The primary keywords are:
There are a few secondary keywords as well:
Feature: Some terse yet descriptive text of what is desired
In order to realize a named business value
As an explicit system actor
I want to gain some beneficial outcome which furthers the goal
Scenario: Some determinable business situation
Given some precondition
And some other precondition
When some action by the actor
And some other action
And yet another action
Then some testable outcome is achieved
And something else we can check happens too
Scenario: A different situation
如Given x, And y 这里的And等同于之前的Given,以增加可读性。
Feature: Multiple site support
Only blog owners can post to a blog, except administrators,
who can post to all blogs.
Given a global administrator named "Greg"
And a blog named "Greg's anti-tax rants"
And a customer named "Dr. Bill"
And a blog named "Expensive Therapy" owned by "Dr. Bill"
Scenario: Dr. Bill posts to his own blog
Given I am logged in as Dr. Bill
When I try to post to "Expensive Therapy"
Then I should see "Your article was published."
Scenario: Dr. Bill tries to post to somebody else's blog, and fails
Given I am logged in as Dr. Bill
When I try to post to "Greg's anti-tax rants"
Then I should see "Hey! That's not your blog!"
Scenario: Greg posts to a client's blog
Given I am logged in as Greg
When I try to post to "Expensive Therapy"
Then I should see "Your article was published."
Tips for using Background
Don’t use Background to set up complicated states, unless that state is actually something the client needs to know.
Keep your Background section short.
Make your Background section vivid.
Keep your scenarios short, and don’t have too many.
The keyword Scenario Template is a synonym of the keyword Scenario Outline.
A Scenario Outline must contain an Examples (or Scenarios) section.
Scenario Outline: eating
Given there are <start> cucumbers
When I eat <eat> cucumbers
Then I should have <left> cucumbers
| start | eat | left |
| 12 | 5 | 7 |
| 20 | 5 | 15 |