

com.test xxl-job-core 1.0-SNAPSHOT

commons-httpclient commons-httpclient 3.1


# xxl-job admin address list, such as "http://address" or "http://address01,http://address02"
# xxl-job-admin 启动地址
# xxl-job, access token
# xxl-job executor appname 手动配置的客户端名称
appname: xxl-job-executor-test
# xxl-job executor registry-address: default use address to registry , otherwise use ip:port if address is null
# xxl-job executor server-info 可以自动分配地址进行注册
port: 9985
# xxl-job executor log-path
logpath: logs/applogs/xxl-job/jobhandler
# xxl-job executor log-retention-days
logretentiondays: 30


package com.controller;

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import com.util.TimeUtil;
import com.util.results.Resp;
import com.hywx.gw.loadservice.util.XxlJobUtil;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Date;

* @ClassName: TestSaveXxlController
* @Description:
* @Author LXYuuuuu
* @Date 2020/6/29 15:38
public class TestXxlJobController {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestXxlJobController.class);
private String adminAddresses;
private String executorAppname;

@ApiOperation(value = "添加jobInfo并启动", httpMethod = "GET")  
public Resp saveXxl() {  
    try {  
        JSONObject requestInfo = new JSONObject();  
        // 执行器主键ID  
        requestInfo.put("jobGroup", 2);  
        // 任务执行CRON表达式  
        long etime1 = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1 \* 60 \* 1000;//延时函数,单位毫秒,这里是延时了1分钟  
        String date = TimeUtil.getCron(new Date(etime1));  

// requestInfo.put("jobCron","0 0/1 * * * ?");
requestInfo.put("jobCron", date);
// 任务描述
requestInfo.put("jobDesc", "xxxJob");

        // 负责人  
        requestInfo.put("author", "admin");  
        // 报警邮件  
        requestInfo.put("alarmEmail", "xxx@satcloud.com.cn");

        // 执行器路由策略  
        requestInfo.put("executorRouteStrategy", "FIRST");  
        // 执行器,任务Handler名称  
        requestInfo.put("executorHandler", "xxxJobHandler");  
        // todo 执行器,任务参数  
        requestInfo.put("executorParam", "测试202006300943");  
        // 阻塞处理策略  
        requestInfo.put("executorBlockStrategy", "SERIAL\_EXECUTION");  
        // 任务执行超时时间,单位秒  
        requestInfo.put("executorTimeout", 0);  
        // 失败重试次数  
        requestInfo.put("executorFailRetryCount", 1);  
        // GLUE类型    #com.xxl.job.core.glue.GlueTypeEnum  
        requestInfo.put("glueType", "BEAN");  
        // GLUE备注  
        requestInfo.put("glueRemark", "GLUE代码初始化");

        // 调度状态:0-停止,1-运行  
        requestInfo.put("triggerStatus", 0);  
        // 上次调度时间  
        requestInfo.put("triggerLastTime", 0);  
        // 下次调度时间  
        requestInfo.put("triggerNextTime", 0);  

// requestInfo.put("cronGen_display","0 0/1 * * * ?");
JSONObject response = XxlJobUtil.addJob(adminAddresses, requestInfo);
if (response.containsKey("code") && 200 == (Integer) response.get("code")) {
//修改任务参数 把id放入
// 执行器主键ID
requestInfo.put("executorParam", "JobId=" + response.get("content") + ";测试202006300943");
requestInfo.put("id", Integer.valueOf(response.get("content").toString()));
JSONObject responseUpdate = XxlJobUtil.updateJob(adminAddresses, requestInfo);
if (responseUpdate.containsKey("code") && 200 == (Integer) responseUpdate.get("code")) {
JSONObject responseStart = XxlJobUtil.startJob(adminAddresses, Integer.valueOf(response.get("content").toString()));
if (responseStart.containsKey("code") && 200 == (Integer) responseStart.get("code")) {
return Resp.getInstantiationSuccess("成功", null, null);
} else {
throw new Exception("调用xxl-job-admin-start接口失败!");
} else {
throw new Exception("调用xxl-job-admin-update接口失败!");
} else {
throw new Exception("调用xxl-job-admin-add接口失败!");
} catch (Exception e) {
return Resp.getInstantiationError("失败" + e.getMessage(), null, null);

 \* 删除任务  
 \* @param id  
 \* @return  
 \* @throws IOException  
@RequestMapping(value = "/delete", method = RequestMethod.GET)  
public Resp delete(int id) {  
    try {  
        JSONObject response = XxlJobUtil.deleteJob(adminAddresses, id);  
        if (response.containsKey("code") && 200 == (Integer) response.get("code")) {  
            return Resp.getInstantiationSuccess("成功", null, null);  
        } else {  
            throw new Exception("调用xxl-job-admin-delete接口失败!");  
    } catch (Exception e) {  
        return Resp.getInstantiationError("失败" + e.getMessage(), null, null);  


 \* 开始任务  
 \* @param id  
 \* @return  
 \* @throws IOException  
@RequestMapping(value = "/start", method = RequestMethod.GET)  
public Resp start(int id) {  
    try {  
        JSONObject response = XxlJobUtil.startJob(adminAddresses, id);  
        if (response.containsKey("code") && 200 == (Integer) response.get("code")) {  
            return Resp.getInstantiationSuccess("成功", null, null);  
        } else {  
            throw new Exception("调用xxl-job-admin-start接口失败!");  
    } catch (Exception e) {  
        return Resp.getInstantiationError("失败" + e.getMessage(), null, null);  


 \* 挂起任务  
 \* @param id  
 \* @return  
 \* @throws IOException  
@RequestMapping(value = "/stop", method = RequestMethod.GET)  
public Resp stop(int id) {  
    try {  
        JSONObject response = XxlJobUtil.stopJob(adminAddresses, id);  
        if (response.containsKey("code") && 200 == (Integer) response.get("code")) {  
            return Resp.getInstantiationSuccess("成功", null, null);  
        } else {  
            throw new Exception("调用xxl-job-admin-stop接口失败!");  
    } catch (Exception e) {  
        return Resp.getInstantiationError("失败" + e.getMessage(), null, null);  

 \* 登陆  
 \* @param userName  
 \* @param password  
 \* @return  
 \* @throws IOException  
@RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)  
public Resp login(String userName, String password) {  
    try {  
        String cookie = XxlJobUtil.login(adminAddresses, userName, password);  
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cookie)) {  
            return Resp.getInstantiationSuccess("成功", null, null);  
        } else {  
            throw new Exception("调用xxl-job-admin-login接口失败!");  
    } catch (Exception e) {  
        return Resp.getInstantiationError("失败" + e.getMessage(), null, null);  
 \* 根据xxl-appname获取对应id  
 \* @return  
 \* @throws IOException  
@RequestMapping(value = "/getAppNameIdByAppname", method = RequestMethod.GET)  
public Resp getAppNameIdByAppname() {  
    try {  
        JSONObject response = XxlJobUtil.getAppNameIdByAppname(adminAddresses,executorAppname);  
        if (response.containsKey("code") && 200 == (Integer) response.get("code")) {  
            return Resp.getInstantiationSuccess("成功", null, null);  
        } else {  
            throw new Exception("调用xxl-job-admin-getAppNameIdByAppname接口失败!");  
    } catch (Exception e) {  
        return Resp.getInstantiationError("失败" + e.getMessage(), null, null);  


XxlJobUtil 工具类

package com.util;

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.RequestEntity;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.StringRequestEntity;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;

* @ClassName: ApiUtil
* @Description:
* @Author LXYuuuuu
* @Date 2020/6/30 9:47
public class XxlJobUtil {

public static Logger logger =  LoggerFactory.getLogger(XxlJobUtil.class);

private static String cookie="";

 \* 新增/编辑任务  
 \* @param url  
 \* @param requestInfo  
 \* @return  
 \* @throws HttpException  
 \* @throws IOException  
public static JSONObject addJob(String url, JSONObject requestInfo) throws HttpException, IOException {  
    String path = "/jobinfo/add";  
    String targetUrl = url + path;  
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();  
    PostMethod post = new PostMethod(targetUrl);  
    RequestEntity requestEntity = new StringRequestEntity(requestInfo.toString(), "application/json", "utf-8");  
    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();  
    result = getJsonObject(post, result);  
    return result;  

public static JSONObject updateJob(String url, JSONObject requestInfo) throws HttpException, IOException {  
    String path = "/jobinfo/update";  
    String targetUrl = url + path;  
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();  
    PostMethod post = new PostMethod(targetUrl);  
    RequestEntity requestEntity = new StringRequestEntity(requestInfo.toString(), "application/json", "utf-8");  
    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();  
    result = getJsonObject(post, result);  
    return result;  

 \* 删除任务  
 \* @param url  
 \* @param id  
 \* @return  
 \* @throws HttpException  
 \* @throws IOException  
public static JSONObject deleteJob(String url,int id) throws HttpException, IOException {  
    String path = "/jobinfo/delete?id="+id;  
    return doGet(url,path);  

 \* 开始任务  
 \* @param url  
 \* @param id  
 \* @return  
 \* @throws HttpException  
 \* @throws IOException  
public static JSONObject startJob(String url,int id) throws HttpException, IOException {  
    String path = "/jobinfo/start?id="+id;  
    return doGet(url,path);  

 \* 停止任务  
 \* @param url  
 \* @param id  
 \* @return  
 \* @throws HttpException  
 \* @throws IOException  
public static JSONObject stopJob(String url,int id) throws HttpException, IOException {  
    String path = "/jobinfo/stop?id="+id;  
    return doGet(url,path);  

 \* 根据xxl-appname获取对应id  
 \* @param url  
 \* @param appnameParam  
 \* @return  
 \* @throws HttpException  
 \* @throws IOException  
public static JSONObject getAppNameIdByAppname(String url,String appnameParam) throws HttpException, IOException {  
    String path = "/jobgroup/getAppNameIdByAppname?appnameParam="+appnameParam;  
    return doGet(url,path);  

public static JSONObject doGet(String url,String path) throws HttpException, IOException {  
    String targetUrl = url + path;  
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();  
    HttpMethod get = new GetMethod(targetUrl);  
    get.setRequestHeader("cookie", cookie);  
    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();  
    result = getJsonObject(get, result);  
    return result;  

private static JSONObject getJsonObject(HttpMethod get, JSONObject result) throws IOException {  
    InputStream inputStream = get.getResponseBodyAsStream();  
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));  
    StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();  
    String str = "";  
    while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) {  
    if (get.getStatusCode() == 200) {  
         \*  使用此方式会出现  
         \*  Going to buffer response body of large or unknown size. Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended.  
         \*  异常  
         \*  String responseBodyAsString = get.getResponseBodyAsString();  
         \*  result = JSONObject.parseObject(responseBodyAsString);\*/  
        result = JSONObject.parseObject(stringBuffer.toString());  
    } else {  
        try {  

// result = JSONObject.parseObject(get.getResponseBodyAsString());
result = JSONObject.parseObject(stringBuffer.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
result.put("error", stringBuffer.toString());
return result;

public static String login(String url, String userName, String password) throws HttpException, IOException {  
    String path = "/jobinfo/login?userName="+userName+"&password="+password;  
    String targetUrl = url + path;  
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();  
    HttpMethod get = new GetMethod(targetUrl);  
    if (get.getStatusCode() == 200) {  
        Cookie\[\] cookies = httpClient.getState().getCookies();  
        StringBuffer tmpcookies = new StringBuffer();  
        for (Cookie c : cookies) {  
            tmpcookies.append(c.toString() + ";");  
        cookie = tmpcookies.toString();  
    } else {  
        try {  
            cookie = "";  
        } catch (Exception e) {  
    return cookie;  


TimeUtil 工具类

public class TimeUtil {
* convert Date to cron ,eg. "0 07 10 15 1 ? 2016"
* @param date : 时间点
* @return
public static String getCron(Date date) {
String dateFormat = "ss mm HH dd MM ? yyyy";
return formatDateByPattern(date, dateFormat);


* @program:
* @description: 前端传递信息封装
* @author: LXYuuuuu
* @create: 2020-06-25 09:27
public class Resp {
/** 用于状态码 */
public static final int SUCCESS = 200;
public static final int ERROR = 404;
public static final int TOKENERROR=1001;
public static final int DATACOLLISION=1002;

/\*\* 数据类型 \*/  
public static final String LIST = "LIST";  
public static final String SINGLE = "SINGLE";  
public static final String MAP = "MAP";  
public static final String PAGE = "PAGE";  
public static final String STRING = "STRING";  
public static final String JSONSTRING = "JSONSTRING";

/\*\* 操作简单提示 \*/  
public static final String SUCCESS\_INFO = "操作成功";  
public static final String ERROR\_INFO = "操作失败";  
/\*\* 状态码 \*/  
private int code;  
/\*\* 返回提示信息 \*/  
private String message;  
/\*\* 数据类型 \*/  
private String dataType;  
/\*\* 返回对象 \*/  
private Object respBody;

private Resp() {}

 \* @Description:  返回实例化Resp  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiation() {  
    return new Resp();  

 \* @Description:  返回实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param code 状态码  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param dataType 数据类型  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiation(int code,String message,String dataType,Object respBody) {  
    Resp resp = getInstantiation();  
    return resp;  

 \* @Description:  返回状态为Success的实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param dataType 数据类型  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationSuccess(String message,String dataType,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(SUCCESS, message, dataType, respBody);  
public static Resp getInstantiationTokenError(String message,String dataType,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(TOKENERROR, message, dataType, respBody);  
public static Resp getInstantiationDATACOLLISIONError(String message,String dataType,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(DATACOLLISION, message, dataType, respBody);  
 \* @Description:  返回状态为Success的String类型实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationSuccessString(String message,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(SUCCESS, message, STRING, respBody);  
 \* @author:  zy  
 \* @Description:  返回状态为Success的List类型实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationSuccessList(String message,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(SUCCESS, message, LIST, respBody);  

 \* @Description:  返回状态为Success的Map类型实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationSuccessMap(String message,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(SUCCESS, message, MAP, respBody);  
 \* @Description:  返回状态为Success的Page类型实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationSuccessPage(String message,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(SUCCESS, message, PAGE, respBody);  

 \* @Description:  返回状态为Success的Page类型实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationSuccessJsonString(String message,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(SUCCESS, message, JSONSTRING, respBody);  

 \* @Description:  返回状态为Error的实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param dataType 数据类型  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationError(String message,String dataType,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(ERROR, message, dataType, respBody);  
 \* @Description:  返回状态为Error的String类型实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationErrorString(String message,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(ERROR, message, STRING, respBody);  
 \* @Description:  返回状态为Error的List类型实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationErrorList(String message,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(ERROR, message, LIST, respBody);  
 \* @Description:  返回状态为Error的Map类型实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationErrorMap(String message,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(ERROR, message, MAP, respBody);  
 \* @Description:  返回状态为Error的Page类型实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationErrorPage(String message,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(ERROR, message, PAGE, respBody);  
 \* @Description:  返回状态为Error的JsonString类型实例化Resp  
 \* @Param:  @param message 返回提示信息  
 \* @Param:  @param respBody 返回对象  
 \* @return:  Resp  
public static Resp getInstantiationErrorJsonString(String message,Object respBody) {  
    return getInstantiation(ERROR, message, JSONSTRING, respBody);  

public int getCode() {  
    return code;  
public void setCode(int code) {  
    this.code = code;  

public String getMessage() {  
    return message;  
public void setMessage(String message) {  
    this.message = message;  

public String getDataType() {  
    return dataType;  
public void setDataType(String dataType) {  
    this.dataType = dataType;  

public Object getRespBody() {  
    return respBody;  
public void setRespBody(Object respBody) {  
    this.respBody = respBody;  

 \* @Description:  判断是否成功  
 \* @return:  boolean true:成功,false:错误  
public boolean isSuccess() {  
    return this.code==SUCCESS;  

