1000358 setting Turbulence Parameters at inlet for RANS two categories, those which are very sensitive to the inlet values and those which are less sensitive.
Perferred Parameters: intensity and length scale
k, ε, ω, or \overline{u_i' u_j'} must be specified for turbulence model > https://www.sharcnet.ca/Software/Fluent6/html/ug/node217.htm
Turbulence intensity: < 1%, low, >10%, high
All CFD simulations performed using a RANS turbulence model require boundary values for turbulence variables at all flow inlets.
It is convenient to divide applications into two groups:
at the inlet in order to obtain an accurate solution. For instance, when simulating flow over a backwards facing step, if the inlet is very close to the step, the predicted reattachment length downstream of the step depends strongly on the turbulence profiles.
These can be further divided into two categories, those which are very sensitive to the inlet values and those which are less sensitive.
For instance, some external aerodynamics applications may be sensitive to turbulence levels at free stream inlet boundaries, whereas in flows driven by mechanical input, such as pumps or fans, the solution may be relatively insensitive to the turbulence values so long as they are reasonably realistic.
Backflow values for turbulence values are also required at pressure outlet boundaries.
Outlets should always be located such that they are far enough downstream of any areas of interest in the simulation that backflow values will not have any effect on the converged results.
LES and DES have very different requirements for inlet boundary conditions than those of RANS models.
Model Comparison
Four options to specify boundary conditions for the turbulence models:
can be specified using UDFs or boundary profiles
Intensity,I, and Length Scale, l
Length scale is related to size of large eddies that contain most of energy.
Intensity and Viscosity Ratio
Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter
Options 2-4 allow the user the opportunity to provide inflow values in terms of physically intuitive quantities, which Fluent then transforms internally into equivalent values of the turbulence model variables. Interested readers can find the details of these transformations in Section 7.3.2 of the Fluent 12.0 User’s Guide.
The checklist below provides strategies that can be used to determine which option to use in your case and how to determine the values.
a. There is one possible exception. The default for the Spalart Allmaras model is modified turbulent viscosity = .001 m2/s. That is approximately equivalent to air at standard temperature and pressure with a turbulent viscosity ratio of 70, which could be a reasonable value in some cases, although it would probably be too high for many external aerodynamics calculations.
choose one of the following options a. Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter – this is the preferred option for duct flows. It can be used for any flow but hydraulic diameter is only meaningful only when the inlet is the cross section of a pipe or duct. Calculate the turbulence intensity as described in the FLUENT 12.0 User’s Guide, Section 7.3.2, Equation 7.3-1.
b. Intensity and Length Scale – this is the preferred approach when it is reasonably easy to estimate the turbulence length scale. Examples include :
Correlations or data may be available, but in the absence of additional information such as these, a value of 10% will provide a good starting point.
c. Intensity and Viscosity Ratio – in indeterminate cases the turbulent viscosity ratio (TVR) is a useful option. Guidelines suggested in the FLUENT 12.0 User’s Guide, Section 7.3.2, can be summarized as follows:
In a completely indeterminate case, 10 is the recommended value for viscosity ratio.
Turbulence intensity may be known from measurements or values that have been reported for similar flows, but in the absence of such additional information a moderate value for turbulence intensity (4-5%) is recommended.
Whenever there is any uncertainty about one or more of the inputs for turbulence values, a sensitivity study can be performed by recalculating the flow using one or more different values of the unknown variables to determine if they have a significant effect on the simulation results.
a spatially varying profile of the turbulence boundary values will be needed. Profiles can be created in a number of ways. If experimental data is available, it can be put into an appropriately formatted boundary profile file; however it is unusual to have measurements for every single variable used by the turbulence model. For instance in the k- model, data might be available for k but would probably not be available for . In certain cases, correlations may be available for profiles of the turbulence model variables. These can be used either alone or in conjunction with a UDF (see Example 2 here for an example of implementing profiles from a correlation through a UDF) for instance a profile of experimental data might be used for turbulence kinetic energy together with a UDF with a correlation for dissipation. For internal flows with a fixed flow rate, a fully developed profile can be generated easily and quickly by performing an auxiliary 3D periodic calculation to generate the inlet profile.
a. If reversed flow does not take place, either during the iterations or as part of the final solution, then it does not matter what values are entered in the panel.
b. If reversed flow does take place then it is still not so important what values are used unless they are dramatically different from the values in regions of the boundary without reversed flow. That can cause convergence problems in some cases. Intensity and Viscosity Ratio is generally a good choice, starting with values of 10 for intensity and 100 for viscosity ratio. c. After the first few iterations, the solution near the outlet can be inspected and backflow values can be adjusted if necessary
supersonic/initial gauge pressure The Supersonic/Initial Gauge Pressure is ignored by FLUENT whenever the flow is subsonic,
faces have fluid cells on both sides and do not require any boundary conditions to be set.
flow is subsonic
use 0 for air >> easy for post use large value for water to reduce roundoff error
Whenever the flow is subsonic, the Supersonic/Initial Gauge Pressure is ignored by ANSYS Fluent, in which case it is calculated from the specified stagnation quantities.
The static pressure (termed the Supersonic/Initial Gauge Pressure) must be specified if the inlet flow is supersonic or if you plan to initialize the solution based on the pressure inlet boundary conditions.
periodic BC includes:
Non-conformal interfaces can be used to implement a periodic boundary condition (see Periodic Boundary Conditions).
The advantage of using a mesh interface is that, unlike the standard periodic boundary condition, the nodes of the two zones do not have to match one-for-one.
The BC type is setup as interface rather than periodic
> The Periodic Boundary Condition Option > https://www.sharcnet.ca/Software/Ansys/16.2.3/en-us/help/flu_ug/x1-2670007.4.1.html
The conformal periodic boundaries can be created in the meshing mode of Fluent or GAMBIT when you are generating the volume mesh. See the Fluent Meshing User’s Guide or the GAMBIT Modeling Guide for more information. Alternatively, you can create the conformal periodic boundaries in the solution mode of Fluent using the mesh/modify-zones/make-periodic text command
> mesh/modify-zones/list-zones >/mesh/modify-zones/make-periodic Periodic zone [()] 10 Shadow zone [()] 9 Rotational periodic? (if no, translational) [yes] yes Create periodic zones? [yes] yes
Note: When you create a conformal periodic boundary, Fluent will check to see if the faces on the selected zones “match” (that is, whether or not the nodes on corresponding faces are coincident). The matching tolerance for a face is a fraction of the minimum edge length of the face. If the periodic boundary creation fails, you can change the matching tolerance using the mesh/modify-zones/matching-tolerance text command, but it should not exceed 0.5 or you may match up the periodic zones incorrectly and corrupt the mesh.
mesh → modify-zones → matching-tolerance
Outflow boundary conditions in ANSYS Fluent are used to model flow exits where the details of the flow velocity and pressure are not known prior to solution of the flow problem.
with pressure inlets.
Author: kaiming
Created: 2019-04-16 Tue 20:01