

  • 添加图书时,图书ID不能重复,图书名可重复
  • 删除,查询,修改功能,输入图书名之后提供所有的同名的图书,用户可以按照图书序号对具体的一本书进行操作
  • 显示书籍,分行显示,每行一本书的信息



# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

Portions Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.

Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2000, Marc-Andre Lemburg;

Portions Copyright (c) 2000-2010, Software GmbH;

openGauss is licensed under Mulan PSL v2.

You can use this software according to the terms

and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2.

You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at:





See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details.


Description : is a utility to do something for

platform information.


""" The following platform framework is used to handle any differences between
the platform's we support. The GenericPlatform class is the base class
that a supported platform extends from and overrides any of the methods
as necessary.

import os
import sys
import re
import subprocess
import platform
import socket
import time

sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + "/../../")
from gspylib.common.ErrorCode import ErrorCode

localDirPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, localDirPath + "/../../../lib/netifaces/")
sys.path.append(localDirPath + "/../inspection/lib/netifaces/")
from netifaces import interfaces, ifaddresses, AF_INET, AF_INET6
except ImportError as e:
# get python unicode value. The current environment python is compiled
# with UCS2 or UCS4.
# 1114111 is UCS4
# 65535 is UCS2
flagNum = 4 if sys.maxunicode == 1114111 else 2
omToolsNetifacesPath = os.path.join(
localDirPath, "./../../../lib/netifaces/")
inspectToolsNetifacesPath = os.path.join(
localDirPath, "./../../../script/gspylib/inspection/\
newPythonDependNetifacesPath = "%s_UCS%d" % (omToolsNetifacesPath,
glo_cmd = "rm -f '%s' && " \
"cp -f -p '%s' '%s' " % (omToolsNetifacesPath,
glo_cmd += " && rm -f '%s' && " \
"cp -f -p '%s' '%s' " % (inspectToolsNetifacesPath,
flagExce = True
for retryNum in range(3):
(statusExec, outputExec) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(glo_cmd)
if statusExec != 0:
flagExce = False
flagExce = True
if not flagExce:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % glo_cmd
+ "Error:\n%s" % outputExec)
from netifaces import interfaces, ifaddresses, AF_INET, AF_INET6


global variable for our platform

_supported_dists = (
'SuSE', 'debian', 'fedora', 'redhat', 'centos', 'euleros', "openEuler",
'mandrake', 'mandriva', 'rocks', 'slackware', 'yellowdog', 'gentoo',
'UnitedLinux', 'turbolinux')
_release_filename = re.compile(r'(\w+)[-_](release|version)')
_lsb_release_version = re.compile(r'(.+)'
' release '
_release_version = re.compile(r'([^0-9]+)'
'(?: release )?'
SUSE = "suse"
REDHAT = "redhat"
CENTOS = "centos"
EULEROS = "euleros"
KYLIN = "kylin"
OPENEULER = "openeuler"

RedhatX platform

SUPPORT_RHEL6X_VERSION_LIST = ["6.4", "6.5", "6.6", "6.7", "6.8", "6.9", "10"]
SUPPORT_RHEL7X_VERSION_LIST = ["7.0", "7.1", "7.2", "7.3", "7.4", "7.5", "7.6", "10"]

EulerOS 2.3 -> 2.0 SP3


SuSE platform

SUSE11 = "11"
SUSE12 = "12"
SUPPORT_SUSE11X_VERSION_LIST = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
SUPPORT_RHEL12X_VERSION_LIST = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
BIT_VERSION = "64bit"

---------------command path--------------------

CMD_PATH = ['/bin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/sbin']
COLON = ":"

Need to be consistent with the packaging script

PAK_EULER = "Euler"
PAK_OPENEULER = "openEuler"

_supported_dists = (
'SuSE', 'debian', 'fedora', 'redhat', 'centos', 'euleros', "openEuler",
'mandrake', 'mandriva', 'rocks', 'slackware', 'yellowdog', 'gentoo',
'UnitedLinux', 'turbolinux', 'kylin')
_release_filename = re.compile(r'(\w+)[-_](release|version)')
_lsb_release_version = re.compile(r'(.+)'
' release '
_release_version = re.compile(r'([^0-9]+)'
'(?: release )?'

def _parse_release_file(firstline):
Default to empty 'version' and 'id' strings. Both defaults are used
when 'firstline' is empty. 'id' defaults to empty when an id can not
be deduced.
version = ''
idNum = ''

# Parse the first line  
m = \_lsb\_release\_version.match(firstline)  
if m is not None:  
    # LSB format: "distro release x.x (codename)"  
    return tuple(m.groups())

# Pre-LSB format: "distro x.x (codename)"  
m = \_release\_version.match(firstline)  
if m is not None:  
    return tuple(m.groups())

# Unkown format... take the first two words  
l = str.split(str.strip(firstline))  
if l:  
    version = l\[0\]  
    if len(l) > 1:  
        idNum = l\[1\]  
return '', version, idNum

def linux_distribution(distname='', version='', idNum='',

Tries to determine the name of the Linux OS distribution name.

    The function first looks for a distribution release file in  
    /etc and then reverts to \_dist\_try\_harder() in case no  
    suitable files are found.

    supported\_dists may be given to define the set of Linux  
    distributions to look for. It defaults to a list of currently  
    supported Linux distributions identified by their release file  

    If full\_distribution\_name is true (default), the full  
    distribution read from the OS is returned. Otherwise the short  
    name taken from supported\_dists is used.

    Returns a tuple (distname,version,id) which default to the  
    args given as parameters.

    etc = os.listdir('/etc')  
except os.error:  
    # Probably not a Unix system  
    return distname, version, idNum  
gFile = None  
for file in etc:  
    if os.path.islink('/etc/' + file):  
    m = \_release\_filename.match(file)  
    if m is not None:  
        \_distname, dummy = m.groups()  
        if \_distname in supported\_dists:  
            gFile = file  
            distname = \_distname  

# Read the first line  
if gFile is None:  
    return distname, version, idNum  
with open('/etc/' + gFile, 'r') as f:  
    firstline = f.readline()  
\_distname, \_version, \_id = \_parse\_release\_file(firstline)

if \_distname and full\_distribution\_name:  
    distname = \_distname  
if \_version:  
    version = \_version  
if \_id:  
    idNum = \_id  
return distname, version, idNum

def dist(supported_dists=_supported_dists):
""" Tries to determine the name of the Linux OS distribution name.

    The function first looks for a distribution release file in  
    /etc and then reverts to \_dist\_try\_harder() in case no  
    suitable files are found.

    Returns a tuple (distname,version,id) which default to the  
    args given as parameters.

return linux\_distribution(supported\_dists=supported\_dists,  

------------------platform module----------------------

class CommandNotFoundException(Exception):

def \_\_init\_\_(self, cmd, paths):  
    function: constructor  
    self.cmd = cmd  
    self.paths = paths

def \_\_str\_\_(self):  
    function: str  
    input  : NA  
    output : NA  
    return "Could not locate command: '%s' in this " \\  
           "set of paths: %s" % (self.cmd, repr(self.paths))

def findCmdInPath(cmd, additionalPaths=None, printError=True):
function: find cmd in path
input: cmd, additionalPaths, printError
output: NA
global CMD_CACHE
if additionalPaths is None:
additionalPaths = []
if cmd not in CMD_CACHE:
# Search additional paths and don't add to cache.
for p in additionalPaths:
f = os.path.join(p, cmd)
if os.path.exists(f):
return f

    for p in CMD\_PATH:  
        f = os.path.join(p, cmd)  
        if os.path.exists(f):  
            CMD\_CACHE\[cmd\] = f  
            return f

    if cmd == "killall":  
        gphome = os.getenv("GPHOME")  
        if gphome is None or \\  
                not os.path.exists(os.path.join(gphome, "script/killall")):  
            gphome = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(\_\_file\_\_))\\  
                     + "/../../.."  
        gphome = gphome.replace("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\").replace('"', '\\\\"\\\\"')  
        for rac in \["|", ";", "&", "$", "<", ">", "\`", "\\\\", "'", "\\"",  
                    "{", "}", "(", ")", "\[", "\]", "~", "\*",  
                    "?", " ", "!", "\\n"\]:  
            if rac in gphome:  
                raise Exception(  
                    ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50219"\] % gphome  
                    + " There are illegal characters in the path.")  
        if gphome != "" and os.path.exists(os.path.join(gphome,  
            return os.path.join(gphome, "script/killall")  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50201"\] % "killall")

    if printError:  
        print('Command %s not found' % cmd)  
    search\_path = CMD\_PATH\[:\]  
    raise CommandNotFoundException(cmd, search\_path)  
    return CMD\_CACHE\[cmd\]


1. ulimit, ntpq, source, kerberos is not found under system path

class GenericPlatform:
manage OS command,config or service for muti-platform

def \_\_init\_\_(self):  
    function: constructor  

def echoCmdWithNoReturn(self, line, filePath):  
    function: echo cmd with no return  
    input  : line, filePath  
    output : str  
    cmd = "echo %s >> '%s' 2>/dev/null" % (line, filePath)  
    return cmd

def getCreateFileCmd(self, path):  
    function: get create file cmd  
    input  : path  
    output : str  
    cmd = "touch '%s'" % path  
    return cmd

def getMoveFileCmd(self, src, dest):  
    function: get move file cmd  
    input  : src, dest  
    output : str  
    cmd = "mv '%s' '%s'" % (src, dest)  
    return cmd

def get\_machine\_arch\_cmd(self):  
    function: get machine arch cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return 'uname -i'

def getDefaultLocale(self):  
    function: get default locale  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return 'en\_US.utf-8'

def getRemoveCmd(self, pathType):  
    function: get remove cmd  
    input  : pathType  
    output : str  
    opts = " "  
    if pathType == "file":  
        opts = " -f "  
    elif pathType == "directory":  
        opts = " -rf "  
    return findCmdInPath('rm') + opts

def getChmodCmd(self, Permission, src, recursive=False):  
    function: get chmod cmd  
    input  : Permission, src, recursive  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('chmod') + \\  
           (" -R " if recursive else BLANK\_SPACE) + \\  
           Permission + BLANK\_SPACE + src

def getChownCmd(self, owner, group, src, recursive=False):  
    function: get chown cmd  
    input  : owner, group, src, recursive  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('chown') + \\  
           (" -R " if recursive else BLANK\_SPACE) + owner + \\  
           COLON + group + BLANK\_SPACE + src

def getCopyCmd(self, src, dest, pathType=""):  
    function: get copy cmd  
    input  : src, dest, pathType  
    output : str  
    opts = " "  
    if pathType == "directory":  
        opts = " -r "  
    return findCmdInPath('cp') + " -p  -f " + opts + BLANK\_SPACE + "'" + \\  
           src + "'" + BLANK\_SPACE + "'" + dest + "'"

def getRemoteCopyCmd(self, src, dest, remoteHost, copyTo=True,  
                     pathType="", otherHost=None):  
    function: get remote copy cmd  
    input  : src, dest, remoteHost, copyTo=True,  
                     pathType="", otherHost  
    output : str  
    opts = " "  
    if pathType == "directory":  
        opts = " -r "  
    if copyTo:  
        return "pscp -x '%s' -H %s %s %s " % (opts.strip(),  
                                              remoteHost, src, dest)  
        localhost = self.getLocalIp()  
        if otherHost is not None:  
            localhost = otherHost  
        return "pssh -s -H %s \\" pscp -x '%s' -H %s %s %s \\" " % (  
            remoteHost, opts.strip(), localhost, src, dest)

def getHostName(self):  
    function : Get host name  
    input : NA  
    output: string  
    hostCmd = findCmdInPath('hostname')  
    (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(hostCmd)  
    # if cmd failed, then exit  
    if status != 0:  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50219"\] % "host name"  
                        + "The cmd is %s" % hostCmd)  
    return output

def getLocalIp(self):  
    function: Obtaining the local IP address  
    input: NA  
    output: str  
    return self.getHostName()

def getScpCmd(self):  
    Get scp cmd for special remotely copy, just like remote to  
    remote or remote to local.  
    :return: str  
    return "pscp -H "

def getUseraddCmd(self, user, group):  
    function: get user add cmd  
    input  : user, group  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('useradd') + " -m " + user + " -g " + group

def getUserdelCmd(self, user):  
    function: get userdel cmd  
    input  : user  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('userdel') + " -r " + user

def getGroupaddCmd(self, group):  
    function: get group add cmd  
    input  : group  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('groupadd') + " " + group

def getGroupdelCmd(self, group):  
    function: get group del cmd  
    input  : group  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('groupdel') + " " + group

def getMoveCmd(self, src, dest):  
    function: get move cmd  
    input  : src, dest  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('mv') + " -f " + "'" + src + \\  
           "'" + BLANK\_SPACE + "'" + dest + "'"

def getMakeDirCmd(self, src, recursive=False):  
    function: get make dir cmd  
    input  : src, recursive  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('mkdir') + \\  
           (" -p " if recursive else BLANK\_SPACE) + "'" + src + "'"

def getPingCmd(self, host, count, interval, packetSize=56):  
    function: get ping cmd  
    input  : host, count, interval, packetSize  
    output : str  
    opts = " "  
    if int(packetSize) != int(56):  
        opts = " -s " + str(packetSize)  
    return findCmdInPath('ping') + BLANK\_SPACE + host + " -c " + \\  
           count + " -i " + interval + opts

def getWcCmd(self):  
    function: get wc cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('wc')

def getTarCmd(self):  
    function: get tar cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('tar')

def getZipCmd(self):  
    function: get zip cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('zip')

def getUnzipCmd(self):  
    function: get unzip cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('unzip')

def getEchoCmd(self, echoString):  
    function: get echo cmd  
    input  : echoString  
    output : str  
    cmdStr = '%s "%s"' % (findCmdInPath('echo'), echoString)  
    return cmdStr

def getSedCmd(self):  
    function: get sed cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('sed')

def getGrepCmd(self):  
    function: get grep cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('grep')

def getLsofCmd(self):  
    function: get lsof cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('lsof') + " -i:"

def getIfconfigCmd(self):  
    function: get ifconfig cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('ifconfig')

def getIpCmd(self):  
    function: get ip cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('ip')

def getDateCmd(self):  
    function: get date cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('date')

def getAwkCmd(self):  
    function: get awk cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('awk')

def getFindCmd(self):  
    function: get find cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('find')

def getTouchCmd(self, filename):  
    function: get touch cmd  
    input  : filename  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('touch') + BLANK\_SPACE + filename

def getListCmd(self):  
    function: get list cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('ls')

def getSHA256Cmd(self):  
    function: get sha256 cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('sha256sum')

def getProcessCmd(self):  
    function: get process cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('ps')

def getCatCmd(self):  
    function: get cat cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('cat')

def getDdCmd(self):  
    function: get dd cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('dd')

def getCdCmd(self, path):  
    function: get cd cmd  
    input  : path  
    output : str  
    return 'cd' + BLANK\_SPACE + "'" + path + "'"

def getAllCrontabCmd(self):  
    function: get all crontab cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    cmd = findCmdInPath('crontab') + BLANK\_SPACE + " -l"  
    return cmd

def getCrontabCmd(self):  
    function: get crontab cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('crontab')

def getKillProcessCmd(self, signal, pid):  
    function: get kill process cmd  
    input  : signal, pid  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('kill') + " -" + signal + BLANK\_SPACE + pid

def getKillallCmd(self):  
    function: get killall cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('killall')

def getKillallProcessCmd(self, signal, username, procName=""):  
    function: get killall process cmd  
    input  : signal, username, procName  
    output : str  
    if procName != "":  
        return findCmdInPath('killall') + " -s " + signal + " -u " + \\  
               username + BLANK\_SPACE + procName  
        return findCmdInPath('killall') + " -s " + signal + " -u " + \\  

def getXargsCmd(self):  
    function: get xargs cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('xargs')

def getDeleteSemaphoreCmd(self, user):  
    function: get delete semaphore cmd  
    input  : user  
    output : str  
    ipcs = findCmdInPath('ipcs')  
    ipcrm = findCmdInPath('ipcrm')  
    xargs = findCmdInPath('xargs')  
    awk = findCmdInPath('awk')  
    return "%s -s | %s '/ %s /{print $2}' | %s -n1 %s -s" % (  
        ipcs, awk, user, xargs, ipcrm)

def getProcessIdByKeyWordsCmd(self, keywords):  
    function: get proecess id by keywords cmd  
    input  : keywords  
    output : str  
    ps = findCmdInPath('ps')  
    grep = findCmdInPath('grep')  
    awk = findCmdInPath('awk')  
    return "%s -ef| %s -F '%s' | %s -F -v 'grep'| %s '{print $2}'" % (  
        ps, grep, keywords, grep, awk)

def getSysctlCmd(self):  
    function: get sysctl cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('sysctl')

def getServiceCmd(self, serviceName, action):  
    function: get service cmd  
    input  : serviceName, action  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('service') + BLANK\_SPACE + serviceName + \\  
           BLANK\_SPACE + action

def getSystemctlCmd(self, serviceName, action):  
    function: get systemctl cmd  
    input  : serviceName, action  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('systemctl') + BLANK\_SPACE + action + \\  
           BLANK\_SPACE + serviceName

def getUlimitCmd(self):  
    function: get ulimit cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return 'ulimit'

def getGetConfValueCmd(self):  
    function: get conf value cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('getconf') + " PAGESIZE "

def getBlockdevCmd(self, device, value="", isSet=False):  
    function: get block dev cmd  
    input  :  device, value, isSet  
    output : str  
    if isSet and value != "":  
        return findCmdInPath('blockdev') + " --setra " + value + \\  
               BLANK\_SPACE + device  
        return findCmdInPath('blockdev') + " --getra " + device

def getSysModManagementCmd(self, OperType, module):

    OperType: list     --list system module  
          load     --load system module  
          insert   --insert system module by force  
          remove   --remove system module  
          dep      --generate modules.dep and map files  
    if OperType == "list":  
        return findCmdInPath('lsmod') + BLANK\_SPACE + module  
    elif OperType == "load":  
        return findCmdInPath('modprobe') + BLANK\_SPACE + module  
    elif OperType == "insert":  
        return findCmdInPath('insmod') + BLANK\_SPACE + module  
    elif OperType == "remove":  
        return findCmdInPath('rmmod') + BLANK\_SPACE + module  
    elif OperType == "dep":  
        return findCmdInPath('depmod') + BLANK\_SPACE + module  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51404"\] + OperType)

def getMountCmd(self):  
    function: get dd cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('mount')

def getLocaleCmd(self):  
    function: get locale cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('locale')

def getPasswordExpiresCmd(self, user):  
    function: get password expires cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('chage') + " -l " + user

def getIOStatCmd(self):  
    function: get io stat cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('iostat') + " -xm 2 3 "

def getEthtoolCmd(self):  
    function: get eth tool cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('ethtool')

def getTailCmd(self):  
    function: get tail cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('tail')

def getSshCmd(self, address):  
    function: get ssh cmd  
    input  : address  
    output : str  
    return "pssh -s -H " + BLANK\_SPACE + address

def getChkconfigCmd(self, OperType, service=""):  
    function: get chkconfig cmd  
    input  : OperType, service  
    output : str  
    if OperType == "list":  
        return findCmdInPath('chkconfig') + " --list "  
    elif OperType == "delete" and service:  
        return findCmdInPath('chkconfig') + " --del " + service

def getManageKerberosCmd(self, OperType):  
    OperType: init      --init kerberos  
          destory   --destory kerberos  
    if OperType == "init":  
        return "kinit -k -t "  
    elif OperType == "destory":  
        return "kdestroy"

def getManageSSDCmd(self):  
    function: get manage ssd cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : NA  

def getPythonCmd(self):  
    function: get python cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('python3')

def getShellCmd(self):  
    function: get shell cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('sh')

def getSourceCmd(self):  
    function: get source cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return 'source'

def getTestCmd(self):  
    Linux test cmd  
    example: test -f /etc/profile && echo 1 || echo 2  
    return findCmdInPath("test")

def getPgrepCmd(self):  
    Linux pgrep cmd  
    return findCmdInPath("pgrep")

def getExportCmd(self, key="", value=""):  
    Linux export cmd  
    cmd = findCmdInPath("export")  
    if key:  
        cmd += " %s=%s" % (key, value)  
    return cmd

class LinuxPlatform(GenericPlatform):
manage Linux command,config or service for muti-platform

def \_\_init\_\_(self):  
    function: constructor  

def dist(self):  
    function: dist  
    input  : NA  
    output : distname, version, id  
    return dist()

def getCpuInfoFile(self):  
    function: get cpu info file  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return "/proc/cpuinfo"

def getMemInfoFile(self):  
    function: get dd cmd  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return "/proc/meminfo"

def getBondInfoPath(self):  
    function: get bond info path  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return "/proc/net/bonding/"

def getSysctlFile(self):  
    function: get sysctl file  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return "/etc/sysctl.conf"

def getMtablFile(self):  
    function: get mtab file  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return "/etc/mtab"

def getInterruptFile(self):  
    function: get interrput file  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return "/proc/interrupts"

def getHostsFile(self):  
    function: get hostfile  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return "/etc/hosts"

def getName(self):  
    function: get name  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return "linux"

def getDefaultLocale(self):  
    function: get default locale  
    input  : NA  
    output : str  
    return 'en\_US.utf8'

def getDiskFreeCmd(self, Mounted="", inode=False):  
    # -P is for POSIX formatting.  Prevents error  
    # on lines that would wrap  
    return findCmdInPath('df') + " -Pk " + \\  
           (" -i " if inode else " -h ") + Mounted

def getDirSizeCmd(self, path, unit=""):  
    # -s only shows the total size  
    # unit specify the output size unit  
    return findCmdInPath('du') + " -s " + (" -B %s " % unit  
                                           if unit else " -h ") + path

def getSadcCmd(self, interval, outFileName):  
    function: get sadc cmd  
    input  : interval, outFileName  
    output : str  
    cmd = "/usr/lib64/sa/sadc -F -d " + str(interval) + " " + outFileName  
    return cmd

def getCompressFilesCmd(self, tarName, fileSrc):  
    function: get compress file cmd  
    input  : tarName, fileSrc  
    output : str  
    cmd = "%s -zvcf '%s' %s" % (self.getTarCmd(), tarName, fileSrc)  
    return cmd

def getDecompressFilesCmd(self, srcPackage, dest):  
    function: get decompress file cmd  
    input  : srcPackage, dest  
    output : str  
    cmd = "%s -zxvf '%s' -C '%s'" % (self.getTarCmd(), srcPackage, dest)  
    return cmd

def getCompressZipFilesCmd(self, zipName, fileSrc):  
    function: get compress zip files cmd  
    input  : zipName, fileSrc  
    output : str  
    cmd = "cd %s && %s -r '' ./\*" % (fileSrc, self.getZipCmd(),  
    return cmd

def getDecompressZipFilesCmd(self, srcPackage, dest):  
    function: get decompress zip files cmd  
    input  : srcPackage, dest  
    output : str  
    cmd = "%s -o '%s' -d '%s'" % (self.getUnzipCmd(), srcPackage, dest)  
    return cmd

def getReplaceFileLineContentCmd(self, oldLine, newLine, path):  
    function: get replace file line content cmd  
    input  : oldLine, newLine, path  
    output : str  
    cmd = "%s -i \\"s/%s/%s/g\\" '%s'" % (self.getSedCmd(), oldLine,  
                                        newLine, path)  
    return cmd

def getDirPermissionCmd(self, dirPath):  
    function: get dir permission cmd  
    input  : dirPath  
    output : str  
    cmd = "%s -ld '%s' | %s -F\\" \\" '{print $1}' " % (self.getListCmd(),  
    return cmd

def getFileSHA256Cmd(self, fileName):  
    function: get file sha256 cmd  
    input  : fileName  
    output : str  
    cmd = "%s '%s' | %s -F\\" \\" '{print $1}' " % (self.getSHA256Cmd(),  
    return cmd

def getExecuteCmdWithUserProfile(self, user, userProfile, executeCmd,  
    function: get execute cmd with user profile  
    input:  user, userProfile, executeCmd, ignoreError  
    output: str  
    if (user != "") and (os.getuid() == 0):  
        cmd = "su - %s -c '%s %s; %s'" % (user, self.getSourceCmd(),  
                                          userProfile, executeCmd)  
        cmd = "%s %s; %s" % (self.getSourceCmd(), userProfile, executeCmd)  
    if ignoreError:  
        cmd += " 2>/dev/null"  
    return cmd

def getUserHomePath(self):  
    function: get user home path  
    input:  NA  
    output: str  
    # converts the relative path to an absolute path  
    cmd = "echo ~ 2>/dev/null"  
    (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
    if status != 0:  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50219"\] % "user home"  
                        + "The cmd is %s" % cmd)  
    return output

def checkProcAlive(self, procPid):  
    function: check Proc alive  
    input:  procPid  
    output: True/False  
        os.kill(procPid, 0)  
    except OSError:  
        return False  
        return True

def getIpAddressAndNIC(self, ipType="ipv4"):  
    function: get ip address and nic  
    input:  ipType  
    output: NA  
    if ipType == "ipv4":  
        key = AF\_INET  
        key = AF\_INET6

    for iface in interfaces():  
        if key in ifaddresses(iface):  
            ipAddress = ifaddresses(iface)\[key\]\[0\]\['addr'\]  
            yield (iface, ipAddress)

def getIpAddressAndNICList(self, ipType="ipv4"):  
    function: get ip address and nicList  
    input:  ipType  
    output: \[\]  
    return list(self.getIpAddressAndNIC(ipType))

def getNetworkNumByIPAddr(self, ipAddress, ipType="ipv4"):  
    function: get netWork num by IP addr  
    input:  ipAddress, ipType  
    output: str  
        mappingList = self.getIpAddressAndNICList(ipType)  
        for mapInfo in mappingList:  
            if mapInfo\[1\] == ipAddress:  
                return mapInfo\[0\]  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_506\["GAUSS-50612"\] % ipAddress)  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getHostNameByIPAddr(self, ipAddress):  
    function: get host name by ip addr  
    input:  ipAddress  
    output: str  
        return socket.gethostbyaddr(ipAddress)\[0\]  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getLinuxNetworkConfigFile(self, networkConfPath, networkCardNum):  
    function: get linux network config file  
    input:  networkConfPath, networkCardNum  
    output: str  
        networkConfFile = "%sifcfg-%s" % (networkConfPath, networkCardNum)  
        # Network configuration file does not exist  
        if not os.path.exists(networkConfFile):  
            cmd = "%s %s -iname 'ifcfg-\*-%s' -print" % (self.getFindCmd(),  
            (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
            if (status != 0 or output.strip() == ""  
                    or len(output.split('\\n')) != 1):  
                raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS-50201"\] %  
                                networkConfFile + "The cmd is %s" % cmd)  
            networkConfFile = output.strip()  
        return networkConfFile  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getNetworkBondModeByBondConfigFile(self, bondingConfFile):  
    function: get Network Bond Mode By Bond ConfigFile  
    input:  bondingConfFile  
    output: str  
        # Check the bond mode  
        cmd = "%s -w '\&lt;Bonding Mode\\&gt;' %s | %s  -F ':' '{print $NF}'" % (  
            self.getGrepCmd(), bondingConfFile, self.getAwkCmd())  
        (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
        if status != 0:  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +  
                            " Error: \\n%s " % output)  
        return "BondMode %s" % output.strip()  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getNetworkBondModeInfo(self, networkConfFile, networkCardNum):  
    function: get Network Bond Mode Info  
    input: networkConfFile, networkCardNum  
    output: str  
    # Get the bond profile  
    if not os.path.isfile(networkConfFile):  
        return "BondMode Null"

    bondingConfFile = "%s%s" % (self.getBondInfoPath(), networkCardNum)  
    cmd = "%s -i 'BONDING\_OPTS\\|BONDING\_MODULE\_OPTS' %s" % (  
        self.getGrepCmd(), networkConfFile)  
    output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)\[1\]  
    # Analysis results  
    if output.strip() != "":  
        if (output.find("mode") > 0) and os.path.exists(bondingConfFile):  
            bondInfo = self.getNetworkBondModeByBondConfigFile(  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +  
                            " Error: \\n%s " % output)  
    elif os.path.exists(bondingConfFile):  
        bondInfo = self.getNetworkBondModeByBondConfigFile(bondingConfFile)  
        bondInfo += "\\nNo 'BONDING\_OPTS' or \\  
        'BONDING\_MODULE\_OPTS' in bond config file\[%s\]." % networkConfFile  
        bondInfo = "BondMode Null"  
    return bondInfo

def getNetworkMaskByNICNum(self, networkCardNum, ipType="ipv4"):  
    function: get Network Mask By NICNum  
    input:  networkCardNum, ipType  
    output: str  
    if ipType == "ipv4":  
        return ifaddresses(networkCardNum)\[AF\_INET\]\[0\]\["netmask"\]  
        return ifaddresses(networkCardNum)\[AF\_INET6\]\[0\]\["netmask"\]

def getNetworkRXTXValueByNICNum(self, networkCardNum, valueType):  
    function: get Network RXTX Value By NICNum  
    input:  networkCardNum, valueType  
    output: int  
        cmd = "%s -g %s | %s '%s:' | %s -n 1" % (self.getEthtoolCmd(),  
        (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
        if status != 0:  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +  
                            " Error: \\n%s " % output)  
        value = output.split(':')\[-1\].split(' ')\[0\].strip()  
        if not str(value).isdigit():  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +  
                            " Error: \\n%s " % output)  
        return int(value)  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def setNetworkRXTXValue(self, networkCardNum, rxValue=8192,  
    function: set Network RXTX Value  
    input:  networkCardNum, rxValue, txValue  
    output: NA  
        cmd = "%s -G %s rx %s tx %s" % (  
            self.getEthtoolCmd(), networkCardNum, rxValue, txValue)  
        (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
        if status != 0:  
            if output.find("no ring parameters changed, aborting") < 0:  
                raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +  
                                " Error: \\n%s " % output)  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getNetworkSpeedByNICNum(self, networkCardNum):  
    function: get Network Speed By NICNum  
    input:  networkCardNum  
    output: int  
    keyWord = "Speed: "  
    speedUnit = "Mb/s"  
        cmd = "%s %s | grep '%s'" % (self.getEthtoolCmd(),  
                                     networkCardNum, keyWord)  
        (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
        if status != 0 or output == "":  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +  
                            " Error: \\n%s " % output)  
        if len(output.split('\\n')) >= 1:  
            for line in output.split('\\n'):  
                if line.find(keyWord) >= 0 and line.find(speedUnit) >= 0:  
                    return int(line.split(':')\[-1\].strip()\[:-4\])  
        return 0  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def checkNetworkInterruptByNIC(self, networkCardNum):  
    function: check Network Interrupt By NIC  
        interruptConfFile = self.getInterruptFile()  
        numberedListCmd = "%s %s | %s '%s-' | \\  
        %s -F ' ' '{print $1}' | %s -F ':' '{print $1}'" % (  
            self.getCatCmd(), interruptConfFile, self.getGrepCmd(),  
            networkCardNum, self.getAwkCmd(), self.getAwkCmd())  
        irqCmd = "%s /proc/irq/$i/smp\_affinity" % self.getCatCmd()  
        cmd = "for i in \`%s\`; do %s ; done" % (numberedListCmd, irqCmd)  
        (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
        if status != 0:  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +  
                            " Error: \\n%s " % output)  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

    # cpu core number followed by 1 2 4 8,every 4 left shift one  
    Mapping = {0: "1", 1: "2", 2: "4", 3: "8"}  
    flag = True  
    for index, eachLine in enumerate(output.split()):  
        # Remove the ','  
        eachLine = eachLine.replace(",", "")  
        # Replace 0000,00001000 to 1,Remove invalid content  
        validValue = eachLine.replace("0", "")  
        # Convert the row index to the expected value  
        expandNum = Mapping\[index % 4\]  
        # Convert line index to expected position  
        expandBit = index // 4 \* -1 - 1  
        # value and position is correct  
        if eachLine\[expandBit\] == expandNum and validValue == expandNum:  
            print("Network card \[%s\] multi-queue \\  
            support is not enabled.\\n" % networkCardNum)  
            flag = False  
    return flag

def getInterruptCountNum(self, networkCardNum):  
    function : We can makesure that all dev names is startwith  
    'ethX-' and endwith '-X'  
    input  : String  
    output : Int  
        interruptConfFile = self.getInterruptFile()  
        cmd = "%s %s | %s '%s-' | %s -l" % (self.getCatCmd(),  
        (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
        if status != 0:  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_506\["GAUSS\_50622"\] % cmd)  
        if not str(output.strip()).isdigit():  
            return 0  
        return int(output.strip())  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getPackageFile(self, distName, version, packageVersion,  
                   productVersion, fileType="tarFile"):  
    function : Get the path of binary file version.  
    input : distName, version, packageVersion,  
            productVersion, fileType  
    output : String  
    distname, version, idnum = dist()  
    distname = distname.lower()  
    dirName = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(\_\_file\_\_))  
    prefixStr = productVersion  
    if fileType == "tarFile":  
        postfixStr = "tar.gz"  
    elif fileType == "binFile":  
        postfixStr = "bin"  
    elif fileType == "sha256File":  
        postfixStr = "sha256"  
    elif  fileType == "bz2File":  
        postfixStr = "tar.bz2"  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_500\["GAUSS\_50019"\] % "fileType")

    # RHEL and CentOS have the same kernel version,  
    # So RHEL cluster package can run directly on CentOS.  
    if distname in REDHAT:  
        fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                    prefixStr, packageVersion, PAK\_REDHAT,  
                                    BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))  
    elif distname in CENTOS:  
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("/etc", "euleros-release")):  
            fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                    "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                        prefixStr, packageVersion,  
                                        BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))  
            if not os.path.isfile(fileName):  
                fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                        "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                            prefixStr, packageVersion,  
                                            PAK\_CENTOS, BIT\_VERSION,  
            fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                    "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                        prefixStr, packageVersion,  
                                        BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))  
        if not os.path.isfile(fileName):  
            fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                    "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                        prefixStr, packageVersion,  
                                        BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))  
    elif distname == SUSE and version.split('.')\[0\] in ("11", "12"):  
        fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                    prefixStr, packageVersion, "SUSE11",  
                                    BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))  
    elif distname in EULEROS and (idnum in \["SP2", "SP3", "SP5"\]):  
        fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                    prefixStr, packageVersion, PAK\_EULER,  
                                    BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))  
        if not os.path.isfile(fileName):  
            fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                    "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                        prefixStr, packageVersion,  
                                        BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))  
    elif distname in EULEROS and (idnum == "SP8"):  
        fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                    prefixStr, packageVersion, PAK\_EULER,  
                                    BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))  
    elif distname in EULEROS:  
        fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                    prefixStr, packageVersion, PAK\_REDHAT,  
                                    BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))  
    elif distname in OPENEULER or distname in KYLIN:  
        fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",  
                                "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (  
                                    prefixStr, packageVersion,  
                                    BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_519\["GAUSS\_51900"\] +  
                        "Supported platforms are: %s." % str(  

    fileName = os.path.normpath(fileName)  
    if not os.path.exists(fileName):  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50201"\] % fileName)  
    if not os.path.isfile(fileName):  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50210"\] % fileName)  
    return fileName

def setKeyValueInSshd(self, key, value):  
    function: Set a (key, value) pair into /etc/ssh/sshd\_config,  
    before "Match" section.  
            "Match" section in sshd\_config should always places in the end.  
            Attention: you need to remove the old (key, value)  
            from sshd\_config manually.  
        key: the configuration name of sshd\_config  
        value: the configuration value(Only single line string  
        permitted here).  
    sshd\_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd\_config'  
    cmd = "grep -E '^\&lt;Match\\&gt;' %s" % sshd\_config  
    (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)

    if status == 0:  
        cmd = "sed -i '/^\&lt;Match\\&gt;.\*/i %s %s' %s" % (key, value,  
        if output is not None and len(output.strip()) != 0:  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_503\["GAUSS\_50321"\] %  
                            "Match section" + "Command: %s, Error: %s" %  
                            (cmd, output))  
        cmd = "echo '' >> %s ; echo '%s %s' >> %s" % (sshd\_config,  
                                                      key, value,  

    (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
    if status != 0:  
        raise Exception((ErrorCode.GAUSS\_503\["GAUSS\_50320"\] % (  
            key, value)) + ("Command: %s, Error: %s" % (cmd, output)))

class SLESPlatform(LinuxPlatform):
manage SUSE Linux Enterprise Server command,
config or service for muti-platform

def \_\_init\_\_(self):  
    self.NetWorkConfPath = "/etc/sysconfig/network/"  
    self.SuSEReleaseFile = "/etc/SuSE-release"  
    self.OSReleaseFile = "/etc/SuSE-release"

def isPlatFormEulerOSOrRHEL7X(self):  
    function: the patform is euleros or rhel7x  
    input  : NA  
    output : bool  
    return False

def getManageFirewallCmd(self, action):  
    function: get manage firewall cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : str  
    return findCmdInPath('SuSEfirewall2') + BLANK\_SPACE + action

def getLinuxFirewallStatus(self):  
    function: get Linux Firewall Status  
    input:  NA  
    output: str  
        cmd = self.getManageFirewallCmd("status")  
        (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
        if status != 0 or output == "":  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +  
                            " Error: \\n%s " % output)

        if output.strip().find("SuSEfirewall2 not active") > 0:  
            firewallStatus = "disabled"  
            firewallStatus = "enabled"  
        return firewallStatus  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getManageCrondCmd(self, action):  
    function: get manage crond cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : str  
    return self.getServiceCmd("cron", action)

def getManageSshdCmd(self, action):  
    function: get manage sshd cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : str  
    return self.getServiceCmd("sshd", action)

def getManageSyslogCmd(self, action):  
    function: get manage syslog cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : str  
    return self.getServiceCmd("syslog", action)

def getManageRsyslogCmd(self, action):  
    function: get manage rsyslog cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : str  
    return self.getServiceCmd("rsyslog", action)

def getManageSystemdJournaldCmd(self, action):  
    function: get systemd-jorunald cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : str  
    return self.getServiceCmd("systemd-journald", action)

def getManageGsOsServerCmd(self, action):  
    function: get rhel/centos cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : NA  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_530\["GAUSS\_53021"\]  
                        % ("gs-OS-set service", "RHEL/CentOS"))  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getCurrentPlatForm(self):  
    function: get current platform  
    input:  NA  
    output: str, str  
        distName, version = dist()\[0:2\]  
        bits = platform.architecture()\[0\]  
        if (distName.lower() != SUSE or  
                version not in SUPPORT\_SUSE\_VERSION\_LIST):  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_530\["GAUSS\_53022"\]  
                            % (distName.lower(), version))

        # os-release is added since SLE 12; SuSE-release will  
        # be removed in a future service pack or release  
        if os.path.exists(self.SuSEReleaseFile):  
            cmd = "%s -i 'PATCHLEVEL' %s  | " \\  
                  "%s -F '=' '{print $2}'" % (self.getGrepCmd(),  
            cmd = "%s -i 'VERSION\_ID' %s  | " \\  
                  "%s -F '.' '{print $2}' | %s 's/\\"//'" % (  
                      self.getGrepCmd(), self.OSReleaseFile,  
                      self.getAwkCmd(), self.getSedCmd())  
        (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
        if status == 0 and output != "":  
            patchlevel = output.strip()  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +  
                            " Error: \\n%s " % output)

        if (bits == BIT\_VERSION and  
                ((version == SUSE11 and  
                  patchlevel in SUPPORT\_SUSE11X\_VERSION\_LIST) or  
                 (version == SUSE12 and  
                  patchlevel in SUPPORT\_RHEL12X\_VERSION\_LIST))):  
            platformVersion = "%s.%s" % (version, patchlevel)  
            return distName.lower(), platformVersion  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_519\["GAUSS\_51900"\] +  
                            " The current system is: %s%s.%s" % (  
                                distName.lower(), version, patchlevel))  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getNetworkConfigFileByNICNum(self, networkCardNum):  
    function: get Network ConfigFile By NICNum  
    input:  networkCardNum  
    output: str  
    return self.getLinuxNetworkConfigFile(self.NetWorkConfPath,  

def getNetworkConfigFileByIPAddr(self, ipAddress):  
    function: get Network ConfigFile By ip addr  
    input:  ipAddress  
    output: str  
    networkCardNum = self.getNetworkNumByIPAddr(ipAddress)  
    return self.getNetworkConfigFileByNICNum(networkCardNum)

class RHELPlatform(LinuxPlatform):
manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux command,config or service for muti-platform

def \_\_init\_\_(self):  
    function: constructor  
    self.NetWorkConfPath = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/"

def isSupportSystemctl(self):  
    function: isSupportSystemctl  
    input:  NA  
    output: bool  
    distName, version = dist()\[0:2\]  
    if ((distName.lower() == EULEROS and version\[0:3\] in  
            (distName.lower() in SUPPORT\_RHEL\_SERIES\_PLATFORM\_LIST and  
             version\[0:3\] in SUPPORT\_RHEL7X\_VERSION\_LIST) or  
            (distName.lower() == CENTOS and version\[0:3\] ==  
             SUPPORT\_EULEROS\_VERSION\_LIST and  
             os.path.isfile(os.path.join("/etc", "euleros-release"))) or  
            distName.lower() == OPENEULER):  
        return True  
        return False

def isPlatFormEulerOSOrRHEL7X(self):  
    function: check is PlatForm EulerOS Or RHEL7X  
    return self.isSupportSystemctl()

def getManageFirewallCmd(self, action):  
    function: get manage firewall cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : str  
    if self.isSupportSystemctl():  
        return self.getSystemctlCmd("firewalld.service", action)  
        return self.getServiceCmd("iptables", action)

def getLinuxFirewallStatus(self):  
    function: get Linux Firewall Status  
        cmd = self.getManageFirewallCmd("status")  
        (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)  
        if status != 0 and output == "":  
            raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +  
                            " Error: \\n%s " % output)

        if self.isSupportSystemctl():  
            if output.strip().find("Active: active (running)") > 0:  
                firewallStatus = "enabled"  
                firewallStatus = "disabled"  
            if output.strip().find("Firewall is not running") > 0:  
                firewallStatus = "disabled"  
                firewallStatus = "enabled"  
        return firewallStatus  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getManageCrondCmd(self, action):  
    function: get crond.server cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : str  
    if self.isSupportSystemctl():  
        return self.getSystemctlCmd("crond.service", action)  
        return self.getServiceCmd("crond", action)

def getManageSshdCmd(self, action):  
    function: get sshd.server cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : str  
    if self.isSupportSystemctl():  
        return self.getSystemctlCmd("sshd.service", action)  
        return self.getServiceCmd("sshd", action)

def getManageGsOsServerCmd(self, action):  
    function: get gs-OS-set.service cmd  
    input  : action  
    output : str  
    if self.isSupportSystemctl():  
        return self.getSystemctlCmd("gs-OS-set.service", action)  
        return self.getServiceCmd("gs-OS-set", action)

def getManageSyslogCmd(self, action):  
    function: get syslog service cmd  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_530\["GAUSS\_53021"\]  
                        % ("Syslog service", "SuSE"))  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getManageRsyslogCmd(self, action):  
    function: get syslog cmd  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_530\["GAUSS\_53021"\]  
                        % ("Rsyslog service", "SuSE"))  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getManageSystemdJournaldCmd(self, action):  
    function: get systemd journal cmd  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_530\["GAUSS\_53021"\]  
                        % ("systemd-journald", "SuSE"))  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getCurrentPlatForm(self):  
    function: get current platform  
        distName, version, currentId = dist()  
        bits = platform.architecture()\[0\]  
        if ((bits == BIT\_VERSION and  
             ((distName.lower() == EULEROS and version\[0:3\] in  
               SUPPORT\_EULEROS\_VERSION\_LIST) or  
              (distName.lower() in SUPPORT\_RHEL\_SERIES\_PLATFORM\_LIST and  
               version\[0:3\] in SUPPORT\_RHEL\_SERIES\_VERSION\_LIST)) or  
             (distName.lower() == OPENEULER)  
            return distName.lower(), version\[0:3\]  
            if distName.lower() == CENTOS and os.path.isfile(  
                    os.path.join("/etc", "euleros-release")) and \\  
                    (version\[0:3\] in SUPPORT\_EULEROS\_VERSION\_LIST):  
                return EULEROS, version\[0:3\]  
            if distName.lower() == EULEROS:  
                raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_519\["GAUSS\_51900"\] +  
                                " The current system is: %s%s%s" % (  
                                    version\[0:3\], currentId))  
                raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_519\["GAUSS\_51900"\] +  
                                " The current system is: %s%s" % (  
                                    distName.lower(), version\[0:3\]))  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

def getNetworkConfigFileByIPAddr(self, ipAddress):  
    function: get Network ConfigFile By IPAddr  
    networkCardNum = self.getNetworkNumByIPAddr(ipAddress)  
    return self.getLinuxNetworkConfigFile(self.NetWorkConfPath,  

def getNetworkConfigFileByNICNum(self, networkCardNum):  
    function: get Network ConfigFile By NICNum  
    return self.getLinuxNetworkConfigFile(self.NetWorkConfPath,  

class UserPlatform():
manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux command,config or service for muti-platform

def \_\_init\_\_(self):  
    function : Check support OS version and init OS class  
    # now we support this platform:  
    #     RHEL/CentOS     "6.4", "6.5", "6.6", "6.7", "6.8", "6.9",  
    #     "7.0", "7.1", "7.2", "7.3", "7.4", "7.5 "64bit  
    #     EulerOS         "2.0", "2.3" 64bit  
    #     SuSE11          sp1/2/3/4 64bit  
    #     SuSE12          sp0/1/2/3 64bit  
    #     Kylin           "10" 64bit  
    distName, version, idNum = dist()  
    if distName.lower() not in SUPPORT\_WHOLE\_PLATFORM\_LIST:  
        raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_519\["GAUSS\_51900"\] +  
                        "Supported platforms are: %s." % str(  

    if distName.lower() == SUSE:  
        # SuSE11.X SUSE12.X  
        self.userPlatform = SLESPlatform()  
    elif distName.lower() in SUPPORT\_RHEL\_SERIES\_PLATFORM\_LIST:  
        # RHEL6.X RHEL7.X  
        self.userPlatform = RHELPlatform()  
        # EULEROS 2.0/2.3  
        self.userPlatform = RHELPlatform()  
    except Exception as e:  
        raise Exception(str(e))

global platform class

g_Platform = UserPlatform().userPlatform