常见的集成电路版图数据库文件格式有 GDSII 和 OASIS,virtuoso 提供了下面两个工具用来在 Shell 中导出版图数据。
strmout (导出为 GDSII 格式)
strmout -help
Usage: Usage: strmout
-library <Input Library>
-strmFile <Output Stream File>
[-strmVersion] <Stream Version Number>
[-runDir] <Run Directory>
[-topCell] <Toplevel Cells to Translate>
[-view] <Toplevel Cell View Name>
[-logFile] <Output Log File Name>
[-summaryFile] <Output Summary File>
[-techLib] <Technology Library>
[-hierDepth] <Hierarchical Depth to Translate to>
[-layerMap] <Quoted List of Layer Map Files>
[-translateUnmappedLPP] <Allow undefined LPP to be translated by incrementally mapping LPP using layerMap file, SKILL hook poLayerMap, and automatic layer mapping>
[-labelMap] <Input Label Map File>
[-labelDepth] <Hierarchical Depth to Add Labels to>
[-replaceBusBitChar] <Replace "<>" With "[]">
[-cellMap] <Input Cell Map File>
[-fontMap] <Input Font Map File>
[-propMap] <Input Property Map File>
[-objectMap] <Quoted List of Object Mapping Files>
[-viaMap] <Via Mapping File>
[-viaCutArefThreshold] <Threshold Value For Creating AREF For Cut Geometries For Via>
[-userSkillFile] <User Skill File>
[-refLibList] <Name of The File Containing Refliblist >
[-cellNamePrefix] <Cell Name Prefix>
[-cellNameSuffix] <Cell Name Suffix>
[-ignoreTopCellPrefixSuffix] <Ignores cellName Prefix and Suffix for topCell>
[-case] <upper | lower | preserve >
[-labelCase] <upper | lower | preserve >
[-noOutputUnplacedInst] <Do not Output Unplaced Instances>
[-convertDot] <node | polygon | ignore >
[-convertPin] <geometry | text | geometryAndText | ignore >
[-pinAttNum] <Stream Attribute Num (1-127) For Preserving Pins>
[-pathToPolygon] <Convert Paths to Polygons>
[-diagonalPathToPolygon] <Convert Paths with non-orthogonal segments to polygons>
[-propValueOnly] <Output Property Values Only>
[-gdsCellNameLength] <Truncate GDS Cell/STRUCT name length to specified value (>=10)>
[-outputViaShapesToViaPurp] <Output Shapes of Via to Via Purpose>
[-dbuPerUU] <DB Units per user units>
[-reportPrecisionLoss] <Report Precision Loss Because of dbuPerUU Value>
[-mergePathSegsToPath] <Merging pathSegs into a single PATH>
[-noConvertHalfWidthPath] <Do not Convert The Half Width Path to Boundary>
[-checkPolygon] <Report Bad Polygons And Paths>
[-backupGdsLogFiles] <Backup GDSII and LOG files, if they already exist>
[-maxVertices] <Maximum Limit of Vertices (5-4000) Allowed in Stream File>
[-strmTextNS] <NameSpace of The TEXT Records in The Stream File>
[-templateFile] <Name of The File Containing Option Names And Values>
[-cellListFile] <Name of the file containing cellList>
[-outputDir] <output directory>
[-noInfo] <Quoted List of Info Message Ids>
[-noWarn] <Quoted List of Warning Message Ids>
[-warnToErr] <Quoted List of warning Message Ids>
[-infoToWarn] <Quoted List of Info Message Ids>
[-donutNumSides] <Number of sides (4-131072) for the BOUNDARY of donut>
[-ellipseNumSides] <Number of sides (4-131072) for the BOUNDAR of ellipse>
[-wildCardInCellMap] <Wild Card in cell map file>
[-ignoreMissingCells] <Ignores Missing cellViews During Translation and Continue Translation>
[-ignoreMissingVias] <Ignores Missing standard/custom vias During Translation and Continue Translation>
[-subMasterSeparator] <Separator to used for sub-master naming (default: "_CDNS_")>
[-convertPcellPin] <geometry | text | geometryAndText | ignore (default: convertPin value)>
[-guiHistory] <Use options of last successful translation from the XStream Out GUI>
[-ignoreZeroWidthPathSeg] <Ignores zero width PathSeg during translation>
[-ignoreObjectMapFromTech] <Ignores object map file from technology>
[-ignoreCurrentTimestamp] <Ignores current timestamp>
[-verbose] <Generate detailed information in the log and summary files>ose] <Generate detailed information in the log and summary files>
oasisout (导出为 OASIS 格式)
oasisout -help
Usage: oasisout
-library <Input Library>
-oasisFile <Output OASIS File>
[-arrayInstToScalar] <Convert Arrays to Scalar Instances>
[-backupOasisLogFiles] <Backup OASIS and LOG files, if they already exist>
[-case] <upper | lower | preserve>
[-cellMap] <Input cell map file>
[-cellListFile] <Name of the file containing cellList>
[-cellNamePrefix] <Cell name prefix>
[-cellNameSuffix] <Cell name suffix>
[-checkPolygon] <Report bad polygons and paths>
[-circleToPolygon] <Convert Cricle/Ellipse object to Polygon>
[-compress] <Enable CBLOCK compression>
[-compressLevel] <Set the compression level for CBLOCK compression>
[-convertDot] <polygon | circle | ignore>
[-convertPcellPin] <geometry | text | geometryAndText | ignore (default: convertPin value)>
[-convertPin] <geometry | text | geometryAndText | ignore>
[-dbuPerUU] <DB Units per user units>
[-diagonalPathToPolygon] <Convert Paths with non-orthogonal segments to Polygons>
[-doNotPreservePcellPins] <Do not preserve the PCell Pins>
[-donutNumSides] <Number of sides (4-131072) for the BOUNDARY of Donut>
[-ellipseNumSides] <Number of sides (4-131072) for the BOUNDAR of Circle/Ellipse>
[-flattenPcells] <Flatten the PCell Instances>
[-flattenViaShapesToViaPurp] <Flatten Vias' Shapes to Via Purpose>
[-flattenVias] <Flatten the Vias>
[-GDSIICompatible] <Generate the OASIS file with GDSII specific limits>
[-guiHistory] <Use options of last successful translation from the XOasis Out GUI>
[-hierDepth] <Hierarchical depth to translate to>
[-ignoreLines] <Ignore Line objects>
[-ignoreMissingCells] <Ignore missing cellViews during translation and continue translation>
[-ignoreMissingVias] <Ignore missing standard/custom vias during translation and continue translation>
[-ignoreObjectMapFromTech] <Ignore object map file from technology>
[-ignorePcellEvalFail] <Ignore the PCell evaluation failure>
[-ignoreRoutes] <Ignore Route objects>
[-ignoreZeroWidthPathSeg] <Ignore zero width PathSeg during translation>
[-infoToWarn] <Quoted list of Info message Ids>
[-labelMap] <Input label map file>
[-labelDepth] <Hierarchical depth to add labels to>
[-layerMap] <Quoted list of layer map files>
[-logFile] <Output log file name>
[-mergePathSegsToPath] <Merge pathSegs into a single PATH>
[-noConvertHalfWidthPath] <Do not convert the half width Path to Boundary>
[-noInfo] <Quoted list of info message Ids>
[-noObjectProp] <Do not write the special object properties>
[-noOutputTextDisplays] <Do not output Text Displays>
[-noOutputUnplacedInst] <Do not output Unplaced Instances>
[-noWarn] <Quoted list of warning message Ids>
[-objectMap] <Quoted list of object mapping files>
[-outputDir] <output directory>
[-pathToPolygon] <Convert Path object to Polygon>
[-preservePinAtt] <Preserve Pin connectivity information>
[-preserveTextAtt] <Preserve Text attributes as properties>
[-propMap] <Input property map file>
[-refLibList] <Name of the file containing reference libraries list>
[-replaceBusBitChar] <Replace "<>" with "[]">
[-runDir] <Run directory>
[-snapToGrid] <Snap to grid>
[-subMasterSeparator] <Separator to used for sub-master naming (default: "_CDNS_")>
[-summaryFile] <Output summary file>
[-techLib] <Technology library>
[-templateFile] <Name of the file containing option names And values>
[-textCase] <upper | lower | preserve>
[-topCell] <Toplevel cells to translate>
[-translateUnmappedLPP] <Allow undefined LPP to be translated by incrementally mapping LPP using layerMap file, SKILL hook poLayerMap, and automatic layer mapping>
[-userSkillFile] <User skill file>
[-verbose] <Generate detailed information in the log and summary files>
[-viaMap] <Via mapping file>
[-view] <Toplevel cell view name>
[-warnToErr] <Quoted list of warning message Ids>
[-wildCardInCellMap] <Wild card in cell map file>
OASIS 的文件体积声称可以比 GDSII 小 10~50 倍,实际在我的使用中这个数字达到 20+ 倍(以项目情况而定),某些情况文件小了确实可以加快运行速度、节省时间(估计是硬盘读写环节拖累了整体运行时间)。
和 strmout
另外,命令的运行路径必须在 virtuoso 启动路径(能在当前路径下找得到 cds.lib 文件)。
这个参数用来指定导出的单元库 (library) 名。
当使用 strmout
时,这个参数用来指定导出的 GDSII 文件名称。
当使用 oasisout
时,这个参数用来指定导出的 OASIS 文件名称。
指定导出单元的顶层 Cell 名称,指定了顶层 Cell 就不会导出该顶层没有调用的单元,否则会导出当前库下的所有 Cell 。
指定导出单元的顶层 View 名称,默认为 layout
注意这里的 运行路径 不同于前面提到的命令的运行路径。
生成 log 文件,默认生成文件名为 strmOut.log
生成 summary 文件,默认不生成。
指定 layermap 文件,默认情况是调用 attach tech 中的 layermap,当对层次转换有特殊要求时可以通过这个参数来指定自定义的 layermap 。
# Program :
# Language : Bash
# Author : YEUNGCHIE
# Version : 2022.04.05
cat <<EOF
Export Layout ( GDSII or OASIS ) File
Usage: export_layout -path cdslibDir -lib libName -cell cellName [ OPTIONS ]
-path Path where the cds.lib file is located
-lib Layout top cell libName
-cell Layout top cell cellName
-view Layout top cell viewName ( Default: layout )
-file Output file name ( Default: <cellName>.gds or <cellName>.oasis )
-log Log file ( Default: export_layout.log )
-sum Summary file
-layermap Specified the layermap file
-oasis Specified the file format is OASIS, and GDSII if not specified
-h, -help Display this help
Examples: export_layout\\
-path \$project/work/
-lib Xeon
-cell X999
Output: OASIS file - X999.oasis
# 命令行参数分析
while [[ -n $1 ]]; do
if [[ -n $opt ]]; then
case $opt in
lib_opt) libName=$1 ;;
cell_opt) cellName=$1 ;;
view_opt) viewName=$1 ;;
file_opt) file=$1 ;;
path_opt) path=$1 ;;
log_opt) logFile=$1 ;;
mapCmd="-layerMap $1"
sumCmd="-summaryFile $1"
unset opt
case $1 in
-lib) opt='lib_opt' ;;
-cell) opt='cell_opt' ;;
-view) opt='view_opt' ;;
-file) opt='file_opt' ;;
-path) opt='path_opt' ;;
-log) opt='log_opt' ;;
-sum) opt='sum_opt' ;;
-layermap) opt='map_opt' ;;
-oasis) OASIS=1 ;;
HelpDoc >&2
exit 1
echo "Invalid option - '$1'" >&2
echo "Try -h or -help for more infomation." >&2
exit 1
# 记录当前路径
runDir=$(pwd -P)
# 参数检查
if [[ ! ( $path && $libName && $cellName ) ]]; then
# 缺少必要参数时,打印 help 并退出
HelpInfo >&2
exit 1
elif [[ -d $path ]]; then
cd $path
# 找不到目标路径文件,打印报错
echo "No such directory - $path" >&2
echo "Try -h or -help for more infomation." >&2
exit 1
## 不同的文件格式
if [[ $OASIS ]]; then
if [[ ! $file ]]; then file="${cellName}.oasis" ; fi
command="oasisout -oasisFile $file"
if [[ ! $file ]]; then file="${cellName}.gds" ; fi
command="strmout -strmFile $file"
command="$command -runDir $runDir -library $libName -topCell $cellName -view $viewName -logFile $logFile $sumCmd $mapCmd"
# 运行
exec $command
指定 cds.lib 文件所在的文件夹路径
指定导出单元的顶层 Library 名称
指定导出单元的顶层 Cell 名称
通过 -path 参数来定义 virtuoso 启动路径,实现在任意路径下可运行,生成的文件都在当前路径下。
例:cdslib 文件所在路径为 ../project
导出版图 verify/ad01d0/layout
单元为 GDSII 文件。
export_layout -path ../project -lib verify -cell ad01d0
导出版图 verify/inv0d0/layout
单元为 OASIS 文件,指定输出文件名 inv.oasis
,指定 log 文件为 inv.log
export_layout -path ../project -lib verify -cell inv0d0 -file inv.oasis -oasis -log inv.log