



public interface OffsetStore {
* Load
void load() throws MQClientException;//从消息进度存储文件加载消息进度到内存。

 \* Update the offset,store it in memory  
void updateOffset(final MessageQueue mq, final long offset, final boolean increaseOnly);//更新内存中的消息消费进度

 \* Get offset from local storage  
 \* @return The fetched offset  
long readOffset(final MessageQueue mq, final ReadOffsetType type);//读取消息消费进度

 \* Persist all offsets,may be in local storage or remote name server  
void persistAll(final Set<MessageQueue> mqs);//持久化指定消息队列进度到磁盘

 \* Persist the offset,may be in local storage or remote name server  
void persist(final MessageQueue mq);

 \* Remove offset  
void removeOffset(MessageQueue mq);//将消息队列的消息消费进度从内存溢出

 \* @return The cloned offset table of given topic  
Map<MessageQueue, Long> cloneOffsetTable(String topic);//克隆该主题下所有消息队列的消息消费进度。

 \* @param mq  
 \* @param offset  
 \* @param isOneway  
void updateConsumeOffsetToBroker(MessageQueue mq, long offset, boolean isOneway) throws RemotingException,  
    MQBrokerException, InterruptedException, MQClientException;//更新存储在Broker端的消息消费进度,使用集群模式  


public class LocalFileOffsetStore implements OffsetStore {
public final static String LOCAL_OFFSET_STORE_DIR = System.getProperty(
System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + ".rocketmq_offsets");//消息进度存储目录,通过rocketmq.client.localOffsetStoreDir,如果未指定,默认为用户主目录/.rocketmq_offsets.
private final static InternalLogger log = ClientLogger.getLog();
private final MQClientInstance mQClientFactory;//消息客户端
private final String groupName;//消费消费组
private final String storePath;//消息进度存储文件
private ConcurrentMap offsetTable =
new ConcurrentHashMap();消息消费进度(内存)


