Embedding SAPUI5 Applications
You can embed SAPUI5 applications directly into the SAP Fiori launchpad on Portal to enhance the user experience.
You are assigned the Content Admin role.
The SAPUI5 component is defined in a file named Component.js, which is located in the root or one of the inner folders of your application. This file is the component controller for the SAPUI5 application.
By embedding SAPUI5 applications directly into the SAP Fiori launchpad on Portal, you achieve a better performance, a harmonized look-and-feel, and good support for mobile browsers.
Property Name
Suggested Value
Embed iView in SAP Fiori Launchpad
If set to false, the iView runs in an iFrame. This is recommended if the application runs with a different UI5 version than the SAP Fiori launchpad.
SAPUI5 Component Name
The URL (root path) of the application. This is the path where the component.js file is located.Examplecom.sap.portal.resourcerepository/repo/fioriApplications/myUI5