Install Evernote in Wine: wine Evernote_xxx.exe
Database file location is: ~/.wine/drive_c/users/chad/Local Settings/Application Data/Evernote/Evernote/Databases/leechau.exb
Add the following command in Custom Actions of AppFinder:
Type: Prefix
Pattern: q.
Command: env WINEPREFIX="/home/chad/.wine" wine C:\Program\ Files\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe shownotes /q "%s"
Now you can , input "q.ahk" to search all notes contains "ahk" evernote database.
env WINEPREFIX="/home/chad/.wine" wine C:\\Program\ Files\\Evernote\\Evernote\\ENScript.exe createNote
hangs both on Windows7 and linux Wine, likes a Evernote bug. Here is a workaround:
Use Application shortcuts defined in Keyboard "env WINEPREFIX="/home/chad/.wine" wine C:\Program\ Files\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe" to activate Evernote window;
press ctrl+n to create a new note.