# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
""" The following platform framework is used to handle any differences between
the platform's we support. The GenericPlatform class is the base class
that a supported platform extends from and overrides any of the methods
as necessary.
import os
import sys
import re
import subprocess
import platform
import socket
import time
sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + "/../../")
from gspylib.common.ErrorCode import ErrorCode
localDirPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, localDirPath + "/../../../lib/netifaces/")
sys.path.append(localDirPath + "/../inspection/lib/netifaces/")
from netifaces import interfaces, ifaddresses, AF_INET, AF_INET6
except ImportError as e:
# get python unicode value. The current environment python is compiled
# with UCS2 or UCS4.
# 1114111 is UCS4
# 65535 is UCS2
flagNum = 4 if sys.maxunicode == 1114111 else 2
omToolsNetifacesPath = os.path.join(
localDirPath, "./../../../lib/netifaces/netifaces.so")
inspectToolsNetifacesPath = os.path.join(
localDirPath, "./../../../script/gspylib/inspection/\
newPythonDependNetifacesPath = "%s_UCS%d" % (omToolsNetifacesPath,
glo_cmd = "rm -f '%s' && " \
"cp -f -p '%s' '%s' " % (omToolsNetifacesPath,
glo_cmd += " && rm -f '%s' && " \
"cp -f -p '%s' '%s' " % (inspectToolsNetifacesPath,
flagExce = True
for retryNum in range(3):
(statusExec, outputExec) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(glo_cmd)
if statusExec != 0:
flagExce = False
flagExce = True
if not flagExce:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS_514["GAUSS_51400"] % glo_cmd
+ "Error:\n%s" % outputExec)
from netifaces import interfaces, ifaddresses, AF_INET, AF_INET6
_supported_dists = (
'SuSE', 'debian', 'fedora', 'redhat', 'centos', 'euleros', "openEuler",
'mandrake', 'mandriva', 'rocks', 'slackware', 'yellowdog', 'gentoo',
'UnitedLinux', 'turbolinux')
_release_filename = re.compile(r'(\w+)[-_](release|version)')
_lsb_release_version = re.compile(r'(.+)'
' release '
_release_version = re.compile(r'([^0-9]+)'
'(?: release )?'
SUSE = "suse"
REDHAT = "redhat"
CENTOS = "centos"
EULEROS = "euleros"
KYLIN = "kylin"
OPENEULER = "openeuler"
SUPPORT_RHEL6X_VERSION_LIST = ["6.4", "6.5", "6.6", "6.7", "6.8", "6.9", "10"]
SUPPORT_RHEL7X_VERSION_LIST = ["7.0", "7.1", "7.2", "7.3", "7.4", "7.5", "7.6", "10"]
SUSE11 = "11"
SUSE12 = "12"
SUPPORT_SUSE11X_VERSION_LIST = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
SUPPORT_RHEL12X_VERSION_LIST = ["0", "1", "2", "3"]
BIT_VERSION = "64bit"
CMD_PATH = ['/bin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/sbin']
COLON = ":"
PAK_EULER = "Euler"
PAK_OPENEULER = "openEuler"
_supported_dists = (
'SuSE', 'debian', 'fedora', 'redhat', 'centos', 'euleros', "openEuler",
'mandrake', 'mandriva', 'rocks', 'slackware', 'yellowdog', 'gentoo',
'UnitedLinux', 'turbolinux', 'kylin')
_release_filename = re.compile(r'(\w+)[-_](release|version)')
_lsb_release_version = re.compile(r'(.+)'
' release '
_release_version = re.compile(r'([^0-9]+)'
'(?: release )?'
def _parse_release_file(firstline):
Default to empty 'version' and 'id' strings. Both defaults are used
when 'firstline' is empty. 'id' defaults to empty when an id can not
be deduced.
version = ''
idNum = ''
# Parse the first line
m = \_lsb\_release\_version.match(firstline)
if m is not None:
# LSB format: "distro release x.x (codename)"
return tuple(m.groups())
# Pre-LSB format: "distro x.x (codename)"
m = \_release\_version.match(firstline)
if m is not None:
return tuple(m.groups())
# Unkown format... take the first two words
l = str.split(str.strip(firstline))
if l:
version = l\[0\]
if len(l) > 1:
idNum = l\[1\]
return '', version, idNum
def linux_distribution(distname='', version='', idNum='',
Tries to determine the name of the Linux OS distribution name.
The function first looks for a distribution release file in
/etc and then reverts to \_dist\_try\_harder() in case no
suitable files are found.
supported\_dists may be given to define the set of Linux
distributions to look for. It defaults to a list of currently
supported Linux distributions identified by their release file
If full\_distribution\_name is true (default), the full
distribution read from the OS is returned. Otherwise the short
name taken from supported\_dists is used.
Returns a tuple (distname,version,id) which default to the
args given as parameters.
etc = os.listdir('/etc')
except os.error:
# Probably not a Unix system
return distname, version, idNum
gFile = None
for file in etc:
if os.path.islink('/etc/' + file):
m = \_release\_filename.match(file)
if m is not None:
\_distname, dummy = m.groups()
if \_distname in supported\_dists:
gFile = file
distname = \_distname
# Read the first line
if gFile is None:
return distname, version, idNum
with open('/etc/' + gFile, 'r') as f:
firstline = f.readline()
\_distname, \_version, \_id = \_parse\_release\_file(firstline)
if \_distname and full\_distribution\_name:
distname = \_distname
if \_version:
version = \_version
if \_id:
idNum = \_id
return distname, version, idNum
def dist(supported_dists=_supported_dists):
""" Tries to determine the name of the Linux OS distribution name.
The function first looks for a distribution release file in
/etc and then reverts to \_dist\_try\_harder() in case no
suitable files are found.
Returns a tuple (distname,version,id) which default to the
args given as parameters.
return linux\_distribution(supported\_dists=supported\_dists,
class CommandNotFoundException(Exception):
def \_\_init\_\_(self, cmd, paths):
function: constructor
self.cmd = cmd
self.paths = paths
def \_\_str\_\_(self):
function: str
input : NA
output : NA
return "Could not locate command: '%s' in this " \\
"set of paths: %s" % (self.cmd, repr(self.paths))
def findCmdInPath(cmd, additionalPaths=None, printError=True):
function: find cmd in path
input: cmd, additionalPaths, printError
output: NA
global CMD_CACHE
if additionalPaths is None:
additionalPaths = []
if cmd not in CMD_CACHE:
# Search additional paths and don't add to cache.
for p in additionalPaths:
f = os.path.join(p, cmd)
if os.path.exists(f):
return f
for p in CMD\_PATH:
f = os.path.join(p, cmd)
if os.path.exists(f):
CMD\_CACHE\[cmd\] = f
return f
if cmd == "killall":
gphome = os.getenv("GPHOME")
if gphome is None or \\
not os.path.exists(os.path.join(gphome, "script/killall")):
gphome = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(\_\_file\_\_))\\
+ "/../../.."
gphome = gphome.replace("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\").replace('"', '\\\\"\\\\"')
for rac in \["|", ";", "&", "$", "<", ">", "\`", "\\\\", "'", "\\"",
"{", "}", "(", ")", "\[", "\]", "~", "\*",
"?", " ", "!", "\\n"\]:
if rac in gphome:
raise Exception(
ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50219"\] % gphome
+ " There are illegal characters in the path.")
if gphome != "" and os.path.exists(os.path.join(gphome,
return os.path.join(gphome, "script/killall")
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50201"\] % "killall")
if printError:
print('Command %s not found' % cmd)
search\_path = CMD\_PATH\[:\]
raise CommandNotFoundException(cmd, search\_path)
return CMD\_CACHE\[cmd\]
class GenericPlatform:
manage OS command,config or service for muti-platform
def \_\_init\_\_(self):
function: constructor
def echoCmdWithNoReturn(self, line, filePath):
function: echo cmd with no return
input : line, filePath
output : str
cmd = "echo %s >> '%s' 2>/dev/null" % (line, filePath)
return cmd
def getCreateFileCmd(self, path):
function: get create file cmd
input : path
output : str
cmd = "touch '%s'" % path
return cmd
def getMoveFileCmd(self, src, dest):
function: get move file cmd
input : src, dest
output : str
cmd = "mv '%s' '%s'" % (src, dest)
return cmd
def get\_machine\_arch\_cmd(self):
function: get machine arch cmd
input : NA
output : str
return 'uname -i'
def getDefaultLocale(self):
function: get default locale
input : NA
output : str
return 'en\_US.utf-8'
def getRemoveCmd(self, pathType):
function: get remove cmd
input : pathType
output : str
opts = " "
if pathType == "file":
opts = " -f "
elif pathType == "directory":
opts = " -rf "
return findCmdInPath('rm') + opts
def getChmodCmd(self, Permission, src, recursive=False):
function: get chmod cmd
input : Permission, src, recursive
output : str
return findCmdInPath('chmod') + \\
(" -R " if recursive else BLANK\_SPACE) + \\
Permission + BLANK\_SPACE + src
def getChownCmd(self, owner, group, src, recursive=False):
function: get chown cmd
input : owner, group, src, recursive
output : str
return findCmdInPath('chown') + \\
(" -R " if recursive else BLANK\_SPACE) + owner + \\
COLON + group + BLANK\_SPACE + src
def getCopyCmd(self, src, dest, pathType=""):
function: get copy cmd
input : src, dest, pathType
output : str
opts = " "
if pathType == "directory":
opts = " -r "
return findCmdInPath('cp') + " -p -f " + opts + BLANK\_SPACE + "'" + \\
src + "'" + BLANK\_SPACE + "'" + dest + "'"
def getRemoteCopyCmd(self, src, dest, remoteHost, copyTo=True,
pathType="", otherHost=None):
function: get remote copy cmd
input : src, dest, remoteHost, copyTo=True,
pathType="", otherHost
output : str
opts = " "
if pathType == "directory":
opts = " -r "
if copyTo:
return "pscp -x '%s' -H %s %s %s " % (opts.strip(),
remoteHost, src, dest)
localhost = self.getLocalIp()
if otherHost is not None:
localhost = otherHost
return "pssh -s -H %s \\" pscp -x '%s' -H %s %s %s \\" " % (
remoteHost, opts.strip(), localhost, src, dest)
def getHostName(self):
function : Get host name
input : NA
output: string
hostCmd = findCmdInPath('hostname')
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(hostCmd)
# if cmd failed, then exit
if status != 0:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50219"\] % "host name"
+ "The cmd is %s" % hostCmd)
return output
def getLocalIp(self):
function: Obtaining the local IP address
input: NA
output: str
return self.getHostName()
def getScpCmd(self):
Get scp cmd for special remotely copy, just like remote to
remote or remote to local.
:return: str
return "pscp -H "
def getUseraddCmd(self, user, group):
function: get user add cmd
input : user, group
output : str
return findCmdInPath('useradd') + " -m " + user + " -g " + group
def getUserdelCmd(self, user):
function: get userdel cmd
input : user
output : str
return findCmdInPath('userdel') + " -r " + user
def getGroupaddCmd(self, group):
function: get group add cmd
input : group
output : str
return findCmdInPath('groupadd') + " " + group
def getGroupdelCmd(self, group):
function: get group del cmd
input : group
output : str
return findCmdInPath('groupdel') + " " + group
def getMoveCmd(self, src, dest):
function: get move cmd
input : src, dest
output : str
return findCmdInPath('mv') + " -f " + "'" + src + \\
"'" + BLANK\_SPACE + "'" + dest + "'"
def getMakeDirCmd(self, src, recursive=False):
function: get make dir cmd
input : src, recursive
output : str
return findCmdInPath('mkdir') + \\
(" -p " if recursive else BLANK\_SPACE) + "'" + src + "'"
def getPingCmd(self, host, count, interval, packetSize=56):
function: get ping cmd
input : host, count, interval, packetSize
output : str
opts = " "
if int(packetSize) != int(56):
opts = " -s " + str(packetSize)
return findCmdInPath('ping') + BLANK\_SPACE + host + " -c " + \\
count + " -i " + interval + opts
def getWcCmd(self):
function: get wc cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('wc')
def getTarCmd(self):
function: get tar cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('tar')
def getZipCmd(self):
function: get zip cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('zip')
def getUnzipCmd(self):
function: get unzip cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('unzip')
def getEchoCmd(self, echoString):
function: get echo cmd
input : echoString
output : str
cmdStr = '%s "%s"' % (findCmdInPath('echo'), echoString)
return cmdStr
def getSedCmd(self):
function: get sed cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('sed')
def getGrepCmd(self):
function: get grep cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('grep')
def getLsofCmd(self):
function: get lsof cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('lsof') + " -i:"
def getIfconfigCmd(self):
function: get ifconfig cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('ifconfig')
def getIpCmd(self):
function: get ip cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('ip')
def getDateCmd(self):
function: get date cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('date')
def getAwkCmd(self):
function: get awk cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('awk')
def getFindCmd(self):
function: get find cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('find')
def getTouchCmd(self, filename):
function: get touch cmd
input : filename
output : str
return findCmdInPath('touch') + BLANK\_SPACE + filename
def getListCmd(self):
function: get list cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('ls')
def getSHA256Cmd(self):
function: get sha256 cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('sha256sum')
def getProcessCmd(self):
function: get process cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('ps')
def getCatCmd(self):
function: get cat cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('cat')
def getDdCmd(self):
function: get dd cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('dd')
def getCdCmd(self, path):
function: get cd cmd
input : path
output : str
return 'cd' + BLANK\_SPACE + "'" + path + "'"
def getAllCrontabCmd(self):
function: get all crontab cmd
input : NA
output : str
cmd = findCmdInPath('crontab') + BLANK\_SPACE + " -l"
return cmd
def getCrontabCmd(self):
function: get crontab cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('crontab')
def getKillProcessCmd(self, signal, pid):
function: get kill process cmd
input : signal, pid
output : str
return findCmdInPath('kill') + " -" + signal + BLANK\_SPACE + pid
def getKillallCmd(self):
function: get killall cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('killall')
def getKillallProcessCmd(self, signal, username, procName=""):
function: get killall process cmd
input : signal, username, procName
output : str
if procName != "":
return findCmdInPath('killall') + " -s " + signal + " -u " + \\
username + BLANK\_SPACE + procName
return findCmdInPath('killall') + " -s " + signal + " -u " + \\
def getXargsCmd(self):
function: get xargs cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('xargs')
def getDeleteSemaphoreCmd(self, user):
function: get delete semaphore cmd
input : user
output : str
ipcs = findCmdInPath('ipcs')
ipcrm = findCmdInPath('ipcrm')
xargs = findCmdInPath('xargs')
awk = findCmdInPath('awk')
return "%s -s | %s '/ %s /{print $2}' | %s -n1 %s -s" % (
ipcs, awk, user, xargs, ipcrm)
def getProcessIdByKeyWordsCmd(self, keywords):
function: get proecess id by keywords cmd
input : keywords
output : str
ps = findCmdInPath('ps')
grep = findCmdInPath('grep')
awk = findCmdInPath('awk')
return "%s -ef| %s -F '%s' | %s -F -v 'grep'| %s '{print $2}'" % (
ps, grep, keywords, grep, awk)
def getSysctlCmd(self):
function: get sysctl cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('sysctl')
def getServiceCmd(self, serviceName, action):
function: get service cmd
input : serviceName, action
output : str
return findCmdInPath('service') + BLANK\_SPACE + serviceName + \\
BLANK\_SPACE + action
def getSystemctlCmd(self, serviceName, action):
function: get systemctl cmd
input : serviceName, action
output : str
return findCmdInPath('systemctl') + BLANK\_SPACE + action + \\
BLANK\_SPACE + serviceName
def getUlimitCmd(self):
function: get ulimit cmd
input : NA
output : str
return 'ulimit'
def getGetConfValueCmd(self):
function: get conf value cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('getconf') + " PAGESIZE "
def getBlockdevCmd(self, device, value="", isSet=False):
function: get block dev cmd
input : device, value, isSet
output : str
if isSet and value != "":
return findCmdInPath('blockdev') + " --setra " + value + \\
BLANK\_SPACE + device
return findCmdInPath('blockdev') + " --getra " + device
def getSysModManagementCmd(self, OperType, module):
OperType: list --list system module
load --load system module
insert --insert system module by force
remove --remove system module
dep --generate modules.dep and map files
if OperType == "list":
return findCmdInPath('lsmod') + BLANK\_SPACE + module
elif OperType == "load":
return findCmdInPath('modprobe') + BLANK\_SPACE + module
elif OperType == "insert":
return findCmdInPath('insmod') + BLANK\_SPACE + module
elif OperType == "remove":
return findCmdInPath('rmmod') + BLANK\_SPACE + module
elif OperType == "dep":
return findCmdInPath('depmod') + BLANK\_SPACE + module
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51404"\] + OperType)
def getMountCmd(self):
function: get dd cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('mount')
def getLocaleCmd(self):
function: get locale cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('locale')
def getPasswordExpiresCmd(self, user):
function: get password expires cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('chage') + " -l " + user
def getIOStatCmd(self):
function: get io stat cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('iostat') + " -xm 2 3 "
def getEthtoolCmd(self):
function: get eth tool cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('ethtool')
def getTailCmd(self):
function: get tail cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('tail')
def getSshCmd(self, address):
function: get ssh cmd
input : address
output : str
return "pssh -s -H " + BLANK\_SPACE + address
def getChkconfigCmd(self, OperType, service=""):
function: get chkconfig cmd
input : OperType, service
output : str
if OperType == "list":
return findCmdInPath('chkconfig') + " --list "
elif OperType == "delete" and service:
return findCmdInPath('chkconfig') + " --del " + service
def getManageKerberosCmd(self, OperType):
OperType: init --init kerberos
destory --destory kerberos
if OperType == "init":
return "kinit -k -t "
elif OperType == "destory":
return "kdestroy"
def getManageSSDCmd(self):
function: get manage ssd cmd
input : NA
output : NA
def getPythonCmd(self):
function: get python cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('python3')
def getShellCmd(self):
function: get shell cmd
input : NA
output : str
return findCmdInPath('sh')
def getSourceCmd(self):
function: get source cmd
input : NA
output : str
return 'source'
def getTestCmd(self):
Linux test cmd
example: test -f /etc/profile && echo 1 || echo 2
return findCmdInPath("test")
def getPgrepCmd(self):
Linux pgrep cmd
return findCmdInPath("pgrep")
def getExportCmd(self, key="", value=""):
Linux export cmd
cmd = findCmdInPath("export")
if key:
cmd += " %s=%s" % (key, value)
return cmd
class LinuxPlatform(GenericPlatform):
manage Linux command,config or service for muti-platform
def \_\_init\_\_(self):
function: constructor
def dist(self):
function: dist
input : NA
output : distname, version, id
return dist()
def getCpuInfoFile(self):
function: get cpu info file
input : NA
output : str
return "/proc/cpuinfo"
def getMemInfoFile(self):
function: get dd cmd
input : NA
output : str
return "/proc/meminfo"
def getBondInfoPath(self):
function: get bond info path
input : NA
output : str
return "/proc/net/bonding/"
def getSysctlFile(self):
function: get sysctl file
input : NA
output : str
return "/etc/sysctl.conf"
def getMtablFile(self):
function: get mtab file
input : NA
output : str
return "/etc/mtab"
def getInterruptFile(self):
function: get interrput file
input : NA
output : str
return "/proc/interrupts"
def getHostsFile(self):
function: get hostfile
input : NA
output : str
return "/etc/hosts"
def getName(self):
function: get name
input : NA
output : str
return "linux"
def getDefaultLocale(self):
function: get default locale
input : NA
output : str
return 'en\_US.utf8'
def getDiskFreeCmd(self, Mounted="", inode=False):
# -P is for POSIX formatting. Prevents error
# on lines that would wrap
return findCmdInPath('df') + " -Pk " + \\
(" -i " if inode else " -h ") + Mounted
def getDirSizeCmd(self, path, unit=""):
# -s only shows the total size
# unit specify the output size unit
return findCmdInPath('du') + " -s " + (" -B %s " % unit
if unit else " -h ") + path
def getSadcCmd(self, interval, outFileName):
function: get sadc cmd
input : interval, outFileName
output : str
cmd = "/usr/lib64/sa/sadc -F -d " + str(interval) + " " + outFileName
return cmd
def getCompressFilesCmd(self, tarName, fileSrc):
function: get compress file cmd
input : tarName, fileSrc
output : str
cmd = "%s -zvcf '%s' %s" % (self.getTarCmd(), tarName, fileSrc)
return cmd
def getDecompressFilesCmd(self, srcPackage, dest):
function: get decompress file cmd
input : srcPackage, dest
output : str
cmd = "%s -zxvf '%s' -C '%s'" % (self.getTarCmd(), srcPackage, dest)
return cmd
def getCompressZipFilesCmd(self, zipName, fileSrc):
function: get compress zip files cmd
input : zipName, fileSrc
output : str
cmd = "cd %s && %s -r '%s.zip' ./\*" % (fileSrc, self.getZipCmd(),
return cmd
def getDecompressZipFilesCmd(self, srcPackage, dest):
function: get decompress zip files cmd
input : srcPackage, dest
output : str
cmd = "%s -o '%s' -d '%s'" % (self.getUnzipCmd(), srcPackage, dest)
return cmd
def getReplaceFileLineContentCmd(self, oldLine, newLine, path):
function: get replace file line content cmd
input : oldLine, newLine, path
output : str
cmd = "%s -i \\"s/%s/%s/g\\" '%s'" % (self.getSedCmd(), oldLine,
newLine, path)
return cmd
def getDirPermissionCmd(self, dirPath):
function: get dir permission cmd
input : dirPath
output : str
cmd = "%s -ld '%s' | %s -F\\" \\" '{print $1}' " % (self.getListCmd(),
return cmd
def getFileSHA256Cmd(self, fileName):
function: get file sha256 cmd
input : fileName
output : str
cmd = "%s '%s' | %s -F\\" \\" '{print $1}' " % (self.getSHA256Cmd(),
return cmd
def getExecuteCmdWithUserProfile(self, user, userProfile, executeCmd,
function: get execute cmd with user profile
input: user, userProfile, executeCmd, ignoreError
output: str
if (user != "") and (os.getuid() == 0):
cmd = "su - %s -c '%s %s; %s'" % (user, self.getSourceCmd(),
userProfile, executeCmd)
cmd = "%s %s; %s" % (self.getSourceCmd(), userProfile, executeCmd)
if ignoreError:
cmd += " 2>/dev/null"
return cmd
def getUserHomePath(self):
function: get user home path
input: NA
output: str
# converts the relative path to an absolute path
cmd = "echo ~ 2>/dev/null"
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50219"\] % "user home"
+ "The cmd is %s" % cmd)
return output
def checkProcAlive(self, procPid):
function: check Proc alive
input: procPid
output: True/False
os.kill(procPid, 0)
except OSError:
return False
return True
def getIpAddressAndNIC(self, ipType="ipv4"):
function: get ip address and nic
input: ipType
output: NA
if ipType == "ipv4":
key = AF\_INET
key = AF\_INET6
for iface in interfaces():
if key in ifaddresses(iface):
ipAddress = ifaddresses(iface)\[key\]\[0\]\['addr'\]
yield (iface, ipAddress)
def getIpAddressAndNICList(self, ipType="ipv4"):
function: get ip address and nicList
input: ipType
output: \[\]
return list(self.getIpAddressAndNIC(ipType))
def getNetworkNumByIPAddr(self, ipAddress, ipType="ipv4"):
function: get netWork num by IP addr
input: ipAddress, ipType
output: str
mappingList = self.getIpAddressAndNICList(ipType)
for mapInfo in mappingList:
if mapInfo\[1\] == ipAddress:
return mapInfo\[0\]
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_506\["GAUSS-50612"\] % ipAddress)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getHostNameByIPAddr(self, ipAddress):
function: get host name by ip addr
input: ipAddress
output: str
return socket.gethostbyaddr(ipAddress)\[0\]
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getLinuxNetworkConfigFile(self, networkConfPath, networkCardNum):
function: get linux network config file
input: networkConfPath, networkCardNum
output: str
networkConfFile = "%sifcfg-%s" % (networkConfPath, networkCardNum)
# Network configuration file does not exist
if not os.path.exists(networkConfFile):
cmd = "%s %s -iname 'ifcfg-\*-%s' -print" % (self.getFindCmd(),
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if (status != 0 or output.strip() == ""
or len(output.split('\\n')) != 1):
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS-50201"\] %
networkConfFile + "The cmd is %s" % cmd)
networkConfFile = output.strip()
return networkConfFile
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getNetworkBondModeByBondConfigFile(self, bondingConfFile):
function: get Network Bond Mode By Bond ConfigFile
input: bondingConfFile
output: str
# Check the bond mode
cmd = "%s -w '\<Bonding Mode\\>' %s | %s -F ':' '{print $NF}'" % (
self.getGrepCmd(), bondingConfFile, self.getAwkCmd())
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +
" Error: \\n%s " % output)
return "BondMode %s" % output.strip()
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getNetworkBondModeInfo(self, networkConfFile, networkCardNum):
function: get Network Bond Mode Info
input: networkConfFile, networkCardNum
output: str
# Get the bond profile
if not os.path.isfile(networkConfFile):
return "BondMode Null"
bondingConfFile = "%s%s" % (self.getBondInfoPath(), networkCardNum)
cmd = "%s -i 'BONDING\_OPTS\\|BONDING\_MODULE\_OPTS' %s" % (
self.getGrepCmd(), networkConfFile)
output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)\[1\]
# Analysis results
if output.strip() != "":
if (output.find("mode") > 0) and os.path.exists(bondingConfFile):
bondInfo = self.getNetworkBondModeByBondConfigFile(
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +
" Error: \\n%s " % output)
elif os.path.exists(bondingConfFile):
bondInfo = self.getNetworkBondModeByBondConfigFile(bondingConfFile)
bondInfo += "\\nNo 'BONDING\_OPTS' or \\
'BONDING\_MODULE\_OPTS' in bond config file\[%s\]." % networkConfFile
bondInfo = "BondMode Null"
return bondInfo
def getNetworkMaskByNICNum(self, networkCardNum, ipType="ipv4"):
function: get Network Mask By NICNum
input: networkCardNum, ipType
output: str
if ipType == "ipv4":
return ifaddresses(networkCardNum)\[AF\_INET\]\[0\]\["netmask"\]
return ifaddresses(networkCardNum)\[AF\_INET6\]\[0\]\["netmask"\]
def getNetworkRXTXValueByNICNum(self, networkCardNum, valueType):
function: get Network RXTX Value By NICNum
input: networkCardNum, valueType
output: int
cmd = "%s -g %s | %s '%s:' | %s -n 1" % (self.getEthtoolCmd(),
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +
" Error: \\n%s " % output)
value = output.split(':')\[-1\].split(' ')\[0\].strip()
if not str(value).isdigit():
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +
" Error: \\n%s " % output)
return int(value)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def setNetworkRXTXValue(self, networkCardNum, rxValue=8192,
function: set Network RXTX Value
input: networkCardNum, rxValue, txValue
output: NA
cmd = "%s -G %s rx %s tx %s" % (
self.getEthtoolCmd(), networkCardNum, rxValue, txValue)
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
if output.find("no ring parameters changed, aborting") < 0:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +
" Error: \\n%s " % output)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getNetworkSpeedByNICNum(self, networkCardNum):
function: get Network Speed By NICNum
input: networkCardNum
output: int
keyWord = "Speed: "
speedUnit = "Mb/s"
cmd = "%s %s | grep '%s'" % (self.getEthtoolCmd(),
networkCardNum, keyWord)
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0 or output == "":
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +
" Error: \\n%s " % output)
if len(output.split('\\n')) >= 1:
for line in output.split('\\n'):
if line.find(keyWord) >= 0 and line.find(speedUnit) >= 0:
return int(line.split(':')\[-1\].strip()\[:-4\])
return 0
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def checkNetworkInterruptByNIC(self, networkCardNum):
function: check Network Interrupt By NIC
interruptConfFile = self.getInterruptFile()
numberedListCmd = "%s %s | %s '%s-' | \\
%s -F ' ' '{print $1}' | %s -F ':' '{print $1}'" % (
self.getCatCmd(), interruptConfFile, self.getGrepCmd(),
networkCardNum, self.getAwkCmd(), self.getAwkCmd())
irqCmd = "%s /proc/irq/$i/smp\_affinity" % self.getCatCmd()
cmd = "for i in \`%s\`; do %s ; done" % (numberedListCmd, irqCmd)
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +
" Error: \\n%s " % output)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
# cpu core number followed by 1 2 4 8,every 4 left shift one
Mapping = {0: "1", 1: "2", 2: "4", 3: "8"}
flag = True
for index, eachLine in enumerate(output.split()):
# Remove the ','
eachLine = eachLine.replace(",", "")
# Replace 0000,00001000 to 1,Remove invalid content
validValue = eachLine.replace("0", "")
# Convert the row index to the expected value
expandNum = Mapping\[index % 4\]
# Convert line index to expected position
expandBit = index // 4 \* -1 - 1
# value and position is correct
if eachLine\[expandBit\] == expandNum and validValue == expandNum:
print("Network card \[%s\] multi-queue \\
support is not enabled.\\n" % networkCardNum)
flag = False
return flag
def getInterruptCountNum(self, networkCardNum):
function : We can makesure that all dev names is startwith
'ethX-' and endwith '-X'
input : String
output : Int
interruptConfFile = self.getInterruptFile()
cmd = "%s %s | %s '%s-' | %s -l" % (self.getCatCmd(),
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_506\["GAUSS\_50622"\] % cmd)
if not str(output.strip()).isdigit():
return 0
return int(output.strip())
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getPackageFile(self, distName, version, packageVersion,
productVersion, fileType="tarFile"):
function : Get the path of binary file version.
input : distName, version, packageVersion,
productVersion, fileType
output : String
distname, version, idnum = dist()
distname = distname.lower()
dirName = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(\_\_file\_\_))
prefixStr = productVersion
if fileType == "tarFile":
postfixStr = "tar.gz"
elif fileType == "binFile":
postfixStr = "bin"
elif fileType == "sha256File":
postfixStr = "sha256"
elif fileType == "bz2File":
postfixStr = "tar.bz2"
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_500\["GAUSS\_50019"\] % "fileType")
# RHEL and CentOS have the same kernel version,
# So RHEL cluster package can run directly on CentOS.
if distname in REDHAT:
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion, PAK\_REDHAT,
BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))
elif distname in CENTOS:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("/etc", "euleros-release")):
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion,
BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))
if not os.path.isfile(fileName):
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion,
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion,
BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))
if not os.path.isfile(fileName):
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion,
BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))
elif distname == SUSE and version.split('.')\[0\] in ("11", "12"):
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion, "SUSE11",
BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))
elif distname in EULEROS and (idnum in \["SP2", "SP3", "SP5"\]):
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion, PAK\_EULER,
BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))
if not os.path.isfile(fileName):
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion,
BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))
elif distname in EULEROS and (idnum == "SP8"):
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion, PAK\_EULER,
BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))
elif distname in EULEROS:
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion, PAK\_REDHAT,
BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))
elif distname in OPENEULER or distname in KYLIN:
fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "./../../../",
"%s-%s-%s-%s.%s" % (
prefixStr, packageVersion,
BIT\_VERSION, postfixStr))
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_519\["GAUSS\_51900"\] +
"Supported platforms are: %s." % str(
fileName = os.path.normpath(fileName)
if not os.path.exists(fileName):
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50201"\] % fileName)
if not os.path.isfile(fileName):
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_502\["GAUSS\_50210"\] % fileName)
return fileName
def setKeyValueInSshd(self, key, value):
function: Set a (key, value) pair into /etc/ssh/sshd\_config,
before "Match" section.
"Match" section in sshd\_config should always places in the end.
Attention: you need to remove the old (key, value)
from sshd\_config manually.
key: the configuration name of sshd\_config
value: the configuration value(Only single line string
permitted here).
sshd\_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd\_config'
cmd = "grep -E '^\<Match\\>' %s" % sshd\_config
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status == 0:
cmd = "sed -i '/^\<Match\\>.\*/i %s %s' %s" % (key, value,
if output is not None and len(output.strip()) != 0:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_503\["GAUSS\_50321"\] %
"Match section" + "Command: %s, Error: %s" %
(cmd, output))
cmd = "echo '' >> %s ; echo '%s %s' >> %s" % (sshd\_config,
key, value,
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
raise Exception((ErrorCode.GAUSS\_503\["GAUSS\_50320"\] % (
key, value)) + ("Command: %s, Error: %s" % (cmd, output)))
class SLESPlatform(LinuxPlatform):
manage SUSE Linux Enterprise Server command,
config or service for muti-platform
def \_\_init\_\_(self):
self.NetWorkConfPath = "/etc/sysconfig/network/"
self.SuSEReleaseFile = "/etc/SuSE-release"
self.OSReleaseFile = "/etc/SuSE-release"
def isPlatFormEulerOSOrRHEL7X(self):
function: the patform is euleros or rhel7x
input : NA
output : bool
return False
def getManageFirewallCmd(self, action):
function: get manage firewall cmd
input : action
output : str
return findCmdInPath('SuSEfirewall2') + BLANK\_SPACE + action
def getLinuxFirewallStatus(self):
function: get Linux Firewall Status
input: NA
output: str
cmd = self.getManageFirewallCmd("status")
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0 or output == "":
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +
" Error: \\n%s " % output)
if output.strip().find("SuSEfirewall2 not active") > 0:
firewallStatus = "disabled"
firewallStatus = "enabled"
return firewallStatus
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getManageCrondCmd(self, action):
function: get manage crond cmd
input : action
output : str
return self.getServiceCmd("cron", action)
def getManageSshdCmd(self, action):
function: get manage sshd cmd
input : action
output : str
return self.getServiceCmd("sshd", action)
def getManageSyslogCmd(self, action):
function: get manage syslog cmd
input : action
output : str
return self.getServiceCmd("syslog", action)
def getManageRsyslogCmd(self, action):
function: get manage rsyslog cmd
input : action
output : str
return self.getServiceCmd("rsyslog", action)
def getManageSystemdJournaldCmd(self, action):
function: get systemd-jorunald cmd
input : action
output : str
return self.getServiceCmd("systemd-journald", action)
def getManageGsOsServerCmd(self, action):
function: get rhel/centos cmd
input : action
output : NA
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_530\["GAUSS\_53021"\]
% ("gs-OS-set service", "RHEL/CentOS"))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getCurrentPlatForm(self):
function: get current platform
input: NA
output: str, str
distName, version = dist()\[0:2\]
bits = platform.architecture()\[0\]
if (distName.lower() != SUSE or
version not in SUPPORT\_SUSE\_VERSION\_LIST):
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_530\["GAUSS\_53022"\]
% (distName.lower(), version))
# os-release is added since SLE 12; SuSE-release will
# be removed in a future service pack or release
if os.path.exists(self.SuSEReleaseFile):
cmd = "%s -i 'PATCHLEVEL' %s | " \\
"%s -F '=' '{print $2}'" % (self.getGrepCmd(),
cmd = "%s -i 'VERSION\_ID' %s | " \\
"%s -F '.' '{print $2}' | %s 's/\\"//'" % (
self.getGrepCmd(), self.OSReleaseFile,
self.getAwkCmd(), self.getSedCmd())
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status == 0 and output != "":
patchlevel = output.strip()
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +
" Error: \\n%s " % output)
if (bits == BIT\_VERSION and
((version == SUSE11 and
patchlevel in SUPPORT\_SUSE11X\_VERSION\_LIST) or
(version == SUSE12 and
patchlevel in SUPPORT\_RHEL12X\_VERSION\_LIST))):
platformVersion = "%s.%s" % (version, patchlevel)
return distName.lower(), platformVersion
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_519\["GAUSS\_51900"\] +
" The current system is: %s%s.%s" % (
distName.lower(), version, patchlevel))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getNetworkConfigFileByNICNum(self, networkCardNum):
function: get Network ConfigFile By NICNum
input: networkCardNum
output: str
return self.getLinuxNetworkConfigFile(self.NetWorkConfPath,
def getNetworkConfigFileByIPAddr(self, ipAddress):
function: get Network ConfigFile By ip addr
input: ipAddress
output: str
networkCardNum = self.getNetworkNumByIPAddr(ipAddress)
return self.getNetworkConfigFileByNICNum(networkCardNum)
class RHELPlatform(LinuxPlatform):
manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux command,config or service for muti-platform
def \_\_init\_\_(self):
function: constructor
self.NetWorkConfPath = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/"
def isSupportSystemctl(self):
function: isSupportSystemctl
input: NA
output: bool
distName, version = dist()\[0:2\]
if ((distName.lower() == EULEROS and version\[0:3\] in
(distName.lower() in SUPPORT\_RHEL\_SERIES\_PLATFORM\_LIST and
version\[0:3\] in SUPPORT\_RHEL7X\_VERSION\_LIST) or
(distName.lower() == CENTOS and version\[0:3\] ==
os.path.isfile(os.path.join("/etc", "euleros-release"))) or
distName.lower() == OPENEULER):
return True
return False
def isPlatFormEulerOSOrRHEL7X(self):
function: check is PlatForm EulerOS Or RHEL7X
return self.isSupportSystemctl()
def getManageFirewallCmd(self, action):
function: get manage firewall cmd
input : action
output : str
if self.isSupportSystemctl():
return self.getSystemctlCmd("firewalld.service", action)
return self.getServiceCmd("iptables", action)
def getLinuxFirewallStatus(self):
function: get Linux Firewall Status
cmd = self.getManageFirewallCmd("status")
(status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0 and output == "":
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_514\["GAUSS\_51400"\] % cmd +
" Error: \\n%s " % output)
if self.isSupportSystemctl():
if output.strip().find("Active: active (running)") > 0:
firewallStatus = "enabled"
firewallStatus = "disabled"
if output.strip().find("Firewall is not running") > 0:
firewallStatus = "disabled"
firewallStatus = "enabled"
return firewallStatus
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getManageCrondCmd(self, action):
function: get crond.server cmd
input : action
output : str
if self.isSupportSystemctl():
return self.getSystemctlCmd("crond.service", action)
return self.getServiceCmd("crond", action)
def getManageSshdCmd(self, action):
function: get sshd.server cmd
input : action
output : str
if self.isSupportSystemctl():
return self.getSystemctlCmd("sshd.service", action)
return self.getServiceCmd("sshd", action)
def getManageGsOsServerCmd(self, action):
function: get gs-OS-set.service cmd
input : action
output : str
if self.isSupportSystemctl():
return self.getSystemctlCmd("gs-OS-set.service", action)
return self.getServiceCmd("gs-OS-set", action)
def getManageSyslogCmd(self, action):
function: get syslog service cmd
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_530\["GAUSS\_53021"\]
% ("Syslog service", "SuSE"))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getManageRsyslogCmd(self, action):
function: get syslog cmd
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_530\["GAUSS\_53021"\]
% ("Rsyslog service", "SuSE"))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getManageSystemdJournaldCmd(self, action):
function: get systemd journal cmd
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_530\["GAUSS\_53021"\]
% ("systemd-journald", "SuSE"))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getCurrentPlatForm(self):
function: get current platform
distName, version, currentId = dist()
bits = platform.architecture()\[0\]
if ((bits == BIT\_VERSION and
((distName.lower() == EULEROS and version\[0:3\] in
(distName.lower() in SUPPORT\_RHEL\_SERIES\_PLATFORM\_LIST and
version\[0:3\] in SUPPORT\_RHEL\_SERIES\_VERSION\_LIST)) or
(distName.lower() == OPENEULER)
return distName.lower(), version\[0:3\]
if distName.lower() == CENTOS and os.path.isfile(
os.path.join("/etc", "euleros-release")) and \\
(version\[0:3\] in SUPPORT\_EULEROS\_VERSION\_LIST):
return EULEROS, version\[0:3\]
if distName.lower() == EULEROS:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_519\["GAUSS\_51900"\] +
" The current system is: %s%s%s" % (
version\[0:3\], currentId))
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_519\["GAUSS\_51900"\] +
" The current system is: %s%s" % (
distName.lower(), version\[0:3\]))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
def getNetworkConfigFileByIPAddr(self, ipAddress):
function: get Network ConfigFile By IPAddr
networkCardNum = self.getNetworkNumByIPAddr(ipAddress)
return self.getLinuxNetworkConfigFile(self.NetWorkConfPath,
def getNetworkConfigFileByNICNum(self, networkCardNum):
function: get Network ConfigFile By NICNum
return self.getLinuxNetworkConfigFile(self.NetWorkConfPath,
class UserPlatform():
manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux command,config or service for muti-platform
def \_\_init\_\_(self):
function : Check support OS version and init OS class
# now we support this platform:
# RHEL/CentOS "6.4", "6.5", "6.6", "6.7", "6.8", "6.9",
# "7.0", "7.1", "7.2", "7.3", "7.4", "7.5 "64bit
# EulerOS "2.0", "2.3" 64bit
# SuSE11 sp1/2/3/4 64bit
# SuSE12 sp0/1/2/3 64bit
# Kylin "10" 64bit
distName, version, idNum = dist()
if distName.lower() not in SUPPORT\_WHOLE\_PLATFORM\_LIST:
raise Exception(ErrorCode.GAUSS\_519\["GAUSS\_51900"\] +
"Supported platforms are: %s." % str(
if distName.lower() == SUSE:
# SuSE11.X SUSE12.X
self.userPlatform = SLESPlatform()
elif distName.lower() in SUPPORT\_RHEL\_SERIES\_PLATFORM\_LIST:
self.userPlatform = RHELPlatform()
# EULEROS 2.0/2.3
self.userPlatform = RHELPlatform()
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
g_Platform = UserPlatform().userPlatform