Real-world data often exhibit imbalanced distributions, where certain target values have significantly fewer observations. Existing techniques for dealing with imbalanced data focus on targets with categorical indices, i.e., different classes. However, many tasks involve continuous targets, where hard boundaries between classes do not exist. We define Deep Imbalanced Regression (DIR) as learning from such imbalanced data with continuous targets, dealing with potential missing data for certain target values, and generalizing to the entire target range. Motivated by the intrinsic difference between categorical and continuous label space, we propose distribution smoothing for both labels and features, which explicitly acknowledges the effects of nearby targets, and calibrates both label and learned feature distributions. We curate and benchmark large-scale DIR datasets from common real-world tasks in computer vision, natural language processing, and healthcare domains. Extensive experiments verify the superior performance of our strategies. Our work fills the gap in benchmarks and techniques for practical imbalanced regression problems. Code and data are available at: [https://github.com/ YyzHarry/imbalanced-regression](https://github.com/ YyzHarry/imbalanced-regression).
现实世界的数据往往是不平衡分布,其中某些target值的观测数据很少。处理不平衡数据的现存方法都侧重于具有分类索引的target(已经标好数据的数据集?数据都标出了类别),如不同的类别。然而,很多任务涉及到连续目标,其中类之间不存在清晰边界。我们称深度不平衡回归(DIR)为从此类含连续目标的不平衡数据中学习,处理某些target值的潜在缺失值,并泛化到整个target范围。受分类和连续标签空间之间固有差异的激发,我们建议对标签和特征的进行平滑分布,这承认了临近目标的影响,并校准标签和学习到的特征分布。我们从计算机视觉、自然语言处理和医疗领域的常见现实世界任务中评估该大型 DIR 数据集。大量实验验证了我们策略的卓越性能。我们的工作填补了实际中的不平衡回归问题的基准数据集和技术方面的空白。
Data imbalance is ubiquitous and inherent in the real world. Rather than preserving an ideal uniform distribution over each category, the data often exhibit skewed distributions with a long tail (Buda et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019), where certain target values have significantly fewer observations. This phenomenon poses great challenges for deep recognition models, and has motivated many prior techniques for addressing data imbalance (Cao et al., 2019; Cui et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019; Tang et al., 2020).
Existing solutions for learning from imbalanced data, however, focus on targets with categorical indices, i.e., the targets are different classes. However, many real-world tasks involve continuous and even infinite target values. For example, in vision applications, one needs to infer the age of different people based on their visual appearances, where age is a continuous target and can be highly imbalanced. Treating different ages as distinct classes is unlikely to yield the best results because it does not take advantage of the similarity between people with nearby ages. Similar issues happen in medical applications since many health metrics including heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation, are continuous and often have skewed distributions across patient populations.
In this work, we systematically investigate Deep Imbalanced Regression (DIR) arising in real-world settings (see Fig. 1). We define DIR as learning continuous targets from natural imbalanced data, dealing with potentially missing data for certain target values, and generalizing to a test set that is balanced over the entire range of continuous target values. This definition is analogous to the class imbalance problem (Liu et al., 2019), but focuses on the continuous setting.
DIR brings new challenges distinct from its classification counterpart. First, given continuous (potentially infinite) target values, the hard boundaries between classes no longer exist, causing ambiguity when directly applying traditional imbalanced classification methods such as re-sampling and re-weighting. Moreover, continuous labels inherently possess a meaningful distance between targets, which has implication for how we should interpret data imbalance. For example, say two target labels and
have a small number of observations in training data. However,
is in a highly represented neighborhood (i.e., there are many samples in the range
), while
is in a weakly represented neighborhood. In this case,
does not suffer from the same level of imbalance as
. Finally, unlike classification, certain target values may have no data at all, which motivates the need for target extrapolation & interpolation.
相同程度的不平衡。最后,不同于分类任务,某些目标值可能根本没有数据,这激发了对目标extrapolation 和 interpolation的需求。
In this paper, we propose two simple yet effective methods for addressing DIR: label distribution smoothing (LDS) and feature distribution smoothing (FDS). A key idea underlying both approaches is to leverage the similarity between nearby targets by employing a kernel distribution to perform explicit distribution smoothing in the label and feature spaces. Both techniques can be easily embedded into existing deep networks and allow optimization in an end-to-end fashion. We verify that our techniques not only successfully calibrate for the intrinsic underlying imbalance, but also provide large and consistent gains when combined with other methods. To support practical evaluation of imbalanced regression, we curate and benchmark large-scale DIR datasets for common real-world tasks in computer vision, natural language processing, and healthcare. They range from single-value prediction such as age, text similarity score, health condition score, to dense-value prediction such as depth. We further set up benchmarks for proper DIR performance evaluation.
在本文中,我们提出两个简单高效的方法来解决DIR:标签分布平滑和特征分布平滑。两个方法的关键思想是通过使用核分布在标签和特征空间中执行显式的分布平滑来利用临近目标间的相似性。每个方法都能轻易嵌入到现在的深度网络中并允许以端到端的方式进行优化。我们验证了我们的方法不仅成功地校准了固有的潜在不平衡,而且与其他方法结合时提供了巨大而一致的收益。为了支持不平衡回归的实际评估,我们为计算机视觉、自然语言处理和医疗中的常见现实任务中整理了和基准测试了大规模 DIR 数据集。这些数据集从单值预测(如年龄,文本相似度得分和健康状况得分)到密集值的预测(如深度)。我们进一步为合适的DIR性能评估建立了基准。
Our contributions are as follows:
Imbalanced Classification. Much prior work has focused on the imbalanced classification problem (also referred to as long-tailed recognition (Liu et al., 2019)). Past solutions can be divided into data-based and model-based solutions: Data-based solutions either over-sample the minority class or under-sample the majority (Chawla et al., 2002; Garc´ıa & Herrera, 2009; He et al., 2008). For example, SMOTE generates synthetic samples for minority classes by linearly interpolating samples in the same class (Chawla et al., 2002). Model-based solutions include re-weighting or adjusting the loss function to compensate for class imbalance (Cao et al., 2019; Cui et al., 2019; Dong et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2016; 2019), and leveraging relevant learning paradigms, including transfer learning (Yin et al., 2019), metric learning (Zhang et al., 2017), meta-learning (Shu et al., 2019), and two-stage training (Kang et al., 2020). Recent studies have also discovered that semi-supervised learning and selfsupervised learning lead to better imbalanced classification results (Yang & Xu, 2020). In contrast to these past work, we identify the limitations of applying class imbalance methods to regression problems, and introduce new techniques particularly suitable for learning continuous target values.
Imbalanced Regression. Regression over imbalanced data is not as well explored. Most of the work on this topic is a direct adaptation of the SMOTE algorithm to regression scenarios (Branco et al., 2017; 2018; Torgo et al., 2013). Synthetic samples are created for pre-defined rare target regions by either directly interpolating both inputs and targets (Torgo et al., 2013), or using Gaussian noise augmentation (Branco et al., 2017). A bagging-based ensemble method that incorporates multiple data pre-processing steps has also been introduced (Branco et al., 2018). However, there exist several intrinsic drawbacks for these methods. First, they fail to take the distance between targets into account, and rather heuristically divide the dataset into rare and frequent sets, then plug in classification-based methods. Moreover, modern data is of extremely high dimension (e.g., images and physiological signals); linear interpolation of two samples of such data does not lead to meaningful new synthetic samples. Our methods are intrinsically different from past work in their approach. They can be combined with existing methods to improve their performance, as we show in Sec. 4. Further, our approaches are tested on large-scale real-world datasets in computer vision, NLP, and healthcare.
** Problem Setting.** Let be a training set, where
denotes the input and
is the label, which is a continuous target. We introduce an additional structure for the label space
, where we divide
groups (bins) with equal intervals, i.e.,
. Throughout the paper, we use
to denote the group index of the target value, where
is the index space. In practice, the defined bins reflect a minimum resolution we care for grouping data in a regression task. For instance, in age estimation, we could define
, showing a minimum age difference of 1 is of interest. Finally, we denote
as the feature for
, where
is parameterized by a deep neural network model with parameter
. The final prediction
is given by a regression function
that operates over
问题设置。让 作为训练集,其中
是通过 一个在
We start by showing an example to demonstrate the difference between classification and regression when imbalance comes into the picture.
Motivating Example. We employ two datasets: (1) CIFAR100 (Krizhevsky et al., 2009), which is a 100-class classification dataset, and (2) the IMDB-WIKI dataset (Rothe et al., 2018), which is a large-scale image dataset for age estimation from visual appearance. The two datasets have intrinsically different label space: CIFAR-100 exhibits categorical label space where the target is class index, while IMDB-WIKI has a continuous label space where the target is age. We limit the age range to so that the two datasets have the same label range, and subsample them to simulate data imbalance, while ensuring they have exactly the same label density distribution (Fig. 2). We make both test sets balanced. We then train a plain ResNet-50 model on the two datasets, and plot their test error distributions.
我们使用两个数据集:CIFAR100,它是一个100类的分类数据集;IMDB-WIKI,它是从外貌来估计年龄的大规模图片数据集。这两个数据集具有完全不同的标签空间:CIFAR100的类别标签空间中目标值是类别索引,而IMDB-WIKI是目标值是年龄的连续样本空间我们限制年龄到0~99使得两个数据集有相同的标签范围,并且下采样来模拟数据不平衡,同时保持它们具有相同的标签密度分布(图2)。我们保持两个测试集平滑。然后在两个数据集上训练plain ResNet-50,并绘制出它们的测试误差分布。
We observe from Fig. 2(a) that the error distribution correlates with label density distribution. Specifically, the test error as a function of class index has a high negative Pearson correlation with the label density distribution (i.e., -0.76) in the categorical label space. The phenomenon is expected, as majority classes with more samples are better learned than minority classes. Interestingly however, as Fig. 2(b) shows, the error distribution is very different for IMDB-WIKI with continuous label space, even when the label density distribution is the same as CIFAR-100. In particular, the error distribution is much smoother and no longer correlates well with the label density distribution (-0.47).
The reason why this example is interesting is that all imbalanced learning methods, directly or indirectly, operate by compensating for the imbalance in the empirical label density distribution. This works well for class imbalance, but for continuous labels the empirical density does not accurately reflect the imbalance as seen by the neural network. Hence, compensating for data imbalance based on empirical label density is inaccurate for the continuous label space.
An empirical distribution is one for which each possible event is assigned a probability derived from experimental observation. It is assumed that the events are independent and the sum of the probabilities is 1.也就是直接观测到的标签密度。
LDS for Imbalanced Data Density Estimation. The above example shows that, in the continuous case, the empirical label distribution does not reflect the real label density distribution. This is because of the dependence between data samples at nearby labels (e.g., images of close ages). In fact, there is a significant literature in statistics on how to estimate the expected density in such cases (Parzen, 1962). Thus, Label Distribution Smoothing (LDS) advocates the use of kernel density estimation to learn the effective imbalance in datasets that corresponds to continuous targets.
LDS convolves a symmetric kernel with the empirical density distribution to extract a kernel-smoothed version that accounts for the overlap in information of data samples of nearby labels. A symmetric kernel is any kernel that satisfies: and
. Note that a Gaussian or a Laplacian kernel is a symmetric kernel, while
is not. The symmetric kernel characterizes the similarity between target values
and any
w.r.t. their distance in the target space. Thus, LDS computes the effective label density distribution as:
时就不是。对称核表示目标值y'和任何y关于(w.r.t=with respect to)目标空间的距离。因此,LDS计算有效的标签密度分布公式为:
where is the number of appearances of label of y in the training data, and
is the effective density of label
其中p(y)是在训练数据中y标签的出现次数,并且 是标签y'的有效密度
Fig. 3 illustrates LDS and how it smooths the label density distribution. Further, it shows that the resulting label density computed by LDS correlates well with the error distribution (-0.83). This demonstrates that LDS captures the real imbalance that affects regression problems.
Now that the effective label density is available, techniques for addressing class imbalance problems can be directly adapted to the DIR context. For example, a straightforward adaptation can be the cost-sensitive re-weighting method, where we re-weight the loss function by multiplying it by the inverse of the LDS estimated label density for each target. We show in Sec. 4 that LDS can be seamlessly incorporated with a wide range of techniques to boost DIR performance.
We are motivated by the intuition that continuity in the target space should create a corresponding continuity in the feature space. That is, if the model works properly and the data is balanced, one expects the feature statistics corresponding to nearby targets to be close to each other.
Motivating Example. We use an illustrative example to highlight the impact of data imbalance on feature statistics in DIR. Again, we use a plain model trained on the images in the IMDB-WIKI dataset to infer a person's age from visual appearance. We focus on the learned feature space, i.e., . We use a minimum bin size of 1, i.e.,
, and group features with the same target value in the same bin. We then compute the feature statistics (i.e., mean and variance) with respect to the data in each bin, which we denote as
. To visualize the similarity between feature statistics, we select an anchor bin
, and calculate the cosine similarity of the feature statistics between
and all other bins. The results are summarized in Fig. 4 for
. The figure also shows the regions with different data densities using the colors purple, yellow, and pink.
。为了可视化特征统计数据之间的相似性,我们选择一个anchor bin
Fig. 4 shows that the feature statistics around are highly similar to their values at
. Specifically, the cosine similarity of the feature mean and feature variance for all bins between age 25 and 35 are within a few percent from their values at age 30 (the anchor age). Further, the similarity gets higher for tighter ranges around the anchor. Note that bin 30 falls in the high shot region. In fact, it is among the few bins that have the most samples. So, the figure confirms the intuition that when there is enough data, and for continuous targets, the feature statistics are similar to nearby bins. Interestingly, the figure also shows the problem with regions that have very few data samples, like the age range 0 to 6 years (shown in pink). Note that the mean and variance in this range show unexpectedly high similarity to age 30. In fact, it is shocking that the feature statistics at age 30 are more similar to age 1 than age 17. This unjustified similarity is due to data imbalance. Specifically, since there are not enough images for ages 0 to 6, this range thus inherits its priors from the range with the maximum amount of data, which is the range around age 30.
处的值高度相似。具体来说,在25到35之间的所有bins的特征均值和方差的余弦相似度与它们在30岁(anchor age)相差几个百分点。此外,在anchor附近更窄的范围有更高的相似度。注意bin30落在高shot rigion(样本很多的区域)。事实上,它是少数几个有最多的样本的bins之一。所以,图片证明了当有足够的数据,对于连续目标值,在相近的bins有相似的特征值。有趣的是,该图也表明只有很少数据样本的区域的问题,如1-6岁(粉红色显示)。注意在这个区域的均值和方差与30岁的相似度出乎意料的高。事实上,30岁的特征数据居然跟1岁的相似度比17岁要高。这种不合理的相似度是因为数据不平衡。具体来说,由于1-6岁没有足够的图片,因此该范围从数据量最大的范围(即30岁附近)继承其先验值
many-shot region (bins with over 100 training samples), medium-shot region (bins with 20∼100 training samples), and few-shot region (bins with under 20 training samples)
FDS Algorithm. Inspired by these observations, we propose feature distribution smoothing (FDS), which performs distribution smoothing on the feature space, i.e., transfers the feature statistics between nearby target bins. This procedure aims to calibrate the potentially biased estimates of feature distribution, especially for underrepresented target values (e.g., medium- and few-shot groups) in training data. FDS is performed by first estimating the statistics of each bin. Without loss of generality, we substitute variance with covariance to reflect also the relationship between the various feature elements within z:
where is the total number of samples in b-th bin. Given the feature statistics, we employ again a symmetric kernel
to smooth the distribution of the feature mean and covariance over the target bins
. This results in a smoothed version of the statistics:
With bothand
, we then follow the standard whitening and re-coloring procedure (Sun et al., 2016) to calibrate the feature representation for each input sample:
We integrate FDS into deep networks by inserting a feature calibration layer after the final feature map. To train the model, we employ a momentum update of the running statisticsacross each epoch. Correspondingly, the smoothed statistics
are updated across different epochs but fixed within each training epoch. The momentum update, which performs an exponential moving average (EMA) of running statistics, results in more stable and accurate estimations of the feature statistics during training. The calibrated features
are then passed to the final regression function and used to compute the loss.
We note that FDS can be integrated with any neural network model, as well as any past work on improving label imbalance. In Sec. 4, we integrate FDS with a variety of prior techniques for addressing data imbalance, and demonstrate that it consistently improves performance.
Datasets. We curate five DIR benchmarks that span computer vision, natural language processing, and healthcare.Fig. 6 shows the label density distribution of these datasets,and their level of imbalance.
Network Architectures. We employ ResNet-50 (He et al., 2016) as our backbone network for IMDB-WIKI-DIR and AgeDB-DIR. Following (Wang et al., 2018), we adopt the same BiLSTM + GloVe word embeddings baseline for STSB-DIR. For NYUD2-DIR, we use ResNet-50-based encoderdecoder architecture introduced in (Hu et al., 2019). Finally, for SHHS-DIR, we use the same CNN-RNN architecture with ResNet block for PSG signals as in (Wang et al., 2019).
网络架构。我们采用ResNet-50作为IMDB-WIKI-DIR和AgeDB-DIR的骨干网络。接下来,我们对STSB-DIR采用了相同的BiLSTM+GloVe词嵌入基线。对于NYUD2-DIR,我们使用(Hu et al., 2019)中介绍的基于ResNet-50的encoderdecoder架构。最后,对于 SHHS-DIR,我们使用同样的带ResNet 块的CNN-RNN 架构来处理PSG信号。
Baselines. Since the literature has only a few proposals for DIR, in addition to past work on imbalanced regression (Branco et al., 2017; Torgo et al., 2013), we adapt a few imbalanced classification methods for regression, and propose a strong set of baselines. Below, we describe the baselines, and how we can combine LDS with each method. For FDS, it can be directly integrated with any baseline as a calibration layer, as described in Sec. 3.2.
Evaluation Process and Metrics. Following (Liu et al., 2019), we divide the target space into three disjoint subsets: many-shot region (bins with over 100 training samples), medium-shot region (bins with 20∼100 training samples), and few-shot region (bins with under 20 training samples), and report results on these subsets, as well as overall performance. We also refer to regions with no training samples as zero-shot, and investigate the ability of our techniques to generalize to zero-shot regions in Sec. 4.2. For metrics, we use common metrics for regression, such as the meanaverage-error (MAE), mean-squared-error (MSE), and Pearson correlation. We further propose another metric, called error Geometric Mean (GM), and is defined asfor better prediction fairness.
评估过程和指标。在 (Liu et al., 2019) 之后,我们将目标空间划分为三个不相交的子集:many-shot 区域(具有超过 100 个训练样本的 bin)、medium-shot 区域(具有 20∼100 个训练样本的 bin)和few-shot区域(训练样本少于 20 个的 bin),并说明这些子集的结果以及整体性能。 我们将没有训练样本的区域称为zero-shot,并在 Sec.4.2中研究我们的技术泛化到该区域的能力。 对于指标,我们使用常用的回归指标,例如均值误差 (MAE)、均方误差 (MSE) 和皮尔逊相关性。 我们进一步提出另一个度量,称为误差几何平均值 (GM),定义为 以获得更好的预测公平性。
We report the main results in this section for all DIR datasets. All training details, hyper-parameter settings, and additional results are provided in Appendix C and D.
Inferring Age from Images: IMDB-WIKI-DIR & AgeDB-DIR. We report the performance of different methods in Table 1 and 2, respectively. For each dataset, we group the baselines into four sections to reflect their different strategies. First, as both tables indicate, when applied to modern high-dimensional data like images, SMOTER and SMOGN can actually degrade the performance in comparison to the vanilla model. Moreover, within each group, adding either LDS, FDS, or both leads to performance gains, while LDS + FDS often achieves the best results. Finally, when compared to the vanilla model, using our LDS and FDS maintains or slightly improves the performance overall and on the many-shot regions, while substantially boosting the performance for the medium-shot and few-shot regions.
从图像推断年龄:IMDB-WIKI-DIR 和 AgeDB-DIR。 我们分别在表 1 和表 2 中报告了不同方法的性能。 对于每个数据集,我们将基线分为四个部分以反映它们的不同策略。 首先,如两个表所示,当应用于现代的高维数据(如图像)时,与普通模型相比,SMOTER 和 SMOGN 实际上会降低性能。 此外,在每个组中,添加 LDS、FDS 或两者都会导致性能提升,而 LDS + FDS 通常会获得最佳结果。 最后,与普通模型相比,使用我们的 LDS 和 FDS 保持或略微提高了整体和many-shot区域的性能,同时显著提高了medium-和few-shot 区域的性能。
Inferring Text Similarity Score: STS-B-DIR. Table 3 shows the results, where similar observations can be made on STS-B-DIR. Again, both SMOTER and SMOGN perform worse than the vanilla model. In contrast, both LDS and FDS consistently and substantially improve the results for various methods, especially in medium- and few-shot regions. The advantage is even more profound under Pearson correlation, which is commonly used for this NLP task.
推断文本相似度得分:STS-B-DIR。 表 3 展示了结果,其中可以对 STS-B-DIR 进行类似的观察。 同样,SMOTER 和 SMOGN 的表现都比vanilla模型差。 相比之下,LDS 和 FDS 都改善了各种方法的结果,尤其是在中等和少样本区域。 在NLP 任务常用的Pearson相关性下,优势更加显著。
Inferring Depth: NYUD2-DIR. For NYUD2-DIR, which is a dense regression task, we verify from Table 4 that adding LDS and FDS significantly improves the results. We note that the vanilla model can inevitably overfit to the manyshot regions during training. FDS and LDS help alleviate this effect, and generalize better to all regions, with minor degradation in the many-shot region but significant boosts for other regions.
推断深度:NYUD2-DIR。 对于密集回归任务 NYUD2-DIR,我们从表 4 中验证了添加 LDS 和 FDS 可以显著改善结果。 我们注意到,vanilla 模型在训练期间不可避免地会过度拟合到manyshot区域。 FDS 和 LDS 有助于减轻这种影响,并更好地泛化到所有区域,在manyshot区域有轻微的退化,但在其他区域有显著提升。
Inferring Health Score: SHHS-DIR. Table 5 reports the results on SHHS-DIR. Since SMOTER and SMOGN are not directly applicable to this medical data, we skip them for this dataset. The results again confirm the effectiveness of both FDS and LDS when applied for real-world imbalanced regression tasks, where by combining FDS and LDS we often get the highest gains over all tested regions.
推断健康评分:SHHS-DIR。 表 5 说明了 SHHS-DIR 的结果。 由于 SMOTER 和 SMOGN 并不直接适用于该医学数据,因此我们在此数据集中跳过它们。 结果再次证实了 FDS 和 LDS 在应用于现实世界的不平衡回归任务时的有效性,通过结合 FDS 和 LDS,我们通常在所有测试区域中获得最高收益。
Extrapolation & Interpolation. In real-world DIR tasks, certain target values can have no data at all (e.g., see SHHSDIR and STS-B-DIR in Fig. 6). This motivates the need for target extrapolation and interpolation. We curate a subset from the training set of IMDB-WIKI-DIR, which has no training data in certain regions (Fig. 7), but evaluate on the original testset for zero-shot generalization analysis.
As Table 6 shows, compared to the vanilla model, LDS and FDS can both improve the results not only on regions that have data, but also achieve larger gains on those without data. Specifically, substantial improvements are established for both target interpolation and extrapolation, where interpolation enjoys larger boosts.
We further visualize the absolute MAE gains of our method over vanilla model in Fig. 7. Our method provides a comprehensive treatment to the many, medium, few, as well as zero-shot regions, achieving remarkable performance gains.
Figure 8. Analysis on how FDS works.** (a) & (b)** Feature statistics similarity for anchor age 0, using model trained without and with FDS. (c) L1 distance between the running statistics
and the smoothed statistics
during training.
图8:对FDS如何有效的分析。(a)和(b)anchor age 0的特征统计相似性,使用带FDS和不带FDS的训练模型。(c)运行统计数据
Understanding FDS. We investigate how FDS influences the feature statistics. In Fig. 8(a) and 8(b) we plot the similarity of the feature statistics for anchor age 0, using model trained without and with FDS. As the figure indicates, since age 0 lies in the few-shot region, the feature statistics can have a large bias, i.e., age 0 shares large similarity with region 40 ∼ 80 as in Fig. 8(a). In contrast, when FDS is added, the statistics are better calibrated, resulting in a high similarity only in its neighborhood, and a gradually decreasing similarity score as target value becomes larger. We further visualize the L1 distance between the running statisticsand the smoothed statistics
during training in Fig. 8(c). Interestingly, the average
distance becomes smaller and gradually diminishes as the training evolves, indicating that the model learns to generate features that are more accurate even without smoothing, and finally the smoothing module can be removed during inference. We provide more results for different anchor ages in Appendix E.7, where similar effects can be observed.
理解FDS。我们研究了FDS如何影响特征统计值。在图8(a,b)中,画出了使用和没有使用FDS训练后的模型中anchor age 0的特征统计数据(mean、variance)的相似性。如图所示,由于0岁在少样本区间,它的特征统计值由很大的偏差,即图8(a)看出0岁与40-80岁的区域有很大的相似性。相比之下,当加入FDS后,统计数据被很好的校准了,使得仅在其周围具有高相似度,并且随着目标值变大,相似度随之下降。图8(c)可视化了运行统计数据和平滑统计数据间的L1距离。有趣的是,随着训练进行,L1距离变得更小并逐渐平稳下降,这表明了模型即使在没有平滑的情况下学会了生成更准确的特征,最终平滑模块可以在推理阶段移除。我们提供了更多的结果在附录E.7,可以看到相似的效果。
**Ablation: Kernel type for LDS & FDS (Appendix **E.1). We study the effects of different kernel types for LDS and FDS when applying distribution smoothing. We select three different kernel types, i.e., Gaussian, Laplacian, and Triangular kernel, and evaluate their influences on both LDS and FDS. In general, all kernel types lead to notable gains (e.g., 3.7% ∼ 6.2% relative MSE gains on STS-B-DIR), with the Gaussian kernel often delivering the best results.
Ablation: Different regression loss functions (Appendix E.2). We investigate the influence of different training loss functions on LDS and FDS. We select three common losses used for regression tasks, i.e., loss, MSE loss, and the Huber loss (also referred to as smoothed
loss). We find that similar results are obtained for all losses, indicating that both LDS and FDS are robust to different loss functions.
消融实验:不同的回归损失函数(附录E.2)。我们研究 了不同训练时的损失函数对LDS和FDS的影响。我们选择三个常见的用于回归任务的损失函数,即L1 loss,MSE loss和Huber loss(也称为平滑L1 loss)。我们发现对于所有损失函数都获得了相似的结果,这表明 LDS 和 FDS 对不同的损失函数都具有鲁棒性。
Ablation: Hyper-parameter for LDS & FDS (Appendix E.3). We investigate the effects of hyper-parameters on both LDS and FDS. As we mainly employ the Gaussian kernel for distribution smoothing, we extensively study different choices of the kernel size and standard deviation
. Interestingly, we find LDS and FDS are surprisingly robust to different hyper-parameters in a given range, and obtain similar gains. For example, on STS-B-DIR with
, overall MSE gains range from 3.3% to 6.2%, with
exhibiting the best results.
消融实验:LDS和FDS的超参数(附录E.3)。我们研究了超参数对 LDS 和 FDS 的影响。 由于我们主要使用高斯核进行分布平滑,我们广泛研究了核大小 l 和标准差 σ 的不同选择。 有趣的是,我们发现 LDS 和 FDS 对给定范围内的不同超参数具有惊人的鲁棒性,并且获得了相似的增益。 例如,在 and
的 STS-B-DIR 上,总体 MSE 增益范围 从 3.3% 到 6.2%,其中
Ablation: Robustness to diverse skewed label densities (Appendix E.4). We curate different imbalanced distributions for IMDB-WIKI-DIR by combining different number of disjoint skewed Gaussian distributions over the target space, with potential missing data in certain target regions, and evaluate the robustness of FDS and LDS to the distribution change. We verify that even under different imbalanced label distributions, LDS and FDS consistently boost the performance across all regions compared to the vanilla model, with relative MAE gains ranging from 8.8% to 12.4%.
消融实验:对不同skewed标签密度的鲁棒性(附录E.4)。我们通过将目标空间上不同数量的不相交skewed高斯分布与某些目标区域中的潜在缺失数据相结合,为 IMDB-WIKI-DIR 管理不同的不平衡分布,并评估 FDS 和 LDS 对分布变化的鲁棒性。 我们验证了即使在不同的不平衡标签分布下,与普通模型相比,LDS 和 FDS 也能持续提升所有区域的性能,相对 MAE 增益从 8.8% 到 12.4% 不等。
Comparisons to imbalanced classification methods (Appendix E.6). Finally, to gain more insights on the intrinsic difference between imbalanced classification & imbalanced regression problems, we directly apply existing imbalanced classification schemes on several appropriate DIR datasets, and show empirical comparisons with imbalanced regression approaches. We demonstrate in Appendix E.6 that LDS and FDS outperform imbalanced classification schemes by a large margin, where the errors for few-shot regions can be reduced by up to 50% to 60%. Interestingly, the results also show that imbalanced classification schemes often perform worse than even the vanilla regression model, which confirms that regression requires different approaches for data imbalance than simply applying classification methods. We note that imbalanced classification methods could fail on regression problems for several reasons. First, they ignore the similarity between data samples that are close w.r.t. the continuous target. Moreover, classification cannot extrapolate or interpolate in the continuous label space, therefore unable to deal with missing data in certain target regions.
与不平衡分类方法的比较(附录E.5)。最后,为了更深入地了解不平衡分类和不平衡回归问题之间的内在差异,我们直接在几个适当的 DIR 数据集上应用现有的不平衡分类方案,并展示与不平衡回归方法的empirical 比较。我们在附录 E.6 中证明,LDS 和 FDS 大大优于那些不平衡分类方案,其中少样本区域的错误可以减少多达 50% 到 60%。有趣的是,结果还表明,不平衡的分类方案通常比普通回归模型表现更差,这证实回归需要不同的方法来解决数据不平衡问题,而不是简单地应用分类方法。我们注意到,不平衡的分类方案可能会因为几个原因而在回归问题上失败。首先,他们忽略了与连续目标接近的数据样本之间的相似性。此外,分类无法在连续标签空间中进行外推或内插,因此无法处理某些目标区域中的缺失数据。
We introduce the DIR task that learns from natural imbalanced data with continuous targets, and generalizes to the entire target range. We propose two simple and effective algorithms for DIR that exploit the similarity between nearby targets in both label and feature spaces. Extensive results on five curated large-scale real-world DIR benchmarks confirm the superior performance of our methods. Our work fills the gap in benchmarks and techniques for practical DIR tasks.
我们引入了 DIR 任务,该任务从具有连续目标的自然不平衡数据中学习,并推广到整个目标范围。 我们提出了两种简单有效的 DIR 算法,利用标签和特征空间中临近目标之间的相似性。 五个整理过的大规模真实世界 DIR 基准测试的广泛结果证实了我们方法的卓越性能。 我们的工作填补了实际 Deep Imbalanced Regression (DIR) 任务的基准和技术方面的空白。
In this section, we provide the detailed information of the five curated DIR datasets we used in our experiments. Table 7 provides an overview of the five datasets.
We provide complete evaluation results on the five DIR datasets, where more baselines and evaluation metrics are included in addition to the reported results in the main paper.
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