linux cat查看文件使用grep实现多条件多场景过滤




cat file.log |grep -e '关键词1' |grep -e '关键词2'
grep -e '关键词1' -e '关键词2' file.log



cat file.log|grep -v '关键词1' | grep -v '关键词2'
grep -v '关键词1' -v '关键词2' file.log



grep -n '关键词1' file.log
cat file.log|grep -n '关键词1'



root@test40_1:~# grep --help
用法: grep [选项]… PATTERN [FILE]…
Search for PATTERN in each FILE.
Example: grep -i 'hello world' menu.h main.c

Pattern selection and interpretation:
-E, --extended-regexp PATTERN is an extended regular expression
-F, --fixed-strings PATTERN is a set of newline-separated strings
-G, --basic-regexp PATTERN is a basic regular expression (default)
-P, --perl-regexp PATTERN is a Perl regular expression
-e, --regexp=PATTERN 用 PATTERN 来进行匹配操作
-f, --file=FILE 从 FILE 中取得 PATTERN
-i, --ignore-case 忽略大小写
-w, --word-regexp 强制 PATTERN 仅完全匹配字词
-x, --line-regexp 强制 PATTERN 仅完全匹配一行
-z, --null-data 一个 0 字节的数据行,但不是空行

-s, --no-messages 不显示错误信息
-v, --invert-match 选中不匹配的行
-V, --version 显示版本信息并退出
--help 显示此帮助并退出

Output control:
-m, --max-count=NUM stop after NUM selected lines
-b, --byte-offset print the byte offset with output lines
-n, --line-number print line number with output lines
--line-buffered flush output on every line
-H, --with-filename print file name with output lines
-h, --no-filename suppress the file name prefix on output
--label=LABEL use LABEL as the standard input file name prefix
-o, --only-matching 只显示匹配PATTERN 部分的行
-q, --quiet, --silent 不显示所有常规输出
--binary-files=TYPE 设定二进制文件的TYPE 类型;
TYPE 可以是`binary', `text', 或`without-match'
-a, --text 等同于 --binary-files=text
-I 等同于 --binary-files=without-match
-d, --directories=ACTION 读取目录的方式;
ACTION 可以是`read', `recurse',或`skip'
-D, --devices=ACTION 读取设备、先入先出队列、套接字的方式;
ACTION 可以是`read'或`skip'
-r, --recursive 等同于--directories=recurse
-R, --dereference-recursive 同上,但遍历所有符号链接
--include=FILE_PATTERN 只查找匹配FILE_PATTERN 的文件
--exclude=FILE_PATTERN 跳过匹配FILE_PATTERN 的文件和目录
--exclude-from=FILE 跳过所有除FILE 以外的文件
--exclude-dir=PATTERN 跳过所有匹配PATTERN 的目录。
-L, --files-without-match print only names of FILEs with no selected lines
-l, --files-with-matches print only names of FILEs with selected lines
-c, --count print only a count of selected lines per FILE
-T, --initial-tab make tabs line up (if needed)
-Z, --null print 0 byte after FILE name

-B, --before-context=NUM 打印文本及其前面NUM 行
-A, --after-context=NUM 打印文本及其后面NUM 行
-C, --context=NUM 打印NUM 行输出文本
-NUM same as --context=NUM
--colour[=WHEN] use markers to highlight the matching strings;
WHEN is 'always', 'never', or 'auto'
-U, --binary do not strip CR characters at EOL (MSDOS/Windows)

When FILE is '-', read standard input. With no FILE, read '.' if
recursive, '-' otherwise. With fewer than two FILEs, assume -h.
Exit status is 0 if any line is selected, 1 otherwise;
if any error occurs and -q is not given, the exit status is 2.