在用Abp或者asp.net core 开发过程中,难免会遇到稀奇古怪的问题,需要对底层源代码进行调试,下面就教大家如何通过配置Visual Studio 2019来进行调试:
首先我们通过查看Abp的文档,Abp vnext 支持SourceLink. 有介绍通过如果配置,可以进行调试:
I set as mentioned above, it doesn't work.
You should do more settings:
After this, you can debug the asp.net core source code, you can see the Symbols loaded in output window, but volo.abo.* symbols cannot be loaded.
2.Copy Volo.Abp.Core.dll and Volo.Abp.Core.pdb to your working debug bin folder.
There are in the nuget install package path, like "C:\Users\[GerryGe]\.nuget\packages\volo.abp.core\2.3.0\lib\netstandard2.0"
After this I can step into abp source code, see my screenshots: