这里我们用到了freetype。进入官网http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/freetype/ 中下载最新的版本2.7的源代码和文件。freetype-2.7.tar.gz freetype-doc-2.7.tar.gz
/* example1.c */
/* */
/* This small program shows how to print a rotated string with the */
/* FreeType 2 library. */
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#define WIDTH 80
#define HEIGHT 80
/* origin is the upper left corner */
unsigned char image[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
/* Replace this function with something useful. */
draw_bitmap( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
FT_Int x,
FT_Int y)
FT_Int i, j, p, q;
FT_Int x_max = x + bitmap->width;
FT_Int y_max = y + bitmap->rows;
for ( i = x, p = 0; i < x_max; i++, p++ )
for ( j = y, q = 0; j < y_max; j++, q++ )
if ( i < 0 || j < 0 ||
i >= WIDTH || j >= HEIGHT )
image\[j\]\[i\] |= bitmap->buffer\[q \* bitmap->width + p\];
show_image( void )
int i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++ )
putchar( image[i][j] == 0 ? ' '
: image[i][j] < 128 ? '+'
: '*' );
putchar( '\n' );
main( int argc,
char** argv )
FT_Library library;
FT_Face face;
FT_GlyphSlot slot;
FT_Matrix matrix; /* transformation matrix */
FT_Vector pen; /* untransformed origin */
FT_Error error;
char* filename;
char* text;
double angle;
int target_height;
int n, num_chars;
if ( argc != 3 )
fprintf ( stderr, "usage: %s font sample-text\n", argv[0] );
exit( 1 );
filename = argv[1]; /* first argument */
text = argv[2]; /* second argument */
num_chars = strlen( text );
angle = ( 0.0 / 360 ) * 3.14159 * 2; /* use 0 degrees 旋转 */
target_height = HEIGHT;
error = FT_Init_FreeType( &library ); /* initialize library */
/* error handling omitted */
error = FT_New_Face( library, filename, 0, &face );/* create face object */
/* error handling omitted */
/* use 50pt at 100dpi */
error = FT_Set_Char_Size( face, 50 * 64, 0,
30, 0 ); /* set character size */
/* error handling omitted */
slot = face->glyph;
/* set up matrix */
matrix.xx = (FT_Fixed)( cos( angle ) * 0x10000L );
matrix.xy = (FT_Fixed)(-sin( angle ) * 0x10000L );
matrix.yx = (FT_Fixed)( sin( angle ) * 0x10000L );
matrix.yy = (FT_Fixed)( cos( angle ) * 0x10000L );
/* the pen position in 26.6 cartesian space coordinates; */
/* start at (40,0) relative to the upper left corner */
pen.x = 0 * 64;
pen.y = ( target_height - 40 ) * 64;
for ( n = 0; n < num_chars; n++ )
/* set transformation */
FT_Set_Transform( face, &matrix, &pen );
/\* load glyph image into the slot (erase previous one) \*/
error = FT\_Load\_Char( face, text\[n\], FT\_LOAD\_RENDER );
if ( error )
continue; /\* ignore errors \*/
/\* now, draw to our target surface (convert position) \*/
draw\_bitmap( &slot->bitmap,
target\_height - slot->bitmap\_top );
/\* increment pen position \*/
pen.x += slot->advance.x;
pen.y += slot->advance.y;
FT_Done_Face ( face );
FT_Done_FreeType( library );
return 0;
/* EOF */
程序中把输出的字符打印在屏幕上,分辨率是640*480,从300,200 处开始显示.这里我为了便于查看就改为了80*80.从40,0处开始显示
gcc -o example1 example1.c -I /usr/local/include/freetype2/ -lfreetype -lm
./configure --host=arm-linux
make DESTDIR=$PWD/tmp install
arm-linux-gcc -o test main.c -lfreetype -lm
#include "show_font.h"
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
unsigned char *hzkmem;
unsigned char *fbmem;
unsigned int line_width;
unsigned int pixel_width;
struct fb_var_screeninfo var;
void lcd_put_pixel( int x, int y, unsigned int color )
unsigned char *pen_8 = fbmem +y*line_width + x*pixel_width;
unsigned short *pen_16;
unsigned short *pen_32;
unsigned char red,green,blue;
pen\_16 = (unsigned short \*)pen\_8;
pen\_32 = (unsigned short \*)pen\_8;
switch( pixel\_width\*8 )
case 8:
\*pen\_8 = color;
case 16:
/\* 565 \*/
red = (color>>16) & 0xff;
green = (color>>8) & 0xff;
blue = (color>>0) & 0xff;
color = ((red>>3)<<11) | ((green>>2)<<5) |((blue>>3));
\*pen\_16 = color;
case 32:
\*pen\_32 = color;
printf("can't support %ddpp\\n",pixel\_width\*8 );
void lcd_put_ascii( int x, int y, unsigned char c )
unsigned char *dots = (unsigned char *)&fontdata_8x16[c*16];
int i,b;
unsigned char byte;
for( i=0; i< 16; i++ )
byte = dots\[i\];
for( b=7;b>=0;b--)
if( byte & (1<<b))
lcd\_put\_pixel(x+7-b,y+i, 0xffffff );
lcd\_put\_pixel(x+7-b,y+i, 0x000000 );
void lcd_put_chinese( int x, int y, unsigned char *c )
unsigned int area = c[0] - 0xa1;
unsigned int where = c[1] - 0xa1;
unsigned char *dots = hzkmem + (area*94+where)*32;
unsigned char byte;
int i,j,b;
for( i=0; i<16; i++ )
for( j=0; j<2; j++ )
byte = dots[i*2+j];
for( b=7; b>=0; b-- )
if( byte & (1<<b) )
lcd_put_pixel(x+j*8+7-b,y+i, 0xffffff );
lcd_put_pixel(x+j*8+7-b,y+i, 0x000000 );
void draw_bitmap( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
FT_Int x,
FT_Int y)
FT_Int i, j, p, q;
FT_Int x_max = x + bitmap->width;
FT_Int y_max = y + bitmap->rows;
for ( i = x, p = 0; i < x_max; i++, p++ )
for ( j = y, q = 0; j < y_max; j++, q++ )
if ( i < 0 || j < 0 ||
i >= var.xres || j >= var.yres )
//image\[j\]\[i\] |= bitmap->buffer\[q \* bitmap->width + p\];
lcd\_put\_pixel(i,j,bitmap->buffer\[q \* bitmap->width + p\]);
int main( int argc, char **argv )
int hzk_fd;
int fd_fb;
struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix;
int screen\_size;
FT\_Library library;
FT\_Error error;
FT\_Face face;
FT\_Matrix matrix; /\* transformation matrix \*/
FT\_Vector pen; /\* untransformed origin \*/
double angle;
wchar\_t \*chinese\_char = L"周zhou";
unsigned char str\[\]={0xd6,0xd0};
struct stat hzk\_stat;
fd\_fb = open("/dev/fb0", O\_RDWR );
if( fd\_fb<0 )
perror("oepn failed");
return -1;
if( ioctl( fd\_fb, FBIOGET\_VSCREENINFO, &var ) )
printf("can't get var\\n");
return -1;
if( ioctl( fd\_fb, FBIOGET\_FSCREENINFO, &fix ) )
printf("can't get fix\\n");
return -1;
line\_width = var.xres \* var.bits\_per\_pixel / 8;
pixel\_width = var.bits\_per\_pixel / 8;
screen\_size = var.xres \* var.yres \* var.bits\_per\_pixel / 8;
fbmem = (unsigned char \*)mmap( NULL, screen\_size, PROT\_READ | PROT\_WRITE, MAP\_SHARED,fd\_fb,0 );
if( fbmem == (unsigned char \*)-1 )
printf("mmap is failed\\n");
return -1;
hzk\_fd = open("HZK16", O\_RDONLY );
if( hzk\_fd<0 )
printf("can't open hzk\\n");
return -1;
if( fstat(hzk\_fd, &hzk\_stat))
printf("can't get fstat\\n");
return -1;
hzkmem = (unsigned char \*)mmap( NULL, hzk\_stat.st\_size, PROT\_READ, MAP\_SHARED,hzk\_fd,0 );
if( hzkmem == (unsigned char \*)-1 )
printf("mmap hzk is failed\\n");
return -1;
memset( fbmem, 0, screen\_size );
lcd\_put\_ascii(var.xres/2,var.yres/2,'A' );
printf("chinese code : %02x %02x\\n", str\[0\],str\[1\]);
lcd\_put\_chinese( var.xres/2 +8 ,var.yres/2, str );
if( argc != 2 )
printf("Usage: %s <font\_file>\\n", argv\[0\]);
return -1;
error = FT\_Init\_FreeType( &library ); /\* initialize library \*/
/\* error handling omitted \*/
error = FT\_New\_Face( library, argv\[1\], 0, &face ); /\* create face object \*/
/\* use 50pt at 100dpi \*/
error = FT\_Set\_Pixel\_Sizes( face, 30, 0 ); /\* set character size \*/
angle = ( 0.0 / 360 ) \* 3.14159 \* 2; /\* use 25 degrees \*/
/\* set up matrix \*/
matrix.xx = (FT\_Fixed)( cos( angle ) \* 0x10000L );
matrix.xy = (FT\_Fixed)(-sin( angle ) \* 0x10000L );
matrix.yx = (FT\_Fixed)( sin( angle ) \* 0x10000L );
matrix.yy = (FT\_Fixed)( cos( angle ) \* 0x10000L );
/\* the pen position in 26.6 cartesian space coordinates; \*/
/\* start at (40,0) relative to the upper left corner \*/
pen.x = (var.xres/2+8+16) \* 64;
pen.y = ( var.yres/2 - 16 ) \* 64;
/\* set transformation \*/
FT\_Set\_Transform( face, &matrix, &pen );
/\* load glyph image into the slot (erase previous one) \*/
error = FT\_Load\_Char( face, chinese\_char\[0\], FT\_LOAD\_RENDER );
printf("FT\_load\_char error\\n");
return -1;
draw\_bitmap( &face->glyph->bitmap,
var.yres - face->glyph->bitmap\_top );
return 0;