keywords: Richardson's extrapolation, Grid convergence index a summary of Richardson's extrapolation is here
requirement: GCI < 5%
a summary of GCI from nasa web , local downloaded file is [here](\akmkemin\Backup\ANSYS\Geo_mesh_solver_post_processing\Convergence-Verification-validation\grid convergence) ( print version is in BEM file folder)
Hexa mesh –>> grid refinement ratio
Tetra mesh –>> effective grid refinement ratio
\[ r_{ij} = h_i/h_j \]
The example is from here,
The Fortran 90 program verify.f90 was written to carry out the calculations associated with a grid convergence study involving 3 or more grids
The program is compiled on a unix system through the commands:
f90 verify.f90 -o verify
It reads in an ASCII file (prD.do
) through the standard input unit (5) that contains a list of pairs of grid size and value of the observed quantity f.
input data format:
1.0 0.97050 2.0 0.96854 4.0 0.96178
verify < prD.do > prD.out
It assumes the values from the finest grid are listed first. The output is then written to the standard output unit (6) prD.out
The output from the of {\tt verify} for the results of Appendix A are:
— VERIFY: Performs verification calculations —
Number of data sets read = 3
Grid Size Quantity
1.000000 0.970500
2.000000 0.968540
4.000000 0.961780
Order of convergence using first three finest grid
and assuming constant grid refinement (Eqn.
Order of Convergence, p = 1.78618479
Richardson Extrapolation: Use above order of convergence
and first and second finest grids (Eqn. 5.4.1)
Estimate to zero grid value, fexact = 0.971300304
Grid Convergence Index on fine grids. Uses p from above.
Factor of Safety = 1.25
Grid Refinement
Step Ratio, r GCI(%)
1 2 2.000000 0.103080
2 3 2.000000 0.356244
Checking for asymptotic range using Eqn.
A ratio of 1.0 indicates asymptotic range.
Grid Range Ratio
12 23 0.997980
— End of VERIFY —
p=ln(\frac{f_3 - f_2}{f_2- f_1}) / \ln (r)
where \( f_i \) is the solution at different meshes, f1 is fine grid, \( r \) is grid refinement ratio.
f_e = f_1 + \frac{f_1 -f_2 }{r^p - 1}
fe, exact numerical value ( continuum value at zero grid spacing)
GCI_{fine} = \frac{F_s \vert \epsilon \vert }{r^p - 1}
where \( F_s \) is a safety factor. the recommended value is 3 for two grids comparisons and 1.25 for three or more grids comparisons.
Roache, P. J. Perspective: A Method for Uniform Reporting of Grid Refinement Studies, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 116, 1994; 405-413.
Roache, P. J. Quantification of Uncertainty in Computational Fluid Dynamics, in Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
Roache, Patrick J. Verification and validation in computational science and engineering. Vol. 895. Albuquerque, NM: Hermosa, 1998.
Author: kaiming
Created: 2019-04-16 Tue 22:15