invalid syntax for renamedg was specified.
    Action: Try renamedg -help for more information.
    KFNDG-00201: invalid arguments
    Cause: Invalid key or value was specified for renamedg.
    Action: Try renamedg -help for more information.
    KFNDG-00202: invalid value (string) for parameter phase
    Cause: Incorrect value for parameter PHASE was specified.
    Action: Valid values for parameter PHASE are ONE, TWO, BOTH. Retry with
    correct values.
    KFNDG-00203: disk group name (string) exceeds maximum allowed length number
    Cause: Invalid disk group name was specified.
    Action: Disk group name can be a maximum of 32 characters.
    KFNDG-00204: disk group name string has invalid characters
    Cause: Invalid disk group name was specified.
    Action: Disk group name can only contain alphabetic, numeric and the
    underscore (_) characters.
    KFNDG-00205: failed to interpret configuration file name
    Cause: Invalid configuration file name was specified.
    Action: Verify configuration file name and folder permissions and retry
    KFNDG-00301: new disk group (string) already exists, ignorning renamedg
    Cause: disk group specified in NEWDGNAME already exists.
    Action: None
    KFNDG-00302: disk (string:string) does not contain a valid header
    Cause: Device header could not be located or corrupt.
    Action: Verify if the device mentioned is an ASM disk device.
    KFNDG-00303: failed to update disk group name for string
    Cause: Insufficient privileges or write error in disk.
    47-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Verify disk permissions and retry renamedg. Also, see log for additional
    KFNDG-00304: unable to access heartbeat block of the device string:string
    Cause: Heartbeat block of the disk was corrupt.
    Action: Verify disk header with ASM utilities, retry renamedg.
    KFNDG-00305: failed to create configuration file
    Cause: Insufficient privileges or invalid path.
    Action: Verify folder permissions and retry the command.
    KFNDG-00306: unable to write to configuration file
    Cause: Insufficient privileges.
    Action: Check file permissions and retry renamedg.
    KFNDG-00307: unable to read configuration file
    Cause: Insufficient privileges or disk read error.
    Action: Check file permissions and retry renamedg.
    KFNDG-00308: failed to process configuration file entry: string
    Cause: Configuration file was corrupt.
    Action: Check file information and retry renamedg.
    KFNDG-00401: allocation unit size conflict (number, number)
    Cause: Allocation unit size of disk group and the disk did not match.
    Action: Verify that the device is not corrupt and retry renamedg.
    KFNDG-00402: ASM metadata block size conflict (number, number)
    Cause: Metadata block size of the disk group and disk did not match.
    Action: Verify if the device is not corrupt and retry renamedg.
    KFNDG-00403: not all disks of disk group string were discovered
    Cause: Offine disks were present in the specified disk group.
    Action: Refer to Oracle Database Storage Administator's Guide for more details.
    KFNDG-00404: disk group string contains offline disks, ignoring renamedg
    Cause: Disk group with offline disks could not be renamed.
    Action: Refer to Oracle Database Storage Administator's Guide for more details.
    KFNDG-00405: specified disk group string appears to be mounted
    Cause: Disk group was mounted.
    Action: Unmount the disk group and retry renamedg.
    KFNDG-00406: disk group (string) is in use by CSS
    Cause: Cluster Synchronization Service(CSS) was using the disk group to be
    Action: Refer to crsctl command to relocate voting disks from disk group.
    KFNDG-00407: Could not find disks for disk group string
    Cause: No disks were discovered for disk group.
    Action: Try renamedg with a different discovery string.
    KFNDG-00200 to KFNDG-00701 47-3
    KFNDG-00408: disk (string:string) could not be discovered
    Cause: Disk was either deleted or moved.
    Action: None
    KFNDG-00409: disk (string) doesn't belong to disk group (string)
    Cause: Disk is not part of the specified disk group.
    Action: None
    KFNDG-00410: failed to discover devices in folder string
    Cause: Insufficient privileges or invalid discovery string.
    Action: See log for additional details.
    KFNDG-00600: internal error string
    Cause: An internal error occured while executing renamedg.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
    KFNDG-00601: fatal error string
    Cause: A fatal error occurred while executing renamedg.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
    KFNDG-00603: failed to initialize device discovery
    Cause: Error occurred while communicating with generic services layer.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
    KFNDG-00700: system dependent error (number, string, string, string) occurred
    Cause: Internal system error occurred.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
    KFNDG-00701: Error number while performing I/O
    Cause: I/O failure.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
    47-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
    KFED-00400 to KFED-00403 48-1
    KFED-00400 to KFED-00403 8 4
    KFED-00400: Operating system dependent operation: string failed with status:
    Cause: There was an operating system call error.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
    KFED-00401: Operating system failure message: string
    Cause: There was an operating system call error.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
    KFED-00402: failure occurred at: string
    Cause: There was an operating system call error.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
    KFED-00403: additional information: string
    Cause: There was an operating system call error.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
    48-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
    KFOD-00316 to KFOD-00403 49-1
    KFOD-00316 to KFOD-00403 9 4
    KFOD-00316: Error acquiring ASM discovery string: string
    Cause: Call to the Grid Plug and Play service to request disk discovery string
    Action: Ensure that the Grid Plug and Play component of Cluster Ready Services
    is available. If Grid Plug and Play is operational and command still fails, contact
    Oracle Support Services.
    KFOD-00317: error returned from Patch Query API: string
    Cause: A call to the Patch Query API returned unsuccessfully.
    Action: See the returned error message for details.
    KFOD-00318: unable to retrieve error message from Patch Query API: string
    Cause: A call to the Patch Query API returned unsuccessfully.
    Action: See the returned error message for details.
    KFOD-00320: Invalid operation or option for this cluster type
    Cause: This operation is invalid for this cluster type
    Action: Retry the operation with cluster=true
    KFOD-00321: failed to read the credential file string
    Cause: The credential file was not valid.
    Action: Verify that the credential file is valid and accessible. Ensure that the user
    has read access permission on the credential file. Rerun the command.
    KFOD-00322: credential file not specified
    Cause: The previous 'kfod' command was rejected because it did not include a
    valid credential file name.
    Action: Reexecute the 'kfod' command providing a valid credential file name.
    Refer to the command line help for information.
    KFOD-00323: Client Cluster version 'string' in the credential file does not match
    software version 'string'
    Cause: There was a version mismatch between the Client Cluster version in the
    credential file and the software version.
    Action: Install a version of the Client Cluster that matches the version in the
    credential file.
    KFOD-00324: The Client Cluster version 'string' is incompatible with the Storage
    Server version 'string'.
    49-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: The Client Cluster installation or upgrade was not supported by the
    Storage Server configured at the version listed in the message.
    Action: Install or upgrade the Client Cluster to a version that is compatible with
    the Storage Server. Refer to the product documentation for information.
    KFOD-00325: failed to verify Client Cluster 'string' string
    Cause: The Client Cluster installation verification failed. The possible causes are:
    - A Client Cluster with the same name was already configured.
    - A Client Cluster with the same name was deinstalled, but the Client Cluster's
    configuration was not removed at the Storage Server.
    Action: Verify if there is already a Client Cluster with the name listed in the
    message by executing the 'asmcmd lscc' command on the Storage Server. If the
    Client Cluster is configured and in use, execute the 'asmcmd mkcc' command on
    the Storage Server, and provide an unused Client Cluster name to generate a new
    credential file. Retry the Grid Infrastructure installation using the new credential
    file. If the Client Cluster is configured and not in use, deinstall the existing Client
    Cluster. Execute the 'asmcmd rmcc' command on the Storage Server to delete the
    Client Cluster configuration. Retry the Grid Infrastructure installation. If the Client
    Cluster is not configured or if the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
    KFOD-00326: Client Cluster(s) 'string' will be incompatible if the Storage Server is
    upgraded to version 'string'.
    Cause: Storage Server upgrade to the listed version failed because the listed
    Client Cluster will become incompatible.
    Action: Upgrade the Storage Server to a version that is compatible with all of the
    configured Client Clusters. If the Storage Server could not be upgraded to a
    compatible version, forcibly upgrade the Storage Server using the procedure
    documented in the product documentation.
    KFOD-00327: failed to delete Client Cluster 'string' string
    Cause: There was a failure in deleting the Client Cluster configuration.
    Action: See the returned error message for details.
    KFOD-00328: Client Cluster installation or upgrade failed because the Storage
    Server is in 'rolling migration' or 'rolling patch' state
    Cause: The Client Cluster installation or upgrade was rejected because the
    Storage Server was in 'rolling migration' or 'rolling patch' state.
    Action: Retry the installation or upgrade procedure after the Storage Server
    upgrade or patching has completed.
    KFOD-00329: no cluster name specified
    Cause: The previous 'kfod' command was rejected because it did not include a
    cluster name.
    Action: Reexecute the 'kfod' command providing a valid cluster name. Refer to
    the command line help for information.
    KFOD-00330: invalid cluster name 'string' specified
    Cause: An invalid cluster name was supplied to the 'kfod' utility.
    Action: Specify a cluster name which is at least one character but no more than 15
    characters in length. The cluster name must be alphanumeric, it cannot begin with
    a numeric character, and it may contain hyphen (-) characters. However, it cannot
    end with a hyphen (-) character.
    KFOD-00316 to KFOD-00403 49-3
    KFOD-00331: forcibly deleted Client Cluster 'string'
    Cause: The configuration for the Client Cluster listed in the message was was
    forcibly deleted.
    Action: The Client Cluster listed in the message will no longer be able to access
    the Storage Server. Follow the steps to enable access from the Client Cluster.
    - Delete all the Oracle Clusterware files in the '+//' directory in all disk groups.
    - Deinstall the Client Cluster.
    - Install the Client Cluster.
    KFOD-00400: OS system dependent operation: string failed with status: string
    Cause: OS system call error
    Action: contact Oracle Support
    KFOD-00401: OS failure message: string
    Cause: OS system call error
    Action: contact Oracle Support
    KFOD-00402: failure occurred at: string
    Cause: OS system call error
    Action: contact Oracle Support
    KFOD-00403: additional information: string
    Cause: OS system call error
    Action: contact Oracle Support
    49-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
    LRM-00100 to LRM-00123 50-1
    LRM-00100 to LRM-00123 0 5
    LRM-00100: internal error [number]
    Cause: An internal error has occurred.
    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services and report the error.
    LRM-00101: unknown parameter name 'string'
    Cause: The parameter name was misspelled.
    Action: Spell the parameter name correctly.
    LRM-00102: 'string' is not in the legal range for 'string'
    Cause: The value of the parameter is not within the legal range.
    Action: Refer to the manual for the allowable values for this parameter.
    LRM-00103: 'string' contains an illegal integer radix for 'string'
    Cause: An illegal integer radix specification was found.
    Action: Only 'd', 'h', 'D', and 'H' may be used as radix specifications.
    LRM-00104: 'string' is not a legal integer for 'string'
    Cause: The value is not a valid integer.
    Action: Specify only valid integers for this parameter.
    LRM-00105: 'string' is not a legal Boolean for 'string'
    Cause: The value is not a valid Boolean.
    Action: Refer to the manual for allowable Boolean values.
    LRM-00106: out of memory
    Cause: The operating system has run out of memory.
    Action: Take action to make more memory available to the program.
    LRM-00107: parameter name abbreviation 'string' is not unique
    Cause: The given abbreviation was not unique.
    Action: Use a longer abbreviation to make the parameter name unique.
    LRM-00108: invalid positional parameter value 'string'
    Cause: An invalid positional parameter value has been entered.
    Action: Remove the invalid positional parameter.
    LRM-00109: could not open parameter file 'string'
    Cause: The parameter file does not exist.
    50-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Create an appropriate parameter file.
    LRM-00110: syntax error at 'string'
    Cause: A syntax error was detected.
    Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used.
    LRM-00111: no closing quote for value 'string'
    Cause: A quoted string was started but not finished.
    Action: Put a closing quote in the proper location.
    LRM-00112: multiple values not allowed for parameter 'string'
    Cause: An attempt was made to specify multiple values for a parameter which
    can take only one value.
    Action: Do not specify more than one value for this parameter.
    LRM-00113: error when processing file 'string'
    Cause: A problem occurred when processing this file.
    Action: Examine the additional error messages and correct the problem.
    LRM-00114: error when processing from command line
    Cause: A problem occurred when processing the command line.
    Action: Examine the additional error messages and correct the problem.
    LRM-00115: error when processing an environment variable
    Cause: A problem occurred when processing an environment variable.
    Action: Examine the additional error messages and correct the problem.
    LRM-00116: syntax error at 'string' following 'string'
    Cause: A syntax error was detected.
    Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used.
    LRM-00117: syntax error at 'string' at the start of input
    Cause: A syntax error was detected.
    Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used.
    LRM-00118: syntax error at 'string' at the end of input
    Cause: A syntax error was detected.
    Action: Change the input so that the correct syntax is used.
    LRM-00119: unable to obtain a valid value for 'string'
    Cause: No valid value was obtained for this parameter.
    Action: Rerun the application and enter a valid value.
    LRM-00120: 'string' is not a legal Oracle number for 'string'
    Cause: The value is not a valid Oracle number.
    Action: Refer to the manual for allowable Oracle number values.
    LRM-00121: 'string' is not an allowable value for 'string'
    Cause: The value is not a legal value for this parameter.
    Action: Refer to the manual for allowable values.
    LRM-00100 to LRM-00123 50-3
    LRM-00122: value 'string' for 'string' must be between 'number' and 'number'
    Cause: The value of the parameter is not within the legal range.
    Action: Specify a value that is within the legal range.
    LRM-00123: invalid character number found in the input file
    Cause: A character that is invalid was found in the input file.
    Action: Specify an input file that contains only valid characters.
    50-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
    LFI-00002 to LFI-01525 51-1
    LFI-00002 to LFI-01525 1 5
    LFI-00002: Out of memory. string
    Cause: The File IO package failed in trying to dynamically allocate memory.
    function name is used for additional comments to indicate where, when and why
    the error occured.
    Action: Perform whatever actions necessary to make more memory available to
    the executing program.
    LFI-00003: Internal exception code. icode = [string], [string].
    Cause: Unknown - indicated by parameters. The first '%s' gives the internal
    exception code; the second is for any other additional comments.
    Action: Report to the appropriate development group
    LFI-00004: Call to string failed.
    Cause: A function call has failed. This error is a generic message to show that the
    exception has occurred in a particular function function name. This allows the
    client to know the trace runtime calling sequence by examining the exception
    Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.
    LFI-00005: Free some memory failed in string.
    Cause: A call to free some memory in function function name has failed.
    Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information and contact
    Oracle Worldwide Support immediately.
    LFI-00006: Invalid parameter to function string.
    Cause: The function was called with an invalid parameter.
    Action: Check the function call to make sure that the correct parameters are being
    LFI-00007: NLSRTL's call failed. string.
    Cause: LX calls return failure
    Action: Check if our parameters are correct. Contact the appropriate group
    immediately if we parameters are valid.
    LFI-00008: SLTS's initializing/terminating mutex failed for string.
    Cause: SLTS's call return failure in function '%s'.
    Action: Contact the appropriate development group.
    LFI-00100: Unable to perform operation, file not opened in string.
    51-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: The file has not been successfully opened at the time the operation is
    Action: Check to make sure that the file exists (for read) or that the program has
    access to the write a file (for write). It is also possible that the file was just never
    LFI-00101: Write failed, file cannot be written to.
    Cause: The buffer write operation failed. Possibly due to incorrect parameters
    being passed in.
    Action: Check the underlying error for more information.
    LFI-00102: Unable to seek in sequentially accessed file.
    Cause: The file was opened with the flag LFILFA_SEQ for sequential file
    operations. Use seek only on files that are opened with the LFILFA_RANDOM
    flag for random access.
    Action: Check to see how the file is being opened and accessed and make the two
    operations consistent (that is, make them both operations either sequential or
    LFI-00103: Seek operation failed.
    Cause: The buffer seek operation failed. Probably due to incorrect parameters or
    Action: Check syntax of the seek command and retry the operation.
    LFI-00104: Read operation failed.
    Cause: The buffer read operation failed. Probably due to incorrect parameters or
    Action: Check syntax of the read command and retry the operation.
    LFI-00105: Unable to add path.
    Cause: One of the following might have caused the error: the current path might
    not be in the proper format the directory might not be in the proper format the
    name object might not have been initialized properly
    Action: Check the format of the current path and the new directory; check that the
    name object was initialized properly.
    LFI-00106: Path object holds more than one path.
    Cause: The path object passed to lfippth() holds more than one path.
    Action: Make sure that the path object used in lfippth() holds only one path.
    LFI-00107: Open does not expect the file [string][string] to exist.
    Cause: The flags specified for the open indicate that the file does not exist.
    However, the file does exist.
    Action: Check to make sure that the options that were specified for the file are
    correct and that you do not expect that the file should exist. If so then find out why
    the file does exist.
    LFI-00108: Open expect the file [string][string] to exist.
    Cause: The flags specified for the open indicate that the file the file to exist and it
    does not.
    LFI-00002 to LFI-01525 51-3
    Action: Check to make sure that the options that were specified for the file are
    correct and that you expect that the file should exist. If so then find out why the
    file doesn't.
    LFI-00109: Unable to open file [string][string]. string.
    Cause: Either: the process does not have the proper access rights to open the file
    the file is already open
    Action: Check to make sure the proper access permissions are assigned. If they
    are and the file still cannot be opened, then contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
    LFI-00110: Unable to initialize the Buffer Manager.
    Cause: The Buffer Manager initialization routine failed; probably because
    memory was exhausted.
    Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.
    LFI-00111: No other flags allowed in fixed length format.
    Cause: The function lfigfo() was called with an invalid File ID Descriptor. The
    valid File ID Descriptors are LFISTDIN, LFISTDOUT, and LFISTDERR.
    Action: Check the call to lfigfo() to make sure it is correct.
    LFI-00113: Unable to initialize the Standard File object string.
    Cause: The call to open the standard file object failed.
    Action: Check the underlying errors for more information.
    LFI-00114: Append is not allowed with string.
    Cause: Attempting to append using certain options.
    Action: Check the flag options to verify its usage.
    LFI-00115: Buffer free failed.
    Cause: Probably do to the buffer flush failing.
    Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.
    LFI-00116: Unable to close file in operation string.
    Cause: The file close operation failed.
    Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.
    LFI-00117: Unable to rename file.
    Cause: The rename operation failed. Rename is called when we are protecting a
    file by operating on a temp file.
    Action: Check to make sure that the process has the correct access rights to
    perform a rename.
    LFI-00118: Unable to change type to Unknown.
    Cause: The function lfichty() was called to change the file extension to LFIEXUNK
    (Unknown). This is not a valid operation.
    Action: Check why you are doing this. If the extension is already unknown then
    you do not need to do this. If you just want no extension then use the extension
    type LFIEXNONE.
    LFI-00119: Unable to Abort an Unprotected file.
    Cause: The Abort function lfiabt() was called on a file that was not opened as a
    protected file. As such the abort operation is not valid.
    51-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Check to see if you intended to open the file as a protected file.
    LFI-00120: Unable to parse root filename string.
    Cause: The root filename that was given to lfimknam() is not in a format that this
    platform understands.
    Action: Check the format of the filename and retry the operation.
    LFI-00121: Only one of REPLACE, or PROT allowed for opty.
    Cause: Two or more of the following open type options were specified for the
    lfilini() function: LFILOPTY_REPLACE, or LFILOPTY_PROT.
    Action: Remove one or more the of options such that you are only passing in one
    of the three.
    LFI-00122: Can only delete a file if we create it.
    Cause: The delete file flag was specified for a file that was not created by this file
    operation. The ability to delete a file is not portable. As such the only deletion that
    is allowed by this package is if we know we want to delete the file when we create
    Action: You can only delete a file that you create. If you need to delete a file that
    you do not create then you will have to find another means of doing so.
    LFI-00123: Cannot access file Sequentially and Randomly.
    Cause: Both the LFILFA_SEQ (sequential) and LFILFA_RANDOM (random) flags
    were specified during the file object creation. This is not allowed. Only one of the
    two may be specified.
    Action: Choose how you wish to access the file. If you choose random you can
    still access sequentially by just not using the repositioning functions.
    LFI-00124: No access mode was specified, default is sequential.
    Cause: Neither LFILFA_SEQ (sequential) or LFILFA_RANDOM (random) were
    specified during file object creation.
    Action: The default is sequential but this should be explicitly set.
    LFI-00125: Random access only allowed on fixed length record files.
    Cause: The LFILFA_RANDOM flag was specified on a file that was not organized
    into fixed-length records. Random access is only allowed on fixed-length record
    Action: Determine if the organization of your data needs to be in variable-length
    records and if you need to have random access to the file. If both conditions are
    true then you might need to buffer the entire file or enough of it to remove your
    need for random access. Another option is to close and rescan the file although
    this is not the optimal solution.
    LFI-00126: Record format can only be one of Fixed or Variable.
    Cause: Both LFILRF_FIXED (fixed) and LFILRF_VAR (variable) were specified
    during file object creation. Only one of the two is allowed for a given file.
    Action: Determine how the file is organized and choose the option that matches.
    LFI-00127: No Record Format was specified, default is variable.
    Cause: Neither LFILRF_FIXED (fixed) or LFILRF_VAR (variable) were specified
    for record format. One of the two must be specified for each file.
    Action: The default is LFILRF_VAR, but this should be explicitly set during file
    object creation.
    LFI-00002 to LFI-01525 51-5
    LFI-00128: Carriage Control is only valid for Standard file objects.
    Cause: The Carriage Control option is only valid for the standard file objects
    (LFISTDIN, LFISTDOUT, LFISTDERR). You may not specify this option for any
    other type of file.
    Action: Choose between LFILRF_FIXED and LFILRF_VAR for the record format.
    LFI-00129: Invalid option string were specified on an input only file.
    Cause: The file was opened as input only but the output mode option LFILRF_
    WR_ASIS or delete option LFLOPTY_DELETE was specified.
    Action: Check to see how you intend to open this file and make the necessary
    LFI-00130: Input option specified on output only file.
    Cause: The file was opened as output only but one of the input mode options
    (LFILRF_READ_NL or LFILRF_FORCE_NL) or was specified.
    Action: Check to see how you intend to open this file and make the necessary
    LFI-00131: No open type specified.
    Cause: The file object was created without an open type (that is, LFILOPTY_
    Action: Decide how the file should be accessed and specify one of the open types.
    LFI-00132: Record length string is greater than max length of string.
    Cause: The record length specified for the file is greater than the max supported
    by this platform.
    Action: Decrease the record length.
    LFI-00133: Trying to create file string that already exists.
    Cause: The file object was initialized with LFILOPTY_OUTPUT and without
    LFILOPTY_REPLACE and yet a file by this name already exists.
    Action: Check to make sure that you are creating the right file. If you intend to
    overwrite the file if it exists that specify the replace option LFILOPTY_REPLACE
    when initializing the file object.
    LFI-00134: Unable to protect a file for an append operation.
    Cause: The LFILOPTY_APPEND and LFILOPTY_PROT options were both
    specified for the file. This is currently not allowed because it would require
    copying the entire file at open time.
    Action: Decide if you really need to protect the file for append. If so then think
    about making a copy of it before appending.
    LFI-00135: Unable to remove temporary file.
    Cause: A temporary file was created to protect a file and when the the tempfile
    was nolonger needed it LFI attempted to remove it and was unable to do so.
    Action: Check the permissions and where the temp files are being created.
    LFI-00136: Unable to change type of open file.
    Cause: The function lfichty() was called on an opened file.
    Action: This is a bug in the client code. lfichty() cannot be used in this case.
    LFI-00137: Unable to perform string on a file object that is string.
    51-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: Unable to perform an LFI operation on a file object for the given reason.
    Action: Take the appropriate corrective measure. For example if a file is supposed
    to be opened before the operation can be performed, client code will need to open
    the file first.
    LFI-00138: Unable to perform string on a name object that is string.
    Cause: Unable to perform an LFI operation on a name object for the given reason.
    Action: Take the appropriate corrective measure.
    LFI-00139: Option string cannot be used with option string in calling string.
    Cause: First option cannot be used with second option in such a function call.
    Action: Re-examine code to determine which option is needed.
    LFI-00140: Invalid option string were specified on input-output file.
    Cause: The file was opened as input-output and one of the mode options
    (LFIOPTY_DELETE or non-LFIOPTY_RANDOM) was specified.
    Action: Check to see how you intend to open this file and make the necessary
    LFI-00141: Unable to abort file in operation string.
    Cause: The abort operation failed.
    Action: Check the underlying errors for more information.
    LFI-00142: Unable to delete an existing file [string][string] not owned by Oracle.
    Cause: The file was not created by Oracle.
    Action: Change owner of file to Oracle or give Oracle access privileges to delete it.
    LFI-00143: Unable to delete non-existent file string.
    Cause: The file to be deleted does not exist.
    Action: Check the underlying errors for more information.
    LFI-00144: File [string][string] does not exist
    Cause: The file does not exist.
    Action: Check to make sure the file exists and retry the operation.
    LFI-00145: User buffer too short.
    Cause: The buffer that was passed is not large enough.
    Action: Allocate a larger buffer and retry the operation.
    LFI-00146: copy does not expect the file string.string to exist
    Cause: We are expecting the destination file not to exist and it does.
    Action: Find out why the file does exist.
    LFI-00147: File string.string does not exist
    Cause: The file does not exist.
    Action: Check to make sure the file exists and retry the operation.
    LFI-00148: string can be called only on files opened in byte mode
    Cause: A routine that should be used only for files in byte mode was called for a
    file that was opened in record mode
    Action: In order to use this function, the file should be opened in byte mode.
    LFI-00002 to LFI-01525 51-7
    LFI-00149: Error on destroying hash table in function string
    Cause: We were expecting the cache path object and it does not.
    Action: In order to use this function, the path object should be cache path object.
    LFI-00150: Error on creating hash table in function string
    Cause: routine failed to create path object hash table
    Action: make sure that startsize <= LHTQMAXSLOTS LFI-00151: Error on inserting into hash table in function string Cause: routine failed to insert into hash table Action: make sure there is enough memory for allocation and that the hash table exists. LFI-00152: Read operation (byte mode) failed. Cause: Byte mode read operation failed. Probably due to incorrect parameters or flags, or trying to read beyond end of file. Action: Check syntax of the read command and size of file. LFI-01000: Unable to write line to file. Cause: The file being written to may no longer be open or we may have reached the end of the file. Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. LFI-01001: Unable to write string bytes to file. Cause: The file being written to may no longer be open or we may have reached the end of the file. Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. LFI-01002: Unable to read line from file. Cause: The file being read from may no longer be open. Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. LFI-01003: Unable to read string bytes from file. Cause: The file being read from may no longer be open. Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information. LFI-01004: Unable to empty buffer. Cause: The buffer manager is probably unable to write to the underlying file. Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. LFI-01005: Unable to fill buffer. Cause: The buffer manager is probably unable to read from the underlying file. Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information. LFI-01006: File ends in partial character in string. Cause: A line ends in a partial character. Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. LFI-01007: Line is too long; encountered in function string. Cause: The length of the line exceeds the maximum length. Action: Examine underlying errors for more information. 51-8 Oracle Database Error Messages LFI-01500: Error condition on call to OSD function string. Cause: An error condition arises in calling an OSD function. This message occurs if calls to malloc or free functions failed. Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. LFI-01501: tmpnam() fails to generate temporary file name. Cause: Operating system was unable to create temporary file name. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01502: Base filename does not exist. Cause: The filename that was parsed had no base file. It was either all path or extension. Action: Check the filename being passed in to make sure it is correct. LFI-01503: Max filename size exceeded generating filename. Cause: While building a filename we exceeded the buffer allocated to hold the new filename. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01504: fseek() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. Cause: The function fseek() returned an error condition. Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. LFI-01505: fclose() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. Cause: The function fclose() returned an error condition. Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. LFI-01506: fflush() failed(OSD return value = string). Cause: The function fflush() returned an error condition. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01507: fwrite() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. Cause: File pointer may be null or may not be opened for write. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01508: access() failed. Cause: Call to access() failed. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01509: fopen() failed(OSD return value = string). Cause: Call to fopen() failed. Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. LFI-01510: fread() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. Cause: Call to fread() failed. Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. LFI-01511: unlink() failed(OSD errno = string) in string. Cause: Call to unlink() failed. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-00002 to LFI-01525 51-9 LFI-01512: stat() failed Cause: Call to stat() failed. Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. LFI-01514: ftell() failed in string Cause: The ftell() function returned an error. Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. LFI-01515: truncate() failed. Cause: The function truncate() returned an error condition. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01516: read() failed (OSD return value = string) in string. Cause: Call to read() failed. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01517: open() failed(OSD return value = string). Cause: Call to open() failed. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01518: write() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. Cause: Call to write() failed. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01519: llseek() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. Cause: The llseek() function returned an error. Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. LFI-01520: close() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. Cause: The function close() returned an error condition. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01521: fsync() failed(OSD return value = string) in string. Cause: The function fsync() returned an error condition. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01522: opendir() failed. Cause: The function opendir() returned an error condition. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01523: rename() failed. Cause: The function rename() returned an error condition. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01524: fdopen() failed(OSD return value = string). Cause: Call to fdopen() failed. Action: Contact the development organization. LFI-01525: setvbuf() failed. Cause: A call to lficstd() had failed. Action: Contact development service 51-10 Oracle Database Error Messages 52 PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-1 PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 2 5 PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'string' Cause: The client (caller) of PL/SQL has parsed a bind variable that it has informed to be 'bad'. Action: None PLS-00102: parser stack overflow because nesting is too deep Cause: The parser, which checks the syntax of PL/SQL statements, uses a data structure called a stack; the number of levels of nesting in the PL/SQL block exceeded the stack capacity. Action: Reorganize the block structure to avoid nesting at too deep a level. For example, move the lowest-level sub-block to a higher level. PLS-00103: string Cause: This error message is from the parser. It found a token (language element) that is inappropriate in this context. Action: Check previous tokens as well as the one given in the error message. The line and column numbers given in the error message refer to the end of the faulty language construct. PLS-00104: empty argument list in call of procedure 'string' must be omitted Cause: In a subprogram call, the name of the subprogram was followed by an empty parameter list. For example, procedure P was called as P(). This is not allowed. Action: Remove the empty parameter list. In the example, change the procedure call to P. PLS-00105: at most one forward declaration of type 'string' is permitted Cause: More than one forward declaration of a type is redundant. Action: Remove all but one forward declaration. PLS-00108: declarative units must be a single variable declaration Cause: While checking a declarative unit (a top-level declare block without the BEGIN…END), PL/SQL found that there was more than one item declared or that the item was not a variable declaration. A table is a common variable declaration at the unit level. To define a TABLE, compile a DECLARE compilation unit, but only one at a time is allowed. Action: Declare variables in separate declarative units. PLS-00109: unknown exception name 'string' in PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT 52-2 Oracle Database Error Messages Cause: No declaration for the exception name referenced in an EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was found within the scope of the pragma. Action: Make sure the pragma follows the exception declaration and is within the same scope. PLS-00110: bind variable 'string' not allowed in this context Cause: A bind variable, that is, an identifier prefixed with a colon, was found in an inappropriate context. Action: Remove the colon or replace the bind variable with the appropriate object. PLS-00111: end-of-file in comment Cause: A Comment had a comment initiator (/*), but before the Action: Remove the Comment initiator or add a comment terminator. The line and column numbers accompanying the error message refer to the beginning of the last legal token before the Comment initiator. PLS-00112: end-of-line in quoted identifier Cause: A quoted identifier had a beginning quote ("), but before the ending quote (") was found, an end-of-line marker was encountered. Action: Remove the beginning quote or add the ending quote. The line and column numbers accompanying the error message refer to the beginning of the quoted identifier. PLS-00113: END identifier 'string' must match 'string' at line string, column string Cause: Following the keyword END, which terminates some language constructs (such as loops, blocks, functions, and procedures), you can optionally place the name of that construct. For example, at the end of the definition of loop L you might write END L. This error occurs when the optional name does not match the name given to the language construct. It is usually caused by a misspelled identifier or by faulty block structure. Action: Make sure the spelling of the END identifier matches the name given to the language construct and that the block structure is correct. PLS-00114: identifier 'string' too long Cause: The name of a PL/SQL variable is longer than 30 characters. Legal identifiers (including quoted identifiers) have a maximum length of 30 characters. A string literal might have been mistakenly enclosed in double quotes instead of single quotes, in which case PL/SQL considers it a quoted identifier. Action: Shorten the identifier. PLS-00115: this PRAGMA must follow the declaration of 'string' Cause: The pragma refers to a PL/SQL object that was not declared or is not within the scope of the reference. Identifiers must be declared before they are used in a pragma; forward references are not allowed. Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure. PLS-00116: Duplicate where-clause in table expression Cause: Two or more WHERE clauses were found in a DELETE, SELECT, or UPDATE statement. The WHERE clause specifies a condition under which rows in a table are processed. The condition can contain several logical expressions connected by AND or OR, but a statement can contain only one WHERE clause. PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-3 Action: Remove one of the WHERE clauses and, if necessary, connect logical expressions by AND or OR PLS-00117: Duplicate connect-by clause in table expression Cause: Two or more CONNECT BY clauses were found in a SELECT statement. The CONNECT BY clause defines a relationship used to return rows in a hierarchical order. The relationship can contain two expressions separated by a relational operator (such as = or !=), but a statement can contain only one CONNECT BY clause. Action: Remove one of the CONNECT BY clauses and, if necessary, separate expressions by a relational operator. PLS-00118: Duplicate group-by clause in table expression Cause: Two or more GROUP BY clauses were found in a SELECT statement. The GROUP BY clause lists column expressions used to form a summary row for each group of selected rows. The list can contain several column expressions separated by commas, but a statement can contain only one GROUP BY clause. Action: Remove one of the GROUP BY clauses and, if necessary, separate column expressions by commas. PLS-00119: Duplicate having-clause in table expression Cause: Two or more HAVING clauses were found in a SELECT statement. The HAVING clause specifies a condition under which groups of rows (formed by the GROUP BY clause) are included in the result. The condition can include several logical expressions connected by AND or OR, but a statement can contain only one HAVING clause. Action: Remove one of the HAVING clauses and, if necessary, connect logical expressions by AND or OR. PLS-00120: inappropriate argument in OPEN statement Cause: The asterisk (*) option was used in the argument list of a SQL group function other than COUNT. For example, the code might look like SELECT SUM(*) INTO emp_count FROM emp; -- should be COUNT(*) Only COUNT permits the use of the asterisk option, which returns the number of rows in a table. Action: Remove the asterisk option from the argument list and replace it with an expression that refers to one or more database columns. PLS-00122: string as separator is allowed only with specific built-in functions Cause: A few built-in functions use keywords (instead of commas) as argument separators: Built-in function Argument separators --------------------------------------------- CHR, TRANSLATE USING CAST AS TRIM TRAILING, LEADING, BOTH, FROM A function different from one of these built-in functions is using a keyword as an argument separator. Action: Correct the argument list or change the function name. PLS-00123: program too large (string) Cause: The PL/SQL compiler has exceeded one of its capacity limits. The compiler cannot proceed. Action: Revise the PL/SQL program so that it no longer exceeds the reported limit. The specific revision depends on the limit that was exceeded. However, usually a simple reduction in the size of the unit being compiled will fix the problem. Consider splitting the library unit into two or more library units, or shrinking repetitious or patterned code (possibly by creating helper routines). 52-4 Oracle Database Error Messages PLS-00124: name of exception expected for first arg in exception_init pragma Cause: The first argument passed to the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was something other than an exception name. The first argument must be the name of a legally declared exception. Action: Replace the first argument with the name of a legally declared exception. PLS-00125: type name expected Cause: When a constant or variable was declared, its datatype was not specified. For example, the code might look like pi CONSTANT := 3.14159; -- should be CONSTANT REAL := 3.14159 Every constant and variable must have a datatype, which specifies a storage format, constraints, and valid range of values. Action: Supply the type name PLS-00126: selector ALL is not allowed Cause: The ALL shortcut for specifying system privileges or statement options was used in a SQL statement. PL/SQL does not support the ALL shortcut. Action: Remove the ALL shortcut from the SQL statement. PLS-00127: Pragma string is not a supported pragma Cause: The named pragma (compiler directive) is not among those supported by PL/SQL. The pragma name might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty. Action: Check the spelling of the pragma name, and make sure the proper syntax was used. PLS-00128: Illegal number of arguments for pragma string Cause: The number of arguments (actual parameters) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) is incorrect. A required argument was omitted from the argument list, or the pragma syntax is faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters). Action: Supply the missing argument, or correct the faulty syntax. PLS-00129: Pragma INTERFACE only supports C as its first argument Cause: The first parameter passed to pragma INTERFACE specified a host language other than C. Currently, C is the only host language supported. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters). Action: Check the spelling of the first parameter, which should be C, and make sure the proper syntax was used. PLS-00130: Pragma string expects 1st argument to be a procedure/function/package/cursor Cause: The first argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not the name of a subprogram, package, or cursor, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters). Action: Check the spelling of the first parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used. PLS-00131: Pragma string expects 2nd argument to be a procedure/function Cause: The second argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not the name of a procedure or function, as required. The parameter cannot be a non-static method. The parameter might be misspelled or PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-5 the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters). Action: Check the spelling of the second parameter and make sure the proper syntax was used. PLS-00132: Pragma string does not support string Cause: One of the parameters passed to this pragma was not among the list of allowed values. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters). Action: Check the spelling of all the parameters and make sure the proper syntax was used. PLS-00133: Pragma string expects 1st argument to be an identifier or string-literal Cause: The first argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not an identifier or string literal, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters). Action: Check the spelling of the first parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used. PLS-00134: Pragma string expects 2nd argument to be an identifier or string-literal Cause: The second argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not an identifier or string literal, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters). Action: Check the spelling of the second parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used. PLS-00135: Pragma string expects 3rd argument to be an identifier, string or numeric literal Cause: The fourth argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not a numeric literal, as required. The parameter might be miscoded, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters). Action: Check the coding of the fourth parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used. PLS-00138: Precision for a binary type must be one of 8, 16, or 32 Cause: Invalid precision was specified for a signed or unsigned binary type. Action: Specify precision as one of 8, 16, or 32. PLS-00139: duplicate external NAME specification in subprogram expression Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external NAME specifications. Action: Remove one of the external NAME specifications. PLS-00140: duplicate external LIBRARY specification in subprogram expression Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external LIBRARY specifications. Action: Remove one of the external LIBRARY specifications. PLS-00141: duplicate external PARAMETER STYLE specification in subprogram expression Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external PARAMETER STYLE specifications. 52-6 Oracle Database Error Messages Action: Remove one of the external PARAMETER STYLE specifications. PLS-00142: duplicate external PARAMETER list specification in subprogram expression Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external PARAMETER STYLE specifications. Action: Remove one of the external PARAMETER STYLE specifications. PLS-00143: duplicate external LANGUAGE specification in subprogram expression Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external LANGUAGE specifications. Action: Remove one of the external LANGUAGE specifications. PLS-00144: duplicate external CALLING STANDARD specification in subprogram expression Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external CALLING STANDARD specifications. Action: Remove one of the external CALLING STANDARD specifications. PLS-00145: duplicate external WITH CONTEXT specification in subprogram expression Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external WITH CONTEXT specifications. Action: Remove one of the external WITH CONTEXT specifications. PLS-00146: duplicate external TRUSTED/UNTRUSTED specification in subprogram expression Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external TRUSTED/UNTRUSTED specifications. Action: Remove one of the external external TRUSTED/UNTRUSTED specifications. PLS-00147: LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY file specification string is empty Cause: A zero-length string was found for the LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY file specification. Action: Specify a non-zero length string for the LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY file specification. PLS-00148: Only 1 pragma of this type is allowed per subprogram Cause: The subprogram was found to have two PRAGMA RESTRICT_ REFERENCES. Action: Remove one of the PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES. PLS-00150: found: string but expected : INTEGER Cause: This error happens in the creation of a pl/sql external type: [SIGNED | UNSIGNED] BINARY INTEGER (). It may be referenced only in a
    create type statement. Such types are non-queryable. Something other than
    'INTEGER' was supplied.
    Action: None
    PLS-00151: Expression or Variable is an illegal type to PLS/QL: string
    Cause: A type was used which does not belong PL/SQL. This type can only be
    referenced in CREATE TYPE statements, and is a non-queryable data type.
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-7
    Action: None
    PLS-00152: POINTER type may only reference an object type.
    Cause: A POINTER type which does not belong to PL/SQL can only refer to an
    object type. This type can only be referenced in CREATE TYPE statements, and is a
    non-queryable data type.
    Action: None
    PLS-00153: A string type may only be used as an object type attribute.
    used as attributes of object types. These types can only be referenced in CREATE
    TYPE statements, and are non-queryable data types. One of these external
    PL/SQL types outside of an object type.
    Action: None
    PLS-00154: An object type may have only 1 MAP or 1 ORDER method.
    Cause: More than one map or order function was declared. An object type can
    have only one map function or one order function, but not both.
    Action: None
    PLS-00155: Only a function may be a MAP, ORDER or CONSTRUCTOR method.
    Cause: A procedure was declared as a MAP, ORDER or CONSTRUCTOR method.
    Only functions can be MAP, ORDER or CONSTRUCTOR methods.
    Action: None
    PLS-00156: Null constraints not supported for object attributes.
    Cause: A null constraint was specified for an attribute in an object. This is not
    Action: Remove the constraint.
    PLS-00157: Only schema-level programs allow string
    Cause: An AUTHID or ACCESSIBLE BY clause was specified for a subprogram
    inside a package or type. These clauses are only supported for top-level stored
    procedures, packages, and types.
    Action: Remove the clause.
    PLS-00160: AUTHID must specify CURRENT_USER or DEFINER
    Cause: The only two allowed options for AUTHID are CURRENT_USER and
    Action: Fix the AUTHID clause to specify CURRENT_USER or DEFINER
    PLS-00161: Pragma string expects 3rd argument to be an identifier or a string literal
    Cause: The third argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma
    (compiler directive) was not an identifier or a string literal when there is a fourth
    argument to the pragma. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma
    syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two
    Action: Check the spelling of the third parameter, and make sure the proper
    syntax was used.
    PLS-00162: Pragma string expects 4th argument to be a positive integer literal
    Cause: The fourth argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma
    (compiler directive) was not a numeric literal, as required. The parameter might be
    52-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
    misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be
    missing between two parameters).
    Action: Check the spelling of the fourth parameter, and make sure the proper
    syntax was used.
    PLS-00164: cursor subqueries are not supported in this release
    Cause: This feature is not yet implemented.
    Action: None
    PLS-00165: call statement is not supported in PL/SQL
    Cause: A CALL statement was found in PL/SQL source.
    Action: Use an ordinary PL/SQL function or procedure call.
    PLS-00166: bad format for date, time, timestamp or interval literal
    Cause: The contents of the date, time, timestamp or interval literal did not match
    the expected format.
    Action: Correct the format for the date, datetime, or interval literal.
    PLS-00167: keyword BULK is used in a wrong context
    Cause: keyword BULK is used illegally. For example, BULK is used without INTO
    Action: remove the keyword BULK.
    PLS-00168: duplicate modifier specification 'string'
    Cause: A method or object type modifier was specified more than once.
    Action: Remove all but one occurence of the duplicate modifier.
    PLS-00169: modifier 'string' conflicts with prior 'string' specification
    Cause: The method or object type modifier specified conflicts with an earlier
    modifier. For example, a FINAL modifier cannot be combined with a NOT FINAL
    Action: Remove one of the conflicting modifiers.
    PLS-00170: the SQL statement in an OPEN statement or FOR loop must be a
    Cause: An OPEN cursor statement or cursor FOR loop can only invoke a SELECT
    statement, not an UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE.
    Action: Use only SELECT statements in OPEN or cursor FOR loops
    PLS-00171: duplicate dedicated AGENT specification in subprogram expression
    Cause: The subprogram was found to have two dedicated AGENT specifications.
    Action: Remove one of the dedicated AGENT specifications.
    PLS-00172: string literal too long
    Cause: The string literal was longer than 32767 bytes.
    Action: Use a string literal of at most 32767 bytes.
    PLS-00173: SPACE, TAB or RETURN are disallowed as alternative quote delimiters
    Cause: SPACE, TAB or RETURN was used as alternative quote delimiter.
    Action: Use a character other than SPACE, TAB or RETURN as the alternative
    quote delimiter.
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-9
    PLS-00174: a static boolean expression must be used
    Cause: The expression contained a syntax or semantic error, or it did not have a
    boolean type or its evaluation raised an exception.
    Action: Write correct static boolean expression.
    PLS-00176: unexpected preprocessor token '$string'
    Cause: A preprocessor token was used inappropriately.
    Action: Remove the preprocessor token that is inappropriately used.
    PLS-00177: '$string' preprocessor directive does not end properly
    Cause: A preprocessor directive was not ended properly.
    Action: Use $end to end the preprocessor directive properly.
    PLS-00178: a static character expression must be used
    Cause: The expression contained a syntax or semantic error, or it did not have a
    character type or its evaluation raised an exception.
    Action: Write correct static character expression.
    PLS-00179: $ERROR: string
    Cause: $ERROR directive was used. This is an expected error message.
    Action: NA
    PLS-00180: preprocessor directives are not supported in this context
    Cause: A preprocessor directive was used in a compilation unit for which
    conditional compilation is not supported.
    Action: Do not use any preprocessor directives in this compilation unit.
    PLS-00181: unsupported preprocessor directive 'string'
    Cause: An unsupported preprocessor directive was used.
    Action: Use a supported preprocessor directive.
    PLS-00182: Identifier cannot be an empty string
    Cause: Identifier was declared using an empty string,
    Action: rename the identifier to a non empty string.
    PLS-00183: too many bind variables
    Cause: The library unit used more bind variables than permitted. (The current
    limit is 65535 bind variables in one library unit.)
    Action: Reduce the number of bind variables in the library unit. Consider
    splitting the library unit into two or more library units, or shrinking repetitious or
    patterned code (possibly by creating helper routines.)
    PLS-00201: identifier 'string' must be declared
    Cause: You tried to reference either an undeclared variable, exception, procedure,
    or other item, or an item to which no privilege was granted or an item to which
    privilege was granted only through a role.
    Action: 1) Check your spelling and declaration of the referenced name. 2) Verify
    that the declaration for the referenced item is placed correctly in the block
    structure. 3) If the referenced item is indeed declared but you don't have privileges
    to refer to that item, for security reasons, you will be notified only that the item is
    not declared. 4) If the referenced item is indeed declared and you believe that you
    have privileges to refer to that item, check the privileges; if the privileges were
    52-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
    granted only via a role, then this is expected and documented behavior. Stored
    objects (packages, procedures, functions, triggers, views) run in the security
    domain of the object owner with no roles enabled except PUBLIC. Again, you will
    be notified only that the item was not declared.
    PLS-00202: type 'string' must be declared
    Cause: An attempt was made to reference an undefined type. Either the type
    specifier was not declared or it is not within the scope of the reference.
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the type specifier. Also confirm that
    the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00203: function DECODE must be called with at least 3 non-boolean
    Cause: Less than three arguments were passed to the built-in function DECODE.
    Though DECODE takes a variable number of (non-Boolean) arguments, at least
    three arguments must be passed.
    Action: Call DECODE with three or more arguments
    PLS-00204: function or pseudo-column 'string' may be used inside a SQL statement
    Cause: A pseudocolumn or proscribed function was used in a procedural
    statement. The SQL pseudocolumns (LEVEL, ROWID, ROWNUM) can be used
    only in SQL statements. Likewise, certain functions such as DECODE, DUMP, and
    VSIZE and the SQL group functions (AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, STDDEV,
    VARIANCE) can be used only in SQL statements.
    Action: Remove the pseudocolumn reference or function call from the procedural
    statement. Or, replace the procedural statement with a SELECT INTO statement;
    for example, replace bonus := DECODE(rating, 1, 5000, 2, 2500, …); with the
    following statement: SELECT DECODE(rating, 1, 5000, 2, 2500, …) INTO bonus
    FROM dual;
    PLS-00205: Aggregate not allowed here
    Cause: An aggregate, that is, a parenthesized list of values such as (7788, 'SCOTT',
    20), was found in an inappropriate context.
    Action: Remove or relocate the aggregate.
    PLS-00206: %TYPE must be applied to a variable, column, field or attribute, not to
    Cause: The program object declared using the %TYPE datatype attribute is not of
    the appropriate class. It must be a variable, column, record component,
    subprogram formal parameter, or other object to which values can be assigned.
    Action: Declare an object of the appropriate class or define the datatype in
    another way (for example, use %ROWTYPE).
    PLS-00207: identifier 'string', applied to implicit cursor SQL, is not a legal cursor
    Cause: An identifier that is not a cursor attribute was applied to the identifier
    SQL. For example, this error occurs if the cursor attribute is misspelled.
    Action: Check the spelling of the cursor attribute name. Make sure the attribute is
    one of these: %NOTFOUND, %FOUND, %ROWCOUNT, %ISOPEN.
    PLS-00208: identifier 'string' is not a legal cursor attribute
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-11
    Cause: An identifier not declared as a cursor attribute was applied to an identifier
    declared as a cursor. For example, this error occurs if the cursor attribute is
    Action: Check the spelling of the cursor attribute name. Make sure the attribute is
    one of these: %NOTFOUND, %FOUND, %ROWCOUNT, %ISOPEN.
    PLS-00209: table 'string' is not in FROM clause
    Cause: In a query, a table referenced by the select list is not named in the FROM
    Action: Check the spelling of the table names, make sure each column in the select
    list refers to a table in the FROM clause, then re-execute the query.
    PLS-00210: an OTHERS clause is required in this CASE statement
    Cause: Unless the clauses of a CASE statement mention all values of the type of
    the selecting expression, an OTHERS clause must be provided as the last clause of
    the CASE statement. It is impossible to cover all values of type INTEGER (or
    NUMBER), so an OTHERS clause is always required when the expression
    following the keyword CASE is of type INTEGER (or NUMBER).
    Action: None
    PLS-00211: CASE labels or ranges must not be duplicated in different WHEN
    Cause: In this CASE statement, a value appears in more than one WHEN clause.
    A value may appear in at most one WHEN clause of a CASE statement.
    Action: None
    PLS-00212: could not obtain enough memory to compile CASE statement
    Cause: The CASE statement is too big. The compiler did not have enough storage
    to process it.
    Action: None
    PLS-00213: package STANDARD not accessible
    Cause: The PL/SQL compiler could not find package STANDARD in the current
    Oracle database. To compile a program, PL/SQL needs package STANDARD.
    Action: Make sure that package STANDARD is available in the current Oracle
    database, then retry the operation.
    PLS-00214: BEGIN…END block nesting is too deep
    Cause: The number of levels of nesting in the PL/SQL block is too large. Blocks
    can be nested up to 255 levels deep, depending on the availability of system
    resources such as memory.
    Action: Reorganize the block structure to avoid nesting at too deep a level. For
    example, move the lowest-level sub-block to a higher level.
    PLS-00215: String length constraints must be in range (1 .. 32767)
    Cause: When a character variable was declared, a length outside the legal range
    was specified. For example, the following declarations are illegal: flag CHAR(0); --
    illegal; zero length name VARCHAR2(-10); -- illegal; negative length
    Action: Change the length constraint, making sure that it lies in the range 1 ..

  3. PLS-00216: NUMBER precision constraint must be in range (1 .. 38)
    52-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: A NUMBER variable was declared with a precision that is outside the
    legal range. Declarations such as N NUMBER(800) or N NUMBER(123,10) are not
    Action: Change the illegal NUMBER precision constraint, making sure that it lies
    in the range 1 .. 38.
    PLS-00217: NUMBER scale constraint must be in range (-84 .. 127)
    Cause: A NUMBER variable was declared with a scale that is outside the legal
    range. Declarations such as N NUMBER(10,345) or N NUMBER(10,-100) are not
    Action: Change the illegal NUMBER scale constraint, making sure that it lies in
    the range -84 .. 127.
    PLS-00218: a variable declared NOT NULL must have an initialization assignment
    Cause: In general, variables that have no initialization clause in their declaration
    are automatically initialized to NULL. This is illogical for NOT NULL variables;
    therefore, an initialization clause is required.
    Action: Add an initialization clause to the variable declaration. If the initilization
    is too complicated for the syntax, one can add a function call (in a later release).
    PLS-00219: label 'string' reference is out of scope
    Cause: A block or loop label was used to qualify a variable (as in outer_
    block.date) that was not declared or is not within the scope of the label. The
    variable name might be misspelled, its declaration might be faulty, or the
    declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block structure.
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the variable name. Also confirm
    that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00220: simple name required in this context
    Cause: A qualified name such as A.B or A.B.C is not permitted here.
    Action: Use a simple name such as A instead.
    PLS-00221: 'string' is not a procedure or is undefined
    Cause: An identifier being referenced as a procedure was not declared or actually
    represents another object (for example, it might have been declared as a function).
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the
    declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00222: no function with name 'string' exists in this scope
    Cause: An identifier being referenced as a function was not declared or actually
    represents another object (for example, it might have been declared as a
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the
    declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00223: paramaterless procedure 'string' used as function
    Cause: An identifier being referenced as a parameterless function actually
    represents a procedure.
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the
    declaration is placed correctly in the block structure. If necessary, change the
    declaration of the identifier or change the reference so that it does not require a
    return value.
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-13
    PLS-00224: object 'string' must be of type function or array to be used this way
    Cause: An identifier being referenced as a function or an array actually represents
    an object (a number or date, for example) that cannot be referenced in this way.
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the
    declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'string' reference is out of scope
    Cause: The prefix in a qualified name was a subprogram or cursor which was not
    in an enclosing scope; i.e., a subprogram or cursor name is being used as a scope
    qualifier for a reference to an entity (within that subprogram or cursor) that is not
    in scope. Example: declare x number; type t1 is record (a number); function f
    return t1 is a number; begin x := f.a; -- legal use of function "f" as a scope qualifier;
    -- resolves to local variable "a" in function "f". x := f().a; -- legal reference to
    component "a" of returned record end; begin x := f.a; -- illegal use of function "f" as
    a scope qualifier x := f().a; -- legal reference to component "a" of returned record
    Action: a) if the intention was to refer to a local variable of a non-enclosing
    function, this is not allowed; remove the reference b) if this is a parameterless
    function, and the the intention was to access a field of the result of a call to this
    function, then use empty parentheses in the call.
    PLS-00226: package 'string' used as variable reference
    Cause: A package was referenced in an expression as if it were a variable or
    function. Either the name of the variable or function is misspelled or the reference
    is not fully qualified. For example, to call the function my_function, which is
    stored in package my_package, dot notation must be used, as follows: … my_
    package.my_function …
    Action: Correct the spelling of the variable or function name or use dot notation
    to reference the packaged variable or function.
    PLS-00227: subprogram 'in' formal string is not yet denotable
    Cause: When the formal parameters of a subprogram were declared, one
    parameter was used to initialize another, as in PROCEDURE my_proc (j
    NUMBER, k NUMBER := j) IS … The first parameter has no value until run time,
    so it cannot be used to initialize another parameter.
    Action: Remove the illegal formal parameter reference.
    PLS-00228: Illegal declaration of variable of type LONG
    Cause: The identifier is a formal parameter which is being used in the context of a
    default expression value for a formal parameter in the same formal parameter list.
    E.g.: procedure p(j number, k number := j).
    Action: Remove the offending variable definition
    PLS-00229: Attribute expression within SQL expression
    Cause: An attribute expression, such as SQL%NOTFOUND, was used in a SQL
    statement, but attribute expressions are allowed only in procedural statements.
    Action: To workaround this limitation, assign the value of the attribute expression
    to a variable, then use the variable in the SQL statement. For example, replace the
    statement INSERT INTO audits VALUES (c1%ROWCOUNT, …); with the
    following statements: row_count := c1%ROWCOUNT; INSERT INTO audits
    VALUES (row_count, …);
    PLS-00230: OUT and IN OUT formal parameters may not have default expressions
    52-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: When the formal parameters of a procedure were declared, an OUT or IN
    OUT parameter was initialized to a default value, as in PROCEDURE calc_bonus
    (bonus OUT REAL := 0, …) IS … However, only IN parameters can be initialized to
    default values.
    Action: Remove the illegal default expression.
    PLS-00231: function 'string' may not be used in SQL
    Cause: A proscribed function was used in a SQL statement. Certain functions
    such as SQLCODE and SQLERRM can be used only in procedural statements.
    Action: Remove the function call from the SQL statement. Or, replace the function
    call with a local variable. For example, the following statement is illegal: INSERT
    INTO errors VALUES (SQLCODE, SQLERRM); However, you can assign the
    values of SQLCODE and SQLERRM to local variables, then use the variables in the
    SQL statement, as follows: err_num := SQLCODE; err_msg := SQLERRM; INSERT
    INTO errors VALUES (err_num, err_msg);
    PLS-00232: nested packages not permitted
    Cause: A package was declared inside another package, but package declarations
    are allowed only at the top level. In other words, packages cannot be nested.
    Action: Move the package declaration outside the enclosing package.
    PLS-00233: function name used as an exception name in when clause
    Cause: The WHEN clause in an exception handler contains a function call instead
    of an exception name. A valid exception handler consists of a WHEN clause,
    which must specify an exception, followed by a sequence of statements to be
    executed when that exception is raised.
    Action: Check the spelling of the identifier in the WHEN clause, then replace the
    function call with an exception name.
    PLS-00234: PARAMETER STYLE SQL may not be specified with a PARAMATERS
    Cause: A subprogram cannot specify both PARAMETER STYLE SQL and an
    explicit PARAMETERS list. Use PARAMETER STYLE GENERAL to supply
    default PARAMETERS list types.
    Action: Change the subprogram specification.
    PLS-00235: the external type is not appropriate for the parameter
    Cause: An unsuccessful attempt was made to convert a parameter to the specified
    external parameter type.
    Action: Specify a different external type or parameter type.
    PLS-00236: Invalid external type specification for string.
    Cause: The external type specified is not valid for one of the following:
    Action: Check the manual and specify an appropriate external type.
    PLS-00237: invalid BY VALUE indicator or length specification
    Cause: BY VALUE was specified with an indicator or length parameter that is
    being passed in OUT or IN OUT mode. Only IN mode parameters may be passed
    by value.
    Action: Remove the BY VALUE specification or change it to IN mode.
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-15
    PLS-00238: external parameter name string not found in formal parameter list
    Cause: An external parameter name was specified that does not match one in the
    formal parameter list.
    Action: Correct the external parameter name.
    PLS-00239: invalid external type specification for SQLCODE
    Cause: An inappropriate external parameter type was specified for the SQLCODE
    Action: Correct the SQLCODE parameter specification.
    PLS-00240: Invalid type specification for RETURN indicator, length, tdo, duration
    Cause: An inappropriate external parameter type was specified for the RETURN
    indicator, LENGTH, TDO, or DURATION.
    Action: Correct the RETURN parameter specification.
    PLS-00241: invalid external type specification for SQLSTATE
    Cause: An inappropriate external parameter type was specified for the SQLSTATE
    Action: Correct the SQLSTATE parameter specification.
    PLS-00242: invalid external type specification for CONTEXT
    Cause: An inappropriate external parameter type was specified for the CONTEXT
    Action: Correct the CONTEXT parameter specification.
    PLS-00243: invalid external type specification for SQLNAME
    Cause: An inappropriate external parameter type was specified for the
    SQLNAME parameter.
    Action: Correct the SQLNAME parameter specification.
    PLS-00244: Multiple declarations in foreign function formal parameter list
    Cause: There are multiple declarations of at least one the following FORMAL,
    declaration of the above for each formal parameter in the PARAMETERS clause.
    Action: Correct the PARAMETERS clause.
    PLS-00245: Formals used in the 'parameters' clause must appear exactly once
    Cause: There are multiple declarations of the formal parameter in the
    PARAMETERS clause. PL/SQL allows only one declaration of the formal
    parameter in the PARAMETERS clause.
    Action: Correct the PARAMETERS clause.
    PLS-00246: PARAMETER STYLE is unsupported
    Cause: A PARAMETER STYLE clause was placed in the external subprogram
    Action: Remove the PARAMETER STYLE clause.
    PLS-00247: LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY name must be specified
    Cause: The LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY name is missing from the external
    subprogram body.
    Action: The LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY name was not specified in the external
    subprogram body.
    52-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
    PLS-00248: Invalid Library Syntax
    Cause: The LIBRARY syntax was entered incorrectly.
    Action: Correct the LIBRARY syntax and recompile.
    PLS-00249: Invalid WITH CONTEXT Syntax
    Cause: CONTEXT was used in a WITH CONTEXT or a PARAMETERS clause.
    This is invalid.
    Action: Check if WITH CONTEXT is used without specifying CONTEXT in the
    PARAMETERS clause or vice versa. The PARAMETERS clause must be complete.
    Thus if WITH CONTEXT is specified, then CONTEXT must be referenced in the
    PARAMETERS clause (if there is one).
    PLS-00250: Incorrect Usage of string in parameters clause.
    Cause: The usage of Keywords such as MAXLEN, LENGTH, CHARSETID,
    CHARSETFORM RETURN in the parameters clause was incorrect
    Action: This error occurs if keywords like MAXLEN, LENGTH, TDO,
    DURATION, CHARSETID, or CHARSETFORM cannot be used with PL/SQL
    formal parameters or the mode of the formal parameter. For example, MAXLEN
    can only be declared for a CHAR or VARCHAR2 PL/SQL variable and its use is
    allowed only for OUT or INOUT PL/SQL variables. Also, RETURN was specified
    in the parameters clause for a PL/SQL PROCEDURE. E.g. CREATE PROCEDURE
    PLS-00251: RETURN, for actual function return, must be last in the parameters
    Cause: RETURN specification for the actual function return, used within the
    parameters clause must hold the very last position. Example : The following will
    give this error since the RETURN specification for the actual function return in the
    parameters clause is not the last. FUNCTION myexternalfunc (var1 BINARY_
    NAME "myexternalfunc" LIBRARY somelib PARAMETERS (var1 LONG, var2
    SHORT, RETURN INT, RETURN INDICATOR SHORT); The correct syntax is the
    following. Note that RETURN for actual function return is the last specification in
    the parameters clause. FUNCTION myexternalfunc (var1 BINARY_INTEGER,
    "myexternalfunc" LIBRARY somelib PARAMETERS (var1 LONG, var2 SHORT,
    Action: Correct the syntax of the RETURN specification in the parameters clause
    PLS-00252: reference to the wrong copy of package STANDARD
    Cause: A reference is made to the fixed package version of STANDARD when the
    database is open, or to the on-disk version when the database is closed. Explicit
    use of a SYS.X$ package name can lead to this. One might also see this from a
    compilation that begins while the db is closed but has the bad luck to have another
    session open the db before compilation is complete. Another possible cause is
    having 'set serveroutput on' through svrmgrl when doing an 'alter database close'.
    Action: Make use of on-disk versions of packages when the database is open and
    fixed (preloaded) versions when the database is closed. Do not attempt to use the
    wrong set. It should be quite hard to reference the wrong set, except by using
    SYS.X$ package names explicitly. Also, be sure to 'set serveroutput off' before
    doing an 'alter database close'.
    PLS-00253: Formal parameter string missing in the parameters clause
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-17
    Cause: The parameter clause does not have a matching parameter for a parameter
    specified in the formal parameter list.
    Action: Provide a matching parameter in parameters clause for every formal
    PLS-00254: OUT and IN/OUT modes cannot be used in this context
    Cause: actual parameter mode (OUT, or IN/OUT) is not used properly in USING
    clause. For USING clause in an OPEN statement, only IN mode is allowed.
    Action: change the parameter mode in the USING clause to an appropriate mode.
    PLS-00255: CALL Specification parameters cannot have default values
    Cause: CALL Specification formal parameters default values are disallowed.
    Action: Remove the default values in the formal parameter list (spec or body) and
    compile again.
    PLS-00256: string is not a valid external library or assembly
    Cause: The supplied external library or assembly name in the external clause is
    not a valid alias library or assembly.
    Action: Provide the name of a valid alias library or assembly which is previously
    PLS-00257: illegal use of EXTERNAL clause in a TYPE or PACKAGE specification
    Cause: An EXTERNAL Clause was detected in a TYPE Specification or a
    PACKAGE specification.
    Action: Remove the EXTERNAL Clause and use the new CALL Specification
    PLS-00258: constrained datatypes disallowed in CALL Specifications
    Cause: A call specification for C or Java cannot have constraints on the PL/SQL
    formal parameter types. PL/SQL types which have have constraints are
    SMALLINT, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, DEC This includes NOT NULL constraints
    Action: Use the unconstrained type for that PL/SQL formal declaration i.e
    PLS-00259: rights model (AUTHID) must be specified
    Cause: It is mandatory to specify the rights model if a PL/SQL PROCEDURE,
    Action: Add the AUTHID clause indicating the rights model.
    PLS-00260: Datetime/Interval constraints must be in range (0 .. 9)
    Cause: A Datetime/Interval variable or attribute was declared with a constraint
    outside the legal range.
    Action: Change the illegal constraint.
    PLS-00261: Java CALL Specification not yet allowed as a method in an object type
    Cause: A call specification declaring that an implementation is in Java has been
    found for a method of an object or opaque type. This usage is not yet supported.
    Action: Implement the method using a language other than Java. A PL/SQL
    method implementation is permitted to call to Java through a call specification
    provided as a schema-level procedure or in a package; such a call specification can
    52-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
    only target a static Java method, however. ****** errors until 300 are reserved for
    External Procedures ********** ****** PH2 errors **********
    PLS-00301: Invalid GOTO to non-label 'string'
    Cause: A GOTO was attempted to something which is not a label (for example, a
    Action: Specify a valid label name.
    PLS-00302: component 'string' must be declared
    Cause: In a reference to a component (for example, in the name "A.B", "B" is a
    component of "A"), the component has not been declared. The component might
    be misspelled, its declaration might be faulty, or the declaration might be placed
    incorrectly in the block structure.
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the component. Also confirm that
    the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00303: qualifier 'string' must be declared
    Cause: In a name such as "A.B", "A" is the qualifier, and "B" is a component of the
    qualifier. This error occurs when no declaration for the qualifier is found.The
    qualifier might be misspelled, its declaration might be faulty, or the declaration
    might be placed incorrectly in the block structure.
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the qualifier. Also confirm that the
    declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00304: cannot compile body of 'string' without its specification
    Cause: The compiled package specification required to compile a package body
    could not be found. Some possible causes follow: --the package name is misspelled
    --the package specification was never compiled --the compiled package
    specification is not accessible The package specification must be compiled before
    compiling the package body, and the compiler must have access to the compiled
    Action: Check the spelling of the package name. Compile the package
    specification before compiling the package body. Also, make sure the compiler has
    access to the compiled specification.
    PLS-00305: previous use of 'string' (at line string) conflicts with this use
    Cause: While looking for prior declarations of a cursor, procedure, function, or
    package, the compiler found another object with the same name in the same scope.
    Or, the headers of subprogram in a package specification and body do not match
    word for word.
    Action: Check the spelling of the cursor, procedure, function, or package name.
    Also check the names of all constants, variables, parameters, and exceptions
    declared in the same scope. Then, remove or rename the object with the duplicate
    name. Or, change the headers of the packaged subprogram so that they match
    word for word.
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'string'
    Cause: This error occurs when the named subprogram call cannot be matched to
    any declaration for that subprogram name. The subprogram name might be
    misspelled, a parameter might have the wrong datatype, the declaration might be
    faulty, or the declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block structure. For
    example, this error occurs if the built-in square root function SQRT is called with a
    misspelled name or with a parameter of the wrong datatype.
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-19
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the subprogram name. Also confirm
    that its call is correct, its parameters are of the right datatype, and, if it is not a
    built-in function, that its declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00307: too many declarations of 'string' match this call
    Cause: The declaration of a subprogram or cursor name is ambiguous because
    there was no exact match between the declaration and the call and more than one
    declaration matched the call when implicit conversions of the parameter datatypes
    were used. The subprogram or cursor name might be misspelled, its declaration
    might be faulty, or the declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the subprogram or cursor name.
    Also confirm that its call is correct, its parameters are of the right datatype, and, if
    it is not a built-in function, that its declaration is placed correctly in the block
    PLS-00308: this construct is not allowed as the origin of an assignment
    Cause: The construct or expression does not designate a value that can be
    assigned to a variable. For example, the datatype name NUMBER cannot appear
    on the right hand side of an assignment statement as in X := NUMBER.
    Action: Correct the illegal assignment statement.
    PLS-00309: with %LAST attribute, 'string' must be a variable of an enumerated type
    Cause: The "%LAST" attribute must be applied to an identifier that has been
    declared as a variable of an enumerated type (or subtype of an enumerated type).
    This error occurs when "%LAST" follows some identifier that has not been so
    Action: None
    PLS-00310: with %ROWTYPE attribute, 'string' must name a table, cursor or
    Cause: The %ROWTYPE attribute must be applied to an identifier declared as a
    cursor, cursor variable, or database table. This error occurs when %ROWTYPE
    follows some identifier that has not been so declared.
    Action: Change the declaration or do not apply the %ROWTYPE attribute to the
    PLS-00311: the declaration of "string" is incomplete or malformed
    Cause: This occurrence of the identifier cannot be compiled because its type has
    not been properly defined.
    Action: Correct the faulty datatype declaration.
    PLS-00312: a positional parameter association may not follow a named association
    Cause: When a list of parameters is passed to a subprogram or cursor, if both
    positional and named associations are used, all positional associations must be
    placed in their declared order and before all named associations, which can be in
    any order.
    Action: Reorder the parameter list to meet the requirements or use named
    association only.
    PLS-00313: 'string' not declared in this scope
    52-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: There is no declaration for the given identifier within the scope of
    reference. The identifier might be misspelled, its declaration might be faulty, or the
    declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block structure.
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the
    declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00314: TABLE declarations are not allowed as PL/SQL local variables
    Cause: In a precompiled program, the DECLARE TABLE statement was
    mistakenly used inside an embedded PL/SQL block. If an embedded PL/SQL
    block refers to a database table that does not yet exist, use the DECLARE TABLE
    statement to tell the precompiler what the table will look like. However,
    DECLARE TABLE statements are allowed only in the host program.
    Action: Move the DECLARE TABLE statement outside the embedded PL/SQL
    block. If you want a variable that can store an entire row of data selected from a
    database table or fetched from a cursor or cursor variable, use the %ROWTYPE
    PLS-00315: Implementation restriction: unsupported table index type
    Cause: In the INDEX BY clause of a PL/SQL table declaration, a datatype other
    than BINARY_INTEGER, PLS_INTEGER, or VARCHAR2 was specified. PL/SQL
    tables can have one column and a primary key. The column can have any scalar
    type, but the primary key must be either a binary integer type or VARCHAR2.
    Action: Use one of the supported key types in the INDEX BY clause.
    PLS-00316: PL/SQL TABLEs must use a single index
    Cause: In the INDEX BY clause of a PL/SQL table declaration, a composite
    primary key was specified. PL/SQL tables must have a simple, unnamed primary
    key of a binary integer or VARCHAR2 type.
    Action: Use one of the supported key types in the INDEX BY clause.
    PLS-00317: incomplete type "string" was not completed in its declarative region
    Cause: An incomplete type declaration was not completed in the declarative
    region where it was declared.
    Action: Complete the type appropriately, then retry the operation.
    PLS-00318: type "string" is malformed because it is a non-REF mutually recursive
    Cause: A type-declaration such as: -- a non-REF recursive type, for example: type
    t is record (a t); or -- non-REF mutually dependent types, for example: type t1; type
    t2 is record (a t1); type t1 is record (a t2); was performed. In these examples, the
    type is malformed because it participates in a mutually recursive non-REF
    relationship with itself and possibly other types.
    Action: Use another type to remove the recursion.
    PLS-00319: subquery in an IN or NOT IN clause must contain exactly one column
    Cause: An invalid expression such as X IN (SELECT A,B …) was used. When a
    [NOT]IN clause is used with a subquery, it does not test for set membership. The
    number of expressions in the [NOT]IN clause and the subquery select list must
    match. So, in the example above, the subquery must specify at most one column.
    Action: Change the subquery to select only one column.
    PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-21
    Cause: In a declaration, the name of a variable or cursor is misspelled or the
    declaration makes a forward reference. Forward references are not allowed in
    PL/SQL. A variable or cursor must be declared before it is referenced it in other
    statements, including other declarative statements. For example, the following
    declaration of dept_rec raises this exception because it refers to a cursor not yet
    declared: DECLARE dept_rec dept_cur%ROWTYPE; CURSOR dept_cur IS
    SELECT … …
    Action: Check the spelling of all identifiers in the declaration. If necessary, move
    the declaration so that it makes no forward references.
    PLS-00321: expression 'string' is inappropriate as the left hand side of an
    assignment statement
    Cause: The expression does not designate a variable that can have a value
    assigned to it. For example, the function SYSDATE cannot appear on the left hand
    side of an assignment statement such as SYSDATE := '01-JAN-1990';
    Action: Correct the illegal assignment statement.
    PLS-00322: declaration of a constant 'string' must contain an initialization
    Cause: A constant declaration lacks the assignment of an initial value. For
    example, in the following declaration" := 3.14159" is the initialization clause: "pi
    constant number := 3.14159;"
    Action: Correct the constant declaration by supplying the missing initialization
    PLS-00323: subprogram or cursor 'string' is declared in a package specification and
    must be defined in the package body
    Cause: A subprogram specification was placed in a package specification, but the
    corresponding subprogram body was not placed in the package body. The
    package body implements the package specification. So, the package body must
    contain the definition of every subprogram declared in the package specification.
    Action: Check the spelling of the subprogram name. If necessary, add the missing
    subprogram body to the package body.
    PLS-00324: cursor attribute may not be applied to non-cursor 'string'
    Cause: This error occurs when a cursor-attribute ("%FOUND", "%NOTFOUND",
    "%ROWS", "%IS_OPEN", etc.) appears following an identifier that is not declared
    as a cursor or cursor variable. It occurs, for example, if the variable name my_cur
    in my_cur%FOUND was not properly declared as a cursor or if the variable
    declaration was placed incorrectly in the block structure.
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the
    declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00325: non-integral numeric literal string is inappropriate in this context
    Cause: A non-integral numeric literal was used in a context that requires an
    integer (a number with no digits to the right of its decimal point).
    Action: Replace the inappropriate literal with an integer literal.
    PLS-00326: IN clause must contain same number of expressions as subquery
    Cause: The number of expressions in an IN clause did not equal the number of
    expressions in a corresponding subquery select list. For example, the following
    statement is invalid because the IN clause contains two expressions, but the
    52-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
    subquery select list contains just one: … WHERE (ename, sal) IN (SELECT sal
    FROM emp);
    Action: Check the number of expressions in each set, then revise the statement to
    make the numbers equal.
    PLS-00327: "string" is not in SQL scope here
    Cause: In a SQL statement, a reference was made to an out-of-scope database
    object. The referenced object might be misspelled, or the reference might be mixed,
    as in the following example: CURSOR c1 IS SELECT dept.dname FROM emp;
    Action: Check the spelling of all database objects in the SQL statement, and make
    sure all references are to objects within the current scope.
    PLS-00328: A subprogram body must be defined for the forward declaration of
    Cause: A subprogram specification was declared, but the corresponding
    subprogram body was not defined. Write the subprogram specification and body
    as a unit. An alternative solution is to separate the specification from its body,
    which is necessary when you want to define mutually recursive subprograms or
    you want to group subprograms in a package.
    Action: Check the spelling of the subprogram name. If necessary, supply the
    missing subprogram body.
    PLS-00329: schema-level type has illegal reference to string
    Cause: An attempt was made to make a reference from a schema-level type to
    something other than a schema-level type.
    Action: Replace the illegal reference and retry the operation.
    PLS-00330: invalid use of type name or subtype name
    Cause: A datatype or subtype specifier was mistakenly used in place of a
    constant, variable, or expression. For example, the code might look like IF emp_
    count > number THEN … -- illegal; NUMBER is a datatype specifier
    Action: Replace the datatype or subtype specifier with a valid constant, variable,
    or expression.
    PLS-00331: illegal reference to string
    Cause: You had an EITHER
    1. an illegal reference to some object in user SYS. to use one of them in an illegal
    way OR
    2. an illegal reference to a remote object type.
    Action: Remove the reference.
    PLS-00332: "string" is not a valid prefix for a qualified name
    Cause: You have a malformed qualified name because the prefix is not valid.
    Action: Remove or change the reference.
    PLS-00333: "string" must match an object-table alias in this context
    Cause: The name, appearing in the context of a REF or VALUE, did not resolve to
    an object-table alias.
    Action: 1) If there is no object table in the scope, then remove the REF or VALUE;
    or provide the missing object table reference. 2) If there is an object table in the
    scope, but you're not referring to it, add the reference.
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-23
    PLS-00334: "string" matches table or view without an alias
    Cause: You have a reference to a table or view name without an alias.
    Action: Replace the reference with a reference to an object-table alias.
    PLS-00335: a package name conflicts with an existing object
    Cause: In a CREATE PACKAGE statement, a package (which is a database object
    that groups logically related PL/SQL types, objects, and subprograms) was given
    the same name as an existing database object.
    Action: Give the package a unique name.
    PLS-00336: non-object-table "string" illegal in this context
    Cause: You have a REF or VALUE modifier for a non-object-table
    Action: Replace the reference with a reference to an object-table alias.
    PLS-00337: "string" matches too many object table aliases
    Cause: You have an ambiguous reference to an object-table alias; there are at least
    two object-table aliases in the same scope.
    Action: Remove all but one of the references or change the alias names of the
    PLS-00338: unable to resolve "string" as a column or row expression
    Cause: You have a reference to a name that could not be resolved as a column or
    row expression. This occurred in an update or insert statement involving an
    Action: If this is an update statement and you intended to code this as a column
    reference, fix it as such. If you intended to code this as a row expression, change
    this to refer to an alias of an object-table.
    PLS-00339: "string" matches object-table without a REF or VALUE modifier
    Cause: You have an object-table name appearing without a REF or VALUE
    Action: If you intended to code this with a REF or VALUE modifier, add the
    modifier; if you intended to code this as a column reference, change the reference
    appropriately; otherwise, remove the reference.
    PLS-00341: declaration of cursor 'string' is incomplete or malformed
    Cause: A cursor declaration is improper or an identifier referenced in the cursor
    declaration was not properly declared. A return type that does not refer to an
    existing database table or a previously declared cursor or cursor variable might
    have been specified. For example, the following cursor declaration is illegal
    because c1 is not yet fully defined: CURSOR c1 RETURN c1%ROWTYPE IS
    SELECT … -- illegal In this case, a return type does not have to be specified
    because it is implicit.
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the cursor name and any identifiers
    referenced in the cursor declaration. Also confirm that the declaration is placed
    correctly in the block structure. If a return type was specified, make sure that it
    refers to an existing database table or a previously declared cursor or cursor
    PLS-00351: Not logged onto database 'string'
    Cause: An attempt was made to access an Oracle database without being logged
    on. Probably, an invalid username or password was entered.
    52-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Log on to Oracle with a correctly spelled username and password before
    trying to access the database.
    PLS-00352: Unable to access another database 'string'
    Cause: An attempt was made to reference an object in a database other than the
    current local or remote Oracle database.
    Action: Correct the reference and make sure the object is in the current Oracle
    PLS-00353: 'string' must name a user in the database
    Cause: This error occurs when the username was misspelled or when the user
    does not exist in the database.
    Action: Check the spelling of the username and make sure the user exists.
    PLS-00354: username must be a simple identifier
    Cause: A qualified username such as scott.accts is not permitted in this context.
    Action: Specify a simple username such as scott instead.
    PLS-00355: use of pl/sql table not allowed in this context
    Cause: A PL/SQL table was referenced in the wrong context (for example, with a
    remote link).
    Action: Remove the PL/SQL table reference or change the context.
    PLS-00356: 'string' must name a table to which the user has access
    Cause: The named table is not accessible to the user. This error occurs when the
    table name or username was misspelled, the table and/or user does not exist in
    the database, the user was not granted the necessary privileges, or the table name
    duplicates the name of a local variable or loop counter.
    Action: Check the spelling of the table name and username. Also confirm that the
    table and user exist, the user has the necessary privileges, and the table name does
    not duplicate the name of a local variable or loop counter.
    PLS-00357: Table,View Or Sequence reference 'string' not allowed in this context
    Cause: A reference to database table, view, or sequence was found in an
    inappropriate context. Such references can appear only in SQL statements or
    (excluding sequences) in %TYPE and %ROWTYPE declarations. Some valid
    examples follow: SELECT ename, emp.deptno, dname INTO my_ename, my_
    deptno, my_dept .FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno;
    DECLARE last_name emp.ename%TYPE; dept_rec dept%ROWTYPE;
    Action: Remove or relocate the illegal reference.
    PLS-00358: column 'string' exists in more than one table; use qualifier
    Cause: The statement is ambiguous because it specifies two or more tables having
    the same column name. For example, the following statement is ambiguous
    because deptno is a column in both tables: SELECT deptno, loc INTO my_deptno,
    my_loc FROM emp, dept;
    Action: Precede the column name with the table name (as in emp.deptno) so that
    the column reference is unambiguous.
    PLS-00359: assignment target in 'string' must have components
    Cause: An assignment target was declared that lacks the components needed to
    store the assigned values. For example, this error occurs if you try to assign a row
    of column values to a variable instead of a record, as follows: DECLARE dept_rec
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-25
    dept%ROWTYPE; my_deptno dept.deptno%TYPE; … BEGIN SELECT deptno,
    dname, loc INTO my_deptno -- invalid FROM dept WHERE …
    Action: Check the spelling of the names of the assignment target and all its
    components. Make sure the assignment target is declared with the required
    components and that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.
    PLS-00360: cursor declaration without body needs return type
    Cause: A cursor declaration lacks either a body (SELECT statement) or a return
    type. If you want to separate a cursor specification from its body, a return type
    must be supplied, as in CURSOR c1 RETURN emp%ROWTYPE;
    Action: Add a SELECT statement or return type to the cursor declaration.
    PLS-00361: IN cursor 'string' cannot be OPEN'ed
    Cause: A cursor parameter with mode IN cannot be modified, and therefore
    cannot be opened.
    Action: Change the cursor parameter to be IN OUT or OUT
    PLS-00362: invalid cursor return type; 'string' must be a record type
    Cause: In a cursor specification or REF CURSOR type definition, a non- record
    type such as NUMBER or TABLE was specified as the return type. This is not
    allowed. Only the following return types are allowed:
    Action: Revise the cursor specification or REF CURSOR type definition so that it
    specifies one of the above return types.
    PLS-00363: expression 'string' cannot be used as an assignment target
    Cause: A literal, constant, IN parameter, loop counter, or function call was
    mistakenly used as the target of an assignment. For example, the following
    statement is illegal because the assignment target, 30, is a literal: SELECT deptno
    INTO 30 FROM dept WHERE … -- illegal
    Action: Correct the statement by using a valid assignment target.
    PLS-00364: loop index variable 'string' use is invalid
    Cause: An attempt was made to assign the value of an OUT parameter to
    Action: Use an IN OUT parameter instead of the OUT parameter. Inside a
    PLS-00366: subtype of a NOT NULL type must also be NOT NULL
    Cause: After a subtype was defined as NOT NULL, it was used as the base type
    for another subtype defined as NULL. That is not allowed. For example, the code
    might look like DECLARE SUBTYPE Weekday IS INTEGER NOT NULL;
    SUBTYPE Weekend IS Weekday NULL; -- illegal instead of DECLARE SUBTYPE
    Weekday IS INTEGER NOT NULL; SUBTYPE Weekend IS Weekday;
    Action: Revise the subtype definitions to eliminate the conflict.
    PLS-00367: a RAISE statement with no exception name must be inside an exception
    Cause: A RAISE statement not followed by an exception name was found outside
    an exception handler
    Action: Delete the RAISE statement, relocate it to an exception handler, or supply
    the missing exception name.
    PLS-00368: in RAISE statement, 'string' must be an exception name
    52-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: The identifier in a RAISE statement is not a valid exception name.
    Action: Make sure the identifier in the RAISE statement was declared as an
    exception and is correctly placed in the block structure. If you are using the name
    of a PL/SQL predefined exception, check its spelling.
    PLS-00369: no choices may appear with choice OTHERS in an exception handler
    Cause: A construct of the form WHEN excep1 OR OTHERS => was encountered
    in the definition of an exception handler. The OTHERS handler must appear by
    itself as the last exception handler in a block.
    Action: Remove the identifier that appears with OTHERS or write a separate
    exception handler for that identifier.
    PLS-00370: OTHERS handler must be last among the exception handlers of a block
    Cause: One or more exception handlers appear after an OTHERS handler.
    However, the OTHERS handler must be the last handler in a block or subprogram
    because it acts as the handler for all exceptions not named specifically.
    Action: Move the OTHERS handler so that it follows all specific exception
    PLS-00371: at most one declaration for 'string' is permitted
    Cause: A reference to an identifier was ambiguous because there were multiple
    declarations for the identifier. At most one local variable with a given identifier is
    permitted in the declarative part of a block, procedure, or function. At most one
    label with a given identifier may appear in a block.
    Action: Check the spelling of the identifier. If necessary, remove all but one
    declaration of the identifier.
    PLS-00372: In a procedure, RETURN statement cannot contain an expression
    Cause: In a procedure, a RETURN statement contains an expression, which is not
    allowed. In functions, a RETURN statement must contain an expression because
    its value is assigned to the function identifier. However, in procedures, a RETURN
    statement simply lets you exit before the normal end of the procedure is reached.
    Action: Remove the expression from the RETURN statement, or redefine the
    procedure as a function.
    PLS-00373: EXIT/CONTINUE label 'string' must label a LOOP statement
    Cause: The label in the EXIT or CONTINUE statement did not refer to a LOOP
    statement. An EXIT or CONTINUE statement need not specify a label. However, if
    a label is specified (as in EXIT my_label or CONTINUE my_label), it must refer to
    a LOOP statement.
    Action: Make sure the label name is spelled correctly and that it refers to a LOOP
    PLS-00374: illegal EXIT/CONTINUE statement; must appear inside the loop labeled
    Cause: The label in the EXIT or CONTINUE statement did not refer to a loop
    statement. An EXIT or CONTINUE statement need not specify a label. However, if
    a label is specified (as in EXIT my_label or CONTINUE my_label), the EXIT or
    CONTINUE statement must be inside the LOOP statement designated by that
    Action: Make sure the label name is spelled correctly; if necessary, move the EXIT
    or CONTINUE statement inside the LOOP statement to which the label refers.
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-27
    PLS-00375: illegal GOTO statement; this GOTO cannot branch to label 'string'
    Cause: The line and column numbers accompanying the error message refer to a
    GOTO that branches from outside a construct (a loop or exception handler, for
    example) that contains a sequence of statements to a label inside that sequence of
    statements. Such a branch is not allowed.
    Action: Either move the GOTO statement inside the sequence of statements or
    move the labeled statement outside the sequence of statements.
    PLS-00376: illegal EXIT/CONTINUE statement; it must appear inside a loop
    Cause: An EXIT or CONTINUE statement was found outside of a loop construct.
    The EXIT statement is used to exit prematurely from a loop and the CONTINUE
    statement is used to begin the next iteration of a loop; each must always appear
    within a loop.
    Action: Either remove the EXIT or CONTINUE statement or place it inside a loop.
    PLS-00377: internal type PLS_INTEGER is not included in this release of PL/SQL
    Cause: The type-name INTEGER was used in a declaration.
    Action: None
    PLS-00378: invalid compilation unit for this release of PL/SQL
    Cause: A compilation unit is a file containing PL/SQL source code that is passed
    to the compiler. Only compilation units containing blocks, declarations,
    statements, and subprograms are allowed. This error occurs when some other
    language construct is passed to the compiler.
    Action: Make sure the compilation unit contains only blocks, declarations,
    statements, and subprograms.
    PLS-00379: CASE statements are not included in this release of PL/SQL
    Cause: The unit being compiled contains a CASE statement. However, the current
    release of PL/SQL does not support CASE statements.
    Action: Remove the CASE statement from the compilation unit.
    PLS-00380: functions and procedures are not included in this release of PL/SQL
    Cause: The program being compiled contains a declaration of a FUNCTION or
    Action: None
    PLS-00381: type mismatch found at 'string' between column and variable in
    subquery or INSERT
    Cause: The datatypes of a column and a variable do not match. The variable was
    encountered in a subquery or INSERT statement.
    Action: Change the variable datatype to match that of the column.
    PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
    Cause: An expression has the wrong datatype for the context in which it was
    Action: Change the datatype of the expression. You might want to use datatype
    conversion functions.
    PLS-00383: type mismatch found at 'string' inside an IN or NOT IN clause
    52-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: In a test for set membership such as X NOT IN (SELECT Y … ), the
    expressions X and Y do not match in datatype, and it is unclear which implicit
    conversion is required to correct the mismatch.
    Action: Change the expressions so that their datatypes match. You might want to
    use datatype conversion functions in the select list.
    PLS-00384: type mismatch found at 'string' in UPDATE's SET clause
    Cause: The column to the left of the equal sign in the SET clause of an UPDATE
    statement does not match in datatype with the column, expression, or subquery to
    the right of the equal sign, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required
    to correct the mismatch.
    Action: Change the expressions so that their datatypes match. You might want to
    use datatype conversion functions in the SET clause.
    PLS-00385: type mismatch found at 'string' in SELECT…INTO statement
    Cause: The expressions to the left and right of the INTO clause in a
    SELECT…INTO statement do not match in datatype, and it is unclear which
    implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.
    Action: Change the expressions so that their datatypes match. You might want to
    use datatype conversion functions in the select list.
    PLS-00386: type mismatch found at 'string' between FETCH cursor and INTO
    Cause: An assignment target in the INTO list of a FETCH statement does not
    match in datatype with the corresponding column in the select list of the cursor
    declaration, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the
    Action: Change the cursor declaration or change the datatype of the assignment
    target. You might want to use datatype conversion functions in the select list of the
    query associated with the cursor.
    PLS-00387: INTO variable cannot be a database object
    Cause: An item in the INTO list of a FETCH or SELECT statement was found to
    be a database object. INTO introduces a list of user-defined variables to which
    output values are assigned. Therefore, database objects cannot appear in the INTO
    Action: Check the spelling of the INTO list item. If necessary, remove the item
    from the INTO list or replace it with a user-defined output variable.
    PLS-00388: undefined column 'string' in subquery
    Cause: A subquery contains a column name that was not defined in the specified
    Action: Change the expression to specify a column that was defined.
    PLS-00389: table, view or alias name "string" not allowed in this context
    Cause: A table, view or alias name corresponding to a regular
    (non-object) table appeared in an inappropriate context.
    Action: Remove the reference, or, if you intended to code this as a column
    reference, fix it as such.
    PLS-00390: undefined column 'string' in INSERT statement
    Cause: Check the spelling of the column name, then change the expression so that
    it refers only to defined columns.
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-29
    Action: Check the spelling of the column name, then change the expression so
    that it refers only to defined columns.
    PLS-00391: undefined column 'string' in UPDATE statement
    Cause: An UPDATE statement refers to a column not defined for the table or view
    being updated.
    Action: Check the spelling of the column name, then revise the statement so that
    it refers only to defined columns.
    PLS-00392: Type mismatch in arguments to BETWEEN
    Cause: In a comparison such as X BETWEEN Y AND Z, the expressions X, Y, and
    Z do not match in datatype, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required
    to correct the mismatch.
    Action: Change the expressions so that their datatypes match. You might want to
    use datatype conversion functions.
    PLS-00393: wrong number of columns in SELECT…INTO statement
    Cause: The number of columns selected by a SELECT…INTO statement does not
    match the number of variables in the INTO clause.
    Action: Change the number of columns in the select list or the number of
    variables in the INTO clause so that the numbers match.
    PLS-00394: wrong number of values in the INTO list of a FETCH statement
    Cause: The number of variables in the INTO clause of a FETCH statement does
    not match the number of columns in the cursor declaration.
    Action: Change the number of variables in the INTO clause or the number of
    columns in the cursor declaration so that the numbers match.
    PLS-00395: wrong number of values in VALUES clause of INSERT statement
    Cause: The number of columns in an INSERT statement does not match the
    number of values in the VALUES clause. For example, the following statement is
    faulty because no column is specified for the value 20: INSERT INTO emp (empno,
    ename) VALUES (7788, 'SCOTT', 20);
    Action: Change the number of items in the column list or the number of items in
    the VALUES list so that the numbers match.
    PLS-00396: INSERT statement's subquery yields wrong number of columns
    Cause: The number of columns in an INSERT statement does not match the
    number of columns in a subquery select list. For example, the following statement
    is faulty because no corresponding column is specified for col3: INSERT INTO
    emp (ename, empno) SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM …
    Action: Change the number of items in the column list of the INSERT statement
    or the number of items in the select list so that the numbers match.
    PLS-00397: Type mismatch in arguments to IN
    Cause: In a test for set membership such as X IN (Y, Z), the expressions X, Y, and
    Z do not match in datatype, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required
    to correct the mismatch.
    Action: Change the expressions so that their datatypes match. You might want to
    use datatype conversion functions.
    PLS-00398: wrong number of columns in UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS
    52-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: The SELECT clauses to the left and right of a UNION, INTERSECT, or
    MINUS expression do not select the same number of columns. For example, the
    following statement is faulty because the select lists do not contain the same
    number of items: CURSOR my_cur IS SELECT ename FROM emp INTERSECT
    SELECT ename, empno FROM emp;
    Action: Change the select lists so that they contain the same number of items.
    PLS-00399: different types of columns in UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS
    Cause: The select lists to the left and right of a UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS
    expression select at least one column that is mismatched in datatype. For example,
    the following statement is faulty because the constant 3 has datatype NUMBER,
    whereas SYSDATE has datatype DATE: CURSOR my_cur IS SELECT 3 FROM
    Action: Change the select lists so that they match in datatype. You might want to
    use datatype conversion functions in the select list of one or more queries.
    PLS-00400: different number of columns between cursor SELECT statement and
    return value
    Cause: In a cursor declaration, a return type (such as RETURN emp%ROWTYPE)
    was specified, but the number of returned column values does not match the
    number of select-list items.
    Action: Change the cursor return type or the select list so that the number of
    returned column values matches the number of select-list items.
    PLS-00401: different column types between cursor SELECT statement and return
    value found at 'string'
    Cause: In a cursor declaration, a return type (such as RETURN emp%ROWTYPE)
    was specified, but a returned column value and its corresponding select-list item
    have different datatypes.
    Action: Change the cursor return type or the select list so that each returned
    column value and its corresponding select-list item have the same datatype.
    PLS-00402: alias required in SELECT list of cursor to avoid duplicate column names
    Cause: A cursor was declared with a SELECT statement that contains duplicate
    column names. Such references are ambiguous.
    Action: Replace the duplicate column name in the select list with an alias.
    PLS-00403: expression 'string' cannot be used as an INTO-target of a
    SELECT/FETCH statement
    Cause: A FETCH statement was unable to assign a value to an assignment target
    in its INTO list because the target is not a legally formed and declared variable.
    For example, the following assignment is illegal because 'Jones' is a character
    string, not a variable: FETCH my_cur INTO 'Jones';
    Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the assignment target. Make sure
    that the rules for forming variable names are followed.
    PLS-00404: cursor 'string' must be declared with FOR UPDATE to use with
    Cause: The use of the CURRENT OF cursor_name clause is legal only if cursor_
    name was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause.
    Action: Add a FOR UPDATE clause to the definition of the cursor or do not use
    the CURRENT OF cursor_name clause.
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-31
    PLS-00405: subquery not allowed in this context
    Cause: A subquery was used in an inappropriate context, such as: if (SELECT
    deptno FROM emp WHERE … ) = 20 then … Subqueries are allowed only in SQL
    Action: The same result can be obtained by using a temporary variable, as in:
    SELECT deptno INTO temp_var FROM emp WHERE …; IF temp_var = 20 THEN

    PLS-00406: length of SELECT list in subquery must match number of assignment
    Cause: A query select list is not the same length as the list of targets that will
    receive the returned values. For example, the following statement is faulty because
    the subquery returns two values for one target: UPDATE emp SET ename =
    (SELECT ename, empno FROM emp WHERE ename = 'SMITH') …
    Action: Change one of the lists so that they contain the same number of items.
    PLS-00407: '*' not allowed here; a list of columns is required
    Cause: An asterisk (*) was used as an abbreviation for a list of column names.
    However, in this context the column names must be written out explicitly.
    Action: Replace the asterisk with a list of column names.
    PLS-00408: duplicate column 'string' not permitted in INSERT or UPDATE
    Cause: An UPDATE or INSERT statement has a column list that contains
    duplicate column names.
    Action: Check the spelling of the column names, then eliminate the duplication.
    PLS-00409: duplicate variable 'string' in INTO list is not permitted
    Cause: The same variable appears twice in the INTO list of a SELECT or FETCH
    Action: Remove one of the variables from the INTO list.
    PLS-00410: duplicate fields in RECORD,TABLE or argument list are not permitted
    Cause: When a user-defined record was declared, the same name was given to
    two fields. Like column names in a database table, field names in a user-defined
    record must be unique.
    Action: Check the spelling of the field names, then remove the duplicate.
    PLS-00411: Number of values in aggregate and in subquery don't match
    Cause: In a statement of the form aggregate = subquery, the numbers of values in
    the aggregate and subquery are unequal. For example, the code might look like …
    WHERE (10,20,30) = (SELECT empno,deptno FROM emp WHERE…);
    Action: Revise the aggregate or subquery so that the numbers of values match.
    PLS-00412: list of values not allowed as argument to this function or procedure
    Cause: A parenthesized list of values separated by commas (that is, an aggregate)
    was used in the wrong context. For example, the following usage is invalid:
    WHERE (col1, col2) > (SELECT col3, col4 FROM my_table …) However, an equal
    sign can take a list of values and a subquery as left- and right-hand-side
    arguments, respectively. So, the following usage is valid: WHERE (col1, col2) =
    (SELECT col3, col4 FROM my_table …)
    52-32 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Action: Rewrite the expression. For example, the clause WHERE (col1, col2) >
    (SELECT col3, col4 FROM my_table …) can be rewritten as WHERE col1 >
    (SELECT col3 FROM my_table …) AND col2 > (SELECT col4 FROM my_table …)
    PLS-00413: identifier in CURRENT OF clause is not a cursor name
    Cause: The identifier in a CURRENT OF clause names an object other than a
    Action: Check the spelling of the identifier. Make sure that it names the cursor in
    the DELETE or UPDATE statement and that it names the cursor itself, not a
    FOR-loop variable.
    PLS-00414: no column 'string' in table
    Cause: A table name or alias was used to qualify a column reference, but the
    column was not found in that table. Either the column was never defined or the
    column name is misspelled.
    Action: Confirm that the column was defined and check the spelling of the
    column name.
    PLS-00415: 'string' is an OUT parameter and cannot appear in a function
    Cause: An OUT or IN OUT formal parameter was used in a function specification.
    Action: None
    PLS-00416: The third argument of DECODE cannot be NULL
    Cause: The third argument of DECODE is NULL.
    Action: Enter an argument with a proper type and value.
    PLS-00417: unable to resolve "string" as a column
    Cause: A database table, view, or column was specified in a SQL statement that
    does not exist, or the privileges required to access the table or view were not
    Action: Check the spelling of the table (or view) and column names; make sure
    the table and columns exist. If necessary, ask the DBA to grant the privileges
    required to access the table.
    PLS-00418: array bind type must match PL/SQL table row type
    Cause: A host array was passed (by an Oracle Precompiler program, for example)
    to a PL/SQL subprogram for binding to a PL/SQL table parameter. However, the
    datatypes of the array elements and PL/SQL table rows are incompatible. So, the
    binding failed.
    Action: Change the datatype of the array elements or PL/SQL table rows to make
    the datatypes compatible.
    PLS-00419: reference to remote attribute not permitted
    Cause: An attempt was made to reference a remote cursor attribute, which is not
    allowed. For example, the code might look like IF SQL%NOTFOUND@newyork
    THEN …
    Action: Do not try to reference a remote cursor attribute.
    PLS-00420: can't call builtin routines remotely
    Cause: An attempt was made to call a built-in PL/SQL function remotely, which
    is not allowed. For example, the code might look like my_sqlerrm :=
    SQLERRM@newyork; or INSERT INTO emp VALUES (my_empno,
    STANDARD.RTRIM@newyork(my_ename), …);
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-33
    Action: Always call built-in functions locally; never specify a database link.
    PLS-00421: circular synonym 'string'
    Cause: Directly or indirectly, a synonym was defined in terms of itself, creating a
    circular definition.
    Action: Redefine the synonyms to eliminate the circular definition.
    PLS-00422: no PL/SQL translation for the bindtype given for this bind variable
    Cause: A host variable was passed (by an Oracle Precompiler program, for
    example) to PL/SQL for binding. However, its datatype is not compatible with
    any PL/SQL datatype. So, the binding failed.
    Action: Change the datatype of the host variable to make it compatible with a
    PL/SQL datatype.
    PLS-00423: ORDER BY item must be the number of a SELECT-list expression
    Cause: A column alias was used in the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement
    that uses a UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS set operator. This is not allowed. In
    such cases, expressions in the ORDER BY clause must be unsigned integers that
    designate the ordinal positions of select-list items.
    Action: Change the alias in the ORDER BY clause to an unsigned integer that
    designates the ordinal position of the select item in question.
    PLS-00424: RPC defaults cannot include Package State
    Cause: An attempt was made to call a remote subprogram whose defaulted
    parameters depend on package state, which is not allowed. When calling remote
    subprograms, the actual parameters must be passed explicitly if the corresponding
    formal parameters depend on package state.
    Action: Call the remote subprogram by passing each actual parameter explicitly.
    PLS-00425: in SQL, function argument and return types must be SQL type
    Cause: When a cursor variable was declared as the formal parameter of a
    Action: Change the parameter mode from OUT to IN or IN OUT.
    PLS-00427: RPC defaults cannot use builtins when versions of STANDARD differ
    Cause: An attempt was made to call a remote subprogram whose defaulted
    parameter value is calculated using a builtin operation. If the calling system uses a
    different version of package STANDARD than does the called system, a defaulted
    expression must be either a simple numeric or string literal, NULL, or a direct call
    to a user-written function.
    Action: Call the remote subprogram by passing each actual parameter value
    PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement
    Cause: The INTO clause of a SELECT INTO statement was omitted. For example,
    the code might look like SELECT deptno, dname, loc FROM dept WHERE …
    instead of SELECT deptno, dname, loc INTO dept_rec FROM dept WHERE … In
    PL/SQL, only a subquery is written without an INTO clause.
    Action: Add the required INTO clause.
    PLS-00429: unsupported feature with RETURNING clause
    - INTO clause and RETURNING clause cannot be use in the same statement
    52-34 Oracle Database Error Messages
    - RETURNING clause is currently not supported for object type columns, LONG
    columns, records, %rowtypes, remote tables and INSERT with subquery. This is as
    Action: Use separate select statement to get the values.
    PLS-00430: FORALL iteration variable string is not allowed in this context
    Cause: FORALL iteration variable can only be used as a subscript. It cannot be
    used directly or as a part of an expression.
    Action: Use FORALL variable only as a collection subscript.
    PLS-00431: bulk SQL attributes must use a single index
    Cause: More than one index specified to access SQL bulk attribute.
    Action: Use a single index of integer datatype.
    PLS-00432: implementation restriction: cannot use FORALL and BULK COLLECT
    INTO together in SELECT statements
    Cause: SELECT statement contains both the FORALL and BULK COLLECT INTO
    Action: Dn not use FORALL and BULK COLLECT INTO together in SELECT
    PLS-00433: inconsistent package STANDARD
    Cause: PL/SQL compiler could not find the entries (such as type declarations)
    that should exist in the package STANDARD.
    Action: Make sure that the correct version of package STANDARD is available in
    the current Oracle database, then retry compilation.
    PLS-00434: record field has unsupported type: "string"
    Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported type for a record field. In
    this release, the use of the SQL92 datetime types (time, timestamp, time with time
    zone, timestamp with time zone, interval year to month, interval day to second)
    are not supported in record fields.
    Action: Use only supported types for record fields.
    PLS-00435: DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL
    Cause: The DML (SELECT/INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE) statement inside the
    FORALL statement does not contain BULK IN-BIND variables.
    Action: The DML (SELECT/INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE) statement inside the
    FORALL statement must contain BULK IN-BIND variables.
    PLS-00436: implementation restriction: cannot reference fields of BULK In-BIND
    table of records or objects
    Cause: table(bulk_index).field is not supported at run-time.
    Action: Use FOR loop with instead of the FORALL DML statement
    PLS-00437: FORALL bulk index cannot be used in string clause
    Cause: RETURNING table(bulk_index) is not supported.
    Action: Use RETURNING BULK COLLECT instead
    PLS-00438: value in LIMIT clause: 'string' use is invalid
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-35
    Cause: The evaluation value in the LIMIT clause of a bulk fetch was found in an
    inappropriate context. For example, the following statement is illegal because the
    LIMIT clause in a bulk fetch expects a numeric value. FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT
    INTO var_tab LIMIT '22333'; -- illegal
    Action: Change the expression of the LIMIT clause so that the evaluation result is
    compatible to a numeric value.
    PLS-00439: A LIMIT clause must be used within a BULK FETCH
    Cause: A LIMIT clause is used within a non-bulk fetch
    Action: Do not use a LIMIT clause when a non-bulk fetch is used.
    PLS-00440: FORALL bulk IN-bind variables cannot be used here
    Cause: A reference to a FORALL statement's bulk IN-bind variable was found in a
    context in which it is not permitted. For example, such variables are not permitted
    in expressions in the USING clause of a dynamic SQL statement: forall j in
    1..Users.Count() execute immediate ' insert into System_Users(Username) values
    :U' using Upper(Users(j));
    Action: In the case described above, move the expression from the USING clause
    into the SQL statement: forall j in 1..Users.Count() execute immediate ' insert into
    System_Users(Username) values Upper(:U)' using Users(j);
    PLS-00441: EXIT/CONTINUE statement may have a label here; 'string' is not a label
    Cause: The specified name was not a label. An EXIT or CONTINUE statement
    does not require a label, but when the optional name appears, it must be a label.
    Action: Check the spelling of the name. Make sure that the name is the label of a
    loop in which the EXIT or CONTINUE statement is nested. If a label is not needed
    for this statement, delete the name.
    PLS-00442: CONTINUE statement may not have the prefix STANDARD
    Cause: The procedure CONTINUE appears in STANDARD but that procedure
    may not be called either with its name alone or with the prefix STANDARD. It
    exists only to help in analysis of the CONTINUE statement.
    Action: If a CONTINUE statement is intended, remove the prefix. If some other
    procedure was intended, check the spelling of the prefix and of the procedure
    PLS-00450: a variable of this private type cannot be declared here
    Cause: A variable declaration uses a type that is declared PRIVATE in some other
    compilation unit.
    Action: Do not use this type in a PRIVATE variable declaration.
    PLS-00452: Subprogram 'string' violates its associated pragma
    Cause: A packaged function cannot be called from SQL statements unless its
    purity level is asserted by coding a RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma in the
    package specification. The pragma, which is used to control side effects, tells the
    PL/SQL compiler to deny the packaged function read/write access to database
    tables, public packaged variables, or both. A SQL statement that violates the
    pragma will cause a compilation error.
    Action: Raise the purity level of the function, or relax the pragma restrictions.
    PLS-00453: remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type
    52-36 Oracle Database Error Messages
    Cause: A reference to a remote object tables or user-defined type column was
    Action: Do not refer to it.
    PLS-00454: with a returning into clause, the table expression cannot be remote or a
    Cause: A reference to a remote table or subquery was found in a sql statement
    with a returning into clause.
    Action: Do not refer to it, or do use a subsequent select statement.
    PLS-00455: cursor 'string' cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN statement
    Cause: dynamicly OPEN a REF CURSOR that has RETURN type. However, only
    REF CURSOR without RETURN type can be OPEN'ed by an embebded dynamic
    OPEN statement.
    Action: define a REF CURSOR without return type, and use it in the statement.
    PLS-00456: item 'string' is not a cursor
    Cause: the given variable is not a cursor and therefore cannot be OPEN'ed or
    FETCH'ed from.
    Action: check the spelling and declaration for the given variable.
    PLS-00457: expressions have to be of SQL types
    Cause: an expression of wrong type is in USING or dynamic RETURNING clause.
    In USING or dynamic RETURNING clause, an expression cannot be of non-SQL
    types such as BOOLEAN, INDEX TABLE, and record.
    Action: change the expression type to a SQL type.
    PLS-00458: subprogram 'string' cannot be called from a REPEATABLE subprogram
    Cause: The subprogram is not REPEATABLE and cannot be called from a
    REPEATABLE subprogram.
    Action: delete the call or delete REPEATABLE.
    PLS-00459: this feature is not allowed in REPEATABLE subprogram
    Cause: Having one of the followings feature in the REPEATABLE subprogram:
    dynamic SQL statements or autonomous transaction.
    Action: delete the statements or delete REPEATABLE.
    PLS-00460: REPEATABLE subprogram 'string' has to be RNDS, WNDS, RNPS, and
    Cause: Repeatable subprogram can neither read database state (RNDS), write
    database state (WNDS), read package state (RNPS), nor write package state
    Action: make the subprogram to be RNDS, WNDS, RNPS, and WNPS or delete
    PLS-00461: mismatch REPEATABLE information between specification and body of
    Cause: REPEATABLE is declared at the subprogram's specification, but not at its
    body, or vice versa.
    Action: make sure both specification and body are declared as REPEATABLE
    PLS-00462: nested subprogram 'string' has to be REPEATABLE
    PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-37
    Cause: the nested subprogram of a REPEATABLE subprogram is not declared as
    REPEATABLE. If a subprogram is REPEATABLE, all of its nested subprograms has
    to be declared as REPEATABLE.
    Action: declared the nested subprogram as REPEATABLE
    PLS-00483: exception 'string' may appear in at most one exception handler in this
    Cause: An exception appears in two different WHEN clauses (that is, two
    different exception handlers) in the exception-handling part of a PL/SQL block or
    Action: Remove one of the references to the exception.
    PLS-00484: redundant exceptions 'string' and 'string' must appear in same exception
    Cause: Using the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma, different exceptions were initialized
    to the same Oracle error number; then, they were referenced in different exception
    handlers within the same exception-handling part. Such references conflict.
    Action: Remove one of the exceptions or initialize it to a different Oracle error
    PLS-00485: in exception handler, 'string' must be an exception name
    Cause: An identifier not declared as an exception appears in an exception handler
    WHEN clause. Only the name of an exception is valid in a WHEN clause.
    Action: Check the spelling of the exception name and make sure the exception
    was declared properly.
    PLS-00486: select list cannot be enclosed in parentheses
    Cause: In a SELECT statement, the select list was enclosed in parentheses, as in:
    SELECT (deptno, dname, loc) FROM dept INTO … This breaks the rules of SQL
    syntax. Parentheses are not required because the keywords SELECT and FROM
    delimit the select list.
    Action: Remove the parentheses enclosing the select list.
    PLS-00487: Invalid reference to variable 'string'
    Cause: A variable was referenced in a way that is inconsistent with its datatype.
    For example, a scalar variable might have been mistakenly referenced as a record,
    as follows: DECLARE CURSOR emp_cur IS SELECT empno, ename, sal FROM
    emp; emp_rec emp_cur%ROWTYPE; my_sal NUMBER(7,2); BEGIN … total_sal :=
    total_sal + my_sal.sal; -- invalid …
    Action: Check the spelling of the variable name. Make sure the variable was
    declared properly and that the declaration and reference are consistent regarding
    PLS-00488: 'string' must be a type
    Cause: The datatype specifier in a declaration or expression does not designate a
    legal type. For example, the %TYPE attribute might not have been added to a
    declaration, as in DECLARE my_sal emp.sal%TYPE; my_ename emp.ename; --
    missing %TYPE … When declaring a constant or variable, to provide the datatype
    of a column automatically, use the %TYPE attribute. Likewise, when declaring a
    record, to provide the datatypes of a row automatically, use the %ROWTYPE
    Action: Make sure the datatype specifier designates a legal type. Remember to
    use the %TYPE and %ROWTYPE attributes when necessary.
    52-38 Oracle Database Error Messages
    PLS-00489: invalid table reference: 'string' must be a column in this expression
    Cause: In a query, a select-list item refers to a table in the FROM clause but not to
    a database column.
    Action: Check the spelling of the column names, make sure each column in the
    select list refers to a table in the FROM clause, then re-execute the query.
    PLS-00490: illegal statement
    Cause: A constant, variable, function call, or incomplete statement was used
    where a statement was expected. For example, instead of calling a function from
    an expression, it might have been called as a statement (as if it were a procedure).
    Action: Check the statement, making sure that its commands, identifiers,
    operators, delimiters, and terminator form a complete and valid PL/SQL
    PLS-00491: numeric literal required
    Cause: A constant or variable was used where a numeric literal is required. For
    example, the code might look like my_ename VARCHAR2(max_len); instead of
    my_ename VARCHAR2(15); When specifying the maximum length of a
    VARCHAR2 variable, an integer literal must be used.
    Action: Replace the identifier with a numeric literal.
    PLS-00492: variable or constant initialization may not refer to functions declared in
    the same package
    Cause: If a package spec p declares a function f, that function may not be used in
    any variable declarations in that same package spec. This is because of a circular
    instantiation problem: in order to fully instantiate the package spec, the variable
    must be initialized. To initialize the variable, the function body code in the
    package body must be executed. That requires that the package body be
    instantiated. However, the package body cannot be instantiated until the package
    spec is fully instantiated.
    Action: Remove the reference to the function from the variable initialization. A
    technique which often works is to move the variable initialization from the
    variable declaration (in the package spec) to the package body initialization block.
    PLS-00493: invalid reference to a server-side object or function in a local context
    Cause: A reference to a server-side object (e.g. a table column) or function (a
    group function such as SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, … ) was found in a context where
    only PL/SQL objects may be present (such as within the parameter list of a local
    function or as the index of a (local) PL/SQL table.)
    Action: Rewrite the offending statement; or (if a local function call is the problem
    context), make the function non-local (either packaged or top- level.)
    PLS-00494: coercion into multiple record targets not supported
    Cause: The INTO list of a SELECT or FETCH specified more than a single recordtype target and the column types required coercion into 

a record to match the
INTO list. This is type checked as correct, but not yet supported.
Action: Create a new record type to hold all of the column types or code the
SELECT with an INTO target for every source column.
PLS-00495: too many columns in SELECT…INTO statement after bursting record
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-39
Cause: Type checking indicated the columns in a SELECT or FETCH were being
collected into a record in the INTO list. The record was burst into its fields. There
were not enough fields in the record for each of the columns.
Action: Change the number of columns or the record variable(s) in the INTO
clause so that they match.
PLS-00496: too few columns in SELECT…INTO statement after bursting record
Cause: Type checking indicated the columns in a SELECT or FETCH were being
collected into a record in the INTO list. The record was burst into its fields. There
were not enough columns to fill all of the fields in the record.
Action: Change the number of columns or the record variable(s) in the INTO
clause so that they match.
PLS-00497: cannot mix between single row and multi-row (BULK) in INTO list
Cause: - When BULK syntax (e.g. BULK COLLECT INTO) is used to retrieve data,
every variable in the INTO list has to be of type that is a collection of the type of
the corresponding column.
- When BULK is NOT used, every variable in the INTO list has to be of compatible
type with the corresponding column.
Action: Change the INTO list so that all variables have correct data types
PLS-00498: illegal use of a type before its declaration
Cause: A variable or constant was declared to be of a type whose declaration
appears later in the compilation unit; or, a type or subtype was declared in terms
of another type whose declaration appears later in the compilation unit.
Action: Ensure that the type declaration preceeds its use in the variable/
constant/type declaration.
PLS-00499: coercion into collection of records not supported
Cause: A SELECT or FETCH may specify a column list to be coerced into a
variable which is a collection of records. This is type checked as correct, but not yet
supported because of the implicit layout change required.
Action: Express the SELECT with an object constructor around the columns and
use a collection of objects as an INTO variable. Or, build the collection one row at a
time coercing each row into a record which happens to be an element. Or, use a
record of collections.
PLS-00500: invalid operator binding
Cause: An operator binding fucntion cannot be found in the specified scope.
Action: Provide the correct number and types of parameters for the operator
binding fucntion. Or, specify the correct names for schema, package, or type
containing the operator binding fucntion.
PLS-00503: RETURN statement required for this return from function
Cause: In a function body, a RETURN statement was used that contains no
expression. In procedures, a RETURN statement contains no expression because
the statement simply returns control to the caller. However, in functions, a
RETURN statement must contain an expression because its value is assigned to the
function identifier.
Action: Add an expression to the RETURN statement.
PLS-00504: type string_BASE may not be used outside of package STANDARD
52-40 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: In a declaration, the datatype NUMBER_BASE (for example) was
mistakenly specified. The datatypes CHAR_BASE, DATE_BASE, MLSLABEL_
BASE, and NUMBER_BASE are for internal use only.
Action: Specify (for example) the datatype NUMBER instead of NUMBER_BASE.
PLS-00505: User Defined Types may only be defined as PLSQL Tables or Records
Cause: An attempt was made to define a type other than TABLE or RECORD, but
these are the only user- defined types allowed in this release of PL/SQL. For
example, the following type definition is illegal: TYPE Byte IS INTEGER(2); --
Action: Remove the type definition, or revise it to specify a TABLE or RECORD
PLS-00506: User Defined Constrained Subtypes are disallowed
Cause: An attempt was made to define a constrained subtype, but only
unconstrained subtypes are allowed in this release of PL/SQL. For example, the
following type definition is illegal: SUBTYPE Acronym IS VARCHAR2(5); -- illegal
Action: Remove the illegal type constraint.
PLS-00507: a PLSQL Table may not contain a table or a record with composite fields
Cause: In a TABLE type definition, a nested record type was specified as the
element type. This is not allowed. All fields in the record must be scalars.
Action: Remove the TABLE type definition, or replace the nested record type with
a simple record type.
PLS-00508: The expression in a RETURN statement cannot be a type
Cause: A datatype specifier was used instead of an expression in the RETURN
statement of a user-defined function, as shown in the example below. Do not
confuse the RETURN statement, which sets the function identifier to the result
value, with the RETURN clause, which specifies the datatype of the result value.
RETURN NUMBER; -- should be an expression END;
Action: Replace the datatype specifier in the RETURN statement with an
appropriate expression.
PLS-00509: Implementation Restriction : Pass a returned record to a temporary
identifier before selecting a field
Cause: Illegal syntax was used to call a parameter-less function that returns a
record or a PL/SQL table of records. When calling a function that takes parameters
and returns a record, you use the following syntax to reference fields in the record:
function_name(parameters).field_name However, you cannot use the syntax
above to call a parameter-less function because PL/SQL does not allow empty
parameter lists. That is, the following syntax is illegal: function_name().field_name
-- illegal; empty parameter list You cannot just drop the empty parameter list
because the following syntax is also illegal: function_name.field_name -- illegal; no
parameter list.
Action: Declare a local record or PL/SQL table of records to which you can assign
the function result, then reference its fields directly.
PLS-00510: Float cannot have scale
Cause: When a FLOAT variable was declared, its precision and scale were
specified, as shown in the following example: DECLARE Salary FLOAT(7,2);
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-41
However, a scale for FLOAT variables cannot be specified; only a precision can be
specified, as in salary FLOAT(7);
Action: Remove the scale specifier from the declaration, or declare a NUMBER
variable instead.
PLS-00511: a record may not contain a PL/SQL table of records
Cause: n a RECORD definition, one of the fields was declared as a PL/SQL table
of records. This is not allowed. A record can be the component of another record
(that is, records can be nested), but a PL/SQL table of records cannot be the
component of a record.
Action: Remove the field declaration, or revise it to specify a simple record type.
PLS-00512: Implementation Restriction: 'string': Cannot directly access remote
package variable or cursor
Cause: An attempt was made to reference a remote packaged variable or cursor.
This is not allowed. Instead, add to the remote package a function that returns the
value of the variable or cursor.
Action: Remove the illegal reference.
PLS-00513: PL/SQL function called from SQL must return value of legal SQL type
Cause: In a SQL statement, do not call a PL/SQL function having a return type
that can not be handled by SQL. For example, type BOOLIAN, records and
indexed-tables are not supported by SQL and functions returneing such values can
not be called from SQL.
Action: None
PLS-00514: INSERT statement with REF INTO clause requires a typed table
Cause: This INSERT statement provides REF INTO clause, which is only legal
when the table specified in the INTO clause is an object table.
Action: None
PLS-00515: The type of the REF INTO variable 'string' must be REF to the table's
Cause: In INSERT statement with REF INTO clause, the type of the data item
must be REF to the type of the table used in INTO clause.
Action: None
PLS-00516: Type mismatch between object table and value 'string' in INSERT
Cause: In the INSERT statement operating on typed tables (tables of objects), the
type of a non-aggregate value did not match the object type of the table.
Action: None
PLS-00517: Type mismatch between a select list element 'string' and corresponding
table column in INSERT statement with a subquery
Cause: In an INSERT statement with subquery, at lease one of the elements of the
select list was not type-compatible with the corresponding column of the table in
the INTO clause. This error indicates that the subquery should be rewritten to
match the structure of the target table.
Action: None
PLS-00518: This INSERT statement requires VALUES clause containing a
parenthesised list of values
52-42 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: A VALUES clause was entered without a list of SQL data items in
parentheses. In all INSERT statements with an explicit column list, the VALUES
clause must contain a list of SQL data items in parentheses. For example: INSERT
INTO my_tab (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,my_variable);
Action: Rewrite the statement to include a list of SQL data items in parentheses.
PLS-00519: This INSERT statement requires a VALUES clause containing an object
type expression, not a list of values
Cause: In an INSERT statement with typed tables, an aggregate was used when
an object type item was expected.
Action: Replace the aggregate with an object constructor or other object type
PLS-00520: MAP methods must be declared without any parameters other than
(optional) SELF.
Cause: A MAP member function was declared with a parameter. Map member
functions can have only one parameter: the default SELF parameter. Map methods
must be declared without any parameters. The compiler adds the SELF parameter.
Action: Remove the parameter from the map member function.
PLS-00521: ORDER methods must be declared with 1 (one) parameter in addition to
(optional) SELF.
Cause: An order member function was declared without the user-specified
parameter. Order member functions have two parameters, one is the default SELF
parameter which is added by the compiler. the second parameter is added by the
user and must declare an order method which must be the same type as the
containing object type.
Action: Check and correct the way the parameter is specified.
PLS-00522: MAP methods must return a scalar type.
Cause: The MAP member function was written such that it returns something
other than a scalar type.
Action: Rewrite the MAP function such that it returns a scalar type.
PLS-00523: ORDER methods must return an INTEGER.
Cause: An order member function was written such that it returns something
other than an integer type.
Action: Rewrite the ORDER method such that it returns an integer type.
PLS-00524: The parameter type in an ORDER method must be the containing object
Cause: An order member function was declared without the user- specified
parameter. Order member functions have two parameters, one is the default SELF
parameter which is added by the compiler. the second parameter is added by the
user and must declare an order method which must be the same type as the
containing object type.
Action: Check and correct the way the parameter is specified.
PLS-00525: Within SQL statements, only equality comparisons of objects are
allowed without a map or order function.
Cause: A map or order function was not provided for a relational comparison.
Only equality comparisons may be used when a map or order function is not
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-43
Action: Supply either a map or order function for the object. Otherwise change
the program to use only equality comparisons.
PLS-00526: A MAP or ORDER function is required for comparing objects in
Cause: Within stand alone PL/SQL, an attempt was made to compare objects
without a map or order function.
Action: Provide a map or order function and retry the operation.
PLS-00527: MAP or ORDER functions require a PRAGMA RESTRICT_
Cause: Either a PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES was not specified or it was
specified without one of the following: WNDS, WNPS, RNPS, or RNDS.
Action: Add or correct the PRAGMA and retry the operation.
PLS-00528: The parameters to an ORDER function must have IN mode
Cause: You declared parameter to an ORDER function to have OUT or IN OUT
Action: Correct the parameter to use IN mode only.
PLS-00529: Bad column name string in INSERT statement (must be an identifier)
Cause: In an INSERT statement, an attempt was made to use a column name that
is not an identifier. In any INSERT statement with explicit column list a column
name must be a simple identifier.
Action: Rewrite the INSERT statement, using a simple identifier for the column
PLS-00530: Illegal type used for object type attribute: 'string'.
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid type for an object type attribute.
Action: Use only supported types for the object type attribute.
PLS-00531: Unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type: 'string'.
Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE
Action: Use only supported types in a VARRAY or TABLE type.
PLS-00532: Target of REF must be a complete or incomplete object type.
Cause: The target of a REF can only be a complete or an incomplete object type.
Action: If a REF is to be used, change the type; otherwise, remove the REF.
PLS-00533: Tables of non_queryable types are not supported.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a table of a type which cannot be queried.
Tables of such types are not supported.
Action: Create an object type containing the non-queryable type. Then create a
table of the object type.
PLS-00534: A Table type may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY.
Cause: An attempt was made to do one of the following: define a table type which
contained nested collection types. or define an object table that has (perhaps
nested) another table type or VARRAY type.
Action: Check the table definitions to be sure that they do not contain nested
tables or VARRAYs.
52-44 Oracle Database Error Messages
PLS-00535: A VARRAY type may not contain a NESTED TABLE, VARRAY or LOB
Cause: An attempt was made to do one of the following: define a VARRAY type
containing a nested collection type or LOB or define a VARRAY type of an object
type that has a nested attribute which is one of NESTED TABLE, VARRAY or LOB
Action: Check the VARRAY definitions to be sure that they do not contain nested
colection types, LOBs or nested attributes.
PLS-00536: Navigation through REF variables is not supported in PL/SQL.
Cause: The expression of the form refvar.field was entered. This is not supported
in PL/SQL, ver 8.0.
Action: None
PLS-00537: A VARRAY must have a positive limit
Cause: A VARRAY type was declared with a non-positive limit, for example
Action: Declare the VARRAY with a positive limit and retry the operation.
PLS-00538: subprogram or cursor 'string' is declared in an object type specification
and must be defined in the object type body
Cause: The specified subprogram is declared in an object type's specification, but
is not defined in the object type body.
Action: Define the subprogram in the object type body, or remove the declaration
from the specification.
PLS-00539: subprogram 'string' is declared in an object type body and must be
defined in the object type specification
Cause: The specified subprogram is declared in an object type's body, but is not
defined in the object type's specification. Notice cursor bodies can exist without a
Action: Define the subprogram in the object type's specification, or remove the
declaration from the body.
PLS-00540: object not supported in this context.
Cause: An object was declared inside a local scope (Function, Procedure, or
anonymous block), or in a package scope which is not supported.
Action: Declare the type in a global or data base scope.
PLS-00541: size or length specified is too large.
Cause: A length or size that is too large was specified for a data item.
Action: Specify a smaller value and retry the operation.
PLS-00542: CLOB and NCLOB cannot use varying-width character sets in the server
Cause: A server type is being created with an embedded CLOB or NCLOB
atttribute which uses a varying-width character set.
Action: Use VARCHAR2 instead of CLOB, or use a fixed-width character set.
PLS-00543: a PLSQL Table may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY.
Cause: An attempt was made to define a PLSQL table that contained a (possibly
deeply) nested table type or VARRAY. Nested collection types are not supported.
Action: Remove the nested table type or VARRAY from the table. Then retry the
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-45
PLS-00546: SELF may not be declared as a REF parameter.
Cause: SELF was declared as a ref parameter to a member function or procedure.
SELF is not supported as a REF.
Action: Redeclare SELF as a value parameter.
PLS-00548: invalid use of operator.
Cause: A name of an operator is used as a qualifier or appears outside from sql
Action: Eliminate the use of operator name as a qualifier or place it in a sql clause.
PLS-00550: character set specification is not allowed for this type
Cause: A character set specification was made on a type that does not require one.
Action: Remove the character set specification, or change the type.
PLS-00551: character set ANY_CS is only allowed on a subprogram parameter
Cause: The character set ANY_CS was specified when it is not allowed.
Action: Change or remove the character set specification.
PLS-00552: flexible character set is not allowed on component element
Cause: ANY_CS or %CHARSET was used to reference an ANY_CS parameter
which is not a CHAR, VARCHAR2, or CLOB type. ANY_CS or %CHARSET is not
allowed for fields of a record , object, elements of a collection, etc.
Action: Change or remove the character set specification.
PLS-00553: character set name is not recognized
Cause: An unrecognized name appears in a character set specification.
Action: Change or remove the character set specification.
PLS-00554: character set has already been determined
Cause: A redundant or conflicting character set was specified.
Action: Remove the CHARACTER SET specification, or change the character set
PLS-00555: default expressions are not allowed for SQL operators
Cause: A default expression has been specified for a SQL operator.
Action: Eliminate the default expression from the operator.
PLS-00560: character set mismatch
Cause: An expression was used that has the wrong character set for this context.
Action: Adjust the expression, using TRANSLATE(… USING …) or by rethinking
the logic.
PLS-00561: character set mismatch on value for parameter 'string'
Cause: An expression was used that contains an incorrect character set. The actual
argument has a character set conflict. If a default argument value is being used, it
might be in conflict with some actual argument that must have the same character
Action: Adjust the expression, using TRANSLATE(… USING …) or change the
character set.
PLS-00562: a function must return a type.
52-46 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The current function was definied to return something other than a data
Action: Make sure the function is returning a data type.
PLS-00563: illegal use of CAST expression
Cause: CAST (in PLSQL) was used outside of a DML scope.
Action: Do not use CAST outside DML statements.
PLS-00564: lob arguments are not permitted in calls to remote server
Cause: use of lob argument in call to remote server
Action: Do not use LOBs in call to remote server
PLS-00565: string must be completed as a potential REF target (object type)
Cause: Incomplete library units that are potential targets of REF dependencies
must be completed so that they continue to remain potential targets of REF
dependencies (since there might be library units with REF dependencies on this
library unit). Potential REF targets include complete and incomplete object types.
This error happened because an attempt was made to complete a potential REF
target as something other than a potential REF target.
Action: Use another name for this library unit, or drop the original incomplete
library unit.
PLS-00566: type name "string" cannot be constrained
Cause: A lob, date, boolean, rowid, or mlslabel type was constrained with a
length specification. For example: X BLOB(5);
Action: Remove the constraint.
PLS-00567: cannot pass NULL to a NOT NULL constrained formal parameter
Cause: You attempted to pass NULL to a NOT NULL constrained parameter.
Action: Pass a NOT NULL expression instead.
PLS-00568: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item
Cause: You attempted to use TABLE expression, from a non-nested table
Action: pass the correct parameter
PLS-00569: numeric overflow or underflow
Cause: A constant literal is either too large or too small to fit in an Oracle number
Action: Change the value of the literal
PLS-00570: different number of columns in the multiset and cast expressions
Cause: Number of columns in the collection returned by MULTISET and the
number of columns for the CAST type don't match. For example: create type tab_
obj as object (n number); create type tab1 as table of tab_obj; create table tab2 (col1
number, col2 number); select CAST(MULTISET(select col1, col2 from tab2) as tab1)
from tab2;
Action: None
PLS-00571: method access through data base link not yet supported on client side
Cause: Remote link is used with on client side
Action: Create a dummy function to call symbolic link on server side or wiat till it
is implemented
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-47
PLS-00572: improper constraint form used
Cause: "number" types cannot have a range. user-defined aggregate types and
integer types cannot have scale or precision specified. Example: "x number(5,3)" is
acceptable but "x number range 1..10" is not.
Action: Remove the constraint
PLS-00573: cannot constrain scale, precision, or range of an anchored type
Cause: A variable declared with %TYPE or %ROWTYPE cannot have a scale,
precision, or range constraint. Example: x y%TYPE(10) is not acceptable. It is legal
to add "NOT NULL" or non-conflicting CHARACTER SET constraints to anchored
type declarations.
Action: Remove the constraint or use a type name instead of an anchored type.
PLS-00580: supertype must be an object type
Cause: An attempt was made to declare an object type to have a supertype, but
the specified supertype was not itself an object type. Object types can inherit only
from other object types.
Action: Remove the supertype specification, or change it to refer to an object type.
If the declaration appears correct, make sure the supertype has compiled correctly.
PLS-00581: inheritance is not supported for opaque types
Cause: An attempt was made to declare an opaque type with a supertype.
Action: Remove the supertype specification.
PLS-00582: attribute declarations are not allowed in opaque types
Cause: An attempt was made to declare an attribute in an opaque type.
Action: Remove the attribute declaration.
PLS-00583: size must be specified if opaque type is fixed-length
Cause: An attempt was made to declare a fixed-length opaque type without
specifying an explicit size.
Action: Specify an explicit size, or change the declaration to be varying-length.
PLS-00584: size of an opaque type must be between 1 and 4000 bytes
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an explicit size for an opaque type, but
the specified size was out of the valid range.
Action: Change the explicit size to be between 1 and 4000 bytes, or change the
declaration to be varying-length without an explicit size.
PLS-00585: declared support library for opaque type is not a library
Cause: An attempt was made to name a support library for an opaque type, but
the name refers to an object that is not a library.
Action: Change the declaration to name a valid library.
PLS-00586: a static method cannot declare a parameter named SELF
Cause: An attempt was made to name a parameter SELF when declaring a static
method. SELF is reserved as a parameter name in methods, to hold the object
instance on which the method is applied. A parameter named SELF is not allowed
in static methods because static methods do not apply to a particular object
Action: Change the name of the parameter in the declaration.
52-48 Oracle Database Error Messages
PLS-00587: a static method cannot be invoked on an instance value
Cause: An attempt was made to use an object instance value, not a typename, as
the qualifier of the name of a method invocation, but only a typename can be used
as the qualifier when calling a static method.
Action: Use the typename, not an object instance value, to qualify the name of a
method if the method is static.
PLS-00588: unqualified instance attribute references allowed only in member
Cause: An attempt was made to use the name of an object instance attribute in the
body of a static method, or in an initialization default value on another attribute. If
the instance attribute is not qualified with a particular object instance that supplies
a value, the instance attribute can be named only when it is inside a member
Action: Qualify the attribute reference with the name of an object value, or change
the containing method to a member method rather than a static method.
PLS-00589: no attributes found in object type "string"
Cause: Table of non adt type is defined.
Action: Table of type should be of ADT type only
PLS-00590: attempting to create a subtype UNDER a FINAL type
Cause: An attempt was made to create a subtype UNDER a FINAL type.
Action: Avoid deriving a subtype from this FINAL type.
PLS-00591: this feature is not supported in client-side programs
Cause: One of the following features was used in a wrong context: pragma
IMMEDIATE), and bulk binds. These listed features can only be used in
server-side programs but not client-side programs.
Action: Remove it or define a server-side subprogram to do the work and call the
subprogram from the client.
PLS-00592: the type of a object table must be an object type
Cause: You have defined a typed-table of a non-object type.
Action: Replace the non-object type with an object-type.
PLS-00593: default value of parameter "string" in body must match that of spec
Cause: The default value initialization of a parameter in a subprogram body
contained in a package body did not match that of the corresponding subprogram
specification in the corresponding package specification.
Action: Change the default initialization of the parameter in body to match that of
PLS-00594: the SELF parameter can be declared only as IN or as IN OUT
Cause: The SELF parameter was declared as an OUT parameter.
Action: Declare the SELF parameter as either an IN or an IN OUT parameter.
PLS-00595: the TABLE operator is not allowed in this context
Cause: This feature is not yet implemented.
Action: Don't use weak ref cursors with bulk binds.
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-49
PLS-00597: expression 'string' in the INTO list is of wrong type
Cause: This exception is raised for the following errors:
- the expression in INTO clause of OPEN or RETURNING statement is neither of
legal SQL datatypes nor of PL/SQL RECORD datatype
- a collection of records is used in INTO clause of OPEN or RETURNING
- a record or a collection of records is used in BULK COLLECT INTO
Action: Use expression with correct datatype in the INTO clause
PLS-00598: comparison of object with NULL using "string" is not allowed
Cause: An object is compared with NULL using a relational operator.
Action: Use IS NULL comparison operator.
PLS-00599: SAMPLE percentage must be in the range [0.000001,100)
Cause: The percentage number is not in the range [0.000001,100)
Action: Use a percentage number in the range [0.000001,100)
PLS-00600: SAMPLE cannot be applied to a remote object
Cause: SAMPLE applying to a remote object is not supported
Action: Do not use SAMPLE with a remote object
PLS-00601: partition extended object names may only be used with tables
Cause: User attempted to use a partition-extended object name with an object
which is not a table.
Action: Avoid using partition-extended name syntax with objects which are not
PLS-00602: CUBE and ROLLUP may appear only in a GROUP BY clause
Cause: User attempted to use the keywords CUBE or ROLLUP outside a GROUP
BY clause
Action: Avoid using the keywords CUBE and ROLLUP outside the GROUP BY
PLS-00603: GROUPING function supported only with GROUP BY CUBE or
Cause: User attempted to use the GROUPING function without GROUP BY
Action: Avoid using the GROUPING function without GROUP BY CUBE or
PLS-00604: aggregate function is not allowed here
Cause: One of the functions, such as AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, STDDEV
or VARIANCE, was used in a WHERE or GROUP BY clause
Action: Remove the group function from the WHERE or GROUP BY clause. The
desired result may be achieved by including the function in a subquery or
HAVING clause.
PLS-00605: set operators are not yet supported as an argument to a MULTISET
Cause: A set operator was used in a subquery that was the argument to a
MULTISET operator.
52-50 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Rewrite your SQL statement so that it does not use a set operator in the
subquery that is the argument to the MULTISET operator.
PLS-00606: cursor subquery is not supported on client side in this release
Cause: A query that contains a cursor subquery is being used from client side.
Action: Use this feature from serevr side only.
PLS-00607: SQLJ Object Types can have only SQLJ Types as its supertype or
Cause: You were trying to create a SQLJ Object Type under a non-SQLJ Object
Action: Recreate the type as a SQLJ Object Type.
PLS-00608: the value of the USING clause must match that of the supertype
Cause: You were trying to create a SQLJ Object Type with a different value of the
USING clause from the USING clause specified in its supertype.
Action: Change the value of the USING clause to match the USING clause in its
PLS-00609: the OVERRIDING clause is not valid for SQLJ Object Types
Cause: You were trying to a SQLJ Object Type method that override an inherited
Action: Change the SQLJ Object Type defintion by removing the OVERRIDING
PLS-00610: ROW can be used only once in SET clause of UPDATE statement
Cause: You were trying to use ROW more than once in UPDATE statement.
Action: Remove all the additional ROW in set clause of UPDATE statement.
PLS-00611: right hand side can be only the variables of record type
Cause: with ROW on LHS, only PL/SQL records or %ROWTYPE variables are
allowed on right hand side..
Action: Make appropriate changes, so that right hande side should only have
variables of record or %ROWTYPE.
PLS-00612: Number of attributes do not match in SET clause
Cause: Number of columns do not match with number of attributes on record
type on rhs.
Action: Make sure that number of columns match with the number of attributes
in record on rhs.
PLS-00613: only one item is allowed, when using variables of record type
Cause: You are trying to use more than one values in VALUES clause or
RETURNING INTO clause, when one of the value is of record type..
Action: Specify only one variable of record type, or don't use variables of record
PLS-00614: creating a FINAL NOT INSTANTIABLE type
Cause: An attempt was made to create a FINAL NOT INSTANTIABLE type. No
useful operation can be performed with this type.
Action: Avoid using the keywords FINAL and NOT INSTANTIABLE together
when creating types.
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-51
PLS-00615: type mismatch found at 'string' between CASE operand and WHEN
Cause: In a simple CASE statement or expression, the CASE operand and WHEN
operands do not match in datatype, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is
required to correct the mismatch.
Action: Change the CASE operand and WHEN operands so that their datatypes
match. Consider using datatype conversion functions in the CASE operand
and/or WHEN operands.
PLS-00616: type mismatch found at 'string' among result expressions in a CASE
Cause: In a CASE expression, the result expressions do not match in datatype,
and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.
Action: Change the result expressions so that their datatypes match. Consider
using datatype conversion functions in the result expressions.
PLS-00617: at least one result in the CASE expression must not be NULL
Cause: All the results in the CASE expression are the literal NULL.
Action: Change at least one result in the CASE expression to be non-NULL.
PLS-00618: type mismatch found at 'string' between operands in a NULLIF
Cause: In a NULLIF expression, the two operands do not match in datatype, and
it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.
Action: Change the operands so that their datatypes match. Consider using
datatype conversion functions in the operands.
PLS-00619: the first operand in the NULLIF expression must not be NULL
Cause: The first operand in the NULLIF expression is the literal NULL.
Action: Change the first operand in the NULLIF expression to be non-NULL.
PLS-00620: type mismatch found at 'string' among operands in a COALESCE
Cause: In a COALESCE expression, the operands do not match in datatype, and it
is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.
Action: Change the operands so that their datatypes match. Consider using
datatype conversion functions in the operands.
PLS-00621: at least one operand in the COALESCE expression must not be NULL
Cause: All the operands in the COALESCE expression are the literal NULL.
Action: Change at least one operand in the COALESCE expression to be
PLS-00622: range constraints must be between -2147483647 and 2147483647
Cause: The range constraints specified for a pls_integer or binary_integer
declaration did not fall between -2147483647 and 2147483647.
Action: Use range constraints between -2147483647 and 2147483647.
PLS-00623: FLOAT precision constraint must be between 1 and 126
Cause: The precision specified for a FLOAT, REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION did
not fall between 1 and 126.
Action: Use precision constraints between 1 and 126.
52-52 Oracle Database Error Messages
PLS-00624: USING clause must be used with either aggregate or pipelined
Cause: USING clause cannot be used with functions that are not declared with
Action: Define function body in PL/SQL or some other language (using external
callout call specification).
PLS-00625: PARTITION/CLUSTER/ORDER-BY clause can only be used with IN
Cause: A PARTITION/CLUSTER/ORDER-BY clause was used with an OUT or
IN OUT ref-cursor parameter.
Action: Change the parameter mode to IN or use some other parameter with the
PLS-00626: partitioned/clustered/ordered parameter must be a function argument
Cause: A partitioning or clustering/ordering specification specified on an
argument that is not one of the function arguments.
Action: Specify partitioning/clustering/ordering based on the function ref-cursor
formal argument.
PLS-00627: 'string' must be a strongly typed ref cursor
Cause: A partitioning or clustering/ordering specification specified on an
argument that is not a strongly typed ref cursor.
Action: Specify partitioning/clustering/ordering based on the function ref-cursor
formal argument.
PLS-00628: 'string' must be a valid record attribute
Cause: A partitioning or clustering/ordering specification must use only valid
record attributes.
Action: Specify partitioning/clustering/ordering based on valid record attributes.
PLS-00629: PIPE statement cannot be used in non-pipelined functions
Cause: A PIPE statement was used in a non-pipelined function.
Action: Use PIPE statement only in pipelined functions.
PLS-00630: pipelined functions must have a supported collection return type
Cause: A pipelined function was specified with an unsupported return type. The
following are not supported as return types of pipelined functions:
- non-collections,
- PL/SQL tables,
- associative arrays,
- collections of PL/SQL types: rowid, mlslabel, long, long raw, boolean, binary_
integer, pls_integer, string and urowid The following restrictions apply:
- If the return type is a collection of records, then each of the attributes of the
record must be a supported type.
- A collection of records must not contain a record type as one of its attributes.
Action: Specify a supported collection type as the pipelined function return type.
PLS-00631: PARTITION-BY and CLUSTER/ORDER-BY clauses must be used with
the same function argument
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-53
Cause: PARTITION-BY and CLUSTER/ORDER-BY clauses are specified on
different function arguments.
Action: Use the same argument in both PARITITON-BY and
PLS-00632: NOT INSTANTIABLE method cannot have a body
Cause: An attempt was made to provide an implementation for a NOT
Action: Remove the implementation for the NOT INSTATIABLE method.
PLS-00633: RETURN statement in a pipelined function cannot contain an
Cause: A RETURN statement in a pipelined function contains an expression,
which is not allowed. Pipelined functions must send back values to the caller by
using the PIPE statement.
Action: Remove the expression from the RETURN statement and use a PIPE
statement to return values. Else, convert the function into a non-pipelined
PLS-00634: type with NOT INSTANTIABLE methods must be declared NOT
Cause: The type being created contains NOT INSTANTIABLE methods, either
declared or inherited. The type must be explicitly declared NOT INSTANTIABLE
Action: Explicitly specify the NOT INSTANTIABLE keyword or provide
implementations for all the NOT INSTANTIABLE methods.
PLS-00635: method does not override
Cause: The method specification contains the OVERRIDING keyword but the
method does not override a method in the ancestor types.
Action: Check the method specification.
PLS-00636: overriding method requires OVERRIDING keyword
Cause: An attempt was made to provide an overriding method specification, but
the OVERRIDING keyword was not specified.
Action: Modify the method specification and specify the OVERRIDING keyword.
PLS-00637: FINAL method cannot be overriden or hidden
Cause: An attempt was made to override a FINAL MEMBER method or hide a
Action: Avoid overriding FINAL MEMBER methods or hiding FINAL STATIC
PLS-00638: cannot overload MAP method
Cause: The MAP method does override the inherited one.
Action: Make the specifications match.
PLS-00639: NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 cannot be byte length semantics
Cause: NCHAR/NVARCHAR can only be codepoint length sematics. BYTE
qualifiers used with NCHAR is illegal: nc NCHAR(7 BYTE); name
NVARCHAR2(10 byte);
Action: Remove BYTE qualifier to make it as codepoint length semantics
52-54 Oracle Database Error Messages
PLS-00640: a pipelined function cannot be called from PL/SQL context
Cause: A pipelined function was invoked from a PL/SQL expression.
Action: Use the pipelined function in the FROM clause of a SQL query.
PLS-00641: INTO clause not allowed for this SELECT statement
Cause: A SELECT statement in a cursor definition, an OPEN statement or a cursor
FOR loop has an erroneous INTO clause.
Action: Remove the INTO clause.
PLS-00642: local collection types not allowed in SQL statements
Cause: A locally-defined (i.e. not schema level) collection type was used in a SQL
statement. The type must be defined in a schema to be accepted in a SQL
Action: Define the collection type in your schema, not inside a PL/SQL
PLS-00643: booleans, index tables, records and cursors not allowed in SQL
Cause: Items of type boolean, table of foo index by binary_integer, record and
static cursors cannot be used in SQL statements.
Action: Remove expressions of these types from the SQL statement.
PLS-00644: character set mismatch found at 'string' among result expressions in a
CASE expression
Cause: In a CASE expression, the result expressions do not match in character set,
and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.
Action: Change the result expressions so that their character sets match.
PLS-00645: character set mismatch found at 'string' among operands in a
COALESCE expression
Cause: In a COALESCE expression, the operands do not match in character set
and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.
Action: Change the operands so that their character sets match.
PLS-00646: MAP or ORDER method must be defined in the root of the subtype
Cause: An attempt was made to define a MAP or ORDER method in a subtype.
Action: Define the MAP or ORDER method in the root of the subtype hierarchy.
You can override MAP methods in subtypes.
PLS-00647: attribute by name "string" conflicts with method by same name
Cause: While creating a subtype some attribute name conflicted with a method
Action: Use a different name for attribute or method in the type being created.
PLS-00648: type of supertype attribute "string" can not be a subtype or reference to a
subtype in this release
Cause: User tried to complete a type, Tsub as a subtype of another type, Tsuper
where Tsuper contained an attribute of type Tsub or of type REF to Tsub. This is an
implementation restriction.
Action: Change the design of code to not use any type with attribute whose type
is of subtype or REF to subtype.
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-55
PLS-00649: method "string" can be overridden only once per object type
Cause: User tried to override the method more than once in the same subtype.
Action: Either make this an extra overload by removing the OVERRIDING
keyword where the method signature is different. The argument types should be
reconsidered otherwise.
PLS-00650: invalid type for PARTITION/CLUSTER/ORDER BY clause
Cause: Uer tried to use invalid type for PARTITION/CLUSTER?ORDER BY
Action: Use legal allowed types.
PLS-00651: implementation type in Aggregate/Table function should be a valid type
Cause: User tried to use some other database object like a package to define
implementation type of an aggregate/table function.
Action: Use a valid user defined type as implementation type.
PLS-00652: aggregate functions should have exactly one argument
Cause: User tried to create aggregate function with either 0 or more than one
Action: Do not create aggregate function with 0 or more than one argument.
PLS-00653: aggregate/table functions are not allowed in PL/SQL scope
Cause: User tried to use a table/aggregate function in PL/SQL scope.
Action: Do not use table/aggregate function in PL/SQL scope.
PLS-00654: PARTITION/ORDER/CLUSTER BY are allowed for only with
Cause: User tried partion by order by cluster by without parallel enable clause in
table function.
Action: specify parallel enable also when using partion by, cluster by order by
PLS-00655: only functions can be declared as PIPELINED
Cause: user is trying to declare a procedure to be pipeliend function
Action: declare a function instead of a procedure to be a pipelined function
PLS-00656: field 'string' not available in input argument
Cause: An EXTRACT operation specified a field that was not present. For
example, you tried to extract the YEAR field from a TIME variable.
Action: Specify a legal field in the call to EXTRACT.
PLS-00657: Implementation restriction: bulk SQL with associative arrays with
VARCHAR2 key is not supported.
Cause: Variable or expression of associative array type was used as bulk SQL bind
or define.
Action: Use colleciton types supported by bulk SQL.
PLS-00658: constructor method name must match type name
Cause: The name of the object type constructor does not match the type name.
Action: Change the name of the constructor method to match the type name.
PLS-00659: constructor method must return SELF AS RESULT
52-56 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The return clause of the constructor method did not specify SELF AS
Action: Change the return clause to include RETURN SELF AS RESULT.
PLS-00660: SELF parameter of constructor method must be IN OUT
Cause: The mode of the SELF parameter of the constructor was not IN OUT.
Action: Change the mode of the SELF parameter to be IN OUT.
PLS-00661: RETURN statement in a CONSTRUCTOR cannot include an expression
Cause: An attempt was made to include an expression in the RETURN statement
of a CONSTRUCTOR body.
Action: Remove the expression from the RETURN statement.
PLS-00662: Non-external object types containing external mapped attributes are not
Cause: An attempt was made to create a non-external object, whoose attributes
are mapped externally.
Action: Create the object as an external object.
PLS-00663: the NEW keyword is not allowed in this context
Cause: The NEW keyword is not followed by an call to a constructor method.
Action: Remove the NEW keyword, or make sure the expression following it is a
constructor call.
PLS-00664: Both ORDER BY and CLUSTER BY can not be specified for the same
table function
Cause: An attempt was made to specify both ORDER BY and CLUSTER BY for
the same table function.
Action: specify either ORDER BY or CLUSTER BY for a table function, but not
PLS-00665: ORDER BY and CLUSTER BY clauses require a PARTITION BY clause
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an ORDER BY or CLUSTER BY clause
without also specifying a PARTITION BY clause.
Action: Add a PARTITION BY clause, or remove the ORDER BY or CLUSTER BY
PLS-00666: Only index by binary_integer/pls_integer associative arrays allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to specify index collection that was not indexed by
binary_integer or pls_integer.
Action: Change the index collection variable type to associative array that is
indexed by binary_integer or pls_integer.
PLS-00667: Element type of associative array should be pls_integer or binary_
Cause: An attempt was made to specify index collection whos element type was
not one of pls_integer or binary_integer.
Action: Change the index collection variable type to associative array whose
element type is pls_integer or binary_integer.
PLS-00668: Type of expression should be a collection type
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-57
Cause: An attempt was made to specify expression after INDICES OF or VALUES
OF clause whose type is not a collection type.
Action: Change the index collection expression type to a valid collection type.
PLS-00669: Type of expression should be a valid collection variable
Cause: An attempt was made to specify expression after INDICES OF or VALUES
OF clause that is not a collection variable.
Action: Change the index collection expression type to a valid collection variable.
PLS-00670: sort columns must be simple column names
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an expression as a sort column in a
PARTITION BY, CLUSTER BY or ORDER BY clause. Only simple column names
are permitted.
Action: Specify a simple column name.
PLS-00671: this expression is allowed only with instance methods
Cause: The generalized invocation syntax was used in instance method context.
Action: The generalized invocation syntax can only be used in a instance method
that is not a constructor
PLS-00672: The expression string should be a subtype of the type string
Cause: The expression in the generalized expression should be a sub type of the
Action: The type of expression should be a subtype of the type name
PLS-00673: Generalized expression is not allowed in this context
Cause: The generalized expression is used in wrong context
Action: Fix the expression and remove the generalized expression syntax.
PLS-00674: references to fields of BULK In-BIND table of records or objects must
have the form A(I).F
Cause: The form table(bulk_index).field is the only field selection supported at
Action: Use a FOR loop instead of the FORALL DML statement
(MERGE/INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE) or revise reference to fit the form allowed.
PLS-00675: invalid section for this type of Compound Trigger
Cause: Before and After row sections are not allowed for Compound trigges
defined on the Table and instead of row section is not allowed for Compound
Triggers defined on a view.
Action: Remove the invalid sections for this context.
PLS-00676: duplicate Compound Triggers section
Cause: Each Compound Trigger Section can appear at most once in a body of the
compound trigger
Action: Remove the offending sections.
PLS-00677: Compound Triggers cannot be autonomous transactions
Cause: The Compound Triggers hsd pragma autonomous transaction.
Action: Call autonomous function or procedure, if autonomous transaction
behavior is desired from Compound Triggers.
52-58 Oracle Database Error Messages
PLS-00678: RETURN statement not allowed inside Compound Triggers
Cause: A return Statement was seen inside a compound trigger
Action: Remove Return statement and use other PL/SQL constructs to transfer
flow of control.
PLS-00679: trigger binds not allowed in before/after statement section
Cause: :new or :old were used in this section.
Action: Do not use trigger binds in this section
PLS-00680: BEFORE/AFTER ROW sections were used in a view trigger
Cause: BEFORE/AFTER ROW sections are not allowed with instead of row
Action: Remove the offending sections.
PLS-00700: PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT of string must follow declaration of its
exception in the same declarative part
Cause: An EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was not declared in the same block as its
exception. They must be declared in the proper order in the same block, with the
pragma declaration following the exception declaration.
Action: Place the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma directly after the exception
declaration referenced by the pragma.
PLS-00701: illegal ORACLE error number string for PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT
Cause: The error number passed to an EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was out of
range. The error number must be in the range -9999 .. -1 (excluding -100) for Oracle
errors or in the range -20000 .. -20999 for user-defined errors.
Action: Use a valid error number.
PLS-00702: second argument to PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT must be a numeric
Cause: The second argument passed to an EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was
something other than a numeric literal (a variable, for example). The second
argument must be a numeric literal in the range -9999 .. -1 (excluding -100) for
Oracle errors or in the range -20000 .. -20999 for user-defined errors.
Action: Replace the second argument with a valid error number.
PLS-00703: multiple instances of named argument in list
Cause: Two or more actual parameters in a subprogram call refer to the same
formal parameter.
Action: Remove the duplicate actual parameter.
PLS-00704: 'string' must be declared as an exception
Cause: The exception_name parameter passed to an EXCEPTION_INIT pragma is
misspelled or does not refer to a legally declared exception. Or, the pragma is
misplaced; it must appear in the same declarative section, somewhere after the
exception declaration.
Action: Check the spelling of the exception_name parameter. Then, check the
exception declaration, making sure the exception name and the keyword
EXCEPTION are spelled correctly. Also make sure the pragma appears in the same
declarative section somewhere after the exception declaration.
PLS-00705: exception 'string' used in expression requiring return type
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-59
Cause: An exception was referred to in an expression. Exceptions have names but
not values and therefore cannot contribute values to an expression. For example,
the following RETURN statement is illegal: FUNCTION credit_limit (cust_no
BEGIN … RETURN over_limit; -- illegal END;
Action: Check the spelling of the identifiers in the expression, then rewrite the
expression so that it does not refer to an exception.
PLS-00706: Exception string cannot be used as prefix of a selected component
Cause: An exception name was mistakenly used to qualify a reference to a
component. For example, when dot notation was used to specify fields within a
record, an exception name might have been coded instead of the record name.
Action: Rewrite the component reference using a valid prefix (for example, the
name of a package, record, or schema).
PLS-00707: unsupported construct or internal error [string]
Cause: At run time, this is an internal error. At compile time, it indicates one of
the following problems: -- A call was made to a remote subprogram that has a
parameter type or default expression not supported at the calling site. -- An
incomplete upgrade or downgrade was done to a database that has stored
procedures. Perhaps incorrect versions of system packages such as
STANDARD.SQL were installed. -- A compiler bug was encountered. In such
cases, legal PL/SQL syntax will fail to compile.
Action: Either report the internal error to your Customer Support representative
or, depending on the problem, take one of the following actions: -- Revise the logic
of the application to use parameter types and default expressions that are
supported at both the local and remote sites. -- Complete the upgrade or
downgrade properly, making sure to install correct versions of all system
packages. -- Report the legal-syntax error to your Customer Support
representative. If there are line and column numbers displayed with the error
message, they might help you find a workaround. For example, try recoding the
offending line to avoid the bug.
PLS-00708: Pragma string must be declared in a package specification
Cause: The named pragma was not declared in a package specification, as
required. For example, the pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES must be declared in
a package specification.
Action: Remove or relocate the misplaced pragma.
PLS-00709: pragma string must be declared in package specification and body
Cause: The named pragma was declared in a package specification but not in the
corresponding package body or vice-versa, as well as the package body.
Action: Add the pragma to that part of the package declaration that does not have
the pragma.
PLS-00710: Pragma string cannot be specified here
Cause: The pragma was specified in an inappropriate context.
Action: Remove or relocate the misplaced pragma. Check the documentation to
determine the correct context for this pragma.
PLS-00711: PRAGMA string cannot be declared twice
Cause: The PRAGMA was declared twice in the same block.
Action: remove the duplicate declaration of the PRAGMA
52-60 Oracle Database Error Messages
PLS-00712: illegal option for subprogram string
Cause: Only top level subprograms or subprogram declarations in PACKAGE or
TYPE specifications are allowed to have the options DETERMINISTIC or
PARALLEL_ENABLE. For example, this error would be raised if the options are
used in PACKAGE or TYPE body.
Action: remove the option.
PLS-00713: attempting to instantiate a type that is NOT INSTANTIABLE
Cause: An attempt was made to instantiate a type that is defined as NOT
Action: Avoid instantiating variables of this NOT INSTANTIABLE type, instead
derive an INSTANTIABLE subtype from it and instantiate variables of the
PLS-00714: supertypes's AUTHID is DEFINER but supertype and subtype are not
in same schema
Cause: The supertype's AUTHID is DEFINER, but the supertype and subtype are
defined in different schemas. SQL statements executed in dynamically dispatched
methods can potentially pick up different values from database tables in the two
Action: Create the subtype in the same schema as the supertype.
PLS-00715: attribute or method by name 'string' does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a nonexistant method or attribute from the
type being altered.
Action: Check the spelling of the attribute or method name. Make sure it is locally
defined in the type and not inherited.
PLS-00716: Attribute/method 'string' can occur only once in an ALTER TYPE
Cause: User attempted more than one of ADD, DROP or MODIFY on an attribute
in single ALTER TYPE statement. User attempted more than one of ADD or DROP
on a method in single ALTER TYPE statement.
Action: Do only one ADD, DROP or MODIFY for an attribute in single ALTER
TYPE statement. Do only one ADD or DROP for a method in single ALTER TYPE
PLS-00717: method 'string' does not have matching signature among existing
Cause: The method to be dropped matches the name of some existing method but
does not match it in signature.
Action: Make sure that a matching method signature is provided for dropping a
PLS-00718: type of attribute 'string' does not allow modifications to the attribute
Cause: The type of the attribute to modify is not one of VARCHAR2, NUMBER,
or RAW.
Action: Only VARCHAR2, NUMBER and RAW type attributes are allowed to be
PLS-00719: only widening of attribute 'string' constraints is allowed
Cause: Modification to the attribute did not widen its constraints or attempted to
change the type of the attribute. For NUMBER type attributes, scale and precision
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-61
can be changed to allow increase in number of digits after and before the decimal
point. For VARCHAR2 and RAW type attributes the size can be increased. Other
type attributes are not allowed to be modified. Change of type of attribute is also
not allowed.
Action: Change the constraint specification so as to widen the existing
constraints.To narrow the constraints or to change the type of the attribute, you
must drop the attribute and add it with new constraints or new type. In that case
you must also take appropriate steps to preserve your existing data based on the
type (if you want to preserve it).Typically this will involve backing up the data
and restoring it after the ALTER TYPE.
PLS-00720: type 'string' has evolved
Cause: The type has evolved. The version of the type used by the compiled code
is not the same as the latest version of the type.
Action: Recompile the code to use the latest version of the type.
PLS-00721: 'string' formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with 'string'
Cause: This compilation was aborted because the library unit that was compiled
would have formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with some other library
units. This happens when an attempt is made to compile types that have attributes
of other types that may participate in a cycle with this type. Example: create type
t1; create type t2 (a t1); create type t1 (a t2);
Action: Break the cycle (possibly by adding a REF or by using another type).
PLS-00722: supertypes's AUTHID is different than subtype's AUTHID
Cause: The subtype's's AUTHID must be same as the supertype's AUTHID.
Action: Create the subtype with AUTHID of its supertype or do not specify
AUTHID for subtype.
PLS-00725: type 'string' must be a supertype or subtype of the TREAT expression
Cause: In TREAT( AS ), type must be a supertype or subtype of
Action: None
PLS-00726: MODIFY ELEMENT is supported only on schema-level varray and
nested tables
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the limit of a type that was not a
schema-level varray and nested table type.
Action: This is not a legal ALTER TYPE command for this type.
PLS-00727: MODIFY LIMIT is supported only on schema-level varray types
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the limit of a type that was not a
schema-level varray type.
Action: This is not a legal ALTER TYPE command for this type.
PLS-00728: the limit of a VARRAY can only be increased and to a maximum
Cause: An attempt was made to decrease the limit or raise it past 2147483647.
Action: This is not a legal limit for this type, change it.
PLS-00729: only widening of the collection element type is allowed
Cause: Modification to the collection element type did not widen its constraints or
attempted to change the type of the element. For NUMBER types, scale and
52-62 Oracle Database Error Messages
precision can be changed to allow increase in number of digits after and before the
decimal point. For VARCHAR2 and RAW type attributes the size can be increased.
Action: Change the constraint specification so as to widen the existing constraints.
PLS-00730: collection element type does not allow modifications
Cause: The element type to modify is not one of VARCHAR2, NUMBER, or RAW.
Action: Only VARCHAR2, NUMBER and RAW collection elements can be
PLS-00731: ALTER TYPE is supported only on schema-level types
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a type that was not schema-level.
Action: ALTER TYPE is not legal for this type.
PLS-00732: Illegal overload of ellipsis in formal parameter list
Cause: An ellipsis and a non-ellipsis type appeared at the same position in
separate overload candidates. Currently, if ellipsis types are used they must
appear in ALL overload candidates with the same name (regardless of the number
or types of their formal parameters) at the same position in the formal parameter
Action: Make sure that ellipsis types appear at the same position in all overload
PLS-00733: RPCs to variable argument functions are not allowed
Cause: Attempted to call a vararg function (a function which contains ellipsis in
the formal parameter list) as an RPC.
Action: Do not call vararg functions as an RPC.
PLS-00734: Illegal use of an associational parameter with a formal ellipsis
Cause: Attempted to use an associational actual argument for a formal ellipsis
type argument.
Action: Remove associational parameters which correspond to formal ellipsis
PLS-00735: Attempted to declare more than one formal ellipsis parameter
Cause: More than one ellipsis ('…') was found in a formal parameter specification
for a function or procedure
Action: Make sure only one ellipsis appears in a formal parameter specification
for any given function or procedure
PLS-00736: user-declared operators are not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made by the user to declare an operator (a function whose
name is enclosed in single quotes ("'")). Operators may only be declared in package
Action: Remove the single quotes from around the function name, replacing them
with double quotes (""") only if needed.
PLS-00737: LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY file specification exceeds the maximum
allowed length
Cause: A string of more than expected number of chararacters was found for the
LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY file specification.
Action: Limit the LIBRARY or ASSEMBLY file specification to the appropriate
size for the platform.
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-63
PLS-00738: REF target string changed during compilation
Cause: The current unit contains a REF to a target object. During compilation, the
REF's target object was simultaneously changed by a different session. The current
unit is therefore invalid and needs to be recompiled to pick up the latest definition
of the REF target.
Action: Recompile the unit that has this error.
PLS-00739: FORALL INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE not supported on remote tables
Cause: The current statement refers to remote insert/update/delete for remote
Action: Use a FOR loop instead of a FORALL loop or call a remote function or
procedure that includes the FORALL INSERT/UPDATE/ DELETE statement.
PLS-00740: ASSEMBLY identity specification exceeds the maximum allowed length
Cause: A string of more than expected number of chararacters was found for the
ASSEMBLY identity specification.
Action: Limit the ASSEMBLY identity specification to the appropriate size.
PLS-00741: string must be specified on subprogram string's declaration and
Cause: A property was specified on a subprogram's declaration but not on its
definition or vice-versa.
Action: Certain subprogram properties (e.g., RESULT_CACHE) must be specified
as part of the subprogram declaration and definition. For example, if the property
RESULT_CACHE is specified on a subprogram declared in a package
specification, then it must also be specified on the subprogram's definition in the
package body (and vice-versa).
PLS-00742: field string is not yet denotable
Cause: When the fields of a record were declared, one field was used to initialize
another, as in: TYPE my_rec IS RECORD (f1 varchar2(10), f2 varchar2(10) := f1);
The first field has no value until run time, so it cannot be used to initialize another
Action: Remove the illegal field reference.
PLS-00743: ASSEMBLY IDENTITY string is null
Cause: The string provided for the identity clause of an ASSEMBLY was null.
Action: Provide a valid identity string for the ASSEMBLY.
PLS-00744: DOTNET call specification methodname is null
Cause: The string provided for the METHODNAME clause of a DOTNET call
specification was null.
Action: Provide a valid METHODNAME for the ASSEMBLY.
PLS-00745: ASSEMBLY CONTEXT string is null
Cause: The string provided for the CONTEXT clause of an ASSEMBLY was null.
Action: Provide a valid CONTEXT string for the ASSEMBLY.
PLS-00746: ASSEMBLY AGENT string is null
Cause: The string provided for the AGENT clause of an ASSEMBLY was null.
Action: Provide a valid AGENT string for the ASSEMBLY.
52-64 Oracle Database Error Messages
PLS-00747: .NET assemblies are not supported on this platform
Cause: .NET assemblies were not supported on this platform. .NET assemblies are
only supported on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Action: Only attempt to create assemblies on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows.
PLS-00748: compilation terminated due to other errors
Cause: Compilation of the library unit was terminated because of other reported
Action: Fix the other reported errors.
Cause: A top level subprogram (function or procedure) cannot be created if the
system package SYS_STUB_FOR_PURITY_ANALYSIS is missing in the Oracle
Action: Make sure the package is in the database, and retry the creation
PLS-00752: Table function string is in an inconsistent state.
Cause: Some of the internally generated types prefixed with SYS_ have been
dropped. These should never be dropped by the user.
Action: Recompile the table function or the package or type that contains the table
PLS-00753: malformed or corrupted wrapped unit
Cause: The format of the wrapped unit being compiled is not understood by the
compiler. This may be because the unit was edited or modified after it was
Action: Rewrap the unit.
PLS-00754: illegal reference to editioned object string
Cause: An attempt was made to violate the rule "A noneditioned object may not
depend on an editioned object."
Action: Either make this obejct editioned; or do not make the illegal reference.
PLS-00755: SYSAUX tablespace offline while saving identifier data
Cause: The SYSAUX tablespace was offline while attempting to save identifier
data. Any identifier data previously collected and saved for the libunit will be
Action: Bring the SYSAUX tablespace back online and recompile the object.
PLS-00756: PL/SQL does not support feature "string" "string" in this environment
Cause: Some host environments of the PL/SQL compiler do not support the full
range of PL/SQL features. A construct in the program violated one of the current
host's restrictions.
Action: Modify the program to avoid using features that are not supported by this
host environment. Check the host environment documentation for specific
changes and limitations in PL/SQL features.
PLS-00757: only one column allowed for PARTITION BY VALUE clause
Cause: More than one column was specified for the PARTITION BY VALUE
Action: Remove the additonal columns.
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-65
PLS-00758: only a NUMBER column is allowed in this context
Cause: The partitioning column of the PARTITION BY VALUE clause was not a
NUMBER column.
Action: Change the partitioning column to be a NUMBER column.
PLS-00801: internal error [string]
Cause: This is a generic internal error that might occur during compilation or
execution. The first parameter is the internal error number.
Action: Report this error as a bug to your Customer Support representative.
PLS-00900: can't find body of unit 'string'
Cause: At run time, the body of a program unit could not be found. This can
happen for one of two reasons. -- First, there may be a unit 'a' which calls a module
'b', where the spec for 'b' exists but not the body. In this case, since the spec is
present, there will be no compile-time errors. -- Secondly, this can occur if there is a
reference to a sequence outside of the proper context such as a SQL statement. In
this case, the "spec" of the sequence reference can be found, but it is invalid to
actually run code which references the sequence outside a SQL statement, as in: i
:= seq.nextval;
Action: If caused by the first reason, create a body for the object that is being
referenced. If caused by the second reason, move the sequence into a SQL
statement. For example, i := seq.nextval; can be replaced by: select seq.nextval into
temp from dual; i := temp;
PLS-00901: the data type of column 'string' of table 'string' is not supported
Cause: A column in a database table belongs to a datatype that is not supported
by the current release of PL/SQL.
Action: Remove the offending column from the table or copy the desired columns
to another table.
PLS-00902: A READ-ONLY bind variable used in OUT or IN-OUT context
Cause: A host variable that is protected from update was used in a context that
allows an update.
Action: Check the context and change the use of the host variable, or assign the
value of the host variable to a PL/SQL local variable, then use the local variable
PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object string
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a database object without the required
privilege. This error occurs, for example, if an attempt was made to UPDATE a
table for which only SELECT privileges were granted.
Action: Ask the DBA to perform the operation or to grant you the required
PLS-00905: object string is invalid
Cause: An invalid package specification or stored subprogram was referenced. A
package specification or stored subprogram is invalid if its source code or any
database object it references has been DROPped, REPLACEd, or ALTERed since it
was last compiled.
Action: Find out what invalidated the package specification or stored
subprogram, then make sure that Oracle can recompile it without errors.
PLS-00906: Compilation is not possible
52-66 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The PL/SQL compiler cannot run properly because its operating
environment is corrupted. For example, its error message file might be
Action: Check the PL/SQL operating environment, making sure that all files
required by the compiler are accessible.
PLS-00907: cannot load library unit string (referenced by string)
Cause: PL/SQL is unable to find and load a library unit that was previously
available. This typically happens when you try to load a unit which references
another library unit that is non-existent or invalid.
Action: Provide the needed library unit.
PLS-00908: The stored format of string is not supported by this release
Cause: PL/SQL cannot understand the stored format of a library unit. It has been
compiled or shrink-wrapped with a version of PL/SQL either too new or too old
for this version to understand it.
Action: Recompile the library unit for this version of PL/SQL.
PLS-00909: object string is not declared or insufficient privileges to access object
Cause: An object from the operator declaration is not declared, or it is declared
but there is no sufficient privileges to access that object.
Action: Declare the object, or ask the DBA to grant the privileges required to
access the object.
PLS-00910: insufficient privilege to inherit from type string
Cause: An attempt was made to inherit from a type without the required UNDER
Action: None
PLS-00920: parameter plsql_native_library_dir is not set
Cause: A PL/SQL program is being compiled natively, but the compiler
parameter plsql_native_library_dir, which denotes the directory to store the native
shared objects (DLL), is not set.
Action: The DBA should set this parameter.
PLS-00923: native compilation failed: string:string
Cause: The native compilation of PL/SQL program has failed because the native
shared object (DLL) could not be created successfully.
Action: The DBA should ensure that the commands specified in spnc_commands
file are correct.
PLS-00924: native compilation is not supported on this platform
Cause: Native compilation of PL/SQL programs is not supported on this
Action: Compile the PL/SQL program to bytecode by setting the parameter
plsql_compiler_flags to INTERPRETED.
PLS-00925: native compilation failed: Unable to create file (string string)
Cause: Native compilation of a PL/SQL program failed because a file could not
be created. It is likely that the system parameter plsql_native_library_dir does not
reference a writable, existing directory
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-67
Action: Ensure that the system parameter plsql_native_library_dir references a
directory which exists, and is writable.
PLS-00950: In this version, PL/SQL tables can not be used in this SQL statement.
Cause: In a SQL statement, a PL/SQL table was referenced incorrectly. For
example, the following reference might have been made, but PL/SQL table
attributes can only be used in procedural statements: SELECT ename_tab.COUNT
INTO name_count WHERE …
Action: Remove the incorrect reference from the SQL statement.
PLS-00951: string Feature is not supported by this release
Cause: PL/SQL cannot understand something in an imported library unit. It uses
some feature either too new or too old for this version to understand it.
Action: Recompile the imported library unit with this version of PL/SQL, to
discover more precisely what feature is not supported.
PLS-00960: RPCs cannot use parameters with schema-level object types in this
Cause: Schema-level object types, or types which recursively use such types, were
used in an RPC, which is not permitted. For example: create type foo as object (…)
create package my_pack is type my_rec is record(v foo); -- on a remote server: x
my_pack.my_rec@rpc; -- illegal attempt to use type my_rec
Action: Use only PL/SQL-defined types in RPC calls. It may be necessary to add
extra code to element-wise copy schema-level types into local types in order to
move such data through an RPC.
PLS-00970: The class name of a method must match that of EXTERNAL NAME
clause in the type header
Cause: The class name defined as part of the method signature does not match the
one defined in the type header in the EXTERNAL NAME clause. create type foo as
(number) return number EXTERNAL NAME 'bar.func(oracle.sql.NUMBER) return
oracle.sql.NUMBER', .. );
Action: Either omit the class name from the method signature or use the one
defined in the type header.
PLS-00989: Cursor Variable in record, object, or collection is not supported by this
Cause: 3.0 Implementation Restriction for Ref Cursors
Action: None
PLS-00990: Index Tables of Cursor Variables are disallowed
Cause: 2.2 Implementation Restriction for Ref Cursors
Action: None
PLS-00992: Cursor Variables cannot be FETCH'ed from
Cause: 2.2 Implementation Restriction for Ref Cursors
Action: None
PLS-00993: Cursor variables cannot be passed as forwarded RPC arguments or
Cause: An attempt was made to pass a cursor variable to or from a remote
subprogram by way of a forwarded RPC, which is not allowed. For example, from
52-68 Oracle Database Error Messages
a client-side tool, a procedure on a remote database cannot be used to open a
cursor variable because remote subprograms cannot return the values of cursor
Action: Change the subprogram call to reference the local database.
PLS-00994: Cursor Variables cannot be declared as part of a package
Cause: An attempt was made to declare a cursor variable in a package
specification, which is not allowed. Although REF CURSOR types can be defined
in a PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package, cursor variables can be declared only
in a block or subprogram.
Action: Move the cursor variable declaration into a PL/SQL block or subprogram.
PLS-00995: unhandled exception # string
Cause: An exception was raised for which no handler was found. If it cannot find
a handler for a raised exception, PL/SQL returns an unhandled exception to the
host environment. The number embedded in the message is an Oracle error code
listed in this manual.
Action: Fix the condition that raised the exception, write an appropriate exception
handler, or use the OTHERS handler. If there is an appropriate handler in the
current block, the exception was raised in a declaration or exception handler, and
therefore propagated immediately to the enclosing block.
PLS-00996: out of memory
Cause: A request from PL/SQL for more memory failed.
Action: Make sure that you are not referencing the wrong row in a PL/SQL table
and that the program is not recursing too deeply.
PLS-00997: no cursor return types allowed in this beta version
Cause: Cursor return types have bugs, and it is best to disable them for now.
Action: None
PLS-01400: Use of '||' token
Cause: Use of '||' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar. This
corresponds to the "binary_add_op"'s reduction to a "CAT_" in plsql.y
Action: None
PLS-01401: Identifier over 18 characters long
Cause: Identifiers over 18 characters long are not allowed under the ANSI
Action: None
PLS-01402: Use of quoted identifier
Cause: The use of quoted identifiers is a PL/SQL extension and is not allowed
under the ANSI grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01403: Comment delimiters /* */
Cause: C-style comments (introduced with the '/' and '*' characters) are not part
of the ANSI grammar. To conform with ANSI, comments must be preceded by the
ANSI comment introducer, '--' , and must not contain a newline. If someone can
figure out a way to make this message look less cheesy without ending up with
nested comments, be my guest.
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-69
Action: None
PLS-01404: ANSI Identifiers can only consist of letters, digits, and the underscore
Cause: ANSI identifiers can only consist of letters, digits, and the underscore
character. PL/SQL allows "#" and "$" in identifiers, but these are not ANSI.
Action: None
PLS-01405: Under ANSI's grammar, numeric data represented in exponent
notationmust use an uppercase E
Cause: Under ANSI's grammar, numeric data represented in exponent notation
must use an uppercase "E". Example: 3.45E-6 is ANSI, but 3.45e-6 is not.
Action: None
PLS-01406: An identifier has been found that is considered a keyword in ANSI's
grammar but not in PL/SQL's
Cause: An identifier has been found that is considered a keyword in ANSI's
grammar but not in PL/SQL's.
Action: None
PLS-01407: One of the identifiers CHAR, CHARACTER, or INTEGER has been
redefined by the programmer
Cause: One of the identifiers "CHAR", "CHARACTER", or "INTEGER" (all ansi
keywords) has been redefined by the programmer.(special case of 1406, above).
Action: None
PLS-01408: Use of '&' token
Cause: Use of '&' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01409: Use of 'PRIOR_' token
Cause: Use of 'PRIOR_' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01410: Use of 'MOD' token
Cause: Use of 'MOD' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01411: Use of 'REM' token
Cause: Use of 'REM' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01412: Use of 'EXP' token
Cause: Use of 'EXP' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01413: Use of NULL an expression
Cause: Use of NULL an expression not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01414: Use of qualified expression here
Cause: Use of qualified expression here is not in ANSI's grammar.
52-70 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: None
PLS-01415: Use of aggregate value here
Cause: Use of aggregate value here is not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01416: Use of (…) here
Cause: Use of (…) here is not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01417: Use of %attribute
Cause: Use of %%attribute value here is not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01418: Subquery cannot include set operators in ANSI's grammar
Cause: Subquery cannot include set operators in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01419: Subquery must have either '*' or exactly one column in its select list
Cause: Subquery must have either '*' or exactly one column in its select list
according to ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01420: INTERSECT and MINUS set operators are not ANSI
Cause: INTERSECT and MINUS set operators are not ANSI
Action: None
PLS-01421: FOR UPDATE clause
Cause: FOR UPDATE clause is not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01422: Aliases
Cause: Aliases are not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01423: Subquery on right-hand-side in set clause
Cause: Subquery on right-hand-side in set clause is not in ANSI's grammar.
Action: None
PLS-01424: Non-ANSI order of clauses
Cause: ANSI specifies an ordering to clauses in a table-expression which PL/SQL
doesn't. The ordering according to ANSI must be: (1) from clause (2) where clause
(3) group-by clause (4) having clause In PL/SQL, the from clause must come first,
and the clauses after it can appear in any order (with the addition of the non-ansi
connect-by clause).
Action: None
PLS-01425: Connect-by clause
Cause: ANSI doesn't allow connect-by clauses.
Action: None
PLS-01450: This contains a nonconforming data type
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-71
Cause: This contains a nonconforming data type. Section 4.2
of X3H2, "Data types" states that: "A nonnull value is either a character string or a
number." Many builtin functions in STANDARD will be flagged with this warning
by means of a pragma.
Action: None
PLS-01451: The data types of these must be comparable
Cause: The data types of these must be comparable. Section
4.2 of X3H2, "Data types", states that: "A character string and a number are not
comparable values." Many builtin functions in STANDARD will be flagged with
this warning by means of a pragma. This warning will be place on data-type
coercion functions, for example, TO_CHAR(), that are inserted in
OracleSQL to allow non-conforming data type combinations.
Action: None
PLS-01452: This function is not part of the ANSI standard
Cause: This function is not part of the ANSI standard. This warning is used to flag
such functions as "POWER" that are not mentioned in the ANSI specifications.
Action: None
PLS-01453: This procedure is not part of the ANSI standard
Cause: This procedure is not part of the ANSI standard. This warning is used to
flag such procedures as "STOP" that are not mentioned in the ANSI specifications.
Action: None
PLS-01454: No operator may be used with values of data type CHAR
Cause: No operator may be used with values of data type "character string".
Section 5.9, "", syntax rule 3, of X3H2 states: "If the data type of
a is character string, then the shall not include any
operators." This warning is placed on many functions in STDBASE that take
CHAR args.
Action: None
PLS-01455: The predicates IS NULL and IS NOT NULL are defined only for column
Cause: The predicates "IS NULL" and "IS NOT NULL" are defined only for
column specifications, not for any other expressions. Section 5.15, "", indicates that in the predicate "x IS NULL", x must be a column, and
may not be any other kind of expression.
Action: None
PLS-01458: The set clause in an UPDATE statement requires a column name of
length 1
Cause: The set clause in an UPDATE statement requires a column name of length
1. Sect. 8.11, 8.12
Action: None
PLS-01460: Cannot access object on a remote host
Cause: Cannot access object on a remote host.
Action: None
PLS-01463: STDDEV is not a standard set function
Cause: STDDEV is not a standard set function.
52-72 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: None
PLS-01464: VARIANCE is not a standard set function
Cause: VARIANCE is not a standard set function.
Action: None
PLS-01466: Null strings are not allowed
Cause: Null strings are not allowed.
Action: None
PLS-01467: The value list of the IN predicate, if not a subquery, must contain only
Cause: The value list of the IN predicate, if not a subquery, must contain only
value_specifications (i.e. literals and PL/SQL or embedded variables).
Action: None
PLS-01468: The first argument of the like-predicate must be a column of type
character string
Cause: The first argument of the like-predicate must be a column of type
character string.
Action: None
PLS-01469: ANSI standard does not permit records
Cause: ANSI standard does not permit records.
Action: None
PLS-01470: The escape character in the like-predicate must be a literal or a variable
of type CHAR
Cause: The escape character in the like-predicate must be a literal or a variable of
type character.
Action: None
PLS-01471: The keyword DISTINCT must be present in a COUNT(DISTINCT sim_
Cause: The keyword DISTINCT must be present in a COUNT(DISTINCT sim_
expr). Sect 5.8
Action: None
PLS-01472: In a set_function_specification, if DISTINCT is present, the expression
must be a column_specification
Cause: In a set_function_specification, if DISTINCT is present, the expression
must be a column_specification.
Action: None
PLS-01473: Use <> instead of != or ~=
Cause: Use <> instead of != or ~=. Sect 5.11.
Action: None
PLS-01474: Use of ANY is non_ANSI
Cause: Due to the combining of comparison_predicate and quantified_predicate,
we may have something like sim_expr = ANY_ sim_expr, which is nonetheless
accepted by kernel.
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-73
Action: None
PLS-01500: Unions are not allowed in the definition of a view
Cause: Unions are not allowed in the definition of a view. Sect. 6.9
Action: None
PLS-01501: Options in CREATE TABLE statement is non-ANSI.
Cause: CREATE TABLE allows only the definition of the structure of a table.
None of the .SPACE__name. .PCTFREE__numeric_literal. .cluster. is ANSI. Sect.
Action: None
PLS-01502: Constraint name and constraint status are non-ANSI.
Cause: Constraint name and constraint status are non-ANSI. Sect. 6.3
Action: None
PLS-01503: The expression in a SET clause must not include a set function
Cause: The expression in a SET clause must not include a set function. Sect. 8.12.
Action: None
PLS-01504: Use of AS phase in CREATE TABLE statement is non_ANSI
Cause: CREATE TABLE allows only the definition of the structure of a table. Use
of AS phase in CREATE TABLE statement is non-ANSI.
Action: None
PLS-01505: ALTER is non-ANSI
Cause: ALTER is non-ANSI
Action: None
Action: None
PLS-01507: DROP is non-ANSI
Cause: DROP is non-ANSI
Action: Sect. 6.2
PLS-01701: Illegal syntax in ROLLBACK WORK statement
Cause: Illegal syntax in ROLLBACK WORK statement.
Action: None
PLS-01702: Illegal syntax in COMMIT WORK statement
Cause: Illegal syntax in COMMIT WORK statement.
Action: None
PLS-01703: Cursor name in CLOSE statment must be of length 1
Cause: Cursor name in CLOSE statment must be of length 1.
Action: None
PLS-01704: The expressions in a sort clause must be column specs or unsigned
integers, with optional ASC or DESC
52-74 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The expressions in a sort clause may only be column specifications or
unsigned integers, followed by optional ASC or DESC.
Action: None
PLS-01705: table specified by a cursor not updatable if cursor specification has a
Cause: Missing keyword FROM.
Action: None
PLS-01707: In positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, table must be identified
in specification of cursor
Cause: In a positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, the table deleted fromor
updated must be identified in the specifictation of the cursor.
Action: None
PLS-01708: In searched DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT, table must not appear in
FROM clause of subqueries in search condition
Cause: In a searched DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT statement, the table affected
must not appear in a FROM clause in any of the subqueries in the search
Action: None
PLS-01709: value list of INSERT statement, if specified with value list rather than
subquery, must be value specification
Cause: In an INSERT statement, the insert value list, if specified with a value list
rather than a subquery, must be value specifications, i.e. no compound expressions
or column references. Sect 8.7.
Action: None
PLS-01710: In a positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, the cursor name must
be of length 1
Cause: In a positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, the cursor name must be
of length 1.
Action: None
PLS-01711: A SELECT statement may not contain ORDER_BY, HAVING, or
GROUP_BY clause
Cause: A SELECT statement may not contain ORDER_BY, HAVING, or GROUP_
BY clause. Sect. 8.10.
Action: None
PLS-01712: ANSI does not allow bind variables as INDICATORS
Cause: ANSI does not allow bind variables as INDICATORS
Action: None
PLS-01713: The constraints on these types do not match
Cause: The constraints on these types do not match
Action: None
PLS-01714: ANSI expects a column name not a literal value here
Cause: ANSI expects a column name not a literal value here
Action: None
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-75
PLS-01900: : character to number conversion error
Cause: There was a failure while converting a character string into a numeric
Action: Verify that all character strings assigned to number variables have valid
numeric value interpretations.
PLS-01901: : host bind array too small
Cause: PL/SQL was unable to transfer data into a host array because the array is
too small.
Action: Increase the size of the host array.
PLS-01902: : hex to raw conversion error
Cause: There was a failure while converting a hexadecimal string to a raw.
Action: Verify that the hexadecimal variable to be converted contains a valid
hexadecimal value.
PLS-01903: : non-integer error number
Cause: SQLERRM() was called with a non-integer value.
Action: Make sure SQLERRM() is called with an integer value.
PLS-01904: : NULL index table key value
Cause: An attempt was made to index into an index table with a NULL key value.
Action: Make sure key values used to index into index tables are non-NULL.
PLS-01905: : character string buffer too small
Cause: An error was encountered while moving a character string from a source
to a destination. This error occurs if, for example, an attempt is made to move a a
character string of 10 characters into a 1 character buffer. The cause of this error
may not always be obvious. For example, the following will result in this error: a
varchar2(1); b number; b := 10; a := b; An error results because an implicit
conversion causes the number 10 to become the character string '10', which does
not fit in the character buffer of 1 allocated for the variable a.
Action: First, look for character string assignment statements where the buffer
size is mismatched. If there are none found, then consider the implicit conversion
case illustrated in the example above.
PLS-01906: : raw variable length too long
Cause: The length of a raw variable being copied or assigned was too long to fit
into its destination.
Action: Make sure the raw variable length is correct.
PLS-01907: : number precision too large
Cause: The number begin copied or assigned had too many digits to the left of the
decimal and did not fit into its destination. In other words, there is a number
precision mismatch. This error may also occur if, for example, an attempt is made
to assign a character string to a number, as demonstrated below. a varchar2(4); b
number(1,1); a := '10.1'; b := a;
Action: First, check explicit number precision value mismatches. If none are
found, then consider implicit conversions of other types to numbers, including
conversions performed during binds.
PLS-01908: : RETURNING INTO buffer too small
52-76 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: PL/SQL determined that a server side DML with a RETURNING INTO
clause does not use a buffer that is large enough to hold the data being returned.
Action: Increase the size of the RETURNING INTO clause buffer.
PLS-01909: : cannot assign supertype instance to subtype
Cause: An attempt was made to assign or copy a supertype instance to a
container (destination) that can only hold a subtype instance.
Action: Make sure the runtime type of the source of the assignment or copy is the
same type as the destination or is a subtype of the destination type
PLS-01910: : associative array shape is not consistent with session parameters
Cause: NLS parameters affecting comparison of keys have been altered
dynamically. The associative array's index is invalid.
Action: Avoid using associative arrays with string keys in applications which
require frequent changes of NLS_COMP and/or NLS_SORT.
PLS-01911: : associative array key violates its type constraints
Cause: The key value of an element being inserted into an associative array
violates the the key type constraints.
Action: Relax the constraints if the key value is meant to be acceptable.
Otherwise, apply a valid key value when inserting an element.
PLS-01912: : instance must of be of type 'string'
Cause: The run-time type of the instance is not the declared type. e.g. If the return
value of a user defined constructor is wrong.
Action: Return the correct type.
PLS-01913: : instance must of be of type 'string' or one of its subtypes
Cause: The run-time type of the instance is the not declared type or one of its
subtypes. e.g. TREAT(supertype AS subtype) fails.
Action: Catch the exception.
PLS-01914: duplicate SECURITY specification in subprogram expression
Cause: The subprogram was found to have two SECURITY specifications.
Action: Remove one of the SECURITY specifications.
PLS-01915: duplicate ASSEMBLY specification in subprogram expression
Cause: The subprogram was found to have two ASSEMBLY specifications.
Action: Remove one of the ASSEMBLY specifications.
PLS-01916: SECURITY level specification exceeds ASSEMBLY SECURITY
Cause: The security level specified in the callspec exceeds the maximum security
level allowed by the assembly.
Action: Lower the security level specified in the callspec to match the maximum
security level specificed in the assembly.
PLS-01917: illegal reference to package STANDARD item 'string'
Cause: The item is intended for internal use and must not be referred to in user
Action: Remove the reference and use syntax that provides the necessary
PLS-00049 to PLS-01918 52-77
PLS-01918: 9.2 and earlier wrap formats are not permitted
Cause: An attempt was made to compile a unit that was wrapped using 9.2 or
earlier version of the wrap utility. Wrapped source created by 9.2 and earlier
versions of wrap is not permitted on this database.
Action: Wrap the source using 10g or later versions of the wrap utility.
Alternately, set the initialization parameter PERMIT_92_WRAP_FORMAT
parameter to TRUE.
52-78 Oracle Database Error Messages
PLW-05000 to PLW-07206 53-1
PLW-05000 to PLW-07206 3 5
PLW-05000: mismatch in NOCOPY qualification between specification and body
Cause: The indicated parameter was declared with the NOCOPY hint in the
subprogram specification but not in the body, or it was declared with the
NOCOPY hint in the body but not in the specification.
Action: Ensure that the specification and the body agree in their use of NOCOPY.
If this mismatch is not corrected, the program will obey the declaration given in
the specification, ignoring that in the body.
PLW-05001: previous use of 'string' (at line string) conflicts with this use
Cause: While looking for prior declarations of a variable, constant, or label, the
compiler found another declaration with the same name in the same scope. Or, the
headers of subprogram in a package specification and body were not identical.
Action: Check the spelling of the variable, constant, or label name. Also check the
names of all parameters and exceptions declared in the same scope. Then, remove
or rename the object with the duplicate name. Or, change the headers of the
packaged subprogram in the package specification or body so that they are
PLW-05003: same actual parameter(string and string) at IN and NOCOPY may have
side effects
Cause: The indicated parameter was declared with the NOCOPY hint in the
subprogram specification but not in the body, or it was declared with the
NOCOPY hint in the body but not in the specification.
Action: Ensure that the specification and the body agree in their use of NOCOPY.
If this mismatch is not corrected, the program will obey the declaration given in
the specification, ignoring that in the body.
PLW-05004: identifier string is also declared in STANDARD or is a SQL builtin
Cause: The indicated identifier was also either: o) declared in package
STANDARD, or o) a SQL builtin function, or o) a pseudo-column. This situation
can result in name resolution issues since the STANDARD/builtin declaration will
be chosen over the local declaration in SQL statements; however the local
declaration will be chosen over the STANDARD/builtin declaration outside SQL
scope. (See the documentation on PL/SQL name resolution.)
Action: Either: o) rename the given identifier, o) qualify any references to the
identifier with the containing scope's name, or o) make sure the intended
resolution occurs if using the identifier in SQL scope.
PLW-05005: subprogram string returns without value at line string
53-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: A function terminated without a return value. RETURN statements with
values are required for all PL/SQL functions.
Action: Inspect function source code to ensure that every RETURN statement
returns a value and that a function does not terminate by executing its END
statement. Notice that this message may appear at the call site for a function if the
function call was inlined and if the called function did not terminate properly.
PLW-05006: shadow type generation resulted in warning: string
Cause: Compilation of a table function causes the creation of internally- generated
types. A problem occurred during creation of these types which was not severe
enough to prevent the creation of the types, but which may impact the usage of
the table function. See the accompanying error message for more information.
Action: Fix the issue reported in the accompanying error message.
PLW-05007: first parameter to pragma INLINE must be an identifier
Cause: The first parameter to the pragma INLINE must be an identifier denoting
a procedure or function.
Action: Use a procedure or function name
PLW-05008: illegal number of arguments for pragma string
Cause: The number of arguments (actual parameters) passed to the named
pragma (compiler directive) is incorrect. A required argument was omitted from
the argument list, or the pragma syntax is faulty (for example, a comma might be
missing between two parameters).
Action: Supply the missing argument or correct the faulty syntax.
PLW-05009: pragma INLINE may not appear in a declaration list
Cause: Pragma INLINE applies only to the following statement, and can not
appear immediately prior to a declaration
Action: Remove the pragma.
PLW-05010: duplicate pragma INLINE on procedure 'string'
Cause: Pragma INLINE was applied twice to the same procedure in the same
statement. The procedure will be inlined only if all duplicates specify a control
value of 'YES'
Action: Remove the duplicate pragma.
PLW-05011: pragma INLINE for procedure 'string' does not apply to any calls
Cause: A pragma INLINE was provided, but there was no call to the mentioned
procedure in the next statement.
Action: Remove the unnecessary pragma.
PLW-05012: pragma INLINE for procedure 'string' could not be applied
Cause: A pragma INLINE(, 'yes') was used, but the named procedure
could not be inlined.
Action: Eliminate the reasons which are blocking the inlining. See the
documentation for possible problems.
PLW-05013: second parameter to pragma INLINE 'string' is not 'YES' or 'NO'
Cause: The second parameter to the pragma INLINE governs whether or not a
procedure call can be inlined. The only legal values are 'YES', meaning that the
compiler should attempt to inline the call, and 'NO', meaning that the compiler
must not inline the call.
PLW-05000 to PLW-07206 53-3
Action: Use 'YES' or 'NO' as appropriate.
PLW-05014: Pragma string cannot be specified here
Cause: The pragma was specified in an inappropriate context.
Action: Remove or relocate the misplaced pragma. Check the documentation to
determine the correct context for this pragma.
PLW-05015: implementation restriction - too many debug records
Cause: The program is so large that it overflowed a compiler limit on the size of
the debug symbol table. The module was compiled with partial debugging
Action: Compile the module with PLSQL_DEBUG=FALSE, or split it into
multiple modules
PLW-05016: INTO clause should not be specified here
Cause: The INTO clause was incorrectly specified on a cursor declaration. It
should have been specified on the FETCH statement.
Action: Relocate the misplaced clause.
PLW-05017: prefix of the expression will be ignored
Cause: Generalized invocation with explicit SELF and a dotted name was used to
call the type method causing the prefix of the dotted name to be ignored.
Action: Do not use a dotted name to invoked type method in this context.
PLW-05018: unit string omitted optional AUTHID clause; default value DEFINER
Cause: The AUTHID clause is missing. The unit is allowed to have an AUTHID
clause. If the clause is missing, DEFINER's rights are used by default. Good
practice suggests that an explicit AUTHID clause should always be used.
Action: Write an explicit AUTHID clause for the unit.
PLW-05019: the language element near keyword string is deprecated beginning
with version string
Cause: A deprecated language element was used. The particular language
element is deprecated in PL/SQL versions greater than or equal to the version
number given in the message text.
Action: The deprecated language element should be deleted or rewritten.
Deprecated PL/SQL language elements become obsolete one version after they are
deprecated. An obsolete language element will no longer be supported and use of
the element will result in an error.
PLW-05020: parameter name must be an identifier
Cause: A string literal was used as the parameter name in a call that used named
Action: Change the code to use an identifier for the parameter name.
PLW-05021: exception string does not have a pragma EXCEPTION_INIT
Cause: A user-defined exception was declared but it was not given an exception
number by the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT. Good practice suggests that all
user-defined exceptions should be explicitly numbered.
Action: Add a pragma EXCEPTION_INIT to give the exception a number.
PLW-05022: argument 'string' is not comparable
53-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An argument to either IN, BETWEEN or MEMBER OF was not of a
comparable type. Or, if the argument was of an object type, no MAP or ORDER
method was specified for the type.
Action: Use appropriate arguments, or specify a MAP or ORDER method.
PLW-05023: PL/Scope is disabled because SYSAUX is offline.
Cause: PL/Scope was disabled for the current PL/SQL unit compilation because
the SYSAUX tablespace is or was offline at the time of compilation. Note that
PL/Scope stores identified metadata in the SYSAUX tablespace, and thus cannot
function when SYSAUX is offline.
Action: Verify SYSAUX is online and recompile the PL/SQL unit.
PLW-05024: Do not use BULK COLLECT clause in a cursor declaration
Cause: A BULK COLLECT clause was specified in a cursor declaration.
Action: Remove the BULK COLLECT clause from the cursor declaration, moving
it to the FETCH statement or statements, if appropriate.
PLW-06002: Unreachable code
Cause: d by expression evaluation at compile time.
Action: Inspect program logic for possible defects. Disable the warning if much
code is made unreachable intentionally and the warning message is more
annoying than helpful.
PLW-06003: unknown inquiry directive 'string'
Cause: An unknown inquiry directive was used. The inquiry directive is neither
predefined nor user-defined.
Action: Use a predefined inquiry directive or define the inquiry directive.
PLW-06004: inlining of call of procedure 'string' requested
Cause: A pragma INLINE(, 'YES') referring to the named procedure was found.
The compiler will, if possible, inline this call.
Action: None
PLW-06005: inlining of call of procedure 'string' was done
Cause: A call to the procedure was inlined.
Action: None
PLW-06006: uncalled procedure "string" is removed.
Cause: Static program analysis determined that the procedure can never be called
or executed. Therefore, it has been removed to save time during compilation and
space during execution.
Action: Inspect program logic for possible defects. Disable the warning if the
procedure is useful but simply not being used right now and the warning message
is more annoying than helpful.
PLW-06007: procedure "string" is removed because optimization removed calls
Cause: Static program analysis determined that the procedure can never be called
or executed. Therefore, it has been removed to save time during compilation and
space during execution.
Action: Inspect program logic for possible defects. Disable the warning if the
procedure is useful but simply not being used right now and the warning message
is more annoying than helpful.
PLW-05000 to PLW-07206 53-5
PLW-06008: call of procedure 'string' will not be inlined
Cause: A pragma INLINE(, 'NO') referring to the named procedure was found.
The compiler is prevented from inlining this call.
Action: None
PLW-06009: procedure "string" OTHERS handler does not end in RAISE or RAISE_
Cause: The OTHERS handler can exit without executing some form of RAISE or
or a call to the standard procedure RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR.
Action: Good programming practices suggest that OTHERS handlers must
always pass an exception upward. Inspect the program logic to determine if the
handler code needs revision.
PLW-06010: keyword "string" used as a defined name
Cause: A PL/SQL or SQL keyword was used as defined name. Although legal,
this is not recommended.
Action: Choose another name for the defined item.
PLW-06011: detailed dependency information discarded due to size limitations
Cause: The compiled unit was so large that the compiler could not store detailed
dependency information that could be used to quickly recompile the unit if it was
Action: Break up the unit into smaller units.
PLW-06012: SQL statement cannot be inlined. string
Cause: The SQL statement could not be inlined.
Action: None
PLW-06013: deprecated parameter PLSQL_DEBUG forces PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_
LEVEL <= 1
Cause: The PLSQL_DEBUG parameter was set to TRUE forcing the optimization
level to 1 (or 0 if the user selected 0) regardless of the setting of the PLSQL_
OPTIMIZE_LEVEL parameter to a higher level
Action: Do not use the PLSQL_DEBUG parameter; it is deprecated. Instead, set
the PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL parameter to 1.
PLW-06014: PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL <= 1 turns off native code generation
Cause: Native code generation was not done because the optimization was set to
1 or less.
Action: The goal of native code generation is high performance and a low
optimization level defeats that purpose. Either request a higher optimization level
or remove the request for native code generation. Note that using the deprecated
parameter PLSQL_DEBUG also forces the optimization level to 1; do not use this
parameter when native code generation is desired.
PLW-06015: parameter PLSQL_DEBUG is deprecated; use PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_
Cause: The PLSQL_DEBUG parameter was specified.
Action: The parameter PLSQL_DEBUG no longer controls the generation of
debugging information by the PL/SQL compiler; debugging information is always
generated and no special parameter is needed.
PLW-06016: unit string is too large; native code generation turned off
53-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Because the program was extremely large, analysis took an excessive
amount of time or space to complete causing native compilation to be turned off.
Action: The goal of native code generation is high performance and the compiler
does extensive analysis of the program. If possible, reduce the size of the largest
procedure, or split the program unit into multiple units.
PLW-06017: an operation will raise an exception
Cause: An operation near this location is certain to raise an exception during
execution; it may be a programming error because it is not an explicit RAISE.
Action: The compiler has determined that some operation near this location is
certain to raise an exception during execution. This may be a programming error;
consider rewriting the code. If the intention is to raise an exception, use an explicit
RAISE statement.
PLW-06018: an infinity or NaN value is computed or used
Cause: An operation near this location computes or uses an infinite NUMBER,
Action: The compiler has determined that an operation near this location
computes or uses either an infinity or a not-a-number (NaN) value. This may
indicate a programming error; consider rewriting the code. If the intention is to
use a BINARY_FLOAT or a BINARY_DOUBLE non-numeric value, use the
appropriate constant from STANDARD rather than computing the value. Some
valid uses exist for these values; the warning will still appear in those cases. The
use of infinite NUMBER values is not well-defined and should be avoided.
PLW-07202: bind type would result in conversion away from column type
Cause: The column type and the bind type do not exactly match. This will result
in the column being converted to the type of the bind variable. This type
conversion may prevent the SQL optimizer from using any index the column
participates in. This may adversely affect the execution performance of this
Action: To make use of any index for this column, make sure the bind type is the
same type as the column type.
PLW-07203: parameter 'string' may benefit from use of the NOCOPY compiler hint
Cause: The mode of the specified parameter was IN OUT or OUT. Use of the
NOCOPY compiler hint may speed up calls to this subprogram.
Action: Change the mode of the parameter to explicitly use the NOCOPY
compiler hint. For example, if your subprogram declaration is: PROCEDURE
proc(p1 IN OUT CLOB); you can change it to: PROCEDURE proc(p1 IN OUT
NOCOPY clob); to get the benefit of the NOCOPY hint. For member procedures or
functions in object types, you may have to explicitly declare the SELF parameter as
illustrated in the following: MEMBER PROCEDURE proc(SELF IN OUT NOCOPY
PLW-07204: conversion away from column type may result in sub-optimal query
Cause: The column type and the bind type do not exactly match. This may result
in the column being converted to the type of the bind variable. This type
conversion may prevent the SQL optimizer from using any index the column
participates in. This may adversely affect the execution performance of this
PLW-05000 to PLW-07206 53-7
Action: To make use of any index for this column, make sure the bind type is the
same type as the column type.
arguments in the same arithmetic expression may inhibit certain optimizations.
Action: Try using SIMPLE_INTEGER values only if the expression is computed
on a performance critical path.
PLW-07206: analysis suggests that the assignment to 'string' may be unnecessary
Cause: This assignment may be unnecessary; the PL/SQL optimizer could not
find any further use of the variable which was being set. If the assignment was
being done for some side-effect such as raising a specific exception, the compiler
may not have been able to understand the side-effect and this warning may be
Action: If the assignment sets a variable whose value will not be used again and
there are no side-effects (exceptions or calls) to consider, remove the assignment
for better performance. If the assignment was in place to raise a specific known
exception, replace the assignment with a RAISE statement.
53-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
NDFN-00020 to NDFN-00025 54-1
NDFN-00020 to NDFN-00025 4 5
NDFN-00020: missing IPMI userid
Cause: Required user name argument was not specified.
Action: Reissue command with correct arguments.
NDFN-00021: missing node list
Cause: Required node list was not supplied.
Action: Re-issue command with correct arguments.
NDFN-00022: unrecognized command option: 'string'
Cause: Operation type missing or mis-spelled.
Action: Re-issue command with correct arguments.
NDFN-00023: no password read. Re-issue request
Cause: Required administrator password was not read in response to the
password prompt before finding end-of-line.
Action: Re-issue command and be sure to type the password immediately
following the prompt.
NDFN-00024: caught I/O exception: string
Cause: .
Action: Re-issue command after repairing root cause.
NDFN-00025: string failed for node string
Cause: The indicated operation could not be completed for the specified node.
The lower-level error messages attached should indicate the root cause.
Action: Re-issue command after repairing the condition indicated.
54-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
RDJ-00001 to RDJ-00136 55-1
RDJ-00001 to RDJ-00136 5 5
Cause: The operation succeeded.
Action: No further action is necessary.
RDJ-00002: invalid operation:
Cause: The operation specified was incorrect.
Action: Specify a valid operation.
RDJ-00003: Error parsing "string" string
Cause: An error occurred parsing an address.
Action: Correct the address using the other information in the error.
RDJ-00004: invalid trace level
Cause: The trace level specified was incorrect.
Action: Specify a valid trace level.
RDJ-00005: Operation: string failed. Error: string
Cause: An RD operation failed with the specified error.
Action: Re-try the operation with tracing enabled to to determine what happened.
RDJ-00006: invalid port number: number
Cause: The port number specified for a service is invalid.
Action: Specify a port number that is greater than zero.
RDJ-00008: invalid number specified:
Cause: The number specified contained non-numeric characters.
Action: Specify a number with only numeric characters.
RDJ-00009: invalid address format:
Cause: The format specified for an address was incorrect.
Action: Specify a valid format.
RDJ-00011: results processor may not be null
Cause: A null object was specified for the class that is to process the results of an
Action: Specify a non-null object.
RDJ-00012: invalid instance uniqueness
55-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The uniqueness value specified for an instance was not valid.
Action: Specify a valid uniqueness value.
RDJ-00013: Invalid service instance attribute
Cause: An attribute specified for a service instance was not valid.
Action: Specify an attribute in the correct format.
RDJ-00015: Invalid service instance tag: "string". Available tags:
Cause: The tag value specified for a service instance was incorrect.
Action: Specify a valid tag value.
RDJ-00017: invalid domain type: "string". Available domain types:
Cause: The type specified for a domain was not valid.
Action: Specify a valid domain type.
RDJ-00048: Unknown command: "string"
Cause: An invalid command was specified.
Action: Specify a valid command.
RDJ-00049: Unknown option: "string"
Cause: An invalid option was specified.
Action: Specify a valid option.
RDJ-00052: invalid flag value:
Cause: The value specified for a flag was not valid.
Action: Specify a valid flag value.
RDJ-00053: deletion of trace output file failed:
Cause: The tool attempted to remove a trace file so that it could create a new one.
However, the attempt failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying exception for details about what happened.
RDJ-00054: deletion of error log file failed:
Cause: The tool attempted to remove an error log so that it could create a new
one. However, the attempt failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying exception for details about what happened.
RDJ-00055: trace file already exists:
Cause: The trace file specified already exists.
Action: Remove the file or specify a file which does not exist.
RDJ-00056: error log already exists:
Cause: The error log specified already exists.
Action: Remove the file or specify a file which does not exist.
RDJ-00057: trace file is a directory:
Cause: The trace file specified is actually a directory.
Action: Specify a file name.
RDJ-00058: error log is a directory:
Cause: The error log specified is actually a directory.
RDJ-00001 to RDJ-00136 55-3
Action: Specify a file name.
RDJ-00059: The trace file "string" cannot be created
Cause: The tool failed to create the trace file.
Action: Examine the accompanying exception for details about the error.
RDJ-00060: The error log "string" cannot be created. Check permissions on the
parent directory:
Cause: The tool failed to create the error log.
Action: Examine the accompanying exception for details about the error.
RDJ-00061: The file stream cannot be created:
Cause: The tool failed to create the Java stream for a file.
Action: Examine the accompanying exception for details about the error.
RDJ-00062: The print stream cannot be created:
Cause: An error occurred when the tool tried to create a Java print stream for a
Action: Examine the accompanying exception for details about the error.
RDJ-00063: invalid time-to-live:
Cause: A non-numeric value was specified for the time to live.
Action: Specify a numeric value.
RDJ-00065: Option type must be greater than zero:
Cause: The type specified for an option was less than or equal to zero.
Action: Specify a type which is greater than zero.
RDJ-00134: unknown type:
Cause: The type specified is invalid.
Action: Specify a known type.
RDJ-00135: invalid stream type:
Cause: The stream type specified is invalid.
Action: Specify a known type.
RDJ-00136: invalid argument count:
Cause: The number of arguments specified is invalid.
Action: Specify a valid number of arguments.
55-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
CLSDNSSD-00000 to CLSDNSSD-03999 56-1
CLSDNSSD-00000 to CLSDNSSD-03999 6 5
CLSDNSSD-00000: no error.
Cause: Operation was successful.
Action: No action needed.
CLSDNSSD-00001: unknown error has occurred.
Cause: an unknown error has occurred.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00002: no such name.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00003: memory allocation failed.
Cause: The DNS service discovery component was unable to allocate enough
Action: If memory is low on the system, terminate other processes and/or threads
and try the operation again. Otherwise, this is an internal error and Oracle
Customer Support should be contacted.
CLSDNSSD-00004: invalid parameter.
Cause: An parameter which had an invalid value was passed by the caller to the
DNS service discovery library. This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00005: invalid reference.
Cause: An unknown DNS record reference was encountered.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00006: invalid state.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00007: invalid flags.
Cause: This is an internal error.
56-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00008: unsupported operation.
Cause: The DNS service discovery component attempted to perform an operation
not supported by the library.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00009: uninitialized.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00010: service already registered.
Cause: The user attempted to register a service that was already registered.
Action: A service should only be registered once.
CLSDNSSD-00011: service name conflict.
Cause: The user attempted to register a service whose name already exists.
Action: A different service name needs to be used.
CLSDNSSD-00012: invalid data in record.
Cause: The DNS service discovery component attempted to use a record with
invalid data. This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00013: firewall.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00014: client software incompatible with server.
Cause: The version of the client software used by the DNS service discovery
interface is not compatible with the version of the server software.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00015: bad interface index.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00016: update refused.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00017: no such record.
Cause: This is an internal error.
CLSDNSSD-00000 to CLSDNSSD-03999 56-3
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00018: no auth.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00019: no such key.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00020: NAT Traversal.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00021: Double NAT traversal.
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00022: invalid time stamp in record
Cause: A DNS record contained an invalid time stamp. This is an internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
CLSDNSSD-00023: invalid service type: "string".
Cause: The user specified a service type which does not conform to the standard
specifed by RFC's 1034 and RFC 1123. The service type must be one or more
characters and must start and end with a letter or digit. The interior characters
may be letters, digits, or hyphens.
Action: Specify a service type which conforms to the RFC.
CLSDNSSD-03999: unknown error: number.
Cause: A DNS error code was returned that is not known to the system. This is an
internal error.
Action: This error should not be visible to the user. If it occurs, please contact
Oracle Customer Support.
56-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 57-1
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 7 5
CLSGN-00000: no error
Cause: Operation was successful.
Action: No action needed.
CLSGN-00003: unknown command: "string"
Cause: The command entered was invalid.
Action: Specify a valid command.
CLSGN-00018: parameter has no default value.
Cause: An attempt was made to reset the value of a parameter for which there is
no default value.
Action: Specify a parameter which has a default value.
CLSGN-00023: "string" is only available in interactive mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to run or get help for a command from the
command line which is available only in interactive mode.
Action: Change to interactive mode to run the command.
CLSGN-00024: Oracle Grid Naming Service Daemon (GNSD) aborted on node
Cause: The server aborted on the specified node.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00025: Creation of name object for configuration file "string" failed.
Cause: It was not possible to create a name object for the configuration file.
Action: Examine the rest of the stack for the exact reason.
CLSGN-00028: Open of configuration file "string" failed.
Cause: The open of the configuration file failed.
Action: Examine the rest of the error stack for the exact reason.
CLSGN-00029: Read of configuration file "string" failed.
Cause: A read of the configuration file failed.
Action: Examine the rest of the error stack for the exact reason.
CLSGN-00030: Close of configuration file "string" failed.
Cause: It was not possible to close the configuration file.
Action: Examine the rest of the error stack for the exact reason.
57-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
CLSGN-00031: Server failed to start: string
Cause: The GNS server failed to start due to an error encountered by the server.
Action: Examine the message that accompanies this one for details. Also, take a
look at the server log files for more information.
CLSGN-00032: Unexpected end of line found in record "string".
Cause: The line ended unexpectedly. For example, the line might have ended
before the end of a quoted string was found.
Action: Specify a correctly formatted line.
CLSGN-00033: Too few arguments for value of parameter "string" Minimum:
Cause: Not enough arguments were specified for a parameter.
Action: Specify the required number of arguments.
CLSGN-00034: Too many arguments for value of parameter "string" Maximum:
Cause: The number of arguments specified for a parameter was greater than
maximum allowed.
Action: Specify the required number of arguments.
CLSGN-00035: Record "string" contains too few fields. Minimum: number.
Specified: number.
Cause: The entry for a parameter in the configuration file does not contain the
required number of fields.
Action: Correct the entry to have the required number of fields.
CLSGN-00036: Record "string" contains too many fields. Maximum: number.
Specified: number.
Cause: The entry for a parameter in the configuration file contains more than the
maximum number of fields.
Action: Correct the entry to have the required number of fields.
CLSGN-00040: invalid value for integer parameter: "string": "string"
Cause: The value specified for an integer parameter was not an integer.
Action: Specify a correct value, either decimal or hexadecimal. Hexadecimal
values start with the string "0x".
CLSGN-00041: invalid value for boolean parameter "string": "string"
Cause: The value specified for a boolean parameter was not a boolean value.
Action: Specify a correct value. Correct values include: TRUE/FALSE, YES/NO,
ON/OFF, and 1/0.
CLSGN-00043: invalid configuration method: "string"
Cause: An unknown type was specified for the method used to store
configuration information.
Action: Specify a valid type.
CLSGN-00044: no file name specified.
Cause: No name was specified for a configuration method which uses a file as the
Action: Specify a file name.
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 57-3
CLSGN-00045: initialization failed: string
Cause: The initialization of GNS failed.
Action: Please examine the accompanying message for the exact reason.
CLSGN-00046: no value found for parameter "string".
Cause: A value was not specified for the parameter.
Action: Specify a parameter.
CLSGN-00051: unsupported query type: "string"
Cause: The query type passed in is not supported by GNS.
Action: Specify a supported query type.
CLSGN-00052: Initialization of OCR at level number failed. string
Cause: Initialization of OCR to the specified level failed.
Action: Examine the error message to determine what occurred.
CLSGN-00054: Invalid IP address: string
Cause: The IP address specified is neither in the v4 or v6 format.
Action: Specify a correct address.
CLSGN-00058: Invalid number of arguments specified: number.
Cause: The client program sent the wrong number of arguments over for a
Action: This error should not ordinarily be seen. Contact Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00059: Unknown command: number.
Cause: The server received an unknown command from the client.
Action: This error should never happen. If it does, contact Oracle Support
CLSGN-00060: Conversion of string value "string" failed with error number.
Cause: The value of a parameter sent over from the client to number failed.
Action: Specify a valid parameter value.
CLSGN-00061: Internal error.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred. The rest of the error stack contains details
about the error.
Action: This error should never happen. If it does, contact Oracle Support
CLSGN-00062: Server spawn failed: could not access subdirectory string under
Cause: The server process could not be spawned because the directory where the
program resides could not be located or accessed.
Action: Make sure that the server directory exists and can be accessed by the user
starting the program.
CLSGN-00063: Server spawn failed: executable not accessible: directory: string file:
Cause: The server program could not be accessed.
57-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Make sure the server executable exists and can be accessed by the user
starting the program.
CLSGN-00064: spawn of server string failed.
Cause: The client was unable to start the server process.
Action: More details about the failure can be found in messages that follow.
CLSGN-00065: Unable to create backup for configuration file string
Cause: The GNS server was unable to create a backup configuration file.
Action: Check the permissions in the configuration directory. Make sure that the
GNS process is permitted to create files there.
CLSGN-00068: Service advertisement stop failed.
Cause: GNS encountered an error when it tried to stop the advertisement of its
Action: Examine the message following this one. It will indicate the cause. If it is a
number, consult rdret.h.
CLSGN-00069: Service registration failed.
Cause: GNS was unable to register itself with Resource Discovery.
Action: Examine the message following this one. It will indicate the cause. If it is a
number, consult rdret.h.
CLSGN-00070: Service location failed.
Cause: .
Action: Examine the message following this one for a possible
CLSGN-00071: Transport initialization failed.
Cause: GNS was unable to initialize the transport that it uses to communicate
between the client and server.
Action: Examine the messages following this one for the cause of the error.
CLSGN-00072: Connection to server failed.
Cause: GNS was unable to initialize the transport that it was used to
communicate between the client and server.
Action: The message following indicates the exact error that occurred.
CLSGN-00073: Send failed
Cause: GNS was unable to send data either from the client to the server or from
the server to the client.
Action: The message following indicates the exact error that occurred.
CLSGN-00074: Wait for client connection failed
Cause: An error occurred while the server was waiting for a connection from the
Action: The message following indicates the exact error that occurred.
CLSGN-00075: Receive failed.
Cause: GNS was unable to receive data from its peer process.
Action: The message following indicates the exact error that occurred.
CLSGN-00076: string Packet ignored: string.
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 57-5
Cause: The packet was ignored by the server because it was invalid. This may be
caused by another process sending malformed packets.
Action: Use system tools to determine if a non-GNS process is sending data to the
CLSGN-00077: Invalid DNS message received.
Cause: The GNS server received a message from the master DNS server which
was not of the correct format. This could be due to an error by the server or
because a malicious process is sending the GNS server invalid packets.
Action: The error is informational and should not ordinarily be visible to a user. If
it is seen, contact Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00078: No space in left in buffer. Buffer size: number.
Cause: The buffer provided was too small to fit a piece of data.
Action: This error should ordinarily not be visible to users. If it appears, contact
Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00079: Bonjour initialization failed.
Cause: The function called to initialize Bonjour for use by GNS failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying Bonjour error and take corrective action.
CLSGN-00080: Wait failed.
Cause: The wait for data to be received from another process failed.
Action: This error should ordinarily not be visible to users. If it appears, contact
Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00081: The GNS service is not running.
Cause: The GNS service could not be contacted because it is not running.
Action: Start the GNS service.
CLSGN-00082: The GNS service is already running.
Cause: An attempt was made to start the GNS service, but it was already running.
Action: Shut down the GNS service before trying to start it.
CLSGN-00083: Invalid option: "string"
Cause: An unknown option was specified either to a client program or the server.
Action: Specify a supported option.
CLSGN-00086: Service location initialization failed.
Cause: The GNS client failed when it tried to initialize the Resource Discovery
Action: Examine the message following this one. It will indicate the cause. If it is a
number, consult rdret.h.
CLSGN-00087: Listen on endpoint "string" failed.
Cause: The server was unable to listen for requests on the specified endpoint.
Action: The accompanying GIPC error should be examined for the exact error.
CLSGN-00088: Listen on string port number failed due to a lack of privileges.
Cause: The server was unable to listen on the specified port because it does not
have privilege to do so. On Linux and Unix systems, this can occur because the
server is not running as the root user.
57-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Run the server as a user with the needed privileges.
CLSGN-00089: Not enough arguments specified for the "string" option. Number
specified: number. Minimum number: number.
Cause: Enough arguments were not specified for a command.
Action: Specify the minimum number of arguments.
CLSGN-00090: Too many arguments specified for the "string" option. Number
specified: number Maximum number: number.
Cause: Too many arguments arguments specified for a command.
Action: Specify the required number of arguments.
CLSGN-00099: Multicast DNS server not running.
Cause: GNS was unable to send a query to the multicast DNS server because it is
not running.
Action: Start the multicast DNS server.
CLSGN-00100: The alias "string" already exists.
Cause: The specified alias already exists.
Action: Specify an alias which does not exist.
CLSGN-00101: The alias "string" does not exist.
Cause: An alias for a name could not be found.
Action: Specify an alias which exists.
CLSGN-00102: The name "string" does not exist.
Cause: The specified name could not be found.
Action: Specify a name which exists.
CLSGN-00109: No interfaces available.
Cause: GNS was unable to find any interfaces on which it can listen for requests.
This error is likely caused by the incorrect specification of the list of interfaces on
which GNS is not to listen. Alternatively, it may be caused by an error in system
Action: Correct the list of prohibited interfaces if it was set incorrectly. If this is
not the case, check the system configuration.
CLSGN-00110: One or threads failed - check log.
Cause: One or more GNS failed unexpectedly.
Action: Check the log file to determine the exact reasons.
CLSGN-00111: Acquisition of privileges needed to perform operation failed.
Cause: An attempt to acquire the privileges needed failed.
Action: Examine the attached message for more details.
CLSGN-00112: Platform initialization failed.
Cause: GNS was unable to initialize the layer the provides system-specific
Action: Examine the accompanying message for details.
CLSGN-00120: Creation of configuration file "string" failed.
Cause: The creation of the new version of the configuration file failed.
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 57-7
Action: Examine the rest of the error stack for the exact reason.
CLSGN-00121: Trace level set to number.
Cause: This is an information message to indicate that the trace level was set.
Action: No action is needed.
CLSGN-00122: Dynamic messaging initalization failed - error number
Cause: The facility used to control the GNS server dynamically failed.
Action: This error should not be seen in normal use. Contact Oracle Support
Services if it appears.
CLSGN-00127: Privileged user "string" does not exist.
Cause: The user which GNS is to run as in order to run operations which require
special privileges does not exist.
Action: Specify a user which does exist on the host. This user must have the
ability to listen for requests from the DNS server.
CLSGN-00128: Unprivileged user "string" does not exist.
Cause: The user which GNS is to run as in order to perform operations which do
not require special privileges does not exist.
Action: Specify a user which exists.
CLSGN-00129: Privileged group "string" does not exist.
Cause: The group to which a user must belong in order to perform administrative
operations does not exist.
Action: Specify a group which exists on the host.
CLSGN-00130: no privileges to access OCR key "string".
Cause: It was not possible to retrieve the specified key from OCR because the user
does not have the required privileges.
Action: Either run the command as a user which has the required privileges or
configure OCR to allow retrieval of the key.
CLSGN-00131: no privileges to get value for OCR key "string".
Cause: It was not possible to retrieve the specified value from OCR because the
user does not have the required privileges.
Action: Either run the command as a user which has the required privileges or
configure OCR to allow retrieval of the key.
CLSGN-00132: user "string" not authorized to run command.
Cause: A user tried to run a command but has no permission to do so.
Action: Run the command as a user which has the proper privileges.
CLSGN-00133: Exception received: string
Cause: An exception occurred on the server process.
Action: Examine the exception for details.
CLSGN-00134: Invalid name: "string".
Cause: The name to be used for a GNS operation was not valid. The name may
have no domain or be qualified with the name of subdomain serviced by GNS.
Action: Specify a correct name.
57-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
CLSGN-00135: Mandatory parameter "string" is not configured.
Cause: A value was not configured for a mandatory parameter.
Action: Configure a value in the parameter repository.
CLSGN-00136: Query for network address for name "string" failed.
Cause: The query for network addresses for the given name failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying errors for for more information. If the errors
indicate that the name does not exist, register it using srvctl.
CLSGN-00138: No thread names specified.
Cause: The command requires at least one thread name to be specified.
Action: Specify at least one thread name.
CLSGN-00139: Invalid thread name "string"
Cause: The name of the thread was unknown to GNS.
Action: Specify a valid thread name.
CLSGN-00140: OCR key "string" does not exist.
Cause: The specified key cannot be found in the Oracle Cluster Registry.
Action: Specify a key that exists This exception often happens when trying to
retrieve a configuration parameter.
CLSGN-00141: The address "string" already exists.
Cause: A mapping for a address to a name already exists.
Action: Specify an address which does not exist.
CLSGN-00142: Open of OCR key "string" failed.
Cause: An error occurred while trying to open the root OCR used by GNS.
Action: Examine the accompanying exceptions for more information about the
error. This error may be caused by mis-configuration.
CLSGN-00143: Subdomain "string" already exists.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a GNS subdomain which already exists.
Action: Specify a subdomain which does not exist.
CLSGN-00144: Subdomain "string" does not exist.
Cause: The specified GNS subdomain does not exist.
Action: Specify a subdomain which exists.
CLSGN-00147: Address "string" for name "string" is not serviced by GNS.
Cause: The specified address is not served by GNS.
Action: Specify a different address or change the subnet mask used by GNS.
CLSGN-00149: Address "string" does not exist.
Cause: The specified address is not known to GNS.
Action: Specify a valid address.
CLSGN-00150: Alias "string" is invalid.
Cause: The name of the alias to be advertised was not valid. The name may have
no domain or be qualified with the name of subdomain serviced by GNS.
Action: Specify a correct alias.
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 57-9
CLSGN-00151: Name domain "string" does not match GNS subdomain "string"
Cause: The domain specified for the name does not specify the subdomain served
by GNS.
Action: Either specify the correct domain or just specify the name of the host.
CLSGN-00152: Self-check failed.
Cause: The self-check performed by GNS failed.
Action: Verify that DNS has been configured so that it forwards queries for the
GNS domain to the IP address on which the GNS server is listening. Otherwise
contact Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00153: Length of subdomain "string": string exceeds the maximum: string.
Cause: The name specified for the subdomain to be served by GNS is longer than
the maximum.
Action: Specify a shorter subdomain name.
CLSGN-00154: Invalid subdomain: "string"
Cause: The name of the subdomain does not conform to Internet standards. It
must meet the following requirments:
1. Only alphanumeric characters, periods are hyphens are allowed;
2. It must start and end with an alphanumeric character;
3. Consecutive periods are not allowed. In addition, the subdomain must not end
with with ".local" as it is reserved for multicast DNS.
Action: Specify a subdomain in the correct format.
CLSGN-00155: trace level number is less than the minimum number - ignoring.
Cause: The trace level specified is lower than the minimum supported.
Action: Specify a valid trace level.
CLSGN-00156: trace level number is greater than the maximum number. Using the
maximum value instead.
Cause: The trace level specified is greater than the maximum supported.
Action: Specify a valid trace level.
CLSGN-00158: Initialization or shut down in progress.
Cause: GNS was unable to process a command because it is either starting up or
shutting down.
Action: If the server is starting up, try the command again in a few seconds. The
server is shutting down, try the command again after the server has restarted.
CLSGN-00161: Failed to set GNS trace level: string.
Cause: The call to set the trace level on the GNS server failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying error message for details.
CLSGN-00162: Name "string" and address "string" will not be advertised due to
configuration change.
Cause: When GNS attempted to advertise a name and address upon re-start, it
failed because the address can no longer be serviced. This can happen if the subnet
used by GNS was changed between the time that GNS was stopped and it was
57-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: If this result was expected, the error can be ignored. Otherwise, the subnet
needs to be changed in OCR and GNS needs to be stopped and re-started.
CLSGN-00163: connection with Cluster Synchronization Services failed. Error:
Cause: GNS was unable to contact Cluster Synchronization Services in order to
retrieve the name of the cluster.
Action: This error is most probably caused by the Cluster Synchronization
Services daemon being down. If the daemon is running, contact Oracle Support
Services and provide them with the error code.
CLSGN-00164: Failed to retrieve cluster name: Error: number.
Cause: GNS was unable to get the name of the cluster from Cluster
Synchronization Services.
Action: This error is most probably caused by the Cluster Synchronization
Services daemon being down. If the daemon is running, contact Oracle Support
Services and provide them with the error code.
CLSGN-00165: Running as user "string" which is not privileged.
Cause: GNS is not running as a privileged user e.g. root.
Action: Start GNS as a privileged user.
CLSGN-00166: Creation of OCR key "string" failed. string
Cause: GNS was unable to create the specified OCR key.
Action: Examine the accompanying error for details about what occurred. This
error may be caused by mis-configuration.
CLSGN-00167: Operation is unsupported.
Cause: An operation was attempted which is not currently supported by GNS.
Action: Do not attempt the operation.
CLSGN-00168: Name advertisement or alias re-creation failed.
Cause: When GNS starts, it re-creates the advertisements and aliases that existed
when it was shut down. The attempt to re-create an advertisement or alias failed.
Action: This error should not occur in normal use. Contact Oracle Support
CLSGN-00169: Spawn of thread "string" failed.
Cause: GNS was unable to spawn a thread. This may be due to low system
Action: If the memory or processes in use on the system are too high, reduce one
or both and restart GNS. If this is not the case, contact Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00170: Thread "string" failed on startup.
Cause: A GNS thread failed when it tried to start.
Action: Examine the alert log and and trace file (if any) for details about the error.
CLSGN-00171: Invalid alias "string" specified for name "string"
Cause: The name of the alias to be advertised was not valid. The name must have
no domain or be qualified with the name of subdomain serviced by GNS.
Action: Specify an alias whose name is in the correct format.
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 57-11
CLSGN-00172: Domain given in alias "string" for name "string" does not match
GNS domain "string".
Cause: The domain specified for an alias does not match the domain serviced by
Action: Either specify the correct domain or do not specify a domain and GNS
will use its domain as the default.
CLSGN-00173: GNS has not been configured.
Cause: An operation on GNS failed because GNS has not configured.
Action: Configure GNS and retry the operation.
CLSGN-00174: Packet replay detected - dropping connection.
Cause: GNS received a duplicate packet from a client. The connection was
dropped as a consequence.
Action: Examine the trace file for details. It is possible that a malicious user is
attempting to send an invalid packet to GNS.
CLSGN-00175: Invalid packet received - dropping connection.
Cause: The packet was ignored by the server because it was invalid. This may be
caused by another process sending malformed packets. This error is usually
accompanied by another error which describes the exact error that occurred.
Action: Use system tools to determine if a non-GNS process is sending data to the
CLSGN-00176: Packet security check failed.
Cause: The check of the security attributes of a packet failed.
Action: Check the trace file for details about the failure. It is possible that a
malicious user is attempting to send an invalid packet to GNS.
CLSGN-00177: Invalid packet type received.
Cause: GNS received a packet whose type is unknown.
Action: Check the trace file for details about the failure. It is possible that a
malicious user is attempting to send an invalid packet to GNS.
CLSGN-00178: Resolution of name "string" failed.
Cause: GNS failed to retrieve the address of the specified name.
Action: Check to make sure that an address for the name has been registered with
GNS. If it is configured, check to make sure that DNS has been properly
CLSGN-00179: No forwarded query received from DNS for name in "string"
domain, check DNS configuration
Cause: A query was not forwarded from DNS to GNS for a name in the
subdomain that it services.
Action: Check the configuration of DNS. Make sure that it contains the required
forwarding directive contained in the following message.
CLSGN-00180: If BIND is being used and the zone is being forwarded, the entry
will likely look like the following:
Cause: This message is displayed when the GNS self-check fails.
Action: Ensure that the configuration of DNS has the entry listed in the message
that follows this one.
57-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
CLSGN-00182: string Unable to resolve self-check name.
Cause: This is an informational message which accompanies other messages
describing a self-check failure.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for more information as to the
cause of the problem.
CLSGN-00183: Number of retries exceeded maximum: number.
Cause: An operation failed after the maximum number of retries.
Action: Examine the accompanying message(s) for the reasons to why this error
CLSGN-00184: Operation has to be retried.
Cause: An operation failed because it could not be performed at this time and
should be tried again later`.
Action: Examine the accompanying message(s) for details about the operation
that was performed.
CLSGN-00185: Invalid argument.
Cause: An argument was passed to a function which was incorrect. In the case of
a string, for example, a string will be invalid if it is null or has a zero length.
Action: Supply a valid argument.
CLSGN-00186: Insufficient privileges.
Cause: The user attempted an operation for which he or she does not have
sufficient privileges.
Action: Either have the system administrator grant the needed privileges or re-try
the operation as a user which has the needed privileges.
CLSGN-00187: Listening address "string" is not on the public network.
Cause: The address specified as the address on which GNS is to listen is not on
the public network.
Action: Specify a different address which is on the public network.
CLSGN-00188: The value for parameter "string": number may only be from number
to number.
Cause: The value for a parameter is outside the range of permitted values.
Action: Specify a value within the range.
CLSGN-00190: No records found for "string".
Cause: No records could be found for the specified name in GNS.
Action: Specify a name which exists in GNS.
CLSGN-00191: No records registered.
Cause: A query was made for the names registered in GNS but none were found.
Action: Re-run the query after names have been advertised.
CLSGN-00192: string Open of OCR key "string" failed. string
Cause: GNS was unable to open the specified OCR key.
Action: Examine the accompanying error for details about what occurred.
CLSGN-00193: Deletion of OCR key "string" failed. string
Cause: GNS was unable to delete the specified OCR key.
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 57-13
Action: Examine the accompanying error for details about what occurred.
CLSGN-00194: Time needed for resolution of name "string": string ms exceeded
threshold of string ms
Cause: Name resolution took longer than the expected time.
Action: This may indicate a problem in the network or DNS configuration and
should be investigated by each administrator.
CLSGN-00197: Self-check failed due to failure in name resolution.
Cause: The self-check failed because it was not possible to resolve the self-check
name into the address used for reference.
Action: Examine the errors that follow the message for further information as to
the cause.
CLSGN-00201: first self-check name resolution failed.
Cause: GNS was unable to resolve the name that it uses for the self-check the first
time after it started.
Action: Examine the logs for more information about the error.
CLSGN-00202: first self-check failed.
Cause: GNS was unable run the self-check the first time after it started.
Action: Examine the logs for more information about the error.
CLSGN-00205: self-check failed while in "recovery" state.
Cause: The self-check had previously succeeded after a failure but has failed
Action: Examine the logs for more information about the failure.
CLSGN-00206: Creation of a network endpoint failed.
Cause: The creation of a listening endpoint failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying error stack for more information about the
CLSGN-00207: Creation of a network endpoint failed due to lack of permissions.
Cause: The creation of a listening endpoint failed because the server did not have
the needed permissions.
Action: Examine the accompanying error stack for more information about the
CLSGN-00208: Network endpoint "string" already in use.
Cause: The creation of an endpoint failed because another process is using it.
Action: If another GNS instance is running, this error is expected. Otherwise,
terminate the process using the address or start GNS on another node.
CLSGN-00209: Listen for DNS requests failed. IP address string port number is in
Cause: Listening for requests from the DNS server(s) failed because another
process is using the address.
Action: If another GNS instance is running, this error is expected. Otherwise,
terminate the process using the address or start GNS on another node.
CLSGN-00210: failed to get value for OCR key "string". string
57-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: It was not possible to retrieve the specified value from OCR.
Action: Examine the accompanying error stack for more information about the
CLSGN-00211: OCR batch operation failed. string
Cause: Setting a set of OCR key values failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying error stack for more information about the
CLSGN-00215: no service specified
Cause: The service was required in an SRV record, bug not specified.
Action: Specify a the service.
CLSGN-00216: invalid SRV service: "string"
Cause: The service specified was not valid.
Action: Specify a valid service.
CLSGN-00217: no target specified in SRV record
Cause: The target was required in an SRV record, but not specified.
Action: Specify a target for the SRV record.
CLSGN-00218: invalid SRV record target: "string"
Cause: The target in the SRV record specified was not a valid DNS name.
Action: Specify a valid SRV record target. It must be a valid DNS name.
CLSGN-00219: SRV record for service: "string" does not exist
Cause: An SRV record for the specified service did not exist.
Action: Specify a service which exists.
CLSGN-00220: SRV record for service "string" already exists
Cause: An SRV record for the specified service already existed.
Action: Specify a service which does not exist.
CLSGN-00221: invalid SRV record port number: number. Maximum port number is
Cause: The value specified for the port number of an SRV record was invalid.
Action: Specify a value which less than or equal to the maximum value.
CLSGN-00222: invalid SRV record priority: number. Maximum priority is number
Cause: The value specified for the priority of an SRV record was invalid.
Action: Specify a value which less than or equal to the maximum value.
CLSGN-00223: invalid SRV record weight: number. Maximum weight is number
Cause: The value specified for the weight of an SRV record was invalid.
Action: Specify a value which less than or equal to the maximum value.
CLSGN-00224: No SRV record name specified
Cause: The name of the SRV record was not specified.
Action: Specify a name.
CLSGN-00225: Invalid SRV record name: "string"
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 57-15
Cause: The name specified for the SRV record was not a valid DNS name.
Action: Specify a valid DNS name. See RFC 1034 for details.
CLSGN-00226: Invalid SRV record protocol: "string"
Cause: The protocol specified for the SRV record was not valid.
Action: Specify a valid protocol or nothing to get the default.
CLSGN-00229: No SRV record protocol specified
Cause: The protocol for the SRV record was not specified.
Action: Specify a protocol.
CLSGN-00234: No PTR records found for "string"
Cause: No PTR records could be found for the specified name.
Action: Either add PTR records for the name or specify another name.
CLSGN-00235: PTR record already exists for "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to add a PTR record which already exists.
Action: Specify a PTR record which does not exist.
CLSGN-00236: TXT record already exists for "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to add a TXT record which already exists.
Action: Specify a TXT record which does not exist.
CLSGN-00237: No TXT records found for "string"
Cause: No TXT records could be found for the specified name.
Action: Either add TXT records for the name or specify another name.
CLSGN-00238: Length of TXT record (string bytes) exceeds maximum length
Cause: The TXT record was longer than the maximum.
Action: Specify a shorter record.
CLSGN-00239: Invalid TXT record
Cause: The TXT record specified does not conform with the standard (RFC 1035).
Action: Specify a record which conforms with the standard.
CLSGN-00240: Invalid PTR record: "string"
Cause: The PTR record specified does not conform with the standard (RFC 1035).
Action: Specify a record which conforms with the standard.
CLSGN-00243: Length of name "string" (number) exceeds maximum allowed number
Cause: The length of a name specified exceeds the allowed limit.
Action: Specify a shorter name.
CLSGN-00244: Length of qualfied name "string.string" (number) exceeds maximum
allowed number
Cause: The length of a name plus the GNS subdomain specified exceeded the
allowed limit.
Action: Specify a shorter name.
CLSGN-00246: No name specified for a PTR record.
57-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: A name was not specified for a Pointer Resource (PTR) record.
Action: Specify a name which complies with the syntax described in RFC 1034
issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (www.ietf.org).
CLSGN-00247: No target specified for a PTR record.
Cause: A name was not specified as the target of the Pointer Resource (PTR)
Action: Specify a name which complies with the syntax described in RFC 1034
issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (www.ietf.org).
CLSGN-00248: No name specified for TXT record.
Cause: A name was not specified for a text (TXT) record.
Action: Specify a name which complies with the syntax described in RFC 1034
issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (www.ietf.org).
CLSGN-00249: No value specified for a TXT record.
Cause: A value was not specified for a text (TXT) record.
Action: The value of a TXT record is a set of keyword and value pairs separated
by commas. The values must comply with the syntax described in RFC 1464
issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (www.ietf.org).
CLSGN-00250: No name specified for refresh.
Cause: A name was not specified for a refresh operation.
Action: Specify a name which complies with the syntax described in RFC 1034
issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (www.ietf.org). The name must
correspond to a record which exists in Grid Naming Service (GNS).
CLSGN-00251: GNS attempt to re-bind listening endpoints failed.
Cause: GNS rebind failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details about the error.
CLSGN-00253: Invalid key
Cause: A key supplied for an operation is invalid.
Action: Supply a valid key.
CLSGN-00254: Open of credentials file "string" failed.
Cause: Opening the specified credentials file failed.
Action: Specify a file which exists and has the proper permissions. The file must
be readable by the user performing the operation.
CLSGN-00255: Credentials file "string" does not exist.
Cause: The credentials file specifed could not be found.
Action: Specify a file that exists.
CLSGN-00256: Initialization of credentials import failed.
Cause: The steps required to initialize the import of credentials failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying errors for details about the failure.
CLSGN-00257: Credentials file "string" already exists.
Cause: The credentials file specified already exists.
Action: Specify a file that does not exist.
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 57-17
CLSGN-00258: Credentials file "string" could not be created.
Cause: The credentials file specified could not be created.
Action: Specify a file which does not exist or is writable to the user performing
the export.
CLSGN-00259: Initialization of credentials export failed.
Cause: The steps required to initialize the export of credentials failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying errors for details about the failure.
CLSGN-00260: Credential verification failed.
Cause: GNS was unable to verify the contents of a credentials file.
Action: Examine the accompanying errors for the cause.
CLSGN-00261: Import of credentials failed.
Cause: An error occurred while importing credentials used to contact the GNS
Action: Examine the accompanying errors for more information.
CLSGN-00262: Export of credentials failed.
Cause: An error occurred while exporting credentials used to contact the GNS
Action: Examine the accompanying errors for more information.
CLSGN-00263: Length of service instance "string": string exceeds maximum:
Cause: The length of the specified service instance exceeded the maximum
Action: Specify a shorter service instance.
CLSGN-00264: Invalid service instance: "string".
Cause: The service instance contained characters which are not allowed under the
draft standard for DNS-based service discovery (see
Action: Specify a service instance which complies with the standard.
CLSGN-00265: The number of discovery addresses found exceeds the maximum of
Cause: More than two discovery addresses were found in the cluster
Action: Use 'srvctl modify gns' to correct the discovery addresses. If this does not
resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00266: Both of the discovery addresses are of the same type.
Cause: The Grid Naming Service (GNS) configuration was found to have two
IPv4 or two IPv6 discovery addresses.
Action: Use 'srvctl modify gns' to correct the discovery addresses. If this does not
resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00267: Discovery address "string" is invalid.
Cause: The configuration was found to have an IP address that is in not in the
IPV4 or IPV6 format.
57-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Use 'srvctl modify gns' to correct the discovery addresses. If this does not
resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00268: Initialization of GPnP failed.
Cause: An attempt to initialize Grid Plug and Play (GPnP) while modifying the
Grid Naming Service (GNS) configuration failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.
CLSGN-00269: Failed to get GPnP profile or profile value.
Cause: An attempt to access the Grid Plug and Play (GPnP) profile or a value
within the profile failed while modifying Grid Naming Service (GNS)
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.
CLSGN-00270: Failed to set discovery address.
Cause: An attempt to modify Grid Naming Service (GNS) discovery address
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.
CLSGN-00272: Thread has been stopped.
Cause: This error is used internally by GNS to indicate that a thread has been
Action: This error should not occur in normal use. Contact Oracle Support
CLSGN-00500: credentials extraction failed
Cause: The attempt to validate the provided Grid Naming Service (GNS)
credentials failed.
Action: Examine the accompanying errors for more information.
CLSGN-00501: credentials initialization failed
Cause: Initialization of the subsystem used for credentials validation failed.
Action: Generally, this error should not be visible. If it occurs, contact Oracle
Support Services.
CLSGN-00502: CRS initialization failed: string
Cause: Grid Naming Service (GNS) was unable to initialize Cluster Ready
Services (CRS) for its use.
Action: Examine the accompanying errors for more information about the error.
CLSGN-00503: CRS operation "string" failed with error: number
Cause: A Cluster Ready Services (CRS) operation failed.
Action: This error should not occur in normal use. Contact Oracle Support
CLSGN-00504: unsupported version: string
Cause: The version of an object or operation was not supported by Grid Naming
Service (GNS).
Action: This error should not occur in normal use. Contact Oracle Support
CLSGN-00508: OCR is not available
CLSGN-00000 to CLSGN-32767 57-19
Cause: The Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) was not available yet for use by Grid
Naming Service (GNS).
Action: This error should not occur in normal use. Contact Oracle Support
CLSGN-00509: Import of GNS key failed.
Cause: An error occurred while importing GNS key.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages.
CLSGN-00510: CRS is not running
Cause: An operation which attempted to access the Oracle Cluster Registry failed
because the Cluster Ready Services (CRS) was not running.
Action: Run the 'crsctl check crs' command to determine if CRS is running. If it is
running, contact Oracle Support Services. Otherwise, restart CRS.
CLSGN-00511: GNS client cluster data already exists.
Cause: An attempt to import client data failed because client data has already
been imported.
Action: Use 'srvctl modify gns -clientdata' to modify existing client data.
CLSGN-00512: Unsupported record type: string
Cause: The record type specified was unsupported.
Action: Specify a supported record type.
CLSGN-00513: Empty or corrupt import file: string
Cause: Credential import failed because the import file was empty or corrupt.
Action: Specify a valid import file and try again.
CLSGN-00514: Removal of GNS credentials failed.
Cause: An error occurred while removing the GNS credentials from client cluster.
Action: Examine the accompanying error messages.
CLSGN-00515: string failed to set the ownership for OCR key "string". string
Cause: GNS was unable to set the ownership for OCR key.
Action: Examine the accompanying error message for details about what
CLSGN-00516: Import file "string" is not a valid file.
Cause: Operation failed because the import file is not a valid file.
Action: Specify a valid file and retry.
CLSGN-00517: length of component "string": string exceeds the maximum: number
Cause: The length of a component of a name exceeded the maximum allowed.
Action: Specify a shorter component.
CLSGN-00518: Thread group "string" failed to stop.
Cause: A group of threads belonging to the Grid Naming Service (GNS) process
failed to stop. This can happen if one or more threads in the group becomes
unresponsive because of a system problem.
Action: This error can be ignored if the GNS process stops despite this error. If the
GNS process does not stop, contact Oracle Support Services.
57-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
CLSGN-00519: Thread "string" failed to stop.
Cause: A thread belonging to the Grid Naming Service (GNS) process failed to
stop. This can happen if the thread becomes unresponsive because of a system
Action: This error can be ignored if the GNS process stops despite this error. If the
GNS process does not stop, contact Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-00520: invalid PTR target: "string"
Cause: An invalid string was specified for the target of a PTR record. The target
must be a valid DNS name.
Action: Specify a target which complies with the syntax described in RFC 1034
issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (www.ietf.org). The target must
correspond to a record which exists in Grid Naming Service (GNS).
CLSGN-00521: No port available.
Cause: The Grid Naming Service (GNS) was unable to find a port to listen on.
Action: This error should not generally occur. Contact Oracle Support Services.
CLSGN-32767: Internal error
Cause: An unexpected error occurred.
Action: Examine the message(s) that accompany this one for details about the
error and contact Oracle Support Services.